Python django.conf.settings 模块,LOGIN_URL 实例源码


项目:Scrum    作者:prakharchoudhary    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def password_reset_complete(request,
    warnings.warn("The password_reset_complete() view is superseded by the "
                  "class-based PasswordResetCompleteView().",
                  RemovedInDjango21Warning, stacklevel=2)
    context = {
        'login_url': resolve_url(settings.LOGIN_URL),
        'title': _('Password reset complete'),
    if extra_context is not None:

    return TemplateResponse(request, template_name, context)

# Class-based password reset views
# - PasswordResetView sends the mail
# - PasswordResetDoneView shows a success message for the above
# - PasswordResetConfirmView checks the link the user clicked and
#   prompts for a new password
# - PasswordResetCompleteView shows a success message for the above
项目:mos-horizon    作者:Mirantis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_unauthorized(self):

        url = reverse('horizon:project:overview:index')

        # Avoid the log message in the test
        # when unauthorized exception will be logged
        res = self.client.get(url)

        self.assertEqual(302, res.status_code)
        self.assertEqual(('Location', settings.TESTSERVER +
                          settings.LOGIN_URL + '?' +
                          REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME + '=' + url),
                         res._headers.get('location', None),)
项目:mos-horizon    作者:Mirantis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_instance_details_unauthorized(self):
        server = self.servers.first()


        url = reverse('horizon:project:instances:detail',

        # Avoid the log message in the test
        # when unauthorized exception will be logged
        res = self.client.get(url)

        self.assertEqual(302, res.status_code)
        self.assertEqual(('Location', settings.TESTSERVER +
                          settings.LOGIN_URL + '?' +
                          REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME + '=' + url),
                         res._headers.get('location', None),)
项目:mos-horizon    作者:Mirantis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_change_password_sets_logout_reason(self):

        formData = {'method': 'PasswordForm',
                    'current_password': 'oldpwd',
                    'new_password': 'normalpwd',
                    'confirm_password': 'normalpwd'}
        res =, formData, follow=False)

        self.assertRedirectsNoFollow(res, settings.LOGOUT_URL)
        self.assertIn('logout_reason', res.cookies)
                         "Password changed. Please log in again to continue.")
        scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlsplit(res.url)
        redirect_response = res.client.get(path, http.QueryDict(query))
        self.assertRedirectsNoFollow(redirect_response, settings.LOGIN_URL)
项目:mos-horizon    作者:Mirantis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_public(self):
        dogs = horizon.get_dashboard("dogs")
        # Known to have no restrictions on it other than being logged in.
        puppies = dogs.get_panel("puppies")
        url = puppies.get_absolute_url()

        # Get a clean, logged out client instance.

        resp = self.client.get(url)
        redirect_url = "?".join(['http://testserver' + settings.LOGIN_URL,
                                 "next=%s" % url])
        self.assertRedirects(resp, redirect_url)

        # Simulate ajax call
        resp = self.client.get(url, HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH='XMLHttpRequest')
        # Response should be HTTP 401 with redirect header
        self.assertEqual(401, resp.status_code)
项目:mos-horizon    作者:Mirantis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_ssl_redirect_by_proxy(self):
        dogs = horizon.get_dashboard("dogs")
        puppies = dogs.get_panel("puppies")
        url = puppies.get_absolute_url()
        redirect_url = "?".join([settings.LOGIN_URL,
                                 "next=%s" % url])

        resp = self.client.get(url)
        if django.VERSION >= (1, 9):
            self.assertRedirects(resp, settings.TESTSERVER + redirect_url)
            self.assertRedirects(resp, redirect_url)

        # Set SSL settings for test server

        resp = self.client.get(url, HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTOCOL="https")
        self.assertEqual(302, resp.status_code)
        self.assertEqual('https://testserver:80%s' % redirect_url,

        # Restore settings
        settings.SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER = None
项目:mos-horizon    作者:Mirantis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_process_response_redirect_on_ajax_request(self):
        url = settings.LOGIN_URL
        mw = middleware.HorizonMiddleware()

        request =,
        request.META['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] = 'XMLHttpRequest'
        request.horizon = {'async_messages':
                           [('error', 'error_msg', 'extra_tag')]}

        response = HttpResponseRedirect(url)
        response.client = self.client

        resp = mw.process_response(request, response)
        self.assertEqual(200, resp.status_code)
        self.assertEqual(url, resp['X-Horizon-Location'])
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def redirect_to_login(next, login_url=None,
    Redirects the user to the login page, passing the given 'next' page
    resolved_url = resolve_url(login_url or settings.LOGIN_URL)

    login_url_parts = list(urlparse(resolved_url))
    if redirect_field_name:
        querystring = QueryDict(login_url_parts[4], mutable=True)
        querystring[redirect_field_name] = next
        login_url_parts[4] = querystring.urlencode(safe='/')

    return HttpResponseRedirect(urlunparse(login_url_parts))

# 4 views for password reset:
# - password_reset sends the mail
# - password_reset_done shows a success message for the above
# - password_reset_confirm checks the link the user clicked and
#   prompts for a new password
# - password_reset_complete shows a success message for the above
项目:NarshaTech    作者:KimJangHyeon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def redirect_to_login(next, login_url=None,
    Redirects the user to the login page, passing the given 'next' page
    resolved_url = resolve_url(login_url or settings.LOGIN_URL)

    login_url_parts = list(urlparse(resolved_url))
    if redirect_field_name:
        querystring = QueryDict(login_url_parts[4], mutable=True)
        querystring[redirect_field_name] = next
        login_url_parts[4] = querystring.urlencode(safe='/')

    return HttpResponseRedirect(urlunparse(login_url_parts))

# 4 views for password reset:
# - password_reset sends the mail
# - password_reset_done shows a success message for the above
# - password_reset_confirm checks the link the user clicked and
#   prompts for a new password
# - password_reset_complete shows a success message for the above
项目:Scrum    作者:prakharchoudhary    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def redirect_to_login(next, login_url=None,
    Redirects the user to the login page, passing the given 'next' page
    resolved_url = resolve_url(login_url or settings.LOGIN_URL)

    login_url_parts = list(urlparse(resolved_url))
    if redirect_field_name:
        querystring = QueryDict(login_url_parts[4], mutable=True)
        querystring[redirect_field_name] = next
        login_url_parts[4] = querystring.urlencode(safe='/')

    return HttpResponseRedirect(urlunparse(login_url_parts))

# 4 views for password reset:
# - password_reset sends the mail
# - password_reset_done shows a success message for the above
# - password_reset_confirm checks the link the user clicked and
#   prompts for a new password
# - password_reset_complete shows a success message for the above
项目:django    作者:alexsukhrin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def redirect_to_login(next, login_url=None,
    Redirects the user to the login page, passing the given 'next' page
    resolved_url = resolve_url(login_url or settings.LOGIN_URL)

    login_url_parts = list(urlparse(resolved_url))
    if redirect_field_name:
        querystring = QueryDict(login_url_parts[4], mutable=True)
        querystring[redirect_field_name] = next
        login_url_parts[4] = querystring.urlencode(safe='/')

    return HttpResponseRedirect(urlunparse(login_url_parts))

# 4 views for password reset:
# - password_reset sends the mail
# - password_reset_done shows a success message for the above
# - password_reset_confirm checks the link the user clicked and
#   prompts for a new password
# - password_reset_complete shows a success message for the above
项目:django    作者:alexsukhrin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def password_reset_complete(request,
    warnings.warn("The password_reset_complete() view is superseded by the "
                  "class-based PasswordResetCompleteView().",
                  RemovedInDjango21Warning, stacklevel=2)
    context = {
        'login_url': resolve_url(settings.LOGIN_URL),
        'title': _('Password reset complete'),
    if extra_context is not None:

    return TemplateResponse(request, template_name, context)

# Class-based password reset views
# - PasswordResetView sends the mail
# - PasswordResetDoneView shows a success message for the above
# - PasswordResetConfirmView checks the link the user clicked and
#   prompts for a new password
# - PasswordResetCompleteView shows a success message for the above
项目:nrp    作者:django-rea    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process_request(self, request):
        assert hasattr(request, 'user'), "The Login Required middleware\
            requires authentication middleware to be installed. Edit your\
            MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES setting to insert\
            'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware'. If that doesn't\
            work, ensure your TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS setting includes\

        if request.user.is_authenticated():
            if not request.user.is_staff:
                if "accounting" in request.path_info or "api" in request.path_info:
                    return HttpResponseRedirect(settings.WORKER_LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL)
            path = request.path_info.lstrip('/')
            if not any(m.match(path) for m in EXEMPT_URLS):
                return HttpResponseRedirect(settings.LOGIN_URL)
项目:wagtail_room_booking    作者:Tamriel    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_event_permissions(function):
    def decorator(request, *args, **kwargs):
        from schedule.models import Event, Calendar
        user = request.user
        # check event permission
        event = get_object_or_None(Event, pk=kwargs.get('event_id', None))
        allowed = CHECK_EVENT_PERM_FUNC(event, user)
        if not allowed:
            return HttpResponseRedirect(settings.LOGIN_URL)

        # check calendar permissions
        calendar = None
        if event:
            calendar = event.calendar
        elif 'calendar_slug' in kwargs:
            calendar = Calendar.objects.get(slug=kwargs['calendar_slug'])
        allowed = CHECK_CALENDAR_PERM_FUNC(calendar, user)
        if not allowed:
            return HttpResponseRedirect(settings.LOGIN_URL)

        # all checks passed
        return function(request, *args, **kwargs)

    return decorator
项目:wagtail_room_booking    作者:Tamriel    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_calendar_permissions(function):
    def decorator(request, *args, **kwargs):
            from schedule.models import Event, Calendar
            user = request.user
            # check event permission
            event = get_object_or_None(Event, pk=kwargs.get('event_id', None))
            # check calendar permissions
            calendar = None
            if event:
                calendar = event.calendar
            elif 'calendar_slug' in kwargs:
                calendar = Calendar.objects.get(slug=kwargs['calendar_slug'])
            allowed = CHECK_CALENDAR_PERM_FUNC(calendar, user)
            if not allowed:
                return HttpResponseRedirect(settings.LOGIN_URL)
            # all checks passed
        return function(request, *args, **kwargs)

    return decorator
项目:tumanov_castleoaks    作者:Roamdev    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def login_as(request, user_id):
    """ ????? ???... """
    if not request.user.is_superuser:
        return redirect(settings.LOGIN_URL)

    UserModel = get_user_model()
        user = UserModel.objects.get(pk=user_id)
    except ObjectDoesNotExist:
        return redirect(settings.LOGIN_URL)
        for backend in get_backends():
            if user == backend.get_user(
                user.backend = "%s.%s" % (backend.__module__, backend.__class__.__name__)

        login(request, user)
        return redirect(LOGIN_AS_REDIRECT_URL)
项目:tumanov_castleoaks    作者:Roamdev    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get(self, request, *args, username=None, **kwargs):
        if not username and not request.user.is_authenticated():
            return redirect(settings.LOGIN_URL)


        if username:
            user = get_object_or_404(UserModel, username=username)
        elif not request.user.is_authenticated():
            raise Http404
            user = request.user

        # Seo
        seo = Seo()
        seo.title = _('Profile of «%(username)s»') % {'username': user.username}

        return self.render_to_response({
            'profile_user': user,
项目:Gypsy    作者:benticarlos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def redirect_to_login(next, login_url=None,
    Redirects the user to the login page, passing the given 'next' page
    resolved_url = resolve_url(login_url or settings.LOGIN_URL)

    login_url_parts = list(urlparse(resolved_url))
    if redirect_field_name:
        querystring = QueryDict(login_url_parts[4], mutable=True)
        querystring[redirect_field_name] = next
        login_url_parts[4] = querystring.urlencode(safe='/')

    return HttpResponseRedirect(urlunparse(login_url_parts))

# 4 views for password reset:
# - password_reset sends the mail
# - password_reset_done shows a success message for the above
# - password_reset_confirm checks the link the user clicked and
#   prompts for a new password
# - password_reset_complete shows a success message for the above
项目:DjangoBlog    作者:0daybug    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def redirect_to_login(next, login_url=None,
    Redirects the user to the login page, passing the given 'next' page
    resolved_url = resolve_url(login_url or settings.LOGIN_URL)

    login_url_parts = list(urlparse(resolved_url))
    if redirect_field_name:
        querystring = QueryDict(login_url_parts[4], mutable=True)
        querystring[redirect_field_name] = next
        login_url_parts[4] = querystring.urlencode(safe='/')

    return HttpResponseRedirect(urlunparse(login_url_parts))

# 4 views for password reset:
# - password_reset sends the mail
# - password_reset_done shows a success message for the above
# - password_reset_confirm checks the link the user clicked and
#   prompts for a new password
# - password_reset_complete shows a success message for the above
项目:fieldsight-kobocat    作者:awemulya    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def is_owner(view_func):
    @wraps(view_func, assigned=available_attrs(view_func))
    def _wrapped_view(request, *args, **kwargs):
        # assume username is first arg
        if request.user.is_authenticated():
            if request.user.username == kwargs['username']:
                return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
            protocol = "https" if request.is_secure() else "http"
            return HttpResponseRedirect("%s://%s" % (protocol,
        path = request.build_absolute_uri()
        login_url = request.build_absolute_uri(settings.LOGIN_URL)
        # If the login url is the same scheme and net location then just
        # use the path as the "next" url.
        login_scheme, login_netloc = urlparse.urlparse(login_url)[:2]
        current_scheme, current_netloc = urlparse.urlparse(path)[:2]
        if ((not login_scheme or login_scheme == current_scheme) and
                (not login_netloc or login_netloc == current_netloc)):
            path = request.get_full_path()
        from django.contrib.auth.views import redirect_to_login
        return redirect_to_login(path, None, REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME)
    return _wrapped_view
项目:wanblog    作者:wanzifa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def redirect_to_login(next, login_url=None,
    Redirects the user to the login page, passing the given 'next' page
    resolved_url = resolve_url(login_url or settings.LOGIN_URL)

    login_url_parts = list(urlparse(resolved_url))
    if redirect_field_name:
        querystring = QueryDict(login_url_parts[4], mutable=True)
        querystring[redirect_field_name] = next
        login_url_parts[4] = querystring.urlencode(safe='/')

    return HttpResponseRedirect(urlunparse(login_url_parts))

# 4 views for password reset:
# - password_reset sends the mail
# - password_reset_done shows a success message for the above
# - password_reset_confirm checks the link the user clicked and
#   prompts for a new password
# - password_reset_complete shows a success message for the above
项目:tabmaster    作者:NicolasMinghetti    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def redirect_to_login(next, login_url=None,
    Redirects the user to the login page, passing the given 'next' page
    resolved_url = resolve_url(login_url or settings.LOGIN_URL)

    login_url_parts = list(urlparse(resolved_url))
    if redirect_field_name:
        querystring = QueryDict(login_url_parts[4], mutable=True)
        querystring[redirect_field_name] = next
        login_url_parts[4] = querystring.urlencode(safe='/')

    return HttpResponseRedirect(urlunparse(login_url_parts))

# 4 views for password reset:
# - password_reset sends the mail
# - password_reset_done shows a success message for the above
# - password_reset_confirm checks the link the user clicked and
#   prompts for a new password
# - password_reset_complete shows a success message for the above
项目:trydjango18    作者:lucifer-yqh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def redirect_to_login(next, login_url=None,
    Redirects the user to the login page, passing the given 'next' page
    resolved_url = resolve_url(login_url or settings.LOGIN_URL)

    login_url_parts = list(urlparse(resolved_url))
    if redirect_field_name:
        querystring = QueryDict(login_url_parts[4], mutable=True)
        querystring[redirect_field_name] = next
        login_url_parts[4] = querystring.urlencode(safe='/')

    return HttpResponseRedirect(urlunparse(login_url_parts))

# 4 views for password reset:
# - password_reset sends the mail
# - password_reset_done shows a success message for the above
# - password_reset_confirm checks the link the user clicked and
#   prompts for a new password
# - password_reset_complete shows a success message for the above
项目:trydjango18    作者:wei0104    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def redirect_to_login(next, login_url=None,
    Redirects the user to the login page, passing the given 'next' page
    resolved_url = resolve_url(login_url or settings.LOGIN_URL)

    login_url_parts = list(urlparse(resolved_url))
    if redirect_field_name:
        querystring = QueryDict(login_url_parts[4], mutable=True)
        querystring[redirect_field_name] = next
        login_url_parts[4] = querystring.urlencode(safe='/')

    return HttpResponseRedirect(urlunparse(login_url_parts))

# 4 views for password reset:
# - password_reset sends the mail
# - password_reset_done shows a success message for the above
# - password_reset_confirm checks the link the user clicked and
#   prompts for a new password
# - password_reset_complete shows a success message for the above
项目:cetusshop    作者:icetusorg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process_request(self, request):
        #logger.debug('Come into the process_request.')
        myuser = request.user
        if myuser.is_anonymous():
            #path = request.path
            #logger.debug('%s' % myuser)
            path = request.path_info.lstrip('/')
            #logger.debug('path:%s' % path)
            if not path=='user/login/':
                if myuser.is_active == False:
          '%s user has been banned. Reject!' %
                    from django.contrib import auth
                    return HttpResponseRedirect(settings.LOGIN_URL)
项目:ims    作者:ims-team    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def redirect_to_login(next, login_url=None,
    Redirects the user to the login page, passing the given 'next' page
    resolved_url = resolve_url(login_url or settings.LOGIN_URL)

    login_url_parts = list(urlparse(resolved_url))
    if redirect_field_name:
        querystring = QueryDict(login_url_parts[4], mutable=True)
        querystring[redirect_field_name] = next
        login_url_parts[4] = querystring.urlencode(safe='/')

    return HttpResponseRedirect(urlunparse(login_url_parts))

# 4 views for password reset:
# - password_reset sends the mail
# - password_reset_done shows a success message for the above
# - password_reset_confirm checks the link the user clicked and
#   prompts for a new password
# - password_reset_complete shows a success message for the above
项目:lifesoundtrack    作者:MTG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def redirect_to_login(next, login_url=None,
    Redirects the user to the login page, passing the given 'next' page
    resolved_url = resolve_url(login_url or settings.LOGIN_URL)

    login_url_parts = list(urlparse(resolved_url))
    if redirect_field_name:
        querystring = QueryDict(login_url_parts[4], mutable=True)
        querystring[redirect_field_name] = next
        login_url_parts[4] = querystring.urlencode(safe='/')

    return HttpResponseRedirect(urlunparse(login_url_parts))

# 4 views for password reset:
# - password_reset sends the mail
# - password_reset_done shows a success message for the above
# - password_reset_confirm checks the link the user clicked and
#   prompts for a new password
# - password_reset_complete shows a success message for the above
项目:lifesoundtrack    作者:MTG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def password_reset_complete(request,
    warnings.warn("The password_reset_complete() view is superseded by the "
                  "class-based PasswordResetCompleteView().",
                  RemovedInDjango21Warning, stacklevel=2)
    context = {
        'login_url': resolve_url(settings.LOGIN_URL),
        'title': _('Password reset complete'),
    if extra_context is not None:

    return TemplateResponse(request, template_name, context)

# Class-based password reset views
# - PasswordResetView sends the mail
# - PasswordResetDoneView shows a success message for the above
# - PasswordResetConfirmView checks the link the user clicked and
#   prompts for a new password
# - PasswordResetCompleteView shows a success message for the above
项目:django-arctic    作者:sanoma    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        Most views in a CMS require a login, so this is the default setup.

        If a login is not required then the requires_login property
        can be set to False to disable this.
        if self.requires_login:
            if settings.LOGIN_URL is None or settings.LOGOUT_URL is None:
                raise ImproperlyConfigured(
                    'LOGIN_URL and LOGOUT_URL '
                    'has to be defined if requires_login is True'

            if not request.user.is_authenticated():
                return redirect('%s?next=%s' % (

        return super(View, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
项目:django-arctic    作者:sanoma    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        context = super(View, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
        context['page_title'] = self.get_page_title()
        context['page_description'] = self.get_page_description()
        context['menu'] = menu(user=self.request.user, request=self.request)
        context['urls'] = self.get_urls()
        context['breadcrumbs'] = self.get_breadcrumbs()
        context['tabs'] = self.get_tabs()
        context['index_url'] = self.get_index_url()
        context['SITE_NAME'] = self.get_site_name()
        context['SITE_TITLE'] = self.get_site_title()
        context['SITE_LOGO'] = self.get_site_logo()
        context['SIDEBAR_BACKGROUND'] = self.get_sidebar_background()
        context['SIDEBAR_COLOR'] = self.get_sidebar_color()
        context['SIDEBAR_ALT_COLOR'] = self.get_sidebar_alt_color()
        context['HIGHLIGHT_BACKGROUND'] = self.get_highlight_background()
        context['HIGHLIGHT_COLOR'] = self.get_highlight_color()
        context['DATETIME_FORMATS'] = self.get_datetime_formats()
        context['LOGIN_URL'] = self.get_login_url()
        context['LOGOUT_URL'] = self.get_logout_url()
        context['media'] =
        context['form_display'] = self.get_form_display()
        return context
项目:django-open-lecture    作者:DmLitov4    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def redirect_to_login(next, login_url=None,
    Redirects the user to the login page, passing the given 'next' page
    resolved_url = resolve_url(login_url or settings.LOGIN_URL)

    login_url_parts = list(urlparse(resolved_url))
    if redirect_field_name:
        querystring = QueryDict(login_url_parts[4], mutable=True)
        querystring[redirect_field_name] = next
        login_url_parts[4] = querystring.urlencode(safe='/')

    return HttpResponseRedirect(urlunparse(login_url_parts))

# 4 views for password reset:
# - password_reset sends the mail
# - password_reset_done shows a success message for the above
# - password_reset_confirm checks the link the user clicked and
#   prompts for a new password
# - password_reset_complete shows a success message for the above
项目:travlr    作者:gauravkulkarni96    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def redirect_to_login(next, login_url=None,
    Redirects the user to the login page, passing the given 'next' page
    resolved_url = resolve_url(login_url or settings.LOGIN_URL)

    login_url_parts = list(urlparse(resolved_url))
    if redirect_field_name:
        querystring = QueryDict(login_url_parts[4], mutable=True)
        querystring[redirect_field_name] = next
        login_url_parts[4] = querystring.urlencode(safe='/')

    return HttpResponseRedirect(urlunparse(login_url_parts))

# 4 views for password reset:
# - password_reset sends the mail
# - password_reset_done shows a success message for the above
# - password_reset_confirm checks the link the user clicked and
#   prompts for a new password
# - password_reset_complete shows a success message for the above
项目:TigerHost    作者:naphatkrit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def user_passes_test(test_func, login_url=None,
    """Replacement for django.contrib.auth.decorators.user_passes_test that
    returns 403 Forbidden if the user is already logged in.

    if not login_url:
        from django.conf import settings
        login_url = settings.LOGIN_URL

    def decorator(view_func):
        def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
            if test_func(request.user):
                return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
            elif request.user.is_authenticated():
                return HttpResponseForbidden('<h1>Permission denied</h1>')
                path = '%s?%s=%s' % (login_url, redirect_field_name,
                return HttpResponseRedirect(path)
        return wrapper
    return decorator
项目:DjangoCMS    作者:farhan711    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cms_perms(func):
    def inner(request, *args, **kwargs):
        page = request.current_page
        if page:
            if page.login_required and not request.user.is_authenticated():
                return redirect_to_login(urlquote(request.get_full_path()), settings.LOGIN_URL)
            if not page.has_view_permission(request):
                return _handle_no_page(request, "$")
        return func(request, *args, **kwargs)
    inner.__module__ = func.__module__
    inner.__doc__ = func.__doc__
    if hasattr(func, '__name__'):
        inner.__name__ = func.__name__
    elif hasattr(func, '__class__'):
        inner.__name__ = func.__class__.__name__
    return inner
项目:logo-gen    作者:jellene4eva    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def redirect_to_login(next, login_url=None,
    Redirects the user to the login page, passing the given 'next' page
    resolved_url = resolve_url(login_url or settings.LOGIN_URL)

    login_url_parts = list(urlparse(resolved_url))
    if redirect_field_name:
        querystring = QueryDict(login_url_parts[4], mutable=True)
        querystring[redirect_field_name] = next
        login_url_parts[4] = querystring.urlencode(safe='/')

    return HttpResponseRedirect(urlunparse(login_url_parts))

# 4 views for password reset:
# - password_reset sends the mail
# - password_reset_done shows a success message for the above
# - password_reset_confirm checks the link the user clicked and
#   prompts for a new password
# - password_reset_complete shows a success message for the above
项目:iam-idbase    作者:UWIT-IAM    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process_request(self, request):
        Create a new login if on LOGIN_URL. Otherwise use an existing user if
        stored in the session.
        if request.path == settings.LOGIN_URL:
                uwnetid = get_authenticated_uwnetid(
                    remote_user=request.META.get('REMOTE_USER', ''),
                    saml_idp=request.META.get('Shib-Identity-Provider', ''))
                request.session[self.UWNETID_KEY] = uwnetid
            except (LoginNotPerson, InvalidSessionError) as e:
                request.login_url_error = e
            except Exception as e:
                request.login_url_error = e
        request.uwnetid = request.session.get(self.UWNETID_KEY, None)
项目:liberator    作者:libscie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def redirect_to_login(next, login_url=None,
    Redirects the user to the login page, passing the given 'next' page
    resolved_url = resolve_url(login_url or settings.LOGIN_URL)

    login_url_parts = list(urlparse(resolved_url))
    if redirect_field_name:
        querystring = QueryDict(login_url_parts[4], mutable=True)
        querystring[redirect_field_name] = next
        login_url_parts[4] = querystring.urlencode(safe='/')

    return HttpResponseRedirect(urlunparse(login_url_parts))

# 4 views for password reset:
# - password_reset sends the mail
# - password_reset_done shows a success message for the above
# - password_reset_confirm checks the link the user clicked and
#   prompts for a new password
# - password_reset_complete shows a success message for the above
项目:liberator    作者:libscie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def password_reset_complete(request,
    warnings.warn("The password_reset_complete() view is superseded by the "
                  "class-based PasswordResetCompleteView().",
                  RemovedInDjango21Warning, stacklevel=2)
    context = {
        'login_url': resolve_url(settings.LOGIN_URL),
        'title': _('Password reset complete'),
    if extra_context is not None:

    return TemplateResponse(request, template_name, context)

# Class-based password reset views
# - PasswordResetView sends the mail
# - PasswordResetDoneView shows a success message for the above
# - PasswordResetConfirmView checks the link the user clicked and
#   prompts for a new password
# - PasswordResetCompleteView shows a success message for the above
项目:gmail_scanner    作者:brandonhub    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def redirect_to_login(next, login_url=None,
    Redirects the user to the login page, passing the given 'next' page
    resolved_url = resolve_url(login_url or settings.LOGIN_URL)

    login_url_parts = list(urlparse(resolved_url))
    if redirect_field_name:
        querystring = QueryDict(login_url_parts[4], mutable=True)
        querystring[redirect_field_name] = next
        login_url_parts[4] = querystring.urlencode(safe='/')

    return HttpResponseRedirect(urlunparse(login_url_parts))

# 4 views for password reset:
# - password_reset sends the mail
# - password_reset_done shows a success message for the above
# - password_reset_confirm checks the link the user clicked and
#   prompts for a new password
# - password_reset_complete shows a success message for the above
项目:djanoDoc    作者:JustinChavez    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def redirect_to_login(next, login_url=None,
    Redirects the user to the login page, passing the given 'next' page
    resolved_url = resolve_url(login_url or settings.LOGIN_URL)

    login_url_parts = list(urlparse(resolved_url))
    if redirect_field_name:
        querystring = QueryDict(login_url_parts[4], mutable=True)
        querystring[redirect_field_name] = next
        login_url_parts[4] = querystring.urlencode(safe='/')

    return HttpResponseRedirect(urlunparse(login_url_parts))

# 4 views for password reset:
# - password_reset sends the mail
# - password_reset_done shows a success message for the above
# - password_reset_confirm checks the link the user clicked and
#   prompts for a new password
# - password_reset_complete shows a success message for the above
项目:reggae_chicken    作者:hakumaku    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process_response(self, request, response):
        legitimate_page = False
        # 'HttpRequest.path' and 'HttpRequest.path_info'
        # For example, if the WSGIScriptAlias for your application
        # is set to "/minfo",
        # then 'path' might be "/minfo/music/bands/the_beatles/"
        # and 'path_info' would be "/music/bands/the_beatles/".
        path = request.path_info
        if any(url.match(path) for url in EXEMPT_URLS):
            legitimate_page = True

        # If it is a legitimate page in which 'login_required' is False,
        # let him/her go.
        if legitimate_page:
            return response
        # If it is not, check whether he/her has logged in.
            if hasattr(request, 'user') and request.user.is_authenticated():
                return response
                return redirect(settings.LOGIN_URL)
项目:CSCE482-WordcloudPlus    作者:ggaytan00    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def redirect_to_login(next, login_url=None,
    Redirects the user to the login page, passing the given 'next' page
    resolved_url = resolve_url(login_url or settings.LOGIN_URL)

    login_url_parts = list(urlparse(resolved_url))
    if redirect_field_name:
        querystring = QueryDict(login_url_parts[4], mutable=True)
        querystring[redirect_field_name] = next
        login_url_parts[4] = querystring.urlencode(safe='/')

    return HttpResponseRedirect(urlunparse(login_url_parts))

# 4 views for password reset:
# - password_reset sends the mail
# - password_reset_done shows a success message for the above
# - password_reset_confirm checks the link the user clicked and
#   prompts for a new password
# - password_reset_complete shows a success message for the above
项目:tissuelab    作者:VirtualPlants    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def redirect_to_login(next, login_url=None,
    Redirects the user to the login page, passing the given 'next' page
    resolved_url = resolve_url(login_url or settings.LOGIN_URL)

    login_url_parts = list(urlparse(resolved_url))
    if redirect_field_name:
        querystring = QueryDict(login_url_parts[4], mutable=True)
        querystring[redirect_field_name] = next
        login_url_parts[4] = querystring.urlencode(safe='/')

    return HttpResponseRedirect(urlunparse(login_url_parts))

# 4 views for password reset:
# - password_reset sends the mail
# - password_reset_done shows a success message for the above
# - password_reset_confirm checks the link the user clicked and
#   prompts for a new password
# - password_reset_complete shows a success message for the above
项目:producthunt    作者:davidgengler    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def redirect_to_login(next, login_url=None,
    Redirects the user to the login page, passing the given 'next' page
    resolved_url = resolve_url(login_url or settings.LOGIN_URL)

    login_url_parts = list(urlparse(resolved_url))
    if redirect_field_name:
        querystring = QueryDict(login_url_parts[4], mutable=True)
        querystring[redirect_field_name] = next
        login_url_parts[4] = querystring.urlencode(safe='/')

    return HttpResponseRedirect(urlunparse(login_url_parts))

# 4 views for password reset:
# - password_reset sends the mail
# - password_reset_done shows a success message for the above
# - password_reset_confirm checks the link the user clicked and
#   prompts for a new password
# - password_reset_complete shows a success message for the above
项目:django-rtc    作者:scifiswapnil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def redirect_to_login(next, login_url=None,
    Redirects the user to the login page, passing the given 'next' page
    resolved_url = resolve_url(login_url or settings.LOGIN_URL)

    login_url_parts = list(urlparse(resolved_url))
    if redirect_field_name:
        querystring = QueryDict(login_url_parts[4], mutable=True)
        querystring[redirect_field_name] = next
        login_url_parts[4] = querystring.urlencode(safe='/')

    return HttpResponseRedirect(urlunparse(login_url_parts))

# 4 views for password reset:
# - password_reset sends the mail
# - password_reset_done shows a success message for the above
# - password_reset_confirm checks the link the user clicked and
#   prompts for a new password
# - password_reset_complete shows a success message for the above
项目:django-rtc    作者:scifiswapnil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def password_reset_complete(request,
    warnings.warn("The password_reset_complete() view is superseded by the "
                  "class-based PasswordResetCompleteView().",
                  RemovedInDjango21Warning, stacklevel=2)
    context = {
        'login_url': resolve_url(settings.LOGIN_URL),
        'title': _('Password reset complete'),
    if extra_context is not None:

    return TemplateResponse(request, template_name, context)

# Class-based password reset views
# - PasswordResetView sends the mail
# - PasswordResetDoneView shows a success message for the above
# - PasswordResetConfirmView checks the link the user clicked and
#   prompts for a new password
# - PasswordResetCompleteView shows a success message for the above
项目:geekpoint    作者:Lujinghu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def redirect_to_login(next, login_url=None,
    Redirects the user to the login page, passing the given 'next' page
    resolved_url = resolve_url(login_url or settings.LOGIN_URL)

    login_url_parts = list(urlparse(resolved_url))
    if redirect_field_name:
        querystring = QueryDict(login_url_parts[4], mutable=True)
        querystring[redirect_field_name] = next
        login_url_parts[4] = querystring.urlencode(safe='/')

    return HttpResponseRedirect(urlunparse(login_url_parts))

# 4 views for password reset:
# - password_reset sends the mail
# - password_reset_done shows a success message for the above
# - password_reset_confirm checks the link the user clicked and
#   prompts for a new password
# - password_reset_complete shows a success message for the above
项目:Sentry    作者:NetEaseGame    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_login_url(reset=False):
    global _LOGIN_URL
    # update by hzwangzhiwei @20160113
    # if _LOGIN_URL is None or reset:
    #     # if LOGIN_URL resolves force login_required to it instead of our own
    #     # XXX: this must be done as late as possible to avoid idempotent requirements
    #     try:
    #         resolve(settings.LOGIN_URL)
    #     except Exception:
    #         _LOGIN_URL = settings.SENTRY_LOGIN_URL
    #     else:
    #         _LOGIN_URL = settings.LOGIN_URL

    #     if _LOGIN_URL is None:
    #         _LOGIN_URL = reverse('sentry-login')
    _LOGIN_URL = '/auth/openid-login/'
    return _LOGIN_URL
项目:django-next-train    作者:bitpixdigital    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def redirect_to_login(next, login_url=None,
    Redirects the user to the login page, passing the given 'next' page
    resolved_url = resolve_url(login_url or settings.LOGIN_URL)

    login_url_parts = list(urlparse(resolved_url))
    if redirect_field_name:
        querystring = QueryDict(login_url_parts[4], mutable=True)
        querystring[redirect_field_name] = next
        login_url_parts[4] = querystring.urlencode(safe='/')

    return HttpResponseRedirect(urlunparse(login_url_parts))

# 4 views for password reset:
# - password_reset sends the mail
# - password_reset_done shows a success message for the above
# - password_reset_confirm checks the link the user clicked and
#   prompts for a new password
# - password_reset_complete shows a success message for the above
项目:FormShare    作者:qlands    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def is_owner(view_func):
    @wraps(view_func, assigned=available_attrs(view_func))
    def _wrapped_view(request, *args, **kwargs):
        # assume username is first arg
        if request.user.is_authenticated():
            if request.user.username == kwargs['username']:
                return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
            protocol = "https" if request.is_secure() else "http"
            return HttpResponseRedirect("%s://%s" % (protocol,
        path = request.build_absolute_uri()
        login_url = request.build_absolute_uri(settings.LOGIN_URL)
        # If the login url is the same scheme and net location then just
        # use the path as the "next" url.
        login_scheme, login_netloc = urlparse.urlparse(login_url)[:2]
        current_scheme, current_netloc = urlparse.urlparse(path)[:2]
        if ((not login_scheme or login_scheme == current_scheme) and
                (not login_netloc or login_netloc == current_netloc)):
            path = request.get_full_path()
        from django.contrib.auth.views import redirect_to_login
        return redirect_to_login(path, None, REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME)
    return _wrapped_view