Python bottle 模块,view() 实例源码


项目:experiment-manager    作者:softfire-eu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def server_static(filename):
    """ route to the css and static files"""
    if ".." in filename:
        return HTTPError(status=403)
    return bottle.static_file(filename, root='%s/static' % get_config('api', 'view-path', '/etc/softfire/views'))

# Utils #
项目:Pardus-Bulut    作者:ferhatacikalin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_view_decorator(self):
        @view('start {{var}} end')
        def test():
            return dict(var='middle')
        self.assertEqual(touni('start middle end'), test())
项目:Pardus-Bulut    作者:ferhatacikalin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_view_decorator_issue_407(self):
        def test():
        self.assertEqual(touni('hihi'), test())
        @view('aaa {{x}}', x='bbb')
        def test2():
        self.assertEqual(touni('aaa bbb'), test2())
项目:Pardus-Bulut    作者:ferhatacikalin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_view(self):
        """ WSGI: Test view-decorator (should override autojson) """
        def test():
            return dict(content='1234')
        result = '+base+\n+main+\n!1234!\n+include+\n-main-\n+include+\n-base-\n'
        self.assertHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8', '/tpl')
        self.assertBody(result, '/tpl')
项目:Pardus-Bulut    作者:ferhatacikalin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_view_error(self):
        """ WSGI: Test if view-decorator reacts on non-dict return values correctly."""
        def test():
            return bottle.HTTPError(401, 'The cake is a lie!')
        self.assertInBody('The cake is a lie!', '/tpl')
        self.assertInBody('401 Unauthorized', '/tpl')
        self.assertStatus(401, '/tpl')
项目:M101P-mongodb-course-2016    作者:mahasagar    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def post_new_comment():
    name = bottle.request.forms.get("commentName")
    email = bottle.request.forms.get("commentEmail")
    body = bottle.request.forms.get("commentBody")
    permalink = bottle.request.forms.get("permalink")

    post = posts.get_post_by_permalink(permalink)
    cookie = bottle.request.get_cookie("session")

    username = sessions.get_username(cookie)

    # if post not found, redirect to post not found error
    if post is None:

    # if values not good, redirect to view with errors

    if name == "" or body == "":
        # user did not fill in enough information

        # init comment for web form
        comment = {'name': name, 'email': email, 'body': body}

        errors = "Post must contain your name and an actual comment."
        return bottle.template("entry_template", dict(post=post, username=username, errors=errors, comment=comment))


        # it all looks good, insert the comment into the blog post and redirect back to the post viewer
        posts.add_comment(permalink, name, email, body)
        bottle.redirect("/post/" + permalink)
项目:M101P-mongodb-course-2016    作者:mahasagar    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def post_new_comment():
    name = bottle.request.forms.get("commentName")
    email = bottle.request.forms.get("commentEmail")
    body = bottle.request.forms.get("commentBody")
    permalink = bottle.request.forms.get("permalink")

    post = posts.get_post_by_permalink(permalink)
    cookie = bottle.request.get_cookie("session")

    username = sessions.get_username(cookie)

    # if post not found, redirect to post not found error
    if post is None:

    # if values not good, redirect to view with errors

    if name == "" or body == "":
        # user did not fill in enough information

        # init comment for web form
        comment = {'name': name, 'email': email, 'body': body}

        errors = "Post must contain your name and an actual comment."
        return bottle.template("entry_template",
                               {"post": post, "username": username,
                                "errors": errors, "comment": comment})


        # it all looks good, insert the comment into the blog post and redirect
        # back to the post viewer
        posts.add_comment(permalink, name, email, body)

        bottle.redirect("/post/" + permalink)

# used to process a like on a blog post