Python gevent 模块,__version__() 实例源码


项目:zeronet-debian    作者:bashrc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main(self):"Version: %s r%s, Python %s, Gevent: %s" % (config.version, config.rev, sys.version, gevent.__version__))
        global ui_server, file_server
        from File import FileServer
        from Ui import UiServer"Creating FileServer....")
        file_server = FileServer()"Creating UiServer....")
        ui_server = UiServer()"Removing old SSL certs...")
        from Crypt import CryptConnection
        CryptConnection.manager.removeCerts()"Starting servers....")
        gevent.joinall([gevent.spawn(ui_server.start), gevent.spawn(file_server.start)])

    # Site commands
项目:zeronet-debian    作者:bashrc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def formatError(self, title, message, details=True):
        import sys
        import gevent

        if details:
            details = {key: val for key, val in self.env.items() if hasattr(val, "endswith") and "COOKIE" not in key}
            details["version_zeronet"] = "%s r%s" % (config.version, config.rev)
            details["version_python"] = sys.version
            details["version_gevent"] = gevent.__version__
            details["plugins"] = PluginManager.plugin_manager.plugin_names
            arguments = {key: val for key, val in vars(config.arguments).items() if "password" not in key}
            details["arguments"] = arguments
            return """
                * { font-family: Consolas, Monospace; color: #333 }
                pre { padding: 10px; background-color: #EEE }
                <h3>Please <a href="" target="_blank">report it</a> if you think this an error.</h3>
            """ % (title, message, json.dumps(details, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
            return """
            """ % (title, message)

# - Reload for eaiser developing -
# def reload():
    # import imp, sys
    # global UiWebsocket
    # UiWebsocket = imp.load_source("UiWebsocket", "src/Ui/").UiWebsocket
    # reload(sys.modules["User.UserManager"])
    # UserManager.reloadModule()
    # self.user = UserManager.user_manager.getCurrent()
项目:Intranet-Penetration    作者:yuxiaokui    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def info(self):
        info = ''
        info += '------------------------------------------------------\n'
        info += 'PHP Proxy Version    : %s (python/%s gevent/%s pyopenssl/%s)\n' % (__version__, platform.python_version(), gevent.__version__, OpenSSL.__version__)
        info += 'Uvent Version      : %s (pyuv/%s libuv/%s)\n' % (__import__('uvent').__version__, __import__('pyuv').__version__, __import__('pyuv').LIBUV_VERSION) if all(x in sys.modules for x in ('pyuv', 'uvent')) else ''

        info += 'Local Proxy        : %s:%s\n' % (self.PROXY_HOST, self.PROXY_PORT) if self.PROXY_ENABLE else ''
        info += 'Debug INFO         : %s\n' % self.LISTEN_DEBUGINFO if self.LISTEN_DEBUGINFO else ''
        if common.GAE_ENABLE:
            info += 'Listen Address     : %s:%d\n' % (self.LISTEN_IP, self.LISTEN_PORT)
            info += 'GAE Mode           : %s\n' % self.GAE_MODE
            info += 'GAE IPv6           : %s\n' % self.GAE_IPV6 if self.GAE_IPV6 else ''
            info += 'GAE APPID          : %s\n' % '|'.join(self.GAE_APPIDS)
            info += 'GAE Validate       : %s\n' % self.GAE_VALIDATE if self.GAE_VALIDATE else ''
            info += 'GAE Obfuscate      : %s\n' % self.GAE_OBFUSCATE if self.GAE_OBFUSCATE else ''
        if common.PAC_ENABLE:
            info += 'Pac Server         : http://%s:%d/%s\n' % (self.PAC_IP if self.PAC_IP and self.PAC_IP != '' else ProxyUtil.get_listen_ip(), self.PAC_PORT, self.PAC_FILE)
            info += 'Pac File           : file://%s\n' % os.path.abspath(self.PAC_FILE)
        if common.PHP_ENABLE:
            info += 'PHP Listen         : %s\n' % common.PHP_LISTEN
            info += 'PHP FetchServers   : %s\n' % common.PHP_FETCHSERVERS
        if common.DNS_ENABLE:
            info += 'DNS Listen         : %s\n' % common.DNS_LISTEN
            info += 'DNS Servers        : %s\n' % '|'.join(common.DNS_SERVERS)
        info += '------------------------------------------------------\n'
        return info
项目:oa_qian    作者:sunqb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_gevent_version(self):
            import gevent
        except ImportError:
            raise SkipTest('gevent not available.')
        env_version = os.environ.get('GEVENT_VERSION')
        if env_version:
            self.assertEqual(env_version, gevent.__version__)
项目:xxNet    作者:drzorm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def info(self):
        info = ''
        info += '------------------------------------------------------\n'
        info += 'PHP Proxy Version    : %s (python/%s gevent/%s pyopenssl/%s)\n' % (__version__, platform.python_version(), gevent.__version__, OpenSSL.__version__)
        info += 'Uvent Version      : %s (pyuv/%s libuv/%s)\n' % (__import__('uvent').__version__, __import__('pyuv').__version__, __import__('pyuv').LIBUV_VERSION) if all(x in sys.modules for x in ('pyuv', 'uvent')) else ''

        info += 'Local Proxy        : %s:%s\n' % (self.PROXY_HOST, self.PROXY_PORT) if self.PROXY_ENABLE else ''
        info += 'Debug INFO         : %s\n' % self.LISTEN_DEBUGINFO if self.LISTEN_DEBUGINFO else ''
        if common.GAE_ENABLE:
            info += 'Listen Address     : %s:%d\n' % (self.LISTEN_IP, self.LISTEN_PORT)
            info += 'GAE Mode           : %s\n' % self.GAE_MODE
            info += 'GAE IPv6           : %s\n' % self.GAE_IPV6 if self.GAE_IPV6 else ''
            info += 'GAE APPID          : %s\n' % '|'.join(self.GAE_APPIDS)
            info += 'GAE Validate       : %s\n' % self.GAE_VALIDATE if self.GAE_VALIDATE else ''
            info += 'GAE Obfuscate      : %s\n' % self.GAE_OBFUSCATE if self.GAE_OBFUSCATE else ''
        if common.PAC_ENABLE:
            info += 'Pac Server         : http://%s:%d/%s\n' % (self.PAC_IP if self.PAC_IP and self.PAC_IP != '' else ProxyUtil.get_listen_ip(), self.PAC_PORT, self.PAC_FILE)
            info += 'Pac File           : file://%s\n' % os.path.abspath(self.PAC_FILE)
        if common.PHP_ENABLE:
            info += 'PHP Listen         : %s\n' % common.PHP_LISTEN
            info += 'PHP FetchServers   : %s\n' % common.PHP_FETCHSERVERS
        if common.DNS_ENABLE:
            info += 'DNS Listen         : %s\n' % common.DNS_LISTEN
            info += 'DNS Servers        : %s\n' % '|'.join(common.DNS_SERVERS)
        info += '------------------------------------------------------\n'
        return info
项目:Docker-XX-Net    作者:kuanghy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def info(self):
        info = ''
        info += '------------------------------------------------------\n'
        info += 'PHP Proxy Version    : %s (python/%s gevent/%s pyopenssl/%s)\n' % (__version__, platform.python_version(), gevent.__version__, OpenSSL.__version__)
        info += 'Uvent Version      : %s (pyuv/%s libuv/%s)\n' % (__import__('uvent').__version__, __import__('pyuv').__version__, __import__('pyuv').LIBUV_VERSION) if all(x in sys.modules for x in ('pyuv', 'uvent')) else ''

        info += 'Local Proxy        : %s:%s\n' % (self.PROXY_HOST, self.PROXY_PORT) if self.PROXY_ENABLE else ''
        info += 'Debug INFO         : %s\n' % self.LISTEN_DEBUGINFO if self.LISTEN_DEBUGINFO else ''
        if common.GAE_ENABLE:
            info += 'Listen Address     : %s:%d\n' % (self.LISTEN_IP, self.LISTEN_PORT)
            info += 'GAE Mode           : %s\n' % self.GAE_MODE
            info += 'GAE IPv6           : %s\n' % self.GAE_IPV6 if self.GAE_IPV6 else ''
            info += 'GAE APPID          : %s\n' % '|'.join(self.GAE_APPIDS)
            info += 'GAE Validate       : %s\n' % self.GAE_VALIDATE if self.GAE_VALIDATE else ''
            info += 'GAE Obfuscate      : %s\n' % self.GAE_OBFUSCATE if self.GAE_OBFUSCATE else ''
        if common.PAC_ENABLE:
            info += 'Pac Server         : http://%s:%d/%s\n' % (self.PAC_IP if self.PAC_IP and self.PAC_IP != '' else ProxyUtil.get_listen_ip(), self.PAC_PORT, self.PAC_FILE)
            info += 'Pac File           : file://%s\n' % os.path.abspath(self.PAC_FILE)
        if common.PHP_ENABLE:
            info += 'PHP Listen         : %s\n' % common.PHP_LISTEN
            info += 'PHP FetchServers   : %s\n' % common.PHP_FETCHSERVERS
        if common.DNS_ENABLE:
            info += 'DNS Listen         : %s\n' % common.DNS_LISTEN
            info += 'DNS Servers        : %s\n' % '|'.join(common.DNS_SERVERS)
        info += '------------------------------------------------------\n'
        return info
项目:Proxy-Factory    作者:ping99    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def summary(self):
        info = ''
        info += '------------------------------------------------------\n'
        info += 'GoAgent Version    : %s (python/%s gevent/%s pyopenssl/%s)\n' % (__version__, sys.version[:5], gevent.__version__, OpenSSL.__version__)
        info += 'Uvent Version      : %s (pyuv/%s libuv/%s)\n' % (__import__('uvent').__version__, __import__('pyuv').__version__, __import__('pyuv').LIBUV_VERSION) if all(x in sys.modules for x in ('pyuv', 'uvent')) else ''
        info += 'Listen Address     : %s:%d\n' % (self.LISTEN_IP, self.LISTEN_PORT)
        info += 'Local Proxy        : %s:%s\n' % (self.PROXY_HOST, self.PROXY_PORT) if self.PROXY_ENABLE else ''
        info += 'Debug INFO         : %s\n' % self.LISTEN_DEBUGINFO if self.LISTEN_DEBUGINFO else ''
        info += 'GAE Mode           : %s\n' % ('%s (%s)' % (self.GAE_MODE, self.GAE_SSLVERSION) if common.GAE_MODE == 'https' else self.GAE_MODE)
        info += 'GAE IPv6           : %s\n' % self.GAE_IPV6 if self.GAE_IPV6 else ''
        info += 'GAE APPID          : %s\n' % '|'.join(self.GAE_APPIDS)
        info += 'GAE Validate       : %s\n' % self.GAE_VALIDATE if self.GAE_VALIDATE else ''
        info += 'GAE Obfuscate      : %s\n' % self.GAE_OBFUSCATE if self.GAE_OBFUSCATE else ''
        if common.PAC_ENABLE:
            info += 'Pac Server         : http://%s:%d/%s\n' % (self.PAC_IP if self.PAC_IP and self.PAC_IP != '' else ProxyUtil.get_listen_ip(), self.PAC_PORT, self.PAC_FILE)
            info += 'Pac File           : file://%s\n' % os.path.abspath(self.PAC_FILE)
        if common.PHP_ENABLE:
            info += 'PHP Listen         : %s\n' % common.PHP_LISTEN
            info += 'PHP FetchServer    : %s\n' % common.PHP_FETCHSERVER
        if common.VPS_ENABLE:
            info += 'VPS Listen         : %s\n' % common.VPS_LISTEN
            info += 'VPS FetchServer    : %s\n' % common.VPS_FETCHSERVER
        if common.DNS_ENABLE:
            info += 'DNS Listen         : %s\n' % common.DNS_LISTEN
            info += 'DNS Servers        : %s\n' % '|'.join(common.DNS_SERVERS)
        info += '------------------------------------------------------\n'
        return info