Python chainer.function 模块,Function() 实例源码


项目:chainer-deconv    作者:germanRos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, node, attribute=None):
        """Initializes DotNode.

            node: :class: `Variable` object or :class: `Function` object.
            attribute (dict): Attributes for the node.

        assert isinstance(node, (variable.Variable, function.Function))
        self.node = node
        self.id_ = id(node)
        self.attribute = {'label': node.label}
        if isinstance(node, variable.Variable):
            self.attribute = {'shape': 'oval'}
            self.attribute = {'shape': 'box'}
        if attribute is not None:
项目:static-define-by-run    作者:bkvogel    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def static_backward(func):
    """Decorator to mark a function for inclusion in the backward schedule.

    The decorator is used in the same way as `static_forward` except that
    it is used to decorate the functions that should be added to the static
    backward-pass schedule. The wrapped function implements the
    computations of the `backward()` method of a Function instance that
    must be executed during every backward pass.

    Similarly to `static_forward`, the wrapped function should not return
    a result because it will be ignored.

        func: A a backward-pass method of a sub-class of Function that should be inserted
        into the static backward schedule when `static_graph` is enabled. The function
        must not return a value because any return values will be ignored.

    Returns: The wrapped function.

    def wrapped_func(*args, **kwargs):
        # Save arguments, function, and results pointers/references to the schedule list:
        def no_arg_func():
            #print('In no_arg_func: Calling: ', func)
            func(*args, **kwargs)
            #print("Arguments were: %s, %s" % (args, kwargs))

        # no_arg_func() requires no arguments to call since the arguments of the decorated function
        # are captured by the closure.
        inst = args[0]
        assert isinstance(inst, function.Function)
        schedule_function = getattr(inst, 'schedule_func', None)
        # If trace mode is on, add to schedule.
        if schedule_function is not None:
            print('Adding function to the backward static schedule.')

    return wrapped_func
项目:chainer-deconv    作者:germanRos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, nodes, edges, variable_style=None, function_style=None):
        """Initializes computational graph.

            nodes (list): List of nodes. Each node is either
                 :class:`Variable` object or :class:`Function` object.
            edges (list): List of edges. Each edge consists of pair of nodes.
            variable_style (dict): Dot node style for variable.
            function_style (dict): Dot node style for function.

        self.nodes = nodes
        self.edges = edges
        self.variable_style = variable_style
        self.function_style = function_style
项目:chainer-deconv    作者:germanRos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _to_dot(self):
        """Converts graph in dot format.

        `label` property of is used as short description of each node.
            str: The graph in dot format.

        ret = "digraph graphname{"
        for node in self.nodes:
            assert isinstance(node, (variable.Variable, function.Function))
            if isinstance(node, variable.Variable):
                ret += DotNode(node, self.variable_style).label
                ret += DotNode(node, self.function_style).label
        for edge in self.edges:
            head, tail = edge
            if (isinstance(head, variable.Variable) and
                    isinstance(tail, function.Function)):
                head_attr = self.variable_style
                tail_attr = self.function_style
            elif (isinstance(head, function.Function) and
                  isinstance(tail, variable.Variable)):
                head_attr = self.function_style
                tail_attr = self.variable_style
                raise TypeError(
                    'head and tail should be the set of Variable and Function')
            head_node = DotNode(head, head_attr)
            tail_node = DotNode(tail, tail_attr)
            ret += "%s -> %s;" % (head_node.id_, tail_node.id_)
        ret += "}"
        return ret