Python django.db.models.functions 模块,Coalesce() 实例源码


项目:django-modeltrans    作者:zostera    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def as_sql(self, bare_lookup, fallback=True):
        Compose the sql lookup to get the value for this virtual field in a query.
        language = self.get_language()
        if language == DEFAULT_LANGUAGE:
            return self._localized_lookup(language, bare_lookup)

        if not fallback:
            i18n_lookup = self._localized_lookup(language, bare_lookup)
            return Cast(i18n_lookup, self.output_field())

        fallback_chain = get_fallback_chain(language)
        # first, add the current language to the list of lookups
        lookups = [self._localized_lookup(language, bare_lookup)]
        # and now, add the list of fallback languages to the lookup list
        for fallback_language in fallback_chain:
                self._localized_lookup(fallback_language, bare_lookup)
        return Coalesce(*lookups, output_field=self.output_field())
项目:timed-backend    作者:adfinis-sygroup    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def for_user(self, user, start, end):
        """Get employments in given time frame for current user.

        This includes overlapping employments.

        :param User user: The user of the searched employments
        :param start: start of time frame
        :param end: end of time frame
        :returns: queryset of employments
        # end date NULL on database is like employment is ending today
        queryset = self.annotate(
            end=functions.Coalesce('end_date', models.Value(
        return queryset.filter(
            models.Q(end__lt=start) | models.Q(start_date__gt=end)
项目:minimum-entropy    作者:DistrictDataLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def count_votes(self):
        Returns questions annotated with the number of votes they have.
        return self.annotate(num_votes=Coalesce(models.Sum('votes__vote'), 0))
项目:minimum-entropy    作者:DistrictDataLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def count_votes(self):
        Returns questions annotated with the number of votes they have.
        return self.annotate(num_votes=Coalesce(models.Sum('votes__vote'), 0))

## Answer Manager
项目:django-modeltrans    作者:zostera    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def output_field(self):
        The type of field used to Cast/Coalesce to.

        Mainly because a max_length argument is required for CharField
        until this PR is merged:
        Field = self.original_field.__class__
        if isinstance(self.original_field, fields.CharField):
            return Field(max_length=self.original_field.max_length)

        return Field()
项目:timed-backend    作者:adfinis-sygroup    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def filter_date(self, queryset, name, value):
        queryset = queryset.annotate(
            end=Coalesce('end_date', Value(

        queryset = queryset.filter(

        return queryset
项目:timed-backend    作者:adfinis-sygroup    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate(self, data):
        """Validate the employment as a whole.

        Ensure the end date is after the start date and there is only one
        active employment per user and there are no overlapping employments.

        :throws: django.core.exceptions.ValidationError
        :return: validated data
        :rtype:  dict
        instance = self.instance
        start_date = data.get('start_date', instance and instance.start_date)
        end_date = data.get('end_date', instance and instance.end_date)
        if end_date and start_date >= end_date:
            raise ValidationError(_(
                'The end date must be after the start date'

        user = data.get('user', instance and instance.user)
        employments = models.Employment.objects.filter(user=user)
        # end date not set means employment is ending today
        end_date = end_date or
        employments = employments.annotate(
            end=Coalesce('end_date', Value(
        if instance:
            employments = employments.exclude(

        if any([
            e.start_date <= end_date and start_date <= e.end
            for e in employments
            raise ValidationError(_(
                'A user can\'t have multiple employments at the same time'

        return data
项目:PonyConf    作者:PonyConf    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_queryset(self):
        qs = super().get_queryset()
        qs = qs.annotate(score=Coalesce(Avg('vote__vote'), 0))
        return qs
项目:PonyConf    作者:PonyConf    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def query_sum(queryset, field):
    return queryset.aggregate(s=Coalesce(Sum(field), 0))['s']
项目:CommunityCellularManager    作者:facebookincubator    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(SelectTowerForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        # We create the choice field here in the init so that if the network
        # values change, the form will pick up the changes and not require the
        # server to be restarted.
        choices = []
        # We create a convoluted tower queryset so that towers that have never
        # synced (last_active = None) sort after active and inactive towers.
        the_past = - datetime.timedelta(days=10*365)
        all_towers = models.BTS.objects.all().annotate(
            new_last_active=Coalesce('last_active', Value(the_past))).order_by(
        for tower in all_towers:
            value =
            user_profile = models.UserProfile.objects.get(
            abbreviated_uuid = tower.uuid[0:5]
            if tower.nickname:
                prefix = 'Tower "%s" - %s..' % (
                    tower.nickname, abbreviated_uuid)
                prefix = 'Tower %s..' % abbreviated_uuid
            display = '%s (%s)' % (prefix,
            choices.append((value, display))
        self.fields['tower'] = forms.ChoiceField(
            label="Tower", choices=choices, required=False)
        # Set layout attributes.
        self.helper = FormHelper()
        self.helper.form_id = 'select-tower-form'
        self.helper.form_method = 'post'
        self.helper.form_action = '/dashboard/staff/tower-monitoring'
        self.helper.add_input(Submit('submit', 'Select'))
        self.helper.layout = Layout('tower')
项目:CommunityCellularManager    作者:facebookincubator    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get(self, request):
        """"Handles GET requests."""
        user_profile = models.UserProfile.objects.get(user=request.user)
        if not user_profile.user.is_staff:
            return response.Response('', status=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)
        # We create a convoluted queryset so that towers that have never synced
        # (last_active = None) sort after active and inactive towers.
        the_past = - datetime.timedelta(days=10*365)
        towers = models.BTS.objects.all().annotate(
            new_last_active=Coalesce('last_active', Value(the_past))).order_by(
        # Attach UserProfiles to each tower in the queryset.
        for tower in towers:
            tower_user_profiles = models.UserProfile.objects.filter(
            for tower_user_profile in tower_user_profiles:
                if hasattr(tower, 'user_email'):
                    tower.user_email += ',' +
                    tower.user_email =
        # Configure the table of towers.
        tower_table = django_tables.StaffTowerTable(list(towers))
        towers_per_page = 8
        paginate = False
        if towers.count() > towers_per_page:
            paginate = {'per_page': towers_per_page}
        tables.RequestConfig(request, paginate=paginate).configure(
        context = {
            'networks': get_objects_for_user(request.user, 'view_network', klass=models.Network),
            'user_profile': user_profile,
            'towers': towers,
            'tower_table': tower_table,
        # Render the template.
        towers_template = template.loader.get_template(
        html = towers_template.render(context, request)
        return http.HttpResponse(html)
项目:tumanov_castleoaks    作者:Roamdev    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calculate_products_cost(self):
        """ ??????? ????????? ??????? """
        return self.records.aggregate(
                models.F('order_price') * models.F('count'), output_field=ValuteField()
            ), 0)
项目:tumanov_castleoaks    作者:Roamdev    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_rating():
    return {
        'count': RatingVote.objects.count(),
        'avg': RatingVote.objects.aggregate(rating=Coalesce(models.Avg('rating'), 0))['rating']
项目:tumanov_castleoaks    作者:Roamdev    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        is_add = not
        if is_add:
            self.self_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(type(self), for_concrete_model=False)
            self.created = now()

            self.sort_order =
                max=Coalesce(models.Max('sort_order'), 0) + 1

        super().save(*args, **kwargs)
项目:osedev    作者:damoti    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_queryset(self, request):
        return (
            .annotate(minutes=Coalesce(Sum('entries__minutes'), 0))
项目:our-book    作者:wayhome25    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_total_price(cls, year, month):
        total_price = cls.objects.filter(created_at__year=year, created_at__month=month).aggregate(total=Coalesce(Sum('price'), 0))
        return total_price['total']