Python compiler 模块,ast() 实例源码


项目:node-ninja    作者:CodeJockey    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def CheckedEval(file_contents):
  """Return the eval of a gyp file.

  The gyp file is restricted to dictionaries and lists only, and
  repeated keys are not allowed.

  Note that this is slower than eval() is.

  ast = compiler.parse(file_contents)
  assert isinstance(ast, Module)
  c1 = ast.getChildren()
  assert c1[0] is None
  assert isinstance(c1[1], Stmt)
  c2 = c1[1].getChildren()
  assert isinstance(c2[0], Discard)
  c3 = c2[0].getChildren()
  assert len(c3) == 1
  return CheckNode(c3[0], [])
项目:sublime-bem-create    作者:bem-tools    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def CheckedEval(file_contents):
  """Return the eval of a gyp file.

  The gyp file is restricted to dictionaries and lists only, and
  repeated keys are not allowed.

  Note that this is slower than eval() is.

  ast = compiler.parse(file_contents)
  assert isinstance(ast, Module)
  c1 = ast.getChildren()
  assert c1[0] is None
  assert isinstance(c1[1], Stmt)
  c2 = c1[1].getChildren()
  assert isinstance(c2[0], Discard)
  c3 = c2[0].getChildren()
  assert len(c3) == 1
  return CheckNode(c3[0], [])
项目:ome-model    作者:ome    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visit_Stmt(self, node):
        def _check_del(n):
            # del x is just AssName('x', 'OP_DELETE')
            # we want to transform it to Delete([Name('x', Del())])
            dcls = (_ast.Name, _ast.List, _ast.Subscript, _ast.Attribute)
            if isinstance(n, dcls) and isinstance(n.ctx, _ast.Del):
                return self._new(_ast.Delete, [n])
            elif isinstance(n, _ast.Tuple) and isinstance(n.ctx, _ast.Del):
                # unpack last tuple to avoid making del (x, y, z,);
                # out of del x, y, z; (there's no difference between
                # this two in compiler.ast)
                return self._new(_ast.Delete, n.elts)
                return n
        def _keep(n):
            if isinstance(n, _ast.Expr) and n.value is None:
                return False
                return True
        return [s for s in [_check_del(self.visit(n)) for n in node.nodes]
                if _keep(s)]
项目:gyp    作者:electron    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def CheckedEval(file_contents):
  """Return the eval of a gyp file.

  The gyp file is restricted to dictionaries and lists only, and
  repeated keys are not allowed.

  Note that this is slower than eval() is.

  ast = compiler.parse(file_contents)
  assert isinstance(ast, Module)
  c1 = ast.getChildren()
  assert c1[0] is None
  assert isinstance(c1[1], Stmt)
  c2 = c1[1].getChildren()
  assert isinstance(c2[0], Discard)
  c3 = c2[0].getChildren()
  assert len(c3) == 1
  return CheckNode(c3[0], [])
项目:code    作者:ActiveState    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def walk(self, ast):
        "Validate each node in AST and return True if AST is 'safe'."
        return self.errors == []
项目:asciidoc3    作者:asciidoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_args(val):
        d = {}
        args = ast.parse("d(" + val + ")", mode='eval').body.args
        i = 1
        for arg in args:
            if isinstance(arg, ast.Name):
                d[str(i)] = literal_eval(
                d[str(i)] = literal_eval(arg)
            i += 1
        return d
项目:asciidoc3    作者:asciidoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_kwargs(val):
        d = {}
        args = ast.parse("d(" + val + ")", mode='eval').body.keywords
        for arg in args:
            d[arg.arg] = literal_eval(arg.value)
        return d
项目:asciidoc3    作者:asciidoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_to_list(val):
        values = ast.parse("[" + val + "]", mode='eval').body.elts
        return [literal_eval(v) for v in values]
项目:asciidoc3    作者:asciidoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def literal_eval(node_or_string):
        Safely evaluate an expression node or a string containing a Python
        expression.  The string or node provided may only consist of the
        following Python literal structures: strings, numbers, tuples,
        lists, dicts, booleans, and None.
        _safe_names = {'None': None, 'True': True, 'False': False}
        if isinstance(node_or_string, basestring):
            node_or_string = compiler.parse(node_or_string, mode='eval')
        if isinstance(node_or_string, Expression):
            node_or_string = node_or_string.node
        def _convert(node):
            if isinstance(node, Const) and isinstance(node.value,
                    (basestring, int, float, long, complex)):
                 return node.value
            elif isinstance(node, Tuple):
                return tuple(map(_convert, node.nodes))
            elif isinstance(node, compiler.ast.List):
                return list(map(_convert, node.nodes))
            elif isinstance(node, Dict):
                return dict((_convert(k), _convert(v)) for k, v
                            in node.items)
            elif isinstance(node, Name):
                if in _safe_names:
                    return _safe_names[]
            elif isinstance(node, UnarySub):
                return -_convert(node.expr)
            raise ValueError('malformed string')
        return _convert(node_or_string)
项目:alljoyn_python    作者:glennpierce    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, indent, lineno, body, final):
        Node.__init__(self, indent, lineno)
        if isinstance(body, compiler.ast.TryExcept):
            self.body = transform(indent, lineno, body)
            self.body.has_finally = True
            self.body = transform(indent + 1, lineno, body) = transform(indent + 1, lineno, final)
项目:ome-model    作者:ome    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _extract_args(self, node):
        tab = node.argnames[:]
        if node.flags & compiler.ast.CO_VARKEYWORDS:
            kwarg = tab[-1]
            tab = tab[:-1]
            kwarg = None

        if node.flags & compiler.ast.CO_VARARGS:
            vararg = tab[-1]
            tab = tab[:-1]
            vararg = None

        def _tup(t):
            if isinstance(t, str):
                return self._new(_ast.Name, t, _ast.Store())
            elif isinstance(t, tuple):
                elts = [_tup(x) for x in t]
                return self._new(_ast.Tuple, elts, _ast.Store())
                raise NotImplemented

        args = []
        for arg in tab:
            if isinstance(arg, str):
                args.append(self._new(_ast.Name, arg, _ast.Param()))
            elif isinstance(arg, tuple):
                assert False, node.__class__

        defaults = [self.visit(d) for d in node.defaults]
        return self._new(_ast.arguments, args, vararg, kwarg, defaults)
项目:ome-model    作者:ome    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visit_CallFunc(self, node):
        args = []
        keywords = []
        for arg in node.args:
            if isinstance(arg, compiler.ast.Keyword):
        return self._new(_ast.Call, self.visit(node.node), args, keywords,
                    self.visit(node.star_args), self.visit(node.dstar_args))
项目:snakefood    作者:Shapeways    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_imports(fn, verbose, ignores):
    "Yields a list of the module names the file 'fn' depends on."

    ast, _ = parse_python_source(fn)
    if ast is None:
        raise StopIteration

    found_imports = get_ast_imports(ast)
    if found_imports is None:
        raise StopIteration

    dn = dirname(fn)

    packroot = None
    for modname, rname, lname, lineno, _, _ in found_imports:
        islocal = False
        names = modname.split('.')
        if find_dotted(names, dn):
            # This is a local import, we need to find the root in order to
            # compute the absolute module name.
            if packroot is None:
                packroot = find_package_root(fn, ignores)
                if not packroot:
                        "%d: Could not find package root for local import '%s' from '%s'." %
                        (lineno, modname, fn))

            reldir = dirname(fn)[len(packroot)+1:]

            modname = '%s.%s' % (reldir.replace(os.sep, '.'), modname)
            islocal = True

        if rname is not None:
            modname = '%s.%s' % (modname, rname)
        yield (modname, lineno, islocal)
项目:snakefood    作者:Shapeways    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_python_source(fn):
    """Parse the file 'fn' and return two things:

    1. The AST tree.
    2. A list of lines of the source line (typically used for verbose error

    If the file has a syntax error in it, the first argument will be None.
    # Read the file's contents to return it.
    # Note: we make sure to use universal newlines.
        contents = open(fn, 'rU').read()
        lines = contents.splitlines()
    except (IOError, OSError), e:
        logging.error("Could not read file '%s'." % fn)
        return None, None

    # Convert the file to an AST.
        ast = compiler.parse(contents)
    except SyntaxError, e:
        err = '%s:%s: %s' % (fn, e.lineno or '--', e.msg)
        logging.error("Error processing file '%s':\n%s" %
                      (fn, err))
        return None, lines
    except TypeError, e:
        # Note: this branch untested, applied from a user-submitted patch.
        err = '%s: %s' % (fn, str(e))
        logging.error("Error processing file '%s':\n%s" %
                      (fn, err))
        return None, lines

    return ast, lines
项目:snakefood    作者:Shapeways    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_ast_imports(ast):
    Given an AST, return a list of module tuples for the imports found, in the
        (modname, remote-name, local-name, lineno, pragma)
    assert ast is not None
    vis = ImportVisitor()
    compiler.walk(ast, vis, ImportWalker(vis))
    found_imports = vis.finalize()
    return found_imports

# **WARNING** This is where all the evil lies.  Risk and peril.  Watch out.
项目:snakefood    作者:Shapeways    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def printAst(ast, indent='  ', stream=sys.stdout, initlevel=0):
    "Pretty-print an AST to the given output stream."
    rec_node(ast, initlevel, indent, stream.write)
项目:code    作者:ActiveState    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def safe_eval(code, context = {}, timeout_secs = 5):
    Validate source code and make sure it contains no unauthorized
    expression/statements as configured via 'unallowed_ast_nodes' and
    'unallowed_builtins'. By default this means that code is not
    allowed import modules or access dangerous builtins like 'open' or
    'eval'. If code is considered 'safe' it will be executed via
    'exec' using 'context' as the global environment. More details on
    how code is executed can be found in the Python Reference Manual
    section 6.14 (ignore the remark on '__builtins__'). The 'context'
    enviroment is also validated and is not allowed to contain modules
    or builtins. The following exception will be raised on errors:

      if 'context' contains unallowed objects = 

      if code is didn't validate and is considered 'unsafe' = 

      if code did not execute within the given timelimit =
    ctx_errkeys, ctx_errors = [], []
    for (key, obj) in context.items():
        if inspect.isbuiltin(obj):
            ctx_errors.append("key '%s' : unallowed builtin %s" % (key, obj))
        if inspect.ismodule(obj):
            ctx_errors.append("key '%s' : unallowed module %s" % (key, obj))

    if ctx_errors:
        raise SafeEvalContextException(ctx_errkeys, ctx_errors)

    ast = compiler.parse(code)
    checker = SafeEvalVisitor()

    if checker.walk(ast):
        exec_timed(code, context, timeout_secs)
        raise SafeEvalCodeException(code, checker.errors)

# Basic tests.
项目:snakefood    作者:Shapeways    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_dependencies(fn, verbose, process_pragmas,
    "Returns a list of the files 'fn' depends on."
    file_errors = []

    ast, _ = parse_python_source(fn)
    if ast is None:
        return [], file_errors
    found_imports = get_ast_imports(ast)
    if found_imports is None:
        return [], file_errors

    # Filter out the unused imports if requested.
    if ignore_unused:
        found_imports, unused_imports = filter_unused_imports(ast, found_imports)
        for modname, rname, lname, lineno, level, pragma in unused_imports:
            file_errors.append((ERROR_UNUSED, lname))

    output_code = (verbose >= 2)
    source_lines = None
    if output_code:
        source_lines = open(fn, 'rU').read().splitlines()

    files = []
    assert not isdir(fn)
    dn = dirname(fn)
    seenset = set()
    for x in found_imports:
        mod, rname, lname, lineno, level, pragma = x
        if process_pragmas and pragma == 'OPTIONAL':
            if rname is None:
                msg = WARNING_OPTIONAL % (lineno, mod)
                msg = '%s.%s' % (mod, rname)

        sig = (mod, rname)
        if sig in seenset:

        modfile, errors = find_dotted_module(mod, rname, dn, level)
        if errors:
            for err, name in errors:
                if err is ERROR_IMPORT:
                    efun = warning_lambda
                    efun = debug_lambda
                efun(err % (lineno, name))
                if output_code:
                    efun(ERROR_SOURCE % source_lines[lineno-1].rstrip())

        if modfile is None:

    return files, file_errors