Python cx_Oracle 模块,STRING 实例源码


项目:Flask_Blog    作者:sugarguo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi):
        return getattr(dbapi, 'UNICODE', dbapi.STRING)
项目:Flask_Blog    作者:sugarguo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _detect_decimal_char(self, connection):
        """detect if the decimal separator character is not '.', as
        is the case with European locale settings for NLS_LANG.

        cx_oracle itself uses similar logic when it formats Python
        Decimal objects to strings on the bind side (as of 5.0.3),
        as Oracle sends/receives string numerics only in the
        current locale.

        if self.cx_oracle_ver < (5,):
            # no output type handlers before version 5

        cx_Oracle = self.dbapi
        conn = connection.connection

        # override the output_type_handler that's
        # on the cx_oracle connection with a plain
        # one on the cursor

        def output_type_handler(cursor, name, defaultType,
                                size, precision, scale):
            return cursor.var(
                255, arraysize=cursor.arraysize)

        cursor = conn.cursor()
        cursor.outputtypehandler = output_type_handler
        cursor.execute("SELECT 0.1 FROM DUAL")
        val = cursor.fetchone()[0]
        char = re.match(r"([\.,])", val).group(1)
        if char != '.':
            _detect_decimal = self._detect_decimal
            self._detect_decimal = \
                lambda value: _detect_decimal(value.replace(char, '.'))
            self._to_decimal = \
                lambda value: decimal.Decimal(value.replace(char, '.'))
项目:Flask_Blog    作者:sugarguo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def on_connect(self):
        if self.cx_oracle_ver < (5,):
            # no output type handlers before version 5

        cx_Oracle = self.dbapi

        def output_type_handler(cursor, name, defaultType,
                                size, precision, scale):
            # convert all NUMBER with precision + positive scale to Decimal
            # this almost allows "native decimal" mode.
            if self.supports_native_decimal and \
                    defaultType == cx_Oracle.NUMBER and \
                    precision and scale > 0:
                return cursor.var(
            # if NUMBER with zero precision and 0 or neg scale, this appears
            # to indicate "ambiguous".  Use a slower converter that will
            # make a decision based on each value received - the type
            # may change from row to row (!).   This kills
            # off "native decimal" mode, handlers still needed.
            elif self.supports_native_decimal and \
                    defaultType == cx_Oracle.NUMBER \
                    and not precision and scale <= 0:
                return cursor.var(
            # allow all strings to come back natively as Unicode
            elif self.coerce_to_unicode and \
                    defaultType in (cx_Oracle.STRING, cx_Oracle.FIXED_CHAR):
                return cursor.var(util.text_type, size, cursor.arraysize)

        def on_connect(conn):
            conn.outputtypehandler = output_type_handler

        return on_connect
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _rowfactory(row, cursor):
    # Cast numeric values as the appropriate Python type based upon the
    # cursor description, and convert strings to unicode.
    casted = []
    for value, desc in zip(row, cursor.description):
        if value is not None and desc[1] is Database.NUMBER:
            precision, scale = desc[4:6]
            if scale == -127:
                if precision == 0:
                    # NUMBER column: decimal-precision floating point
                    # This will normally be an integer from a sequence,
                    # but it could be a decimal value.
                    if '.' in value:
                        value = decimal.Decimal(value)
                        value = int(value)
                    # FLOAT column: binary-precision floating point.
                    # This comes from FloatField columns.
                    value = float(value)
            elif precision > 0:
                # NUMBER(p,s) column: decimal-precision fixed point.
                # This comes from IntField and DecimalField columns.
                if scale == 0:
                    value = int(value)
                    value = decimal.Decimal(value)
            elif '.' in value:
                # No type information. This normally comes from a
                # mathematical expression in the SELECT list. Guess int
                # or Decimal based on whether it has a decimal point.
                value = decimal.Decimal(value)
                value = int(value)
        elif desc[1] in (Database.STRING, Database.FIXED_CHAR,
            value = to_unicode(value)
    return tuple(casted)
项目:QXSConsolas    作者:qxsch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi):
        return getattr(dbapi, 'UNICODE', dbapi.STRING)
项目:QXSConsolas    作者:qxsch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _detect_decimal_char(self, connection):
        """detect if the decimal separator character is not '.', as
        is the case with European locale settings for NLS_LANG.

        cx_oracle itself uses similar logic when it formats Python
        Decimal objects to strings on the bind side (as of 5.0.3),
        as Oracle sends/receives string numerics only in the
        current locale.

        if self.cx_oracle_ver < (5,):
            # no output type handlers before version 5

        cx_Oracle = self.dbapi
        conn = connection.connection

        # override the output_type_handler that's
        # on the cx_oracle connection with a plain
        # one on the cursor

        def output_type_handler(cursor, name, defaultType,
                                size, precision, scale):
            return cursor.var(
                255, arraysize=cursor.arraysize)

        cursor = conn.cursor()
        cursor.outputtypehandler = output_type_handler
        cursor.execute("SELECT 0.1 FROM DUAL")
        val = cursor.fetchone()[0]
        char = re.match(r"([\.,])", val).group(1)
        if char != '.':
            _detect_decimal = self._detect_decimal
            self._detect_decimal = \
                lambda value: _detect_decimal(value.replace(char, '.'))
            self._to_decimal = \
                lambda value: decimal.Decimal(value.replace(char, '.'))
项目:QXSConsolas    作者:qxsch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def on_connect(self):
        if self.cx_oracle_ver < (5,):
            # no output type handlers before version 5

        cx_Oracle = self.dbapi

        def output_type_handler(cursor, name, defaultType,
                                size, precision, scale):
            # convert all NUMBER with precision + positive scale to Decimal
            # this almost allows "native decimal" mode.
            if self.supports_native_decimal and \
                    defaultType == cx_Oracle.NUMBER and \
                    precision and scale > 0:
                return cursor.var(
            # if NUMBER with zero precision and 0 or neg scale, this appears
            # to indicate "ambiguous".  Use a slower converter that will
            # make a decision based on each value received - the type
            # may change from row to row (!).   This kills
            # off "native decimal" mode, handlers still needed.
            elif self.supports_native_decimal and \
                    defaultType == cx_Oracle.NUMBER \
                    and not precision and scale <= 0:
                return cursor.var(
            # allow all strings to come back natively as Unicode
            elif self.coerce_to_unicode and \
                    defaultType in (cx_Oracle.STRING, cx_Oracle.FIXED_CHAR):
                return cursor.var(util.text_type, size, cursor.arraysize)

        def on_connect(conn):
            conn.outputtypehandler = output_type_handler

        return on_connect
项目:flasky    作者:RoseOu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi):
        return getattr(dbapi, 'UNICODE', dbapi.STRING)
项目:flasky    作者:RoseOu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _detect_decimal_char(self, connection):
        """detect if the decimal separator character is not '.', as
        is the case with European locale settings for NLS_LANG.

        cx_oracle itself uses similar logic when it formats Python
        Decimal objects to strings on the bind side (as of 5.0.3),
        as Oracle sends/receives string numerics only in the
        current locale.

        if self.cx_oracle_ver < (5,):
            # no output type handlers before version 5

        cx_Oracle = self.dbapi
        conn = connection.connection

        # override the output_type_handler that's
        # on the cx_oracle connection with a plain
        # one on the cursor

        def output_type_handler(cursor, name, defaultType,
                                size, precision, scale):
            return cursor.var(
                255, arraysize=cursor.arraysize)

        cursor = conn.cursor()
        cursor.outputtypehandler = output_type_handler
        cursor.execute("SELECT 0.1 FROM DUAL")
        val = cursor.fetchone()[0]
        char = re.match(r"([\.,])", val).group(1)
        if char != '.':
            _detect_decimal = self._detect_decimal
            self._detect_decimal = \
                lambda value: _detect_decimal(value.replace(char, '.'))
            self._to_decimal = \
                lambda value: decimal.Decimal(value.replace(char, '.'))
项目:flasky    作者:RoseOu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def on_connect(self):
        if self.cx_oracle_ver < (5,):
            # no output type handlers before version 5

        cx_Oracle = self.dbapi

        def output_type_handler(cursor, name, defaultType,
                                size, precision, scale):
            # convert all NUMBER with precision + positive scale to Decimal
            # this almost allows "native decimal" mode.
            if self.supports_native_decimal and \
                    defaultType == cx_Oracle.NUMBER and \
                    precision and scale > 0:
                return cursor.var(
            # if NUMBER with zero precision and 0 or neg scale, this appears
            # to indicate "ambiguous".  Use a slower converter that will
            # make a decision based on each value received - the type
            # may change from row to row (!).   This kills
            # off "native decimal" mode, handlers still needed.
            elif self.supports_native_decimal and \
                    defaultType == cx_Oracle.NUMBER \
                    and not precision and scale <= 0:
                return cursor.var(
            # allow all strings to come back natively as Unicode
            elif self.coerce_to_unicode and \
                    defaultType in (cx_Oracle.STRING, cx_Oracle.FIXED_CHAR):
                return cursor.var(util.text_type, size, cursor.arraysize)

        def on_connect(conn):
            conn.outputtypehandler = output_type_handler

        return on_connect
项目:oa_qian    作者:sunqb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi):
        return getattr(dbapi, 'UNICODE', dbapi.STRING)
项目:oa_qian    作者:sunqb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _detect_decimal_char(self, connection):
        """detect if the decimal separator character is not '.', as
        is the case with European locale settings for NLS_LANG.

        cx_oracle itself uses similar logic when it formats Python
        Decimal objects to strings on the bind side (as of 5.0.3),
        as Oracle sends/receives string numerics only in the
        current locale.

        if self.cx_oracle_ver < (5,):
            # no output type handlers before version 5

        cx_Oracle = self.dbapi
        conn = connection.connection

        # override the output_type_handler that's
        # on the cx_oracle connection with a plain
        # one on the cursor

        def output_type_handler(cursor, name, defaultType,
                                size, precision, scale):
            return cursor.var(
                255, arraysize=cursor.arraysize)

        cursor = conn.cursor()
        cursor.outputtypehandler = output_type_handler
        cursor.execute("SELECT 0.1 FROM DUAL")
        val = cursor.fetchone()[0]
        char = re.match(r"([\.,])", val).group(1)
        if char != '.':
            _detect_decimal = self._detect_decimal
            self._detect_decimal = \
                lambda value: _detect_decimal(value.replace(char, '.'))
            self._to_decimal = \
                lambda value: decimal.Decimal(value.replace(char, '.'))
项目:oa_qian    作者:sunqb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def on_connect(self):
        if self.cx_oracle_ver < (5,):
            # no output type handlers before version 5

        cx_Oracle = self.dbapi

        def output_type_handler(cursor, name, defaultType,
                                size, precision, scale):
            # convert all NUMBER with precision + positive scale to Decimal
            # this almost allows "native decimal" mode.
            if self.supports_native_decimal and \
                    defaultType == cx_Oracle.NUMBER and \
                    precision and scale > 0:
                return cursor.var(
            # if NUMBER with zero precision and 0 or neg scale, this appears
            # to indicate "ambiguous".  Use a slower converter that will
            # make a decision based on each value received - the type
            # may change from row to row (!).   This kills
            # off "native decimal" mode, handlers still needed.
            elif self.supports_native_decimal and \
                    defaultType == cx_Oracle.NUMBER \
                    and not precision and scale <= 0:
                return cursor.var(
            # allow all strings to come back natively as Unicode
            elif self.coerce_to_unicode and \
                    defaultType in (cx_Oracle.STRING, cx_Oracle.FIXED_CHAR):
                return cursor.var(util.text_type, size, cursor.arraysize)

        def on_connect(conn):
            conn.outputtypehandler = output_type_handler

        return on_connect
项目:chihu    作者:yelongyu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi):
        return getattr(dbapi, 'UNICODE', dbapi.STRING)
项目:chihu    作者:yelongyu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _detect_decimal_char(self, connection):
        """detect if the decimal separator character is not '.', as
        is the case with European locale settings for NLS_LANG.

        cx_oracle itself uses similar logic when it formats Python
        Decimal objects to strings on the bind side (as of 5.0.3),
        as Oracle sends/receives string numerics only in the
        current locale.

        if self.cx_oracle_ver < (5,):
            # no output type handlers before version 5

        cx_Oracle = self.dbapi
        conn = connection.connection

        # override the output_type_handler that's
        # on the cx_oracle connection with a plain
        # one on the cursor

        def output_type_handler(cursor, name, defaultType,
                                size, precision, scale):
            return cursor.var(
                255, arraysize=cursor.arraysize)

        cursor = conn.cursor()
        cursor.outputtypehandler = output_type_handler
        cursor.execute("SELECT 0.1 FROM DUAL")
        val = cursor.fetchone()[0]
        char = re.match(r"([\.,])", val).group(1)
        if char != '.':
            _detect_decimal = self._detect_decimal
            self._detect_decimal = \
                lambda value: _detect_decimal(value.replace(char, '.'))
            self._to_decimal = \
                lambda value: decimal.Decimal(value.replace(char, '.'))
项目:chihu    作者:yelongyu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def on_connect(self):
        if self.cx_oracle_ver < (5,):
            # no output type handlers before version 5

        cx_Oracle = self.dbapi

        def output_type_handler(cursor, name, defaultType,
                                size, precision, scale):
            # convert all NUMBER with precision + positive scale to Decimal
            # this almost allows "native decimal" mode.
            if self.supports_native_decimal and \
                    defaultType == cx_Oracle.NUMBER and \
                    precision and scale > 0:
                return cursor.var(
            # if NUMBER with zero precision and 0 or neg scale, this appears
            # to indicate "ambiguous".  Use a slower converter that will
            # make a decision based on each value received - the type
            # may change from row to row (!).   This kills
            # off "native decimal" mode, handlers still needed.
            elif self.supports_native_decimal and \
                    defaultType == cx_Oracle.NUMBER \
                    and not precision and scale <= 0:
                return cursor.var(
            # allow all strings to come back natively as Unicode
            elif self.coerce_to_unicode and \
                    defaultType in (cx_Oracle.STRING, cx_Oracle.FIXED_CHAR):
                return cursor.var(util.text_type, size, cursor.arraysize)

        def on_connect(conn):
            conn.outputtypehandler = output_type_handler

        return on_connect
项目:ShelbySearch    作者:Agentscreech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi):
        return getattr(dbapi, 'UNICODE', dbapi.STRING)
项目:ShelbySearch    作者:Agentscreech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _detect_decimal_char(self, connection):
        """detect if the decimal separator character is not '.', as
        is the case with European locale settings for NLS_LANG.

        cx_oracle itself uses similar logic when it formats Python
        Decimal objects to strings on the bind side (as of 5.0.3),
        as Oracle sends/receives string numerics only in the
        current locale.

        if self.cx_oracle_ver < (5,):
            # no output type handlers before version 5

        cx_Oracle = self.dbapi
        conn = connection.connection

        # override the output_type_handler that's
        # on the cx_oracle connection with a plain
        # one on the cursor

        def output_type_handler(cursor, name, defaultType,
                                size, precision, scale):
            return cursor.var(
                255, arraysize=cursor.arraysize)

        cursor = conn.cursor()
        cursor.outputtypehandler = output_type_handler
        cursor.execute("SELECT 0.1 FROM DUAL")
        val = cursor.fetchone()[0]
        char = re.match(r"([\.,])", val).group(1)
        if char != '.':
            _detect_decimal = self._detect_decimal
            self._detect_decimal = \
                lambda value: _detect_decimal(value.replace(char, '.'))
            self._to_decimal = \
                lambda value: decimal.Decimal(value.replace(char, '.'))
项目:ShelbySearch    作者:Agentscreech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def on_connect(self):
        if self.cx_oracle_ver < (5,):
            # no output type handlers before version 5

        cx_Oracle = self.dbapi

        def output_type_handler(cursor, name, defaultType,
                                size, precision, scale):
            # convert all NUMBER with precision + positive scale to Decimal
            # this almost allows "native decimal" mode.
            if self.supports_native_decimal and \
                    defaultType == cx_Oracle.NUMBER and \
                    precision and scale > 0:
                return cursor.var(
            # if NUMBER with zero precision and 0 or neg scale, this appears
            # to indicate "ambiguous".  Use a slower converter that will
            # make a decision based on each value received - the type
            # may change from row to row (!).   This kills
            # off "native decimal" mode, handlers still needed.
            elif self.supports_native_decimal and \
                    defaultType == cx_Oracle.NUMBER \
                    and not precision and scale <= 0:
                return cursor.var(
            # allow all strings to come back natively as Unicode
            elif self.coerce_to_unicode and \
                    defaultType in (cx_Oracle.STRING, cx_Oracle.FIXED_CHAR):
                return cursor.var(util.text_type, size, cursor.arraysize)

        def on_connect(conn):
            conn.outputtypehandler = output_type_handler

        return on_connect
项目:pyetje    作者:rorlika    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi):
        return getattr(dbapi, 'UNICODE', dbapi.STRING)
项目:pyetje    作者:rorlika    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _detect_decimal_char(self, connection):
        """detect if the decimal separator character is not '.', as
        is the case with european locale settings for NLS_LANG.

        cx_oracle itself uses similar logic when it formats Python
        Decimal objects to strings on the bind side (as of 5.0.3),
        as Oracle sends/receives string numerics only in the
        current locale.

        if self.cx_oracle_ver < (5,):
            # no output type handlers before version 5

        cx_Oracle = self.dbapi
        conn = connection.connection

        # override the output_type_handler that's
        # on the cx_oracle connection with a plain
        # one on the cursor

        def output_type_handler(cursor, name, defaultType,
                                size, precision, scale):
            return cursor.var(
                        255, arraysize=cursor.arraysize)

        cursor = conn.cursor()
        cursor.outputtypehandler = output_type_handler
        cursor.execute("SELECT 0.1 FROM DUAL")
        val = cursor.fetchone()[0]
        char = re.match(r"([\.,])", val).group(1)
        if char != '.':
            _detect_decimal = self._detect_decimal
            self._detect_decimal = \
                lambda value: _detect_decimal(value.replace(char, '.'))
            self._to_decimal = \
                lambda value: decimal.Decimal(value.replace(char, '.'))
项目:pyetje    作者:rorlika    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def on_connect(self):
        if self.cx_oracle_ver < (5,):
            # no output type handlers before version 5

        cx_Oracle = self.dbapi

        def output_type_handler(cursor, name, defaultType,
                                    size, precision, scale):
            # convert all NUMBER with precision + positive scale to Decimal
            # this almost allows "native decimal" mode.
            if self.supports_native_decimal and \
                    defaultType == cx_Oracle.NUMBER and \
                    precision and scale > 0:
                return cursor.var(
            # if NUMBER with zero precision and 0 or neg scale, this appears
            # to indicate "ambiguous".  Use a slower converter that will
            # make a decision based on each value received - the type
            # may change from row to row (!).   This kills
            # off "native decimal" mode, handlers still needed.
            elif self.supports_native_decimal and \
                    defaultType == cx_Oracle.NUMBER \
                    and not precision and scale <= 0:
                return cursor.var(
            # allow all strings to come back natively as Unicode
            elif defaultType in (cx_Oracle.STRING, cx_Oracle.FIXED_CHAR):
                return cursor.var(unicode, size, cursor.arraysize)

        def on_connect(conn):
            conn.outputtypehandler = output_type_handler

        return on_connect
项目:Price-Comparator    作者:Thejas-1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi):
        return getattr(dbapi, 'UNICODE', dbapi.STRING)
项目:Price-Comparator    作者:Thejas-1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _detect_decimal_char(self, connection):
        """detect if the decimal separator character is not '.', as
        is the case with European locale settings for NLS_LANG.

        cx_oracle itself uses similar logic when it formats Python
        Decimal objects to strings on the bind side (as of 5.0.3),
        as Oracle sends/receives string numerics only in the
        current locale.

        if self.cx_oracle_ver < (5,):
            # no output type handlers before version 5

        cx_Oracle = self.dbapi
        conn = connection.connection

        # override the output_type_handler that's
        # on the cx_oracle connection with a plain
        # one on the cursor

        def output_type_handler(cursor, name, defaultType,
                                size, precision, scale):
            return cursor.var(
                255, arraysize=cursor.arraysize)

        cursor = conn.cursor()
        cursor.outputtypehandler = output_type_handler
        cursor.execute("SELECT 0.1 FROM DUAL")
        val = cursor.fetchone()[0]
        char = re.match(r"([\.,])", val).group(1)
        if char != '.':
            _detect_decimal = self._detect_decimal
            self._detect_decimal = \
                lambda value: _detect_decimal(value.replace(char, '.'))
            self._to_decimal = \
                lambda value: decimal.Decimal(value.replace(char, '.'))
项目:Price-Comparator    作者:Thejas-1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def on_connect(self):
        if self.cx_oracle_ver < (5,):
            # no output type handlers before version 5

        cx_Oracle = self.dbapi

        def output_type_handler(cursor, name, defaultType,
                                size, precision, scale):
            # convert all NUMBER with precision + positive scale to Decimal
            # this almost allows "native decimal" mode.
            if self.supports_native_decimal and \
                    defaultType == cx_Oracle.NUMBER and \
                    precision and scale > 0:
                return cursor.var(
            # if NUMBER with zero precision and 0 or neg scale, this appears
            # to indicate "ambiguous".  Use a slower converter that will
            # make a decision based on each value received - the type
            # may change from row to row (!).   This kills
            # off "native decimal" mode, handlers still needed.
            elif self.supports_native_decimal and \
                    defaultType == cx_Oracle.NUMBER \
                    and not precision and scale <= 0:
                return cursor.var(
            # allow all strings to come back natively as Unicode
            elif self.coerce_to_unicode and \
                    defaultType in (cx_Oracle.STRING, cx_Oracle.FIXED_CHAR):
                return cursor.var(util.text_type, size, cursor.arraysize)

        def on_connect(conn):
            conn.outputtypehandler = output_type_handler

        return on_connect
项目:Flask-NvRay-Blog    作者:rui7157    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi):
        return getattr(dbapi, 'UNICODE', dbapi.STRING)
项目:Flask-NvRay-Blog    作者:rui7157    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _detect_decimal_char(self, connection):
        """detect if the decimal separator character is not '.', as
        is the case with European locale settings for NLS_LANG.

        cx_oracle itself uses similar logic when it formats Python
        Decimal objects to strings on the bind side (as of 5.0.3),
        as Oracle sends/receives string numerics only in the
        current locale.

        if self.cx_oracle_ver < (5,):
            # no output type handlers before version 5

        cx_Oracle = self.dbapi
        conn = connection.connection

        # override the output_type_handler that's
        # on the cx_oracle connection with a plain
        # one on the cursor

        def output_type_handler(cursor, name, defaultType,
                                size, precision, scale):
            return cursor.var(
                255, arraysize=cursor.arraysize)

        cursor = conn.cursor()
        cursor.outputtypehandler = output_type_handler
        cursor.execute("SELECT 0.1 FROM DUAL")
        val = cursor.fetchone()[0]
        char = re.match(r"([\.,])", val).group(1)
        if char != '.':
            _detect_decimal = self._detect_decimal
            self._detect_decimal = \
                lambda value: _detect_decimal(value.replace(char, '.'))
            self._to_decimal = \
                lambda value: decimal.Decimal(value.replace(char, '.'))
项目:Flask-NvRay-Blog    作者:rui7157    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def on_connect(self):
        if self.cx_oracle_ver < (5,):
            # no output type handlers before version 5

        cx_Oracle = self.dbapi

        def output_type_handler(cursor, name, defaultType,
                                size, precision, scale):
            # convert all NUMBER with precision + positive scale to Decimal
            # this almost allows "native decimal" mode.
            if self.supports_native_decimal and \
                    defaultType == cx_Oracle.NUMBER and \
                    precision and scale > 0:
                return cursor.var(
            # if NUMBER with zero precision and 0 or neg scale, this appears
            # to indicate "ambiguous".  Use a slower converter that will
            # make a decision based on each value received - the type
            # may change from row to row (!).   This kills
            # off "native decimal" mode, handlers still needed.
            elif self.supports_native_decimal and \
                    defaultType == cx_Oracle.NUMBER \
                    and not precision and scale <= 0:
                return cursor.var(
            # allow all strings to come back natively as Unicode
            elif self.coerce_to_unicode and \
                    defaultType in (cx_Oracle.STRING, cx_Oracle.FIXED_CHAR):
                return cursor.var(util.text_type, size, cursor.arraysize)

        def on_connect(conn):
            conn.outputtypehandler = output_type_handler

        return on_connect
项目:Flask-NvRay-Blog    作者:rui7157    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi):
        return getattr(dbapi, 'UNICODE', dbapi.STRING)
项目:Flask-NvRay-Blog    作者:rui7157    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _detect_decimal_char(self, connection):
        """detect if the decimal separator character is not '.', as
        is the case with European locale settings for NLS_LANG.

        cx_oracle itself uses similar logic when it formats Python
        Decimal objects to strings on the bind side (as of 5.0.3),
        as Oracle sends/receives string numerics only in the
        current locale.

        if self.cx_oracle_ver < (5,):
            # no output type handlers before version 5

        cx_Oracle = self.dbapi
        conn = connection.connection

        # override the output_type_handler that's
        # on the cx_oracle connection with a plain
        # one on the cursor

        def output_type_handler(cursor, name, defaultType,
                                size, precision, scale):
            return cursor.var(
                255, arraysize=cursor.arraysize)

        cursor = conn.cursor()
        cursor.outputtypehandler = output_type_handler
        cursor.execute("SELECT 0.1 FROM DUAL")
        val = cursor.fetchone()[0]
        char = re.match(r"([\.,])", val).group(1)
        if char != '.':
            _detect_decimal = self._detect_decimal
            self._detect_decimal = \
                lambda value: _detect_decimal(value.replace(char, '.'))
            self._to_decimal = \
                lambda value: decimal.Decimal(value.replace(char, '.'))
项目:trydjango18    作者:wei0104    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _rowfactory(row, cursor):
    # Cast numeric values as the appropriate Python type based upon the
    # cursor description, and convert strings to unicode.
    casted = []
    for value, desc in zip(row, cursor.description):
        if value is not None and desc[1] is Database.NUMBER:
            precision, scale = desc[4:6]
            if scale == -127:
                if precision == 0:
                    # NUMBER column: decimal-precision floating point
                    # This will normally be an integer from a sequence,
                    # but it could be a decimal value.
                    if '.' in value:
                        value = decimal.Decimal(value)
                        value = int(value)
                    # FLOAT column: binary-precision floating point.
                    # This comes from FloatField columns.
                    value = float(value)
            elif precision > 0:
                # NUMBER(p,s) column: decimal-precision fixed point.
                # This comes from IntField and DecimalField columns.
                if scale == 0:
                    value = int(value)
                    value = decimal.Decimal(value)
            elif '.' in value:
                # No type information. This normally comes from a
                # mathematical expression in the SELECT list. Guess int
                # or Decimal based on whether it has a decimal point.
                value = decimal.Decimal(value)
                value = int(value)
        # datetimes are returned as TIMESTAMP, except the results
        # of "dates" queries, which are returned as DATETIME.
        elif desc[1] in (Database.TIMESTAMP, Database.DATETIME):
            # Confirm that dt is naive before overwriting its tzinfo.
            if settings.USE_TZ and value is not None and timezone.is_naive(value):
                value = value.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
        elif desc[1] in (Database.STRING, Database.FIXED_CHAR,
            value = to_unicode(value)
    return tuple(casted)
项目:Callandtext    作者:iaora    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi):
        return getattr(dbapi, 'UNICODE', dbapi.STRING)
项目:Callandtext    作者:iaora    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _detect_decimal_char(self, connection):
        """detect if the decimal separator character is not '.', as
        is the case with European locale settings for NLS_LANG.

        cx_oracle itself uses similar logic when it formats Python
        Decimal objects to strings on the bind side (as of 5.0.3),
        as Oracle sends/receives string numerics only in the
        current locale.

        if self.cx_oracle_ver < (5,):
            # no output type handlers before version 5

        cx_Oracle = self.dbapi
        conn = connection.connection

        # override the output_type_handler that's
        # on the cx_oracle connection with a plain
        # one on the cursor

        def output_type_handler(cursor, name, defaultType,
                                size, precision, scale):
            return cursor.var(
                255, arraysize=cursor.arraysize)

        cursor = conn.cursor()
        cursor.outputtypehandler = output_type_handler
        cursor.execute("SELECT 0.1 FROM DUAL")
        val = cursor.fetchone()[0]
        char = re.match(r"([\.,])", val).group(1)
        if char != '.':
            _detect_decimal = self._detect_decimal
            self._detect_decimal = \
                lambda value: _detect_decimal(value.replace(char, '.'))
            self._to_decimal = \
                lambda value: decimal.Decimal(value.replace(char, '.'))
项目:Callandtext    作者:iaora    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def on_connect(self):
        if self.cx_oracle_ver < (5,):
            # no output type handlers before version 5

        cx_Oracle = self.dbapi

        def output_type_handler(cursor, name, defaultType,
                                size, precision, scale):
            # convert all NUMBER with precision + positive scale to Decimal
            # this almost allows "native decimal" mode.
            if self.supports_native_decimal and \
                    defaultType == cx_Oracle.NUMBER and \
                    precision and scale > 0:
                return cursor.var(
            # if NUMBER with zero precision and 0 or neg scale, this appears
            # to indicate "ambiguous".  Use a slower converter that will
            # make a decision based on each value received - the type
            # may change from row to row (!).   This kills
            # off "native decimal" mode, handlers still needed.
            elif self.supports_native_decimal and \
                    defaultType == cx_Oracle.NUMBER \
                    and not precision and scale <= 0:
                return cursor.var(
            # allow all strings to come back natively as Unicode
            elif self.coerce_to_unicode and \
                    defaultType in (cx_Oracle.STRING, cx_Oracle.FIXED_CHAR):
                return cursor.var(util.text_type, size, cursor.arraysize)

        def on_connect(conn):
            conn.outputtypehandler = output_type_handler

        return on_connect
项目:python_ddd_flask    作者:igorvinnicius    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi):
        return getattr(dbapi, 'UNICODE', dbapi.STRING)
项目:python_ddd_flask    作者:igorvinnicius    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _detect_decimal_char(self, connection):
        """detect if the decimal separator character is not '.', as
        is the case with European locale settings for NLS_LANG.

        cx_oracle itself uses similar logic when it formats Python
        Decimal objects to strings on the bind side (as of 5.0.3),
        as Oracle sends/receives string numerics only in the
        current locale.

        if self.cx_oracle_ver < (5,):
            # no output type handlers before version 5

        cx_Oracle = self.dbapi
        conn = connection.connection

        # override the output_type_handler that's
        # on the cx_oracle connection with a plain
        # one on the cursor

        def output_type_handler(cursor, name, defaultType,
                                size, precision, scale):
            return cursor.var(
                255, arraysize=cursor.arraysize)

        cursor = conn.cursor()
        cursor.outputtypehandler = output_type_handler
        cursor.execute("SELECT 0.1 FROM DUAL")
        val = cursor.fetchone()[0]
        char = re.match(r"([\.,])", val).group(1)
        if char != '.':
            _detect_decimal = self._detect_decimal
            self._detect_decimal = \
                lambda value: _detect_decimal(value.replace(char, '.'))
            self._to_decimal = \
                lambda value: decimal.Decimal(value.replace(char, '.'))
项目:python_ddd_flask    作者:igorvinnicius    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def on_connect(self):
        if self.cx_oracle_ver < (5,):
            # no output type handlers before version 5

        cx_Oracle = self.dbapi

        def output_type_handler(cursor, name, defaultType,
                                size, precision, scale):
            # convert all NUMBER with precision + positive scale to Decimal
            # this almost allows "native decimal" mode.
            if self.supports_native_decimal and \
                    defaultType == cx_Oracle.NUMBER and \
                    precision and scale > 0:
                return cursor.var(
            # if NUMBER with zero precision and 0 or neg scale, this appears
            # to indicate "ambiguous".  Use a slower converter that will
            # make a decision based on each value received - the type
            # may change from row to row (!).   This kills
            # off "native decimal" mode, handlers still needed.
            elif self.supports_native_decimal and \
                    defaultType == cx_Oracle.NUMBER \
                    and not precision and scale <= 0:
                return cursor.var(
            # allow all strings to come back natively as Unicode
            elif self.coerce_to_unicode and \
                    defaultType in (cx_Oracle.STRING, cx_Oracle.FIXED_CHAR):
                return cursor.var(util.text_type, size, cursor.arraysize)

        def on_connect(conn):
            conn.outputtypehandler = output_type_handler

        return on_connect
项目:lifesoundtrack    作者:MTG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _rowfactory(row, cursor):
    # Cast numeric values as the appropriate Python type based upon the
    # cursor description, and convert strings to unicode.
    casted = []
    for value, desc in zip(row, cursor.description):
        if value is not None and desc[1] is Database.NUMBER:
            precision, scale = desc[4:6]
            if scale == -127:
                if precision == 0:
                    # NUMBER column: decimal-precision floating point
                    # This will normally be an integer from a sequence,
                    # but it could be a decimal value.
                    if '.' in value:
                        value = decimal.Decimal(value)
                        value = int(value)
                    # FLOAT column: binary-precision floating point.
                    # This comes from FloatField columns.
                    value = float(value)
            elif precision > 0:
                # NUMBER(p,s) column: decimal-precision fixed point.
                # This comes from IntField and DecimalField columns.
                if scale == 0:
                    value = int(value)
                    value = decimal.Decimal(value)
            elif '.' in value:
                # No type information. This normally comes from a
                # mathematical expression in the SELECT list. Guess int
                # or Decimal based on whether it has a decimal point.
                value = decimal.Decimal(value)
                value = int(value)
        elif desc[1] in (Database.STRING, Database.FIXED_CHAR,
            value = to_unicode(value)
    return tuple(casted)
项目:webapp    作者:superchilli    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi):
        return getattr(dbapi, 'UNICODE', dbapi.STRING)
项目:webapp    作者:superchilli    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _detect_decimal_char(self, connection):
        """detect if the decimal separator character is not '.', as
        is the case with European locale settings for NLS_LANG.

        cx_oracle itself uses similar logic when it formats Python
        Decimal objects to strings on the bind side (as of 5.0.3),
        as Oracle sends/receives string numerics only in the
        current locale.

        if self.cx_oracle_ver < (5,):
            # no output type handlers before version 5

        cx_Oracle = self.dbapi
        conn = connection.connection

        # override the output_type_handler that's
        # on the cx_oracle connection with a plain
        # one on the cursor

        def output_type_handler(cursor, name, defaultType,
                                size, precision, scale):
            return cursor.var(
                255, arraysize=cursor.arraysize)

        cursor = conn.cursor()
        cursor.outputtypehandler = output_type_handler
        cursor.execute("SELECT 0.1 FROM DUAL")
        val = cursor.fetchone()[0]
        char = re.match(r"([\.,])", val).group(1)
        if char != '.':
            _detect_decimal = self._detect_decimal
            self._detect_decimal = \
                lambda value: _detect_decimal(value.replace(char, '.'))
            self._to_decimal = \
                lambda value: decimal.Decimal(value.replace(char, '.'))
项目:webapp    作者:superchilli    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def on_connect(self):
        if self.cx_oracle_ver < (5,):
            # no output type handlers before version 5

        cx_Oracle = self.dbapi

        def output_type_handler(cursor, name, defaultType,
                                size, precision, scale):
            # convert all NUMBER with precision + positive scale to Decimal
            # this almost allows "native decimal" mode.
            if self.supports_native_decimal and \
                    defaultType == cx_Oracle.NUMBER and \
                    precision and scale > 0:
                return cursor.var(
            # if NUMBER with zero precision and 0 or neg scale, this appears
            # to indicate "ambiguous".  Use a slower converter that will
            # make a decision based on each value received - the type
            # may change from row to row (!).   This kills
            # off "native decimal" mode, handlers still needed.
            elif self.supports_native_decimal and \
                    defaultType == cx_Oracle.NUMBER \
                    and not precision and scale <= 0:
                return cursor.var(
            # allow all strings to come back natively as Unicode
            elif self.coerce_to_unicode and \
                    defaultType in (cx_Oracle.STRING, cx_Oracle.FIXED_CHAR):
                return cursor.var(util.text_type, size, cursor.arraysize)

        def on_connect(conn):
            conn.outputtypehandler = output_type_handler

        return on_connect
项目:ccs-twistedextensions    作者:apple    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def preQuery(self, cursor):
        typeMap = {"integer": cx_Oracle.NUMBER,
                   "text": cx_Oracle.NCLOB,
                   "varchar": cx_Oracle.STRING,
                   "timestamp": cx_Oracle.TIMESTAMP}
        self.var = cursor.var(typeMap[self.typeID])
        return self.var
项目:QualquerMerdaAPI    作者:tiagovizoto    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi):
        return getattr(dbapi, 'UNICODE', dbapi.STRING)
项目:QualquerMerdaAPI    作者:tiagovizoto    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _detect_decimal_char(self, connection):
        """detect if the decimal separator character is not '.', as
        is the case with European locale settings for NLS_LANG.

        cx_oracle itself uses similar logic when it formats Python
        Decimal objects to strings on the bind side (as of 5.0.3),
        as Oracle sends/receives string numerics only in the
        current locale.

        if self.cx_oracle_ver < (5,):
            # no output type handlers before version 5

        cx_Oracle = self.dbapi
        conn = connection.connection

        # override the output_type_handler that's
        # on the cx_oracle connection with a plain
        # one on the cursor

        def output_type_handler(cursor, name, defaultType,
                                size, precision, scale):
            return cursor.var(
                255, arraysize=cursor.arraysize)

        cursor = conn.cursor()
        cursor.outputtypehandler = output_type_handler
        cursor.execute("SELECT 0.1 FROM DUAL")
        val = cursor.fetchone()[0]
        char = re.match(r"([\.,])", val).group(1)
        if char != '.':
            _detect_decimal = self._detect_decimal
            self._detect_decimal = \
                lambda value: _detect_decimal(value.replace(char, '.'))
            self._to_decimal = \
                lambda value: decimal.Decimal(value.replace(char, '.'))
项目:QualquerMerdaAPI    作者:tiagovizoto    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def on_connect(self):
        if self.cx_oracle_ver < (5,):
            # no output type handlers before version 5

        cx_Oracle = self.dbapi

        def output_type_handler(cursor, name, defaultType,
                                size, precision, scale):
            # convert all NUMBER with precision + positive scale to Decimal
            # this almost allows "native decimal" mode.
            if self.supports_native_decimal and \
                    defaultType == cx_Oracle.NUMBER and \
                    precision and scale > 0:
                return cursor.var(
            # if NUMBER with zero precision and 0 or neg scale, this appears
            # to indicate "ambiguous".  Use a slower converter that will
            # make a decision based on each value received - the type
            # may change from row to row (!).   This kills
            # off "native decimal" mode, handlers still needed.
            elif self.supports_native_decimal and \
                    defaultType == cx_Oracle.NUMBER \
                    and not precision and scale <= 0:
                return cursor.var(
            # allow all strings to come back natively as Unicode
            elif self.coerce_to_unicode and \
                    defaultType in (cx_Oracle.STRING, cx_Oracle.FIXED_CHAR):
                return cursor.var(util.text_type, size, cursor.arraysize)

        def on_connect(conn):
            conn.outputtypehandler = output_type_handler

        return on_connect
项目:liberator    作者:libscie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _output_type_handler(cursor, name, defaultType, length, precision, scale):
        Called for each db column fetched from cursors. Return numbers as
        strings so that decimal values don't have rounding error.
        if defaultType == Database.NUMBER:
            return cursor.var(
项目:liberator    作者:libscie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _rowfactory(row, cursor):
    # Cast numeric values as the appropriate Python type based upon the
    # cursor description, and convert strings to unicode.
    casted = []
    for value, desc in zip(row, cursor.description):
        if value is not None and desc[1] is Database.NUMBER:
            precision = desc[4] or 0
            scale = desc[5] or 0
            if scale == -127:
                if precision == 0:
                    # NUMBER column: decimal-precision floating point
                    # This will normally be an integer from a sequence,
                    # but it could be a decimal value.
                    if '.' in value:
                        value = decimal.Decimal(value)
                        value = int(value)
                    # FLOAT column: binary-precision floating point.
                    # This comes from FloatField columns.
                    value = float(value)
            elif precision > 0:
                # NUMBER(p,s) column: decimal-precision fixed point.
                # This comes from IntField and DecimalField columns.
                if scale == 0:
                    value = int(value)
                    value = decimal.Decimal(value)
            elif '.' in value:
                # No type information. This normally comes from a
                # mathematical expression in the SELECT list. Guess int
                # or Decimal based on whether it has a decimal point.
                value = decimal.Decimal(value)
                value = int(value)
        elif desc[1] in (Database.STRING, Database.FIXED_CHAR,
            value = to_unicode(value)
    return tuple(casted)
项目:gardenbot    作者:GoestaO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi):
        return getattr(dbapi, 'UNICODE', dbapi.STRING)
项目:gardenbot    作者:GoestaO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _detect_decimal_char(self, connection):
        """detect if the decimal separator character is not '.', as
        is the case with European locale settings for NLS_LANG.

        cx_oracle itself uses similar logic when it formats Python
        Decimal objects to strings on the bind side (as of 5.0.3),
        as Oracle sends/receives string numerics only in the
        current locale.

        if self.cx_oracle_ver < (5,):
            # no output type handlers before version 5

        cx_Oracle = self.dbapi
        conn = connection.connection

        # override the output_type_handler that's
        # on the cx_oracle connection with a plain
        # one on the cursor

        def output_type_handler(cursor, name, defaultType,
                                size, precision, scale):
            return cursor.var(
                255, arraysize=cursor.arraysize)

        cursor = conn.cursor()
        cursor.outputtypehandler = output_type_handler
        cursor.execute("SELECT 0.1 FROM DUAL")
        val = cursor.fetchone()[0]
        char = re.match(r"([\.,])", val).group(1)
        if char != '.':
            _detect_decimal = self._detect_decimal
            self._detect_decimal = \
                lambda value: _detect_decimal(value.replace(char, '.'))
            self._to_decimal = \
                lambda value: decimal.Decimal(value.replace(char, '.'))
项目:gardenbot    作者:GoestaO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def on_connect(self):
        if self.cx_oracle_ver < (5,):
            # no output type handlers before version 5

        cx_Oracle = self.dbapi

        def output_type_handler(cursor, name, defaultType,
                                size, precision, scale):
            # convert all NUMBER with precision + positive scale to Decimal
            # this almost allows "native decimal" mode.
            if self.supports_native_decimal and \
                    defaultType == cx_Oracle.NUMBER and \
                    precision and scale > 0:
                return cursor.var(
            # if NUMBER with zero precision and 0 or neg scale, this appears
            # to indicate "ambiguous".  Use a slower converter that will
            # make a decision based on each value received - the type
            # may change from row to row (!).   This kills
            # off "native decimal" mode, handlers still needed.
            elif self.supports_native_decimal and \
                    defaultType == cx_Oracle.NUMBER \
                    and not precision and scale <= 0:
                return cursor.var(
            # allow all strings to come back natively as Unicode
            elif self.coerce_to_unicode and \
                    defaultType in (cx_Oracle.STRING, cx_Oracle.FIXED_CHAR):
                return cursor.var(util.text_type, size, cursor.arraysize)

        def on_connect(conn):
            conn.outputtypehandler = output_type_handler

        return on_connect