Python game 模块,Agent() 实例源码


项目:AI-Pacman    作者:AUTBS    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__( self, index, timeForComputing = .1 ):
    Lists several variables you can query:
    self.index = index for this agent = true if you're on the red team, false otherwise
    self.agentsOnTeam = a list of agent objects that make up your team
    self.distancer = distance calculator (contest code provides this)
    self.observationHistory = list of GameState objects that correspond
        to the sequential order of states that have occurred so far this game
    self.timeForComputing = an amount of time to give each turn for computing maze distances
        (part of the provided distance calculator)
    # Agent index for querying state
    self.index = index

    # Whether or not you're on the red team = None

    # Agent objects controlling you and your teammates
    self.agentsOnTeam = None

    # Maze distance calculator
    self.distancer = None

    # A history of observations
    self.observationHistory = []

    # Time to spend each turn on computing maze distances
    self.timeForComputing = timeForComputing

    # Access to the graphics
    self.display = None
项目:Berkeley-AI-PacMan-Lab-1    作者:jrios6    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getAction(self, state):
    The Agent will receive a GameState and must return an action from
    Directions.{North, South, East, West, Stop}
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
项目:AI_MinMax_AlphaBetaPruning    作者:astraey    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def execute(self, grades, moduleDict, solutionDict):
        # load student code and staff code solutions
        multiAgents = moduleDict['multiAgents']
        studentAgent = getattr(multiAgents, self.alg)(depth=self.depth)
        allActions = map(lambda x: json.loads(x), solutionDict['optimalActions'].split('\n'))
        altDepthActions = map(lambda x: json.loads(x), solutionDict['altDepthActions'].split('\n'))
        partialPlyBugActions = map(lambda x: json.loads(x), solutionDict['partialPlyBugActions'].split('\n'))
        # set up game state and play a game
        lay = layout.Layout([l.strip() for l in self.layout_text.split('\n')])
        pac = GradingAgent(self.seed, studentAgent, allActions, altDepthActions, partialPlyBugActions)
        # check return codes and assign grades
        disp = self.question.getDisplay()
        stats = run(lay, self.layout_name, pac, [DirectionalGhost(i + 1) for i in range(2)], disp, name=self.alg)
        if stats['timeouts'] > 0:
            self.addMessage('Agent timed out on smallClassic.  No credit')
            return self.testFail(grades)
        if stats['crashes'] > 0:
            self.addMessage('Agent crashed on smallClassic.  No credit')
            return self.testFail(grades)
        code = pac.checkFailure()
        if code == 0:
            return self.testPass(grades)
        elif code == -3:
            if pac.getWrongStatesExplored() >=0:
                self.addMessage('Bug: Wrong number of states expanded.')
                return self.testFail(grades)
                return self.testPass(grades)
        elif code == -2:
            self.addMessage('Bug: Partial Ply Bug')
            return self.testFail(grades)
        elif code == -1:
            self.addMessage('Bug: Search depth off by 1')
            return self.testFail(grades)
        elif code > 0:
            moves = pac.getSuboptimalMoves()
            state, studentMove, optMove = random.choice(moves)
            self.addMessage('Bug: Suboptimal moves')
            self.addMessage('State:%s\nStudent Move:%s\nOptimal Move:%s' % (state, studentMove, optMove))
            return self.testFail(grades)
项目:Pacman-AI    作者:ryanshrott    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getAction(self, state):
    The Agent will receive a GameState and must return an action from 
    Directions.{North, South, East, West, Stop}
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
项目:Pacman-AI    作者:adamtache    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getAction(self, state):
    The Agent will receive a GameState and must return an action from 
    Directions.{North, South, East, West, Stop}
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
项目:AI-Pacman    作者:AUTBS    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def checkDeath( state, agentIndex):
    agentState =[agentIndex]
    if state.isOnRedTeam(agentIndex):
      otherTeam = state.getBlueTeamIndices()
      otherTeam = state.getRedTeamIndices()
    if agentState.isPacman:
      for index in otherTeam:
        otherAgentState =[index]
        if otherAgentState.isPacman: continue
        ghostPosition = otherAgentState.getPosition()
        if ghostPosition == None: continue
        if manhattanDistance( ghostPosition, agentState.getPosition() ) <= COLLISION_TOLERANCE:
          # award points to the other team for killing Pacmen
          if otherAgentState.scaredTimer <= 0:
            AgentRules.dumpFoodFromDeath(state, agentState, agentIndex)

            score = KILL_POINTS
            if state.isOnRedTeam(agentIndex):
              score = -score
   += score
            agentState.isPacman = False
            agentState.configuration = agentState.start
            agentState.scaredTimer = 0
            score = KILL_POINTS
            if state.isOnRedTeam(agentIndex):
              score = -score
   += score
            otherAgentState.isPacman = False
            otherAgentState.configuration = otherAgentState.start
            otherAgentState.scaredTimer = 0
    else: # Agent is a ghost
      for index in otherTeam:
        otherAgentState =[index]
        if not otherAgentState.isPacman: continue
        pacPos = otherAgentState.getPosition()
        if pacPos == None: continue
        if manhattanDistance( pacPos, agentState.getPosition() ) <= COLLISION_TOLERANCE:
          #award points to the other team for killing Pacmen
          if agentState.scaredTimer <= 0:
            AgentRules.dumpFoodFromDeath(state, otherAgentState, agentIndex)

            score = KILL_POINTS
            if not state.isOnRedTeam(agentIndex):
              score = -score
   += score
            otherAgentState.isPacman = False
            otherAgentState.configuration = otherAgentState.start
            otherAgentState.scaredTimer = 0
            score = KILL_POINTS
            if state.isOnRedTeam(agentIndex):
              score = -score
   += score
            agentState.isPacman = False
            agentState.configuration = agentState.start
            agentState.scaredTimer = 0
项目:AI-Pacman    作者:AUTBS    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def runGames( layouts, agents, display, length, numGames, record, numTraining, redTeamName, blueTeamName, muteAgents=False, catchExceptions=False ):

  rules = CaptureRules()
  games = []

  if numTraining > 0:
    print 'Playing %d training games' % numTraining

  for i in range( numGames ):
    beQuiet = i < numTraining
    layout = layouts[i]
    if beQuiet:
        # Suppress output and graphics
        import textDisplay
        gameDisplay = textDisplay.NullGraphics()
        rules.quiet = True
        gameDisplay = display
        rules.quiet = False
    g = rules.newGame( layout, agents, gameDisplay, length, muteAgents, catchExceptions )
    if not beQuiet: games.append(g)

    g.record = None
    if record:
      import time, cPickle, game
      #fname = ('recorded-game-%d' % (i + 1)) +  '-'.join([str(t) for t in time.localtime()[1:6]])
      #f = file(fname, 'w')
      components = {'layout': layout, 'agents': [game.Agent() for a in agents], 'actions': g.moveHistory, 'length': length, 'redTeamName': redTeamName, 'blueTeamName':blueTeamName }
      print "recorded"
      g.record = cPickle.dumps(components)
      with open('replay-%d'%i,'wb') as f:

  if numGames > 1:
    scores = [ for game in games]
    redWinRate = [s > 0 for s in scores].count(True)/ float(len(scores))
    blueWinRate = [s < 0 for s in scores].count(True)/ float(len(scores))
    print 'Average Score:', sum(scores) / float(len(scores))
    print 'Scores:       ', ', '.join([str(score) for score in scores])
    print 'Red Win Rate:  %d/%d (%.2f)' % ([s > 0 for s in scores].count(True), len(scores), redWinRate)
    print 'Blue Win Rate: %d/%d (%.2f)' % ([s < 0 for s in scores].count(True), len(scores), blueWinRate)
    print 'Record:       ', ', '.join([('Blue', 'Tie', 'Red')[max(0, min(2, 1 + s))] for s in scores])
  return games