Python chainer 模块,functions() 实例源码


项目:chainerrl    作者:chainer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _test_call(self, gpu):
        nonlinearity = getattr(F, self.nonlinearity)
        mlp = chainerrl.links.MLPBN(
        batch_size = 7
        x = np.random.rand(batch_size, self.in_size).astype(np.float32)
        if gpu >= 0:
            x = chainer.cuda.to_gpu(x)
        y = mlp(x)
        self.assertEqual(y.shape, (batch_size, self.out_size))
项目:neural_style_synthesizer    作者:dwango    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward_layers(self, x, average_pooling=False):
        if average_pooling:
            pooling = lambda x: chainer.functions.average_pooling_2d(chainer.functions.relu(x), 2, stride=2)
            pooling = lambda x: chainer.functions.max_pooling_2d(chainer.functions.relu(x), 2, stride=2)

        y1 = self.model.conv1_2(chainer.functions.relu(self.model.conv1_1(x)))
        x1 = pooling(y1)

        y2 = self.model.conv2_2(chainer.functions.relu(self.model.conv2_1(x1)))
        x2 = pooling(y2)

        y3 = self.model.conv3_3(
        x3 = pooling(y3)

        y4 = self.model.conv4_3(
        return [y1, y2, y3, y4]
项目:pose2img    作者:Hi-king    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, x_0: chainer.Variable, x_1: chainer.Variable) -> typing.List[chainer.Variable]:
        hs = []

        h = self.c0_0(x_0)
        if self.will_concat:
            h = F.concat([h, self.c0_1(x_1)])

        h = self.c1(h)
        hs.append(self.out_1(chainer.functions.average_pooling_2d(h, (h.shape[2], h.shape[3]))))
        # hs.append(chainer.functions.average_pooling_2d
        h = self.c2(h)
        hs.append(self.out_2(chainer.functions.average_pooling_2d(h, (h.shape[2], h.shape[3]))))
        h = self.c3(h)
        h = self.c4(h)
        return hs
项目:chainerrl    作者:chainer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _elementwise_clip(x, x_min, x_max):
    """Elementwise clipping

    Note: chainer.functions.clip supports clipping to constant intervals
    return F.minimum(F.maximum(x, x_min), x_max)
项目:chainerrl    作者:chainer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _test_call(self, gpu):
        # This method only check if a given model can receive random input
        # data and return output data with the correct interface.
        nonlinearity = getattr(F, self.nonlinearity)
        min_action = np.full((self.action_size,), -0.01, dtype=np.float32)
        max_action = np.full((self.action_size,), 0.01, dtype=np.float32)
        model = self._make_model(

        batch_size = 7
        x = np.random.rand(
            batch_size, self.n_input_channels).astype(np.float32)
        if gpu >= 0:
            x = chainer.cuda.to_gpu(x)
            min_action = chainer.cuda.to_gpu(min_action)
            max_action = chainer.cuda.to_gpu(max_action)
        y = model(x)
            y, chainerrl.distribution.ContinuousDeterministicDistribution))
        a = y.sample()
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(a, chainer.Variable))
        self.assertEqual(a.shape, (batch_size, self.action_size))
        if self.bound_action:
            self.assertTrue(( <= max_action).all())
            self.assertTrue(( >= min_action).all())
项目:chainerrl    作者:chainer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _test_call(self, gpu):
        nonlinearity = getattr(F, self.nonlinearity)
        model = chainerrl.q_functions.FCSAQFunction(
        self._test_call_given_model(model, gpu)
项目:chainerrl    作者:chainer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _test_call(self, gpu):
        nonlinearity = getattr(F, self.nonlinearity)
        model = chainerrl.q_functions.FCLSTMSAQFunction(
        self._test_call_given_model(model, gpu)
项目:chainerrl    作者:chainer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _test_call(self, gpu):
        nonlinearity = getattr(F, self.nonlinearity)
        model = chainerrl.q_functions.FCBNLateActionSAQFunction(
        self._test_call_given_model(model, gpu)
项目:chainerrl    作者:chainer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _test_call(self, gpu):
        nonlinearity = getattr(F, self.nonlinearity)
        model = chainerrl.q_functions.FCLateActionSAQFunction(
        self._test_call_given_model(model, gpu)
项目:pfi-internship2016    作者:hvy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, x, t):
        """Perform a forward pass and compute the loss. This method ultimately
        defines the model.

            x (chainer.Variable): Input vector.
            t (chainer.Variable): Target vector. Usually identical to `x` in
                the case of an Autoencoder.

            chainer.Variable: Loss.
        # Test different activation functions and dropout.
        h = self.l1(x)
        y = self.l2(h)

        if self.train:
            # Scale the MSE by 5, i.e  0.5 * 10 so that the loss can be compared to
            # the loss computed in Assignment 4. Factor 0.5, since the Chainer
            # implementation doesn't scale the error by 0.5 and factor 10, since
            # the previous assignment loss functions does not compute the mean,
            # and the number of summed elements are 10.
            self.loss = 5 * F.mean_squared_error(y, t)

            return self.loss
            return y
项目:chainer-fcis    作者:knorth55    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _psroi_pooling_2d_yx(
        x, indices_and_rois, outh, outw,
        spatial_scale, group_size, output_dim):
    xy_indices_and_rois = indices_and_rois[:, [0, 2, 1, 4, 3]]
    pool = fcis.functions.psroi_pooling_2d(
        x, xy_indices_and_rois, outh, outw, spatial_scale,
        group_size, output_dim)
    return pool
项目:NANHM-for-GEC    作者:shinochin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def translate(self, xs, max_length=100):
        batch = len(xs)
        with chainer.no_backprop_mode(), chainer.using_config('train', False):
            xs = [x[::-1] for x in xs]
            exs = sequence_embed(self.embed_x, xs)
            h, _ = self.encoder(None, exs)
            ys = self.xp.full(batch, EOS, 'i')
            result = []
            for i in range(max_length):
                eys = self.embed_y(ys)
                eys = chainer.functions.split_axis(eys, batch, 0)
                h, ys = self.decoder(h, eys)
                cys = chainer.functions.concat(ys, axis=0)
                wy = self.W(cys)
                ys = self.xp.argmax(, axis=1).astype('i')

        result = cuda.to_cpu(self.xp.stack(result).T)

        # Remove EOS taggs
        outs = []
        for y in result:
            inds = np.argwhere(y == EOS)
            if len(inds) > 0:
                y = y[:inds[0, 0]]
        return outs
项目:NANHM-for-GEC    作者:shinochin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def translate(self, xs, max_length=100):
        batch = len(xs)
        with chainer.no_backprop_mode(), chainer.using_config('train', False):
            xs_f = xs
            xs_b = [x[::-1] for x in xs]
            exs_f = sequence_embed(self.embed_x, xs_f)
            exs_b = sequence_embed(self.embed_x, xs_b)
            _, hf = self.encoder_f(None, exs_f)
            _, hb = self.encoder_b(None, exs_b)
            ht = list(map(lambda x,y: F.concat([x, y], axis=1), hf, hb))
            ys = self.xp.full(batch, EOS, 'i')
            result = []
            for i in range(max_length):
                eys = self.embed_y(ys)
                eys = chainer.functions.split_axis(eys, batch, 0)
                h_list, h_bar_list, c_s_list, z_s_list = self.decoder(None, ht, eys)
                cys = chainer.functions.concat(h_list, axis=0)
                wy = self.W(cys)
                ys = self.xp.argmax(, axis=1).astype('i')

        result = cuda.to_cpu(self.xp.stack(result).T)

        # Remove EOS taggs
        outs = []
        for y in result:
            inds = np.argwhere(y == EOS)
            if len(inds) > 0:
                y = y[:inds[0, 0]]
        return outs
项目:NANHM-for-GEC    作者:shinochin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def translate(self, xs, max_length=100):
        batch = len(xs)
        with chainer.no_backprop_mode(), chainer.using_config('train', False):
            xs_f = xs
            xs_b = [x[::-1] for x in xs]
            exs_f = sequence_embed(self.embed_x, xs_f)
            exs_b = sequence_embed(self.embed_x, xs_b)
            fx, _ = self.encoder_f(None, exs_f)
            bx, _ = self.encoder_b(None, exs_b)
            h = F.concat([fx, bx], axis=2)
            ys = self.xp.full(batch, EOS, 'i')
            result = []
            for i in range(max_length):
                eys = self.embed_y(ys)
                eys = chainer.functions.split_axis(eys, batch, 0)
                h, ys = self.decoder(h, eys)
                cys = chainer.functions.concat(ys, axis=0)
                wy = self.W(cys)
                ys = self.xp.argmax(, axis=1).astype('i')

        result = cuda.to_cpu(self.xp.stack(result).T)

        # Remove EOS taggs
        outs = []
        for y in result:
            inds = np.argwhere(y == EOS)
            if len(inds) > 0:
                y = y[:inds[0, 0]]
        return outs
项目:neural_style_synthesizer    作者:dwango    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _contents_loss(self, layers, content_layers):
        calculate content difference between original & processing
        loss_contents = chainer.Variable(self.xp.zeros((), dtype=numpy.float32))
        for layer_index in range(len(layers)):
            loss_contents += numpy.float32(self.model.alpha[layer_index]) * chainer.functions.mean_squared_error(
        return loss_contents
项目:neural_style_synthesizer    作者:dwango    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _to_texture_feature(self, layers):
        :param layers: predicted value of each layer
        :type layers: List[chainer.Variable]
        subvectors = []
        for layer_index in range(len(layers)):
            layer = layers[layer_index]
            beta = numpy.sqrt(numpy.float32(self.model.beta[layer_index]) / len(layers))
            texture_matrix = float(beta) * neural_art.utility.get_matrix(layer)
            texture_matrix /= numpy.sqrt(  # normalize
            subvector = chainer.functions.reshape(texture_matrix, (,))
        return chainer.functions.concat(subvectors, axis=0)
项目:neural_style_synthesizer    作者:dwango    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def squared_error(self, f1, f2):
        loss = chainer.functions.sum((f1 - f2) * (f1 - f2))
        return loss
项目:neural_style_synthesizer    作者:dwango    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _texture_loss(self, layers):
        loss_texture = chainer.Variable(self.xp.zeros((), dtype=self.xp.float32))
        for layer_index in range(len(layers)):
            matrix = neural_art.utility.get_matrix(layers[layer_index])
            loss = self.xp.float32(self.model.beta[layer_index]) * chainer.functions.mean_squared_error(
            ) / self.xp.float32(len(layers))
            loss_texture += loss
        return loss_texture
项目:chainer-speech-recognition    作者:musyoku    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, x, split_into_variables=True, discard_context=False):
        batchsize = x.shape[0]
        seq_length = x.shape[3]

        # conv
        out_data = self.conv_blocks(x)
        out_data = functions.reshape(out_data, (batchsize, -1, seq_length))

        # rnn
        for index, blocks in enumerate(self.rnn_blocks.blocks):
            sru = blocks[0]
            dropout = blocks[1] if len(blocks) == 2 else None
            hidden, cell, context = sru(out_data, self.contexts[index])
            if discard_context is False:
                self.contexts[index] = context
            if dropout is not None:
                out_data = dropout(out_data)

        # fc
        out_data = self.dense_blocks(out_data)
        assert out_data.shape[2] == seq_length

        # CTC???????RNN???????Variable????????
        if split_into_variables:
            out_data = F.swapaxes(out_data, 1, 2)
            out_data = F.reshape(out_data, (batchsize, -1))
            out_data = F.split_axis(out_data, seq_length, axis=1)
            out_data = F.swapaxes(out_data, 1, 2)
            out_data = F.squeeze(out_data, axis=2)

        return out_data
项目:chainer-deconv    作者:germanRos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def local_function_hooks(self):
        """Ordered Dictionary of registered function hooks.

        Contrary to ``chainer.thread_local.function_hooks``,
        which registers its elements to all functions,
        Function hooks in this property is specific to this function.
        if not hasattr(self, '_local_function_hooks'):
            self._local_function_hooks = collections.OrderedDict()
        return self._local_function_hooks
项目:deep_metric_learning    作者:ronekko    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, out_dims=64, normalize_output=False):
        super(ModifiedGoogLeNet, self).__init__()
        # remove links and functions
        for name in [n for n in self._children if n.startswith('loss')]:
            delattr(self, name)

        self.add_link('bn_fc', L.BatchNormalization(1024))
        self.add_link('fc', L.Linear(1024, out_dims))

        image_mean = np.array([123, 117, 104], dtype=np.float32)  # RGB
        self._image_mean = image_mean[None, :, None, None]
        self.normalize_output = normalize_output
项目:vsmlib    作者:undertherain    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, cur_word):
        # Given the current word ID, predict the next word.
        x = self.embed(cur_word)
        # dropout. ref:
        with chainer.using_config('train', True):
            x = F.dropout(x, self.dropout)
        h = self.mid(x)
        with chainer.using_config('train', True):
            h = F.dropout(h, self.dropout)
        y = self.out(h)
        return y
项目:vsmlib    作者:undertherain    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, cur_word):
        # Given the current word ID, predict the next word.
        x = self.embed(cur_word)
        # dropout. ref:
        with chainer.using_config('train', True):
            x = F.dropout(x, args.dropout)
        h = self.mid(x)
        with chainer.using_config('train', True):
            h = F.dropout(h, args.dropout)
        y = self.out(h)
        return y
项目:nmtrain    作者:philip30    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, src_data):
    # Some function naming
    F = chainer.functions
    dropout = lambda link: F.dropout(link, ratio=self.dropout_ratio, train=nmtrain.environment.is_train())
    mem_optimize = nmtrain.optimization.chainer_mem_optimize
    # Reset both encoders

    # Perform encoding
    fe, be = [], []
    src_input = self.xp.array(src_data, dtype=numpy.int32)
    for j in range(len(src_input)):
      forward_embed = dropout(mem_optimize(self.embed, nmtrain.environment.Variable(src_input[j]), level=1))
      backward_embed = dropout(mem_optimize(self.embed, nmtrain.environment.Variable(src_input[-j-1]), level=1))

    # Joining encoding together
    S = []
    for j in range(len(fe)):
      h = self.encode_project(F.concat((fe[j], be[-1-j]), axis=1))
      S.append(F.expand_dims(h, axis=2))
    S = F.swapaxes(F.concat(S, axis=2), 1, 2)

    # If lexicon is provided
    if self.lexicon is not None:
      lex_matrix = nmtrain.environment.Variable(self.lexicon.init(src_data, self.xp))
      lex_matrix = None

    return h, S, lex_matrix
项目:deel    作者:uei    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def firstInput(self,t,x=None):
        if x is None:
        _x = x.content
        _t = t.content
        _y = self.func(_x,mode=1)
        loss = chainer.functions.loss.softmax_cross_entropy.softmax_cross_entropy(_y,_t)
        self.func.y = _y
        self.func.loss = loss
        self.accum_loss += loss
        self.cur_log_perp +=

        return x
项目:chainermn    作者:chainer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def translate(self, xs, max_length=100):
        batch = len(xs)
        with chainer.no_backprop_mode():
            with chainer.using_config('train', False):
                result = []
                ys = self.xp.zeros(batch, 'i')
                eys = self.embed_y(ys)
                eys = chainer.functions.split_axis(
                    eys, batch, 0, force_tuple=True)

                # Receive hidden stats from encoder process.
                h, c, ys, _ = self.mn_decoder(eys)

                cys = chainer.functions.concat(ys, axis=0)
                wy = self.W(cys)
                ys = self.xp.argmax(, axis=1).astype('i')

                # Recursively decode using the previously predicted token.
                for i in range(1, max_length):
                    eys = self.embed_y(ys)
                    eys = chainer.functions.split_axis(
                        eys, batch, 0, force_tuple=True)
                    # Non-MN RNN link can be accessed via `actual_rnn`.
                    h, c, ys = self.mn_decoder.actual_rnn(h, c, eys)
                    cys = chainer.functions.concat(ys, axis=0)
                    wy = self.W(cys)
                    ys = self.xp.argmax(, axis=1).astype('i')

        result = cuda.to_cpu(self.xp.stack(result).T)

        # Remove EOS taggs
        outs = []
        for y in result:
            inds = numpy.argwhere(y == 0)
            if len(inds) > 0:
                y = y[:inds[0, 0]]
        return outs
项目:chainermn    作者:chainer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def translate(self, xs, max_length=100):
        batch = len(xs)
        with chainer.no_backprop_mode():
            with chainer.using_config('train', False):
                xs = [x[::-1] for x in xs]
                exs = sequence_embed(self.embed_x, xs)
                # Initial hidden variable and cell variable
                # zero = self.xp.zeros((self.n_layers, batch, self.n_units), 'f')  # NOQA
                # h, c, _ = self.encoder(zero, zero, exs, train=False)  # NOQA
                h, c, _ = self.encoder(None, None, exs)
                ys = self.xp.zeros(batch, 'i')
                result = []
                for i in range(max_length):
                    eys = self.embed_y(ys)
                    eys = chainer.functions.split_axis(
                        eys, batch, 0, force_tuple=True)
                    h, c, ys = self.decoder(h, c, eys)
                    cys = chainer.functions.concat(ys, axis=0)
                    wy = self.W(cys)
                    ys = self.xp.argmax(, axis=1).astype('i')

        result = cuda.to_cpu(self.xp.stack(result).T)

        # Remove EOS taggs
        outs = []
        for y in result:
            inds = numpy.argwhere(y == 0)
            if len(inds) > 0:
                y = y[:inds[0, 0]]
        return outs
项目:pose2img    作者:Hi-king    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, hs, noise=None, *args, **kwargs):
        h = hs[-1]
        if noise is None:
            noise = self.create_noise(h.shape)
        hs_copy = [h_orig for h_orig in hs]
        hs_copy[-1] = chainer.functions.concat(
            (h, noise)
        return super().__call__(hs_copy, *args, **kwargs)
项目:pose2img    作者:Hi-king    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, x_0: chainer.Variable, x_1: chainer.Variable):
        h = self.c0_0(x_0)
        if self.will_concat:
            h = F.concat([h, self.c0_1(x_1)])
        h = self.c1(h)
        # hs.append(chainer.functions.average_pooling_2d
        h = self.c2(h)
        h = self.c3(h)
        h = self.c4(h)
        # h = F.average_pooling_2d(h,[2], 1, 0)
        return h
项目:wavenet    作者:rampage644    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, x):
        if self.has_uninitialized_params:
            with chainer.cuda.get_device(self._device_id):

        return chainer.functions.connection.convolution_2d.convolution_2d(
            x, self.W * self.mask, self.b, self.stride, self.pad, self.use_cudnn,
项目:fontkaruta_classifier    作者:suga93    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def functions(self):
        return collections.OrderedDict([
            ('conv1', [self.conv1, self.bnorm1, F.relu]),
            ('conv2', [self.conv2, self.bnorm2, F.relu]),
            ('pool1', [_max_pooling_2d]),
            ('conv3', [self.conv3, self.bnorm3, F.relu]),
            ('conv4', [self.conv4, self.bnorm4, F.relu]),
            ('pool2', [_spatial_pyramid_pooling_2d]),
            ('fc', [self.fc])
项目:fontkaruta_classifier    作者:suga93    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def available_layers(self):
        return list(self.functions.keys())
项目:fontkaruta_classifier    作者:suga93    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, x):
        h = x
        for key, funcs in self.functions.items():
            for func in funcs:
                h = func(h)
        return h
项目:fontkaruta_classifier    作者:suga93    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract(self, x, layers=['conv4']):
        h = x
        activations = []
        target_layers = set(layers)
        for key, funcs in self.functions.items():
            for func in funcs:
                h = func(h)
            if key in target_layers:
        return activations, h
项目:fontkaruta_classifier    作者:suga93    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def functions(self):
        return collections.OrderedDict([
            ('conv1', [self.conv1, self.bnorm1, F.relu]),
            ('pool1', [_max_pooling_2d]),
            ('conv2', [self.conv2, self.bnorm2, F.relu]),
            ('pool2', [_spatial_pyramid_pooling_2d]),
            ('fc', [self.fc])
项目:fontkaruta_classifier    作者:suga93    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, x):
        h = x
        for key, funcs in self.functions.items():
            for func in funcs:
                h = func(h)
        return h
项目:fontkaruta_classifier    作者:suga93    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract(self, x, layers=['conv2']):
        h = x
        activations = []
        target_layers = set(layers)
        for key, funcs in self.functions.items():
            for func in funcs:
                h = func(h)
            if key in target_layers:
        return activations, h
项目:fontkaruta_classifier    作者:suga93    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, model):
        super(GuidedBackpropGrad, self).__init__(model)
        for key, funcs in model.predictor.functions.items():
            ismatch = re.match(self.pattern, key)
            if ismatch:
                funcs[-1] = GuidedBackpropReLU()
项目:fontkaruta_classifier    作者:suga93    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, model, stdev_spread=.15, n_samples=25, magnitude=True):
        super(GuidedBackpropSmoothGrad, self).__init__(
            model, stdev_spread, n_samples, magnitude)
        for key, funcs in model.predictor.functions.items():
            ismatch = re.match(self.pattern, key)
            if ismatch:
                funcs[-1] = GuidedBackpropReLU()
项目:NANHM-for-GEC    作者:shinochin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def translate(self, xs, max_length=100):
        print("Now translating")
        batch = len(xs)
        with chainer.no_backprop_mode(), chainer.using_config('train', False):
            wxs = [np.array([source_word_ids.get(w, UNK) for w in x], dtype=np.int32) for x in xs]
            wx_len = [len(wx) for wx in wxs]
            wx_section = np.cumsum(wx_len[:-1])
            valid_wx_section = np.insert(wx_section, 0, 0)
            cxs = [np.array([source_char_ids.get(c, UNK) for c in list("".join(x))], dtype=np.int32) for x in xs]

            wexs = sequence_embed(self.embed_xw, wxs)
            cexs = sequence_embed(self.embed_xc, cxs)

            wexs_f = wexs
            wexs_b = [wex[::-1] for wex in wexs]
            cexs_f = cexs
            cexs_b = [cex[::-1] for cex in cexs]

            _, hfw = self.encoder_fw(None, wexs_f)
            _, hbw = self.encoder_bw(None, wexs_b)
            _, hfc = self.encoder_fc(None, cexs_f)
            _, hbc = self.encoder_bc(None, cexs_b)

            hbw = [F.get_item(h, range(len(h))[::-1]) for h in hbw]
            hbc = [F.get_item(h, range(len(h))[::-1]) for h in hbc]
            htw = list(map(lambda x,y: F.concat([x, y], axis=1), hfw, hbw))
            htc = list(map(lambda x,y: F.concat([x, y], axis=1), hfc, hbc))
            ht = list(map(lambda x,y: F.concat([x, y], axis=0), htw, htc))

            ys = self.xp.full(batch, EOS, 'i')
            result = []
            for i in range(max_length):
                eys = self.embed_y(ys)
                eys = chainer.functions.split_axis(eys, batch, 0)
                h_list, h_bar_list, c_s_list, z_s_list = self.decoder(h, ht, eys)
                cys = chainer.functions.concat(h_list, axis=0)
                wy = self.W(cys)
                ys = self.xp.argmax(, axis=1).astype('i')
                h = F.transpose_sequence(h_list)[-1]
                h = F.reshape(h, (self.n_layers, h.shape[0], h.shape[1]))

        result = cuda.to_cpu(self.xp.stack(result).T)

        # Remove EOS taggs
        outs = []
        for y in result:
            inds = np.argwhere(y == EOS)
            if len(inds) > 0:
                y = y[:inds[0, 0]]
        return outs
项目:NANHM-for-GEC    作者:shinochin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def translate(self, xs, max_length=100):
        print("Now translating")
        batch = len(xs)
        with chainer.no_backprop_mode(), chainer.using_config('train', False):
            wxs = [np.array([source_word_ids.get(w, UNK) for w in x], dtype=np.int32) for x in xs]
            wx_len = [len(wx) for wx in wxs]
            wx_section = np.cumsum(wx_len[:-1])
            valid_wx_section = np.insert(wx_section, 0, 0)
            cxs = [np.array([source_char_ids.get(c, UNK) for c in list("".join(x))], dtype=np.int32) for x in xs]

            wexs = sequence_embed(self.embed_xw, wxs)
            cexs = sequence_embed(self.embed_xc, cxs)

            wexs_f = wexs
            wexs_b = [wex[::-1] for wex in wexs]
            cexs_f = cexs
            cexs_b = [cex[::-1] for cex in cexs]

            _, hfw = self.encoder_fw(None, wexs_f)
            h1, hbw = self.encoder_bw(None, wexs_b)
            _, hfc = self.encoder_fc(None, cexs_f)
            h2, hbc = self.encoder_bc(None, cexs_b)

            hbw = [F.get_item(h, range(len(h))[::-1]) for h in hbw]
            hbc = [F.get_item(h, range(len(h))[::-1]) for h in hbc]
            htw = list(map(lambda x,y: F.concat([x, y], axis=1), hfw, hbw))
            htc = list(map(lambda x,y: F.concat([x, y], axis=1), hfc, hbc))
            ht = list(map(lambda x,y: F.concat([x, y], axis=0), htw, htc))

            ys = self.xp.full(batch, EOS, 'i')
            result = []
            h = F.concat([h1, h2], axis=2)
            for i in range(max_length):
                eys = self.embed_y(ys)
                eys = chainer.functions.split_axis(eys, batch, 0)
                h_list, h_bar_list, c_s_list, z_s_list = self.decoder(h, ht, eys)
                cys = chainer.functions.concat(h_list, axis=0)
                wy = self.W(cys)
                ys = self.xp.argmax(, axis=1).astype('i')
                h = F.transpose_sequence(h_list)[-1]
                h = F.reshape(h, (self.n_layers, h.shape[0], h.shape[1]))

        result = cuda.to_cpu(self.xp.stack(result).T)

        # Remove EOS taggs
        outs = []
        for y in result:
            inds = np.argwhere(y == EOS)
            if len(inds) > 0:
                y = y[:inds[0, 0]]
        return outs