Python colorama.Fore 模块,LIGHTWHITE_EX 实例源码


项目:bonobo    作者:python-bonobo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def filter(self, record):
        record.spent = record.relativeCreated // 1000
        if iswindows:
            record.fg = ''
        elif record.levelname == 'DEBG':
            record.fg = Fore.LIGHTBLACK_EX
        elif record.levelname == 'INFO':
            record.fg = Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX
        elif record.levelname == 'WARN':
            record.fg = Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX
        elif record.levelname == 'ERR ':
            record.fg = Fore.LIGHTRED_EX
        elif record.levelname == 'CRIT':
            record.fg = Fore.RED
            record.fg = Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX
        return True
项目:TyStrings    作者:luckytianyiyan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def success(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
        self._log(SUCCESS, BEERS_EMOJI + ' ' + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + msg + Fore.RESET, args, **kwargs)
项目:TyStrings    作者:luckytianyiyan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def addition(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
        self._log(ADDITION, BEERS_EMOJI + ' ' + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + msg + Fore.RESET, args, **kwargs)
项目:bonobo-docker    作者:python-bonobo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _enable_shell_colors():
    import sys
    from colorama import Fore
    sys.ps1 = Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + '?? >' + Fore.RESET + ' '
    sys.ps2 = Fore.BLACK + '..' + Fore.LIGHTBLACK_EX + '.' + Fore.RESET + ' '
项目:toruk    作者:brokensound77    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def info_format(print_type, text):
    # info, prompt, alert, sleep
    lb = '{0}[{1}'.format(Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX, Style.RESET_ALL)
    rb = '{0}]{1}'.format(Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX, Style.RESET_ALL)
    new_text = Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + text + Style.RESET_ALL
    if print_type == 'info':
        return '{0}{1}*{2}{3} {4}'.format(lb, Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX, Style.RESET_ALL, rb, new_text)
    elif print_type == 'prompt':
        return '{0}{1}${2}{3} {4}'.format(lb, Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, Style.RESET_ALL, rb, new_text)
    elif print_type == 'alert':
        return '{0}{1}!{2}{3} {4}'.format(lb, Fore.LIGHTRED_EX, Style.RESET_ALL, rb, new_text)
    elif print_type == 'sleep':
        return '{0}-{1} {2}'.format(lb, rb, new_text)
项目:toruk    作者:brokensound77    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_alerts(customer_name, status, quiet=False):
    """ gets alerts """
    # There are 3 other v1 posts passed per customer with varying payloads.The dictionary below is required to return
    # the necessary data; modifying it can break the request (needs more testing). I know it is not pep8 (too long)
    data_dict = {"name":"time","min_doc_count":0,"size":5,"type":"date_range","field":"last_behavior","date_ranges":[{"from":"now-1h","to":"now","label":"Last hour"},{"from":"now-24h","to":"now","label":"Last day"},{"from":"now-7d","to":"now","label":"Last week"},{"from":"now-30d","to":"now","label":"Last 30 days"},{"from":"now-90d","to":"now","label":"Last 90 days"}]},{"name":"status","min_doc_count":0,"size":5,"type":"terms","field":"status"},{"name":"severity","min_doc_count":0,"size":5,"type":"range","field":"max_severity","ranges":[{"from":80,"to":101,"label":"Critical","id":4},{"from":60,"to":80,"label":"High","id":3},{"from":40,"to":60,"label":"Medium","id":2},{"from":20,"to":40,"label":"Low","id":1},{"from":0,"to":20,"label":"Informational","id":0}]},{"name":"scenario","min_doc_count":0,"size":0,"type":"terms","field":"behaviors.scenario"},{"name":"assigned_to_uid","min_doc_count":1,"size":5,"type":"terms","field":"assigned_to_uid","missing":"Unassigned"},{"name":"host","min_doc_count":1,"size":5,"type":"terms","field":"device.hostname.raw","missing":"Unknown"},{"name":"triggering_file","min_doc_count":1,"size":5,"type":"terms","field":"behaviors.filename.raw"}
    s10 ='', headers=header,
        if len(s10.json()['resources']) > 0:
            # print(json.dumps(s10.json(), indent=4))  # full json data set!
            cust_data = s10.json()
            for bucket in cust_data['resources']:
                if bucket['name'] == 'status':
                    for value in bucket['buckets']:
                        if value['label'] in status:
                            if 'count' in value and value['count'] > 0:
                                alert_str = info_format('alert', '{0}{1}{2} alert(s) detected!\n'.format(
                                    Fore.LIGHTRED_EX, value['count'], Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX))
                                alert_str += '----> {0}{1}{2}'.format(Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX, customer_name, Style.RESET_ALL)
                    # print(json.dumps(bucket['buckets'], indent=4))  # for testing!
                                return alert_str
    except KeyError:
        if not quiet:
            return info_format('alert', 'There was an issue retrieving alerts for {0}. Skipping...'.format(customer_name))
            return None
项目:hypy    作者:avanzzzi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_tree(table: dict,
                root: str,
                mark: str,
                f_pid: str="pid",
                f_id: str="id",
                f_label: str="item",
                f_ctime: str="ctime",
                v_none: str="null",
                colors: bool=False) -> str:
    Creates the ascii checkpoint tree.

        table: List of checkpoints as a table.
        root: Root label of the tree.
        mark: Current snapshot name. Mark the element with an '*'
        f_pid: Field of the table that contains the parent id of the node.
        f_id: Field of the table that contains the id of the node.
        f_label: Field with the label of the node.
        f_ctime: Field with the timestamp creation date.
        v_none: Value to be used for empty fields.
        colors: Use colors in the tree output.
        A string containing the tree of snapshots
    items = [(c[f_pid], c[f_id]) for c in table]
    tree = {root: OD()}
    inserted = []

    while [x[1] for x in items if x[1] not in inserted]:
        for parent, item in items:
            if parent == v_none:
                parent = root
            inserts = walk(tree, parent, item)

    tr = LeftAligned()
    tr_tree = tr(tree)

    for cell in table:
        if cell[f_label] == mark:
            cell[f_label] = "{}*".format(cell[f_label])

        if colors:
            tr_tree = tr_tree.replace(cell[f_id],
                                      "{}{} {}({}){}".format(
            tr_tree = tr_tree.replace(cell[f_id],
                                      "{} ({})".format(
    return tr_tree