Python ecdsa 模块,SECP256k1() 实例源码


项目:tinychain    作者:jamesob    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate_signature_for_spend(txin, utxo: UnspentTxOut, txn):
    pubkey_as_addr = pubkey_to_address(txin.unlock_pk)
    verifying_key = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_string(
        txin.unlock_pk, curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1)

    if pubkey_as_addr != utxo.to_address:
        raise TxUnlockError("Pubkey doesn't match")

        spend_msg = build_spend_message(
            txin.to_spend, txin.unlock_pk, txin.sequence, txn.txouts)
        verifying_key.verify(txin.unlock_sig, spend_msg)
    except Exception:
        logger.exception('Key verification failed')
        raise TxUnlockError("Signature doesn't match")

    return True
项目:tinychain    作者:jamesob    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def init_wallet(path=None):
    path = path or WALLET_PATH

    if os.path.exists(path):
        with open(path, 'rb') as f:
            signing_key = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string(
      , curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1)
    else:"generating new wallet: '{path}'")
        signing_key = ecdsa.SigningKey.generate(curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1)
        with open(path, 'wb') as f:

    verifying_key = signing_key.get_verifying_key()
    my_address = pubkey_to_address(verifying_key.to_string())"your address is {my_address}")

    return signing_key, verifying_key, my_address

# Misc. utilities
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
项目:novault    作者:novault    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def btc( seed = None ):
    '''Generate BTC address and key from seed'''
    if not seed: return 32
    private_key = b'\x80' + seed + b'\x01'
    private_key += _sha256( _sha256( private_key ))[ :4 ]
    public_key_uncomp = bytes( SigningKey. from_string( seed, curve = SECP256k1 ). get_verifying_key(). to_string() )
    public_key = b'\x03' if public_key_uncomp[ -1 ] & 1 else b'\x02'
    public_key += public_key_uncomp[ :32 ]
    address = b'\x00' + _ripemd160( _sha256( public_key ))
    address += _sha256( _sha256( address ))[ :4 ]
    result = { 'key': _b58( private_key ), 'address': _b58( address )}
    result[ None ] = result[ 'address' ]
    return result

# xmr
项目:Bitpy    作者:Shultzi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, private_key=0):
        if private_key == 0:
            self.private_key = os.urandom(32)
            self.printable_pk = str(binascii.hexlify(self.private_key), "ascii")
            self.printable_pk = private_key
            self.private_key = binascii.unhexlify(private_key.encode('ascii'))
 = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string(self.private_key, curve = ecdsa.SECP256k1)
        self.vk =
        self.public_key =  b"04" + binascii.hexlify(self.vk.to_string())
        ripemd160 ='ripemd160')
        self.hashed_public_key = b"00" + binascii.hexlify(ripemd160.digest())
        self.checksum = binascii.hexlify(hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(binascii.unhexlify(self.hashed_public_key)).digest()).digest()[:4])
        self.binary_addr = binascii.unhexlify(self.hashed_public_key + self.checksum)
        self.addr = base58.b58encode(self.binary_addr)
项目:storj-python-sdk    作者:Storj    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def key_generate(self):'key_generate()')

        self.logger.debug('This will replace your public and private keys in 3 seconds...')

        self.private_key = SigningKey.generate(curve=SECP256k1, hashfunc=sha256)
        self.public_key = self.private_key.get_verifying_key()

        s = raw_input('Export keys to file for later use? [Y/N]')
        if 'Y' in s.upper():

项目:steem-python    作者:steemit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _derive_y_from_x(self, x, is_even):
        """ Derive y point from x point """
        curve = ecdsa.SECP256k1.curve
        # The curve equation over F_p is:
        #   y^2 = x^3 + ax + b
        a, b, p = curve.a(), curve.b(), curve.p()
        alpha = (pow(x, 3, p) + a * x + b) % p
        beta = ecdsa.numbertheory.square_root_mod_prime(alpha, p)
        if (beta % 2) == is_even:
            beta = p - beta
        return beta
项目:steem-python    作者:steemit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compressed(self):
        """ Derive compressed public key """
        order = ecdsa.SECP256k1.generator.order()
        p = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_string(bytes(self), curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1).pubkey.point
        x_str = ecdsa.util.number_to_string(p.x(), order)
        # y_str = ecdsa.util.number_to_string(p.y(), order)
        compressed = hexlify(bytes(chr(2 + (p.y() & 1)), 'ascii') + x_str).decode('ascii')
        return (compressed)
项目:steem-python    作者:steemit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def point(self):
        """ Return the point for the public key """
        string = unhexlify(self.unCompressed())
        return ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_string(string[1:], curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1).pubkey.point
项目:steem-python    作者:steemit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compressedpubkey(self):
        """ Derive uncompressed public key """
        secret = unhexlify(repr(self._wif))
        order = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string(secret, curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1).curve.generator.order()
        p = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string(secret, curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1).verifying_key.pubkey.point
        x_str = ecdsa.util.number_to_string(p.x(), order)
        y_str = ecdsa.util.number_to_string(p.y(), order)
        compressed = hexlify(bytes(chr(2 + (p.y() & 1)), 'ascii') + x_str).decode('ascii')
        uncompressed = hexlify(bytes(chr(4), 'ascii') + x_str + y_str).decode('ascii')
        return [compressed, uncompressed]
项目:steem-python    作者:steemit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def recover_public_key(self, digest, signature, i):
        """ Recover the public key from the the signature
        # See http: // section 4.1.6 primarily
        curve = ecdsa.SECP256k1.curve
        G = ecdsa.SECP256k1.generator
        order = ecdsa.SECP256k1.order
        yp = (i % 2)
        r, s = ecdsa.util.sigdecode_string(signature, order)
        # 1.1
        x = r + (i // 2) * order
        # 1.3. This actually calculates for either effectively 02||X or 03||X depending on 'k' instead of always for 02||X as specified.
        # This substitutes for the lack of reversing R later on. -R actually is defined to be just flipping the y-coordinate in the elliptic curve.
        alpha = ((x * x * x) + (curve.a() * x) + curve.b()) % curve.p()
        beta = ecdsa.numbertheory.square_root_mod_prime(alpha, curve.p())
        y = beta if (beta - yp) % 2 == 0 else curve.p() - beta
        # 1.4 Constructor of Point is supposed to check if nR is at infinity.
        R = ecdsa.ellipticcurve.Point(curve, x, y, order)
        # 1.5 Compute e
        e = ecdsa.util.string_to_number(digest)
        # 1.6 Compute Q = r^-1(sR - eG)
        Q = ecdsa.numbertheory.inverse_mod(r, order) * (s * R + (-e % order) * G)
        # Not strictly necessary, but let's verify the message for paranoia's sake.
        if not ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_public_point(Q, curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1).verify_digest(signature, digest,
            return None
        return ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_public_point(Q, curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1)
项目:sweetshot    作者:AnCh7    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _derive_y_from_x(self, x, is_even):
        """ Derive y point from x point """
        curve = ecdsa.SECP256k1.curve
        # The curve equation over F_p is:
        #   y^2 = x^3 + ax + b
        a, b, p = curve.a(), curve.b(), curve.p()
        alpha = (pow(x, 3, p) + a * x + b) % p
        beta = ecdsa.numbertheory.square_root_mod_prime(alpha, p)
        if (beta % 2) == is_even:
            beta = p - beta
        return beta
项目:sweetshot    作者:AnCh7    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compressed(self):
        """ Derive compressed public key """
        order = ecdsa.SECP256k1.generator.order()
        p = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_string(bytes(self), curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1).pubkey.point
        x_str = ecdsa.util.number_to_string(p.x(), order)
        # y_str = ecdsa.util.number_to_string(p.y(), order)
        compressed = hexlify(bytes(chr(2 + (p.y() & 1)), 'ascii') + x_str).decode('ascii')
项目:sweetshot    作者:AnCh7    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def point(self):
        """ Return the point for the public key """
        string = unhexlify(self.unCompressed())
        return ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_string(string[1:], curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1).pubkey.point
项目:sweetshot    作者:AnCh7    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compressedpubkey(self):
        """ Derive uncompressed public key """
        secret = unhexlify(repr(self._wif))
        order = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string(secret, curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1).curve.generator.order()
        p = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string(secret, curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1).verifying_key.pubkey.point
        x_str = ecdsa.util.number_to_string(p.x(), order)
        y_str = ecdsa.util.number_to_string(p.y(), order)
        compressed = hexlify(bytes(chr(2 + (p.y() & 1)), 'ascii') + x_str).decode('ascii')
        uncompressed = hexlify(bytes(chr(4), 'ascii') + x_str + y_str).decode('ascii')
        return([compressed, uncompressed])
项目:sweetshot    作者:AnCh7    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def recover_public_key(self, digest, signature, i):
        """ Recover the public key from the the signature
        # See http: // section 4.1.6 primarily
        curve = ecdsa.SECP256k1.curve
        G = ecdsa.SECP256k1.generator
        order = ecdsa.SECP256k1.order
        yp = (i % 2)
        r, s = ecdsa.util.sigdecode_string(signature, order)
        # 1.1
        x = r + (i // 2) * order
        # 1.3. This actually calculates for either effectively 02||X or 03||X depending on 'k' instead of always for 02||X as specified.
        # This substitutes for the lack of reversing R later on. -R actually is defined to be just flipping the y-coordinate in the elliptic curve.
        alpha = ((x * x * x) + (curve.a() * x) + curve.b()) % curve.p()
        beta = ecdsa.numbertheory.square_root_mod_prime(alpha, curve.p())
        y = beta if (beta - yp) % 2 == 0 else curve.p() - beta
        # 1.4 Constructor of Point is supposed to check if nR is at infinity.
        R = ecdsa.ellipticcurve.Point(curve, x, y, order)
        # 1.5 Compute e
        e = ecdsa.util.string_to_number(digest)
        # 1.6 Compute Q = r^-1(sR - eG)
        Q = ecdsa.numbertheory.inverse_mod(r, order) * (s * R + (-e % order) * G)
        # Not strictly necessary, but let's verify the message for paranoia's sake.
        if not ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_public_point(Q, curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1).verify_digest(signature, digest, sigdecode=ecdsa.util.sigdecode_string):
            return None
        return ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_public_point(Q, curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1)
项目:ecip1017test    作者:ethereumproject    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_node_pk(name):
    priv = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string(sha512(name)[:32], curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1)
    return priv
项目:ecip1017test    作者:ethereumproject    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_addr_pk(name):
    priv = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string(sha512(name)[:32], curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1)
    return priv
项目:bitcoin_tools    作者:sr-gi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_keys():
    """ Gets a new  elliptic curve key pair using the SECP256K1 elliptic curve (the one used by Bitcoin).

    :return: elliptic curve key pair.
    :rtype: list

    # Generate the key pair from a SECP256K1 elliptic curve.
    sk = SigningKey.generate(curve=SECP256k1)
    pk = sk.get_verifying_key()

    return sk, pk
项目:sync_antshares    作者:OTCGO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sign(privkey, message):
        sk = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string(binascii.unhexlify(privkey), curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1, hashfunc = hashlib.sha256)
        signature = binascii.hexlify(sk.sign(binascii.unhexlify(message), hashfunc=hashlib.sha256))
        return signature
项目:sync_antshares    作者:OTCGO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def verify(pubkey, message, signature):
        '''???? pubkey:hex pubkey, not hex_compressed'''
        vk = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_string(binascii.unhexlify(pubkey[2:]), curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1, hashfunc = hashlib.sha256)
            return vk.verify(binascii.unhexlify(signature), binascii.unhexlify(message))
        except ecdsa.BadSignatureError:
            return False
项目:lbryschema    作者:lbryio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_signer(curve):
    if curve == NIST256p:
        return NIST256pSigner
    elif curve == NIST384p:
        return NIST384pSigner
    elif curve == SECP256k1:
        return SECP256k1Signer
        raise Exception("Unknown curve: %s" % str(curve))
项目:bitcoin_in_a_nutshell    作者:pavlovdog    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def coinbaseMessage(previous_output, receiver_address, my_address, private_key):
    receiver_hashed_pubkey= base58.b58decode_check(receiver_address)[1:].encode("hex")
    my_hashed_pubkey = base58.b58decode_check(my_address)[1:].encode("hex")

    # Transaction stuff
    version = struct.pack("<L", 1)
    lock_time = struct.pack("<L", 0)
    hash_code = struct.pack("<L", 1)

    # Transactions input
    tx_in_count = struct.pack("<B", 1)
    tx_in = {}
    tx_in["outpoint_hash"] = previous_output.decode('hex')[::-1]
    tx_in["outpoint_index"] = struct.pack("<L", 4294967295)
    tx_in["script"] = ("76a914%s88ac" % my_hashed_pubkey).decode("hex")
    tx_in["script_bytes"] = struct.pack("<B", (len(tx_in["script"])))
    tx_in["sequence"] = "ffffffff".decode("hex")

    # Transaction output
    tx_out_count = struct.pack("<B", 1)

    tx_out = {}
    tx_out["value"]= struct.pack("<Q", 100000000 * 12.50033629)
    tx_out["pk_script"]= ("76a914%s88ac" % receiver_hashed_pubkey).decode("hex")
    tx_out["pk_script_bytes"]= struct.pack("<B", (len(tx_out["pk_script"])))

    tx_to_sign = (version + tx_in_count + tx_in["outpoint_hash"] + tx_in["outpoint_index"] +
                  tx_in["script_bytes"] + tx_in["script"] + tx_in["sequence"] + tx_out_count +
                  tx_out["value"] + tx_out["pk_script_bytes"] + tx_out["pk_script"] + lock_time + hash_code)

    # Signing txn
    hashed_raw_tx = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(tx_to_sign).digest()).digest()
    sk = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string(private_key.decode("hex"), curve = ecdsa.SECP256k1)
    vk = sk.verifying_key
    public_key = ('\04' + vk.to_string()).encode("hex")
    sign = sk.sign_digest(hashed_raw_tx, sigencode=ecdsa.util.sigencode_der)

    # Complete txn
    sigscript = sign + "\01" + struct.pack("<B", len(public_key.decode("hex"))) + public_key.decode("hex")

    real_tx = (version + tx_in_count + tx_in["outpoint_hash"] + tx_in["outpoint_index"] +
    struct.pack("<B", (len(sigscript) + 1)) + struct.pack("<B", len(sign) + 1) + sigscript +
    tx_in["sequence"] + tx_out_count + tx_out["value"] + tx_out["pk_script_bytes"] + tx_out["pk_script"] + lock_time)

    return real_tx
项目:steem-python    作者:Netherdrake    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _derive_y_from_x(self, x, is_even):
        """ Derive y point from x point """
        curve = ecdsa.SECP256k1.curve
        # The curve equation over F_p is:
        #   y^2 = x^3 + ax + b
        a, b, p = curve.a(), curve.b(), curve.p()
        alpha = (pow(x, 3, p) + a * x + b) % p
        beta = ecdsa.numbertheory.square_root_mod_prime(alpha, p)
        if (beta % 2) == is_even:
            beta = p - beta
        return beta
项目:steem-python    作者:Netherdrake    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compressed(self):
        """ Derive compressed public key """
        order = ecdsa.SECP256k1.generator.order()
        p = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_string(bytes(self), curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1).pubkey.point
        x_str = ecdsa.util.number_to_string(p.x(), order)
        # y_str = ecdsa.util.number_to_string(p.y(), order)
        compressed = hexlify(bytes(chr(2 + (p.y() & 1)), 'ascii') + x_str).decode('ascii')
        return (compressed)
项目:steem-python    作者:Netherdrake    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def point(self):
        """ Return the point for the public key """
        string = unhexlify(self.unCompressed())
        return ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_string(string[1:], curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1).pubkey.point
项目:steem-python    作者:Netherdrake    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compressedpubkey(self):
        """ Derive uncompressed public key """
        secret = unhexlify(repr(self._wif))
        order = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string(secret, curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1).curve.generator.order()
        p = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string(secret, curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1).verifying_key.pubkey.point
        x_str = ecdsa.util.number_to_string(p.x(), order)
        y_str = ecdsa.util.number_to_string(p.y(), order)
        compressed = hexlify(bytes(chr(2 + (p.y() & 1)), 'ascii') + x_str).decode('ascii')
        uncompressed = hexlify(bytes(chr(4), 'ascii') + x_str + y_str).decode('ascii')
        return [compressed, uncompressed]
项目:steem-python    作者:Netherdrake    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def recover_public_key(self, digest, signature, i):
        """ Recover the public key from the the signature
        # See http: // section 4.1.6 primarily
        curve = ecdsa.SECP256k1.curve
        G = ecdsa.SECP256k1.generator
        order = ecdsa.SECP256k1.order
        yp = (i % 2)
        r, s = ecdsa.util.sigdecode_string(signature, order)
        # 1.1
        x = r + (i // 2) * order
        # 1.3. This actually calculates for either effectively 02||X or 03||X depending on 'k' instead of always for 02||X as specified.
        # This substitutes for the lack of reversing R later on. -R actually is defined to be just flipping the y-coordinate in the elliptic curve.
        alpha = ((x * x * x) + (curve.a() * x) + curve.b()) % curve.p()
        beta = ecdsa.numbertheory.square_root_mod_prime(alpha, curve.p())
        y = beta if (beta - yp) % 2 == 0 else curve.p() - beta
        # 1.4 Constructor of Point is supposed to check if nR is at infinity.
        R = ecdsa.ellipticcurve.Point(curve, x, y, order)
        # 1.5 Compute e
        e = ecdsa.util.string_to_number(digest)
        # 1.6 Compute Q = r^-1(sR - eG)
        Q = ecdsa.numbertheory.inverse_mod(r, order) * (s * R + (-e % order) * G)
        # Not strictly necessary, but let's verify the message for paranoia's sake.
        if not ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_public_point(Q, curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1).verify_digest(signature, digest,
            return None
        return ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_public_point(Q, curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1)
项目:raiden-token    作者:raiden-network    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def createWallet():
    keccak = sha3.keccak_256()
    priv = SigningKey.generate(curve=SECP256k1)
    pub = priv.get_verifying_key().to_string()
    address = keccak.hexdigest()[24:]
    return (encode_hex(priv.to_string()), address)
项目:ecdsa-private-key-recovery    作者:tintinweb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, sig, h, pubkey, curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1):
        self.curve = curve  # must be set before __init__ calls __load_pubkey

        super(EcDsaSignature, self).__init__(sig, h, pubkey)

        self.signingkey = None
        self.n = self.pubkey.generator.order()

        logger.debug("%r - check verifies.." % self)
        assert (self.pubkey.verifies(self.h, self.sig))
        logger.debug("%r - Signature is ok" % self)
项目:ecdsa-private-key-recovery    作者:tintinweb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_nonce_reuse(pub=None, curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1):
            if not pub:
                # default
                pub = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_string(
                        "hex"), curve=curve).pubkey
            # static testcase
            # long r, long s, bytestr hash, pubkey obj.
            sampleA = EcDsaSignature((3791300999159503489677918361931161866594575396347524089635269728181147153565,
            sampleB = EcDsaSignature((3791300999159503489677918361931161866594575396347524089635269728181147153565,

            assert (sampleA.x is None)  # not yet resolved
            logger.debug("%r - recovering private-key from nonce reuse ..." % sampleA)
            assert (sampleA.x is not None)  # privkey recovered
            assert sampleA.privkey
            logger.debug("%r - Private key recovered! \n%s" % (sampleA, sampleA.export_key()))

    # noinspection PyClassHasNoInit
项目:Bitpy    作者:Shultzi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_sk(private_key):
    return ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string(private_key, curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1)