Python cProfile 模块,run() 实例源码


项目:emot    作者:NeelShah18    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():'test_emo()',sort = 'time')
    return None
项目:firecloud_developer_toolkit    作者:broadinstitute    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, commdir):
        # This code is run when starting a new instance, and not when the instance is unpickled.
        self._file_ext = '.launch.txt'
        self._job_by_jobId = {}
        self._commdir = commdir
        launch_subdir = 'launch'
        archive_subdir = 'archive'
        self._launch_dir = os.path.join(self._commdir, launch_subdir)
        self._archive_dir = os.path.join(self._commdir, archive_subdir)
            raise Exception('Failed to create launchdir; communicationDirBase may be read-only')


        existing_launchfiles = os.listdir(self._launch_dir)
        if existing_launchfiles:
            print ('Starting with ' + str(len(existing_launchfiles)) + ' launched but unprocessed pipelines.')
            print ('Starting with 0 pipelines')
        existing_archivefiles = os.listdir(self._archive_dir)
        if len(existing_archivefiles) > 0:
            raise Exception ('starting with ' + str(len(existing_archivefiles)) + ' in-process jobs... either these should be purged from:' + 
                             self._archive_dir + ' or things shoud be restarted from the persisted state')
项目:panflute    作者:sergiocorreia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run():
    print('\nLoading JSON...')
    input_fn = 'benchmark.json'
    output_fn = 'panflute.json'

    with open(input_fn, encoding='utf-8') as f:
        doc = pf.load(f)

    print('\nApplying trivial filter...')
    doc = doc.walk(action=empty_test, doc=doc)

    print('Dumping JSON...')
    with open(output_fn, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        pf.dump(doc, f)

    print(' - Done!')
项目:leetcode    作者:thomasyimgit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __str__(self):
        pm = '+-'
        if hasattr(sys.stdout, 'encoding') and sys.stdout.encoding:
                pm = u'\xb1'
        return (
            u"{mean} {pm} {std} per loop (mean {pm} std. dev. of {runs} run{run_plural}, {loops} loop{loop_plural} each)"
                    pm = pm,
                    runs = self.repeat,
                    loops = self.loops,
                    loop_plural = "" if self.loops == 1 else "s",
                    run_plural = "" if self.repeat == 1 else "s",
                    mean = _format_time(self.average, self._precision),
                    std = _format_time(self.stdev, self._precision))
项目:utils    作者:jianbing    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def profile_func(call_func_str):

        def f():
            d = AndroidDevice("")
            d.swipe_position(650, 700, 50, 700, 30)
            d.swipe_position(130, 800, 850, 800, 50)


    :param call_func_str:
    import cProfile, "prof.txt")
    import pstats
    p = pstats.Stats("prof.txt")
项目:weakmon    作者:rtmrtmrtmrtm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self):
      self.done = False
      self.msgs_lock = threading.Lock()
      self.msgs = [ ]
      self.verbose = False
      self.enabled = True # True -> run process(); False -> don't

      self.jrate = int(11025/2) # sample rate for processing (FFT &c)
      self.jblock = int(4096/2) # samples per symbol

      # set self.start_time to the UNIX time of the start
      # of a UTC minute.
      now = int(time.time())
      gm = time.gmtime(now)
      self.start_time = now - gm.tm_sec

  # seconds per cycle
项目:py_lets_be_rational    作者:vollib    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_norm_cdf(lets_be_rational_version):
    start = time.clock()
    for i in range(TestCases):
        z = _z[i]
        actual = lets_be_rational_version.norm_cdf(z)
#        print(z, " norm_cdf = ", actual)
    end = time.clock()
    return end - start

项目:py-keycolval    作者:travisfischer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _run_get_on_all_columns(self):
        column_lookup = self._get_key_column_lookup()

        start_time =

        for key in column_lookup.keys():
            for col in column_lookup[key]:
                self._store.get(key, col)

        end_time =

        total_time = end_time - start_time

        print "Took %s to run get on all %s keys and %s columns." % (
项目:halite_bot    作者:ewirkerman    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main_loop():
    global last_map
    profiling = True
    profiling = False
    #import objgraph

    if not profiling:
        while True:
        if os.path.exists("stats"):
            if os.path.exists("stats\*"):
        while True:
            currpath = 'stats\mybot-%s.stats' % (turnCounter+1)
  'main()', currpath)

# with open("bot." + "debug", "a") as f:
    # logger.debug("Baselining at %s" % getframeinfo(currentframe()).lineno)
    # objgraph.show_growth(limit=20,file=f)
项目:halite_bot    作者:ewirkerman    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main_loop():
    global last_map
    profiling = True
    profiling = False
    #import objgraph

    if not profiling:
        while True:
        if os.path.exists("stats"):
            if os.path.exists("stats\*"):
        while True:
            currpath = 'stats\mybot-%s.stats' % (turnCounter+1)
  'main()', currpath)

# with open("bot." + "debug", "a") as f:
    # logger.debug("Baselining at %s" % getframeinfo(currentframe()).lineno)
    # objgraph.show_growth(limit=20,file=f)
项目:halite_bot    作者:ewirkerman    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main_loop():
    profiling = True
    profiling = False
    #import objgraph

    if not profiling:
        while True:
        if os.path.exists("stats"):
            if os.path.exists("stats\*"):
        while True:
            currpath = 'stats\mybot-%s.stats' % (turnCounter+1)
  'main()', currpath)

# with open("bot." + "debug", "a") as f:
    # logger.error("Baselining at %s" % getframeinfo(currentframe()).lineno)
    # objgraph.show_growth(limit=20,file=f)
项目:halite_bot    作者:ewirkerman    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main_loop():
    global last_map
    profiling = True
    profiling = False
    #import objgraph

    if not profiling:
        while True:
        if os.path.exists("stats"):
            if os.path.exists("stats\*"):
        while True:
            currpath = 'stats\mybot-%s.stats' % (turnCounter+1)
  'main()', currpath)

# with open("bot." + "debug", "a") as f:
#   # logger.debug("Baselining at %s" % getframeinfo(currentframe()).lineno)
    # objgraph.show_growth(limit=20,file=f)
项目:halite_bot    作者:ewirkerman    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main_loop():
    while True:
        profiling = True
        # profiling = False
        if not profiling:
            currpath = 'stats\mybot-currturn.stats'
            lastpath = 'stats\mybot-lastturn.stats'

            if os.path.exists(currpath):
                if os.path.exists(lastpath):
                os.rename(currpath, lastpath)
  'main()', currpath)
            # if "pypy" not in sys.executable:
            # else:
                # with open(currpath, "w") as f:
                    # vmprof.enable(f.fileno(), period=0.00099, memory=False)
                    # main()
                    # vmprof.disable()'main_loop()', 'stats\mybot.stats')
项目:GameToy    作者:rukai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        path = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])

        if len(sys.argv) > 2:
            debug = sys.argv[2]

            if len(sys.argv) > 3:
                max_cycles = int(sys.argv[3])
                run(path, debug, max_cycles)
                run(path, debug, -1)
            run(path, "NONE", -1)
项目:yatta_reader    作者:sound88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __str__(self):
        pm = '+-'
        if hasattr(sys.stdout, 'encoding') and sys.stdout.encoding:
                pm = u'\xb1'
        return (
            u"{mean} {pm} {std} per loop (mean {pm} std. dev. of {runs} run{run_plural}, {loops} loop{loop_plural} each)"
                    pm = pm,
                    runs = self.repeat,
                    loops = self.loops,
                    loop_plural = "" if self.loops == 1 else "s",
                    run_plural = "" if self.repeat == 1 else "s",
                    mean = _format_time(self.average, self._precision),
                    std = _format_time(self.stdev, self._precision))
项目:NeoAnalysis    作者:neoanalysis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def profile(code, name='profile_run', sort='cumulative', num=30):
    """Common-use for cProfile""", name)
    stats = pstats.Stats(name)
    return stats

#### Code for listing (nearly) all objects in the known universe
# Recursively expand slist's objects
# into olist, using seen to track
# already processed objects.
项目:NeoAnalysis    作者:neoanalysis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def findNew(self, regex):
        """Return all objects matching regex that were considered 'new' when the last diff() was run."""
        return self.findTypes(self.newRefs, regex)
项目:NeoAnalysis    作者:neoanalysis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def findPersistent(self, regex):
        """Return all objects matching regex that were considered 'persistent' when the last diff() was run."""
        return self.findTypes(self.persistentRefs, regex)
项目:NeoAnalysis    作者:neoanalysis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def start(self, interval=None):
        if interval is not None:
            self.interval = interval
        self._stop = False
        self.thread = threading.Thread(
        self.thread.daemon = True
项目:NeoAnalysis    作者:neoanalysis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self):
        while True:
            with self.lock:
                if self._stop is True:

            print("\n=============  THREAD FRAMES:  ================")
            for id, frame in sys._current_frames().items():
                if id == threading.current_thread().ident:
                print("<< thread %d >>" % id)

项目:NeoAnalysis    作者:neoanalysis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def findNew(self, regex):
        """Return all objects matching regex that were considered 'new' when the last diff() was run."""
        return self.findTypes(self.newRefs, regex)
项目:NeoAnalysis    作者:neoanalysis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def findPersistent(self, regex):
        """Return all objects matching regex that were considered 'persistent' when the last diff() was run."""
        return self.findTypes(self.persistentRefs, regex)
项目:NeoAnalysis    作者:neoanalysis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def start(self, interval=None):
        if interval is not None:
            self.interval = interval
        self._stop = False
        self.thread = threading.Thread(
        self.thread.daemon = True
项目:NeoAnalysis    作者:neoanalysis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self):
        while True:
            with self.lock:
                if self._stop is True:

            print("\n=============  THREAD FRAMES:  ================")
            for id, frame in sys._current_frames().items():
                if id == threading.current_thread().ident:
                print("<< thread %d >>" % id)

项目:pynufft    作者:jyhmiinlin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_cAddScalar():

    dtype = numpy.complex64


    print('using cl device=',device,device[0].max_work_group_size, device[0].max_compute_units,pyopencl.characterize.get_simd_group_size(device[0], dtype.size))

    ctx = pyopencl.Context(device) #pyopencl.create_some_context()
    queue = pyopencl.CommandQueue(ctx)
    wavefront = pyopencl.characterize.get_simd_group_size(device[0], dtype.size)

#     B = routine(wavefront)
    import cl_subroutine.cAddScalar
    prg = pyopencl.Program(ctx, cl_subroutine.cAddScalar.R).build()

    AddScalar = prg.cAddScalar
#     indata= numpy.arange(0,128).astype(dtype)
    indata = (numpy.random.randn(128,)+numpy.random.randn(128,)*1.0j).astype(dtype)      
    indata_g = pyopencl.array.to_device(queue, indata)
    scal= 0.1+0.1j
    AddScalar(queue, (128,),None,scal,

# if __name__ == '__main__':
#     import cProfile
# #'benchmark()')
#     test_init()
#     test_cAddScalar()
项目:PYKE    作者:muddyfish    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(code):
    if args.hex:
        code = codecs.decode(code.replace(b" ", b""), 'hex_codec')
    sys.stderr.write("RUNNING: {} ({} bytes)\n".format(repr(code), len(code)))

    ast = lang_ast.AST()
    ast.setup(bytearray(code), first=True)
    stack =
    return stack
项目:PYKE    作者:muddyfish    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_file(filename):
    with open(filename, "rb") as f_obj:
        return run(
项目:firecloud_developer_toolkit    作者:broadinstitute    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __setstate__(self, state):
        # This code is run when an instance is created by unpickling, and not when it is initially created.
        # roll back jobs that were sent into some state? make these transitions tolerant of being called twice in a row?
        # how do jobs get purged that finished?

        for jobId in self._status_by_jobId:
            directory_status = self._get_module_directory_status(jobId)
            if directory_status == self._status_by_jobId[jobId]:
            if directory_status in ['AboutToFail','AboutToAbort']:
                # just try again
                self._set_module_directory_status(jobId, jobId)
            elif directory_status in ['Pass','Fail', jobId]:
            elif directory_status in ['AboutToPass']:
                # move all the stuff back into the jobdir and try again
                jobdir = self._jobDirectory_by_jobId[jobId]
                moddir = self._moduleDirectory_by_jobId[jobId]
                if not os.path.exists(jobdir):
                module_files = os.listdir(jobdir)
                for fn in module_files:
                    if fn.startswith('pipette.'):
                    old_path = os.path.join(moddir, fn)
                    new_path = os.path.join(jobdir, fn)
                    os.rename(old_path, new_path)
                # _after_ the files are moved, update the status
                self._set_module_directory_status(jobId, jobId)
                raise Exception('Module directory left in an unrepairable state: ' + \
项目:Python_Study    作者:thsheep    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():'very_slow()', 'prof.txt')
    import pstats
    p = pstats.Stats('prof.txt')
项目:leetcode    作者:thomasyimgit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, shell):
        super(ExecutionMagics, self).__init__(shell)
        if profile is None:
            self.prun = self.profile_missing_notice
        # Default execution function used to actually run user code.
        self.default_runner = None
项目:leetcode    作者:thomasyimgit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _run_with_timing(run, nruns):
        Run function `run` and print timing information.

        run : callable
            Any callable object which takes no argument.
        nruns : int
            Number of times to execute `run`.

        twall0 = time.time()
        if nruns == 1:
            t0 = clock2()
            t1 = clock2()
            t_usr = t1[0] - t0[0]
            t_sys = t1[1] - t0[1]
            print("\nIPython CPU timings (estimated):")
            print("  User   : %10.2f s." % t_usr)
            print("  System : %10.2f s." % t_sys)
            runs = range(nruns)
            t0 = clock2()
            for nr in runs:
            t1 = clock2()
            t_usr = t1[0] - t0[0]
            t_sys = t1[1] - t0[1]
            print("\nIPython CPU timings (estimated):")
            print("Total runs performed:", nruns)
            print("  Times  : %10s   %10s" % ('Total', 'Per run'))
            print("  User   : %10.2f s, %10.2f s." % (t_usr, t_usr / nruns))
            print("  System : %10.2f s, %10.2f s." % (t_sys, t_sys / nruns))
        twall1 = time.time()
        print("Wall time: %10.2f s." % (twall1 - twall0))
项目:leetcode    作者:thomasyimgit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def capture(self, line, cell):
        """run the cell, capturing stdout, stderr, and IPython's rich display() calls."""
        args = magic_arguments.parse_argstring(self.capture, line)
        out = not args.no_stdout
        err = not args.no_stderr
        disp = not args.no_display
        with capture_output(out, err, disp) as io:
        if args.output:
  [args.output] = io
项目:featherduster    作者:nccgroup    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testbench():
    plaintext_iter = xrange(plaintext_len_min, plaintext_len_max+plaintext_len_step, plaintext_len_step)
    key_len_iter = xrange(key_len_min, key_len_max+key_len_step, key_len_step)
    result = [[]]
    total_progress = len(plaintext_iter)*len(key_len_iter)*iterations
    progress = 0
    average_time = 0

    time_file = open('testbench_times.txt', 'w')

    print "Running Testbench"
    start_time =

    result.append([0] + list(key_len_iter))

    for plaintext_len in plaintext_iter:
        same_plaintext_len_results = [plaintext_len]
        for key_len in key_len_iter:
            single_result = 0
            for iteration in xrange(iterations):
                start_run_time = time.time()
                score = test_run(plaintext_len, key_len)
                single_result += score
                end_run_time = time.time()
                time_file.write(str(end_run_time-start_run_time) + '\n')
                average_time += end_run_time - start_run_time

                progress += 1
                update_progress(progress/float(total_progress+1), status="keylength: %d, textlength: %d    " % (key_len, plaintext_len))


    end_time =
    update_progress(1, done='Completed in %s hours             ' % str(end_time-start_time).rsplit('.')[0])
    print 'average time per break run: %.1f' % (average_time/total_progress)
    with open('testbench.txt', 'w') as file:
        file.writelines('\t'.join(str(j) for j in i) + '\n' for i in result)
项目:Learning-Python-Application-Development    作者:PacktPublishing    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_random_points(ref_radius, total_points):
    """Return x, y coordinate lists representing random points inside a circle.

    This function illustrates NumPy capabilities. It is used in the
    optimization pass 4, 5, 6 in the chapter on performance of the book
    Learning Python  Application Development (Packt Publishing).

    The run time performance of this function will be
    significantly faster compared to the previous optimization pass.

    Generates random points inside a circle with center at (0,0). For any point
    it randomly picks a radius between 0 and ref_radius.

    :param ref_radius: The random point lies between 0 and this radius.
    :param total_points: total number of random points to be created
    :return: x and y coordinates as lists

    .. todo:: Refactor! Move the function to a module like
    # Combination of avoiding the dots (function reevaluations)
    # and using local variable. This is similar to the
    # optimization pass-3 but here we use equivalent NumPy functions.
    l_uniform = np.random.uniform
    l_sqrt = np.sqrt
    l_pi = np.pi
    l_cos = np.cos
    l_sin = np.sin

    # Note that the variables theta and radius are now NumPy arrays.
    theta = l_uniform(0.0, 2.0*l_pi, total_points)
    radius = ref_radius*l_sqrt(l_uniform(0.0, 1.0, total_points))
    x = radius*l_cos(theta)
    y = radius*l_sin(theta)

    # x and y thus obtained are NumPy arrays. Return these as Python lists
    return x.tolist(), y.tolist()
项目:Learning-Python-Application-Development    作者:PacktPublishing    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_random_points(ref_radius, total_points):
    """Return x, y coordinate lists representing random points inside a circle.

    This function illustrates NumPy capabilities. It is used in the
    optimization pass 4, 5, 6 in the chapter on performance of the book
    Learning Python  Application Development (Packt Publishing).

    The run time performance of this function will be
    significantly faster compared to the previous optimization pass.

    Generates random points inside a circle with center at (0,0). For any
    point, it randomly picks a radius between 0 and ref_radius.

    :param ref_radius: The random point lies between 0 and this radius.
    :param total_points: total number of random points to be created
    :return: x and y coordinates as lists

    .. todo:: Refactor! Move the function to a module like
    # Combination of avoiding the dots (function reevaluations)
    # and using local variable. This is similar to the
    # optimization pass-3 but here we use equivalent NumPy functions.
    l_uniform = np.random.uniform
    l_sqrt = np.sqrt
    l_pi = np.pi
    l_cos = np.cos
    l_sin = np.sin

    # Note that the variables theta and radius are now NumPy arrays.
    theta = l_uniform(0.0, 2.0*l_pi, total_points)
    radius = ref_radius*l_sqrt(l_uniform(0.0, 1.0, total_points))
    x = radius*l_cos(theta)
    y = radius*l_sin(theta)

    # Unlike optimization pass-4 (which returns x and y as Python lists,
    # here it returns the NumPy arrays directly to be consumed by
    # the GoldHunt.find_coins method
    return x, y
项目:Learning-Python-Application-Development    作者:PacktPublishing    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_random_points(ref_radius, total_points):
    """Return x, y coordinate lists representing random points inside a circle.

    This function illustrates NumPy capabilities. It is used in the
    optimization pass 4, 5, 6 in the chapter on performance of the book
    Learning Python  Application Development (Packt Publishing).

    The run time performance of this function will be
    significantly faster compared to the previous optimization pass.

    Generates random points inside a circle with center at (0,0). For any point
    it randomly picks a radius between 0 and ref_radius.

    :param ref_radius: The random point lies between 0 and this radius.
    :param total_points: total number of random points to be created
    :return: x and y coordinates as lists

    .. todo:: Refactor! Move the function to a module like
    # Combination of avoiding the dots (function reevaluations)
    # and using local variable. This is similar to the
    # optimization pass-3 but here we use equivalent NumPy functions.
    l_uniform = np.random.uniform
    l_sqrt = np.sqrt
    l_pi = np.pi
    l_cos = np.cos
    l_sin = np.sin

    # Note that the variables theta and radius are now NumPy arrays.
    theta = l_uniform(0.0, 2.0*l_pi, total_points)
    radius = ref_radius*l_sqrt(l_uniform(0.0, 1.0, total_points))
    x = radius*l_cos(theta)
    y = radius*l_sin(theta)

    # x and y thus obtained are NumPy arrays. Return these as Python lists
    return x.tolist(), y.tolist()
项目:Learning-Python-Application-Development    作者:PacktPublishing    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_random_points(ref_radius, total_points):
    """Return x, y coordinate lists representing random points inside a circle.

    This function illustrates NumPy capabilities. It is used in the
    optimization pass 4, 5, 6 in the chapter on performance of the book
    Learning Python  Application Development (Packt Publishing).

    The run time performance of this function will be
    significantly faster compared to the previous optimization pass.

    Generates random points inside a circle with center at (0,0). For any
    point, it randomly picks a radius between 0 and ref_radius.

    :param ref_radius: The random point lies between 0 and this radius.
    :param total_points: total number of random points to be created
    :return: x and y coordinates as lists

    .. todo:: Refactor! Move the function to a module like
    # Combination of avoiding the dots (function reevaluations)
    # and using local variable. This is similar to the
    # optimization pass-3 but here we use equivalent NumPy functions.
    l_uniform = np.random.uniform
    l_sqrt = np.sqrt
    l_pi = np.pi
    l_cos = np.cos
    l_sin = np.sin

    # Note that the variables theta and radius are now NumPy arrays.
    theta = l_uniform(0.0, 2.0*l_pi, total_points)
    radius = ref_radius*l_sqrt(l_uniform(0.0, 1.0, total_points))
    x = radius*l_cos(theta)
    y = radius*l_sin(theta)

    # Unlike optimization pass-4 (which returns x and y as Python lists,
    # here it returns the NumPy arrays directly to be consumed by
    # the GoldHunt.find_coins method
    return x, y
项目:Learning-Python-Application-Development    作者:PacktPublishing    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_random_points(ref_radius, total_points):
    """Return x, y coordinate lists representing random points inside a circle.

    This function illustrates NumPy capabilities. It is used in the
    optimization pass 4, 5, 6 in the chapter on performance of the book
    Learning Python  Application Development (Packt Publishing).

    The run time performance of this function will be
    significantly faster compared to the previous optimization pass.

    Generates random points inside a circle with center at (0,0). For any
    point, it randomly picks a radius between 0 and ref_radius.

    :param ref_radius: The random point lies between 0 and this radius.
    :param total_points: total number of random points to be created
    :return: x and y coordinates as lists

    .. todo:: Refactor! Move the function to a module like
    # Combination of avoiding the dots (function reevaluations)
    # and using local variable. This is similar to the
    # optimization pass-3 but here we use equivalent NumPy functions.
    l_uniform = np.random.uniform
    l_sqrt = np.sqrt
    l_pi = np.pi
    l_cos = np.cos
    l_sin = np.sin

    # Note that the variables theta and radius are now NumPy arrays.
    theta = l_uniform(0.0, 2.0*l_pi, total_points)
    radius = ref_radius*l_sqrt(l_uniform(0.0, 1.0, total_points))
    x = radius*l_cos(theta)
    y = radius*l_sin(theta)

    # Unlike optimization pass-4 (which returns x and y as Python lists,
    # here it returns the NumPy arrays directly to be consumed by
    # the GoldHunt.find_coins method
    return x, y
项目:PyTexturePacker    作者:wo1fsea    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():
    import cProfile
    #"pack_test()")"pack_test()", "result")

    # >python -m cProfile -o result

    import pstats
    p = pstats.Stats("result")


    p.sort_stats('tottime', 'cumtime').print_stats(.5, 'pack_test')
项目:pycam    作者:SebKuzminsky    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def show_gui():
    deps_gtk = GuiCommon.requirements_details_gtk()
    report_gtk = GuiCommon.get_dependency_report(deps_gtk, prefix="\t")
    if GuiCommon.check_dependencies(deps_gtk):
        from pycam.Gui.Project import ProjectGui
        gui_class = ProjectGui
        full_report = []
        full_report.append("PyCAM dependency problem")
        full_report.append("Error: Failed to load the GTK interface.")
        full_report.append("Detailed list of requirements: %s" % GuiCommon.REQUIREMENTS_LINK)
        return EXIT_CODES["requirements"]

    event_manager = get_event_handler()
    gui = gui_class(event_manager)
    # initialize plugins
    plugin_manager = pycam.Plugins.PluginManager(core=event_manager)
    # some more initialization
    # TODO: preferences are not loaded until the new format is stable
#   self.load_preferences()

    # tell the GUI to empty the "undo" queue


    # open the GUI
    # no error -> return no error code
    return None
项目:SACS-Python    作者:SabreDevStudio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _profile_():
        import cProfile as profile
        import profile'_fulltest_()')'_filetest_()')
项目:Repobot    作者:Desgard    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, shell):
        super(ExecutionMagics, self).__init__(shell)
        if profile is None:
            self.prun = self.profile_missing_notice
        # Default execution function used to actually run user code.
        self.default_runner = None
项目:Repobot    作者:Desgard    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _run_with_timing(run, nruns):
        Run function `run` and print timing information.

        run : callable
            Any callable object which takes no argument.
        nruns : int
            Number of times to execute `run`.

        twall0 = time.time()
        if nruns == 1:
            t0 = clock2()
            t1 = clock2()
            t_usr = t1[0] - t0[0]
            t_sys = t1[1] - t0[1]
            print("\nIPython CPU timings (estimated):")
            print("  User   : %10.2f s." % t_usr)
            print("  System : %10.2f s." % t_sys)
            runs = range(nruns)
            t0 = clock2()
            for nr in runs:
            t1 = clock2()
            t_usr = t1[0] - t0[0]
            t_sys = t1[1] - t0[1]
            print("\nIPython CPU timings (estimated):")
            print("Total runs performed:", nruns)
            print("  Times  : %10s   %10s" % ('Total', 'Per run'))
            print("  User   : %10.2f s, %10.2f s." % (t_usr, t_usr / nruns))
            print("  System : %10.2f s, %10.2f s." % (t_sys, t_sys / nruns))
        twall1 = time.time()
        print("Wall time: %10.2f s." % (twall1 - twall0))
项目:Repobot    作者:Desgard    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def capture(self, line, cell):
        """run the cell, capturing stdout, stderr, and IPython's rich display() calls."""
        args = magic_arguments.parse_argstring(self.capture, line)
        out = not args.no_stdout
        err = not args.no_stderr
        disp = not args.no_display
        with capture_output(out, err, disp) as io:
        if args.output:
  [args.output] = io
项目:checo    作者:kc1212    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def got_protocol(p):
    # this needs to be lower than the deferLater in `run`
    call_later(1, p.send_ping)
项目:checo    作者:kc1212    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _run():
        run(Config(args.port, args.n, args.t, args.population, args.test, args.value, args.failure, args.tx_rate,
                   args.fan_out, args.validate, args.ignore_promoter, args.auto_byzantine),
            args.broadcast, args.discovery)
项目:cykdtree    作者:cykdtree    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def stats_run(npart, nproc, ndim, periodic=False, overwrite=False,
              display=False, suppress_final_output=False):
    r"""Get timing stats using :package:`cProfile`.

        npart (int): Number of particles.
        nproc (int): Number of processors.
        ndim (int): Number of dimensions.
        periodic (bool, optional): If True, the domain is assumed to be
            periodic. Defaults to False.
        overwrite (bool, optional): If True, the existing file for this
            set of input parameters if overwritten. Defaults to False.
        suppress_final_output (bool, optional): If True, the final output 
            from spawned MPI processes is suppressed. This is mainly for
            timing purposes. Defaults to False.
        display (bool, optional): If True, display the profile results.
            Defaults to False.

    perstr = ""
    outstr = ""
    if periodic:
        perstr = "_periodic"
    if suppress_final_output:
        outstr = "_noout"
    fname_stat = 'stat_{}part_{}proc_{}dim{}{}.txt'.format(
        npart, nproc, ndim, perstr, outstr)
    if overwrite or not os.path.isfile(fname_stat):
            "from cykdtree.tests import run_test; "+
            "run_test({}, {}, nproc={}, ".format(npart, ndim, nproc) +
            "periodic={}, ".format(periodic) +
    if display:
        p = pstats.Stats(fname_stat)
        return p
    return fname_stat
项目:cykdtree    作者:cykdtree    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def time_run(npart, nproc, ndim, nrep=1, periodic=False, leafsize=10,
    r"""Get runing times using :package:`time`.

        npart (int): Number of particles.
        nproc (int): Number of processors.
        ndim (int): Number of dimensions.
        nrep (int, optional): Number of times the run should be performed to
            get an average. Defaults to 1.
        periodic (bool, optional): If True, the domain is assumed to be
            periodic. Defaults to False.
        leafsize (int, optional): The maximum number of points that should be
            in any leaf in the tree. Defaults to 10.
        suppress_final_output (bool, optional): If True, the final output 
            from spawned MPI processes is suppressed. This is mainly for
            timing purposes. Defaults to False.

    times = np.empty(nrep, 'float')
    for i in range(nrep):
        t1 = time.time()
        run_test(npart, ndim, nproc=nproc,
                 periodic=periodic, leafsize=leafsize,
        t2 = time.time()
        times[i] = t2 - t1
    return np.mean(times), np.std(times)
项目:deb-python-autobahn    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def master(options):
    Start of the master process.
    if not options.silence:
        print "Master started on PID %s" % os.getpid()

    # start embedded Web server if asked for (this only runs on master)
    if options.port:
        webdir = File(".")
        web = Site(webdir)
        web.log = lambda _: None  # disable annoyingly verbose request logging
        reactor.listenTCP(options.port, web)

    # we just need some factory like thing .. it won't be used on master anyway
    # for actual socket accept
    factory = Factory()

    # create socket, bind and listen ..
    port = reactor.listenTCP(options.wsport, factory, backlog=options.backlog)

    # .. but immediately stop reading: we only want to accept on workers, not master

    # fire off background workers
    for i in range(options.workers):

        args = [executable, "-u", __file__, "--fd", str(port.fileno()), "--cpuid", str(i)]

        # pass on cmd line args to worker ..

            None, executable, args,
            childFDs={0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, port.fileno(): port.fileno()},
项目:weakmon    作者:rtmrtmrtmrtm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process(self, buf, eof, tm0):
        global filterorder, votewin

        # correct back to start of self.ssamples[]
        tm0 -= self.ssampleslen / float(self.inrate)

        self.ssampleslen += len(buf)

        while True:
            if self.ssampleslen < 60 * self.inrate:

            if eof == False and self.ssampleslen < (votewin+1)*60*self.inrate:

            samples = numpy.concatenate(self.ssamples)
            self.ssamples = None
            self.ssampleslen = None

            filter = weakutil.butter_bandpass( - self.filterwidth/2,
                                     + self.filterwidth/2,
                                              self.inrate, filterorder)
            filtered = scipy.signal.lfilter(filter[0], filter[1], samples)

            # down-sampling makes everything run much faster.
            # XXX perhaps sacrificing fine alignment?
            down = weakutil.resample(filtered, self.inrate, self.lorate)
            self.process1(down, tm0)

            trim = 60*self.inrate
            samples = samples[trim:]
            self.ssamples = [ samples ]
            self.ssampleslen = len(samples)
            tm0 += trim / float(self.inrate)