Python django.forms.fields 模块,CharField() 实例源码


项目:django-neomodel    作者:neo4j-contrib    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, prop, name):
        self.prop = prop = name
        self.help_text = getattr(prop, 'help_text', '')
        self.primary_key = getattr(prop, 'primary_key', False)
        self.label = prop.label if prop.label else name

        form_cls = getattr(prop, 'form_field_class', 'Field')  # get field string
        self.form_class = getattr(fields, form_cls, fields.CharField)

        self._has_default = prop.has_default
        self.required = prop.required
        self.blank = not self.required
        self.choices = getattr(prop, 'choices', None)

        self.creation_counter = DjangoField.creation_counter
        DjangoField.creation_counter += 1
项目:django_postgres_extensions    作者:primal100    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, fields=(), keys=(), require_all_fields=False, max_value_length=25, *args, **kwargs):
        if (fields and keys) or (not fields and not keys):
            raise ValueError("NestedFormField requires either a tuple of fields or keys but not both")

        if keys:
            fields = []
            for key in keys:
                field = CharField(max_length=max_value_length, required=False)
                fields.append((key, field))
        form_fields = []
        widgets = []
        self.labels = []
        self.names = {}
        for field in fields:
            label = field[1].label or field[0]
            self.names[label] = field[0]
        widget = NestedFormWidget(self.labels, widgets, self.names)
        super(NestedFormField, self).__init__(*args, fields=form_fields, widget=widget,
                                              require_all_fields=require_all_fields, **kwargs)
项目:django-popup-view-field    作者:djk2    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_subclass_field(self):
        assert issubclass(PopupViewField, CharField) is True
项目:tissuelab    作者:VirtualPlants    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_username_field_label(self):

        class CustomAuthenticationForm(AuthenticationForm):
            username = CharField(label="Name", max_length=75)

        form = CustomAuthenticationForm()
        self.assertEqual(form['username'].label, "Name")
项目:tissuelab    作者:VirtualPlants    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_username_field_label_not_set(self):

        class CustomAuthenticationForm(AuthenticationForm):
            username = CharField()

        form = CustomAuthenticationForm()
        UserModel = get_user_model()
        username_field = UserModel._meta.get_field(UserModel.USERNAME_FIELD)
        self.assertEqual(form.fields['username'].label, capfirst(username_field.verbose_name))
项目:tissuelab    作者:VirtualPlants    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_username_field_label_empty_string(self):

        class CustomAuthenticationForm(AuthenticationForm):
            username = CharField(label='')

        form = CustomAuthenticationForm()
        self.assertEqual(form.fields['username'].label, "")
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def assertFieldOutput(self, fieldclass, valid, invalid, field_args=None,
            field_kwargs=None, empty_value=''):
        Asserts that a form field behaves correctly with various inputs.

            fieldclass: the class of the field to be tested.
            valid: a dictionary mapping valid inputs to their expected
                    cleaned values.
            invalid: a dictionary mapping invalid inputs to one or more
                    raised error messages.
            field_args: the args passed to instantiate the field
            field_kwargs: the kwargs passed to instantiate the field
            empty_value: the expected clean output for inputs in empty_values
        if field_args is None:
            field_args = []
        if field_kwargs is None:
            field_kwargs = {}
        required = fieldclass(*field_args, **field_kwargs)
        optional = fieldclass(*field_args,
                              **dict(field_kwargs, required=False))
        # test valid inputs
        for input, output in valid.items():
            self.assertEqual(required.clean(input), output)
            self.assertEqual(optional.clean(input), output)
        # test invalid inputs
        for input, errors in invalid.items():
            with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as context_manager:
            self.assertEqual(context_manager.exception.messages, errors)

            with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as context_manager:
            self.assertEqual(context_manager.exception.messages, errors)
        # test required inputs
        error_required = [force_text(required.error_messages['required'])]
        for e in required.empty_values:
            with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as context_manager:
            self.assertEqual(optional.clean(e), empty_value)
        # test that max_length and min_length are always accepted
        if issubclass(fieldclass, CharField):
            field_kwargs.update({'min_length': 2, 'max_length': 20})
            self.assertIsInstance(fieldclass(*field_args, **field_kwargs),
项目:lifesoundtrack    作者:MTG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def assertFieldOutput(self, fieldclass, valid, invalid, field_args=None,
                          field_kwargs=None, empty_value=''):
        Asserts that a form field behaves correctly with various inputs.

            fieldclass: the class of the field to be tested.
            valid: a dictionary mapping valid inputs to their expected
                    cleaned values.
            invalid: a dictionary mapping invalid inputs to one or more
                    raised error messages.
            field_args: the args passed to instantiate the field
            field_kwargs: the kwargs passed to instantiate the field
            empty_value: the expected clean output for inputs in empty_values
        if field_args is None:
            field_args = []
        if field_kwargs is None:
            field_kwargs = {}
        required = fieldclass(*field_args, **field_kwargs)
        optional = fieldclass(*field_args, **dict(field_kwargs, required=False))
        # test valid inputs
        for input, output in valid.items():
            self.assertEqual(required.clean(input), output)
            self.assertEqual(optional.clean(input), output)
        # test invalid inputs
        for input, errors in invalid.items():
            with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as context_manager:
            self.assertEqual(context_manager.exception.messages, errors)

            with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as context_manager:
            self.assertEqual(context_manager.exception.messages, errors)
        # test required inputs
        error_required = [force_text(required.error_messages['required'])]
        for e in required.empty_values:
            with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as context_manager:
            self.assertEqual(context_manager.exception.messages, error_required)
            self.assertEqual(optional.clean(e), empty_value)
        # test that max_length and min_length are always accepted
        if issubclass(fieldclass, CharField):
            field_kwargs.update({'min_length': 2, 'max_length': 20})
            self.assertIsInstance(fieldclass(*field_args, **field_kwargs), fieldclass)
项目:liberator    作者:libscie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def assertFieldOutput(self, fieldclass, valid, invalid, field_args=None,
                          field_kwargs=None, empty_value=''):
        Asserts that a form field behaves correctly with various inputs.

            fieldclass: the class of the field to be tested.
            valid: a dictionary mapping valid inputs to their expected
                    cleaned values.
            invalid: a dictionary mapping invalid inputs to one or more
                    raised error messages.
            field_args: the args passed to instantiate the field
            field_kwargs: the kwargs passed to instantiate the field
            empty_value: the expected clean output for inputs in empty_values
        if field_args is None:
            field_args = []
        if field_kwargs is None:
            field_kwargs = {}
        required = fieldclass(*field_args, **field_kwargs)
        optional = fieldclass(*field_args, **dict(field_kwargs, required=False))
        # test valid inputs
        for input, output in valid.items():
            self.assertEqual(required.clean(input), output)
            self.assertEqual(optional.clean(input), output)
        # test invalid inputs
        for input, errors in invalid.items():
            with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as context_manager:
            self.assertEqual(context_manager.exception.messages, errors)

            with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as context_manager:
            self.assertEqual(context_manager.exception.messages, errors)
        # test required inputs
        error_required = [force_text(required.error_messages['required'])]
        for e in required.empty_values:
            with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as context_manager:
            self.assertEqual(context_manager.exception.messages, error_required)
            self.assertEqual(optional.clean(e), empty_value)
        # test that max_length and min_length are always accepted
        if issubclass(fieldclass, CharField):
            field_kwargs.update({'min_length': 2, 'max_length': 20})
            self.assertIsInstance(fieldclass(*field_args, **field_kwargs), fieldclass)
项目:djanoDoc    作者:JustinChavez    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def assertFieldOutput(self, fieldclass, valid, invalid, field_args=None,
            field_kwargs=None, empty_value=''):
        Asserts that a form field behaves correctly with various inputs.

            fieldclass: the class of the field to be tested.
            valid: a dictionary mapping valid inputs to their expected
                    cleaned values.
            invalid: a dictionary mapping invalid inputs to one or more
                    raised error messages.
            field_args: the args passed to instantiate the field
            field_kwargs: the kwargs passed to instantiate the field
            empty_value: the expected clean output for inputs in empty_values
        if field_args is None:
            field_args = []
        if field_kwargs is None:
            field_kwargs = {}
        required = fieldclass(*field_args, **field_kwargs)
        optional = fieldclass(*field_args,
                              **dict(field_kwargs, required=False))
        # test valid inputs
        for input, output in valid.items():
            self.assertEqual(required.clean(input), output)
            self.assertEqual(optional.clean(input), output)
        # test invalid inputs
        for input, errors in invalid.items():
            with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as context_manager:
            self.assertEqual(context_manager.exception.messages, errors)

            with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as context_manager:
            self.assertEqual(context_manager.exception.messages, errors)
        # test required inputs
        error_required = [force_text(required.error_messages['required'])]
        for e in required.empty_values:
            with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as context_manager:
            self.assertEqual(optional.clean(e), empty_value)
        # test that max_length and min_length are always accepted
        if issubclass(fieldclass, CharField):
            field_kwargs.update({'min_length': 2, 'max_length': 20})
            self.assertIsInstance(fieldclass(*field_args, **field_kwargs),
项目:django-next-train    作者:bitpixdigital    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def assertFieldOutput(self, fieldclass, valid, invalid, field_args=None,
            field_kwargs=None, empty_value=''):
        Asserts that a form field behaves correctly with various inputs.

            fieldclass: the class of the field to be tested.
            valid: a dictionary mapping valid inputs to their expected
                    cleaned values.
            invalid: a dictionary mapping invalid inputs to one or more
                    raised error messages.
            field_args: the args passed to instantiate the field
            field_kwargs: the kwargs passed to instantiate the field
            empty_value: the expected clean output for inputs in empty_values
        if field_args is None:
            field_args = []
        if field_kwargs is None:
            field_kwargs = {}
        required = fieldclass(*field_args, **field_kwargs)
        optional = fieldclass(*field_args,
                              **dict(field_kwargs, required=False))
        # test valid inputs
        for input, output in valid.items():
            self.assertEqual(required.clean(input), output)
            self.assertEqual(optional.clean(input), output)
        # test invalid inputs
        for input, errors in invalid.items():
            with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as context_manager:
            self.assertEqual(context_manager.exception.messages, errors)

            with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as context_manager:
            self.assertEqual(context_manager.exception.messages, errors)
        # test required inputs
        error_required = [force_text(required.error_messages['required'])]
        for e in required.empty_values:
            with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as context_manager:
            self.assertEqual(optional.clean(e), empty_value)
        # test that max_length and min_length are always accepted
        if issubclass(fieldclass, CharField):
            field_kwargs.update({'min_length': 2, 'max_length': 20})
            self.assertIsInstance(fieldclass(*field_args, **field_kwargs),
项目:django-wechat-api    作者:crazy-canux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def assertFieldOutput(self, fieldclass, valid, invalid, field_args=None,
            field_kwargs=None, empty_value=''):
        Asserts that a form field behaves correctly with various inputs.

            fieldclass: the class of the field to be tested.
            valid: a dictionary mapping valid inputs to their expected
                    cleaned values.
            invalid: a dictionary mapping invalid inputs to one or more
                    raised error messages.
            field_args: the args passed to instantiate the field
            field_kwargs: the kwargs passed to instantiate the field
            empty_value: the expected clean output for inputs in empty_values

        if field_args is None:
            field_args = []
        if field_kwargs is None:
            field_kwargs = {}
        required = fieldclass(*field_args, **field_kwargs)
        optional = fieldclass(*field_args,
                              **dict(field_kwargs, required=False))
        # test valid inputs
        for input, output in valid.items():
            self.assertEqual(required.clean(input), output)
            self.assertEqual(optional.clean(input), output)
        # test invalid inputs
        for input, errors in invalid.items():
            with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as context_manager:
            self.assertEqual(context_manager.exception.messages, errors)

            with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as context_manager:
            self.assertEqual(context_manager.exception.messages, errors)
        # test required inputs
        error_required = [force_text(required.error_messages['required'])]
        for e in required.empty_values:
            with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as context_manager:
            self.assertEqual(optional.clean(e), empty_value)
        # test that max_length and min_length are always accepted
        if issubclass(fieldclass, CharField):
            field_kwargs.update({'min_length': 2, 'max_length': 20})
            self.assertIsInstance(fieldclass(*field_args, **field_kwargs),