Python django.template 模块,TemplateSyntaxError() 实例源码


项目:Bitpoll    作者:fsinfuhh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def value_from_settings(parser, token):
    bits = token.split_contents()
    if len(bits) < 2:
        raise TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' takes at least one " \
                                  "argument (settings constant to retrieve)" % bits[0])
    settingsvar = bits[1]
    settingsvar = settingsvar[1:-1] if settingsvar[0] == '"' else settingsvar
    asvar = None
    bits = bits[2:]
    if len(bits) >= 2 and bits[-2] == 'as':
        asvar = bits[-1]
        bits = bits[:-2]
    if len(bits):
        raise TemplateSyntaxError("'value_from_settings' didn't recognise " \
                                  "the arguments '%s'" % ", ".join(bits))
    if settingsvar not in settings.TEMPLATE_ALLOWABLE_SETTINGS_VALUES:
        raise TemplateSyntaxError("The settings Variable %s is not allowed to be acessed" % settingsvar)
    return ValueFromSettings(settingsvar, asvar)
项目:mos-horizon    作者:Mirantis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_rows(self):
        """Return the row data for this table broken out by columns."""
        rows = []
            for datum in self.filtered_data:
                row = self._meta.row_class(self, datum)
                if self.get_object_id(datum) == self.current_item_id:
                    self.selected = True
        except Exception:
            # Exceptions can be swallowed at the template level here,
            # re-raising as a TemplateSyntaxError makes them visible.
            LOG.exception("Error while rendering table rows.")
            exc_info = sys.exc_info()
            raise six.reraise(template.TemplateSyntaxError, exc_info[1],

        return rows
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_get_available_languages(parser, token):
    This will store a list of available languages
    in the context.


        {% get_available_languages as languages %}
        {% for language in languages %}
        {% endfor %}

    This will just pull the LANGUAGES setting from
    your setting file (or the default settings) and
    put it into the named variable.
    # token.split_contents() isn't useful here because this tag doesn't accept variable as arguments
    args = token.contents.split()
    if len(args) != 3 or args[1] != 'as':
        raise TemplateSyntaxError("'get_available_languages' requires 'as variable' (got %r)" % args)
    return GetAvailableLanguagesNode(args[2])
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_get_language_info_list(parser, token):
    This will store a list of language information dictionaries for the given
    language codes in a context variable. The language codes can be specified
    either as a list of strings or a settings.LANGUAGES style list (or any
    sequence of sequences whose first items are language codes).


        {% get_language_info_list for LANGUAGES as langs %}
        {% for l in langs %}
          {{ l.code }}
          {{ }}
          {{ l.name_translated }}
          {{ l.name_local }}
          {{ l.bidi|yesno:"bi-directional,uni-directional" }}
        {% endfor %}
    args = token.split_contents()
    if len(args) != 5 or args[1] != 'for' or args[3] != 'as':
        raise TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' requires 'for sequence as variable' (got %r)" % (args[0], args[1:]))
    return GetLanguageInfoListNode(parser.compile_filter(args[2]), args[4])
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_get_current_language(parser, token):
    This will store the current language in the context.


        {% get_current_language as language %}

    This will fetch the currently active language and
    put it's value into the ``language`` context
    # token.split_contents() isn't useful here because this tag doesn't accept variable as arguments
    args = token.contents.split()
    if len(args) != 3 or args[1] != 'as':
        raise TemplateSyntaxError("'get_current_language' requires 'as variable' (got %r)" % args)
    return GetCurrentLanguageNode(args[2])
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_get_current_language_bidi(parser, token):
    This will store the current language layout in the context.


        {% get_current_language_bidi as bidi %}

    This will fetch the currently active language's layout and
    put it's value into the ``bidi`` context variable.
    True indicates right-to-left layout, otherwise left-to-right
    # token.split_contents() isn't useful here because this tag doesn't accept variable as arguments
    args = token.contents.split()
    if len(args) != 3 or args[1] != 'as':
        raise TemplateSyntaxError("'get_current_language_bidi' requires 'as variable' (got %r)" % args)
    return GetCurrentLanguageBidiNode(args[2])
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def language(parser, token):
    This will enable the given language just for this block.


        {% language "de" %}
            This is {{ bar }} and {{ boo }}.
        {% endlanguage %}
    bits = token.split_contents()
    if len(bits) != 2:
        raise TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' takes one argument (language)" % bits[0])
    language = parser.compile_filter(bits[1])
    nodelist = parser.parse(('endlanguage',))
    return LanguageNode(nodelist, language)
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def localtime_tag(parser, token):
    Forces or prevents conversion of datetime objects to local time,
    regardless of the value of ``settings.USE_TZ``.

    Sample usage::

        {% localtime off %}{{ value_in_utc }}{% endlocaltime %}
    bits = token.split_contents()
    if len(bits) == 1:
        use_tz = True
    elif len(bits) > 2 or bits[1] not in ('on', 'off'):
        raise TemplateSyntaxError("%r argument should be 'on' or 'off'" %
        use_tz = bits[1] == 'on'
    nodelist = parser.parse(('endlocaltime',))
    return LocalTimeNode(nodelist, use_tz)
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_current_timezone_tag(parser, token):
    Stores the name of the current time zone in the context.


        {% get_current_timezone as TIME_ZONE %}

    This will fetch the currently active time zone and put its name
    into the ``TIME_ZONE`` context variable.
    # token.split_contents() isn't useful here because this tag doesn't accept variable as arguments
    args = token.contents.split()
    if len(args) != 3 or args[1] != 'as':
        raise TemplateSyntaxError("'get_current_timezone' requires "
                                  "'as variable' (got %r)" % args)
    return GetCurrentTimezoneNode(args[2])
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def localize_tag(parser, token):
    Forces or prevents localization of values, regardless of the value of

    Sample usage::

        {% localize off %}
            var pi = {{ 3.1415 }};
        {% endlocalize %}
    use_l10n = None
    bits = list(token.split_contents())
    if len(bits) == 1:
        use_l10n = True
    elif len(bits) > 2 or bits[1] not in ('on', 'off'):
        raise TemplateSyntaxError("%r argument should be 'on' or 'off'" % bits[0])
        use_l10n = bits[1] == 'on'
    nodelist = parser.parse(('endlocalize',))
    return LocalizeNode(nodelist, use_l10n)
项目:pyconjp-website    作者:pyconjp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_macro(parser, token):
        args = token.split_contents()
        tag_name, macro_name, args = args[0], args[1], args[2:]
    except IndexError:
        m = ("'%s' tag requires at least one argument (macro name)"
             % token.contents.split()[0])
        raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, m
    # TODO: could do some validations here,
    # for now, "blow your head clean off"
    nodelist = parser.parse(('endkwacro', ))

    ## Metadata of each macro are stored in a new attribute
    ## of 'parser' class. That way we can access it later
    ## in the template when processing 'usemacro' tags.
    parser._macros[macro_name] = DefineMacroNode(macro_name, nodelist, args)
    return parser._macros[macro_name]
项目:pyconjp-website    作者:pyconjp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_loadmacros(parser, token):
        tag_name, filename = token.split_contents()
    except IndexError:
        m = ("'%s' tag requires at least one argument (macro name)"
             % token.contents.split()[0])
        raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, m
    if filename[0] in ('"', "'") and filename[-1] == filename[0]:
        filename = filename[1:-1]
    t = get_template(filename)
    macros = t.nodelist.get_nodes_by_type(DefineMacroNode)
    ## Metadata of each macro are stored in a new attribute
    ## of 'parser' class. That way we can access it later
    ## in the template when processing 'usemacro' tags.
    for macro in macros:
        parser._macros[] = macro
    return LoadMacrosNode()
项目:zing    作者:evernote    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_include_raw(parser, token):
    Performs a template include without parsing the context, just dumps
    the template in.
    bits = token.split_contents()
    if len(bits) != 2:
        raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(
            "%r tag takes one argument: the name of the template "
            "to be included" % bits[0]

    template_name = bits[1]
    if (template_name[0] in ('"', "'") and
            template_name[-1] == template_name[0]):
        template_name = template_name[1:-1]

    source, __ = get_template_source(template_name)

    return template.base.TextNode(source)
项目:zing    作者:evernote    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_legalpages(parser, token):
    Retrieves all active LegalPage objects.
    Populates the template context with them in a variable
    whose name is defined by the ``as`` clause.


        {% get_legalpages as context_name %}

    bits = token.split_contents()
    syntax_message = ("%(tag_name)s expects a syntax of %(tag_name)s "
                      "as context_name" %

    if len(bits) == 3:

        if bits[1] != 'as':
            raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(syntax_message)
        context_name = bits[2]

        return LegalPageNode(context_name)
        raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(syntax_message)
项目:zing    作者:evernote    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def staticpage_url(parser, token):
    """Returns the internal URL for a static page based on its virtual path.


        {% staticpage_url 'virtual/path' %}
    bits = token.split_contents()
    syntax_message = ("%(tag_name)s expects a syntax of %(tag_name)s "
                      "'virtual/path'" %
    quote_message = "%s tag's argument should be in quotes" % bits[0]

    if len(bits) == 2:
        virtual_path = bits[1]

        if (not (virtual_path[0] == virtual_path[-1] and
                 virtual_path[0] in ('"', "'"))):
            raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(quote_message)

        return StaticPageURLNode(virtual_path[1:-1])

    raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(syntax_message)
项目:Sci-Finder    作者:snverse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_form_field(parser, token):
    Render a WTForms form field allowing optional HTML attributes.
    Invocation looks like this:
      {% form_field form.username class="big_text" onclick="alert('hello')" %}
    where form.username is the path to the field value we want.  Any number
    of key="value" arguments are supported. Unquoted values are resolved as
    template variables.
    parts = token.contents.split(' ', 2)
    if len(parts) < 2:
        error_text = '%r tag must have the form field name as the first value, followed by optional key="value" attributes.'
        raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(error_text % parts[0])

    html_attrs = {}
    if len(parts) == 3:
        raw_args = list(args_split(parts[2]))
        if (len(raw_args) % 2) != 0:
            raise template.TemplateSyntaxError('%r tag received the incorrect number of key=value arguments.' % parts[0])
        for x in range(0, len(raw_args), 2):
            html_attrs[str(raw_args[x])] = Variable(raw_args[x + 1])

    return FormFieldNode(parts[1], html_attrs)
项目:Sci-Finder    作者:snverse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_form_field(parser, token):
    Render a WTForms form field allowing optional HTML attributes.
    Invocation looks like this:
      {% form_field form.username class="big_text" onclick="alert('hello')" %}
    where form.username is the path to the field value we want.  Any number
    of key="value" arguments are supported. Unquoted values are resolved as
    template variables.
    parts = token.contents.split(' ', 2)
    if len(parts) < 2:
        error_text = '%r tag must have the form field name as the first value, followed by optional key="value" attributes.'
        raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(error_text % parts[0])

    html_attrs = {}
    if len(parts) == 3:
        raw_args = list(args_split(parts[2]))
        if (len(raw_args) % 2) != 0:
            raise template.TemplateSyntaxError('%r tag received the incorrect number of key=value arguments.' % parts[0])
        for x in range(0, len(raw_args), 2):
            html_attrs[str(raw_args[x])] = Variable(raw_args[x + 1])

    return FormFieldNode(parts[1], html_attrs)
项目:DCRM    作者:82Flex    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_photo(parser, token):
    """Get a single photo from the photologue library and return the img tag to display it.

    Takes 3 args:
    - the photo to display. This can be either the slug of a photo, or a variable that holds either a photo instance or
      a integer (photo id)
    - the photosize to use.
    - a CSS class to apply to the img tag.
        # Split the contents of the tag, i.e. tag name + argument.
        tag_name, photo, photosize, css_class = token.split_contents()
    except ValueError:
        msg = '%r tag requires 3 arguments' % token.contents[0]
        raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(msg)
    return PhotoNode(photo, photosize[1:-1], css_class[1:-1])
项目:DCRM    作者:82Flex    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_rotating_photo(parser, token):
    """Pick at random a photo from a given photologue gallery and return the img tag to display it.

    Takes 3 args:
    - the gallery to pick a photo from. This can be either the slug of a gallery, or a variable that holds either a
      gallery instance or a gallery slug.
    - the photosize to use.
    - a CSS class to apply to the img tag.
        # Split the contents of the tag, i.e. tag name + argument.
        tag_name, gallery, photosize, css_class = token.split_contents()
    except ValueError:
        msg = '%r tag requires 3 arguments' % token.contents[0]
        raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(msg)
    return PhotoGalleryNode(gallery, photosize[1:-1], css_class[1:-1])
项目:nrp    作者:django-rea    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_user_display(parser, token):
    Example usage::

        {% user_display user %}

    or if you need to use in a {% blocktrans %}::

        {% user_display user as user_display}
        {% blocktrans %}{{ user_display }} has sent you a gift.{% endblocktrans %}

    bits = token.split_contents()

    if len(bits) == 2:
        user = bits[1]
        as_var = None
    elif len(bits) == 4:
        user = bits[1]
        as_var = bits[3]
        raise template.TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' takes either two or four arguments" % bits[0])

    return UserDisplayNode(user, as_var)
项目:flasky    作者:RoseOu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_form_field(parser, token):
    Render a WTForms form field allowing optional HTML attributes.
    Invocation looks like this:
      {% form_field form.username class="big_text" onclick="alert('hello')" %}
    where form.username is the path to the field value we want.  Any number 
    of key="value" arguments are supported. Unquoted values are resolved as
    template variables.
    parts = token.contents.split(' ', 2)
    if len(parts) < 2:
        raise template.TemplateSyntaxError('%r tag must have the form field name as the first value, followed by optional key="value" attributes.' % parts[0])

    html_attrs = {}
    if len(parts) == 3:
        raw_args = list(args_split(parts[2]))
        if (len(raw_args) % 2) != 0:
            raise template.TemplateSyntaxError('%r tag received the incorrect number of key=value arguments.' % parts[0])
        for x in range(0, len(raw_args), 2):
            html_attrs[str(raw_args[x])] = Variable(raw_args[x+1])

    return FormFieldNode(parts[1], html_attrs)
项目:wagtail_room_booking    作者:Tamriel    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_get_or_create_calendar_for_object(parser, token):
    contents = token.split_contents()
    if len(contents) > 2:
        obj = contents[1]
        if 'by' in contents:
            by_index = contents.index('by')
            distinction = contents[by_index + 1]
            distinction = None
        if 'named' in contents:
            named_index = contents.index('named')
            name = contents[named_index + 1]
            if name[0] == name[-1]:
                name = name[1:-1]
            name = None
        if 'as' in contents:
            as_index = contents.index('as')
            context_var = contents[as_index + 1]
            raise template.TemplateSyntaxError("%r tag requires an a context variable: %r <content_object> [named <calendar name>] [by <distinction>] as <context_var>" % (token.split_contents()[0], token.split_contents()[0]))
        raise template.TemplateSyntaxError("%r tag follows form %r <content_object> [named <calendar name>] [by <distinction>] as <context_var>" % (token.split_contents()[0], token.split_contents()[0]))
    return CreateCalendarNode(obj, distinction, context_var, name)
项目:wagtail_room_booking    作者:Tamriel    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_user_display(parser, token):
    Example usage::

        {% user_display user %}

    or if you need to use in a {% blocktrans %}::

        {% user_display user as user_display}
        {% blocktrans %}{{ user_display }} has sent you a gift.{% endblocktrans %}

    bits = token.split_contents()
    if len(bits) == 2:
        user = bits[1]
        as_var = None
    elif len(bits) == 4:
        user = bits[1]
        as_var = bits[3]
        raise template.TemplateSyntaxError("'{0}' takes either two or four arguments".format(bits[0]))
    return UserDisplayNode(user, as_var)
项目:pypugjs    作者:matannoam    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_macro(parser, token):
        args = token.split_contents()
        tag_name, macro_name, args = args[0], args[1], args[2:]
    except IndexError:
        m = ("'%s' tag requires at least one argument (macro name)"
            % token.contents.split()[0])
        raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(m)
    # TODO: could do some validations here,
    # for now, "blow your head clean off"
    nodelist = parser.parse(('end__pypugjs_kwacro', ))

    ## Metadata of each macro are stored in a new attribute
    ## of 'parser' class. That way we can access it later
    ## in the template when processing 'usemacro' tags.
    parser._macros[macro_name] = DefineMacroNode(macro_name, nodelist, args)
    return parser._macros[macro_name]
项目:pypugjs    作者:matannoam    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_loadmacros(parser, token):
        tag_name, filename = token.split_contents()
    except IndexError:
        m = ("'%s' tag requires at least one argument (macro name)"
            % token.contents.split()[0])
        raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(m)
    if filename[0] in ('"', "'") and filename[-1] == filename[0]:
        filename = filename[1:-1]
    t = get_template(filename)
    macros = t.nodelist.get_nodes_by_type(DefineMacroNode)
    ## Metadata of each macro are stored in a new attribute
    ## of 'parser' class. That way we can access it later
    ## in the template when processing 'usemacro' tags.
    for macro in macros:
        parser._macros[] = macro
    return LoadMacrosNode()
项目:django-urlcompass    作者:Acrisel    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def render(self, context):
        """returns html div element representing compass url

            :param context: django context
            :type context: django context object
            :returns: html div element <div>Compass content</div>
            :rtype: str

        global _urlcompass_ufl_container
        except KeyError:
            raise django_template.TemplateSyntaxError("{} view-key not found in {}"\
        return view_url
项目:oa_qian    作者:sunqb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_form_field(parser, token):
    Render a WTForms form field allowing optional HTML attributes.
    Invocation looks like this:
      {% form_field form.username class="big_text" onclick="alert('hello')" %}
    where form.username is the path to the field value we want.  Any number
    of key="value" arguments are supported. Unquoted values are resolved as
    template variables.
    parts = token.contents.split(' ', 2)
    if len(parts) < 2:
        error_text = '%r tag must have the form field name as the first value, followed by optional key="value" attributes.'
        raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(error_text % parts[0])

    html_attrs = {}
    if len(parts) == 3:
        raw_args = list(args_split(parts[2]))
        if (len(raw_args) % 2) != 0:
            raise template.TemplateSyntaxError('%r tag received the incorrect number of key=value arguments.' % parts[0])
        for x in range(0, len(raw_args), 2):
            html_attrs[str(raw_args[x])] = Variable(raw_args[x + 1])

    return FormFieldNode(parts[1], html_attrs)
项目:prestashop-sync    作者:dragoon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_articles(parser, token):
    Retrieves a list of Article objects for use in a template.
    args = token.split_contents()
    argc = len(args)

        assert argc in (4,6) or (argc in (5,7) and args[-1].lower() in ('desc', 'asc'))
    except AssertionError:
        raise template.TemplateSyntaxError('Invalid get_articles syntax.')

    # determine what parameters to use
    order = 'desc'
    count = start = end = varname = None
    if argc == 4: t, count, a, varname = args
    elif argc == 5: t, count, a, varname, order = args
    elif argc == 6: t, start, t, end, a, varname = args
    elif argc == 7: t, start, t, end, a, varname, order = args

    return GetArticlesNode(count=count,
项目:prestashop-sync    作者:dragoon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_page_url(parser, token):
    Determines the URL of a pagination page link based on the page from which
    this tag is called.
    args = token.split_contents()
    argc = len(args)
    varname = None

        assert argc in (2, 4)
    except AssertionError:
        raise template.TemplateSyntaxError('get_page_url syntax: {% get_page_url page_num as varname %}')

    if argc == 4: varname = args[3]

    return GetPageURLNode(args[1], varname)
项目:prestashop-sync    作者:dragoon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fullurl(parser, token):
    Builds an absolute (full) URL from the given location and the variables available in the request.

    If no location is specified, the absolute (full) URL is built on :py:meth:`django.http.HttpRequest.get_full_path`.

    It is a wrapper around :py:meth:`django.http.HttpRequest.build_absolute_uri`. It requires ``request`` to be available
    in the template context (for example, by using ``django.core.context_processors.request`` context processor).

    Samply usage::

        {% url as the_url %}
        {% fullurl the_url %}
    args = list(token.split_contents())

    if len(args) > 2:
        raise template.TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' tag requires at most one argument" % args[0])

    if len(args) == 2:
        url = parser.compile_filter(args[1])
        url = None

    return FullUrlNode(url)
项目:chihu    作者:yelongyu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_form_field(parser, token):
    Render a WTForms form field allowing optional HTML attributes.
    Invocation looks like this:
      {% form_field form.username class="big_text" onclick="alert('hello')" %}
    where form.username is the path to the field value we want.  Any number
    of key="value" arguments are supported. Unquoted values are resolved as
    template variables.
    parts = token.contents.split(' ', 2)
    if len(parts) < 2:
        error_text = '%r tag must have the form field name as the first value, followed by optional key="value" attributes.'
        raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(error_text % parts[0])

    html_attrs = {}
    if len(parts) == 3:
        raw_args = list(args_split(parts[2]))
        if (len(raw_args) % 2) != 0:
            raise template.TemplateSyntaxError('%r tag received the incorrect number of key=value arguments.' % parts[0])
        for x in range(0, len(raw_args), 2):
            html_attrs[str(raw_args[x])] = Variable(raw_args[x + 1])

    return FormFieldNode(parts[1], html_attrs)
项目:pyetje    作者:rorlika    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_form_field(parser, token):
    Render a WTForms form field allowing optional HTML attributes.
    Invocation looks like this:
      {% form_field form.username class="big_text" onclick="alert('hello')" %}
    where form.username is the path to the field value we want.  Any number 
    of key="value" arguments are supported. Unquoted values are resolved as
    template variables.
    parts = token.contents.split(' ', 2)
    if len(parts) < 2:
        raise template.TemplateSyntaxError('%r tag must have the form field name as the first value, followed by optional key="value" attributes.' % parts[0])

    html_attrs = {}
    if len(parts) == 3:
        raw_args = list(args_split(parts[2]))
        if (len(raw_args) % 2) != 0:
            raise template.TemplateSyntaxError('%r tag received the incorrect number of key=value arguments.' % parts[0])
        for x in range(0, len(raw_args), 2):
            html_attrs[str(raw_args[x])] = Variable(raw_args[x+1])

    return FormFieldNode(parts[1], html_attrs)
项目:FileStoreGAE    作者:liantian-cn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_form_field(parser, token):
    Render a WTForms form field allowing optional HTML attributes.
    Invocation looks like this:
      {% form_field form.username class="big_text" onclick="alert('hello')" %}
    where form.username is the path to the field value we want.  Any number
    of key="value" arguments are supported. Unquoted values are resolved as
    template variables.
    parts = token.contents.split(' ', 2)
    if len(parts) < 2:
        error_text = '%r tag must have the form field name as the first value, followed by optional key="value" attributes.'
        raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(error_text % parts[0])

    html_attrs = {}
    if len(parts) == 3:
        raw_args = list(args_split(parts[2]))
        if (len(raw_args) % 2) != 0:
            raise template.TemplateSyntaxError('%r tag received the incorrect number of key=value arguments.' % parts[0])
        for x in range(0, len(raw_args), 2):
            html_attrs[str(raw_args[x])] = Variable(raw_args[x + 1])

    return FormFieldNode(parts[1], html_attrs)
项目:fieldsight-kobocat    作者:awemulya    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ifusergroup(parser, token):
    """ Check to see if the currently logged in user belongs to one or more groups
    Requires the Django authentication contrib app and middleware.

    Usage: {% ifusergroup Admins %} ... {% endifusergroup %}, or
           {% ifusergroup Admins Clients Programmers Managers %} ... {% else %} ... {% endifusergroup %}

        tokens = token.split_contents()
        groups = []
        groups += tokens[1:]
    except ValueError:
        raise template.TemplateSyntaxError("Tag 'ifusergroup' requires at least 1 argument.")

    nodelist_true = parser.parse(('else', 'endifusergroup'))
    token = parser.next_token()

    if token.contents == 'else':
        nodelist_false = parser.parse(('endifusergroup',))
        nodelist_false = template.NodeList()

    return GroupCheckNode(groups, nodelist_true, nodelist_false)
项目:fieldsight-kobocat    作者:awemulya    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ifappexists(parser, token):
    """ Conditional Django template tag to check if one or more apps exist.

    Usage: {% ifappexists tag %} ... {% endifappexists %}, or
           {% ifappexists tag inventory %} ... {% else %} ... {% endifappexists %}

        tokens = token.split_contents()
        apps = []
        apps += tokens[1:]
    except ValueError:
        raise template.TemplateSyntaxError("Tag 'ifappexists' requires at least 1 argument.")

    nodelist_true = parser.parse(('else', 'endifappexists'))
    token = parser.next_token()

    if token.contents == 'else':
        nodelist_false = parser.parse(('endifappexists',))
        nodelist_false = template.NodeList()

    return AppCheckNode(apps, nodelist_true, nodelist_false)
项目:fieldsight-kobocat    作者:awemulya    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_macro(parser, token):
        args = token.split_contents()
        tag_name, macro_name, args = args[0], args[1], args[2:]
    except IndexError:
        m = ("'%s' tag requires at least one argument (macro name)"
             % token.contents.split()[0])
        raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(m)
    # TODO: could do some validations here,
    # for now, "blow your head clean off"
    nodelist = parser.parse(('endkwacro',))

    ## Metadata of each macro are stored in a new attribute
    ## of 'parser' class. That way we can access it later
    ## in the template when processing 'usemacro' tags.
    parser._macros[macro_name] = DefineMacroNode(macro_name, nodelist, args)
    return parser._macros[macro_name]
项目:fieldsight-kobocat    作者:awemulya    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_loadmacros(parser, token):
        tag_name, filename = token.split_contents()
    except IndexError:
        m = ("'%s' tag requires at least one argument (macro name)"
             % token.contents.split()[0])
        raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(m)
    if filename[0] in ('"', "'") and filename[-1] == filename[0]:
        filename = filename[1:-1]
    t = get_template(filename)
    macros = t.nodelist.get_nodes_by_type(DefineMacroNode)
    ## Metadata of each macro are stored in a new attribute
    ## of 'parser' class. That way we can access it later
    ## in the template when processing 'usemacro' tags.
    for macro in macros:
        parser._macros[] = macro
    return LoadMacrosNode()
项目:python-group-proj    作者:Sharcee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_form_field(parser, token):
    Render a WTForms form field allowing optional HTML attributes.
    Invocation looks like this:
      {% form_field form.username class="big_text" onclick="alert('hello')" %}
    where form.username is the path to the field value we want.  Any number
    of key="value" arguments are supported. Unquoted values are resolved as
    template variables.
    parts = token.contents.split(' ', 2)
    if len(parts) < 2:
        error_text = '%r tag must have the form field name as the first value, followed by optional key="value" attributes.'
        raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(error_text % parts[0])

    html_attrs = {}
    if len(parts) == 3:
        raw_args = list(args_split(parts[2]))
        if (len(raw_args) % 2) != 0:
            raise template.TemplateSyntaxError('%r tag received the incorrect number of key=value arguments.' % parts[0])
        for x in range(0, len(raw_args), 2):
            html_attrs[str(raw_args[x])] = Variable(raw_args[x + 1])

    return FormFieldNode(parts[1], html_attrs)
项目:Flask-NvRay-Blog    作者:rui7157    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_form_field(parser, token):
    Render a WTForms form field allowing optional HTML attributes.
    Invocation looks like this:
      {% form_field form.username class="big_text" onclick="alert('hello')" %}
    where form.username is the path to the field value we want.  Any number
    of key="value" arguments are supported. Unquoted values are resolved as
    template variables.
    parts = token.contents.split(' ', 2)
    if len(parts) < 2:
        error_text = '%r tag must have the form field name as the first value, followed by optional key="value" attributes.'
        raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(error_text % parts[0])

    html_attrs = {}
    if len(parts) == 3:
        raw_args = list(args_split(parts[2]))
        if (len(raw_args) % 2) != 0:
            raise template.TemplateSyntaxError('%r tag received the incorrect number of key=value arguments.' % parts[0])
        for x in range(0, len(raw_args), 2):
            html_attrs[str(raw_args[x])] = Variable(raw_args[x + 1])

    return FormFieldNode(parts[1], html_attrs)
项目:Flask-NvRay-Blog    作者:rui7157    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_form_field(parser, token):
    Render a WTForms form field allowing optional HTML attributes.
    Invocation looks like this:
      {% form_field form.username class="big_text" onclick="alert('hello')" %}
    where form.username is the path to the field value we want.  Any number
    of key="value" arguments are supported. Unquoted values are resolved as
    template variables.
    parts = token.contents.split(' ', 2)
    if len(parts) < 2:
        error_text = '%r tag must have the form field name as the first value, followed by optional key="value" attributes.'
        raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(error_text % parts[0])

    html_attrs = {}
    if len(parts) == 3:
        raw_args = list(args_split(parts[2]))
        if (len(raw_args) % 2) != 0:
            raise template.TemplateSyntaxError('%r tag received the incorrect number of key=value arguments.' % parts[0])
        for x in range(0, len(raw_args), 2):
            html_attrs[str(raw_args[x])] = Variable(raw_args[x + 1])

    return FormFieldNode(parts[1], html_attrs)
项目:drapo    作者:andgein    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def urlize_html(html):
    Returns urls found in an (X)HTML text node element as urls via Django urlize filter.
        from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
    except ImportError:
        if settings.DEBUG:
            raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(
                "Error in urlize_html The Python BeautifulSoup libraries aren't installed.")
        return html
        soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')

        text_nodes = soup.find_all(text=True)
        for text_node in text_nodes:
            urlized_text = urlize(text_node)
            text_node.replace_with(BeautifulSoup(urlized_text, 'html.parser'))

        return mark_safe(str(soup))
项目:lifesoundtrack    作者:MTG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_get_available_languages(parser, token):
    This will store a list of available languages
    in the context.


        {% get_available_languages as languages %}
        {% for language in languages %}
        {% endfor %}

    This will just pull the LANGUAGES setting from
    your setting file (or the default settings) and
    put it into the named variable.
    # token.split_contents() isn't useful here because this tag doesn't accept variable as arguments
    args = token.contents.split()
    if len(args) != 3 or args[1] != 'as':
        raise TemplateSyntaxError("'get_available_languages' requires 'as variable' (got %r)" % args)
    return GetAvailableLanguagesNode(args[2])
项目:lifesoundtrack    作者:MTG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_get_language_info_list(parser, token):
    This will store a list of language information dictionaries for the given
    language codes in a context variable. The language codes can be specified
    either as a list of strings or a settings.LANGUAGES style list (or any
    sequence of sequences whose first items are language codes).


        {% get_language_info_list for LANGUAGES as langs %}
        {% for l in langs %}
          {{ l.code }}
          {{ }}
          {{ l.name_translated }}
          {{ l.name_local }}
          {{ l.bidi|yesno:"bi-directional,uni-directional" }}
        {% endfor %}
    args = token.split_contents()
    if len(args) != 5 or args[1] != 'for' or args[3] != 'as':
        raise TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' requires 'for sequence as variable' (got %r)" % (args[0], args[1:]))
    return GetLanguageInfoListNode(parser.compile_filter(args[2]), args[4])
项目:lifesoundtrack    作者:MTG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_get_current_language(parser, token):
    This will store the current language in the context.


        {% get_current_language as language %}

    This will fetch the currently active language and
    put it's value into the ``language`` context
    # token.split_contents() isn't useful here because this tag doesn't accept variable as arguments
    args = token.contents.split()
    if len(args) != 3 or args[1] != 'as':
        raise TemplateSyntaxError("'get_current_language' requires 'as variable' (got %r)" % args)
    return GetCurrentLanguageNode(args[2])
项目:lifesoundtrack    作者:MTG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_get_current_language_bidi(parser, token):
    This will store the current language layout in the context.


        {% get_current_language_bidi as bidi %}

    This will fetch the currently active language's layout and
    put it's value into the ``bidi`` context variable.
    True indicates right-to-left layout, otherwise left-to-right
    # token.split_contents() isn't useful here because this tag doesn't accept variable as arguments
    args = token.contents.split()
    if len(args) != 3 or args[1] != 'as':
        raise TemplateSyntaxError("'get_current_language_bidi' requires 'as variable' (got %r)" % args)
    return GetCurrentLanguageBidiNode(args[2])
项目:lifesoundtrack    作者:MTG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def language(parser, token):
    This will enable the given language just for this block.


        {% language "de" %}
            This is {{ bar }} and {{ boo }}.
        {% endlanguage %}
    bits = token.split_contents()
    if len(bits) != 2:
        raise TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' takes one argument (language)" % bits[0])
    language = parser.compile_filter(bits[1])
    nodelist = parser.parse(('endlanguage',))
    return LanguageNode(nodelist, language)
项目:lifesoundtrack    作者:MTG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def localtime_tag(parser, token):
    Forces or prevents conversion of datetime objects to local time,
    regardless of the value of ``settings.USE_TZ``.

    Sample usage::

        {% localtime off %}{{ value_in_utc }}{% endlocaltime %}
    bits = token.split_contents()
    if len(bits) == 1:
        use_tz = True
    elif len(bits) > 2 or bits[1] not in ('on', 'off'):
        raise TemplateSyntaxError("%r argument should be 'on' or 'off'" %
        use_tz = bits[1] == 'on'
    nodelist = parser.parse(('endlocaltime',))
    return LocalTimeNode(nodelist, use_tz)
项目:lifesoundtrack    作者:MTG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_current_timezone_tag(parser, token):
    Stores the name of the current time zone in the context.


        {% get_current_timezone as TIME_ZONE %}

    This will fetch the currently active time zone and put its name
    into the ``TIME_ZONE`` context variable.
    # token.split_contents() isn't useful here because this tag doesn't accept variable as arguments
    args = token.contents.split()
    if len(args) != 3 or args[1] != 'as':
        raise TemplateSyntaxError("'get_current_timezone' requires "
                                  "'as variable' (got %r)" % args)
    return GetCurrentTimezoneNode(args[2])
项目:lifesoundtrack    作者:MTG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def localize_tag(parser, token):
    Forces or prevents localization of values, regardless of the value of

    Sample usage::

        {% localize off %}
            var pi = {{ 3.1415 }};
        {% endlocalize %}
    use_l10n = None
    bits = list(token.split_contents())
    if len(bits) == 1:
        use_l10n = True
    elif len(bits) > 2 or bits[1] not in ('on', 'off'):
        raise TemplateSyntaxError("%r argument should be 'on' or 'off'" % bits[0])
        use_l10n = bits[1] == 'on'
    nodelist = parser.parse(('endlocalize',))
    return LocalizeNode(nodelist, use_l10n)
项目:webapp    作者:superchilli    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_form_field(parser, token):
    Render a WTForms form field allowing optional HTML attributes.
    Invocation looks like this:
      {% form_field form.username class="big_text" onclick="alert('hello')" %}
    where form.username is the path to the field value we want.  Any number
    of key="value" arguments are supported. Unquoted values are resolved as
    template variables.
    parts = token.contents.split(' ', 2)
    if len(parts) < 2:
        error_text = '%r tag must have the form field name as the first value, followed by optional key="value" attributes.'
        raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(error_text % parts[0])

    html_attrs = {}
    if len(parts) == 3:
        raw_args = list(args_split(parts[2]))
        if (len(raw_args) % 2) != 0:
            raise template.TemplateSyntaxError('%r tag received the incorrect number of key=value arguments.' % parts[0])
        for x in range(0, len(raw_args), 2):
            html_attrs[str(raw_args[x])] = Variable(raw_args[x + 1])

    return FormFieldNode(parts[1], html_attrs)