Python boto.ec2 模块,connect_to_region() 实例源码


项目:pentagon    作者:reactiveops    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_rds_instances_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of RDS instances in a particular
        region '''

            conn = rds.connect_to_region(region)
            if conn:
                instances = conn.get_all_dbinstances()
                for instance in instances:
                    self.add_rds_instance(instance, region)
        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            if not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS RDS is down:\n%s" % e.message
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting RDS instances')
项目:cloud-deploy-grid    作者:elodina    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_rds_instances_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of RDS instances in a particular
        region '''

            conn = rds.connect_to_region(region)
            if conn:
                instances = conn.get_all_dbinstances()
                for instance in instances:
                    self.add_rds_instance(instance, region)
        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            if not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS RDS is down:\n%s" % e.message
项目:cloud-deploy-grid    作者:elodina    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_rds_instances_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of RDS instances in a particular
        region '''

            conn = rds.connect_to_region(region)
            if conn:
                instances = conn.get_all_dbinstances()
                for instance in instances:
                    self.add_rds_instance(instance, region)
        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            if not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS RDS is down:\n%s" % e.message
项目:aws-blog-framework    作者:proffalken    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_rds_instances_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of RDS instances in a particular
        region '''

            conn = rds.connect_to_region(region)
            if conn:
                instances = conn.get_all_dbinstances()
                for instance in instances:
                    self.add_rds_instance(instance, region)
        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            if not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS RDS is down:\n%s" % e.message
项目:rancher-cloudformation    作者:nuxeo-sandbox    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_rds_instances_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of RDS instances in a particular
        region '''

            conn = rds.connect_to_region(region)
            if conn:
                instances = conn.get_all_dbinstances()
                for instance in instances:
                    self.add_rds_instance(instance, region)
        except boto.exception.BotoServerError, e:
            error = e.message
            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            if not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS RDS is down:\n%s" % e.message
项目:learn-ssh    作者:bocoup    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_rds_instances_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of RDS instances in a particular
        region '''

            conn = rds.connect_to_region(region)
            if conn:
                instances = conn.get_all_dbinstances()
                for instance in instances:
                    self.add_rds_instance(instance, region)
        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            if not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS RDS is down:\n%s" % e.message
项目:devoxxfr-2016-gocd    作者:vspiewak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_rds_instances_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of RDS instances in a particular
        region '''

            conn = rds.connect_to_region(region)
            if conn:
                instances = conn.get_all_dbinstances()
                for instance in instances:
                    self.add_rds_instance(instance, region)
        except boto.exception.BotoServerError, e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            if not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS RDS is down:\n%s" % e.message
项目:devoxxfr-2016-gocd    作者:vspiewak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_rds_instances_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of RDS instances in a particular
        region '''

            conn = rds.connect_to_region(region)
            if conn:
                instances = conn.get_all_dbinstances()
                for instance in instances:
                    self.add_rds_instance(instance, region)
        except boto.exception.BotoServerError, e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            if not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS RDS is down:\n%s" % e.message
项目:infro    作者:rajatguptarg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_rds_instances_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of RDS instances in a particular
        region '''

            conn = rds.connect_to_region(region)
            if conn:
                instances = conn.get_all_dbinstances()
                for instance in instances:
                    self.add_rds_instance(instance, region)
        except boto.exception.BotoServerError, e:
            error = e.message
            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            if not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS RDS is down:\n%s" % e.message
项目:aws-ansible-cassandra    作者:oliverlockwood    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_rds_instances_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of RDS instances in a particular
        region '''

            conn = rds.connect_to_region(region)
            if conn:
                instances = conn.get_all_dbinstances()
                for instance in instances:
                    self.add_rds_instance(instance, region)
        except boto.exception.BotoServerError, e:
            error = e.message
            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            if not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS RDS is down:\n%s" % e.message
项目:osm-export-ops    作者:ranchodeluxe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_rds_instances_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of RDS instances in a particular
        region '''

            conn = rds.connect_to_region(region)
            if conn:
                instances = conn.get_all_dbinstances()
                for instance in instances:
                    self.add_rds_instance(instance, region)
        except boto.exception.BotoServerError, e:
            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            if not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS RDS is down:\n%s" % e.message
项目:vagrant-ansible-ec2-jenkins-slack    作者:lukosan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_instance(self, region, instance_id):
        ''' Gets details about a specific instance '''
        if self.eucalyptus:
            conn = boto.connect_euca(self.eucalyptus_host)
            conn.APIVersion = '2010-08-31'
            conn = ec2.connect_to_region(region)

        # connect_to_region will fail "silently" by returning None if the region name is wrong or not supported
        if conn is None:
            print("region name: %s likely not supported, or AWS is down.  connection to region failed." % region)

        reservations = conn.get_all_instances([instance_id])
        for reservation in reservations:
            for instance in reservation.instances:
                return instance
项目:siatest    作者:sirkubax    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_rds_instances_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of RDS instances in a particular
        region '''

            conn = rds.connect_to_region(region)
            if conn:
                instances = conn.get_all_dbinstances()
                for instance in instances:
                    self.add_rds_instance(instance, region)
        except boto.exception.BotoServerError, e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            if not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS RDS is down:\n%s" % e.message
项目:edx-configuration    作者:kola-er    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_instance(self, region, instance_id):
        ''' Gets details about a specific instance '''
        if self.eucalyptus:
            conn = boto.connect_euca(self.eucalyptus_host)
            conn.APIVersion = '2010-08-31'
            conn = ec2.connect_to_region(region)

        # connect_to_region will fail "silently" by returning None if the region name is wrong or not supported
        if conn is None:
            print("region name: %s likely not supported, or AWS is down.  connection to region failed." % region)

        reservations = conn.get_all_instances([instance_id])
        for reservation in reservations:
            for instance in reservation.instances:
                return instance
项目:pentagon    作者:reactiveops    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def connect(self, region):
        ''' create connection to api server'''
        if self.eucalyptus:
            conn = boto.connect_euca(host=self.eucalyptus_host)
            conn.APIVersion = '2010-08-31'
            conn = ec2.connect_to_region(region)
        # connect_to_region will fail "silently" by returning None if the region name is wrong or not supported
        if conn is None:
            self.fail_with_error("region name: %s likely not supported, or AWS is down.  connection to region failed." % region)
        return conn
项目:pentagon    作者:reactiveops    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_elasticache_clusters_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of ElastiCache clusters (with
        nodes' info) in a particular region.'''

        # ElastiCache boto module doesn't provide a get_all_intances method,
        # that's why we need to call describe directly (it would be called by
        # the shorthand method anyway...)
            conn = elasticache.connect_to_region(region)
            if conn:
                # show_cache_node_info = True
                # because we also want nodes' information
                response = conn.describe_cache_clusters(None, None, None, True)

        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            if not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS ElastiCache is down:\n%s" % e.message
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

            # Boto also doesn't provide wrapper classes to CacheClusters or
            # CacheNodes. Because of that wo can't make use of the get_list
            # method in the AWSQueryConnection. Let's do the work manually
            clusters = response['DescribeCacheClustersResponse']['DescribeCacheClustersResult']['CacheClusters']

        except KeyError as e:
            error = "ElastiCache query to AWS failed (unexpected format)."
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

        for cluster in clusters:
            self.add_elasticache_cluster(cluster, region)
项目:pentagon    作者:reactiveops    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_elasticache_replication_groups_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of ElastiCache replication groups
        in a particular region.'''

        # ElastiCache boto module doesn't provide a get_all_intances method,
        # that's why we need to call describe directly (it would be called by
        # the shorthand method anyway...)
            conn = elasticache.connect_to_region(region)
            if conn:
                response = conn.describe_replication_groups()

        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            if not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS ElastiCache [Replication Groups] is down:\n%s" % e.message
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

            # Boto also doesn't provide wrapper classes to ReplicationGroups
            # Because of that wo can't make use of the get_list method in the
            # AWSQueryConnection. Let's do the work manually
            replication_groups = response['DescribeReplicationGroupsResponse']['DescribeReplicationGroupsResult']['ReplicationGroups']

        except KeyError as e:
            error = "ElastiCache [Replication Groups] query to AWS failed (unexpected format)."
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

        for replication_group in replication_groups:
            self.add_elasticache_replication_group(replication_group, region)
项目:cloud-deploy-grid    作者:elodina    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def connect(self, region):
        ''' create connection to api server'''
        if self.eucalyptus:
            conn = boto.connect_euca(host=self.eucalyptus_host)
            conn.APIVersion = '2010-08-31'
            conn = ec2.connect_to_region(region)
        # connect_to_region will fail "silently" by returning None if the region name is wrong or not supported
        if conn is None:
            self.fail_with_error("region name: %s likely not supported, or AWS is down.  connection to region failed." % region)
        return conn
项目:cloud-deploy-grid    作者:elodina    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def connect(self, region):
        ''' create connection to api server'''
        if self.eucalyptus:
            conn = boto.connect_euca(host=self.eucalyptus_host)
            conn.APIVersion = '2010-08-31'
            conn = ec2.connect_to_region(region)
        # connect_to_region will fail "silently" by returning None if the region name is wrong or not supported
        if conn is None:
            self.fail_with_error("region name: %s likely not supported, or AWS is down.  connection to region failed." % region)
        return conn
项目:KDDCUP2016    作者:hugochan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self):
        ''' Open a connection with EC2 service. '''

        self.conn = connect_to_region("us-east-1", 
项目:aws-blog-framework    作者:proffalken    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def connect(self, region):
        ''' create connection to api server'''
        if self.eucalyptus:
            conn = boto.connect_euca(host=self.eucalyptus_host)
            conn.APIVersion = '2010-08-31'
            conn = ec2.connect_to_region(region)
        # connect_to_region will fail "silently" by returning None if the region name is wrong or not supported
        if conn is None:
            self.fail_with_error("region name: %s likely not supported, or AWS is down.  connection to region failed." % region)
        return conn
项目:rancher-cloudformation    作者:nuxeo-sandbox    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def connect(self, region):
        ''' create connection to api server'''
        if self.eucalyptus:
            conn = boto.connect_euca(host=self.eucalyptus_host)
            conn.APIVersion = '2010-08-31'
            conn = ec2.connect_to_region(region)
        # connect_to_region will fail "silently" by returning None if the region name is wrong or not supported
        if conn is None:
            self.fail_with_error("region name: %s likely not supported, or AWS is down.  connection to region failed." % region)
        return conn
项目:learn-ssh    作者:bocoup    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def connect(self, region):
        ''' create connection to api server'''
        if self.eucalyptus:
            conn = boto.connect_euca(host=self.eucalyptus_host)
            conn.APIVersion = '2010-08-31'
            conn = ec2.connect_to_region(region)
        # connect_to_region will fail "silently" by returning None if the region name is wrong or not supported
        if conn is None:
            self.fail_with_error("region name: %s likely not supported, or AWS is down.  connection to region failed." % region)
        return conn
项目:learn-ssh    作者:bocoup    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_elasticache_clusters_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of ElastiCache clusters (with
        nodes' info) in a particular region.'''

        # ElastiCache boto module doesn't provide a get_all_intances method,
        # that's why we need to call describe directly (it would be called by
        # the shorthand method anyway...)
            conn = elasticache.connect_to_region(region)
            if conn:
                # show_cache_node_info = True
                # because we also want nodes' information
                response = conn.describe_cache_clusters(None, None, None, True)

        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            if not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS ElastiCache is down:\n%s" % e.message

            # Boto also doesn't provide wrapper classes to CacheClusters or
            # CacheNodes. Because of that wo can't make use of the get_list
            # method in the AWSQueryConnection. Let's do the work manually
            clusters = response['DescribeCacheClustersResponse']['DescribeCacheClustersResult']['CacheClusters']

        except KeyError as e:
            error = "ElastiCache query to AWS failed (unexpected format)."

        for cluster in clusters:
            self.add_elasticache_cluster(cluster, region)
项目:learn-ssh    作者:bocoup    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_elasticache_replication_groups_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of ElastiCache replication groups
        in a particular region.'''

        # ElastiCache boto module doesn't provide a get_all_intances method,
        # that's why we need to call describe directly (it would be called by
        # the shorthand method anyway...)
            conn = elasticache.connect_to_region(region)
            if conn:
                response = conn.describe_replication_groups()

        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            if not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS ElastiCache [Replication Groups] is down:\n%s" % e.message

            # Boto also doesn't provide wrapper classes to ReplicationGroups
            # Because of that wo can't make use of the get_list method in the
            # AWSQueryConnection. Let's do the work manually
            replication_groups = response['DescribeReplicationGroupsResponse']['DescribeReplicationGroupsResult']['ReplicationGroups']

        except KeyError as e:
            error = "ElastiCache [Replication Groups] query to AWS failed (unexpected format)."

        for replication_group in replication_groups:
            self.add_elasticache_replication_group(replication_group, region)
项目:cosr-ops    作者:commonsearch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_ec2_instance(name, instance_type="t2.micro", ami=CONFIG["AWS_SPARK_AMI"]):
    """ Creates an instance on EC2 with our default configuration """

    conn = ec2.connect_to_region(CONFIG["AWS_REGION"])
    reservation = conn.run_instances(
    instance = reservation.instances[0]
    status = instance.update()

    while status == 'pending':
        status = instance.update()

    if status == 'running':
        instance.add_tag("Name", name)
        raise "Unknown instance status:", status

    while not is_ssh_available(instance.public_dns_name):

    return instance
项目:cosr-ops    作者:commonsearch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lookup_ec2_instances(name_prefix=""):
    """ Returns a list of all matching EC2 instances """

    conn = ec2.connect_to_region(CONFIG["AWS_REGION"])
    res = conn.get_all_instances(filters={
        "tag:Name": "%s*" % name_prefix,
        "instance-state-name": "running"
    return list(res)
项目:devoxxfr-2016-gocd    作者:vspiewak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def connect(self, region):
        ''' create connection to api server'''
        if self.eucalyptus:
            conn = boto.connect_euca(host=self.eucalyptus_host)
            conn.APIVersion = '2010-08-31'
            conn = ec2.connect_to_region(region)
        # connect_to_region will fail "silently" by returning None if the region name is wrong or not supported
        if conn is None:
            self.fail_with_error("region name: %s likely not supported, or AWS is down.  connection to region failed." % region)
        return conn
项目:devoxxfr-2016-gocd    作者:vspiewak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def connect(self, region):
        ''' create connection to api server'''
        if self.eucalyptus:
            conn = boto.connect_euca(host=self.eucalyptus_host)
            conn.APIVersion = '2010-08-31'
            conn = ec2.connect_to_region(region)
        # connect_to_region will fail "silently" by returning None if the region name is wrong or not supported
        if conn is None:
            self.fail_with_error("region name: %s likely not supported, or AWS is down.  connection to region failed." % region)
        return conn
项目:open-syllabus-project    作者:davidmcclure    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self):

        Initialize the EC2 connection.

        self.conn = ec2.connect_to_region(config['ec2']['region'])
项目:k8s-snapshots    作者:miracle2k    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_connection(ctx: Context, region):
    connection = ec2.connect_to_region(region)
    return connection
项目:infro    作者:rajatguptarg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def connect(self, region):
        ''' create connection to api server'''
        if self.eucalyptus:
            conn = boto.connect_euca(host=self.eucalyptus_host)
            conn.APIVersion = '2010-08-31'
            conn = ec2.connect_to_region(region)
        # connect_to_region will fail "silently" by returning None if the region name is wrong or not supported
        if conn is None:
            self.fail_with_error("region name: %s likely not supported, or AWS is down.  connection to region failed." % region)
        return conn
项目:aws-ansible-cassandra    作者:oliverlockwood    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def connect(self, region):
        ''' create connection to api server'''
        if self.eucalyptus:
            conn = boto.connect_euca(host=self.eucalyptus_host)
            conn.APIVersion = '2010-08-31'
            conn = ec2.connect_to_region(region)
        # connect_to_region will fail "silently" by returning None if the region name is wrong or not supported
        if conn is None:
            self.fail_with_error("region name: %s likely not supported, or AWS is down.  connection to region failed." % region)
        return conn
项目:osm-export-ops    作者:ranchodeluxe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def connect(self, region):
        ''' create connection to api server'''
        if self.eucalyptus:
            conn = boto.connect_euca(host=self.eucalyptus_host)
            conn.APIVersion = '2010-08-31'
            conn = ec2.connect_to_region(region)
        # connect_to_region will fail "silently" by returning None if the region name is wrong or not supported
        if conn is None:
            self.fail_with_error("region name: %s likely not supported, or AWS is down.  connection to region failed." % region)
        return conn
项目:vagrant-ansible-ec2-jenkins-slack    作者:lukosan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_instances_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS EC2 API call to the list of instances in a particular
        region '''

            if self.eucalyptus:
                conn = boto.connect_euca(host=self.eucalyptus_host)
                conn.APIVersion = '2010-08-31'
                conn = ec2.connect_to_region(region)

            # connect_to_region will fail "silently" by returning None if the region name is wrong or not supported
            if conn is None:
                print("region name: %s likely not supported, or AWS is down.  connection to region failed." % region)

            reservations = []
            if self.ec2_instance_filters:
                for filter_key, filter_values in self.ec2_instance_filters.iteritems():
                    reservations.extend(conn.get_all_instances(filters = { filter_key : filter_values }))
                reservations = conn.get_all_instances()

            for reservation in reservations:
                for instance in reservation.instances:
                    self.add_instance(instance, region)

        except boto.exception.BotoServerError, e:
            if  not self.eucalyptus:
                print "Looks like AWS is down again:"
            print e
项目:vagrant-ansible-ec2-jenkins-slack    作者:lukosan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_rds_instances_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of RDS instances in a particular
        region '''

            conn = rds.connect_to_region(region)
            if conn:
                instances = conn.get_all_dbinstances()
                for instance in instances:
                    self.add_rds_instance(instance, region)
        except boto.exception.BotoServerError, e:
            if not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                print "Looks like AWS RDS is down: "
                print e
项目:siatest    作者:sirkubax    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def connect(self, region):
        ''' create connection to api server'''
        if self.eucalyptus:
            conn = boto.connect_euca(host=self.eucalyptus_host)
            conn.APIVersion = '2010-08-31'
            conn = ec2.connect_to_region(region)
        # connect_to_region will fail "silently" by returning None if the region name is wrong or not supported
        if conn is None:
            self.fail_with_error("region name: %s likely not supported, or AWS is down.  connection to region failed." % region)
        return conn
项目:edx-configuration    作者:kola-er    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_instances_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS EC2 API call to the list of instances in a particular
        region '''

            if self.eucalyptus:
                conn = boto.connect_euca(host=self.eucalyptus_host)
                conn.APIVersion = '2010-08-31'
                conn = ec2.connect_to_region(region)

            # connect_to_region will fail "silently" by returning None if the region name is wrong or not supported
            if conn is None:
                print("region name: %s likely not supported, or AWS is down.  connection to region failed." % region)

            reservations = conn.get_all_instances()
            for reservation in reservations:
                instances = sorted(reservation.instances)
                for instance in instances:
                    self.add_instance(instance, region)

        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            if  not self.eucalyptus:
                print "Looks like AWS is down again:"
            print e
项目:edx-configuration    作者:kola-er    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_rds_instances_by_region(self, region):
    ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of RDS instances in a particular
        region '''

            conn = rds.connect_to_region(region)
            if conn:
                instances = conn.get_all_dbinstances()
                for instance in instances:
                    self.add_rds_instance(instance, region)
        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            print "Looks like AWS RDS is down: "
            print e
项目:edx-configuration    作者:kola-er    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_instances_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS EC2 API call to the list of instances in a particular
        region '''

            if self.eucalyptus:
                conn = boto.connect_euca(host=self.eucalyptus_host)
                conn.APIVersion = '2010-08-31'
                conn = ec2.connect_to_region(region)

            # connect_to_region will fail "silently" by returning None if the region name is wrong or not supported
            if conn is None:
                print("region name: %s likely not supported, or AWS is down.  connection to region failed." % region)

            reservations = conn.get_all_instances()
            for reservation in reservations:
                instances = sorted(reservation.instances)
                for instance in instances:
                    self.add_instance(instance, region)

        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            if  not self.eucalyptus:
                print "Looks like AWS is down again:"
            print e
项目:edx-configuration    作者:kola-er    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_rds_instances_by_region(self, region):
    ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of RDS instances in a particular
        region '''

            conn = rds.connect_to_region(region)
            if conn:
                instances = conn.get_all_dbinstances()
                for instance in instances:
                    self.add_rds_instance(instance, region)
        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            print "Looks like AWS RDS is down: "
            print e