Python encodings 模块,ascii() 实例源码


项目:pythonVSCode    作者:DonJayamanne    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read_string(conn):
    """ reads length of text to read, and then the text encoded in UTF-8, and returns the string"""
    strlen = read_int(conn)
    if not strlen:
        return ''
    res = to_bytes('')
    while len(res) < strlen:
        res = res + conn.recv(strlen - len(res))

    res = utf_8.decode(res)[0]
    if sys.version_info[0] == 2 and sys.platform != 'cli':
        # Py 2.x, we want an ASCII string if possible
            res = ascii.Codec.encode(res)[0]
        except UnicodeEncodeError:

    return res
项目:pythonVSCode    作者:DonJayamanne    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read_string(conn):
    """ reads length of text to read, and then the text encoded in UTF-8, and returns the string"""
    strlen = read_int(conn)
    if not strlen:
        return ''
    res = to_bytes('')
    while len(res) < strlen:
        res = res + conn.recv(strlen - len(res))

    res = utf_8.decode(res)[0]
    if sys.version_info[0] == 2 and sys.platform != 'cli':
        # Py 2.x, we want an ASCII string if possible
            res = ascii.Codec.encode(res)[0]
        except UnicodeEncodeError:

    return res
项目:Intranet-Penetration    作者:yuxiaokui    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, stream, fieldnames, encoding='utf-8', **kwds):

      stream: Stream to write to.
      fieldnames: Fieldnames to pass to the DictWriter.
      encoding: Desired encoding.
      kwds: Additional arguments to pass to the DictWriter.

    writer = codecs.getwriter(encoding)

    if (writer is encodings.utf_8.StreamWriter or
        writer is encodings.ascii.StreamWriter or
        writer is encodings.latin_1.StreamWriter or
        writer is encodings.cp1252.StreamWriter):
      self.no_recoding = True
      self.encoder = codecs.getencoder(encoding)
      self.writer = csv.DictWriter(stream, fieldnames, **kwds)
      self.no_recoding = False
      self.encoder = codecs.getencoder('utf-8')
      self.queue = cStringIO.StringIO()
      self.writer = csv.DictWriter(self.queue, fieldnames, **kwds) = writer(stream)
项目:HomeAutomation    作者:gs2671    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read_string(conn):
    """ reads length of text to read, and then the text encoded in UTF-8, and returns the string"""
    strlen = read_int(conn)
    if not strlen:
        return ''
    res = to_bytes('')
    while len(res) < strlen:
        res = res + conn.recv(strlen - len(res))

    res = utf_8.decode(res)[0]
    if sys.version_info[0] == 2 and sys.platform != 'cli':
        # Py 2.x, we want an ASCII string if possible
            res = ascii.Codec.encode(res)[0]
        except UnicodeEncodeError:

    return res
项目:xidian-sfweb    作者:Gear420    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read_string(conn):
    """ reads length of text to read, and then the text encoded in UTF-8, and returns the string"""
    strlen = read_int(conn)
    if not strlen:
        return ''
    res = to_bytes('')
    while len(res) < strlen:
        res = res + conn.recv(strlen - len(res))

    res = utf_8.decode(res)[0]
    if sys.version_info[0] == 2 and sys.platform != 'cli':
        # Py 2.x, we want an ASCII string if possible
            res = ascii.Codec.encode(res)[0]
        except UnicodeEncodeError:

    return res
项目:skojjt    作者:martin-green    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read_string(conn):
    """ reads length of text to read, and then the text encoded in UTF-8, and returns the string"""
    strlen = read_int(conn)
    if not strlen:
        return ''
    res = to_bytes('')
    while len(res) < strlen:
        res = res + conn.recv(strlen - len(res))

    res = utf_8.decode(res)[0]
    if sys.version_info[0] == 2 and sys.platform != 'cli':
        # Py 2.x, we want an ASCII string if possible
            res = ascii.Codec.encode(res)[0]
        except UnicodeEncodeError:

    return res
项目:DjangoWebProject    作者:wrkettlitz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read_string(conn):
    """ reads length of text to read, and then the text encoded in UTF-8, and returns the string"""
    strlen = read_int(conn)
    if not strlen:
        return ''
    res = to_bytes('')
    while len(res) < strlen:
        res = res + conn.recv(strlen - len(res))

    res = utf_8.decode(res)[0]
    if sys.version_info[0] == 2 and sys.platform != 'cli':
        # Py 2.x, we want an ASCII string if possible
            res = ascii.Codec.encode(res)[0]
        except UnicodeEncodeError:

    return res
项目:ApiRestPythonTest    作者:rvfvazquez    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read_string(conn):
    """ reads length of text to read, and then the text encoded in UTF-8, and returns the string"""
    strlen = read_int(conn)
    if not strlen:
        return ''
    res = to_bytes('')
    while len(res) < strlen:
        res = res + conn.recv(strlen - len(res))

    res = utf_8.decode(res)[0]
    if sys.version_info[0] == 2 and sys.platform != 'cli':
        # Py 2.x, we want an ASCII string if possible
            res = ascii.Codec.encode(res)[0]
        except UnicodeEncodeError:

    return res
项目:pythonVSCode    作者:DonJayamanne    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_bytes(cmd_str):
        return ascii.Codec.encode(cmd_str)[0]
项目:pythonVSCode    作者:DonJayamanne    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_bytes(cmd_str):
        return ascii.Codec.encode(cmd_str)[0]
项目:filefinder2    作者:asmodehn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def source_to_unicode(txt, errors='replace', skip_encoding_cookie=True):
    """Converts a bytes string with python source code to unicode.
    Unicode strings are passed through unchanged. Byte strings are checked
    for the python source file encoding cookie to determine encoding.
    txt can be either a bytes buffer or a string containing the source
    if isinstance(txt, six.text_type):
        return txt
    if isinstance(txt, six.binary_type):
        buffer = io.BytesIO(txt)
        buffer = txt
        encoding, _ = detect_encoding(buffer.readline)
    except SyntaxError:
        encoding = "ascii"

    newline_decoder = io.IncrementalNewlineDecoder(None, True)

    text = io.TextIOWrapper(buffer, encoding, errors=errors, line_buffering=True)
    text.mode = 'r'
    if skip_encoding_cookie:
        return u"".join(strip_encoding_cookie(text))
项目:HomeAutomation    作者:gs2671    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_bytes(cmd_str):
        return ascii.Codec.encode(cmd_str)[0]
项目:xidian-sfweb    作者:Gear420    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_bytes(cmd_str):
        return ascii.Codec.encode(cmd_str)[0]
项目:skojjt    作者:martin-green    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_bytes(cmd_str):
        return ascii.Codec.encode(cmd_str)[0]
项目:DjangoWebProject    作者:wrkettlitz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_bytes(cmd_str):
        return ascii.Codec.encode(cmd_str)[0]
项目:ApiRestPythonTest    作者:rvfvazquez    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_bytes(cmd_str):
        return ascii.Codec.encode(cmd_str)[0]
项目:MKFQ    作者:maojingios    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, stream, fieldnames, encoding='utf-8', **kwds):

      stream: Stream to write to.
      fieldnames: Fieldnames to pass to the DictWriter.
      encoding: Desired encoding.
      kwds: Additional arguments to pass to the DictWriter.

    writer = codecs.getwriter(encoding)

    if (writer is encodings.utf_8.StreamWriter or
        writer is encodings.ascii.StreamWriter or
        writer is encodings.latin_1.StreamWriter or
        writer is encodings.cp1252.StreamWriter):
      self.no_recoding = True
      self.encoder = codecs.getencoder(encoding)
      self.writer = csv.DictWriter(stream, fieldnames, **kwds)
      self.no_recoding = False
      self.encoder = codecs.getencoder('utf-8')
      self.queue = cStringIO.StringIO()
      self.writer = csv.DictWriter(self.queue, fieldnames, **kwds) = writer(stream)
项目:xxNet    作者:drzorm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, stream, fieldnames, encoding='utf-8', **kwds):

      stream: Stream to write to.
      fieldnames: Fieldnames to pass to the DictWriter.
      encoding: Desired encoding.
      kwds: Additional arguments to pass to the DictWriter.

    writer = codecs.getwriter(encoding)

    if (writer is encodings.utf_8.StreamWriter or
        writer is encodings.ascii.StreamWriter or
        writer is encodings.latin_1.StreamWriter or
        writer is encodings.cp1252.StreamWriter):
      self.no_recoding = True
      self.encoder = codecs.getencoder(encoding)
      self.writer = csv.DictWriter(stream, fieldnames, **kwds)
      self.no_recoding = False
      self.encoder = codecs.getencoder('utf-8')
      self.queue = cStringIO.StringIO()
      self.writer = csv.DictWriter(self.queue, fieldnames, **kwds) = writer(stream)
项目:Deploy_XXNET_Server    作者:jzp820927    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, stream, fieldnames, encoding='utf-8', **kwds):

      stream: Stream to write to.
      fieldnames: Fieldnames to pass to the DictWriter.
      encoding: Desired encoding.
      kwds: Additional arguments to pass to the DictWriter.

    writer = codecs.getwriter(encoding)

    if (writer is encodings.utf_8.StreamWriter or
        writer is encodings.ascii.StreamWriter or
        writer is encodings.latin_1.StreamWriter or
        writer is encodings.cp1252.StreamWriter):
      self.no_recoding = True
      self.encoder = codecs.getencoder(encoding)
      self.writer = csv.DictWriter(stream, fieldnames, **kwds)
      self.no_recoding = False
      self.encoder = codecs.getencoder('utf-8')
      self.queue = cStringIO.StringIO()
      self.writer = csv.DictWriter(self.queue, fieldnames, **kwds) = writer(stream)
项目:Docker-XX-Net    作者:kuanghy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, stream, fieldnames, encoding='utf-8', **kwds):

      stream: Stream to write to.
      fieldnames: Fieldnames to pass to the DictWriter.
      encoding: Desired encoding.
      kwds: Additional arguments to pass to the DictWriter.

    writer = codecs.getwriter(encoding)

    if (writer is encodings.utf_8.StreamWriter or
        writer is encodings.ascii.StreamWriter or
        writer is encodings.latin_1.StreamWriter or
        writer is encodings.cp1252.StreamWriter):
      self.no_recoding = True
      self.encoder = codecs.getencoder(encoding)
      self.writer = csv.DictWriter(stream, fieldnames, **kwds)
      self.no_recoding = False
      self.encoder = codecs.getencoder('utf-8')
      self.queue = cStringIO.StringIO()
      self.writer = csv.DictWriter(self.queue, fieldnames, **kwds) = writer(stream)