public static PointsToSetInternal constructIntersection(final PointsToSetInternal set1, final PointsToSetInternal set2, PAG pag) { HybridPointsToSet hybridSet1 = null, hybridSet2 = null; hybridSet1 = convertToHybrid(set1); hybridSet2 = convertToHybrid(set2); HybridPointsToSet intersection = HybridPointsToSet.intersection(hybridSet1, hybridSet2, pag); // checkSetsEqual(intersection, set1, set2, pag); return intersection; }
private static HybridPointsToSet convertToHybrid(final PointsToSetInternal set) { HybridPointsToSet ret = null; if (set instanceof HybridPointsToSet) { ret = (HybridPointsToSet) set; } else if (set instanceof DoublePointsToSet) { assert ((DoublePointsToSet) set).getNewSet().isEmpty(); ret = (HybridPointsToSet) ((DoublePointsToSet) set).getOldSet(); } return ret; }
public PointsToSet reachingObjects(Local l) { if(lazy) /* * create a lazy points-to set; this will not actually compute context information until we ask whether this points-to set * has a non-empty intersection with another points-to set and this intersection appears to be non-empty; when this is the case * then the points-to set will call doReachingObjects(..) to refine itself */ return new LazyContextSensitivePointsToSet(l,new WrappedPointsToSet((PointsToSetInternal) pag.reachingObjects(l)),this); else return doReachingObjects(l); }
protected PointsToSetInternal checkContextsForAllocsCache( VarAndContext varAndContext, AllocAndContextSet ret, PointsToSetInternal locs) { PointsToSetInternal retSet = null; if (contextsForAllocsCache.containsKey(varAndContext)) { for (AllocAndContext allocAndContext : contextsForAllocsCache.get( varAndContext).getO2()) { if (locs.contains(allocAndContext.alloc)) { ret.add(allocAndContext); } } final PointsToSetInternal oldLocs = contextsForAllocsCache.get( varAndContext).getO1(); final PointsToSetInternal tmpSet = new HybridPointsToSet(locs .getType(), pag); locs.forall(new P2SetVisitor() { @Override public void visit(Node n) { if (!oldLocs.contains(n)) { tmpSet.add(n); } } }); retSet = tmpSet; oldLocs.addAll(tmpSet, null); } else { PointsToSetInternal storedSet = new HybridPointsToSet(locs .getType(), pag); storedSet.addAll(locs, null); contextsForAllocsCache.put(varAndContext, new Pair<PointsToSetInternal, AllocAndContextSet>( storedSet, new AllocAndContextSet())); retSet = locs; } return retSet; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected Set<SootMethod> getCallTargets(PointsToSetInternal p2Set, NumberedString methodStr, Type receiverType, Set<SootMethod> possibleTargets) { List<Object> args = Arrays.asList(p2Set, methodStr, receiverType, possibleTargets); if (callTargetsArgCache.containsKey(args)) { return callTargetsArgCache.get(args); } Set<Type> types = p2Set.possibleTypes(); Set<SootMethod> ret = new HashSet<SootMethod>(); for (Type type : types) { ret.addAll(getCallTargetsForType(type, methodStr, receiverType, possibleTargets)); } callTargetsArgCache.put(args, ret); return ret; }
@SuppressWarnings("unused") protected Set<VarNode> nodesPropagatedThrough(final VarNode source, final PointsToSetInternal allocs) { final Set<VarNode> marked = new HashSet<VarNode>(); final Stack<VarNode> worklist = new Stack<VarNode>(); Propagator<VarNode> p = new Propagator<VarNode>(marked, worklist); p.prop(source); while (!worklist.isEmpty()) { VarNode curNode = worklist.pop(); Node[] assignSources = pag.simpleInvLookup(curNode); for (int i = 0; i < assignSources.length; i++) { VarNode assignSrc = (VarNode) assignSources[i]; if (assignSrc.getP2Set().hasNonEmptyIntersection(allocs)) { p.prop(assignSrc); } } Set<VarNode> matchSources = vMatches.vMatchInvLookup(curNode); for (VarNode matchSrc : matchSources) { if (matchSrc.getP2Set().hasNonEmptyIntersection(allocs)) { p.prop(matchSrc); } } } return marked; }
protected boolean refineAlias(VarNode v1, VarNode v2, PointsToSetInternal intersection, HeuristicType heuristic) { if (refineAliasInternal(v1, v2, intersection, heuristic)) return true; if (refineAliasInternal(v2, v1, intersection, heuristic)) return true; return false; }
protected boolean refineP2Set(VarNode v, PointsToSetInternal badLocs, HeuristicType heuristic) { // G.v().out.println(badLocs); this.doPointsTo = false; this.fieldCheckHeuristic = HeuristicType.getHeuristic(heuristic, pag .getTypeManager(), getMaxPasses()); try { numPasses = 0; while (true) { numPasses++; if (DEBUG_PASS != -1 && numPasses > DEBUG_PASS) { return false; } if (numPasses > maxPasses) { return false; } if (DEBUG) { G.v().out.println("PASS " + numPasses); G.v().out.println(fieldCheckHeuristic); } clearState(); boolean success = false; try { success = refineP2Set( new VarAndContext(v, EMPTY_CALLSTACK), badLocs); } catch (TerminateEarlyException e) { success = false; } if (success) { return true; } else { if (!fieldCheckHeuristic.runNewPass()) { return false; } } } } finally { } }
public boolean hasNonEmptyIntersection(PointsToSet other) { if (other instanceof AllocAndContextSet) { return nonEmptyHelper((AllocAndContextSet) other); } else if (other instanceof WrappedPointsToSet) { return hasNonEmptyIntersection(((WrappedPointsToSet) other).getWrapped()); } else if (other instanceof PointsToSetInternal) { return ((PointsToSetInternal) other).forall(new P2SetVisitor() { @Override public void visit(Node n) { if (!returnValue) { for (AllocAndContext allocAndContext : AllocAndContextSet.this) { if (n.equals(allocAndContext.alloc)) { returnValue = true; break; } } } } }); } throw new UnsupportedOperationException("can't check intersection with set of type " + other.getClass()); }
/** * For many applications, they only need the context insensitive points-to result. * We provide a way to transfer our result back to SPARK. * After the transformation, we discard the context sensitive points-to information. * Therefore, if context sensitive queries are needed in future, please call ddSolve() for queried pointers first. */ public void transformToCIResult() { for ( IVarAbstraction pn : pointers ) { if ( pn.getRepresentative() != pn ) continue; Node node = pn.getWrappedNode(); node.discardP2Set(); PointsToSetInternal ptSet = node.makeP2Set(); for ( AllocNode obj : pn.get_all_points_to_objects() ) { ptSet.add( obj ); } pn.deleteAll(); } hasTransformed = true; }
private List<AllocNode> getMayAliasList(PointsToSetInternal pts) { List<AllocNode> list = new ArrayList<AllocNode>(); final HashSet<AllocNode> ret = new HashSet<AllocNode>(); pts.forall( new P2SetVisitor() { public void visit( Node n ) { ret.add( (AllocNode)n ); } } ); Iterator<AllocNode> it = ret.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()){ list.add( ); } return list; }
private boolean isArrayAccessShared(Local local) { PointsToSetInternal pts = (PointsToSetInternal) pag.reachingObjects(local); return pts.forall(new P2SetVisitor() { boolean isShared ; @Override public void visit(Node n) { if(!isShared) { int id = n.getNumber(); XNode xn = indexNodeMap.get(id); if(xn!=null) isShared = xn.isArrayShared(); } } @Override public boolean getReturnValue() { return isShared; } }); }
private void accessArray(Local local, final boolean isWrite) { PointsToSetInternal pts = (PointsToSetInternal) pag.reachingObjects(local); pts.forall(new P2SetVisitor() { @Override public void visit(Node n) { int id = n.getNumber(); XNode xn = indexNodeMap.get(id); if(xn==null) { xn = new XNode(); indexNodeMap.put(id,xn); } xn.accessArray(currentThreadID,isWrite); if(currentThread.runsMany) { xn.accessArray((byte) (currentThreadID+1),isWrite); } } }); }
private void accessField(Local local, final SootField sf, final boolean isWrite) { PointsToSetInternal pts = (PointsToSetInternal) pag.reachingObjects(local); pts.forall(new P2SetVisitor() { @Override public void visit(Node n) { int id = n.getNumber(); XNode xn = indexNodeMap.get(id); if(xn==null) { xn = new XNode(); indexNodeMap.put(id,xn); } accessField(id,sf,isWrite); } }); }
/** Returns the points-to set for this node. */ public PointsToSetInternal getP2Set() { if( p2set != null ) { if( replacement != this ) throw new RuntimeException( "Node "+this+" has replacement "+replacement+" but has p2set" ); return p2set; } Node rep = getReplacement(); if( rep == this ) { return EmptyPointsToSet.v(); } return rep.getP2Set(); }
/** Returns the points-to set for this node, makes it if necessary. */ public PointsToSetInternal makeP2Set() { if( p2set != null ) { if( replacement != this ) throw new RuntimeException( "Node "+this+" has replacement "+replacement+" but has p2set" ); return p2set; } Node rep = getReplacement(); if( rep == this ) { p2set = pag.getSetFactory().newSet( type, pag ); } return rep.makeP2Set(); }
protected void checkAll( final Node container, PointsToSetInternal nodes, final Node upstream ) { nodes.forall( new P2SetVisitor() { public final void visit( Node n ) { checkNode( container, n, upstream ); } } ); }
protected void checkNode( Node container, Node n, Node upstream ) { if( container.getReplacement() != container ) throw new RuntimeException( "container "+container+" is illegal" ); if( upstream.getReplacement() != upstream ) throw new RuntimeException( "upstream "+upstream+" is illegal" ); PointsToSetInternal p2set = container.getP2Set(); FastHierarchy fh = pag.getTypeManager().getFastHierarchy(); if( !p2set.contains( n ) && ( fh == null || container.getType() == null || fh.canStoreType( n.getType(), container.getType() ) ) ) { G.v().out.println( "Check failure: "+container+" does not have "+n +"; upstream is "+upstream ); } }
protected void handleSimples( VarNode src ) { PointsToSetInternal srcSet = src.getP2Set(); if( srcSet.isEmpty() ) return; final Node[] simpleTargets = pag.simpleLookup( src ); for (Node element : simpleTargets) { checkAll( element, srcSet, src ); } }
protected void handleStores( final VarNode src ) { final PointsToSetInternal srcSet = src.getP2Set(); if( srcSet.isEmpty() ) return; Node[] storeTargets = pag.storeLookup( src ); for (Node element : storeTargets) { final FieldRefNode fr = (FieldRefNode) element; checkAll( fr, srcSet, src ); } }
protected void handleLoads( final FieldRefNode src ) { final Node[] loadTargets = pag.loadLookup( src ); PointsToSetInternal set = src.getP2Set(); if( set.isEmpty() ) return; for (Node element : loadTargets) { VarNode target = (VarNode) element; checkAll( target, set, src ); } }
final protected void dfsVisit( VarNode v, VarNode rootOfSCC ) { if( visited.contains( v ) ) return; visited.add( v ); Node[] succs = pag.simpleInvLookup( v ); for (Node element : succs) { if( ignoreTypes || typeManager.castNeverFails( element.getType(), v.getType() ) ) { dfsVisit( (VarNode) element, rootOfSCC ); } } if( v != rootOfSCC ) { if( !ignoreTypes ) { if( typeManager.castNeverFails( v.getType(), rootOfSCC.getType() ) && typeManager.castNeverFails( rootOfSCC.getType(), v.getType() ) ) { rootOfSCC.mergeWith( v ); numCollapsed++; } } else /* ignoreTypes */ { if( typeManager.castNeverFails( v.getType(), rootOfSCC.getType() ) ) { rootOfSCC.mergeWith( v ); } else if( typeManager.castNeverFails( rootOfSCC.getType(), v.getType() ) ) { v.mergeWith( rootOfSCC ); } else { rootOfSCC.getReplacement().setType( null ); PointsToSetInternal set = rootOfSCC.getP2Set(); if( set != null ) { set.setType( null ); } rootOfSCC.mergeWith( v ); } numCollapsed++; } } }
/** * Transform the result to SPARK style context insensitive points-to set. * The transformed result is stored in the points-to set of the querying pointer. * @param vn: the querying pointer * @return */ public PointsToSet toSparkCompatiableResult(VarNode vn) { if ( !readyToUse) finish(); PointsToSetInternal ptset = vn.makeP2Set(); for ( VarType cv : outList ) { ptset.add(cv.var); } return ptset; }
private PointsToSetInternal field_p2set( PointsToSet s, final SparkField f ) { if ( !(s instanceof PointsToSetInternal) ) throw new RuntimeException( "Base pointers must be stored in *PointsToSetInternal*." ); PointsToSetInternal bases = (PointsToSetInternal) s; final PointsToSetInternal ret = getSetFactory().newSet(f.getType(), this); bases.forall(new P2SetVisitor() { public final void visit(Node n) { Node nDotF = ((AllocNode) n).dot(f); if (nDotF != null) { //nDotF.getP2Set() has been discarded in solve() IVarAbstraction pn = consG.get(nDotF); if (pn == null || hasTransformed || nDotF.getP2Set() != EmptyPointsToSet.v()) { ret.addAll(nDotF.getP2Set(), null); return; } pn = pn.getRepresentative(); //PointsToSetInternal ptSet = nDotF.makeP2Set(); for ( AllocNode obj : pn.get_all_points_to_objects() ) { ret.add( obj ); //ptSet.add(obj); } } } }); return ret; }
@Override public PointsToSet reachingObjects(Local l) { if ( !hasExecuted ) return super.reachingObjects(l); LocalVarNode vn = findLocalVarNode(l); if ( vn == null ) return EmptyPointsToSet.v(); IVarAbstraction pn = consG.get(vn); // In case this pointer has no geomPTA result // This is perhaps a bug if ( pn == null ) return vn.getP2Set(); // Return the cached result if ( hasTransformed || vn.getP2Set() != EmptyPointsToSet.v() ) return vn.getP2Set(); // Compute and cache the result pn = pn.getRepresentative(); PointsToSetInternal ptSet = vn.makeP2Set(); for ( AllocNode obj : pn.get_all_points_to_objects() ) { ptSet.add( obj ); } return ptSet; }
@Override public PointsToSet reachingObjects(SootField f) { if ( !hasExecuted ) return super.reachingObjects(f); if( !f.isStatic() ) throw new RuntimeException( "The parameter f must be a *static* field." ); VarNode vn = findGlobalVarNode( f ); if ( vn == null ) return EmptyPointsToSet.v(); IVarAbstraction pn = consG.get(vn); if( pn == null ) return vn.getP2Set(); // Lookup the cache if ( hasTransformed || vn.getP2Set() != EmptyPointsToSet.v() ) return vn.getP2Set(); // We transform and cache the result for the next query pn = pn.getRepresentative(); PointsToSetInternal ptSet = vn.makeP2Set(); for ( AllocNode obj : pn.getRepresentative().get_all_points_to_objects() ) { ptSet.add( obj ); } return ptSet; }
public PointsToSet reachingObjects(AllocNode an, SootField f) { AllocDotField adf =; IVarAbstraction pn = consG.get(adf); // No such pointer seen by SPARK if ( adf == null ) return EmptyPointsToSet.v(); // Not seen by geomPTA if ( pn == null ) return adf.getP2Set(); if ( hasTransformed || adf.getP2Set() != EmptyPointsToSet.v() ) return adf.getP2Set(); // We transform and cache the result for the next query pn = pn.getRepresentative(); PointsToSetInternal ptSet = adf.makeP2Set(); for ( AllocNode obj : pn.getRepresentative().get_all_points_to_objects() ) { ptSet.add( obj ); } return ptSet; }
/** * Builds an abstraction for the contents of an array. It is called on registered arrays. * @param nt * @param node */ public void resolveArray(NodeTable nt, AllocNode node) { if (pag == null) return; int id = node.getNumber(); // Even if type stratification was defeated, we will not loop on an array containing itself. if (seen.contains(id)) return; seen.add(id); P2SetFactory ptsf = pag.getSetFactory(); PointsToSetInternal pts = ptsf.newSet(node.getType(), pag); pts.add(node); PointsToSet contents = pag.reachingObjectsOfArrayElement(pts); AbsValue av = P2SAux.p2sContents(nt, contents); repositoryOtherArrays.put(id, av); }
/** * Check if a points to set is non empty. * @param ptsRaw * @param m * @param obj */ public static void check (PointsToSet ptsRaw, SootMethod m, Unit st) { if (!(ptsRaw instanceof PointsToSetInternal)) return; PointsToSetInternal pts = (PointsToSetInternal) ptsRaw; if ((pts.size() != 0 && pts.getType() != null)) return; /* CallGraph cg = Scene.v().getCallGraph(); System.out.println("**********" + st + "***************"); showAncestor(cg,st, m,1 ); */ }
public PointsToSetInternal getWrapped() { return wrapped; }
public WrappedPointsToSet(final PointsToSetInternal wrapped) { super(); this.wrapped = wrapped; }
public PointsToSetInternal getP2set() { return p2set; }
public void setP2set(PointsToSetInternal p2set) { this.p2set = p2set; }
public abstract void handleMatchSrc(VarNode matchSrc, PointsToSetInternal intersection, VarNode loadBase, VarNode storeBase, VarAndContext origVarAndContext, SparkField field, boolean refine);
protected boolean refineAliasInternal(VarNode v1, VarNode v2, PointsToSetInternal intersection, HeuristicType heuristic) { this.fieldCheckHeuristic = HeuristicType.getHeuristic(heuristic, pag .getTypeManager(), getMaxPasses()); numPasses = 0; while (true) { numPasses++; if (DEBUG_PASS != -1 && numPasses > DEBUG_PASS) { return false; } if (numPasses > maxPasses) { return false; } if (DEBUG) { G.v().out.println("PASS " + numPasses); G.v().out.println(fieldCheckHeuristic); } clearState(); boolean success = false; try { AllocAndContextSet allocAndContexts = findContextsForAllocs( new VarAndContext(v1, EMPTY_CALLSTACK), intersection); boolean emptyIntersection = true; for (AllocAndContext allocAndContext : allocAndContexts) { CallingContextSet upContexts = findUpContextsForVar( allocAndContext, new VarContextAndUp(v2, EMPTY_CALLSTACK, EMPTY_CALLSTACK)); if (!upContexts.isEmpty()) { emptyIntersection = false; break; } } success = emptyIntersection; } catch (TerminateEarlyException e) { success = false; } if (success) { G.v().out.println("took " + numPasses + " passes"); return true; } else { if (!fieldCheckHeuristic.runNewPass()) { return false; } } } }
/** Use the specified points-to set to replace current one */ public void setP2Set( PointsToSetInternal ptsInternal ) { p2set = ptsInternal; }
@Override public PointsToSet reachingObjects(Context c, Local l) { if ( !hasExecuted ) return super.reachingObjects(c, l); if ( hasTransformed || !(c instanceof Unit) ) return reachingObjects(l); LocalVarNode vn = findLocalVarNode(l); if ( vn == null ) return EmptyPointsToSet.v(); // Lookup the context sensitive points-to information for this pointer IVarAbstraction pn = consG.get(vn); if ( pn == null ) return vn.getP2Set(); pn = pn.getRepresentative(); // Obtain the context sensitive points-to result SootMethod callee = vn.getMethod(); Edge e = Scene.v().getCallGraph().findEdge((Unit) c, callee); if (e == null) return vn.getP2Set(); // Compute the contexts interval CgEdge myEdge = getInternalEdgeFromSootEdge(e); if (myEdge == null) return vn.getP2Set(); long low = myEdge.map_offset; long high = low + max_context_size_block[myEdge.s]; // Lookup the cache ContextVarNode cvn = vn.context(c); if ( cvn != null ) { PointsToSetInternal ans = cvn.getP2Set(); if ( ans != EmptyPointsToSet.v() ) return ans; } else { // Create a new context sensitive variable // The points-to vector is set to empty at start cvn = makeContextVarNode(vn, c); } // Fill PointsToSetInternal ptset = cvn.makeP2Set(); for ( AllocNode an : pn.get_all_points_to_objects() ) { if ( pn.pointer_interval_points_to(low, high, an) ) ptset.add(an); } return ptset; }