Python charmhelpers.core.hookenv 模块,relation_set() 实例源码


项目:charm-helpers    作者:juju    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_relation_clear(self, local_unit,
        local_unit.return_value = 'local-unit'
        relation_get.return_value = {
            'private-address': '',
            'foo': 'bar',
            'public-address': ''
            **{'private-address': '',
               'foo': None,
               'public-address': ''})
项目:charm-helpers    作者:juju    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_relation_set_file(self, check_call, check_output, remove):
        """If relation-set accepts a --file parameter, it's used.

        Juju 1.23.2 introduced a --file parameter, which means you can
        pass the data through a file. Not using --file would make
        relation_set break if the relation data is too big.
        # check_output(["relation-set", "--help"]) is used to determine
        # whether we can pass --file to it.
        check_output.return_value = "--file"
            ["relation-set", "--help"], universal_newlines=True)
        # relation-set is called with relation-set --file <temp_file>
        # with data as YAML and the temp_file is then removed.
        self.assertEqual(1, len(check_call.call_args[0]))
        command = check_call.call_args[0][0]
        self.assertEqual(3, len(command))
        self.assertEqual("relation-set", command[0])
        self.assertEqual("--file", command[1])
        temp_file = command[2]
        with open(temp_file, "r") as f:
            self.assertEqual("{foo: bar}",
项目:charm-helpers    作者:juju    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_relation_set_file_non_str(self, check_call, check_output, remove):
        """If relation-set accepts a --file parameter, it's used.

        Any value that is not a string is converted to a string before encoding
        the settings to YAML.
        # check_output(["relation-set", "--help"]) is used to determine
        # whether we can pass --file to it.
        check_output.return_value = "--file"
        hookenv.relation_set(foo={"bar": 1})
            ["relation-set", "--help"], universal_newlines=True)
        # relation-set is called with relation-set --file <temp_file>
        # with data as YAML and the temp_file is then removed.
        self.assertEqual(1, len(check_call.call_args[0]))
        command = check_call.call_args[0][0]
        self.assertEqual(3, len(command))
        self.assertEqual("relation-set", command[0])
        self.assertEqual("--file", command[1])
        temp_file = command[2]
        with open(temp_file, "r") as f:
            self.assertEqual("{foo: '{''bar'': 1}'}",
项目:charm-helpers    作者:juju    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _save_state(self):
        self.msg('Publishing state'.format(self._name()))
        if hookenv.is_leader():
            # sort_keys to ensure stability.
            raw = json.dumps(self.grants, sort_keys=True)
            hookenv.leader_set({self.key: raw})

        local_unit = hookenv.local_unit()

        if self.relid is None:
            # No peers relation yet. Fallback to local state.
            self.msg('No peer relation. Saving local state')
            # sort_keys to ensure stability.
            raw = json.dumps(self.requests[local_unit], sort_keys=True)
            hookenv.relation_set(self.relid, relation_settings={self.key: raw})
项目:charm-plumgrid-gateway    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-swift-proxy    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-swift-proxy    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-heat    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-heat    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-keystone    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-keystone    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-keystone    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-keystone    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-keystone    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-nova-cloud-controller    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-nova-compute    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-nova-compute    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-ceph-osd    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-ceph-osd    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-glance    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-glance    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-glance    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-glance    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-glance    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-neutron-api    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-neutron-api    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-ceph-mon    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-ceph-mon    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-openstack-dashboard    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-openstack-dashboard    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-ceilometer    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-ceilometer    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-ceilometer    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-ceilometer    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-hacluster    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-hacluster    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-neutron-openvswitch    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-neutron-openvswitch    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-cinder-backup    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-cinder-backup    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-ceph    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-ceph    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-odl-controller    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-odl-controller    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-ceph-radosgw    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-ceph-radosgw    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-swift-storage    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-swift-storage    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-swift-storage    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
项目:charm-swift-storage    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_data(self):
        Set the relation data for each provider in the ``provided_data`` list.

        A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
        to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
        data to set.

        The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:

          * ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
            be provided to.  The `provide_data()` method will be called once
            for each connected service (not unit).  This allows the method to
            tailor its data to the given service.
          * ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
            its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.

        Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
        ``data_ready`` callbacks are run.  This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
        a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
        for service_name, service in
            service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
            for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
                for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(
                    units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
                    if not units:
                    remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
                    argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
                    if len(argspec.args) > 1:
                        data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
                        data = provider.provide_data()
                    if data:
                        hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)