Python errno 模块,WSAENOTSOCK 实例源码


项目:zenchmarks    作者:squeaky-pl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_invalidDescriptor(self):
        An implementation of L{IReactorSocket.adoptStreamPort} raises
        L{socket.error} if passed an integer which is not associated with a
        reactor = self.buildReactor()

        probe = socket.socket()
        fileno = probe.fileno()

        exc = self.assertRaises(
            reactor.adoptStreamPort, fileno, socket.AF_INET, ServerFactory())
        if platform.isWindows() and _PY3:
            self.assertEqual(exc.args[0], errno.WSAENOTSOCK)
            self.assertEqual(exc.args[0], errno.EBADF)
项目:zenchmarks    作者:squeaky-pl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_invalidDescriptor(self):
        An implementation of L{IReactorSocket.adoptDatagramPort} raises
        L{socket.error} if passed an integer which is not associated with a
        reactor = self.buildReactor()

        probe = socket.socket()
        fileno = probe.fileno()

        exc = self.assertRaises(
            reactor.adoptDatagramPort, fileno, socket.AF_INET,
        if platform.isWindows() and _PY3:
            self.assertEqual(exc.args[0], errno.WSAENOTSOCK)
            self.assertEqual(exc.args[0], errno.EBADF)
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getHandleErrorCode(self):
        # Windows 2000 SP 4 and Windows XP SP 2 give back WSAENOTSOCK for
        # SSL.Connection.write for some reason.
        if platform.getType() == 'win32':
            return errno.WSAENOTSOCK
        return ProperlyCloseFilesMixin.getHandleErrorCode(self)
项目:aquests    作者:hansroh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove_notsocks (map):
    global _select_errors, _logger

    # on Windows we can get WSAENOTSOCK if the client
    # rapidly connect and disconnects
    killed = 0
    for fd, obj in list(map.items()):   
        r = []; w = []; e = []  
        is_r = obj.readable()
        is_w = obj.writable()
        if is_r:
            r = [fd]
        # accepting sockets should not be writable
        if is_w and not obj.accepting:
            w = [fd]
        if is_r or is_w:
            e = [fd]

   (r, w, e, 0)          

            #_logger and _logger.trace ()           
            killed += 1
            _select_errors += 1

                try: obj.handle_expt ()
                except: obj.handle_error ()
                _logger and _logger.trace ()

            try: del map [fd]
            except KeyError: pass

    return killed
项目:aquests    作者:hansroh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def poll_fun_wrap (timeout, map = None):
    global _logger

    if map is None:
        map = asyncore.socket_map   

        asyndns.pop_all ()  

        poll_fun (timeout, map)
    except (TypeError, OSError) as why:
        remove_notsocks (map)

    except ValueError:
        # negative file descriptor, testing all sockets
        killed = remove_notsocks (map)
        # or too many file descriptors in select(), divide and conquer
        if not killed:          
            half = int (len (map) / 2)
            tmap = {}
            cc = 0          
            for k, v in list(map.items ()):
                tmap [k] = v
                cc += 1
                if cc == half:
                    poll_fun_wrap (timeout, tmap)
                    tmap = {}
            poll_fun_wrap (timeout, tmap)

        _logger and _logger.trace ()
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getHandleErrorCode(self):
        # Windows 2000 SP 4 and Windows XP SP 2 give back WSAENOTSOCK for
        # SSL.Connection.write for some reason.
        if platform.getType() == 'win32':
            return errno.WSAENOTSOCK
        return ProperlyCloseFilesMixin.getHandleErrorCode(self)
项目:zenchmarks    作者:squeaky-pl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getHandleErrorCode(self):
        Return the errno expected to result from writing to a closed
        platform socket handle.
        # Windows and Python 3: returns WSAENOTSOCK
        # Windows and Python 2: returns EBADF
        # Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X: returns EBADF
        if platform.isWindows() and _PY3:
            return errno.WSAENOTSOCK
        return errno.EBADF
项目:zenchmarks    作者:squeaky-pl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getHandleErrorCode(self):
        Return the argument L{OpenSSL.SSL.Error} will be constructed with for
        this case. This is basically just a random OpenSSL implementation
        detail. It would be better if this test worked in a way which did not
        require this.
        # Windows 2000 SP 4 and Windows XP SP 2 give back WSAENOTSOCK for
        # SSL.Connection.write for some reason.  The twisted.protocols.tls
        # implementation of IReactorSSL doesn't suffer from this imprecation,
        # though, since it is isolated from the Windows I/O layer (I suppose?).

        # If test_properlyCloseFiles waited for the SSL handshake to complete
        # and performed an orderly shutdown, then this would probably be a
        # little less weird: writing to a shutdown SSL connection has a more
        # well-defined failure mode (or at least it should).

        # So figure out if twisted.protocols.tls is in use.  If it can be
        # imported, it should be.
        if requireModule('twisted.protocols.tls') is None:
            # It isn't available, so we expect WSAENOTSOCK if we're on Windows.
            if platform.getType() == 'win32':
                return errno.WSAENOTSOCK

        # Otherwise, we expect an error about how we tried to write to a
        # shutdown connection.  This is terribly implementation-specific.
        return [('SSL routines', 'SSL_write', 'protocol is shutdown')]