Python base58 模块,b58decode() 实例源码


项目:CTF    作者:calee0219    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def solve(x):
    cry = x 
    clear = base58.b58decode(cry)
    li = list()
    for i in clear:
    ori = clear[:-4]
    #chk = clear[-4:]
    rechk = hashlib.sha256(ori).digest()
    rechk = hashlib.sha256(rechk).digest()
    #a = list()
    #for i in rechk:
    #    a.append(ord(i))
    checksum = rechk[:4]
    final = ori+checksum
    return base58.b58encode(final)
项目:PyWaves    作者:PyWaves    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reissueAsset(self, Asset, quantity, reissuable=False, txFee=pywaves.DEFAULT_TX_FEE):
        timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000)
        sData = b'\5' + \
                base58.b58decode(self.publicKey) + \
                base58.b58decode(Asset.assetId) + \
                struct.pack(">Q", quantity) + \
                (b'\1' if reissuable else b'\0') + \
                struct.pack(">Q",txFee) + \
                struct.pack(">Q", timestamp)
        signature = crypto.sign(self.privateKey, sData)
        data = json.dumps({
            "senderPublicKey": self.publicKey,
            "assetId": Asset.assetId,
            "quantity": quantity,
            "timestamp": timestamp,
            "reissuable": reissuable,
            "fee": txFee,
            "signature": signature
        req = pywaves.wrapper('/assets/broadcast/reissue', data)
        if pywaves.OFFLINE:
            return req
            return req.get('id', 'ERROR')
项目:PyWaves    作者:PyWaves    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def burnAsset(self, Asset, quantity, txFee=pywaves.DEFAULT_TX_FEE):
        timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000)
        sData = '\6' + \
                base58.b58decode(self.publicKey) + \
                base58.b58decode(Asset.assetId) + \
                struct.pack(">Q", quantity) + \
                struct.pack(">Q", txFee) + \
                struct.pack(">Q", timestamp)
        signature = crypto.sign(self.privateKey, sData)
        data = json.dumps({
            "senderPublicKey": self.publicKey,
            "assetId": Asset.assetId,
            "quantity": quantity,
            "timestamp": timestamp,
            "fee": txFee,
            "signature": signature
        req = pywaves.wrapper('/assets/broadcast/burn', data)
        if pywaves.OFFLINE:
            return req
            return req.get('id', 'ERROR')
项目:PyWaves    作者:PyWaves    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cancelOrder(self, assetPair, order):
        if not pywaves.OFFLINE:
            if order.status() == 'Filled':
                logging.error("Order already filled")
            elif not order.status():
                logging.error("Order not found")
        sData = base58.b58decode(self.publicKey) + \
        signature = crypto.sign(self.privateKey, sData)
        data = json.dumps({
            "sender": self.publicKey,
            "orderId": order.orderId,
            "signature": signature
        req = pywaves.wrapper('/matcher/orderbook/%s/%s/cancel' % ('WAVES' if assetPair.asset1.assetId=='' else assetPair.asset1.assetId, 'WAVES' if assetPair.asset2.assetId=='' else assetPair.asset2.assetId), data, host=pywaves.MATCHER)
        if pywaves.OFFLINE:
            return req
            id = -1
            if req['status'] == 'OrderCanceled':
                id = req['orderId']
      'Order Cancelled - ID: %s' % id)
            return id
项目:PyWaves    作者:PyWaves    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cancelOrderByID(self, assetPair, orderId):
        sData = base58.b58decode(self.publicKey) + \
        signature = crypto.sign(self.privateKey, sData)
        data = json.dumps({
            "sender": self.publicKey,
            "orderId": orderId,
            "signature": signature
        req = pywaves.wrapper('/matcher/orderbook/%s/%s/cancel' % ('WAVES' if assetPair.asset1.assetId=='' else assetPair.asset1.assetId, 'WAVES' if assetPair.asset2.assetId=='' else assetPair.asset2.assetId), data, host=pywaves.MATCHER)
        if pywaves.OFFLINE:
            return req
            id = -1
            if req['status'] == 'OrderCanceled':
                id = req['orderId']
      'Order Cancelled - ID: %s' % id)
            return id
项目:PyWaves    作者:PyWaves    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def createAlias(self, alias, txFee=pywaves.DEFAULT_ALIAS_FEE, timestamp=0):
        aliasWithNetwork = b'\x02' + str(pywaves.CHAIN_ID) + struct.pack(">H", len(alias)) + crypto.str2bytes(alias)
        if not self.privateKey:
            logging.error('Private key required')
            if timestamp == 0:
                timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000)
            sData = b'\x0a' + \
                    base58.b58decode(self.publicKey) + \
                    struct.pack(">H", len(aliasWithNetwork)) + \
                    crypto.str2bytes(aliasWithNetwork) + \
                    struct.pack(">Q", txFee) + \
                    struct.pack(">Q", timestamp)
            signature = crypto.sign(self.privateKey, sData)
            data = json.dumps({
                "alias": alias,
                "senderPublicKey": self.publicKey,
                "fee": txFee,
                "timestamp": timestamp,
                "signature": signature
            return pywaves.wrapper('/alias/broadcast/create', data)
项目:oldchain-client    作者:mediachain    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def multihash_ref(ref):
    if isinstance(ref, MultihashReference):
        return ref

        ref = ref.reference
    except AttributeError:
        ref = ref['@link']
    except (TypeError, KeyError):

        ref = base58.b58decode(ref)
    except ValueError:
    return MultihashReference(multihash=ref)
项目:neo-python    作者:CityOfZion    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ToScriptHash(self, address):
        Retrieve the script_hash based from an address.

            address (str): a base58 encoded address.

            ValuesError: if an invalid address is supplied or the coin version is incorrect.
            Exception: if the address checksum fails.

            UInt160: script hash.
        data = b58decode(address)
        if len(data) != 25:
            raise ValueError('Not correct Address, wrong length.')
        if data[0] != self.AddressVersion:
            raise ValueError('Not correct Coin Version')

        checksum = Crypto.Default().Hash256(data[:21])[:4]
        if checksum != data[21:]:
            raise Exception('Address format error')
        return UInt160(data=data[1:21])
项目:bigchaindb    作者:bigchaindb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _fulfillment_from_details(data, _depth=0):
    """Load a fulfillment for a signing spec dictionary

        data: tx.output[].condition.details dictionary
    if _depth == 100:
        raise ThresholdTooDeep()

    if data['type'] == 'ed25519-sha-256':
        public_key = base58.b58decode(data['public_key'])
        return Ed25519Sha256(public_key=public_key)

    if data['type'] == 'threshold-sha-256':
        threshold = ThresholdSha256(data['threshold'])
        for cond in data['subconditions']:
            cond = _fulfillment_from_details(cond, _depth+1)
        return threshold

    raise UnsupportedTypeError(data.get('type'))
项目:bitcoin_tools    作者:sr-gi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def btc_addr_to_hash_160(btc_addr):
    """ Calculates the RIPEMD-160 hash from a given Bitcoin address

    :param btc_addr: Bitcoin address.
    :type btc_addr: str
    :return: The corresponding RIPEMD-160 hash.
    :rtype: hex str

    # Base 58 decode the Bitcoin address.
    decoded_addr = b58decode(btc_addr)
    # Covert the address from bytes to hex.
    decoded_addr_hex = hexlify(decoded_addr)
    # Obtain the RIPEMD-160 hash by removing the first and four last bytes of the decoded address, corresponding to
    # the network version and the checksum of the address.
    h160 = decoded_addr_hex[2:-8]

    return h160
项目:DarkWallet    作者:DissentDifference    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get(self, address=None):
        if address is None:
            raise HTTPError(400, reason="No address")

            from_height = long(self.get_argument("from_height", 0))
            raise HTTPError(400)

        address_decoded = base58.b58decode(address)
        address_version = address_decoded[0]
        address_hash = address_decoded[1:21]

        request = {
            "id": random_id_number(),
            "params": [address_version, address_hash, from_height]

        self.application._obelisk_handler.handle_request(self, request)
项目:cryptoconditions    作者:bigchaindb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_dict(self, data):
        Generate fulfillment payload from a dict

            data (dict): description of the fulfillment

        self.public_key = base58.b58decode(data['public_key'])
        if data['signature']:
            self.signature = base58.b58decode(data['signature'])

    # TODO Adapt according to outcomes of
项目:pywavestools    作者:PyWaves    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sendAsset(pubKey, privKey, recipient, assetId, amount, txfee):
    timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000)
    sData = '\4' + base58.b58decode(pubKey) + '\1' + base58.b58decode(assetId) + '\0' + struct.pack(">Q", timestamp) + struct.pack(">Q", amount) + struct.pack(">Q", txfee) + base58.b58decode(recipient) + '\0\0'
    random64 = os.urandom(64)
    signature = base58.b58encode(curve.calculateSignature(random64, base58.b58decode(privKey), sData))

    data = json.dumps({
        "assetId": assetId,
        "senderPublicKey": pubKey,
        "recipient": recipient,
        "amount": amount,
        "fee": txfee,
        "timestamp": timestamp,
        "attachment": "",
        "signature": signature

    c = pycurl.Curl()
    c.setopt(pycurl.URL, "http://%s:%s/assets/broadcast/transfer" % (NODE_IP, NODE_PORT))
    c.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type: application/json', 'Accept: application/json'])
    c.setopt(pycurl.POST, 1)
    c.setopt(pycurl.POSTFIELDS, data)
项目:indy-plenum    作者:hyperledger    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def commit(self, txnCount, stateRoot, txnRoot) -> List:
        :param txnCount: The number of requests to commit (The actual requests
        are picked up from the uncommitted list from the ledger)
        :param stateRoot: The state trie root after the txns are committed
        :param txnRoot: The txn merkle root after the txns are committed

        :return: list of committed transactions

        (seqNoStart, seqNoEnd), committedTxns = \
        stateRoot = base58.b58decode(stateRoot.encode())
        # Probably the following assertion fail should trigger catchup
        assert self.ledger.root_hash == txnRoot, '{} {}'.format(
            self.ledger.root_hash, txnRoot)
        return txnsWithSeqNo(seqNoStart, seqNoEnd, committedTxns)
项目:CTF    作者:calee0219    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def solve(x):
    base58char = '123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz'
    for i in range(len(x)):
        for char in base58char:
            cry = x[:i]+char+x[i+1:]
            print cry
            clear = base58.b58decode(str(cry))
            ori = clear[:-4]
            chk = clear[-4:]
            rechk = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(ori).digest()).digest()
            if chk == rechk[:4]: return cry
    for i in range(len(x)):
        for j in range(len(x)):
            if i == j: continue
            for charI in base58char:
                for charJ in base58char:
                    cry = x[:i]+charI+x[i+1:]
                    cry = cry[:j]+charJ+cry[j+1:]
                    print cry
                    clear = base58.b58decode(str(cry))
                    ori = clear[:-4]
                    chk = clear[-4:]
                    rechk = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(ori).digest()).digest()
                    if chk == rechk[:4]: return cry
    clear = base58.b58decode(str(cry))
    #li = list()
    #for i in clear:
    #    li.append(ord(i))
    ori = clear[:-4]
    chk = clear[-4:]
    rechk = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(ori).digest()).digest()
    checksum = rechk[:4]
    final = ori+checksum
    return base58.b58encode(final)

#print solve(cry)
#print solve('15GJF8Do1NDSMy4eV8H82dfFtTvKaqYyhg')
项目:abe-bootstrap    作者:TryCoin-Team    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def b58hex(b58):
        return base58.b58decode(b58, None).encode('hex_codec')
    except Exception:
        raise PageNotFound()
项目:abe-bootstrap    作者:TryCoin-Team    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def shortlink_block(link):
        data = base58.b58decode(link, None)
    except Exception:
        raise PageNotFound()
    return ('00' * ord(data[0])) + data[1:].encode('hex_codec')
项目:abe-bootstrap    作者:TryCoin-Team    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def decode_address(addr):
    bytes = base58.b58decode(addr, None)
    if len(bytes) < 25:
        bytes = ('\0' * (25 - len(bytes))) + bytes
    return bytes[:-24], bytes[-24:-4]
项目:abe-bootstrap    作者:TryCoin-Team    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def b58hex(b58):
        return base58.b58decode(b58, None).encode('hex_codec')
    except Exception:
        raise PageNotFound()
项目:abe-bootstrap    作者:TryCoin-Team    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def shortlink_block(link):
        data = base58.b58decode(link, None)
    except Exception:
        raise PageNotFound()
    return ('00' * ord(data[0])) + data[1:].encode('hex_codec')
项目:PyWaves    作者:PyWaves    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _generate(self, privateKey='', seed=''):
        self.seed = seed
        if not privateKey and not seed:
            wordCount = 2048
            words = []
            for i in range(5):
                r = crypto.bytes2str(os.urandom(4))
                x = (ord(r[3])) + (ord(r[2]) << 8) + (ord(r[1]) << 16) + (ord(r[0]) << 24)
                w1 = x % wordCount
                w2 = ((int(x / wordCount) >> 0) + w1) % wordCount
                w3 = ((int((int(x / wordCount) >> 0) / wordCount) >> 0) + w2) % wordCount
            self.seed = ' '.join(words)

        seedHash = crypto.hashChain(('\0\0\0\0' + self.seed).encode('utf-8'))
        accountSeedHash = crypto.sha256(seedHash)
        if not privateKey:
            privKey = curve.generatePrivateKey(accountSeedHash)
            privKey = base58.b58decode(privateKey)
        pubKey = curve.generatePublicKey(privKey)
        unhashedAddress = chr(1) + str(pywaves.CHAIN_ID) + crypto.hashChain(pubKey)[0:20]
        addressHash = crypto.hashChain(crypto.str2bytes(unhashedAddress))[0:4]
        self.address = base58.b58encode(crypto.str2bytes(unhashedAddress + addressHash))
        self.publicKey = base58.b58encode(pubKey)
        self.privateKey = base58.b58encode(privKey)
项目:PyWaves    作者:PyWaves    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def issueAsset(self, name, description, quantity, decimals=0, reissuable=False, txFee=pywaves.DEFAULT_ASSET_FEE):
        if not self.privateKey:
            logging.error('Private key required')
        elif len(name) < 4 or len(name) > 16:
            logging.error('Asset name must be between 4 and 16 characters long')
            timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000)
            sData = b'\3' + \
                    base58.b58decode(self.publicKey) + \
                    struct.pack(">H", len(name)) + \
                    crypto.str2bytes(name) + \
                    struct.pack(">H", len(description)) + \
                    crypto.str2bytes(description) + \
                    struct.pack(">Q", quantity) + \
                    struct.pack(">B", decimals) + \
                    (b'\1' if reissuable else b'\0') + \
                    struct.pack(">Q", txFee) + \
                    struct.pack(">Q", timestamp)
            signature=crypto.sign(self.privateKey, sData)
            data = json.dumps({
                "senderPublicKey": self.publicKey,
                "name": name,
                "quantity": quantity,
                "timestamp": timestamp,
                "description": description,
                "decimals": decimals,
                "reissuable": reissuable,
                "fee": txFee,
                "signature": signature
            req = pywaves.wrapper('/assets/broadcast/issue', data)
            if pywaves.OFFLINE:
                return req
                return pywaves.Asset(req['assetId'])
项目:PyWaves    作者:PyWaves    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sendWaves(self, recipient, amount, attachment='', txFee=pywaves.DEFAULT_TX_FEE, timestamp=0):
        if not self.privateKey:
            logging.error('Private key required')
        elif amount <= 0:
            logging.error('Amount must be > 0')
        elif not pywaves.OFFLINE and self.balance() < amount + txFee:
            logging.error('Insufficient Waves balance')
            if timestamp == 0:
                timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000)
            sData = b'\4' + \
                    base58.b58decode(self.publicKey) + \
                    b'\0\0' + \
                    struct.pack(">Q", timestamp) + \
                    struct.pack(">Q", amount) + \
                    struct.pack(">Q", txFee) + \
                    base58.b58decode(recipient.address) + \
                    struct.pack(">H", len(attachment)) + \
            signature = crypto.sign(self.privateKey, sData)
            data = json.dumps({
                "senderPublicKey": self.publicKey,
                "recipient": recipient.address,
                "amount": amount,
                "fee": txFee,
                "timestamp": timestamp,
                "attachment": base58.b58encode(crypto.str2bytes(attachment)),
                "signature": signature
            return pywaves.wrapper('/assets/broadcast/transfer', data)
项目:PyWaves    作者:PyWaves    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lease(self, recipient, amount, txFee=pywaves.DEFAULT_LEASE_FEE, timestamp=0):
        if not self.privateKey:
            logging.error('Private key required')
        elif amount <= 0:
            logging.error('Amount must be > 0')
        elif not pywaves.OFFLINE and self.balance() < amount + txFee:
            logging.error('Insufficient Waves balance')
            if timestamp == 0:
                timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000)
            sData = b'\x08' + \
                    base58.b58decode(self.publicKey) + \
                    base58.b58decode(recipient.address) + \
                    struct.pack(">Q", amount) + \
                    struct.pack(">Q", txFee) + \
                    struct.pack(">Q", timestamp)
            signature = crypto.sign(self.privateKey, sData)
            data = json.dumps({
                "senderPublicKey": self.publicKey,
                "recipient": recipient.address,
                "amount": amount,
                "fee": txFee,
                "timestamp": timestamp,
                "signature": signature
            req = pywaves.wrapper('/leasing/broadcast/lease', data)
            if pywaves.OFFLINE:
                return req
                return req['id']
项目:PyWaves    作者:PyWaves    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def leaseCancel(self, leaseId, txFee=pywaves.DEFAULT_LEASE_FEE, timestamp=0):
        if not self.privateKey:
            logging.error('Private key required')
        elif not pywaves.OFFLINE and self.balance() < txFee:
            logging.error('Insufficient Waves balance')
            if timestamp == 0:
                timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000)
            sData = b'\x09' + \
                    base58.b58decode(self.publicKey) + \
                    struct.pack(">Q", txFee) + \
                    struct.pack(">Q", timestamp) + \
            signature = crypto.sign(self.privateKey, sData)
            data = json.dumps({
                "senderPublicKey": self.publicKey,
                "txId": leaseId,
                "fee": txFee,
                "timestamp": timestamp,
                "signature": signature
            req = pywaves.wrapper('/leasing/broadcast/cancel', data)
            if pywaves.OFFLINE:
                return req
            elif 'leaseId' in req:
                return req['leaseId']
项目:PyWaves    作者:PyWaves    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cancelOpenOrders(self, assetPair):
        orders = self.getOrderHistory(assetPair)
        for order in orders:
            status = order['status']
            orderId = order['id']
            if status=='Accepted' or status=='PartiallyFilled':
                sData = base58.b58decode(self.publicKey) + \
                signature = crypto.sign(self.privateKey, sData)
                data = json.dumps({
                    "sender": self.publicKey,
                    "orderId": orderId,
                    "signature": signature
                pywaves.wrapper('/matcher/orderbook/%s/%s/cancel' % ('WAVES' if assetPair.asset1.assetId == '' else assetPair.asset1.assetId, 'WAVES' if assetPair.asset2.assetId == '' else assetPair.asset2.assetId), data, host=pywaves.MATCHER)
项目:PyWaves    作者:PyWaves    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def deleteOrderHistory(self, assetPair):
        orders = self.getOrderHistory(assetPair)
        for order in orders:
            orderId = order['id']
            sData = base58.b58decode(self.publicKey) + \
            signature = crypto.sign(self.privateKey, sData)
            data = json.dumps({
                "sender": self.publicKey,
                "orderId": orderId,
                "signature": signature
            pywaves.wrapper('/matcher/orderbook/%s/%s/delete' % ('WAVES' if assetPair.asset1.assetId == '' else assetPair.asset1.assetId, 'WAVES' if assetPair.asset2.assetId == '' else assetPair.asset2.assetId), data, host=pywaves.MATCHER)
项目:PyWaves    作者:PyWaves    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sign(privateKey, message):
    random64 = os.urandom(64)
    return base58.b58encode(curve.calculateSignature(random64, base58.b58decode(privateKey), message))
项目:storj-python-sdk    作者:Storj    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def simpleDecrypt(self, passphrase, base58_data):
        """Decrypt data.
            passphrase (str): passphrase to use for decryption.
            base58_data (str/bytes): base58-encoded encrypted data.
            (str): original data.
        key, iv = self.EVP_BytesToKey(passphrase, 32, 16)
        return self.decrypt(base58.b58decode(base58_data), key, iv)
项目:claimchain-core    作者:gdanezis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ascii2bytes(s):
    >>> ascii2bytes('3yZe7d')
    return b58decode(s)
项目:claimchain-core    作者:gdanezis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ascii2pet(s):
    >>> ascii2pet('3Xw3vNAdCmDLs')
    return decode(b58decode(s))
项目:oldchain-client    作者:mediachain    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def from_base58(cls, base58str):
        byte_string = b58decode(base58str)
        return cls(byte_string)
项目:indy-client    作者:hyperledger-archives    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def verifySignature(self, msg: Dict[str, str]):
        signature = msg.get(f.SIG.nm)
        identifier = msg.get(IDENTIFIER)
        msgWithoutSig = {k: v for k, v in msg.items() if k != f.SIG.nm}
        # TODO This assumes the current key is the cryptonym. This is a BAD
        # ASSUMPTION!!! Sovrin needs to provide the current key.
        ser = serializeMsg(msgWithoutSig)
        signature = b58decode(signature.encode())
        typ = msg.get(TYPE)
        # TODO: Maybe keeping ACCEPT_INVITE open is a better option than keeping
        # an if condition here?
        if typ == ACCEPT_INVITE:
            verkey = msg.get(VERKEY)
                link = self.getLinkForMsg(msg)
                verkey = self.getVerkeyForLink(link)
            except (LinkNotFound, VerkeyNotFound):
                # This is for verification of `NOTIFY` events
                link = self.wallet.getLinkBy(remote=identifier)
                # TODO: If verkey is None, it should be fetched from Sovrin.
                # Assuming CID for now.
                verkey = link.remoteVerkey

        v = DidVerifier(verkey, identifier=identifier)
        if not v.verify(signature, ser):
            raise SignatureRejected
            if typ == ACCEPT_INVITE:
      'Signature accepted.')
            return True
项目:indy-client    作者:hyperledger-archives    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _getNym(self, nym):
        identity = Identity(identifier=nym)
        req = self.activeWallet.requestIdentity(
            identity, sender=self.activeWallet.defaultId)
        self.print("Getting nym {}".format(nym))

        def getNymReply(reply, err, *args):
                if err:
                    self.print("Error: {}".format(err), Token.BoldOrange)

                if reply and reply[DATA]:
                    if data:
                        idr = base58.b58decode(nym)
                        if data.get(VERKEY) is None:
                            if len(idr) == 32:
                                    "Current verkey is same as identifier {}"
                                        .format(nym), Token.BoldBlue)
                                    "No verkey ever assigned to the identifier {}".
                                    format(nym), Token.BoldBlue)
                        if data.get(VERKEY) == '':
                            self.print("No active verkey found for the identifier {}".
                                       format(nym), Token.BoldBlue)
                            self.print("Current verkey for NYM {} is {}".
                                       format(nym, data[VERKEY]), Token.BoldBlue)
                    self.print("NYM {} not found".format(nym), Token.BoldBlue)
            except BaseException as e:
                self.print("Error during fetching verkey: {}".format(e),

        self.looper.loop.call_later(.2, self._ensureReqCompleted,
                                    req.key, self.activeClient, getNymReply)
项目:indy-client    作者:hyperledger-archives    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def doAttrDisclose(self, origin, target, txnId, key):
        box = libnacl.public.Box(b58decode(origin), b58decode(target))

        data = json.dumps({TXN_ID: txnId, SKEY: key})
        nonce, boxedMsg = box.encrypt(data.encode(), pack_nonce=False)

        op = {
            TARGET_NYM: target,
            TXN_TYPE: DISCLO,
            NONCE: b58encode(nonce),
            DATA: b58encode(boxedMsg)
        self.submit(op, identifier=origin)
项目:neo-python    作者:CityOfZion    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def PrivateKeyFromWIF(wif):
        Get the private key from a WIF key

            wif (str): The wif key

            bytes: The private key
        if wif is None or len(wif) is not 52:
            raise ValueError('Please provide a wif with a length of 52 bytes (LEN: {0:d})'.format(len(wif)))

        data = base58.b58decode(wif)

        length = len(data)

        if length is not 38 or data[0] is not 0x80 or data[33] is not 0x01:
            raise ValueError("Invalid format!")

        checksum = Crypto.Hash256(data[0:34])[0:4]

        if checksum != data[34:]:
            raise ValueError("Invalid WIF Checksum!")

        return data[1:33]
项目:neo-python    作者:CityOfZion    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def AddrStrToScriptHash(address):
        data = b58decode(address)
        if len(data) != 25:
            raise ValueError('Not correct Address, wrong length.')
        if data[0] != settings.ADDRESS_VERSION:
            raise ValueError('Not correct Coin Version')

        checksum = Crypto.Default().Hash256(data[:21])[:4]
        if checksum != data[21:]:
            raise Exception('Address format error')
        return UInt160(data=data[1:21])
项目:indy-node    作者:hyperledger    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def verifySignature(self, msg: Dict[str, str]):
        signature = msg.get(f.SIG.nm)
        identifier = msg.get(IDENTIFIER)
        msgWithoutSig = {k: v for k, v in msg.items() if k != f.SIG.nm}
        # TODO This assumes the current key is the cryptonym. This is a BAD
        # ASSUMPTION!!! Indy needs to provide the current key.
        ser = serialize_msg_for_signing(msgWithoutSig)
        signature = b58decode(signature.encode())
        typ = msg.get(TYPE)
        # TODO: Maybe keeping ACCEPT_INVITE open is a better option than keeping
        # an if condition here?
        if typ == ACCEPT_INVITE:
            verkey = msg.get(VERKEY)
                link = self.getLinkForMsg(msg)
                verkey = self.getVerkeyForLink(link)
            except (ConnectionNotFound, VerkeyNotFound):
                # This is for verification of `NOTIFY` events
                link = self.wallet.getConnectionBy(remote=identifier)
                # TODO: If verkey is None, it should be fetched from Indy.
                # Assuming CID for now.
                verkey = link.remoteVerkey

        v = DidVerifier(verkey, identifier=identifier)
        if not v.verify(signature, ser):
            raise SignatureRejected
            if typ == ACCEPT_INVITE:
      'Signature accepted.')
            return True
项目:indy-node    作者:hyperledger    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def doAttrDisclose(self, origin, target, txnId, key):
        box = libnacl.public.Box(b58decode(origin), b58decode(target))

        data = json.dumps({TXN_ID: txnId, SKEY: key})
        nonce, boxedMsg = box.encrypt(data.encode(), pack_nonce=False)

        op = {
            TARGET_NYM: target,
            TXN_TYPE: DISCLO,
            NONCE: b58encode(nonce),
            DATA: b58encode(boxedMsg)
        self.submit(op, identifier=origin)
项目:indy-node    作者:hyperledger    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def verifySig(identifier, signature, msg) -> bool:
    key = cryptonymToHex(identifier) if not isHex(
        identifier) else identifier
    ser = serialize_msg_for_signing(msg)
    b64sig = signature.encode('utf-8')
    sig = b58decode(b64sig)
    vr = Verifier(key)
    return vr.verify(sig, ser)
项目:indy-node    作者:hyperledger    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def commit(self, txnCount, stateRoot, txnRoot) -> List:
        r = super().commit(txnCount, stateRoot, txnRoot)
        stateRoot = base58.b58decode(stateRoot.encode())
        return r
项目:indy-node    作者:hyperledger    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def verifyMsg(verifier, sig):
    sig = base58.b58decode(sig)
    return verifier.verifyMsg(sig, MsgForSigning)
项目:bigchaindb    作者:bigchaindb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _sign_simple_signature_fulfillment(cls, input_, message, key_pairs):
        """Signs a Ed25519Fulfillment.

                input_ (:class:`~bigchaindb.common.transaction.
                    Input`) The input to be signed.
                message (str): The message to be signed
                key_pairs (dict): The keys to sign the Transaction with.
        # NOTE: To eliminate the dangers of accidentally signing a condition by
        #       reference, we remove the reference of input_ here
        #       intentionally. If the user of this class knows how to use it,
        #       this should never happen, but then again, never say never.
        input_ = deepcopy(input_)
        public_key = input_.owners_before[0]
            # cryptoconditions makes no assumptions of the encoding of the
            # message to sign or verify. It only accepts bytestrings
        except KeyError:
            raise KeypairMismatchException('Public key {} is not a pair to '
                                           'any of the private keys'
        return input_
项目:bigchaindb    作者:bigchaindb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _sign_threshold_signature_fulfillment(cls, input_, message, key_pairs):
        """Signs a ThresholdSha256.

                input_ (:class:`~bigchaindb.common.transaction.
                    Input`) The Input to be signed.
                message (str): The message to be signed
                key_pairs (dict): The keys to sign the Transaction with.
        input_ = deepcopy(input_)
        for owner_before in set(input_.owners_before):
            # TODO: CC should throw a KeypairMismatchException, instead of
            #       our manual mapping here

            # TODO FOR CC: Naming wise this is not so smart,
            #              `get_subcondition` in fact doesn't return a
            #              condition but a fulfillment

            # TODO FOR CC: `get_subcondition` is singular. One would not
            #              expect to get a list back.
            ccffill = input_.fulfillment
            subffills = ccffill.get_subcondition_from_vk(
            if not subffills:
                raise KeypairMismatchException('Public key {} cannot be found '
                                               'in the fulfillment'
                private_key = key_pairs[owner_before]
            except KeyError:
                raise KeypairMismatchException('Public key {} is not a pair '
                                               'to any of the private keys'

            # cryptoconditions makes no assumptions of the encoding of the
            # message to sign or verify. It only accepts bytestrings
            for subffill in subffills:
                subffill.sign(message.encode(), base58.b58decode(private_key.encode()))
        return input_
项目:bigchaindb-driver    作者:bigchaindb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_fulfill(self, driver, alice_keypair, unsigned_transaction):
        signed_transaction = driver.transactions.fulfill(
        unsigned_transaction['inputs'][0]['fulfillment'] = None
        message = json.dumps(
            separators=(',', ':'),
        ed25519 = Ed25519Sha256(public_key=base58.b58decode(alice_keypair.vk))
        ed25519.sign(message, base58.b58decode(
        fulfillment_uri = ed25519.serialize_uri()
        assert signed_transaction['inputs'][0]['fulfillment'] == fulfillment_uri   # noqa
项目:bigchaindb-driver    作者:bigchaindb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_ed25519_condition(public_key, *, amount=1):
    ed25519 = Ed25519Sha256(public_key=base58.b58decode(public_key))
    return {
        'amount': str(amount),
        'condition': {
            'details': _fulfillment_to_details(ed25519),
            'uri': ed25519.condition_uri,
        'public_keys': (public_key,),
项目:bigchaindb-driver    作者:bigchaindb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sign_transaction(transaction, *, public_key, private_key):
    ed25519 = Ed25519Sha256(public_key=base58.b58decode(public_key))
    message = json.dumps(
        separators=(',', ':'),
    ed25519.sign(message.encode(), base58.b58decode(private_key))
    return ed25519.serialize_uri()
项目:indy-common    作者:hyperledger-archives    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def verifySig(identifier, signature, msg) -> bool:
    key = cryptonymToHex(identifier) if not isHex(
        identifier) else identifier
    ser = serializeMsg(msg)
    b64sig = signature.encode('utf-8')
    sig = b58decode(b64sig)
    vr = Verifier(key)
    return vr.verify(sig, ser)
项目:sync_antshares    作者:OTCGO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def WIFkey_to_binPrivateKey(wif):
    if len(wif) != 52:
        print 'Error'
        return None
    bpk = b58decode(wif)[1:33]
    return bpk
项目:sync_antshares    作者:OTCGO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def address_to_scriptHash(address):
    return hexlify(b58decode(address)[1:-4])