Python django.contrib.auth.views 模块,logout_then_login() 实例源码


项目:esdc-ce    作者:erigones    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def logout(request):
    Log users out (destroy all sessions) and re-direct them to the main page.
    # Save profile and user object
    user = request.user
    profile = request.user.userprofile
    # Create guacamole object attached to request.user.username and with current guacamole password
    g = GuacamoleAuth(request)
    # Do a guacamole logout
    gcookie = g.logout()
    # We can then remove the cached configuration
    # Get the response object
    response = logout_then_login(request)
    # Remove the guacamole cookie from response object
    # Setup i18n settings of the logged in user into session of an anonymous user
    # Get auth logger and log the logout :)'User %s successfully logged out from %s (%s)',
                     user, get_client_ip(request), request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', ''))

    # Bye bye
    return response