Java 类org.junit.ComparisonFailure 实例源码

项目:sonar-analyzer-commons    文件   
public void code_js_with_one_issue() throws Exception {
  Path path = Paths.get("src/test/resources/code.js");
  MultiFileVerifier verifier = MultiFileVerifier.create(path, UTF_8);

  verifier.addComment(path, 4, 19, "// Noncompliant", 2, 0);
  verifier.reportIssue(path, "issue").onLine(4);


  try {
    verifier.assertNoIssues();"Should raise ComparisonFailure.");
  } catch (ComparisonFailure failure) {
    assertThat(failure.getExpected()).contains("ERROR: 'assertNoIssues()' is called but there's some 'Noncompliant' comments.");
项目:n4js    文件   
public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException {

    IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) HandlerUtil.getCurrentSelectionChecked(event);

    IWorkbenchWindow[] windows = N4IDEXpectUIPlugin.getDefault().getWorkbench().getWorkbenchWindows();
    try {
        view = (N4IDEXpectView) windows[0].getActivePage().showView(
    } catch (PartInitException e) {
        N4IDEXpectUIPlugin.logError("cannot refresh test view window", e);

    Description desc = (Description) selection.getFirstElement();
    if (desc.isTest() && view.testsExecutionStatus.hasFailed(desc)) {
        Throwable failureException = view.testsExecutionStatus.getFailure(desc).getException();

        if (failureException instanceof ComparisonFailure) {
            ComparisonFailure cf = (ComparisonFailure) failureException;
            // display comparison view
            displayComparisonView(cf, desc);
    return null;
项目:n4js    文件   
 * Display comparison view of test file with expected and actual xpect expectation
private void displayComparisonView(ComparisonFailure cf, Description desc) {
    IXpectURIProvider uriProfider = XpectRunner.INSTANCE.getUriProvider();
    IFile fileTest = null;
    if (uriProfider instanceof N4IDEXpectTestURIProvider) {
        N4IDEXpectTestURIProvider fileCollector = (N4IDEXpectTestURIProvider) uriProfider;
        fileTest = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot()
                .getFileForLocation(new Path(fileCollector.findRawLocation(desc)));

    if (fileTest != null && fileTest.isAccessible()) {
        N4IDEXpectCompareEditorInput inp = new N4IDEXpectCompareEditorInput(fileTest, cf);
    } else {
        throw new RuntimeException("paths in descriptions changed!");
项目:JRediClients    文件   
public static void assertByteArraySetEquals(Set<byte[]> expected, Set<byte[]> actual) {
  assertEquals(expected.size(), actual.size());
  Iterator<byte[]> e = expected.iterator();
  while (e.hasNext()) {
    byte[] next =;
    boolean contained = false;
    for (byte[] element : expected) {
      if (Arrays.equals(next, element)) {
        contained = true;
    if (!contained) {
      throw new ComparisonFailure("element is missing", Arrays.toString(next), actual.toString());
项目:pact-spring-mvc    文件   
public void match(MvcResult result) throws Exception {
    String content = result.getResponse().getContentAsString();

    final JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
    final JsonElement actual = parser.parse(content);

    if (actual.isJsonPrimitive()) {
        final JsonElement expected = parser.parse(expectedJsonResponse);
        assertThat(actual, is(expected));
    } else {
        try {
            JSONAssert.assertEquals(expectedJsonResponse, content, false);
        } catch (AssertionError e) {
            throw new ComparisonFailure(e.getMessage(), expectedJsonResponse, content);
项目:educational-plugin    文件   
public void checkByFile(TaskFile taskFile, String fileName, boolean useLength) {
  Pair<Document, List<AnswerPlaceholder>> placeholders = getPlaceholders(fileName, useLength, true);
  String message = "Placeholders don't match";
  if (taskFile.getActivePlaceholders().size() != placeholders.second.size()) {
    throw new ComparisonFailure(message,
  for (AnswerPlaceholder answerPlaceholder : placeholders.getSecond()) {
    AnswerPlaceholder placeholder = taskFile.getAnswerPlaceholder(answerPlaceholder.getOffset());
    if (!CCTestsUtil.comparePlaceholders(placeholder, answerPlaceholder)) {
      throw new ComparisonFailure(message,
项目:aws-sdk-java-v2    文件   
public static Matcher<ClassSpec> generatesTo(String expectedTestFile) {
    return new TypeSafeMatcher<ClassSpec>() {
        protected boolean matchesSafely(ClassSpec spec) {
            String expectedClass = getExpectedClass(spec, expectedTestFile);
            String actualClass = generateClass(spec);
            try {
                assertThat(actualClass, equalToIgnoringWhiteSpace(expectedClass));
            } catch (AssertionError e) {
                //Unfortunately for string comparisons Hamcrest doesn't really give us a nice diff. On the other hand
                //IDEs know how to nicely display JUnit's ComparisonFailure - makes debugging tests much easier
                throw new ComparisonFailure(String.format("Output class does not match expected [test-file: %s]", expectedTestFile), expectedClass, actualClass);
            return true;

        public void describeTo(Description description) {
            //Since we bubble an exception this will never actually get called
项目:twig4j-core    文件   
public void canCompile() throws LoaderException, Twig4jRuntimeException {
    ClassCompiler compiler = new ClassCompiler(new Environment());

    Hash hash = new Hash(1);
    hash.putAttribute("foo", new Constant("Foo", 1));
    hash.putAttribute("bar", new Constant("Bar", 1));


    // Since it's a hashmap we're not sure of the order of the attributes so just try both
    try {
                "Compiled source code should be valid java array",
                "((new org.twig4j.core.util.HashMap()).put(\"foo\", \"Foo\").put(\"bar\", \"Bar\"))",
    } catch (ComparisonFailure e) {
                "Compiled source code should be valid java array",
                "((new org.twig4j.core.util.HashMap()).put(\"bar\", \"Bar\").put(\"foo\", \"Foo\"))",
项目:4mila-1.0    文件   
private void assertCourseVariants(List<List<CourseControlRowData>> variantList, String[][] codes) throws ComparisonFailure {
  int successCounter = 0;
  ComparisonFailure lastException = null;
  for (List<CourseControlRowData> course : variantList) {
    for (String[] codeList : codes) {
      try {
        assertCourse(course, codeList);
      catch (ComparisonFailure e) {
        lastException = e;
  if (successCounter != variantList.size()) {
    throw lastException;
项目:cachecloud    文件   
protected void assertEquals(Set<byte[]> expected, Set<byte[]> actual) {
  assertEquals(expected.size(), actual.size());
  Iterator<byte[]> e = expected.iterator();
  while (e.hasNext()) {
    byte[] next =;
    boolean contained = false;
    for (byte[] element : expected) {
      if (Arrays.equals(next, element)) {
        contained = true;
    if (!contained) {
      throw new ComparisonFailure("element is missing", Arrays.toString(next), actual.toString());
项目:strategy-spring-security-acl    文件   
private void prepareTaskAs(Runnable runnable, String lastName) {
    range(0, TIMES).forEach(i -> {
        tasks.add(() -> {
            try {
            } catch (ComparisonFailure failure) {
                throw new ComparisonFailure(lastName + ": " + failure.getMessage(),
                        failure.getExpected(), failure.getActual());
            } finally {
            return lastName;
项目:xtext-core    文件   
public String processFile(String completeData, String data, int offset, int len, String change) throws Exception {
    IParseResult initialParseResult = parser.parse(new StringReader(data));
    String newData = applyDelta(data, offset, len, change);
    ReplaceRegion replaceRegion = new ReplaceRegion(offset, len, change);
    try {
        IParseResult reparsed = parser.reparse(initialParseResult, replaceRegion);

        IParseResult parsedFromScratch = parser.parse(new StringReader(newData));
        assertEqual(data, newData, parsedFromScratch, reparsed);
        return newData;
    } catch(Throwable e) {
        ComparisonFailure throwMe = new ComparisonFailure(e.getMessage(), newData, replaceRegion + DELIM + data);
        throw throwMe;
项目:Jedis    文件   
protected void assertEquals(Set<byte[]> expected, Set<byte[]> actual) {
  assertEquals(expected.size(), actual.size());
  Iterator<byte[]> e = expected.iterator();
  while (e.hasNext()) {
    byte[] next =;
    boolean contained = false;
    for (byte[] element : expected) {
      if (Arrays.equals(next, element)) {
        contained = true;
    if (!contained) {
      throw new ComparisonFailure("element is missing", Arrays.toString(next), actual.toString());
项目:idea-multimarkdown    文件   
private int assertArraysAreSameLength(Object expecteds, Object actuals, String header) {
    if (expecteds == null) { + "expected array was null");

    if (actuals == null) { + "actual array was null");

    int actualsLength = Array.getLength(actuals);
    int expectedsLength = Array.getLength(expecteds);
    if (actualsLength != expectedsLength) {
        throw new ComparisonFailure(header + "array lengths differed, expected.length=" + expectedsLength + " actual.length=" + actualsLength,  TestUtils.arrayAsString(expecteds), TestUtils.arrayAsString(actuals));

    return expectedsLength;
项目:idea-multimarkdown    文件   
private int assertArraysAreSameLength(Object expecteds, Object actuals, String header) {
    if (expecteds == null) { + "expected array was null");

    if (actuals == null) { + "actual array was null");

    int actualsLength = Array.getLength(actuals);
    int expectedsLength = Array.getLength(expecteds);
    if (actualsLength != expectedsLength) {
        throw new ComparisonFailure(header + "array lengths differed, expected.length=" + expectedsLength + " actual.length=" + actualsLength,  TestUtils.arrayAsString(expecteds), TestUtils.arrayAsString(actuals));

    return expectedsLength;
项目:streamflyer    文件   
 * See <a href=">Continuing at The End of The Previous Match</a>
 * @throws Exception
public void testBoundaryMatchers6_G_TheEndOfThePreviousMatch_MISSING_FEATURE() throws Exception {

    // it's nice that this works here but this is because it matches at
    // EVERY position here
    assertReplacementByReader("yzyz", "\\G(y|z)", "x", 1, 1024, "xxxx", 0);
    assertReplacementByReader("yzyzyzyzyzyz", "\\G(y|z)", "x", 1, 2, "xxxxxxxxxxxx", 0);

    // there are other cases that are not supported:
    try {
        assertReplacementByReader("azyzazyz", "(y)|(\\Gz)", "x", 1, 2, "azxxazxx", 0);
        fail("ComparisonFailure expected");
    } catch (ComparisonFailure e) {
        assertEquals("expected:<a[zxxaz]xx> but was:<a[xxxax]xx>", e.getMessage());
项目:streamflyer    文件   
public void testXmlVersion_utf8Bom_withoutByteSkippingReader() throws Exception {

    byte UTF8_BOM_BYTE_1 = (byte) 0xEF;
    byte UTF8_BOM_BYTE_2 = (byte) 0xBB;
    byte UTF8_BOM_BYTE_3 = (byte) 0xBF;

    // version in prolog is 1.0
    String input = "<?xml version='1.0'>";
    byte[] bytes = input.getBytes();
    byte[] bytesWithUtf8Bom = new byte[bytes.length + 3];
    bytesWithUtf8Bom[0] = UTF8_BOM_BYTE_1;
    bytesWithUtf8Bom[1] = UTF8_BOM_BYTE_2;
    bytesWithUtf8Bom[2] = UTF8_BOM_BYTE_3;
    System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, bytesWithUtf8Bom, 3, bytes.length);
    String inputWithBom = new String(bytesWithUtf8Bom);
    // System.out.println("inputWithBom: " + inputWithBom);
    try {
        assertXmlVersionInProlog(inputWithBom, "1.1", "<?xml version='1.1'>");
        fail("AssertionError expected");
    } catch (ComparisonFailure e) {
        // OK
项目:afc    文件   
/** Assert two iterable objects have the same elements.
 * @param <T> the type of the elements in the iterable objects.
 * @param expected the expected value.
 * @param actual the actual value.
public static <T> void assertCollectionEquals(Iterable<? extends T> expected, Iterable<? extends T> actual) {
    final Iterator<? extends T> it1 = expected.iterator();
    final Iterator<? extends T> it2 = actual.iterator();
    while (it1.hasNext()) {
        if (!it2.hasNext()) {
            throw new ComparisonFailure(
                    formatFailMessage(null, "Element is missed", expected, actual), //$NON-NLS-1$
                    toString(expected), toString(actual));
        final T expect =;
        final T act =;
        if (!Objects.equals(expect, act)) {
            throw new ComparisonFailure(formatFailMessage(null, "Not same element", expected, actual), //$NON-NLS-1$
                    toString(expected), toString(actual));
    if (it2.hasNext()) {
        throw new ComparisonFailure(formatFailMessage(null, "Too many elements", expected, actual), //$NON-NLS-1$
                toString(expected), toString(actual));
项目:afc    文件   
/** Test if the two collections contain the same elements without
 * taking into account the order of the elements in the collections.
 * @param <T> the type of the elements in the collections.
 * @param message the error message.
 * @param expected the expected collection.
 * @param actual the actual collection.
public static <T> void assertEpsilonEquals(String message, Collection<? extends T> expected, Collection<? extends T> actual) {
    final List<T> l = new ArrayList<>(actual);
    for (final T e : expected) {
        if (!l.remove(e)) {
            throw new ComparisonFailure(
                    formatFailMessage(message, "not similar collections", expected, actual), //$NON-NLS-1$
                    expected.toString(), actual.toString());
    if (!l.isEmpty()) {
        throw new ComparisonFailure(
                formatFailMessage(message, "not similar collections, not expected elements", expected, actual), //$NON-NLS-1$
                expected.toString(), actual.toString());
项目:afc    文件   
/** Test if the two collections contain the same elements without
 * taking into account the order of the elements in the collections.
 * @param <T> the type of the elements in the collections.
 * @param message the error message.
 * @param expected the expected collection.
 * @param actual the actual collection.
public static <T> void assertEpsilonEquals(String message, T[] expected, T[] actual) {
    final List<T> l = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(actual));
    for (final T e : expected) {
        if (!l.remove(e)) {
            throw new ComparisonFailure(
                    formatFailMessage(message, "not similar collections", expected, actual), //$NON-NLS-1$
                    Arrays.toString(expected), Arrays.toString(actual));
    if (!l.isEmpty()) {
        throw new ComparisonFailure(
                formatFailMessage(message, "not similar collections, not expected elements", expected, actual), //$NON-NLS-1$
                Arrays.toString(expected), Arrays.toString(actual));
项目:afc    文件   
/** Test if the actual value is not equal to the expected value with
 * a distance of epsilon.
 * @param message
 * @param expected
 * @param actual
protected void assertNotEpsilonEquals(String message, Tuple3D<?> expected, Tuple3D<?> actual) {
    if (isEpsilonEquals(expected.getX(), actual.getX(), false)) {
        throw new ComparisonFailure(
                (message==null ? "" : (message+": "))  
                +"not same x value", 
    if (isEpsilonEquals(expected.getY(), actual.getY(), false)) {
        throw new ComparisonFailure(
                (message==null ? "" : (message+": "))  
                +"not same y value", 
    if (isEpsilonEquals(expected.getZ(), actual.getZ(), false)) {
        throw new ComparisonFailure(
                (message==null ? "" : (message+": "))  
                +"not same z value", 
项目:afc    文件   
/** Test if the actual value is equal to the expected value with
 * a distance of epsilon.
 * @param message
 * @param expected
 * @param actual
protected void assertEpsilonEquals(String message, Tuple3D<?> expected, Tuple3D<?> actual) {
    if (!isEpsilonEquals(expected.getX(), actual.getX())) {
        throw new ComparisonFailure(
                (message==null ? "" : (message+": "))  
                +"not same x value", 
    if (!isEpsilonEquals(expected.getY(), actual.getY())) {
        throw new ComparisonFailure(
                (message==null ? "" : (message+": "))  
                +"not same y value", 
    if (!isEpsilonEquals(expected.getZ(), actual.getZ())) {
        throw new ComparisonFailure(
                (message==null ? "" : (message+": "))  
                +"not same z value", 
项目:afc    文件   
/** Test if the actual value is equal to the expected value with
 * a distance of epsilon.
 * @param message
 * @param expected
 * @param actual
protected void assertEpsilonEquals(String message, Tuple2D<?> expected, Tuple2D<?> actual) {
    if (!isEpsilonEquals(expected.getX(), actual.getX())) {
        throw new ComparisonFailure(
                (message==null ? "" : (message+": "))  
                +"not same x value", 
    if (!isEpsilonEquals(expected.getY(), actual.getY())) {
        throw new ComparisonFailure(
                (message==null ? "" : (message+": "))  
                +"not same y value", 
项目:afc    文件   
/** Test if the actual value is not equal to the expected value with
 * a distance of epsilon.
 * @param message
 * @param expected
 * @param actual
protected void assertNotEpsilonEquals(String message, Tuple2D<?> expected, Tuple2D<?> actual) {
    if (isEpsilonEquals(expected.getX(), actual.getX(), false)) {
        throw new ComparisonFailure(
                (message==null ? "" : (message+": "))  
                +"not same x value", 
    if (isEpsilonEquals(expected.getY(), actual.getY(), false)) {
        throw new ComparisonFailure(
                (message==null ? "" : (message+": "))  
                +"not same y value", 
项目:afc    文件   
public final void assertEpsilonEquals(double expectedX, double expectedY, PowerResult<?> actual) {
    if (actual == null) {
        fail("Result is null"); //$NON-NLS-1$
    if (!actual.isVectorial()) {
        throw new ComparisonFailure("Not same result type", "[" + expectedX + ";" + expectedY + "]", //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$
    Vector3D<?, ?> vector = actual.getVector();
    assert (vector != null);
    if (!isEpsilonEquals(expectedX, vector.getX())
        || !isEpsilonEquals(expectedY, vector.getY())) {
        throw new ComparisonFailure("Not same result type", "[" + expectedX + ";" + expectedY + "]", //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$
项目:afc    文件   
public final void assertEpsilonEquals(double expectedX, double expectedY, PowerResult<?> actual) {
    if (actual == null) {
        fail("Result is null"); //$NON-NLS-1$
    if (!actual.isVectorial()) {
        throw new ComparisonFailure("Not same result type", "[" + expectedX + ";" + expectedY + "]", //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$
    Vector2D<?, ?> vector = actual.getVector();
    assert (vector != null);
    if (!isEpsilonEquals(expectedX, vector.getX())
        || !isEpsilonEquals(expectedY, vector.getY())) {
        throw new ComparisonFailure("Not same result type", "[" + expectedX + ";" + expectedY + "]", //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$
项目:afc    文件   
/** Assert is the given path iterator has a first element with the
 * given information.
 * @param pi the path iterator.
 * @param type the expected type.
 * @param coords the expected coordinates.
public void assertElement(PathIterator2afp<?> pi, PathElementType type, double... coords) {
    if (!pi.hasNext()) {
        fail("expected path element but the iterator is empty");  //$NON-NLS-1$
    PathElement2afp pe =;
    if (!type.equals(pe.getType())) {
        throw new ComparisonFailure("not same element type.",, pe.getType().name()); //$NON-NLS-1$
    double[] c = new double[coords.length];
    if (!isEpsilonEquals(c, coords)) {
        throw new ComparisonFailure("not same coordinates.",   //$NON-NLS-1$
项目:afc    文件   
/** Assert is the given path iterator has a first element with the
 * given information.
 * @param pi the path iterator.
 * @param type the expected type.
 * @param coords the expected coordinates.
protected void assertElement(PathIterator3afp<?> pi, PathElementType type, double... coords) {
    if (!pi.hasNext()) {
        fail("expected path element but the iterator is empty"); //$NON-NLS-1$
    PathElement3afp pe =;
    if (!type.equals(pe.getType())) {
        throw new ComparisonFailure("not same element type.",, pe.getType().name()); //$NON-NLS-1$
    double[] c = new double[coords.length];
    if (!isEpsilonEquals(c, coords)) {
        throw new ComparisonFailure("not same coordinates.", //$NON-NLS-1$ 
项目:afc    文件   
/** Test if the actual value is equal to the expected value with
 * a distance of epsilon.
 * @param message the error message.
 * @param expected the expected value.
 * @param actual the actual value.
public void assertEpsilonEquals(String message, Tuple3D<?> expected, Tuple3D<?> actual) {
    if (!isEpsilonEquals(expected.getX(), actual.getX())) {
        throw new ComparisonFailure(
                formatFailMessage(message, "not same x value", expected, actual),  //$NON-NLS-1$
    if (!isEpsilonEquals(expected.getY(), actual.getY())) {
        throw new ComparisonFailure(
                formatFailMessage(message, "not same y value", expected, actual),  //$NON-NLS-1$
    if (!isEpsilonEquals(expected.getZ(), actual.getZ())) {
        throw new ComparisonFailure(
                formatFailMessage(message, "not same z value", expected, actual),  //$NON-NLS-1$
项目:afc    文件   
/** Test if the actual value is not equal to the expected value with
 * a distance of epsilon.
 * @param message the error message.
 * @param expected the expected value.
 * @param actual the actual value.
public void assertNotEpsilonEquals(String message, Tuple3D<?> expected, Tuple3D<?> actual) {
    if (isEpsilonEquals(expected.getX(), actual.getX(), false)) {
        throw new ComparisonFailure(
                formatFailMessage(message, "not same x value", expected, actual),  //$NON-NLS-1$
    if (isEpsilonEquals(expected.getY(), actual.getY(), false)) {
        throw new ComparisonFailure(
                formatFailMessage(message, "not same y value", expected, actual),  //$NON-NLS-1$
    if (isEpsilonEquals(expected.getZ(), actual.getZ(), false)) {
        throw new ComparisonFailure(
                formatFailMessage(message, "not same z value", expected, actual),  //$NON-NLS-1$
项目:afc    文件   
/** Test if the actual matrix is equal to the expected values.
 * @param expected the expected value. 
 * @param actual the actual value.
public void assertEpsilonEquals(Matrix3d expected, Matrix3d actual) {
    if ((!isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM00(), actual.getM00()))
        ||(!isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM01(), actual.getM01()))
        ||(!isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM02(), actual.getM02()))
        ||(!isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM10(), actual.getM10()))
        ||(!isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM11(), actual.getM11()))
        ||(!isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM12(), actual.getM12()))
        ||(!isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM20(), actual.getM20()))
        ||(!isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM21(), actual.getM21()))
        ||(!isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM22(), actual.getM22()))) {
        throw new ComparisonFailure(
                formatFailMessage(null, "Not same matrices", expected, actual),  //$NON-NLS-1$
                expected.toString(), actual.toString());
项目:afc    文件   
/** Test if the actual matrix is different from the expected values.
 * @param expected the expected value. 
 * @param actual the actual value.
public void assertNotEpsilonEquals(Matrix3d expected, Matrix3d actual) {
    if ((isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM00(), actual.getM00()))
        &&(isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM01(), actual.getM01()))
        &&(isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM02(), actual.getM02()))
        &&(isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM10(), actual.getM10()))
        &&(isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM11(), actual.getM11()))
        &&(isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM12(), actual.getM12()))
        &&(isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM20(), actual.getM20()))
        &&(isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM21(), actual.getM21()))
        &&(isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM22(), actual.getM22()))) {
        throw new ComparisonFailure(
                formatFailMessage(null, "Not same matrices", expected, actual),  //$NON-NLS-1$
                expected.toString(), actual.toString());
项目:afc    文件   
/** Test if the actual matrix is equal to the expected values.
 * @param expected the expected value. 
 * @param actual the actual value.
public void assertEpsilonEquals(Matrix4d expected, Matrix4d actual) {
    if ((!isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM00(), actual.getM00()))
        ||(!isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM01(), actual.getM01()))
        ||(!isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM02(), actual.getM02()))
        ||(!isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM03(), actual.getM03()))
        ||(!isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM10(), actual.getM10()))
        ||(!isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM11(), actual.getM11()))
        ||(!isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM12(), actual.getM12()))
        ||(!isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM13(), actual.getM13()))
        ||(!isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM20(), actual.getM20()))
        ||(!isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM21(), actual.getM21()))
        ||(!isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM22(), actual.getM22()))
        ||(!isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM23(), actual.getM23()))
        ||(!isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM30(), actual.getM30()))
        ||(!isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM31(), actual.getM31()))
        ||(!isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM32(), actual.getM32()))
        ||(!isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM33(), actual.getM33()))) {
        throw new ComparisonFailure(
                formatFailMessage(null, "Not same matrices", expected, actual),  //$NON-NLS-1$
                expected.toString(), actual.toString());
项目:afc    文件   
/** Test if the actual matrix is different from the expected values.
 * @param expected the expected value. 
 * @param actual the actual value.
public void assertNotEpsilonEquals(Matrix4d expected, Matrix4d actual) {
    if ((isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM00(), actual.getM00()))
        &&(isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM01(), actual.getM01()))
        &&(isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM02(), actual.getM02()))
        &&(isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM03(), actual.getM03()))
        &&(isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM10(), actual.getM10()))
        &&(isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM11(), actual.getM11()))
        &&(isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM12(), actual.getM12()))
        &&(isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM13(), actual.getM13()))
        &&(isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM20(), actual.getM20()))
        &&(isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM21(), actual.getM21()))
        &&(isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM22(), actual.getM22()))
        &&(isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM23(), actual.getM23()))
        &&(isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM30(), actual.getM30()))
        &&(isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM31(), actual.getM31()))
        &&(isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM32(), actual.getM32()))
        &&(isEpsilonEquals(expected.getM33(), actual.getM33()))) {
        throw new ComparisonFailure(
                formatFailMessage(null, "Not same matrices", expected, actual),  //$NON-NLS-1$
                expected.toString(), actual.toString());
项目:afc    文件   
private void assertClasspathEquals(Iterator<URL> actuals, String... expecteds) {
    List<URL> list = new ArrayList<>();
    while (actuals.hasNext()) {
    String[] tab = new String[list.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < tab.length; ++i) {
        tab[i] = toString(list.get(i));
    try {
        assertArrayEquals(expecteds, tab);
    } catch (Throwable exception) {
        throw new ComparisonFailure(exception.getMessage(),
                Arrays.toString(expecteds).replaceAll(" +", "\n"), Arrays.toString(tab).replaceAll(" +", "\n")); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$
项目:units4j    文件   
public final void testAssertCauseMessage() {

    // PREPARE
    final Exception second = new RuntimeException("second");
    final Exception first = new RuntimeException("first", second);

    // TEST & VERIFY
    Units4JUtils.assertCauseMessage(first, "second");
    try {
        Units4JUtils.assertCauseMessage(first, "xxx");
    } catch (final ComparisonFailure f) {
        // OK
                "expected:<\"[xxx]\"> but was:<\"[second]\">");

项目:units4j    文件   
public final void testAssertCauseCauseMessage() {

    // PREPARE
    final Exception third = new RuntimeException("third");
    final Exception second = new RuntimeException("second", third);
    final Exception first = new RuntimeException("first", second);

    // TEST & VERIFY
    Units4JUtils.assertCauseCauseMessage(first, "third");
    try {
        Units4JUtils.assertCauseCauseMessage(first, "xxx");
    } catch (final ComparisonFailure f) {
        // OK
                "expected:<\"[xxx]\"> but was:<\"[third]\">");

项目:sonar-analyzer-commons    文件   
public void code_js_without_issue() throws Exception {
  Path path = Paths.get("src/test/resources/code.js");
  MultiFileVerifier verifier = MultiFileVerifier.create(path, UTF_8);
  // no addComment(...)
  // no reportIssue(...)

  try {
    verifier.assertOneOrMoreIssues();"Should raise ComparisonFailure.");
  } catch (ComparisonFailure failure) {
    assertThat(failure.getExpected()).contains("ERROR: 'assertOneOrMoreIssues()' is called but there's no 'Noncompliant' comments.");
项目:n4js    文件   
 * Asserts the actual events with the expected ones.
 * @param sessionId
 *            the unique ID of the session that has to be checked.
 * @param expectedEvents
 *            the expected events to assert against the actual ones.
public void assertEquals(final String sessionId, final Iterable<String> expectedEvents) {
    assertNotNull("Queue was not initialized. One should call #init(int) before invoking #assertEquals()", latch);
    try {
        latch.await(20L, SECONDS);
    } catch (final InterruptedException e) {
        throw new AssertionError("Time outed while waiting to receive all expected test events.", e);
    final Collection<String> eventsForSession = events.get(sessionId);
    if (size(expectedEvents) != eventsForSession.size()) {
        throw new ComparisonFailure("Expected:", toString(expectedEvents), toString(eventsForSession));
    final Iterator<String> actItr = eventsForSession.iterator();
    final Iterator<String> expItr = expectedEvents.iterator();

    while (expItr.hasNext()) {
        if (!actItr.hasNext()) {
            throw new ComparisonFailure("Expected:", toString(expectedEvents), toString(eventsForSession));
        final String expected =;
        final String actual =;
        if (null == expected || null == actual) {
            if (expected != actual) {
                throw new ComparisonFailure("Expected:", toString(expectedEvents), toString(eventsForSession));
        } else {
            if (!expected.equals(actual)) {
                throw new ComparisonFailure("Expected:", toString(expectedEvents), toString(eventsForSession));

        Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
项目:n4js    文件   
public N4IDEXpectCompareEditorInput(IFile file,
        ComparisonFailure cf) {
    this.file = file;
    this.comparisonFailure = cf;