Python bottle.request 模块,path() 实例源码


项目:cloud-custodian    作者:capitalone    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def init_audit(log_group):

    def audit(f):

        def handle(account_id, *args, **kw):
            envelope = {
                'timestamp': int(time.time() * 1000),
                'message': json.dumps({
                    'user': request.environ.get('REMOTE_USER', ''),
                    'url': request.url,
                    'path': request.path,
                    'method': request.method,
                    'pid': os.getpid(),
                    'account_id': account_id,
                    'ip': request.remote_addr})
            transport.send_group("%s=%s" % (log_group, account_id), [envelope])
            return f(account_id, *args, **kw)

        return handle

    return audit
项目:Pardus-Bulut    作者:ferhatacikalin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_pathshift(self):
        """ Request.path_shift() """
        def test_shift(s, p, c):
            request = BaseRequest({'SCRIPT_NAME': s, 'PATH_INFO': p})
            return [request['SCRIPT_NAME'], request.path]
        self.assertEqual(['/a/b', '/c/d'], test_shift('/a/b', '/c/d', 0))
        self.assertEqual(['/a/b', '/c/d/'], test_shift('/a/b', '/c/d/', 0))
        self.assertEqual(['/a/b/c', '/d'], test_shift('/a/b', '/c/d', 1))
        self.assertEqual(['/a', '/b/c/d'], test_shift('/a/b', '/c/d', -1))
        self.assertEqual(['/a/b/c', '/d/'], test_shift('/a/b', '/c/d/', 1))
        self.assertEqual(['/a', '/b/c/d/'], test_shift('/a/b', '/c/d/', -1))
        self.assertEqual(['/a/b/c', '/d/'], test_shift('/a/b/', '/c/d/', 1))
        self.assertEqual(['/a', '/b/c/d/'], test_shift('/a/b/', '/c/d/', -1))
        self.assertEqual(['/a/b/c/d', '/'], test_shift('/', '/a/b/c/d', 4))
        self.assertEqual(['/', '/a/b/c/d/'], test_shift('/a/b/c/d', '/', -4))
        self.assertRaises(AssertionError, test_shift, '/a/b', '/c/d', 3)
        self.assertRaises(AssertionError, test_shift, '/a/b', '/c/d', -3)
项目:Pardus-Bulut    作者:ferhatacikalin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_url(self):
        """ Environ: URL building """
        request = BaseRequest({'HTTP_HOST':''})
        self.assertEqual('', request.url)
        request = BaseRequest({'SERVER_NAME':''})
        self.assertEqual('', request.url)
        request = BaseRequest({'SERVER_NAME':'', 'SERVER_PORT':'81'})
        self.assertEqual('', request.url)
        request = BaseRequest({'wsgi.url_scheme':'https', 'SERVER_NAME':''})
        self.assertEqual('', request.url)
        request = BaseRequest({'HTTP_HOST':'', 'PATH_INFO':'/path',
                               'QUERY_STRING':'1=b&c=d', 'SCRIPT_NAME':'/sp'})
        self.assertEqual('', request.url)
        request = BaseRequest({'HTTP_HOST':'', 'PATH_INFO':'/pa th',
                               'SCRIPT_NAME':'/s p'})
        self.assertEqual('', request.url)
项目:dd-trace-py    作者:DataDog    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def apply(self, callback, route):

        def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
            if not self.tracer or not self.tracer.enabled:
                return callback(*args, **kwargs)

            resource = "%s %s" % (request.method, request.route.rule)

            # Propagate headers such as x-datadog-trace-id.
            if self.distributed_tracing:
                propagator = HTTPPropagator()
                context = propagator.extract(request.headers)
                if context.trace_id:

            with self.tracer.trace("bottle.request", service=self.service, resource=resource) as s:
                code = 0
                    return callback(*args, **kwargs)
                except Exception:
                    # bottle doesn't always translate unhandled exceptions, so
                    # we mark it here.
                    code = 500
                    s.set_tag(http.STATUS_CODE, code or response.status_code)
                    s.set_tag(http.URL, request.path)
                    s.set_tag(http.METHOD, request.method)

        return wrapped
项目:Pardus-Bulut    作者:ferhatacikalin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_path(self):
        """ PATH_INFO normalization. """
        # Legal paths
        tests = [('', '/'), ('x','/x'), ('x/', '/x/'), ('/x', '/x'), ('/x/', '/x/')]
        for raw, norm in tests:
            self.assertEqual(norm, BaseRequest({'PATH_INFO': raw}).path)
        # Strange paths
        tests = [('///', '/'), ('//x','/x')]
        for raw, norm in tests:
            self.assertEqual(norm, BaseRequest({'PATH_INFO': raw}).path)
        # No path at all
        self.assertEqual('/', BaseRequest({}).path)
项目:Pardus-Bulut    作者:ferhatacikalin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_script_name(self):
        """ SCRIPT_NAME normalization. """
        # Legal paths
        tests = [('', '/'), ('x','/x/'), ('x/', '/x/'), ('/x', '/x/'), ('/x/', '/x/')]
        for raw, norm in tests:
            self.assertEqual(norm, BaseRequest({'SCRIPT_NAME': raw}).script_name)
        # Strange paths
        tests = [('///', '/'), ('///x///','/x/')]
        for raw, norm in tests:
            self.assertEqual(norm, BaseRequest({'SCRIPT_NAME': raw}).script_name)
        # No path at all
        self.assertEqual('/', BaseRequest({}).script_name)
项目:Pardus-Bulut    作者:ferhatacikalin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_set_cookie(self):
        r = BaseResponse()
        r.set_cookie('name1', 'value', max_age=5)
        r.set_cookie('name2', 'value 2', path='/foo')
        cookies = [value for name, value in r.headerlist
                   if name.title() == 'Set-Cookie']
        self.assertEqual(cookies[0], 'name1=value; Max-Age=5')
        self.assertEqual(cookies[1], 'name2="value 2"; Path=/foo')
项目:aws-es-auth-proxy    作者:lucaagostini    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def index():

    auth = AWS4Auth(config.aws_service_credentials.access_key, config.aws_service_credentials.secret_key, config.aws_service_region, config.aws_service_name)
    endpoint = config.aws_service_protocol + "://" + config.aws_service_endpoint + request.path + "?" + request.query_string
    proxy_req_header = {}
    for header in request.headers:
        if header.lower() in PROXY_REQ_HEADERS_WHITELIST:
            proxy_req_header[header] = request.headers[header]

    if request.method == "HEAD":
        requests_response = requests.head(endpoint, auth=auth, headers=proxy_req_header)
    elif request.method == "GET":
        requests_response = requests.get(endpoint, auth=auth, headers=proxy_req_header)
    elif request.method == "POST":
        proxy_req_body = request.body.getvalue()
        requests_response =
    elif request.method == "PUT":
        proxy_req_body = request.body.getvalue()
        requests_response = requests.put(
        logging.error("Method not allowed")
    response.body = requests_response.content
    for header in requests_response.headers:
        if not header.lower() in PROXY_RESP_HEADERS_BLACKLIST:
            response.add_header(header, requests_response.headers[header])
    return response
项目:ray    作者:felipevolpone    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dispatch(url):
        This class is the beginning of all entrypoints in the Ray API. Here, each url
        will be redirect to the right handler

    url = bottle_req.path'request: %s', bottle_req.url)

    if url[-1] == '/':
        url = url[:-1]

    response_code = 200

        processed = process(url, bottle_req, bottle_resp)

            from_func, http_status = processed[0], processed[1]
            bottle_resp.status = http_status
            return from_func
            return processed

    except exceptions.RayException as e:
        log.exception('ray exception: ')
        response_code = e.http_code


    bottle_resp.status = response_code
项目:jerrybuild    作者:fboender    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generic_handler():
    The generic handler catches all requests not caught by any other route. It
    checks the configuration to see if the URL requested is one registered as a
    job's webhook URL handler. If so, it normalizes the request and queues the
    job for building.

    It returns immediately (aynsc) with a JSON structure containing the job id.
    jobdef_manager = request.deps['jobdef_manager']
    build_queue = request.deps['build_queue']
    config = request.deps['config']
    providers = request.deps['providers']

    jobdef = jobdef_manager.get_jobdef_from_url(request.path)
    if not jobdef:
        abort(404, "Not found")"Received event for job '{}'".format(

    # Log debug info about the received request
    logging.debug("request environ: {}".format(request.environ))
    logging.debug("request path: {}".format(request.path))
    logging.debug("request method: {}".format(request.method))
    for k, v in request.headers.items():
        logging.debug("request header: {}={}".format(k, v))
    for k, v in request.query.items():
        logging.debug("request query: {}={}".format(k, v))
    logging.debug("request body: {}".format(
    logging.debug("request auth: {}".format(request.auth))

    env = job.make_env(request, jobdef, providers)

    job_inst = jobdef.make_job('utf8'), env)

    return {'id':}