Python PySide.QtGui 模块,qRgba() 实例源码


项目:imagepaste    作者:robinchenyu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rgb(r, g, b, a=255):
    """(Internal) Turns an RGB color into a Qt compatible color integer."""
    # use qRgb to pack the colors, and then turn the resulting long
    # into a negative integer with the same bitpattern.
    return (qRgba(r, g, b, a) & 0xffffffff)

# :param im A PIL Image object, or a file name
# (given either as Python string or a PyQt string object)
项目:Projects    作者:it2school    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rgb(r, g, b, a=255):
    """(Internal) Turns an RGB color into a Qt compatible color integer."""
    # use qRgb to pack the colors, and then turn the resulting long
    # into a negative integer with the same bitpattern.
    return (qRgba(r, g, b, a) & 0xffffffff)
项目:workflows.kyoyue    作者:wizyoung    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rgb(r, g, b, a=255):
    """(Internal) Turns an RGB color into a Qt compatible color integer."""
    # use qRgb to pack the colors, and then turn the resulting long
    # into a negative integer with the same bitpattern.
    return (qRgba(r, g, b, a) & 0xffffffff)
项目:ascii-art-py    作者:blinglnav    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rgb(r, g, b, a=255):
    """(Internal) Turns an RGB color into a Qt compatible color integer."""
    # use qRgb to pack the colors, and then turn the resulting long
    # into a negative integer with the same bitpattern.
    return (qRgba(r, g, b, a) & 0xffffffff)
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rgb(r, g, b, a=255):
    """(Internal) Turns an RGB color into a Qt compatible color integer."""
    # use qRgb to pack the colors, and then turn the resulting long
    # into a negative integer with the same bitpattern.
    return (qRgba(r, g, b, a) & 0xffffffff)

# :param im A PIL Image object, or a file name
# (given either as Python string or a PyQt string object)
项目:WXBotForPi    作者:nemoTyrant    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rgb(r, g, b, a=255):
    """(Internal) Turns an RGB color into a Qt compatible color integer."""
    # use qRgb to pack the colors, and then turn the resulting long
    # into a negative integer with the same bitpattern.
    return (qRgba(r, g, b, a) & 0xffffffff)

# :param im A PIL Image object, or a file name
# (given either as Python string or a PyQt string object)
项目:aws_lambda_backup_s3    作者:ogckw    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rgb(r, g, b, a=255):
    """(Internal) Turns an RGB color into a Qt compatible color integer."""
    # use qRgb to pack the colors, and then turn the resulting long
    # into a negative integer with the same bitpattern.
    return (qRgba(r, g, b, a) & 0xffffffff)
项目:teleport    作者:eomsoft    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rgb(r, g, b, a=255):
    """(Internal) Turns an RGB color into a Qt compatible color integer."""
    # use qRgb to pack the colors, and then turn the resulting long
    # into a negative integer with the same bitpattern.
    return (qRgba(r, g, b, a) & 0xffffffff)

# :param im A PIL Image object, or a file name
# (given either as Python string or a PyQt string object)
项目:teleport    作者:eomsoft    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rgb(r, g, b, a=255):
    """(Internal) Turns an RGB color into a Qt compatible color integer."""
    # use qRgb to pack the colors, and then turn the resulting long
    # into a negative integer with the same bitpattern.
    return (qRgba(r, g, b, a) & 0xffffffff)

# :param im A PIL Image object, or a file name
# (given either as Python string or a PyQt string object)
项目:face_rekognition    作者:cnidus    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rgb(r, g, b, a=255):
    """(Internal) Turns an RGB color into a Qt compatible color integer."""
    # use qRgb to pack the colors, and then turn the resulting long
    # into a negative integer with the same bitpattern.
    return (qRgba(r, g, b, a) & 0xffffffff)
项目:alfred-image-utilities    作者:danielecook    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rgb(r, g, b, a=255):
    """(Internal) Turns an RGB color into a Qt compatible color integer."""
    # use qRgb to pack the colors, and then turn the resulting long
    # into a negative integer with the same bitpattern.
    return (qRgba(r, g, b, a) & 0xffffffff)