Python attr 模块,ib() 实例源码


项目:parsec-cloud    作者:Scille    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_do():
    class EDo:
        arg = attr.ib()

    def do_func(a, b):
        done_a = yield Effect(EDo(a))
        done_b = yield Effect(EDo(b))
        return [done_a, done_b]

    effect = do_func(1, 2)
    assert isinstance(effect, Effect)
    assert isinstance(effect.intent, ChainedIntent)
    dispatcher = TypeDispatcher({
        EDo: lambda intent: 'done: %s' % intent.arg
    ret = sync_perform(dispatcher, effect)
    assert ret == ['done: 1', 'done: 2']
项目:parsec-cloud    作者:Scille    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_chained_intent(self):
        class ENumToString:
            num = attr.ib()

        def collect_intent_results():
            intent_results = []
            for i in range(5):
                res = yield Effect(ENumToString(i))
            return ''.join(intent_results)

        effect = Effect(ChainedIntent(collect_intent_results()))
        dispatcher = TypeDispatcher({
            ENumToString: lambda intent: str(intent.num)
        ret = sync_perform(dispatcher, effect)
        assert ret == '01234'
项目:parsec-cloud    作者:Scille    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_chained_intent(self):
        class ENumToString:
            num = attr.ib()

        def collect_intent_results():
            intent_results = []
            for i in range(5):
                res = yield Effect(ENumToString(i))
            return ''.join(intent_results)

        effect = Effect(ChainedIntent(collect_intent_results()))
        dispatcher = TypeDispatcher({
            ENumToString: lambda intent: str(intent.num)
        ret = await asyncio_perform(dispatcher, effect)
        assert ret == '01234'
项目:cattrs    作者:Tinche    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_optional_field_roundtrip(converter, cl_and_vals):
    Classes with optional fields can be unstructured and structured.
    cl, vals = cl_and_vals

    class C(object):
        a = attr.ib(type=Optional[cl])

    inst = C(a=cl(*vals))
    assert inst == converter.structure(converter.unstructure(inst), C)

    inst = C(a=None)
    unstructured = converter.unstructure(inst)

    assert inst == converter.structure(unstructured, C)
项目:amqproto    作者:malinoff    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init_subclass__(cls, class_id, method_id, response_to=None,
                          followed_by_content=False, closing=False, **kwargs):

        cls.struct = make_struct(cls)

        cls.closing = closing
        cls.followed_by_content = followed_by_content
        if followed_by_content:
            cls.content = attr.ib(default=None)
        cls.responses = []
        cls.response_to = response_to
        if response_to is not None:

        cls.class_id = attr.ib(default=class_id, init=False)
        cls.method_id = attr.ib(default=method_id, init=False)
        cls.channel_id = attr.ib(default=None, init=False)

        cls.BY_ID[(class_id, method_id)] = cls
项目:trip-based-public-transit-routing-algo    作者:mk-fg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def attr_struct(cls=None, vals_to_attrs=False, defaults=..., **kws):
    if not cls:
        return ft.partial( attr_struct,
            vals_to_attrs=vals_to_attrs, defaults=defaults, **kws )
        keys = cls.keys
        del cls.keys
    except AttributeError: keys = list()
        attr_kws = dict()
        if defaults is not ...: attr_kws['default'] = defaults
        if isinstance(keys, str): keys = keys.split()
        for k in keys: setattr(cls, k, attr.ib(**attr_kws))
    if vals_to_attrs:
        for k, v in vars(cls).items():
            if k.startswith('_') or k in keys or callable(v): continue
            setattr(cls, k, attr.ib(v))
    kws.setdefault('hash', not hasattr(cls, '__hash__'))
    kws.setdefault('slots', True)
    return attr.s(cls, **kws)
项目:environ_config    作者:hynek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_secret_str_censors(self):
        _SecretStr censors it's __repr__ if its called from another __repr__.
        s = _SecretStr("abc")

        class Cfg(object):
            s = attr.ib()

        assert "Cfg(s=<SECRET>)" == repr(Cfg(s))
项目:environ_config    作者:hynek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_tolerates_attribs(self):
        Classes are allowed to have plain attr.ibs for e.g.
        class Cfg(object):
            e = environ.var()
            x = attr.ib(default=42)

        cfg = environ.to_config(Cfg, environ={
            "APP_E": "e",

        assert Cfg("e", 42) == cfg
项目:environ_config    作者:hynek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def var(default=RAISE, convert=None, name=None, validator=None):
    return attr.ib(
        metadata={CNF_KEY: _ConfigEntry(name, default, None)},
项目:environ_config    作者:hynek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def group(cls):
    return attr.ib(
        metadata={CNF_KEY: _ConfigEntry(None, None, cls, True)}
项目:environ_config    作者:hynek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def secret(self, default=RAISE, convert=None, name=None, section=None):
        if section is None:
            section = self.section

        return attr.ib(
                CNF_KEY: _ConfigEntry(name, default, None, self._get),
                CNF_INI_SECRET_KEY: _INIConfig(section),
项目:trio    作者:python-trio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_AsyncResource_defaults():
    class MyAR(tabc.AsyncResource):
        record = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(list))

        async def aclose(self):

    async with MyAR() as myar:
        assert isinstance(myar, MyAR)
        assert myar.record == []

    assert myar.record == ["ac"]
项目:parsec-cloud    作者:Scille    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_base(self):
        class EDoSomething:
            arg = attr.ib()

        dispatcher = TypeDispatcher({
            EDoSomething: lambda intent: 'bar'
        effect = Effect(EDoSomething('foo'))
        ret = sync_perform(dispatcher, effect)
        assert ret == 'bar'
项目:parsec-cloud    作者:Scille    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_base(self):
        class EDoSomething:
            arg = attr.ib()

        dispatcher = TypeDispatcher({
            EDoSomething: lambda intent: 'bar'
        effect = Effect(EDoSomething('foo'))
        ret = await asyncio_perform(dispatcher, effect)
        assert ret == 'bar'
项目:cattrs    作者:Tinche    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_edge_errors():
    """Edge input cases cause errors."""
    class A(object):

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        # Can't generate for only one class.

    class B(object):

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        # No fields on either class.
        create_uniq_field_dis_func(A, B)

    class C(object):
        a = attr.ib()

    class D(object):
        a = attr.ib()

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        # No unique fields on either class.
        create_uniq_field_dis_func(C, D)
项目:cattrs    作者:Tinche    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_union_field_roundtrip(converter, cl_and_vals_a, cl_and_vals_b, strat):
    Classes with union fields can be unstructured and structured.
    converter.unstruct_strat = strat
    cl_a, vals_a = cl_and_vals_a
    cl_b, vals_b = cl_and_vals_b
    a_field_names = { for a in fields(cl_a)}
    b_field_names = { for a in fields(cl_b)}

    common_names = a_field_names & b_field_names
    assume(len(a_field_names) > len(common_names))

    class C(object):
        a = attr.ib(type=Union[cl_a, cl_b])

    inst = C(a=cl_a(*vals_a))

    if strat is UnstructureStrategy.AS_DICT:
        assert inst == converter.structure(converter.unstructure(inst), C)
        # Our disambiguation functions only support dictionaries for now.
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            converter.structure(converter.unstructure(inst), C)

        def handler(obj, _):
            return converter.structure(obj, cl_a)

        converter._union_registry[Union[cl_a, cl_b]] = handler
        assert inst == converter.structure(converter.unstructure(inst), C)
        del converter._union_registry[Union[cl_a, cl_b]]
项目:cattrs    作者:Tinche    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bare_typed_attrs(draw, defaults=None):
    Generate a tuple of an attribute and a strategy that yields values
    appropriate for that attribute.
    default = attr.NOTHING
    if defaults is True or (defaults is None and draw(booleans())):
        default = None
    return ((attr.ib(type=Any, default=default), just(None)))
项目:cattrs    作者:Tinche    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def int_typed_attrs(draw, defaults=None):
    Generate a tuple of an attribute and a strategy that yields ints for that
    default = attr.NOTHING
    if defaults is True or (defaults is None and draw(booleans())):
        default = draw(integers())
    return ((attr.ib(type=int, default=default), integers()))
项目:cattrs    作者:Tinche    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def float_typed_attrs(draw, defaults=None):
    Generate a tuple of an attribute and a strategy that yields floats for that
    default = attr.NOTHING
    if defaults is True or (defaults is None and draw(booleans())):
        default = draw(floats())
    return ((attr.ib(type=float, default=default), floats()))
项目:cattrs    作者:Tinche    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dict_typed_attrs(draw, defaults=None):
    Generate a tuple of an attribute and a strategy that yields dictionaries
    for that attribute. The dictionaries map strings to integers.
    default = attr.NOTHING
    val_strat = dictionaries(keys=text(), values=integers())
    if defaults is True or (defaults is None and draw(booleans())):
        default = draw(val_strat)
    return ((attr.ib(type=Dict[unicode, int], default=default), val_strat))
项目:cattrs    作者:Tinche    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def just_class(tup):
    # tup: Tuple[List[Tuple[_CountingAttr, Strategy]],
    #            Tuple[Type, Sequence[Any]]]
    nested_cl = tup[1][0]
    nested_cl_args = tup[1][1]
    default = attr.Factory(lambda: nested_cl(*nested_cl_args))
    combined_attrs = list(tup[0])
    combined_attrs.append((attr.ib(type=nested_cl, default=default),
    return _create_hyp_class(combined_attrs)
项目:cattrs    作者:Tinche    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def list_of_class(tup):
    nested_cl = tup[1][0]
    nested_cl_args = tup[1][1]
    default = attr.Factory(lambda: [nested_cl(*nested_cl_args)])
    combined_attrs = list(tup[0])
    combined_attrs.append((attr.ib(type=List[nested_cl], default=default),
    return _create_hyp_class(combined_attrs)
项目:cattrs    作者:Tinche    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dict_of_class(tup):
    nested_cl = tup[1][0]
    nested_cl_args = tup[1][1]
    default = attr.Factory(lambda: {"cls": nested_cl(*nested_cl_args)})
    combined_attrs = list(tup[0])
    combined_attrs.append((attr.ib(type=Dict[str, nested_cl], default=default),
                           just({'cls': nested_cl(*nested_cl_args)})))
    return _create_hyp_class(combined_attrs)
项目:cattrs    作者:Tinche    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def list_of_class(tup):
    nested_cl = tup[1][0]
    default = attr.Factory(lambda: [nested_cl()])
    combined_attrs = list(tup[0])
    return _create_hyp_class(combined_attrs)
项目:cattrs    作者:Tinche    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dict_of_class(tup):
    nested_cl = tup[1][0]
    default = attr.Factory(lambda: {"cls": nested_cl()})
    combined_attrs = list(tup[0])
                          st.just({'cls': nested_cl()})))
    return _create_hyp_class(combined_attrs)
项目:cattrs    作者:Tinche    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bare_attrs(draw, defaults=None):
    Generate a tuple of an attribute and a strategy that yields values
    appropriate for that attribute.
    default = NOTHING
    if defaults is True or (defaults is None and draw(st.booleans())):
        default = None
    return ((attr.ib(default=default), st.just(None)))
项目:cattrs    作者:Tinche    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def int_attrs(draw, defaults=None):
    Generate a tuple of an attribute and a strategy that yields ints for that
    default = NOTHING
    if defaults is True or (defaults is None and draw(st.booleans())):
        default = draw(st.integers())
    return ((attr.ib(default=default), st.integers()))
项目:cattrs    作者:Tinche    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def str_attrs(draw, defaults=None):
    Generate a tuple of an attribute and a strategy that yields strs for that
    default = NOTHING
    if defaults is True or (defaults is None and draw(st.booleans())):
        default = draw(st.text())
    return ((attr.ib(default=default), st.text()))
项目:cattrs    作者:Tinche    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dict_attrs(draw, defaults=None):
    Generate a tuple of an attribute and a strategy that yields dictionaries
    for that attribute. The dictionaries map strings to integers.
    default = NOTHING
    val_strat = st.dictionaries(keys=st.text(), values=st.integers())
    if defaults is True or (defaults is None and draw(st.booleans())):
        default_val = draw(val_strat)
        default = attr.Factory(lambda: default_val)
    return ((attr.ib(default=default), val_strat))
项目:gitmate-2    作者:GitMateIO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_fake_bugspots(hotspot_files):
    class BugspotsResult:
        filename = attr.ib(convert=str)

    class FakeBugspots:
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

        def get_hotspots(self):
            return [BugspotsResult(file) for file in hotspot_files]

    return FakeBugspots
项目:jsonschema-extractor    作者:toumorokoshi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_unextractable_schema(extractor):
    """ test an attrs class which we can't extract schema from. """
    class NoBueno(object):
        foo = attr.ib()
    with pytest.raises(UnextractableSchema):
项目:reobject    作者:onyb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Field(*args, default=attr.NOTHING, **kwargs):
    if callable(default):
        default = attr.Factory(default)

    return attr.ib(*args, default=default, **kwargs)
项目:reobject    作者:onyb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ForeignKey(cls, *args, **kwargs):
    metadata = {
        'related': {
            'target': cls,
            'type': 'ForeignKey',

    return attr.ib(*args, metadata=metadata, **kwargs)
项目:amqproto    作者:malinoff    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init_subclass__(cls, soft, reply_code, **kwargs):
        cls.soft = attr.ib(default=soft)
        cls.reply_code = attr.ib(default=reply_code)
        cls.BY_ID[reply_code] = cls
项目:amqproto    作者:malinoff    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init_subclass__(cls, class_id, **kwargs):
        cls.class_id = attr.ib(default=class_id, init=False)
        cls.struct = make_struct(
            cls, exclude_attrs={'class_id'}, struct=PropertiesStruct
        cls.BY_ID[class_id] = cls
项目:trip-based-public-transit-routing-algo    作者:mk-fg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def attr_init(factory_or_default=attr.NOTHING, **attr_kws):
    if callable(factory_or_default): factory_or_default = attr.Factory(factory_or_default)
    return attr.ib(default=factory_or_default, **attr_kws)
项目:pillar    作者:armadillica    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def log(name):
    """Returns a logger attr.ib

    :param name: name to pass to logging.getLogger()
    :rtype: attr.ib
    return attr.ib(default=logging.getLogger(name),
项目:niceman    作者:ReproNim    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def attrib(*args, **kwargs):
    Extend the attr.ib to include our metadata elements.

    ATM we support additional keyword args which are then stored within
    - `doc` for documentation to describe the attribute (e.g. in --help)
    doc = kwargs.pop('doc', None)
    metadata = kwargs.get('metadata', {})
    if doc:
        metadata['doc'] = doc
    if metadata:
        kwargs['metadata'] = metadata
    return attr.ib(*args, **kwargs)
项目:niceman    作者:ReproNim    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, path, session):
        """Representation for a repository

        path: str
           Path to the top of the repository

        self.path = path.rstrip(os.sep)  # TODO: might be done as some rg to attr.ib
        self._session = session
        self._all_files = None
        self._branch = None
项目:niceman    作者:ReproNim    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def TypedList(type_):
    """A helper to generate an attribute which would be with list factory 
    but also defining a type in its metadata
    return attr.ib(default=Factory(list), metadata={'type': type_})

# Models
项目:pycoalaip    作者:bigchaindb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        """Mimic attr.s(frozen=True) behaviour but allow for attributes
        to be initialized after class instantiation.

        Useful when you would like a class to be immutable after a
        certain action, such as a save to a database.

        Any attributes created with ``attr.ib(init=False)`` or are
        initially set to ``None`` in ``__init__()`` are allowed to have
        their values be set once after initialization. Any other
        attributes with initial values set are immediately frozen upon

        **Note**: Obviously, this doesn't stop anyone from setting the
        uninitialized attributes before you've set it yourself.
        Hopefully, you've got responsibile users.

            :class:`attr.exceptions.FronzenInstanceError`: if a frozen
                attribute is set
        current_value = getattr(self, name, None)
        if current_value is None or isinstance(current_value, attr.Attribute):
            super().__setattr__(name, value)
            raise attr.exceptions.FrozenInstanceError()
项目:pycoalaip    作者:bigchaindb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_is_callable_cls():
    from coalaip.model_validators import is_callable

    class TestCallable:
        fn = attr.ib(validator=is_callable)

    return TestCallable
项目:pycoalaip    作者:bigchaindb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_use_model_attr_cls():
    from coalaip.model_validators import use_model_attr

    class TestUseModelAttr:
        validator = attr.ib()
        test = attr.ib(validator=use_model_attr('validator'))

    return TestUseModelAttr
项目:pycoalaip    作者:bigchaindb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_test_does_not_contain_cls():
    from coalaip.model_validators import does_not_contain

    def create_cls(*avoid_keys):
        def validator(*args, **kwargs):

        class TestDoesNotContain:
            data = attr.ib(validator=validator)

        return TestDoesNotContain

    return create_cls
项目:txkube    作者:LeastAuthority    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_reactor():
    Twisted 17.1.0 and higher requires a reactor which implements

    class Resolution(object):
        name = attr.ib()

    class _FakeResolver(object):

        def resolveHostName(self, resolutionReceiver, hostName, *args,  **kwargs):
            portNumber = kwargs.pop('portNumber')
            r = Resolution(name=hostName)

            if hostName in HOST_MAP:
                    IPv4Address('TCP', HOST_MAP[hostName], portNumber))
            return r

    class _ResolvingMemoryClockReactor(MemoryReactorClock):
        nameResolver = _FakeResolver()

    return _ResolvingMemoryClockReactor()
项目:hgvs    作者:biocommons    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _run_comparison(self, hgvsc, expected_sequence):

        # test replicates the internal class of p_to_c
        class RefTranscriptData(object):
            transcript_sequence = attr.ib()
            aa_sequence = attr.ib()
            cds_start = attr.ib()
            cds_stop = attr.ib()
            protein_accession = attr.ib()

            def setup_transcript_data(cls, ac, ac_p, db, ref="GRCh37.p10"):
                """helper for generating RefTranscriptData from for c_to_p"""
                tx_info = db.get_tx_info(ac)
                tx_seq = db.get_tx_seq(ac)

                if tx_info is None or tx_seq is None:
                    raise hgvs.exceptions.HGVSError("Missing transcript data for accession: {}".format(ac))

                # use 1-based hgvs coords
                cds_start = tx_info["cds_start_i"] + 1
                cds_stop = tx_info["cds_end_i"]

                # padding list so biopython won't complain during the conversion
                tx_seq_to_translate = tx_seq[cds_start - 1:cds_stop]
                if len(tx_seq_to_translate) % 3 != 0:
                    "".join(list(tx_seq_to_translate).extend(["N"] * ((3 - len(tx_seq_to_translate) % 3) % 3)))

                tx_seq_cds = Seq(tx_seq_to_translate)
                protein_seq = str(tx_seq_cds.translate())

                transcript_data = RefTranscriptData(tx_seq, protein_seq, cds_start, cds_stop, ac_p)

                return transcript_data

        ac_p = "DUMMY"
        var = self._parser.parse_hgvs_variant(hgvsc)
        transcript_data = RefTranscriptData.setup_transcript_data(, ac_p, self._datasource)

        builder = altseqbuilder.AltSeqBuilder(var, transcript_data)
        insert_result = builder.build_altseq()
        actual_sequence = insert_result[0].transcript_sequence
        msg = "expected: {}\nactual  : {}".format(expected_sequence, actual_sequence)
        self.assertEqual(expected_sequence, actual_sequence, msg)
项目:txkube    作者:LeastAuthority    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_comparison(self):
        The binary comparison operations work on ``KubernetesError`` as expected.
        model = v1_5_model

        a1 = KubernetesError(200, model.v1.Status(status=u"A"))
        a2 = KubernetesError(200, model.v1.Status(status=u"A"))
        b = KubernetesError(201, model.v1.Status(status=u"A"))
        c = KubernetesError(200, model.v1.Status(status=u"B"))

        # a1 == a2
        self.expectThat(a1, Equals(a2))
        # not (a1 != a2)
        self.expectThat(a1, Not(NotEquals(a2)))
        # not (a1 > a2)
        self.expectThat(a1, Not(GreaterThan(a2)))
        # not (a1 < a2)
        self.expectThat(a1, Not(LessThan(a2)))

        # not (a1 == b)
        self.expectThat(a1, Not(Equals(b)))
        # a1 != b
        self.expectThat(a1, NotEquals(b))
        # a1 < b
        self.expectThat(a1, LessThan(b))
        # not (a1 > b)
        self.expectThat(a1, Not(GreaterThan(b)))

        # not (a1 == c)
        self.expectThat(a1, Not(Equals(b)))
        # a1 != c
        self.expectThat(a1, NotEquals(b))
        # a1 < c
        self.expectThat(a1, LessThan(c))
        # not (a1 > c)
        self.expectThat(a1, Not(GreaterThan(c)))

        class Comparator(object):
            result = attr.ib()

            def __cmp__(self, other):
                return self.result

        largest = Comparator(1)
        equalest = Comparator(0)
        smallest = Comparator(-1)

        # a1 < largest
        self.expectThat(a1, LessThan(largest))
        # a1 == equalest
        self.expectThat(a1, Equals(equalest))
        # a1 > smallest
        self.expectThat(a1, GreaterThan(smallest))