Python ast 模块,Str() 实例源码


项目:viper    作者:ethereum    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pack_logging_topics(event_id, args, expected_topics, context):
    topics = [event_id]
    for pos, expected_topic in enumerate(expected_topics):
        typ = expected_topic.typ
        arg = args[pos]
        value = parse_expr(arg, context)
        if isinstance(typ, ByteArrayType) and (isinstance(arg, ast.Str) or (isinstance(arg, ast.Name) and not in reserved_words)):
            if value.typ.maxlen > typ.maxlen:
                raise TypeMismatchException("Topic input bytes are to big: %r %r" % (value.typ, typ))
            if isinstance(arg, ast.Str):
                bytez, bytez_length = string_to_bytes(arg.s)
                if len(bytez) > 32:
                    raise InvalidLiteralException("Can only log a maximum of 32 bytes at a time.")
                topics.append(bytes_to_int(bytez + b'\x00' * (32 - bytez_length)))
                size = context.vars[].size
                topics.append(byte_array_to_num(value, arg, 'num256', size))
            value = unwrap_location(value)
            value = base_type_conversion(value, value.typ, typ)
    return topics
项目:viper    作者:ethereum    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, expr, context):
        self.expr = expr
        self.context = context
        self.expr_table = {
            LLLnode: self.get_expr,
            ast.Num: self.number,
            ast.Str: self.string,
            ast.NameConstant: self.constants,
            ast.Name: self.variables,
            ast.Attribute: self.attribute,
            ast.Subscript: self.subscript,
            ast.BinOp: self.arithmetic,
            ast.BoolOp: self.boolean_operations,
            ast.UnaryOp: self.unary_operations,
            ast.List: self.list_literals,
            ast.Dict: self.struct_literals,
            ast.Tuple: self.tuple_literals,
        expr_type = self.expr.__class__
        if expr_type in self.expr_table:
            self.lll_node = self.expr_table[expr_type]()
            raise Exception("Unsupported operator: %r" % ast.dump(self.expr))
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pop_format_context(self, expl_expr):
        """Format the %-formatted string with current format context.

        The expl_expr should be an ast.Str instance constructed from
        the %-placeholders created by .explanation_param().  This will
        add the required code to format said string to .on_failure and
        return the ast.Name instance of the formatted string.

        current = self.stack.pop()
        if self.stack:
            self.explanation_specifiers = self.stack[-1]
        keys = [ast.Str(key) for key in current.keys()]
        format_dict = ast.Dict(keys, list(current.values()))
        form = ast.BinOp(expl_expr, ast.Mod(), format_dict)
        name = "@py_format" + str(next(self.variable_counter))
        self.on_failure.append(ast.Assign([ast.Name(name, ast.Store())], form))
        return ast.Name(name, ast.Load())
项目:opyum    作者:Amper    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visit_BinOp(self, node):
        node  = self.generic_visit(node)
        left  = node.left
        right = node.right
        if all(isinstance(value, ast.Num) for value in (left, right)):
            if isinstance(node.op, tuple(self._operators.keys())):
                val  = self._operators[type(node.op)](left.n, right.n)
                node = ast.copy_location(ast.Num(n = val), node)
                return node
        elif all(isinstance(value, ast.Str) for value in (left, right)):
           if isinstance(node.op, ast.Add):
                val  = left.s + right.s
                node = ast.copy_location(ast.Str(s = val), node)
                return node
        return self.fold(node)

    #def visit_GeneratorExp(self, node):
    #    return self.comprehension(node)
项目:opyum    作者:Amper    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visit_Module(self, node):
        for expr in node.body:
            if not isinstance(expr, ast.Assign):
            if not isinstance(expr.value, (ast.Num, ast.Str)):
            if len(expr.targets) != 1:
            name = expr.targets[0]
            if not isinstance(name, ast.Name):
            name =
            if not self.is_const_name(name):
            if name in self._constants:
                self._constants[name] = None
                self._constants[name] = expr.value
        return self.generic_visit(node)
项目:ITAP-django    作者:krivers    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def basicTypeSpecialFunction(cv):
    """If you're in a number or string (which has no metadata), move up to the AST to make the special functions work."""
    if isinstance(cv, SwapVector) or isinstance(cv, MoveVector):
        return cv
    if (cv.path[0] in [('n', 'Number'), ('s', 'String'), ('id', 'Name'), ('arg', 'Argument'), 
                        ('value', 'Name Constant'), ('s', 'Bytes'), ('name', 'Alias')]):
        cvCopy = cv.deepcopy()
        cv.oldSubtree = deepcopy(cvCopy.traverseTree(cv.start))
        if cv.path[0] == ('n', 'Number'):
            cv.newSubtree = ast.Num(cv.newSubtree)
        elif cv.path[0] == ('s', 'String'):
            cv.newSubtree = ast.Str(cv.newSubtree)
        elif cv.path[0] == ('id', 'Name'):
            cv.newSubtree = ast.Name(cv.newSubtree, cv.oldSubtree.ctx)
        elif cv.path[0] == ('arg', 'Argument'):
            cv.newSubtree = ast.arg(cv.newSubtree, cv.oldSubtree.annotation)
        elif cv.path[0] == ('value', 'Name Constant'):
            cv.newSubtree = ast.NameConstant(cv.newSubtree)
        elif cv.path[0] == ('s', 'Bytes'):
            cv.newSubtree = ast.Bytes(cv.newSubtree)
        elif cv.path[0] == ('name', 'Alias'):
            cv.newSubtree = ast.alias(cv.newSubtree, cv.oldSubtree.asname)
        cv.path = cv.path[1:]
    return cv
项目:py2rb    作者:naitoh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visit_Expr(self, node):
        Expr(expr value)
        val =  self.visit(node.value)
        if isinstance(node.value, ast.Str):
            <Python> "" * comment
                            * sub comment ""
            <Ruby>   # * comment
                     #     * sub comment
            comment = val[1:-1]
            indent = self.indent_string()
            for s in comment.split('\n'):
                s = re.sub(r'^%s' % indent, '', s)
                self.write("# %s" % s)
项目:py2rb    作者:naitoh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visit_BinOp(self, node):
        if isinstance(node.op, ast.Mod) and isinstance(node.left, ast.Str):
            left = self.visit(node.left)
            # 'b=%(b)0d and c=%(c)d and d=%(d)d' => 'b=%<b>0d and c=%<c>d and d=%<d>d'
            left = re.sub(r"(.+?%)\((.+?)\)(.+?)", r"\1<\2>\3", left)
            self._dict_format = True
            right = self.visit(node.right)
            self._dict_format = False
            return "%s %% %s" % (left, right)
        left = self.visit(node.left)
        right = self.visit(node.right)

        if isinstance(node.op, ast.Pow):
            return "%s ** %s" % (left, right)
        if isinstance(node.op, ast.Div):
            if"Numo::", left) or"Numo::", right):
                return "(%s)/(%s)" % (left, right)
                return "(%s)/(%s).to_f" % (left, right)

        return "(%s)%s(%s)" % (left, self.get_binary_op(node), right)
项目:pyt    作者:python-security    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_call_names_helper(node, result):
    """Recursively finds all function names."""
    if isinstance(node, ast.Name):
        if not in BLACK_LISTED_CALL_NAMES:
        return result
    elif isinstance(node, ast.Call):
        return result
    elif isinstance(node, ast.Subscript):
        return get_call_names_helper(node.value, result)
    elif isinstance(node, ast.Str):
        return result
        return get_call_names_helper(node.value, result)
项目:async2rewrite    作者:TheTrain2000    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def stateful_wait_for(self, call):
        if isinstance(call.func, ast.Attribute):
            if call.func.attr in ['wait_for_message', 'wait_for_reaction']:
                if self.interactive and not prompt_change(
                        'A possible change was found to change {} into wait_for.'.format(call.func.attr)
                    return call
                event = call.func.attr.split('_')[2]
                event = 'message' if event == 'message' else 'reaction_add'
                call.func.attr = 'wait_for'
                if call.args:
                    timeout = call.args[0]
                    call.args = []
                    call.keywords.append(ast.keyword(arg='timeout', value=timeout))

                call.args.insert(0, ast.Str(s=event))
                for kw in list(call.keywords):
                    if kw.arg != 'check' and kw.arg != 'timeout':
                warnings.warn('wait_for change detected. Rewrite removes the author, channel, and content '
                              'keyword arguments from this method.')
                stats_counter['call_changes'] += 1
        return call
项目:asttokens    作者:gristlabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_walk_ast(self):
    atok = asttokens.ASTTokens(self.source, parse=True)

    def view(node):
      return "%s:%s" % (node.__class__.__name__, atok.get_text(node))

    scan = [view(n) for n in asttokens.util.walk(atok.tree)]
    self.assertEqual(scan, [
      "Module:foo(bar(1 + 2), 'hello' + ', ' + 'world')",
      "Expr:foo(bar(1 + 2), 'hello' + ', ' + 'world')",
      "Call:foo(bar(1 + 2), 'hello' + ', ' + 'world')",
      'Call:bar(1 + 2)',
      'BinOp:1 + 2',
      "BinOp:'hello' + ', ' + 'world'",
      "BinOp:'hello' + ', '",
      "Str:', '",
项目:asttokens    作者:gristlabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_replace(self):
    self.assertEqual(asttokens.util.replace("this is a test", [(0, 4, "X"), (8, 9, "THE")]),
                     "X is THE test")
    self.assertEqual(asttokens.util.replace("this is a test", []), "this is a test")
    self.assertEqual(asttokens.util.replace("this is a test", [(7,7," NOT")]), "this is NOT a test")

    source = "foo(bar(1 + 2), 'hello' + ', ' + 'world')"
    atok = asttokens.ASTTokens(source, parse=True)
    names = [n for n in asttokens.util.walk(atok.tree) if isinstance(n, ast.Name)]
    strings = [n for n in asttokens.util.walk(atok.tree) if isinstance(n, ast.Str)]
    repl1 = [atok.get_text_range(n) + ('TEST',) for n in names]
    repl2 = [atok.get_text_range(n) + ('val',) for n in strings]
    self.assertEqual(asttokens.util.replace(source, repl1 + repl2),
                     "TEST(TEST(1 + 2), val + val + val)")
    self.assertEqual(asttokens.util.replace(source, repl2 + repl1),
                     "TEST(TEST(1 + 2), val + val + val)")
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_dump(self):
        node = ast.parse('spam(eggs, "and cheese")')
            "Module(body=[Expr(value=Call(func=Name(id='spam', ctx=Load()), "
            "args=[Name(id='eggs', ctx=Load()), Str(s='and cheese')], "
            "keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None))])"
        self.assertEqual(ast.dump(node, annotate_fields=False),
            "Module([Expr(Call(Name('spam', Load()), [Name('eggs', Load()), "
            "Str('and cheese')], [], None, None))])"
        self.assertEqual(ast.dump(node, include_attributes=True),
            "Module(body=[Expr(value=Call(func=Name(id='spam', ctx=Load(), "
            "lineno=1, col_offset=0), args=[Name(id='eggs', ctx=Load(), "
            "lineno=1, col_offset=5), Str(s='and cheese', lineno=1, "
            "col_offset=11)], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None, "
            "lineno=1, col_offset=0), lineno=1, col_offset=0)])"
项目:flake8-sql    作者:pgjones    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _check_query_words(
            self, query: ast.Str, parser: Parser,
    ) -> Generator[Tuple[int, int, str, type], Any, None]:
        for token in parser:
            word = token.value
            if token.is_keyword or token.is_function_name:
                if not word.isupper() and word.upper() not in self.excepted_names:
                        query.lineno, query.col_offset,
                        "Q440 keyword {} is not uppercase".format(word),
                if word.upper() in ABBREVIATED_KEYWORDS:
                        query.lineno, query.col_offset,
                        "Q442 avoid abbreviated keywords, {}".format(word),
            elif token.is_name and (not word.islower() or word.endswith('_')):
                    query.lineno, query.col_offset,
                    "Q441 name {} is not valid, must be snake_case, and cannot "
                    "end with `_`".format(word),
项目:RvMake    作者:Ahuge    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_args(args):
    arg_list = []
    for arg in args:
        if isinstance(arg, ast.Str):
            arg_list.append("%s" % arg.s)
        elif isinstance(arg, ast.Name):
            value =
            if value == "None":
        elif isinstance(arg, ast.Num):
        elif isinstance(arg, ast.List):
        elif isinstance(arg, ast.Tuple):
        elif isinstance(arg, ast.Attribute):
            arg_list.append(str( + "." + str(arg.attr))
            print(arg, type(arg))
    return arg_list
项目:pyupgrade    作者:asottile    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _imports_unicode_literals(contents_text):
        ast_obj = ast_parse(contents_text)
    except SyntaxError:
        return False

    for node in ast_obj.body:
        # Docstring
        if isinstance(node, ast.Expr) and isinstance(node.value, ast.Str):
        elif isinstance(node, ast.ImportFrom):
            if (
                node.module == '__future__' and
                any( == 'unicode_literals' for name in node.names)
                return True
            elif node.module == '__future__':
                return False
            return False
项目:chalice    作者:aws    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visit_Assign(self, node):
        # type: (ast.Assign) -> None
        # The LHS gets the inferred type of the RHS.
        # We do this post-traversal to let the type inference
        # run on the children first.
        rhs_inferred_type = self._get_inferred_type_for_node(node.value)
        if rhs_inferred_type is None:
            # Special casing assignment to a string literal.
            if isinstance(node.value, ast.Str):
                rhs_inferred_type = StringLiteral(node.value.s)
                self._set_inferred_type_for_node(node.value, rhs_inferred_type)
        for t in node.targets:
            if isinstance(t, ast.Name):
                self._symbol_table.set_inferred_type(, rhs_inferred_type)
                self._set_inferred_type_for_node(node, rhs_inferred_type)
项目:logging-spinner    作者:dahlia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_version():
    module_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '')
    module_file = open(module_path)
        module_code =
    tree = ast.parse(module_code, module_path)
    for node in ast.iter_child_nodes(tree):
        if not isinstance(node, ast.Assign) or len(node.targets) != 1:
        target, = node.targets
        if isinstance(target, ast.Name) and == '__version__':
            value = node.value
            if isinstance(value, ast.Str):
                return value.s
            raise ValueError('__version__ is not defined as a string literal')
    raise ValueError('could not find __version__')
项目    作者:Luavis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_type(self, node):
        if isinstance(node, ast.Num):
            return Type.NUMBER
        elif isinstance(node, ast.Str):
            return Type.STRING
        elif isinstance(node, ast.Name):
            if self.variables[] is not None:
                return self.variables[].var_type
                return Type.VOID
        elif isinstance(node, ast.BinOp):
            if self.get_type(node.left).is_number and self.get_type(node.right).is_number:
                return Type.NUMBER
            elif self.get_type(node.left).is_string or self.get_type(node.right).is_string:
                return Type.STRING
        elif isinstance(node, ast.Call):
            return self.functions[].return_type
            return Type.VOID
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_dump(self):
        node = ast.parse('spam(eggs, "and cheese")')
            "Module(body=[Expr(value=Call(func=Name(id='spam', ctx=Load()), "
            "args=[Name(id='eggs', ctx=Load()), Str(s='and cheese')], "
            "keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None))])"
        self.assertEqual(ast.dump(node, annotate_fields=False),
            "Module([Expr(Call(Name('spam', Load()), [Name('eggs', Load()), "
            "Str('and cheese')], [], None, None))])"
        self.assertEqual(ast.dump(node, include_attributes=True),
            "Module(body=[Expr(value=Call(func=Name(id='spam', ctx=Load(), "
            "lineno=1, col_offset=0), args=[Name(id='eggs', ctx=Load(), "
            "lineno=1, col_offset=5), Str(s='and cheese', lineno=1, "
            "col_offset=11)], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None, "
            "lineno=1, col_offset=0), lineno=1, col_offset=0)])"
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_dump(self):
        node = ast.parse('spam(eggs, "and cheese")')
            "Module(body=[Expr(value=Call(func=Name(id='spam', ctx=Load()), "
            "args=[Name(id='eggs', ctx=Load()), Str(s='and cheese')], "
            "keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None))])"
        self.assertEqual(ast.dump(node, annotate_fields=False),
            "Module([Expr(Call(Name('spam', Load()), [Name('eggs', Load()), "
            "Str('and cheese')], [], None, None))])"
        self.assertEqual(ast.dump(node, include_attributes=True),
            "Module(body=[Expr(value=Call(func=Name(id='spam', ctx=Load(), "
            "lineno=1, col_offset=0), args=[Name(id='eggs', ctx=Load(), "
            "lineno=1, col_offset=5), Str(s='and cheese', lineno=1, "
            "col_offset=11)], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None, "
            "lineno=1, col_offset=0), lineno=1, col_offset=0)])"
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pop_format_context(self, expl_expr):
        """Format the %-formatted string with current format context.

        The expl_expr should be an ast.Str instance constructed from
        the %-placeholders created by .explanation_param().  This will
        add the required code to format said string to .on_failure and
        return the ast.Name instance of the formatted string.

        current = self.stack.pop()
        if self.stack:
            self.explanation_specifiers = self.stack[-1]
        keys = [ast.Str(key) for key in current.keys()]
        format_dict = ast.Dict(keys, list(current.values()))
        form = ast.BinOp(expl_expr, ast.Mod(), format_dict)
        name = "@py_format" + str(next(self.variable_counter))
        self.on_failure.append(ast.Assign([ast.Name(name, ast.Store())], form))
        return ast.Name(name, ast.Load())
项目:bandit-ss    作者:zeroSteiner    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _solve(self):
        import_aliases = (self.context._context['import_aliases'] if self.context else None)
        cursor_node = self.tainted_node.parent
        while cursor_node != self.target_node:
            test_node = cursor_node
            cursor_node = cursor_node.parent
            if isinstance(test_node, ast.BinOp):
            elif isinstance(test_node, ast.Call):
                if isinstance(test_node.func, ast.Attribute) and isinstance(test_node.func.value, ast.Str) and test_node.func.attr == 'format':
                    return True
                function = s_utils.get_call_function(test_node, import_aliases=import_aliases)
                if function in ('os.path.abspath', 'os.path.join', 'str'):
                elif function == 'os.path.relpath' and s_utils.node_is_child_of_parent(test_node.args[0], self.tainted_node):
            elif isinstance(test_node, ast.Subscript):
            return False
        return True
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_dump(self):
        node = ast.parse('spam(eggs, "and cheese")')
            "Module(body=[Expr(value=Call(func=Name(id='spam', ctx=Load()), "
            "args=[Name(id='eggs', ctx=Load()), Str(s='and cheese')], "
            "keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None))])"
        self.assertEqual(ast.dump(node, annotate_fields=False),
            "Module([Expr(Call(Name('spam', Load()), [Name('eggs', Load()), "
            "Str('and cheese')], [], None, None))])"
        self.assertEqual(ast.dump(node, include_attributes=True),
            "Module(body=[Expr(value=Call(func=Name(id='spam', ctx=Load(), "
            "lineno=1, col_offset=0), args=[Name(id='eggs', ctx=Load(), "
            "lineno=1, col_offset=5), Str(s='and cheese', lineno=1, "
            "col_offset=11)], keywords=[], starargs=None, kwargs=None, "
            "lineno=1, col_offset=0), lineno=1, col_offset=0)])"
项目:wikidata    作者:dahlia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_version():
    module_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
                               'wikidata', '')
    module_file = open(module_path)
        module_code =
    tree = ast.parse(module_code, module_path)
    for node in ast.iter_child_nodes(tree):
        if not isinstance(node, ast.Assign) or len(node.targets) != 1:
        target, = node.targets
        if isinstance(target, ast.Name) and == '__version__':
            value = node.value
            if isinstance(value, ast.Str):
                return value.s
            raise ValueError('__version__ is not defined as a string literal')
    raise ValueError('could not find __version__')
项目:godot-python    作者:touilleMan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pop_format_context(self, expl_expr):
        """Format the %-formatted string with current format context.

        The expl_expr should be an ast.Str instance constructed from
        the %-placeholders created by .explanation_param().  This will
        add the required code to format said string to .on_failure and
        return the ast.Name instance of the formatted string.

        current = self.stack.pop()
        if self.stack:
            self.explanation_specifiers = self.stack[-1]
        keys = [ast.Str(key) for key in current.keys()]
        format_dict = ast.Dict(keys, list(current.values()))
        form = ast.BinOp(expl_expr, ast.Mod(), format_dict)
        name = "@py_format" + str(next(self.variable_counter))
        self.on_failure.append(ast.Assign([ast.Name(name, ast.Store())], form))
        return ast.Name(name, ast.Load())
项目:godot-python    作者:touilleMan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pop_format_context(self, expl_expr):
        """Format the %-formatted string with current format context.

        The expl_expr should be an ast.Str instance constructed from
        the %-placeholders created by .explanation_param().  This will
        add the required code to format said string to .on_failure and
        return the ast.Name instance of the formatted string.

        current = self.stack.pop()
        if self.stack:
            self.explanation_specifiers = self.stack[-1]
        keys = [ast.Str(key) for key in current.keys()]
        format_dict = ast.Dict(keys, list(current.values()))
        form = ast.BinOp(expl_expr, ast.Mod(), format_dict)
        name = "@py_format" + str(next(self.variable_counter))
        self.on_failure.append(ast.Assign([ast.Name(name, ast.Store())], form))
        return ast.Name(name, ast.Load())
项目:fatoptimizer    作者:vstinner    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def specialize_constant(node, value):
    if value is None or isinstance(value, bool):
        new_node = ast.NameConstant(value=value)
    elif isinstance(value, (int, float, complex)):
        new_node = ast.Num(n=value)
    elif isinstance(value, str):
        new_node = ast.Str(s=value)
    elif isinstance(value, bytes):
        new_node = ast.Bytes(s=value)
    elif isinstance(value, tuple):
        elts = [specialize_constant(node, elt) for elt in value]
        new_node = ast.Tuple(elts=elts, ctx=ast.Load())
        raise ValueError("unknown constant: %r" % value), new_node)
    return new_node
项目:sublimeTextConfig    作者:luoye-fe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def convert_to_value(item):
    if isinstance(item, ast.Str):
        return item.s
    elif hasattr(ast, 'Bytes') and isinstance(item, ast.Bytes):
        return item.s
    elif isinstance(item, ast.Tuple):
        return tuple(convert_to_value(i) for i in item.elts)
    elif isinstance(item, ast.Num):
        return item.n
    elif isinstance(item, ast.Name):
        result = VariableKey(item=item)
        constants_lookup = {
            'True': True,
            'False': False,
            'None': None,
        return constants_lookup.get(
    elif (not PY33) and isinstance(item, ast.NameConstant):
        # None, True, False are nameconstants in python3, but names in 2
        return item.value
        return UnhandledKeyType()
项目:PYSL    作者:sparkon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_decorator(node: ast.AST):
    if isinstance(node, ast.Name):
        ret = Decorator() =
        return ret
    elif isinstance(node, ast.Call):
        ret = Decorator() =
        for arg in node.args:
            if isinstance(arg, ast.Num):
            elif isinstance(arg, ast.Str):
            elif isinstance(arg, ast.Name):
                v = eval_numeric_constexpr(arg)
                if v:
                    error(loc(node), "Unsupported decorator type")
        return ret
        error(loc(node), "Supported decorators are Name and Call")
        return None
项目:skydoc    作者:bazelbuild    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_type(expr):
  """Find the type of an expression.

    expr: The expression to check.

    The type of the expression.
  if isinstance(expr, ast.Num):
    return build_pb2.Attribute.INTEGER
  elif isinstance(expr, ast.Str):
    return build_pb2.Attribute.STRING
  elif isinstance(expr, ast.List):
    return build_pb2.Attribute.STRING_LIST
  elif isinstance(expr, ast.Name) and ( == "True" or == "False"):
    return build_pb2.Attribute.BOOLEAN
    return build_pb2.Attribute.UNKNOWN
项目:skydoc    作者:bazelbuild    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract(self, bzl_file):
    """Extracts symbols loaded from other .bzl files.

    Walks the AST of the .bzl files and extracts information about symbols
    loaded from other .bzl files from load() calls. Then, validate the
    extracted symbols to check that all symbols are unique.

    Note that only load() calls where all arguments are string literals
    (ast.Str) are supported.

      bzl_file: The .bzl file to extract load symbols from.

      List of LoadSymbol objects.
    load_symbols = self._extract_loads(bzl_file)
    return load_symbols
项目:python-    作者:secondtonone1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_compare(self, node):
        def sanity_check(lhsnode, rhsnode):
            valid = True
            if isinstance(lhsnode, ast.Str) and isinstance(rhsnode, ast.Str):
                valid = False
            #elif (isinstance(lhsnode, ast.Attribute)
            #      and isinstance(rhsnode, ast.Attribute)):
            #    klhs = self.get_attr_key(lhsnode)
            #    krhs = self.get_attr_key(rhsnode)
            #    valid = klhs != krhs
            if not valid:
                s = self.get_fragment(node.col_offset)
                raise SyntaxError('Invalid comparison: %s' % s)

        lhsnode = node.left
        lhs = self.evaluate(lhsnode)
        result = True
        for op, rhsnode in zip(node.ops, node.comparators):
            sanity_check(lhsnode, rhsnode)
            op = op.__class__.__name__.lower()
            if op not in self.operators:
                raise SyntaxError('unsupported operation: %r' % op)
            rhs = self.evaluate(rhsnode)
            result = self.operators[op](lhs, rhs)
            if not result:
            lhs = rhs
            lhsnode = rhsnode
        return result
项目:my-first-blog    作者:AnkurBegining    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_compare(self, node):
        def sanity_check(lhsnode, rhsnode):
            valid = True
            if isinstance(lhsnode, ast.Str) and isinstance(rhsnode, ast.Str):
                valid = False
            #elif (isinstance(lhsnode, ast.Attribute)
            #      and isinstance(rhsnode, ast.Attribute)):
            #    klhs = self.get_attr_key(lhsnode)
            #    krhs = self.get_attr_key(rhsnode)
            #    valid = klhs != krhs
            if not valid:
                s = self.get_fragment(node.col_offset)
                raise SyntaxError('Invalid comparison: %s' % s)

        lhsnode = node.left
        lhs = self.evaluate(lhsnode)
        result = True
        for op, rhsnode in zip(node.ops, node.comparators):
            sanity_check(lhsnode, rhsnode)
            op = op.__class__.__name__.lower()
            if op not in self.operators:
                raise SyntaxError('unsupported operation: %r' % op)
            rhs = self.evaluate(rhsnode)
            result = self.operators[op](lhs, rhs)
            if not result:
            lhs = rhs
            lhsnode = rhsnode
        return result
项目:gql    作者:graphql-python    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def node_query(self, node):
        Return the query for the gql call node

        if isinstance(node, ast.Call):
            assert node.args
            arg = node.args[0]
            if not isinstance(arg, ast.Str):
            raise TypeError(type(node))

        return arg.s
项目:Flask_Blog    作者:sugarguo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_compare(self, node):
        def sanity_check(lhsnode, rhsnode):
            valid = True
            if isinstance(lhsnode, ast.Str) and isinstance(rhsnode, ast.Str):
                valid = False
            #elif (isinstance(lhsnode, ast.Attribute)
            #      and isinstance(rhsnode, ast.Attribute)):
            #    klhs = self.get_attr_key(lhsnode)
            #    krhs = self.get_attr_key(rhsnode)
            #    valid = klhs != krhs
            if not valid:
                s = self.get_fragment(node.col_offset)
                raise SyntaxError('Invalid comparison: %s' % s)

        lhsnode = node.left
        lhs = self.evaluate(lhsnode)
        result = True
        for op, rhsnode in zip(node.ops, node.comparators):
            sanity_check(lhsnode, rhsnode)
            op = op.__class__.__name__.lower()
            if op not in self.operators:
                raise SyntaxError('unsupported operation: %r' % op)
            rhs = self.evaluate(rhsnode)
            result = self.operators[op](lhs, rhs)
            if not result:
            lhs = rhs
            lhsnode = rhsnode
        return result
项目:swjtu-pyscraper    作者:Desgard    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_compare(self, node):
        def sanity_check(lhsnode, rhsnode):
            valid = True
            if isinstance(lhsnode, ast.Str) and isinstance(rhsnode, ast.Str):
                valid = False
            #elif (isinstance(lhsnode, ast.Attribute)
            #      and isinstance(rhsnode, ast.Attribute)):
            #    klhs = self.get_attr_key(lhsnode)
            #    krhs = self.get_attr_key(rhsnode)
            #    valid = klhs != krhs
            if not valid:
                s = self.get_fragment(node.col_offset)
                raise SyntaxError('Invalid comparison: %s' % s)

        lhsnode = node.left
        lhs = self.evaluate(lhsnode)
        result = True
        for op, rhsnode in zip(node.ops, node.comparators):
            sanity_check(lhsnode, rhsnode)
            op = op.__class__.__name__.lower()
            if op not in self.operators:
                raise SyntaxError('unsupported operation: %r' % op)
            rhs = self.evaluate(rhsnode)
            result = self.operators[op](lhs, rhs)
            if not result:
            lhs = rhs
            lhsnode = rhsnode
        return result
项目:noc-orchestrator    作者:DirceuSilvaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_compare(self, node):
        def sanity_check(lhsnode, rhsnode):
            valid = True
            if isinstance(lhsnode, ast.Str) and isinstance(rhsnode, ast.Str):
                valid = False
            #elif (isinstance(lhsnode, ast.Attribute)
            #      and isinstance(rhsnode, ast.Attribute)):
            #    klhs = self.get_attr_key(lhsnode)
            #    krhs = self.get_attr_key(rhsnode)
            #    valid = klhs != krhs
            if not valid:
                s = self.get_fragment(node.col_offset)
                raise SyntaxError('Invalid comparison: %s' % s)

        lhsnode = node.left
        lhs = self.evaluate(lhsnode)
        result = True
        for op, rhsnode in zip(node.ops, node.comparators):
            sanity_check(lhsnode, rhsnode)
            op = op.__class__.__name__.lower()
            if op not in self.operators:
                raise SyntaxError('unsupported operation: %r' % op)
            rhs = self.evaluate(rhsnode)
            result = self.operators[op](lhs, rhs)
            if not result:
            lhs = rhs
            lhsnode = rhsnode
        return result
项目:noc-orchestrator    作者:DirceuSilvaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_compare(self, node):
        def sanity_check(lhsnode, rhsnode):
            valid = True
            if isinstance(lhsnode, ast.Str) and isinstance(rhsnode, ast.Str):
                valid = False
            #elif (isinstance(lhsnode, ast.Attribute)
            #      and isinstance(rhsnode, ast.Attribute)):
            #    klhs = self.get_attr_key(lhsnode)
            #    krhs = self.get_attr_key(rhsnode)
            #    valid = klhs != krhs
            if not valid:
                s = self.get_fragment(node.col_offset)
                raise SyntaxError('Invalid comparison: %s' % s)

        lhsnode = node.left
        lhs = self.evaluate(lhsnode)
        result = True
        for op, rhsnode in zip(node.ops, node.comparators):
            sanity_check(lhsnode, rhsnode)
            op = op.__class__.__name__.lower()
            if op not in self.operators:
                raise SyntaxError('unsupported operation: %r' % op)
            rhs = self.evaluate(rhsnode)
            result = self.operators[op](lhs, rhs)
            if not result:
            lhs = rhs
            lhsnode = rhsnode
        return result
项目:noc-orchestrator    作者:DirceuSilvaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_compare(self, node):
        def sanity_check(lhsnode, rhsnode):
            valid = True
            if isinstance(lhsnode, ast.Str) and isinstance(rhsnode, ast.Str):
                valid = False
            #elif (isinstance(lhsnode, ast.Attribute)
            #      and isinstance(rhsnode, ast.Attribute)):
            #    klhs = self.get_attr_key(lhsnode)
            #    krhs = self.get_attr_key(rhsnode)
            #    valid = klhs != krhs
            if not valid:
                s = self.get_fragment(node.col_offset)
                raise SyntaxError('Invalid comparison: %s' % s)

        lhsnode = node.left
        lhs = self.evaluate(lhsnode)
        result = True
        for op, rhsnode in zip(node.ops, node.comparators):
            sanity_check(lhsnode, rhsnode)
            op = op.__class__.__name__.lower()
            if op not in self.operators:
                raise SyntaxError('unsupported operation: %r' % op)
            rhs = self.evaluate(rhsnode)
            result = self.operators[op](lhs, rhs)
            if not result:
            lhs = rhs
            lhsnode = rhsnode
        return result
项目:noc-orchestrator    作者:DirceuSilvaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_compare(self, node):
        def sanity_check(lhsnode, rhsnode):
            valid = True
            if isinstance(lhsnode, ast.Str) and isinstance(rhsnode, ast.Str):
                valid = False
            #elif (isinstance(lhsnode, ast.Attribute)
            #      and isinstance(rhsnode, ast.Attribute)):
            #    klhs = self.get_attr_key(lhsnode)
            #    krhs = self.get_attr_key(rhsnode)
            #    valid = klhs != krhs
            if not valid:
                s = self.get_fragment(node.col_offset)
                raise SyntaxError('Invalid comparison: %s' % s)

        lhsnode = node.left
        lhs = self.evaluate(lhsnode)
        result = True
        for op, rhsnode in zip(node.ops, node.comparators):
            sanity_check(lhsnode, rhsnode)
            op = op.__class__.__name__.lower()
            if op not in self.operators:
                raise SyntaxError('unsupported operation: %r' % op)
            rhs = self.evaluate(rhsnode)
            result = self.operators[op](lhs, rhs)
            if not result:
            lhs = rhs
            lhsnode = rhsnode
        return result
项目:jira_worklog_scanner    作者:pgarneau    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_compare(self, node):
        def sanity_check(lhsnode, rhsnode):
            valid = True
            if isinstance(lhsnode, ast.Str) and isinstance(rhsnode, ast.Str):
                valid = False
            #elif (isinstance(lhsnode, ast.Attribute)
            #      and isinstance(rhsnode, ast.Attribute)):
            #    klhs = self.get_attr_key(lhsnode)
            #    krhs = self.get_attr_key(rhsnode)
            #    valid = klhs != krhs
            if not valid:
                s = self.get_fragment(node.col_offset)
                raise SyntaxError('Invalid comparison: %s' % s)

        lhsnode = node.left
        lhs = self.evaluate(lhsnode)
        result = True
        for op, rhsnode in zip(node.ops, node.comparators):
            sanity_check(lhsnode, rhsnode)
            op = op.__class__.__name__.lower()
            if op not in self.operators:
                raise SyntaxError('unsupported operation: %r' % op)
            rhs = self.evaluate(rhsnode)
            result = self.operators[op](lhs, rhs)
            if not result:
            lhs = rhs
            lhsnode = rhsnode
        return result
项目:pyt    作者:SW10IoT    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_sink_args(cfg_node):
    if type(cfg_node) == AssignmentNode:
        return get_sink_args(cfg_node.ast_node.value)
    elif type(cfg_node) == ReturnNode:
        return get_sink_args(cfg_node.ast_node.value)
    elif isinstance(cfg_node, Node):
        return get_sink_args(cfg_node.ast_node)
    elif isinstance(cfg_node, ast.Call):
        args = list()

        for arg in cfg_node.args + cfg_node.keywords:
            if isinstance(arg, ast.Name):
            elif isinstance(arg, ast.Str):
            elif isinstance(arg, ast.Call):
            elif isinstance(arg, ast.keyword):
            elif isinstance(arg, ast.Attribute):
                import ast_helper
                raise Exception('Unexpected argument type:', type(arg))
        return args
    elif isinstance(cfg_node, ast.Str):
        return None
        raise Exception('Unexpected node type:', type(cfg_node))
项目:pyt    作者:SW10IoT    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_call_names_helper(node, result):
    """Recursively finds all function names."""
    if isinstance(node, ast.Name):
        return result
    elif isinstance(node, ast.Call):
        return result
    elif isinstance(node, ast.Subscript):
        return result
    elif isinstance(node, ast.Str):
        return result
        return get_call_names_helper(node.value, result)
项目:zanph    作者:zanph    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_compare(self, node):
        def sanity_check(lhsnode, rhsnode):
            valid = True
            if isinstance(lhsnode, ast.Str) and isinstance(rhsnode, ast.Str):
                valid = False
            #elif (isinstance(lhsnode, ast.Attribute)
            #      and isinstance(rhsnode, ast.Attribute)):
            #    klhs = self.get_attr_key(lhsnode)
            #    krhs = self.get_attr_key(rhsnode)
            #    valid = klhs != krhs
            if not valid:
                s = self.get_fragment(node.col_offset)
                raise SyntaxError('Invalid comparison: %s' % s)

        lhsnode = node.left
        lhs = self.evaluate(lhsnode)
        result = True
        for op, rhsnode in zip(node.ops, node.comparators):
            sanity_check(lhsnode, rhsnode)
            op = op.__class__.__name__.lower()
            if op not in self.operators:
                raise SyntaxError('unsupported operation: %r' % op)
            rhs = self.evaluate(rhsnode)
            result = self.operators[op](lhs, rhs)
            if not result:
            lhs = rhs
            lhsnode = rhsnode
        return result
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_compare(self, node):
        def sanity_check(lhsnode, rhsnode):
            valid = True
            if isinstance(lhsnode, ast.Str) and isinstance(rhsnode, ast.Str):
                valid = False
            #elif (isinstance(lhsnode, ast.Attribute)
            #      and isinstance(rhsnode, ast.Attribute)):
            #    klhs = self.get_attr_key(lhsnode)
            #    krhs = self.get_attr_key(rhsnode)
            #    valid = klhs != krhs
            if not valid:
                s = self.get_fragment(node.col_offset)
                raise SyntaxError('Invalid comparison: %s' % s)

        lhsnode = node.left
        lhs = self.evaluate(lhsnode)
        result = True
        for op, rhsnode in zip(node.ops, node.comparators):
            sanity_check(lhsnode, rhsnode)
            op = op.__class__.__name__.lower()
            if op not in self.operators:
                raise SyntaxError('unsupported operation: %r' % op)
            rhs = self.evaluate(rhsnode)
            result = self.operators[op](lhs, rhs)
            if not result:
            lhs = rhs
            lhsnode = rhsnode
        return result
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_compare(self, node):
        def sanity_check(lhsnode, rhsnode):
            valid = True
            if isinstance(lhsnode, ast.Str) and isinstance(rhsnode, ast.Str):
                valid = False
            #elif (isinstance(lhsnode, ast.Attribute)
            #      and isinstance(rhsnode, ast.Attribute)):
            #    klhs = self.get_attr_key(lhsnode)
            #    krhs = self.get_attr_key(rhsnode)
            #    valid = klhs != krhs
            if not valid:
                s = self.get_fragment(node.col_offset)
                raise SyntaxError('Invalid comparison: %s' % s)

        lhsnode = node.left
        lhs = self.evaluate(lhsnode)
        result = True
        for op, rhsnode in zip(node.ops, node.comparators):
            sanity_check(lhsnode, rhsnode)
            op = op.__class__.__name__.lower()
            if op not in self.operators:
                raise SyntaxError('unsupported operation: %r' % op)
            rhs = self.evaluate(rhsnode)
            result = self.operators[op](lhs, rhs)
            if not result:
            lhs = rhs
            lhsnode = rhsnode
        return result
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visit_BoolOp(self, boolop):
        res_var = self.variable()
        expl_list = self.assign(ast.List([], ast.Load()))
        app = ast.Attribute(expl_list, "append", ast.Load())
        is_or = int(isinstance(boolop.op, ast.Or))
        body = save = self.statements
        fail_save = self.on_failure
        levels = len(boolop.values) - 1
        # Process each operand, short-circuting if needed.
        for i, v in enumerate(boolop.values):
            if i:
                fail_inner = []
                # cond is set in a prior loop iteration below
                self.on_failure.append(ast.If(cond, fail_inner, [])) # noqa
                self.on_failure = fail_inner
            res, expl = self.visit(v)
            body.append(ast.Assign([ast.Name(res_var, ast.Store())], res))
            expl_format = self.pop_format_context(ast.Str(expl))
            call = ast_Call(app, [expl_format], [])
            if i < levels:
                cond = res
                if is_or:
                    cond = ast.UnaryOp(ast.Not(), cond)
                inner = []
                self.statements.append(ast.If(cond, inner, []))
                self.statements = body = inner
        self.statements = save
        self.on_failure = fail_save
        expl_template = self.helper("format_boolop", expl_list, ast.Num(is_or))
        expl = self.pop_format_context(expl_template)
        return ast.Name(res_var, ast.Load()), self.explanation_param(expl)
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visit_Compare(self, comp):
        left_res, left_expl = self.visit(comp.left)
        if isinstance(comp.left, (_ast.Compare, _ast.BoolOp)):
            left_expl = "({0})".format(left_expl)
        res_variables = [self.variable() for i in range(len(comp.ops))]
        load_names = [ast.Name(v, ast.Load()) for v in res_variables]
        store_names = [ast.Name(v, ast.Store()) for v in res_variables]
        it = zip(range(len(comp.ops)), comp.ops, comp.comparators)
        expls = []
        syms = []
        results = [left_res]
        for i, op, next_operand in it:
            next_res, next_expl = self.visit(next_operand)
            if isinstance(next_operand, (_ast.Compare, _ast.BoolOp)):
                next_expl = "({0})".format(next_expl)
            sym = binop_map[op.__class__]
            expl = "%s %s %s" % (left_expl, sym, next_expl)
            res_expr = ast.Compare(left_res, [op], [next_res])
            self.statements.append(ast.Assign([store_names[i]], res_expr))
            left_res, left_expl = next_res, next_expl
        # Use pytest.assertion.util._reprcompare if that's available.
        expl_call = self.helper("call_reprcompare",
                                ast.Tuple(syms, ast.Load()),
                                ast.Tuple(load_names, ast.Load()),
                                ast.Tuple(expls, ast.Load()),
                                ast.Tuple(results, ast.Load()))
        if len(comp.ops) > 1:
            res = ast.BoolOp(ast.And(), load_names)
            res = load_names[0]
        return res, self.explanation_param(self.pop_format_context(expl_call))
项目:opyum    作者:Amper    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visit_Call(self, node: ast.Call) -> ast.Call:
        node = self.generic_visit(node)
        if (node.args or node.starargs) and not (node.keywords or node.kwargs):
            func = node.func
            if isinstance(func, ast.Attribute):
                if func.attr == 'format' and isinstance(func.ctx, ast.Load):
                    if isinstance(func.value, ast.Str):
                        s = node.func.value.s
                        positions = ['{' + str(n) + '}' for n in range(0, s.count('{'))]
                            node.func.value.s = s.format(*positions)
                        except (ValueError, IndexError) as exc:
        return node