Python geopy.distance 模块,vincenty() 实例源码


项目:sfparks    作者:cvlong    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_close_parks(origin, time, routing, parks):
    """Create a dictionary with park objects corresponding to a distance radius heuristic.

    Use Vincenty's solution to the inverse geodetic problem to find straight-line
    distance from the origin to each park location and determine whether the
    distance is within the bounding box heuristic.

    close_parks = {}

    for park in parks:
        dist = vincenty((origin.latitude, origin.longitude),
                        (park.latitude, park.longitude)).miles
        if dist < find_appx_dist(time, routing):
            # close_parks[] = park
            close_parks[(dist,] = park

    return close_parks
项目:cyphon    作者:dunbarcyber    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def buffer(self, buffer_m):
        Takes a buffer distance in meters and extends the bounds by that
        distance. Uses the average latitude of the current bounds to calculate
        new latitude bounds. Over extremely large latitude bounds, the results
        will lose accuracy.
        calculator = vincenty(meters=buffer_m)

        ave_lng = (self.w_lng + self.e_lng) / 2
        ave_lat = (self.n_lat + self.s_lat) / 2

        self.n_lat = calculator.destination((self.n_lat, ave_lng), 0).latitude
        self.s_lat = calculator.destination((self.s_lat, ave_lng), 180).latitude
        self.e_lng = calculator.destination((ave_lat, self.e_lng), 90).longitude
        self.w_lng = calculator.destination((ave_lat, self.w_lng), 270).longitude

        return self
项目:cyphon    作者:dunbarcyber    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def convert_circle_to_rectangle(point, radius_m):
    (tuple(int or float, int or float), int or float) -> GEOSGeometry Polygon

    Takes a circle as a (lng, lat) tuple and a radius in meters. Returns the
    smallest rectangular Polygon that encompasses the circle.
    # reverse the lng, lat order to convert to geopy Point format
    center = reverse_coordinate_order(point)

    # create a geopy coordinate calculator for the given distance
    calculator = vincenty(meters=radius_m)

    # calculate points at the given distance in the cardinal directions
    n_pt = calculator.destination(point=center, bearing=0)
    s_pt = calculator.destination(point=center, bearing=180)
    e_pt = calculator.destination(point=center, bearing=90)
    w_pt = calculator.destination(point=center, bearing=270)

    bounds = Bounds(n_lat=n_pt.latitude, s_lat=s_pt.latitude,
                    e_lng=e_pt.longitude, w_lng=w_pt.longitude)

    return bounds.bounding_box
项目:Trip-Helper    作者:HezhiWang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def distance(self, lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2):
        This method calculate the distance of two cordinates in miles.
            lat1: float (latitute)
            lng1: float (longitude)
            lat2: float (latitude)
            lng2: float (longitude)

            d: float
        add1 = (lat1,lng1)
        add2 = (lat2,lng2)
        d = vincenty(add1, add2).miles
        return d
项目:rosie    作者:datasciencebr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __calculate_sum_distances(self, X):
        coordinate_list = X[['latitude', 'longitude']].values
        edges = list(combinations(coordinate_list, 2))
        return np.sum([distance(edge[0][1:], edge[1][1:]).km for edge in edges])
项目:kharita    作者:vipyoung    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def geodist(point1, point2):
#    print(point1, point2, vincenty((point1[1],point1[0]),(point2[1],point2[0])).meters,np.sqrt((lonconst*(point1[0]-point2[0]))**2+(latconst*(point1[1]-point2[1]))**2))
    return(np.sqrt((lonconst*(point1[0]-point2[0]))**2+(latconst*(point1[1]-point2[1]))**2)) #180dg difference equivalent to 80m difference
项目:geopython-storm-workshop    作者:daTokenizer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process(self, tup):
        top_x, location_a = tup.values
        a_name , a_lat, a_lon, a_rad = location_a

        for b_name, b_coord in top_x:
            # get from datastore
            distance_km = vincenty((a_lat,a_lon), b_coord).meters /1000
            b_rad = self._redis.get(REDIS_LOCATION_DATA_KEY % b_name)
            if distance_km < min(a_rad, b_rad):
                # self.emit([a_name, b_name], stream="output")
                self.log('Match found: %s, %s' % (a_name, b_name))
项目:Topik    作者:saurabh-deochake    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def findTopDistResults(self):
        db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost",    # your host, usually localhost
                             user="spd",         # your username
                             passwd="meraPassword",  # your password
                             db="topik")        # name of the data base

        curP = db.cursor()
        curT = db.cursor()
        curPop = db.cursor()

        curP.execute("SELECT * from posts;")
        curT.execute("CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE temp_distScore(score DOUBLE,uid NVARCHAR(20),pid NVARCHAR(20) PRIMARY KEY) engine=InnoDB;")

        rows = curP.fetchall()

        for row in rows:

            q_l = (,self.lng)
            row_l = (row[3],row[4])

            dist = vincenty(q_l, row_l).miles

            if(self.r >= dist):
                distScore = float(self.r-dist)/self.r
                distScore = 0

            curT.execute("INSERT INTO temp_distScore (score,uid,pid) VALUES (%s,%s,%s)",(distScore,row[1],row[5]))


项目:home-automation    作者:danionescu0    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def callback(self, location: LocationEvent) -> None:
        current_coordonates = (location.get_latitude(), location.get_longitude())
        distance_from_home = vincenty(self.__home_coordonates, current_coordonates).km
        phone_is_home = distance_from_home < self.HOME_RADIUS
        sensor = Sensor('phoneIsHome', Sensor.SensorType.PHONE_IS_HOME.value, False, phone_is_home)
项目:pokeslack    作者:timwah    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_distance(self):
        position = Pokeconfig.get().position
        distance = vincenty(position, self.position)
        if Pokeconfig.get().distance_unit == 'meters':
            return distance.meters
            return distance.miles
项目:Hanhan_Play_With_Social_Media    作者:hanhanwu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calculate_distance(merchant_loc, user_loc):
  geolocator = Nominatim()

  merchant_lat_lng = [Decimal(l) for l in merchant_loc.split(',')]
  al1 = (merchant_lat_lng[0], merchant_lat_lng[1])

  location2 = geolocator.geocode(user_loc)
  if location2 == None: return None
  al2 = (location2.latitude, location2.longitude)

  distce = vincenty(al1, al2).miles
  return distce
项目:cyphon    作者:dunbarcyber    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def center_width_m(self):
        Returns the width of the bounding box at its center latitude, in meters.
        ave_lat = (self.n_lat + self.s_lat) / 2
        return vincenty((ave_lat, self.w_lng), (ave_lat, self.e_lng)).meters
项目:cyphon    作者:dunbarcyber    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def height_m(self):
        Returns the height of the bounding box in meters.
        nw_pt = (self.n_lat, self.w_lng)
        sw_pt = (self.s_lat, self.w_lng)
        return vincenty(nw_pt, sw_pt).meters
项目:cyphon    作者:dunbarcyber    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_width_at_latitude_m(self, lat):
        Returns the width of the bounding box at the given latitude, in meters.
        east = (lat, self.e_lng)
        west = (lat, self.w_lng)
        return vincenty(east, west).meters
项目:cyphon    作者:dunbarcyber    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_center_width(self):
        Tests method for finding the average width of the bounding box in meters.
        bounds = Bounds(n_lat=50.0, s_lat=0.0, e_lng=25.0, w_lng=0.0)
        expected = vincenty((25.0, 0), (25.0, 25.0)).meters
        self.assertEqual(bounds.center_width_m, expected)
项目:cyphon    作者:dunbarcyber    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_dist_for_triangle(self):
        Tests the function calculate_farthest_dist_km for a triangle.
        points = ((0, 10), (0, 20), (20, 15))
        target = (0, 15)
        actual = shapes.calculate_farthest_dist_km(points, target)
        expected = vincenty((15, 20), (15, 0)).kilometers
        self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
项目:cyphon    作者:dunbarcyber    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_radius_for_rectangle(self):
        Tests the function calculate_polygon_radius_km for a rectangle.
        rectangle = Location.objects.get(pk=3)
        actual = shapes.calculate_polygon_radius_km(rectangle.geom)
        point = shapes.reverse_coordinate_order(rectangle.geom.centroid)
        expected = vincenty(point, (0, 1)).kilometers
        self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
项目:cyphon    作者:dunbarcyber    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_radius_for_polygon(self):
        Tests the function calculate_polygon_radius_km for a nonrectangular
        polygon = Location.objects.get(pk=7)
        actual = shapes.calculate_polygon_radius_km(polygon.geom)
        point = shapes.reverse_coordinate_order(polygon.geom.centroid)
        expected = vincenty(point, (8, 0)).kilometers
        self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
项目:cyphon    作者:dunbarcyber    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_radius_for_rectangle(self):
        Test case for a rectangle.
        rectangle = Location.objects.get(pk=3)
        actual = rectangle.radius_km
        expected = vincenty(rectangle.geom.centroid, (0, 1)).kilometers
        self.assertTrue(actual, expected)
项目:cyphon    作者:dunbarcyber    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_radius_for_polygon(self):
        Test case for a polygon.
        polygon = Location.objects.get(pk=4)
        actual = polygon.radius_km
        point = shapes.reverse_coordinate_order(polygon.geom.centroid)
        expected = vincenty(point, (8, 0)).kilometers
        self.assertTrue(actual, expected)
项目:cyphon    作者:dunbarcyber    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_radius_for_multipoly(self):
        Test case for a multipolygon.
        multipolygon = Location.objects.get(pk=8)
        actual = multipolygon.radius_km
        point = shapes.reverse_coordinate_order(multipolygon.geom.centroid)
        expected = vincenty(point, (20, 50)).kilometers
        self.assertTrue(actual, expected)
项目:sentence-classification    作者:bgmartins    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def geodistance( coords1 , coords2 ):
  lat1 , lon1 = coords1[ : 2]
  lat2 , lon2 = coords2[ : 2]
  try: return distance.vincenty( ( lat1 , lon1 ) , ( lat2 , lon2 ) ).meters / 1000.0
  except: return distance.great_circle( ( lat1 , lon1 ) , ( lat2 , lon2 ) ).meters / 1000.0
项目:Trip-Helper    作者:HezhiWang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def distance(lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2):
    Calculate the distance (miles) between 2 locations given their latitudes and longitudes
    add1 = (lat1,lng1)
    add2 = (lat2,lng2)
    d = vincenty(add1, add2).miles
    return d
项目:LineBot    作者:RaenonX    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def distance(self):
            Distance between two coordinates. Using WGS-84 ellipsoid ,vincenty formulae and geopy to calculate.
        return self._distance_km
项目:LineBot    作者:RaenonX    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calculate(source_coord, target_coord):
        Calculate the distance between provided coordinates and the direction from source coordinates to target coordinates.

            CoordinateRelationship object.
        dist = vincenty((, source_coord.lng), (, target_coord.lng)).km
        deg = CoordinateRelationship._calculate_deg(source_coord, target_coord)

        return CoordinateRelationship(dist, deg)
项目:stress_transfer    作者:google    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _ReadAndFilterData(filename, start_date, end_date, pos, distance):
  """Creates a filter function for the CSV reader, and reads csv data.

    filename: The path of the file to read.
    start_date: Start date we should begin filtering the data.
    end_date: End date we should begin filtering the data.
    pos: Location we should be filtering the data for.
    distance: Distance in KM for which we include aftershocks.

    List of dictionaries of ISC data.
  def _Filter(x):
    """Filter that we apply to all isc data."""
      # Remove the normal problems with the data.
      if not _IsRowValid(x): return False
      # Make sure the data point is in the date range specified.
      if not start_date <= x['date_time'] <= end_date: return False
      # Make sure the data point is within the distance specified.
      if vincenty((x['lat'], x['lon']), pos) > distance: return False
    except ValueError:
      # Vincenty doesn't always converge. If it fails to, then default to a
      # Great Circle distance.
      if great_circle((x['lat'], x['lon']), pos) > distance: return False
    return True
  return _ReadCsvFile(filename, data_validator=_Filter)
项目:the-best-art    作者:nicolehe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_ISS():
    api = requests.get("")
    data = api.json()
    iss = (data["iss_position"]["latitude"], data["iss_position"]["longitude"])
    home = (40.674974, -73.957325)
    dist = vincenty(iss, home).miles
    ISS_closeness = map_val(dist, 0.0, 12450.0, -1.0, 1.0)
    return -1.0 * ISS_closeness
项目:lookup-osm-wikidata    作者:amishas157    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def hasWikidata( wikidataId, l ):
    responsewiki = requests.get("" + wikidataId + "&format=json")
    datawiki = responsewiki.json()

    l['wiki:logs'] = ''
    for label in labels:
            l['wiki:wikidata'] = wikidataId
            wikilabels = datawiki["entities"][wikidataId]["labels"][label]["value"]
            l['wiki:label:'+label] = wikilabels
            l['wiki:logs'] += label + " Present,"
            l['wiki:logs'] += "No " + label +  " label,"
        l['wiki:label:en'] = datawiki["entities"][wikidataId]["labels"]["en"]["value"]
        l['wiki:label:en'] = ""
        l['wiki:wikipedia:en'] = datawiki["entities"][wikidataId]["sitelinks"]["enwiki"]["title"]
        l['wiki:wikipedia:en'] = ""

        latitude = datawiki["entities"][wikidataId]["claims"]["P625"][0]["mainsnak"]["datavalue"]["value"]["latitude"]
        longitude = datawiki["entities"][wikidataId]["claims"]["P625"][0]["mainsnak"]["datavalue"]["value"]["longitude"]

        geom_geojson = shapely.geometry.shape({"type": "Point", "coordinates": [longitude, latitude]})
        d = ast.literal_eval(l['osm:geometry'])
        geom_db = shapely.geometry.shape(d)

        centroid_geojson = geom_geojson.centroid
        centroid_db = geom_db.centroid

        distance = vincenty((centroid_geojson.x,centroid_geojson.y),(centroid_db.x, centroid_db.y)).km
        l['wiki:Distance'] = distance
    except Exception as e:
        l['wiki:Distance'] = ""
    return l
项目:chi-2016-localness    作者:joh12041    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_median_absolute_deviation(data_points, median):
    """Calculate Median Absolute Deviation of a set of points."""
    distances = []
    for i in range(0, len(data_points)):
            distances.append(vincenty(median, data_points[i]).kilometers)
        except ValueError:
            # Vincenty doesn't always converge so fall back on great circle distance which is less accurate but always converges
            distances.append(great_circle(median, data_points[i]).kilometers)
项目:chi-2016-localness    作者:joh12041    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def denomsum(test_median, data_points):
    """Provides the denominator of the weiszfeld algorithm."""
    temp = 0.0
    for i in range(0, len(data_points)):
            temp += 1 / vincenty(test_median, data_points[i]).kilometers
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            continue  # filter points that equal the median out (otherwise no convergence)
        except ValueError:
            # Vincenty doesn't always converge so fall back on great circle distance which is less accurate but always converges
            temp += 1 / great_circle(test_median, data_points[i]).kilometers
    return temp
项目:chi-2016-localness    作者:joh12041    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def numersum(test_median, data_point):
    """Provides the denominator of the weiszfeld algorithm depending on whether you are adjusting the candidate x or y."""
        return 1 / vincenty(test_median, data_point).kilometers
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        return 0  # filter points that equal the median out (otherwise no convergence)
    except ValueError:
        # Vincenty doesn't always converge so fall back on great circle distance which is less accurate but always converges
        return 1 / great_circle(test_median, data_point).kilometers
项目:chi-2016-localness    作者:joh12041    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def objfunc(test_median, data_points):
    """This function calculates the sum of linear distances from the current candidate median to all points
    in the data set, as such it is the objective function that we are minimising.
    temp = 0.0
    for i in range(0, len(data_points)):
            temp += vincenty(test_median, data_points[i]).kilometers
        except ValueError:
            # Vincenty doesn't always converge so fall back on great circle distance which is less accurate but always converges
            temp += great_circle(test_median, data_points[i]).kilometers
    return temp
项目:nikola-tesla-alexa    作者:mekolowich    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def MotherShipDistance():
    fremont_ca = (37.5483, -121.9886)
    distance=int(vincenty(fremont_ca, home).miles)
    text="Your car is currently %d %s from the Tesla factory in Fremont California" % (distance*distscale,distunits)
    return statement(text)


# "Unlock my car for 10 minutes."
项目:drone    作者:arunsoman    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def start_recording(self):
        print("inside gps")
        while self.shutdown:
            fd = self.port.readline()
            if fd.startswith(b'$GPRMC'):
                # print("*******", fd)
                result = fd.split(b',')
                if result[2] == b'A':
                    now = time.time()
                    self.activated = True

                        lat = int(result[3][:2]) + float(result[3][2:].decode('ascii',errors='ignore'))/60
                        lon = int(result[5][:3]) + float(result[5][3:].decode('ascii',errors='ignore')) / 60
                        # if self.long != lon or != lat:
                        #     dist = vincenty((, self.long),(lat,lon)).meters
                        #     speed = dist/ (now - self.last_time)
                        #     print("speed from latlong", speed)
                        #     for cb in self.callbacks:
                        #         cb(speed)
              , self.long,self.last_time = lat, lon, now
                    except Exception as oops:

                    self.activated = False

                    # now = time.time()
                    # dist = vincenty((, self.long),(lat,lon)).meters / (current[3] - self.latlong[3])
                    # current[3] = velocity
                    # self.latlong = current
                    # print("latlongg..",, self.long)
            if fd.startswith(b'$GPVTG'):
                if self.activated:
                    result = fd.split(b',')
                        gps_speed = float(result[7].decode('ascii',errors='ignore'))
                        print("speed from gps", gps_speed)

                        for cb in self.callbacks:

                    except Exception as oops:
                # print("ignoring..", fd)
            yield from asyncio.sleep(0.1)
项目:goose-search    作者:rezemika    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, uuid, geojson, search_preset, user_coordinates, timezone_name):
        self.uuid = uuid
        if geojson['geometry']['type'] == "Point":
            self.osm_meta = ("node", geojson["id"])
            self.coordinates = (
        else:  # Should be "LineString".
            self.osm_meta = ("way", geojson["id"])
            self.coordinates = (
        self.user_coords = user_coordinates
        self.search_preset = search_preset = geojson["properties"]
        self.default_address = self.get_default_address()
        self.string_address = ''
        self.distance = round(distance.vincenty(
            (user_coordinates[0], user_coordinates[1]), self.coordinates
        self.bearing = get_bearing(user_coordinates, self.coordinates)
        self.direction = deg2dir(self.bearing)
        oh_field ="opening_hours")
        self.opening_hours = None
        lang = get_language().split('-')[0]
        if lang not in ["fr", "en"]:
            lang = "en"
        if oh_field:
                self.opening_hours = humanized_opening_hours.HumanizedOpeningHours(
                    oh_field, lang, tz=pytz.timezone(timezone_name)
            except humanized_opening_hours.HOHError:
                # TODO : Warn user ?
                    "Opening hours - HOHError ; OSM_ID: '{id}' ; opening_hours: '{oh}'".format(
                self.opening_hours = None
            except Exception as e:
                # TODO : Warn user ?
                    "Opening hours - Error ; Exception: '{exception}' ; OSM_ID: '{id}' ; opening_hours: '{oh}'".format(
                self.opening_hours = None
        self.tags = self.get_tags()
        self.renderable_tags = [t[0] for t in self.tags]
项目:matchtools    作者:matchtools    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compare_coordinates(cls, coords1, coords2, *args, tolerance=None,
                            unit='km', **kwargs):
        Check if a distance between the pairs of coordinates provided is
        within the specified tolerance.

        Return True if yes, otherwise return False.

        Use geopy (

        Try to use Vincenty formula, if error occurs use Great Circle formula.

        :param coords1: pair of coordinates - a tuple of two numbers
        :param coords2: pair of coordinates - a tuple of two numbers
        :param tolerance: number
        :param unit: str, one of: 'kilometers', 'km', 'meters',
                                  'm', 'miles', 'mi', 'feet',
                                  'ft', 'nautical', 'nm'
        :rtype: bool


        >>> a, b = (36.1332600, -5.4505100), (35.8893300, -5.3197900)
        >>> MatchBlock.compare_coordinates(a, b, tolerance=20, unit='mi')

        >>> a, b = (36.1332600, -5.4505100), (35.8893300, -5.3197900)
        >>> MatchBlock.compare_coordinates(a, b, tolerance=1, unit='mi')

        if tolerance is None:
            tolerance = cls.coordinates_tolerance

        units = {'kilometers', 'km', 'meters', 'm', 'miles', 'mi',
                 'feet', 'ft', 'nautical', 'nm'}

        unit = unit.strip().lower()
        if unit not in units:
            raise ValueError('unsupported unit')

            length = getattr(vincenty(coords1, coords2, *args, **kwargs), unit)
        except ValueError as e:
            if 'Vincenty formula failed to converge!' in e.args:
                    'vincenty formula failed, using great circle formula')
                length = getattr(great_circle(coords1, coords2, *args), unit)

        return length <= tolerance
项目:urbanaccess    作者:UDST    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _connector_edges(osm_nodes, transit_nodes, travel_speed_mph=3):
    Generate the connector edges between the osm and transit edges and
    weight by travel time

    osm_nodes : pandas.DataFrame
        osm nodes DataFrame
    transit_nodes : pandas.DataFrame
        transit nodes DataFrame
    travel_speed_mph : int, optional
        travel speed to use to calculate travel time across a
        distance on a edge. units are in miles per hour (MPH)
        for pedestrian travel this is assumed to be 3 MPH

    net_connector_edges : pandas.DataFrame

    start_time = time.time()

    transit_nodes['nearest_osm_node'] = _nearest_neighbor(
        osm_nodes[['x', 'y']],
        transit_nodes[['x', 'y']])

    net_connector_edges = []

    for transit_node_id, row in transit_nodes.iterrows():
        # create new edge between the node in df2 (transit)
        # and the node in openstreetmap (pedestrian)

        osm_node_id = int(row['nearest_osm_node'])
        osm_row = osm_nodes.loc[osm_node_id]

        distance = vincenty((row['y'], row['x']),
                            (osm_row['y'], osm_row['x'])).miles
        time_ped_to_transit = distance / travel_speed_mph * 60
        time_transit_to_ped = distance / travel_speed_mph * 60

        # save the edge
        net_type = 'transit to osm'
        net_connector_edges.append((transit_node_id, osm_node_id,
                                    time_transit_to_ped, net_type))
        # make the edge bi-directional
        net_type = 'osm to transit'
        net_connector_edges.append((osm_node_id, transit_node_id,
                                    time_ped_to_transit, net_type))

    net_connector_edges = pd.DataFrame(net_connector_edges,
                                       columns=["from", "to",
                                                "weight", "net_type"])

        'Connector edges between the OSM and transit network nodes '
        'successfully completed. Took {:,.2f} seconds'.format(
            time.time() - start_time))

    return net_connector_edges
项目:cyphon    作者:dunbarcyber    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def factor_polygon_into_circles(polygon, radius_km):
    Takes a GEOSGeomtery Polygon and a radius in kilometers. Returns a list
    of (lng, lat) tuples representing the centers of circles of the specified
    radius that together cover the area of the Polygon.
    safety_buffer = 0.01  # small safety buffer for overlap

    if not isinstance(polygon, Polygon):
        raise TypeError('object is not a Polygon')

    if radius_km <= safety_buffer:
        raise ValueError('radius must be greater than safety buffer')

    # get the bounds of the polygon with a small safety buffer
    buffer_dist_m = (radius_km * 1000) * safety_buffer
    bounds = create_buffered_bounds(polygon, buffer_dist_m)

    # get the space between circle centers, with a safety margin of 10 meters
    dist_bw_centers_m = calculate_circle_spacing(radius_km * 1000, overlap_m=10)

    # create a coordinate calculator for the increment distance
    calculator = vincenty(meters=dist_bw_centers_m)

    points = []  # array for collecting the circle centers

    # position first point so the circle intersects with the sw corner of bounds
    starting_pt = vincenty(kilometers=radius_km).destination(
        point=(bounds.s_lat, bounds.w_lng),

    # get the starting latitude
    lat = starting_pt.latitude

    # find the number of rows of circles needed to span the height of the polygon
    rows = int(math.ceil(bounds.height_m / dist_bw_centers_m))

    for dummy_row_idx in range(rows):

        # reset the starting longitude before each west-to-east loop
        lng = starting_pt.longitude

        # get the distance between w_lng and e_lng at the current latitude
        width_m = bounds.get_width_at_latitude_m(lat)

        # find the number of columns of circles needed to span the width
        cols = int(math.ceil(width_m / dist_bw_centers_m))

        for dummy_col_idx in range(cols):

            # add current coordinates to point array
            points.append((lng, lat))

            # calculate next point to the east and increment longitude
            lng = calculator.destination(point=(lat, lng), bearing=90).longitude

        # calculate next point to the north and increment latitude
        lat = calculator.destination(point=(lat, lng), bearing=0).latitude

    return points
项目:chi-2016-localness    作者:joh12041    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_user_median(data_points, num_iter, csvwriter, current_uid):
    if len(data_points) < LIMIT_POINTS:  # Insufficient points for the user - don't record median
        if OUTPUT_ALL_USERS:
            csvwriter.writerow([current_uid, None])
        if SNAP_TO_USER_POINTS: # ensure median is one of the user's points
            lowest_dev = float("inf")
            for point in data_points:
                tmp_abs_dev = objfunc(point, data_points)
                if tmp_abs_dev < lowest_dev:
                    lowest_dev = tmp_abs_dev
                    test_median = point
            test_median = cand_median(data_points)  # Calculate centroid more or less as starting point
            if objfunc(test_median, data_points) != 0:  # points aren't all the same
                # iterate to find reasonable estimate of median
                for x in range(0, num_iter):
                    denom = denomsum(test_median, data_points)
                    next_lat = 0.0
                    next_lon = 0.0

                    for y in range(0, len(data_points)):
                        next_lat += (data_points[y][0] * numersum(test_median, data_points[y])) / denom
                        next_lon += (data_points[y][1] * numersum(test_median, data_points[y])) / denom

                    prev_median = test_median
                    test_median = (next_lat, next_lon)
                        if vincenty(prev_median, test_median).meters < DISTANCE_THRESHOLD:
                        if great_circle(prev_median, test_median).meters < DISTANCE_THRESHOLD:

                if x == num_iter - 1:
                    print('{0}: failed to converge. Last change between iterations was {1} meters.'.format(current_uid, great_circle(prev_median, test_median).meters))

        # Check if user points are under the limit median absolute deviation
        if check_median_absolute_deviation(data_points, test_median) <= LIMIT_MAD:
            csvwriter.writerow([current_uid, (round(test_median[0],6), round(test_median[1],6))])
            if OUTPUT_ALL_USERS:
                csvwriter.writerow([current_uid, None])