Python chainer.functions 模块,stack() 实例源码


项目:depccg    作者:masashi-y    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def predict(self, xs):
        batch: list of splitted sentences
        batchsize = len(xs)
        fs = [self.extractor.process(x)[:2] for x in xs]
        ws, cs = concat_examples(fs, padding=IGNORE)
        cat_ys, dep_ys = self.forward(ws, cs)
        cat_ys = F.transpose(F.stack(cat_ys, 2), (0, 2, 1))
        # dep_ys = F.transpose(F.stack(dep_ys, 2), (0, 2, 1))

        cat_ys = [F.log_softmax(
            F.reshape(y, (y.shape[1], -1))[1:len(x) + 1]).data for x, y in \
                zip(xs, F.split_axis(cat_ys, batchsize, 0))]

        dep_ys = [F.log_softmax(y[1:len(x) + 1, :len(x) + 1]).data \
                for x, y in zip(xs, dep_ys)]
        assert len(cat_ys) == len(dep_ys)
        return zip(cat_ys, dep_ys)
项目:depccg    作者:masashi-y    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, ws, cs):
        batchsize, length, max_word_len = cs.shape
        ws = self.emb_word(ws) # (batch, length, word_dim)
        cs = F.reshape(
                        (batchsize * length, 1, max_word_len, 50))), (max_word_len, 1)),
                    (batchsize, length, self.char_dim))

        hs = F.transpose(F.concat([ws, cs], 2), (1, 0, 2))
        hs = F.dropout(hs, self.dropout_ratio, train=self.train)
        hs = F.split_axis(hs, length, 0)
        hs_f = []
        hs_b = []
        for h_in_f, h_in_b in zip(hs, reversed(hs)):
            h_f = self.lstm_f2(self.lstm_f1(F.reshape(h_in_f, (batchsize, -1))))
            h_b = self.lstm_b2(self.lstm_b1(F.reshape(h_in_b, (batchsize, -1))))

        hs = [F.concat([h_f, h_b]) for h_f, h_b in zip(hs_f, reversed(hs_b))]

        cat_ys = [self.linear_cat2(F.dropout(
            F.elu(self.linear_cat1(h)), 0.5, train=self.train)) for h in hs]

        hs = [F.reshape(h, (length, -1)) for h in \
                F.split_axis(F.transpose(F.stack(hs, 2), (0, 2, 1)), batchsize, 0)]

        dep_ys = [self.biaffine(
            F.relu(F.dropout(self.linear_dep(h), 0.32, train=self.train)),
            F.relu(F.dropout(self.linear_head(h), 0.32, train=self.train))) for h in hs]
        return cat_ys, dep_ys
项目:mlpnlp-nmt    作者:mlpnlp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getAllLSTMStates(self):
        lstm_state_list_out = [0] * len(self) * 2
        for z in six.moves.range(len(self)):
            lstm_state_list_out[2 * z] = self[z].c
            lstm_state_list_out[2 * z + 1] = self[z].h
        # ???????????stack??????? Chainer Variable?????
        return chaFunc.stack(lstm_state_list_out)

    # ?????????getAllLSTMStates???????????????????
项目:mlpnlp-nmt    作者:mlpnlp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, hx, cx, xs, flag_train, args):
        if hx is None:
            hx = self.init_hx(xs)
        if cx is None:
            cx = self.init_hx(xs)

        # hx, cx ? (layer?, minibatch???????)?tensor
        # xs? (???, minibatch???????)?tensor
        # Note: chaFunc.n_step_lstm() ?????????dropout?????
        if args.chainer_version_check[0] == 2:
            hy, cy, ys = chaFunc.n_step_lstm(
                self.n_layers, self.dropout_rate, hx, cx,,, xs)
            hy, cy, ys = chaFunc.n_step_lstm(
                self.n_layers, self.dropout_rate, hx, cx,,, xs,
                train=flag_train, use_cudnn=self.use_cudnn)
        # hy, cy ? (layer?, minibatch???????) ?????
        # ys????????????????????
        # ???? (minibatch???????)
        # ??????????stack???????????chainer.Variable???
        # (???, minibatch???????)?tensor
        hlist = chaFunc.stack(ys)
        return hy, cy, hlist

# LSTM???????????????????????????????????
项目:chainer_frmqn    作者:okdshin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read(self, h):
        #M_key = F.swapaxes(F.stack(self.key_buff, axis=0), axis1=0, axis2=1) # (B, M, m)
        M_key = F.stack(self.key_buff, axis=1) # (B, M, m)

        self.p = F.softmax(F.reshape(F.batch_matmul(M_key, h, transa=False, transb=False), (h.shape[0], M_key.shape[1]))) # (B, M)
        #p = F.reshape(p, (h.shape[0], 1, M_key.shape[1])) # (B, 1, M)
        #print("p", p.shape)
        #M_val = F.swapaxes(F.stack(self.val_buff, axis=0), axis1=0, axis2=1) # (B, M, m)
        M_val = F.stack(self.val_buff, axis=1) # (B, M, m)
        #print("M_val", M_val.shape)
        o = F.batch_matmul(self.p, M_val, transa=True, transb=False) # (B, 1, m)
        o = F.reshape(o, (o.shape[0], o.shape[2])) # (B, m)
        #print("o", o.shape)
        return o, self.p
项目:NlpUtil    作者:trtd56    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, x, train=True):
        h_x = self.embed(x)
        h_x = [h for h in h_x]
        h_x = self.nstep_lstm(h_x, train)
        h_x = [h[-1] for h in h_x]
        h_x = F.stack(h_x, 0)
        return self.l1(F.dropout(h_x, train=train))
项目:NlpUtil    作者:trtd56    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, x, train=True):
        h_x = self.embed(x)
        h_x = [h for h in h_x]
        h_x = self.nstep_lstm(h_x, train)
        h_x = [h[-1] for h in h_x]
        h_x = F.stack(h_x, 0)
        return self.l1(F.dropout(h_x, train=train))
项目:dgm    作者:ashwindcruz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, x):
        # Obtain parameters for q(z|x)
        encoding_time = time.time()
        encoding_time = float(time.time() - encoding_time)

        decoding_time_average = 0.

        xp = cuda.cupy
        self.importance_weights = 0
        self.w_holder = []
        self.kl = 0
        self.logp = 0

        for j in xrange(self.num_zsamples):
            # Sample z ~ q(z|x)
            z = F.gaussian(self.qmu, self.qln_var)

            # Compute log q(z|x)
            encoder_log = gaussian_logp(z, self.qmu, self.qln_var)

            # Obtain parameters for p(x|z)
            decoding_time = time.time()
            decoding_time = time.time() - decoding_time
            decoding_time_average += decoding_time

            # Compute log p(x|z)
            decoder_log = bernoulli_logp(x, self.p_ber_prob_logit)

            # Compute log p(z). 
            prior_log = gaussian_logp0(z)

            # Store the latest log weight'
            current_temperature = min(self.temperature['value'],1.0)
            self.w_holder.append(decoder_log + current_temperature*(prior_log - encoder_log))

            # Store the KL and Logp equivalents. They are not used for computation but for recording and reporting. 
            self.kl += (encoder_log-prior_log)
            self.logp += (decoder_log)

        self.temperature['value'] += self.temperature['increment']

        # Compute w' for this sample (batch)
        logps = F.stack(self.w_holder)
        self.obj_batch = F.logsumexp(logps, axis=0) - np.log(self.num_zsamples)
        self.kl /= self.num_zsamples
        self.logp /= self.num_zsamples

        decoding_time_average /= self.num_zsamples

        batch_size = self.obj_batch.shape[0]

        self.obj = -F.sum(self.obj_batch)/batch_size        
        self.timing_info = np.array([encoding_time,decoding_time_average])

        return self.obj
项目:dgm    作者:ashwindcruz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, x):
        # Obtain parameters for q(z|x)
        encoding_time = time.time()
        encoding_time = float(time.time() - encoding_time)

        decoding_time_average = 0.

        xp = cuda.cupy
        self.importance_weights = 0
        self.w_holder = []
        self.kl = 0
        self.logp = 0

        for j in xrange(self.num_zsamples):
            # Sample z ~ q(z|x)
            z = F.gaussian(self.qmu, self.qln_var)

            # Compute log q(z|x)
            encoder_log = gaussian_logp(z, self.qmu, self.qln_var)

            # Obtain parameters for p(x|z)
            decoding_time = time.time()
            decoding_time = time.time() - decoding_time
            decoding_time_average += decoding_time

            # Compute log p(x|z)
            decoder_log = gaussian_logp(x, self.pmu, self.pln_var)

            # Compute log p(z). The odd notation being used is to supply a mean of 0 and covariance of 1
            prior_log = gaussian_logp(z, self.qmu*0, self.qln_var/self.qln_var)

            # Store the latest log weight'
            current_temperature = min(self.temperature['value'],1.0)
            self.w_holder.append(decoder_log + current_temperature*(prior_log - encoder_log))

            # Store the KL and Logp equivalents. They are not used for computation but for recording and reporting. 
            self.kl += (encoder_log-prior_log)
            self.logp += (decoder_log)

        self.temperature['value'] += self.temperature['increment']

        # Compute w' for this sample (batch)
        logps = F.stack(self.w_holder)
        self.obj_batch = F.logsumexp(logps, axis=0) - np.log(self.num_zsamples)
        self.kl /= self.num_zsamples
        self.logp /= self.num_zsamples

        decoding_time_average /= self.num_zsamples

        batch_size = self.obj_batch.shape[0]

        self.obj = -F.sum(self.obj_batch)/batch_size        
        self.timing_info = np.array([encoding_time,decoding_time_average])

        return self.obj
项目:dgm    作者:ashwindcruz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, x):
        # Obtain parameters for q(z|x)
        encoding_time = time.time()
        encoding_time = float(time.time() - encoding_time)

        decoding_time_average = 0.

        xp = cuda.cupy
        self.importance_weights = 0
        self.w_holder = []
        self.kl = 0
        self.logp = 0

        for j in xrange(self.num_zsamples):
            # Sample z ~ q(z|x)
            z = F.gaussian(self.qmu, self.qln_var)

            # Compute log q(z|x)
            encoder_log = gaussian_logp(z, self.qmu, self.qln_var)

            # Obtain parameters for p(x|z)
            decoding_time = time.time()
            decoding_time = time.time() - decoding_time
            decoding_time_average += decoding_time

            # Compute log p(x|z)
            decoder_log = bernoulli_logp(x, self.p_ber_prob_logit)

            # Compute log p(z). 
            prior_log = gaussian_logp0(z)

            # Store the latest log weight'
            current_temperature = min(self.temperature['value'],1.0)
            self.w_holder.append(decoder_log + current_temperature*(prior_log - encoder_log))

            # Store the KL and Logp equivalents. They are not used for computation but for recording and reporting. 
            self.kl += (encoder_log-prior_log)
            self.logp += (decoder_log)

        self.temperature['value'] += self.temperature['increment']        

        # Compute w' for this sample (batch)
        logps = F.stack(self.w_holder)
        self.obj_batch = F.logsumexp(logps, axis=0) - np.log(self.num_zsamples)
        self.kl /= self.num_zsamples
        self.logp /= self.num_zsamples

        decoding_time_average /= self.num_zsamples

        batch_size = self.obj_batch.shape[0]

        self.obj = -F.sum(self.obj_batch)/batch_size        
        self.timing_info = np.array([encoding_time,decoding_time_average])

        return self.obj
项目:ImageCaptioning    作者:rkuga    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def beam_search(dec,state,y,data,beam_width,mydict_inv):  
    route = np.zeros((batchsize,beam_width,50)).astype(np.int32)

    for j in range(50):
        if j == 0:
            y = Variable(xp.array(np.argmax(, axis=1)).astype(xp.int32))
            state,y = dec(y, state, train=False)
            h=xp.tile(h.reshape(batchsize,1,-1), (1,beam_width,1))
            c=xp.tile(c.reshape(batchsize,1,-1), (1,beam_width,1))
            pred_total_city = np.argsort(ptr)[:,::-1][:,:beam_width]
            pred_total_score = np.sort(ptr)[:,::-1][:,:beam_width]
            route[:,:,j] = pred_total_city
            for b in range(beam_width):
                state={'c1':Variable(c[:,b,:]), 'h1':Variable(h[:,b,:])}
                cur_city = xp.array([pred_total_city[i,b,j-1] for i in range(batchsize)]).astype(xp.int32)
                state,y = dec(cur_city,state, train=False)
                pred_next_score[:,b,:]=np.sort(ptr, axis=1)[:,::-1][:,:topk]
                pred_next_city[:,b,:]=np.argsort(ptr, axis=1)[:,::-1][:,:topk]

            h=F.stack([h for i in range(topk)], axis=2).data
            c=F.stack([c for i in range(topk)], axis=2).data

            pred_total_city = np.tile(route[:,:,:j],(1,1,topk)).reshape(batchsize,beam_width,topk,j)
            pred_next_city = pred_next_city.reshape(batchsize,beam_width,topk,1)
            pred_total_city = np.concatenate((pred_total_city,pred_next_city),axis=3)

            pred_total_score = np.tile(pred_total_score.reshape(batchsize,beam_width,1),(1,1,topk)).reshape(batchsize,beam_width,topk,1)
            pred_next_score = pred_next_score.reshape(batchsize,beam_width,topk,1)
            pred_total_score += pred_next_score

            idx = pred_total_score.reshape(batchsize,beam_width * topk).argsort(axis=1)[:,::-1][:,:beam_width]

            pred_total_city = pred_total_city[:,idx//topk, np.mod(idx,topk), :][np.diag_indices(batchsize,ndim=2)].reshape(batchsize,beam_width,j+1)
            pred_total_score = pred_total_score[:,idx//topk, np.mod(idx,topk), :][np.diag_indices(batchsize,ndim=2)].reshape(batchsize,beam_width,1)
            h = h[:,idx//topk, np.mod(idx,topk), :][np.diag_indices(batchsize,ndim=2)].reshape(batchsize,beam_width,-1)
            c = c[:,idx//topk, np.mod(idx,topk), :][np.diag_indices(batchsize,ndim=2)].reshape(batchsize,beam_width,-1)

            route[:,:,:j+1] =pred_total_city
            if (pred_total_city[:,:,j] == 15).all():

    return route[:,0,:j+1].tolist()
项目:mlpnlp-nmt    作者:mlpnlp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def encodeSentenceFWD(self, train_mode, sentence, args, dropout_rate):
        if args.gpu_enc != args.gpu_dec:  # enc?dec??GPU???
        encLen = len(sentence)  # ??
        cMBSize = len(sentence[0])  # minibatch size

        # ?????embedding???  ??????????
        encEmbList = self.getEncoderInputEmbeddings(sentence, args)

        flag_train = (train_mode > 0)
        lstmVars = [0] * self.n_layers * 2
        if self.flag_merge_encfwbw == 0:  # fw?bw??????????????
            hyf, cyf, fwHout = self.model.encLSTM_f(
                None, None, encEmbList, flag_train, args)  # ???
            hyb, cyb, bkHout = self.model.encLSTM_b(
                None, None, encEmbList[::-1], flag_train, args)  # ???
            for z in six.moves.range(self.n_layers):
                lstmVars[2 * z] = cyf[z] + cyb[z]
                lstmVars[2 * z + 1] = hyf[z] + hyb[z]
        elif self.flag_merge_encfwbw == 1:  # fw?bw????????
            sp = (cMBSize, self.hDim)
            for z in six.moves.range(self.n_layers):
                if z == 0:  # ??? embedding???
                    biH = encEmbList
                else:  # ????? ????????
                    # ????????bkHout????????????
                    biH = fwHout + bkHout[::-1]
                # z?????
                hyf, cyf, fwHout = self.model.encLSTM_f(
                    z, biH, flag_train, dropout_rate, args)
                # z??????
                hyb, cyb, bkHout = self.model.encLSTM_b(
                    z, biH[::-1], flag_train, dropout_rate, args)
                # ??????????????????????????
                # ???????
                lstmVars[2 * z] = chaFunc.reshape(cyf + cyb, sp)
                lstmVars[2 * z + 1] = chaFunc.reshape(hyf + hyb, sp)
            assert 0, "ERROR"

        # ?????
        if self.flag_enc_boseos == 0:  # default
            # fwHout?[:,]???????????
            biHiddenStack = fwHout[:, ] + bkHout[::-1]
        elif self.flag_enc_boseos == 1:
            bkHout2 = bkHout[::-1]  # ?????
            biHiddenStack = fwHout[1:encLen - 1, ] + bkHout2[1:encLen - 1, ]
            # BOS, EOS?????? TODO ??????0??????????
            encLen -= 2
            assert 0, "ERROR"
        # (enc????, minibatch??, ??????)
        #    => (minibatch??, enc????, ??????)???
        biHiddenStackSW01 = chaFunc.swapaxes(biHiddenStack, 0, 1)
        # ?LSTM???????????decoder?LSTM????????
        lstmVars = chaFunc.stack(lstmVars)
        # encoder????encInfoObject???????
        retO = self.encInfoObject(biHiddenStackSW01, lstmVars, encLen, cMBSize)
        return retO