Python bson 模块,BSON 实例源码


项目:feedlark    作者:CPSSD    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_feed_items(self, feed_url):
        This takes a url and returns the matching document in the feeds
        request = bson.BSON.encode({
            'key': self.key,
            'database': 'feedlark',
            'collection': 'feed',
            'query': {
                'url': feed_url,
            'projection': {
                '_id': 0,

        # submit_job as below is blocking
        gm_job = self.gm_client.submit_job('db-get', str(request))
        return bson.BSON(gm_job.result).decode()['docs'][0]['items']
项目:feedlark    作者:CPSSD    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bsonify_update_data(item_id, url, all_data):
    """Convert given data to bson in valid format for db-update"""
    items_list = {
        "key": key,
        "database": "feedlark",
        "collection": "feed",
        "data": {
            "updates": {
                "items": all_data,
                "url": url
            "selector": {
                "_id": item_id
    return bson.BSON.encode(items_list)
项目:feedlark    作者:CPSSD    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_all_feed_docs():
    """Submits a job to 'db-get' to get all ids and urls of the feeds"""
    # format the request
    to_get_urls_ids = str(bson.BSON.encode({
        "key": key,
        "database": "feedlark",
        "collection": "feed",
        "query": {},
        "projection": {
            "_id": 1,
            "url": 1,
            "items": 1,
    url_fields_gotten = gm_client.submit_job("db-get", to_get_urls_ids)
    bson_object = bson.BSON.decode(bson.BSON(url_fields_gotten.result))

    return bson_object["docs"]
项目:feedlark    作者:CPSSD    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_upserter(self):
        ident = bson.objectid.ObjectId()
        req = {"database":"testing", "collection":"unit_tests", "data":{"_id":ident, "inserttime":time(), "test":"upserter", "dank":"memes"}}
        bson_req = bson.BSON.encode(req)
        raw_response = self.client.submit_job('db-add', str(bson_req))

        upsert_req = {"database":"testing", "collection":"unit_tests", "data":{"selector":{"_id":ident}, "updates":{"dank":"cave"}}}
        bson_req = bson.BSON.encode(upsert_req)
        raw_response = self.client.submit_job('db-upsert', str(bson_req))
        resp = bson.BSON.decode(bson.BSON(raw_response.result))

        self.assertTrue("status" in resp)
        self.assertTrue("new_doc" in resp)
        self.assertEquals(resp["status"], "ok")
        self.assertEquals(resp["new_doc"], False)

        get_req = {"database":"testing", "collection":"unit_tests", "query": {"_id": ident}, "projection": {"dank": 1}}
        bson_req = bson.BSON.encode(get_req)
        raw_response = self.client.submit_job('db-get', str(bson_req))
        resp = bson.BSON.decode(bson.BSON(raw_response.result))

        self.assertTrue("status" in resp)
        self.assertEquals(resp["status"], "ok")
        self.assertEquals(len(resp["docs"]), 1)
        self.assertEquals(resp["docs"][0]["dank"], "cave")
项目:feedlark    作者:CPSSD    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bsonify_update_data(item_id, url, all_data, key=None):
    items_list = {
        "key": key,
        "database": "feedlark",
        "collection": "feed",
        "data": {
            "updates": {
                "items": all_data,
                "url": url
            "selector": {
                "_id": item_id
    return bson.BSON.encode(items_list)

# submits a job to 'db-get' to get all ids and urls of the singular feed
项目:feedlark    作者:CPSSD    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_single_feed_db_data(url, key=None):
    # format the request
    to_get_urls_ids = str(bson.BSON.encode({
        "key": key,
        "database": "feedlark",
        "collection": "feed",
        "query": {"url": url},
        "projection": {
            "_id": 1,
            "url": 1,
            "items": [{
                "link": 1,
                "pub_date": 1,
                "link": 1,
                "article_text": 1,
    url_fields_gotten = gm_client.submit_job("db-get", to_get_urls_ids)
    bson_object = bson.BSON.decode(bson.BSON(url_fields_gotten.result))
    return bson_object["docs"]

# updates all of the item fields for all the unique feeds in the feeds db
项目:feedlark    作者:CPSSD    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update_user_data(username, updates):
    Update the data for the given user in the database,
    with the given dict of updates
    req_data = bson.BSON.encode({
        "key": key,
        "database": "feedlark",
        "collection": "user",
        "data": {
            "selector": {
                "username": username,
            "updates": updates,
    update_rsp = gearman_client.submit_job('db-update', str(req_data))
    result = bson.BSON(update_rsp.result).decode()
    if result[u"status"] != u"ok":
        log(2, "Error updating user data: " + str(result))
项目:feedlark    作者:CPSSD    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_feed_data(feed_url):
    """Get the data of a given feed"""
    req_data = bson.BSON.encode({
        "key": key,
        "database": "feedlark",
        "collection": "feed",
        "query": {
            "url": feed_url,
        "projection": {},
    get_response = gearman_client.submit_job('db-get', str(req_data))
    result = bson.BSON(get_response.result).decode()
    if result[u"status"] != u"ok":
        log(2, "Error getting database entry for feed " + str(feed_url))
        return None
    if "docs" not in result or len(result["docs"]) == 0:
        log(1, "No docs returned for feed " + str(feed_url))
        return None
    return result["docs"][0]
项目:feedlark    作者:CPSSD    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_users(self):
        Returns a list of all the user documents in the user database.
        The documents returned contain only the username and subscribed_feeds.
        request = bson.BSON.encode({
            'key': self.key,
            'database': 'feedlark',
            'collection': 'user',
            'query': {},
            'projection': {
                'username': 1,
                'subscribed_feeds': 1,
                'words': 1,

        # submit_job as below is blocking
        gm_job = self.gm_client.submit_job('db-get', str(request))
        return bson.BSON(gm_job.result).decode()['docs']
项目:feedlark    作者:CPSSD    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_user_data(username):
    log(0, 'Getting db doc for user {}'.format(username))
    req_data = bson.BSON.encode({
        "key": key,
        "database": "feedlark",
        "collection": "user",
        "query": {
            "username": username
        "projection": {}
    get_response = gearman_client.submit_job('db-get', str(req_data))
    result = bson.BSON(get_response.result).decode()
    if result['status'] != 'ok':
        log(2, "Error getting db entry for user {}".format(username))
        log(2, result['description'])
        return None
    if "docs" not in result or len(result['docs']) == 0:
        log(1, "No docs returned for user {}".format(username))
        return None
    return result['docs'][0]
项目:feedlark    作者:CPSSD    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update_user_data(username, data):
    Update the document for the given user,
    With the dict of updates provided in `data`
    log(0, 'Updating db doc for user {}'.format(username))
    req_data = bson.BSON.encode({
        "key": key,
        "database": "feedlark",
        "collection": "user",
            "updates": data,
                "username": username
    update_response = gearman_client.submit_job('db-update', str(req_data))
    result = bson.BSON(update_response.result).decode()
    if result['status'] != 'ok':
        log(2, 'Error updating db entry for user {}'.format(username))
        log(2, result['description'])
项目:feedlark    作者:CPSSD    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_votes_for_user(username):
    Get all the votes that this user has cast on articles
    log(0, 'Getting votes for user {}'.format(username))
    req_data = bson.BSON.encode({
        "key": key,
        "database": "feedlark",
        "collection": "vote",
        "query": {
            "username": username
        "projection": {}
    get_response = gearman_client.submit_job('db-get', str(req_data))
    result = bson.BSON(get_response.result).decode()
    if result['status'] != 'ok':
        log(2, "Error getting votes for user {}".format(username))
        log(2, result['description'])
        return None
    if 'docs' not in result or len(result['docs']) == 0:
        log(1, "No docs returned for user {}".format(username))
        return []
    return result['docs']
项目:python-bsonjs    作者:mongodb-labs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_object(bson_bytes):
    """Return deserialized object from BSON bytes"""
    return bson.BSON(bson_bytes).decode(CodecOptions(document_class=SON,
项目:python-bsonjs    作者:mongodb-labs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_bson(obj):
    """Return serialized BSON string from object"""
    return bson.BSON.encode(obj)
项目:py-bson-rpc    作者:seprich    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, custom_codec_implementation=None):
        if custom_codec_implementation is not None:
            self._loads = custom_codec_implementation.loads
            self._dumps = custom_codec_implementation.dumps
            # Use implementation from pymongo or from pybson
            import bson
            if hasattr(bson, 'BSON'):
                # pymongo
                self._loads = lambda raw: bson.BSON.decode(bson.BSON(raw))
                self._dumps = lambda msg: bytes(bson.BSON.encode(msg))
                # pybson
                self._loads = bson.loads
                self._dumps = bson.dumps
项目:py-bson-rpc    作者:seprich    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, custom_codec_implementation=None):
        if custom_codec_implementation is not None:
            self._loads = custom_codec_implementation.loads
            self._dumps = custom_codec_implementation.dumps
            # Use implementation from pymongo or from pybson
            import bson
            if hasattr(bson, 'BSON'):
                # pymongo
                self._loads = lambda raw: bson.BSON.decode(bson.BSON(raw))
                self._dumps = lambda msg: bytes(bson.BSON.encode(msg))
                # pybson
                self._loads = bson.loads
                self._dumps = bson.dumps
项目:feedlark    作者:CPSSD    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        print 'This tool takes 1 command line argument; the number of topics to output data on. See'
    num_requested_feeds = int(sys.argv[1])
    gearman_client = gearman.GearmanClient(['localhost:4730'])
    result = bson.BSON.decode(bson.BSON(gearman_client.submit_job('db-get', str(bson.BSON.encode({
        'key': os.getenv('SECRETKEY'),

    if result[u'status'] == u'ok':
        # add the feeds to a dictionary as keys with count as variables
        feed_counts = make_list_feeds(result["docs"])
        sorted_feed = sorted(feed_counts,reverse=True)

        #get ouput ready
        output = []

        if num_requested_feeds > len(sorted_feed):
            num_requested_feeds = len(sorted_feed)

        for i in xrange(num_requested_feeds):
            output.append(sorted_feed[i] + " " + str(feed_counts[sorted_feed[i]]))
        output = "\n".join(output)
        # output to file
        f = open("most_popular_feeds.txt", "w")

        print 'Error getting user data from database'
        print result['description']
项目:feedlark    作者:CPSSD    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def db_get(collection, query, projection):
    db_req = {
        'database': 'feedlark',
        'collection': collection,
        'query': query,
        'projection': projection
    key = os.getenv('SECRETKEY')
    if key is not None:
        db_req['key'] = key
    str_bson_db_req = str(bson.BSON.encode(db_req))
    raw_db_result = gearman_client.submit_job('db-get', str_bson_db_req).result
    db_result = bson.BSON.decode(bson.BSON(raw_db_result))
    return db_result
项目:feedlark    作者:CPSSD    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        print 'This tool takes 1 command line argument; the number of topics to output data on. See'
    num_requested_topics = int(sys.argv[1])
    gearman_client = gearman.GearmanClient(['localhost:4730'])
    result = bson.BSON.decode(bson.BSON(gearman_client.submit_job('db-get', str(bson.BSON.encode({
        'key': getenv('SECRETKEY'),

    if result[u'status'] == u'ok':
        users = result['docs']
        print len(users)
        topic_data = get_all_topic_data(users)
        num_output_topics = min(num_requested_topics, len(topic_data))
        print len(topic_data), num_output_topics
        sorted_topics = sorted(topic_data, key=lambda x:len(topic_data[x]), reverse=True)
        for i in xrange(num_output_topics):
            sorted_values = sorted(topic_data[sorted_topics[i]])
            mean_val = mean(sorted_values)
            mode_val = mode(sorted_values)
            median_val = median(sorted_values)

            if mode_val is None:
                mode_val = 'X'
            print sorted_topics[i], len(sorted_values), mean_val, mode_val, median_val
        print('Error getting user data from database')
项目:feedlark    作者:CPSSD    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update_all_feeds(worker, job):
    log(0, "'update-all-feeds' initiated")

    if key is not None:
        log(0, "Checking secret key")
        request = bson.BSON(
        if 'key' not in request or request['key'] != key:
            log(2, "Secret key mismatch")
            response = bson.BSON.encode({
                'status': 'error',
                'description': 'Secret key mismatch',
            return str(response)

    log(0, "Retrieving data from feed db")
    feed_db_data = get_all_feed_docs()

        for doc in feed_db_data:
            updated_feeds = gather_updates(doc)
            update_database(doc, updated_feeds)
    except Exception as e:
        log(2, "'update-all-feeds' failed")
        return str(bson.BSON.encode({
            "status": "error",
            "error-description": str(e)

    log(0, "'update-all-feeds' finished")
    return str(bson.BSON.encode({
        "status": "ok",
        "updated_feeds": [x['_id'] for x in feed_db_data],
    return str(bson.BSON.encode({"status": "ok"}))

# Get secret key, must be global.
项目:feedlark    作者:CPSSD    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_adder(self):
        req = {"database":"testing", "collection":"unit_tests", "data":{"inserttime":time(), "test":"adder"}}
        bsonReq = bson.BSON.encode(req)
        raw_response = self.client.submit_job('db-add', str(bsonReq))
        resp = bson.BSON.decode(bson.BSON(raw_response.result))
        self.assertTrue("status" in resp)
        self.assertEquals(resp["status"], "ok")
项目:feedlark    作者:CPSSD    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_updater(self):
        req = {"database":"testing", "collection":"unit_tests", "data":{"inserttime":time(), "has_been_updated":False, "test":"updater"}}
        bsonReq = bson.BSON.encode(req)
        raw_response = self.client.submit_job('db-add', str(bsonReq))
        resp = bson.BSON.decode(bson.BSON(raw_response.result))
        ident = resp["_id"]
        req = {"database":"testing", "collection":"unit_tests", "data":{"selector":{"_id":ident}, "updates":{"has_been_updated":True}}}
        bsonReq = bson.BSON.encode(req)
        raw_response = self.client.submit_job('db-update', str(bsonReq))
        resp = bson.BSON.decode(bson.BSON(raw_response.result))
        self.assertTrue("status" in resp)
        self.assertEquals(resp["status"], "ok")
项目:feedlark    作者:CPSSD    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_update_to_db(data):
    log the given user opinion to the vote db collection
    req_data = bson.BSON.encode({
        "key": key,
        "database": "feedlark",
        "collection": "vote",
        "data": data,
    gearman_client.submit_job('db-add', str(req_data))
项目:feedlark    作者:CPSSD    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def vote_already_exists(username, article_url):
    Check if the user with the given username
    has already voted on the specified article.
    Returns True or False
    req_data = bson.BSON.encode({
        "key": key,
        "database": "feedlark",
        "collection": "vote",
        "query": {
            "$and": [{
                    "article_url": article_url,
                    "username": username
        "projection": {}
    get_response = gearman_client.submit_job('db-get', str(req_data))
    result = bson.BSON(get_response.result).decode()
    if result['status'] != 'ok':
        log(2, 'Error getting votes for user {} for article {}'.format(username, article_url))
        return False
    return 'docs' in result and len(result['docs']) > 0
项目:feedlark    作者:CPSSD    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_put_g2g(self):
        gm_client = gearman.GearmanClient(['localhost:4730'])
        agg = Aggregator(gm_client, None)

#        add_request = bson.BSON.encode({
#            'database':'feedlark',
#            'collecion':'g2g',
#            'data':{
#                'username':'__test123__',
#                'test_parameter':'NOLO'
#                }
#            })
#        gm_client.submit_job('db-add',str(add_request))

        test_document = {
            'username': 'iandioch',
            'test_parameter': 'YOLO',
        agg.put_g2g('iandioch', test_document)

        get_request = bson.BSON.encode({
            'database': 'feedlark',
            'collection': 'g2g',
            'query': {
                'username': 'iandioch',
            'projection': {
                'test_parameter': 1,
        g2g_data = gm_client.submit_job('db-get', str(get_request)).result
            bson.BSON(g2g_data).decode()['docs'][0]['test_parameter'], 'YOLO')
项目:feedlark    作者:CPSSD    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_score(self, topic, words):
        request = bson.BSON.encode({
            'key': self.key,
            'user_words': words,
            'article_words': topic,

        gm_job = self.gm_client.submit_job('score', str(request))
        result = bson.BSON(gm_job.result).decode()
        if result['status'] != 'ok':
            log("Scoring article failed", level=1)
            log('Description: ' + result['description'], level=1)
            return 0

        return result['score']
项目:feedlark    作者:CPSSD    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_feed_items(feed_url, item_urls):
    Fetches the data for each article with its url in item_urls,
    From the feed with the url feed_url
    log(0, 'Getting feed items for feed {}'.format(feed_url))
    req_data = bson.BSON.encode({
        "key": key,
        "database": "feedlark",
        "collection": "feed",
            "url": feed_url
        "projection": {
            "items": 1
    get_response = gearman_client.submit_job('db-get', str(req_data))
    result = bson.BSON(get_response.result).decode()
    if result['status'] != 'ok':
        log(2, 'Error getting feed {}'.format(feed_url))
        log(2, result['description'])
        return None
    if 'docs' not in result or len(result['docs']) == 0:
        log(1, 'No docs returned for feed {}'.format(feed_url))
        return None
    item_url_set = set(item_urls)
    response = [d for d in result['docs'][0]['items'] if ('link' in d and d['link'] in item_url_set)]
    return response
项目:cuckoo-headless    作者:evandowning    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __nonzero__(self):
        """Required for the JSON reporting module as otherwise the on-demand
        generated list of API calls would be seen as empty.

        Note that the result structure is kept between processing and
        reporting time which means that at reporting time, where this
        functionality is actually needed, the has_apicalls will already have
        been set while iterating through the BSON logs iterator in the parse()
        function of the WindowsMonitor class. We use this knowledge to pass
        along whether or not this log actually has API call events and thus
        whether it's "nonzero" or not. (The correctness of this field is
        required as otherwise the json.dump() function will fail - probably
        due to buffering issues).
        return self.has_apicalls
项目:maas    作者:maas    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_details(self, node):
        url = reverse('node_handler', args=[node.system_id])
        response = self.client.get(url, {'op': 'details'})
        self.assertEqual(http.client.OK, response.status_code)
        self.assertEqual('application/bson', response['content-type'])
        return bson.BSON(response.content).decode()
项目:maas    作者:maas    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process_response(response):
    """All responses should be httplib.OK.

    The response should contain a BSON document (content-type
    application/bson) or a JSON document (content-type application/json). If
    so, the document will be decoded and the result returned, otherwise the
    raw binary content will be returned.

    :param response: The result of MAASClient.get/post/etc.
    :type response: urllib.request.addinfourl (a file-like object that has a
        .code attribute.)

    if response.code != http.client.OK:
        text_status = http.client.responses.get(response.code, '<unknown>')
        message = '%s, expected 200 OK' % text_status
        raise urllib.error.HTTPError(
            response.url, response.code, message,
            response.headers, response.fp)
    content =
    content_type = response.headers.get_content_type()
    if content_type == "application/bson":
        return bson.BSON(content).decode()
    elif content_type == "application/json":
        content_charset = response.headers.get_content_charset()
        return json.loads(content.decode(
            "utf-8" if content_charset is None else content_charset))
        return content
项目:mongodb-monitoring    作者:jruaux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _unpack_response(response, cursor_id=None, codec_options=CodecOptions()):
    """Unpack a response from the database.

    Check the response for errors and unpack, returning a dictionary
    containing the response data.

    Can raise CursorNotFound, NotMasterError, ExecutionTimeout, or

      - `response`: byte string as returned from the database
      - `cursor_id` (optional): cursor_id we sent to get this response -
        used for raising an informative exception when we get cursor id not
        valid at server response
      - `codec_options` (optional): an instance of
    response_flag = struct.unpack("<i", response[:4])[0]
    if response_flag & 1:
        # Shouldn't get this response if we aren't doing a getMore
        assert cursor_id is not None

        # Fake a getMore command response. OP_GET_MORE provides no document.
        msg = "Cursor not found, cursor id: %d" % (cursor_id,)
        errobj = {"ok": 0, "errmsg": msg, "code": 43}
        raise CursorNotFound(msg, 43, errobj)
    elif response_flag & 2:
        error_object = bson.BSON(response[20:]).decode()
        # Fake the ok field if it doesn't exist.
        error_object.setdefault("ok", 0)
        if error_object["$err"].startswith("not master"):
            raise NotMasterError(error_object["$err"], error_object)
        elif error_object.get("code") == 50:
            raise ExecutionTimeout(error_object.get("$err"),
        raise OperationFailure("database error: %s" %

    result = {"cursor_id": struct.unpack("<q", response[4:12])[0],
              "starting_from": struct.unpack("<i", response[12:16])[0],
              "number_returned": struct.unpack("<i", response[16:20])[0],
              "data": bson.decode_all(response[20:], codec_options)}

    assert len(result["data"]) == result["number_returned"]
    return result
项目:noc-orchestrator    作者:DirceuSilvaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _unpack_response(response, cursor_id=None, as_class=dict,
                     tz_aware=False, uuid_subtype=OLD_UUID_SUBTYPE,
    """Unpack a response from the database.

    Check the response for errors and unpack, returning a dictionary
    containing the response data.

      - `response`: byte string as returned from the database
      - `cursor_id` (optional): cursor_id we sent to get this response -
        used for raising an informative exception when we get cursor id not
        valid at server response
      - `as_class` (optional): class to use for resulting documents
    response_flag = struct.unpack("<i", response[:4])[0]
    if response_flag & 1:
        # Shouldn't get this response if we aren't doing a getMore
        assert cursor_id is not None

        raise CursorNotFound("cursor id '%s' not valid at server" %
    elif response_flag & 2:
        error_object = bson.BSON(response[20:]).decode()
        if error_object["$err"].startswith("not master"):
            raise AutoReconnect(error_object["$err"])
        elif error_object.get("code") == 50:
            raise ExecutionTimeout(error_object.get("$err"),
        raise OperationFailure("database error: %s" %

    result = {}
    result["cursor_id"] = struct.unpack("<q", response[4:12])[0]
    result["starting_from"] = struct.unpack("<i", response[12:16])[0]
    result["number_returned"] = struct.unpack("<i", response[16:20])[0]
    result["data"] = bson.decode_all(response[20:],
                                     as_class, tz_aware, uuid_subtype,
    assert len(result["data"]) == result["number_returned"]
    return result
项目:noc-orchestrator    作者:DirceuSilvaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _unpack_response(response, cursor_id=None, as_class=dict,
                     tz_aware=False, uuid_subtype=OLD_UUID_SUBTYPE,
    """Unpack a response from the database.

    Check the response for errors and unpack, returning a dictionary
    containing the response data.

      - `response`: byte string as returned from the database
      - `cursor_id` (optional): cursor_id we sent to get this response -
        used for raising an informative exception when we get cursor id not
        valid at server response
      - `as_class` (optional): class to use for resulting documents
    response_flag = struct.unpack("<i", response[:4])[0]
    if response_flag & 1:
        # Shouldn't get this response if we aren't doing a getMore
        assert cursor_id is not None

        raise CursorNotFound("cursor id '%s' not valid at server" %
    elif response_flag & 2:
        error_object = bson.BSON(response[20:]).decode()
        if error_object["$err"].startswith("not master"):
            raise AutoReconnect(error_object["$err"])
        elif error_object.get("code") == 50:
            raise ExecutionTimeout(error_object.get("$err"),
        raise OperationFailure("database error: %s" %

    result = {}
    result["cursor_id"] = struct.unpack("<q", response[4:12])[0]
    result["starting_from"] = struct.unpack("<i", response[12:16])[0]
    result["number_returned"] = struct.unpack("<i", response[16:20])[0]
    result["data"] = bson.decode_all(response[20:],
                                     as_class, tz_aware, uuid_subtype,
    assert len(result["data"]) == result["number_returned"]
    return result
项目:noc-orchestrator    作者:DirceuSilvaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _unpack_response(response, cursor_id=None, as_class=dict,
                     tz_aware=False, uuid_subtype=OLD_UUID_SUBTYPE,
    """Unpack a response from the database.

    Check the response for errors and unpack, returning a dictionary
    containing the response data.

      - `response`: byte string as returned from the database
      - `cursor_id` (optional): cursor_id we sent to get this response -
        used for raising an informative exception when we get cursor id not
        valid at server response
      - `as_class` (optional): class to use for resulting documents
    response_flag = struct.unpack("<i", response[:4])[0]
    if response_flag & 1:
        # Shouldn't get this response if we aren't doing a getMore
        assert cursor_id is not None

        raise CursorNotFound("cursor id '%s' not valid at server" %
    elif response_flag & 2:
        error_object = bson.BSON(response[20:]).decode()
        if error_object["$err"].startswith("not master"):
            raise AutoReconnect(error_object["$err"])
        elif error_object.get("code") == 50:
            raise ExecutionTimeout(error_object.get("$err"),
        raise OperationFailure("database error: %s" %

    result = {}
    result["cursor_id"] = struct.unpack("<q", response[4:12])[0]
    result["starting_from"] = struct.unpack("<i", response[12:16])[0]
    result["number_returned"] = struct.unpack("<i", response[16:20])[0]
    result["data"] = bson.decode_all(response[20:],
                                     as_class, tz_aware, uuid_subtype,
    assert len(result["data"]) == result["number_returned"]
    return result
项目:noc-orchestrator    作者:DirceuSilvaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _unpack_response(response, cursor_id=None, as_class=dict,
                     tz_aware=False, uuid_subtype=OLD_UUID_SUBTYPE,
    """Unpack a response from the database.

    Check the response for errors and unpack, returning a dictionary
    containing the response data.

      - `response`: byte string as returned from the database
      - `cursor_id` (optional): cursor_id we sent to get this response -
        used for raising an informative exception when we get cursor id not
        valid at server response
      - `as_class` (optional): class to use for resulting documents
    response_flag = struct.unpack("<i", response[:4])[0]
    if response_flag & 1:
        # Shouldn't get this response if we aren't doing a getMore
        assert cursor_id is not None

        raise CursorNotFound("cursor id '%s' not valid at server" %
    elif response_flag & 2:
        error_object = bson.BSON(response[20:]).decode()
        if error_object["$err"].startswith("not master"):
            raise AutoReconnect(error_object["$err"])
        elif error_object.get("code") == 50:
            raise ExecutionTimeout(error_object.get("$err"),
        raise OperationFailure("database error: %s" %

    result = {}
    result["cursor_id"] = struct.unpack("<q", response[4:12])[0]
    result["starting_from"] = struct.unpack("<i", response[12:16])[0]
    result["number_returned"] = struct.unpack("<i", response[16:20])[0]
    result["data"] = bson.decode_all(response[20:],
                                     as_class, tz_aware, uuid_subtype,
    assert len(result["data"]) == result["number_returned"]
    return result
项目:feedlark    作者:CPSSD    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update_database(doc, updated_item_list):
    """Updates the database, given a doc and updated_item_list"""
    bson_data = None
        bson_data = bsonify_update_data(
    except Exception as e:
        log(2, str(e))
        return str(bson.BSON.encode({
            "status": "error",
            "error-description": str(e)

    log(0, "Updating feed database")
    update_response = None
        update_response = gm_client.submit_job(
    except Exception as e:
        log(2, str(e))
        return str(bson.BSON.encode({
            "status": "error",
            "error-description": str(e)

    log(0, "Submitting items for scraping")
    # Submit items for scraping
    text_getter_data = str(bson.BSON.encode({
        "key": key,
        "url": doc['url'],
        update_response = gm_client.submit_job('article-text-getter', text_getter_data, background=True)
    except Exception as e:
        log(2, str(e))
        return str(bson.BSON.encode({
            "status": "error",
            "error-description": str(e)
项目:feedlark    作者:CPSSD    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update_single_feed(worker, job):
    log(0, "'update-single-feed' initiated")

        request = bson.BSON(
        url = request['url']
        log(2, "Invalid parameters provided")
        return str(bson.BSON.encode({
            'status': 'error',
            'error-description': 'Invalid parameters',

    if key is not None:
        if 'key' not in request or request['key'] != key:
            log(2, "Secret key mismatch")
            response = bson.BSON.encode({
                'status': 'error',
                'description': 'Secret key mismatch',
            return str(response)

        feed = get_single_feed_doc(url)
        updated_feeds = gather_updates(feed[0])
        update_database(feed[0], updated_feeds)
    except Exception as e:
        log(2, "'update-single-feed' failed")
        log(2, str(e))
        return str(bson.BSON.encode({
            "status": "error",
            "error-description": str(e)

    log(0, "'update-single-feed' finished")
    return str(bson.BSON.encode({
        "status": "ok",
        "updated_feeds": [x['_id'] for x in feed],

# updates all of the item fields for all the unique feeds in the feeds db
项目:covar_me_app    作者:CovarMe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _unpack_response(response,
    """Unpack a response from the database.

    Check the response for errors and unpack, returning a dictionary
    containing the response data.

    Can raise CursorNotFound, NotMasterError, ExecutionTimeout, or

      - `response`: byte string as returned from the database
      - `cursor_id` (optional): cursor_id we sent to get this response -
        used for raising an informative exception when we get cursor id not
        valid at server response
      - `codec_options` (optional): an instance of
    response_flag = struct.unpack("<i", response[:4])[0]
    if response_flag & 1:
        # Shouldn't get this response if we aren't doing a getMore
        if cursor_id is None:
            raise ProtocolError("No cursor id for getMore operation")

        # Fake a getMore command response. OP_GET_MORE provides no document.
        msg = "Cursor not found, cursor id: %d" % (cursor_id,)
        errobj = {"ok": 0, "errmsg": msg, "code": 43}
        raise CursorNotFound(msg, 43, errobj)
    elif response_flag & 2:
        error_object = bson.BSON(response[20:]).decode()
        # Fake the ok field if it doesn't exist.
        error_object.setdefault("ok", 0)
        if error_object["$err"].startswith("not master"):
            raise NotMasterError(error_object["$err"], error_object)
        elif error_object.get("code") == 50:
            raise ExecutionTimeout(error_object.get("$err"),
        raise OperationFailure("database error: %s" %

    result = {"cursor_id": struct.unpack("<q", response[4:12])[0],
              "starting_from": struct.unpack("<i", response[12:16])[0],
              "number_returned": struct.unpack("<i", response[16:20])[0],
              "data": bson.decode_all(response[20:], codec_options)}

    assert len(result["data"]) == result["number_returned"]
    return result
项目:websearch    作者:abelkhan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _unpack_response(response, cursor_id=None, as_class=dict,
                     tz_aware=False, uuid_subtype=OLD_UUID_SUBTYPE,
    """Unpack a response from the database.

    Check the response for errors and unpack, returning a dictionary
    containing the response data.

      - `response`: byte string as returned from the database
      - `cursor_id` (optional): cursor_id we sent to get this response -
        used for raising an informative exception when we get cursor id not
        valid at server response
      - `as_class` (optional): class to use for resulting documents
    response_flag = struct.unpack("<i", response[:4])[0]
    if response_flag & 1:
        # Shouldn't get this response if we aren't doing a getMore
        assert cursor_id is not None

        raise CursorNotFound("cursor id '%s' not valid at server" %
    elif response_flag & 2:
        error_object = bson.BSON(response[20:]).decode()
        if error_object["$err"].startswith("not master"):
            raise AutoReconnect(error_object["$err"])
        elif error_object.get("code") == 50:
            raise ExecutionTimeout(error_object.get("$err"),
        raise OperationFailure("database error: %s" %

    result = {}
    result["cursor_id"] = struct.unpack("<q", response[4:12])[0]
    result["starting_from"] = struct.unpack("<i", response[12:16])[0]
    result["number_returned"] = struct.unpack("<i", response[16:20])[0]
    result["data"] = bson.decode_all(response[20:],
                                     as_class, tz_aware, uuid_subtype,
    assert len(result["data"]) == result["number_returned"]
    return result
项目:kekescan    作者:xiaoxiaoleo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _unpack_response(response, cursor_id=None, codec_options=CodecOptions()):
    """Unpack a response from the database.

    Check the response for errors and unpack, returning a dictionary
    containing the response data.

    Can raise CursorNotFound, NotMasterError, ExecutionTimeout, or

      - `response`: byte string as returned from the database
      - `cursor_id` (optional): cursor_id we sent to get this response -
        used for raising an informative exception when we get cursor id not
        valid at server response
      - `codec_options` (optional): an instance of
    response_flag = struct.unpack("<i", response[:4])[0]
    if response_flag & 1:
        # Shouldn't get this response if we aren't doing a getMore
        assert cursor_id is not None

        # Fake a getMore command response. OP_GET_MORE provides no document.
        msg = "Cursor not found, cursor id: %d" % (cursor_id,)
        errobj = {"ok": 0, "errmsg": msg, "code": 43}
        raise CursorNotFound(msg, 43, errobj)
    elif response_flag & 2:
        error_object = bson.BSON(response[20:]).decode()
        # Fake the ok field if it doesn't exist.
        error_object.setdefault("ok", 0)
        if error_object["$err"].startswith("not master"):
            raise NotMasterError(error_object["$err"], error_object)
        elif error_object.get("code") == 50:
            raise ExecutionTimeout(error_object.get("$err"),
        raise OperationFailure("database error: %s" %

    result = {"cursor_id": struct.unpack("<q", response[4:12])[0],
              "starting_from": struct.unpack("<i", response[12:16])[0],
              "number_returned": struct.unpack("<i", response[16:20])[0],
              "data": bson.decode_all(response[20:], codec_options)}

    assert len(result["data"]) == result["number_returned"]
    return result
项目:flask-zhenai-mongo-echarts    作者:Fretice    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _unpack_response(response,
    """Unpack a response from the database.

    Check the response for errors and unpack, returning a dictionary
    containing the response data.

    Can raise CursorNotFound, NotMasterError, ExecutionTimeout, or

      - `response`: byte string as returned from the database
      - `cursor_id` (optional): cursor_id we sent to get this response -
        used for raising an informative exception when we get cursor id not
        valid at server response
      - `codec_options` (optional): an instance of
    response_flag = struct.unpack("<i", response[:4])[0]
    if response_flag & 1:
        # Shouldn't get this response if we aren't doing a getMore
        if cursor_id is None:
            raise ProtocolError("No cursor id for getMore operation")

        # Fake a getMore command response. OP_GET_MORE provides no document.
        msg = "Cursor not found, cursor id: %d" % (cursor_id,)
        errobj = {"ok": 0, "errmsg": msg, "code": 43}
        raise CursorNotFound(msg, 43, errobj)
    elif response_flag & 2:
        error_object = bson.BSON(response[20:]).decode()
        # Fake the ok field if it doesn't exist.
        error_object.setdefault("ok", 0)
        if error_object["$err"].startswith("not master"):
            raise NotMasterError(error_object["$err"], error_object)
        elif error_object.get("code") == 50:
            raise ExecutionTimeout(error_object.get("$err"),
        raise OperationFailure("database error: %s" %

    result = {"cursor_id": struct.unpack("<q", response[4:12])[0],
              "starting_from": struct.unpack("<i", response[12:16])[0],
              "number_returned": struct.unpack("<i", response[16:20])[0],
              "data": bson.decode_all(response[20:], codec_options)}

    assert len(result["data"]) == result["number_returned"]
    return result
项目:Data-visualization    作者:insta-code1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _unpack_response(response, cursor_id=None, codec_options=CodecOptions()):
    """Unpack a response from the database.

    Check the response for errors and unpack, returning a dictionary
    containing the response data.

    Can raise CursorNotFound, NotMasterError, ExecutionTimeout, or

      - `response`: byte string as returned from the database
      - `cursor_id` (optional): cursor_id we sent to get this response -
        used for raising an informative exception when we get cursor id not
        valid at server response
      - `codec_options` (optional): an instance of
    response_flag = struct.unpack("<i", response[:4])[0]
    if response_flag & 1:
        # Shouldn't get this response if we aren't doing a getMore
        assert cursor_id is not None

        # Fake a getMore command response. OP_GET_MORE provides no document.
        msg = "Cursor not found, cursor id: %d" % (cursor_id,)
        errobj = {"ok": 0, "errmsg": msg, "code": 43}
        raise CursorNotFound(msg, 43, errobj)
    elif response_flag & 2:
        error_object = bson.BSON(response[20:]).decode()
        # Fake the ok field if it doesn't exist.
        error_object.setdefault("ok", 0)
        if error_object["$err"].startswith("not master"):
            raise NotMasterError(error_object["$err"], error_object)
        elif error_object.get("code") == 50:
            raise ExecutionTimeout(error_object.get("$err"),
        raise OperationFailure("database error: %s" %

    result = {"cursor_id": struct.unpack("<q", response[4:12])[0],
              "starting_from": struct.unpack("<i", response[12:16])[0],
              "number_returned": struct.unpack("<i", response[16:20])[0],
              "data": bson.decode_all(response[20:], codec_options)}

    assert len(result["data"]) == result["number_returned"]
    return result
项目:hudl-bugbounty    作者:lewislabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _unpack_response(response, cursor_id=None, codec_options=CodecOptions()):
    """Unpack a response from the database.

    Check the response for errors and unpack, returning a dictionary
    containing the response data.

    Can raise CursorNotFound, NotMasterError, ExecutionTimeout, or

      - `response`: byte string as returned from the database
      - `cursor_id` (optional): cursor_id we sent to get this response -
        used for raising an informative exception when we get cursor id not
        valid at server response
      - `codec_options` (optional): an instance of
    response_flag = struct.unpack("<i", response[:4])[0]
    if response_flag & 1:
        # Shouldn't get this response if we aren't doing a getMore
        assert cursor_id is not None

        # Fake a getMore command response. OP_GET_MORE provides no document.
        msg = "Cursor not found, cursor id: %d" % (cursor_id,)
        errobj = {"ok": 0, "errmsg": msg, "code": 43}
        raise CursorNotFound(msg, 43, errobj)
    elif response_flag & 2:
        error_object = bson.BSON(response[20:]).decode()
        # Fake the ok field if it doesn't exist.
        error_object.setdefault("ok", 0)
        if error_object["$err"].startswith("not master"):
            raise NotMasterError(error_object["$err"], error_object)
        elif error_object.get("code") == 50:
            raise ExecutionTimeout(error_object.get("$err"),
        raise OperationFailure("database error: %s" %

    result = {"cursor_id": struct.unpack("<q", response[4:12])[0],
              "starting_from": struct.unpack("<i", response[12:16])[0],
              "number_returned": struct.unpack("<i", response[16:20])[0],
              "data": bson.decode_all(response[20:], codec_options)}

    assert len(result["data"]) == result["number_returned"]
    return result
项目:hudl-bugbounty    作者:lewislabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _unpack_response(response, cursor_id=None, codec_options=CodecOptions()):
    """Unpack a response from the database.

    Check the response for errors and unpack, returning a dictionary
    containing the response data.

    Can raise CursorNotFound, NotMasterError, ExecutionTimeout, or

      - `response`: byte string as returned from the database
      - `cursor_id` (optional): cursor_id we sent to get this response -
        used for raising an informative exception when we get cursor id not
        valid at server response
      - `codec_options` (optional): an instance of
    response_flag = struct.unpack("<i", response[:4])[0]
    if response_flag & 1:
        # Shouldn't get this response if we aren't doing a getMore
        assert cursor_id is not None

        # Fake a getMore command response. OP_GET_MORE provides no document.
        msg = "Cursor not found, cursor id: %d" % (cursor_id,)
        errobj = {"ok": 0, "errmsg": msg, "code": 43}
        raise CursorNotFound(msg, 43, errobj)
    elif response_flag & 2:
        error_object = bson.BSON(response[20:]).decode()
        # Fake the ok field if it doesn't exist.
        error_object.setdefault("ok", 0)
        if error_object["$err"].startswith("not master"):
            raise NotMasterError(error_object["$err"], error_object)
        elif error_object.get("code") == 50:
            raise ExecutionTimeout(error_object.get("$err"),
        raise OperationFailure("database error: %s" %

    result = {"cursor_id": struct.unpack("<q", response[4:12])[0],
              "starting_from": struct.unpack("<i", response[12:16])[0],
              "number_returned": struct.unpack("<i", response[16:20])[0],
              "data": bson.decode_all(response[20:], codec_options)}

    assert len(result["data"]) == result["number_returned"]
    return result