Python google.appengine.ext.ndb 模块,transactional() 实例源码


项目:sndlatr    作者:Schibum    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_to_queue(self, url=None, target_state='queued', countdown=0):
        Adds job to task queue and transactionally updates state to 'queued'
        and saves job.
        Does nothing if state is not 'scheduled'.
        if self.state != 'scheduled':
            logging.warn('tried to add job {} with state {}, to queue, '
                         'doing nothing'.format(self.key, self.state))
        if url is None:
            url = self.queue_url
        logging.debug(u'scheduling job {} for {}'.format(self.key,
                      payload=json.dumps({'key': self.key.urlsafe()}),
        self.state = target_state
项目:appenginetaskutils    作者:emlynoregan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def intask(self, nameprefix, f, *args, **kwargs):
        taskkwargs = self.get_taskkwargs()

        if nameprefix:
            name = "%s-%s" % (nameprefix,
            taskkwargs["name"] = name
        elif taskkwargs.get("name"):
            del taskkwargs["name"]
        taskkwargs["transactional"] = False

        def dof():
            f(*args, **kwargs)

            # run the wrapper task, and if it fails due to a name clash just skip it (it was already kicked off by an earlier
            # attempt to construct this future).
#             logdebug("about to run task %s" % name)
        except taskqueue.TombstonedTaskError:
            logdebug("skip adding task %s (already been run)" % name)
        except taskqueue.TaskAlreadyExistsError:
            logdebug("skip adding task %s (already running)" % name)
项目:appenginetaskutils    作者:emlynoregan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _calculate_progress(self, localprogress):
        newcalculatedprogress = localprogress
        def get_children_trans():
            return get_children(self.key)
        children = get_children_trans()

        if children:
            for child in children:
                newcalculatedprogress += child.get_calculatedprogress()

        return newcalculatedprogress        

#     def update_result(self):
#         if self.readyforresult:
#             updateresultf = UpdateResultF #pickle.loads(self.updateresultfser) if self.updateresultfser else DefaultUpdateResultF
#             updateresultf(self)
#             # note that updateresultf can change the status
#             if self.status == "failure":
#                 self._callOnFailure()
#             elif self.status == "success":
#                 self._callOnSuccess()
项目:appenginetaskutils    作者:emlynoregan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_success(self, result):
        selfkey = self.key
        def set_status_transactional():
            self = selfkey.get()
            didput = False
            if self.readyforresult and not self.status:
                self.status = "success"
                self.initialised = True
                self.readyforresult = True
                self.resultser = cloudpickle.dumps(result)
                self.runtimesec = self.get_runtime().total_seconds()
                didput = True
            return self, didput
        self, needcalls = set_status_transactional()
        if needcalls:
项目:appbackendapi    作者:codesdk    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_note():
    page_name = flask.request.args.get('page_name', 'default')
    note_title = flask.request.form['note_title']
    note_text = flask.request.form['note_text']

    parent = parent_key(page_name)

    choice = random.randint(0, 1)
    if choice == 0:
        # Use transactional function
        # [START calling]
        note_key = ndb.Key(Note, note_title, parent=parent)
        note = Note(key=note_key, content=note_text)
        # [END calling]
        if pick_random_insert(note_key, note) is False:
            return ('Already there<br><a href="%s">Return</a>'
                    % flask.url_for('main_page', page_name=page_name))
        return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('main_page', page_name=page_name))
    elif choice == 1:
        # Use get_or_insert, which is transactional
        note = Note.get_or_insert(note_title, parent=parent, content=note_text)
        if note.content != note_text:
            return ('Already there<br><a href="%s">Return</a>'
                    % flask.url_for('main_page', page_name=page_name))
        return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('main_page', page_name=page_name))
项目:raw-data-repository    作者:all-of-us    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_id():
  """Reserve a globally unique ID.

  The system will create a random number between MIN_ID and MAX_ID.  It then
  attempts to create a record in datastore reserving that ID.  If the attempt
  succeeds, the ID is handed out.  If it fails, it tries again.
  while True:
      candidate = random.randint(MIN_ID, MAX_ID)
      # _check_and_create_record will create the record without using a
      # transaction.  Then _reserve_candidate will flip the reserved flag within
      # a transaction.  Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that transactional
      # gurantees don't extend to two threads creating the same entity at the
      # same time.
      if _reserve_candidate(candidate):
        return candidate
    except TransactionFailedError:
项目:appenginetaskutils    作者:emlynoregan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GetChildren(self):
        def get_children_trans():
            return get_children(self.key)
        return get_children_trans()
项目:appenginetaskutils    作者:emlynoregan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_failure(self, exception):
        selfkey = self.key
        def set_status_transactional():
            self = selfkey.get()
            didput = False
            if not self.status:
                self.status = "failure"
                self.initialised = True
                self.readyforresult = True
                self.exceptionser = cloudpickle.dumps(exception)
                self.runtimesec = self.get_runtime().total_seconds()
                didput = True
            return self, didput
        self, needcalls = set_status_transactional()
        if needcalls:

            if not self.parentkey:
                # top level. Fail everything below
                taskkwargs = self.get_taskkwargs()

                def failchildren(futurekey):
                    children = get_children(futurekey)
                    if children:
                        for child in children:

项目:appenginetaskutils    作者:emlynoregan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_readyforesult(self):
        selfkey = self.key
        def set_status_transactional():
            self = selfkey.get()
            didput = False
            if not self.readyforresult:
                self.initialised = True
                self.readyforresult = True
                didput = True
            return self, didput
        self, _ = set_status_transactional()
项目:appenginetaskutils    作者:emlynoregan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_initialised(self):
        selfkey = self.key
        def set_status_transactional():
            self = selfkey.get()
            didput = False
            if not self.initialised:
                self.initialised = True
                didput = True
            return self, didput
        self, _ = set_status_transactional()
项目:appbackendapi    作者:codesdk    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def post(self):
        amount = int(self.request.get('amount'))

        # This task should run at most once per second because of the datastore
        # transaction write throughput.
        def update_counter():
            counter = Counter.get_or_insert(COUNTER_KEY, count=0)
            counter.count += amount

项目:appbackendapi    作者:codesdk    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def insert_if_absent_taskq(note_key, note):
    taskqueue.add(url=flask.url_for('taskq_worker'), transactional=True)
    # do insert
    # [END taskq]
    fetch = note_key.get()
    if fetch is None:
        return True
    return False
项目:appenginetaskutils    作者:emlynoregan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GenerateOnAllChildSuccess(parentkey, initialvalue, combineresultf, failonerror=True):
    def OnAllChildSuccess():
        logdebug("Enter GenerateOnAllChildSuccess: %s" % parentkey)
        parentfuture = parentkey.get() if parentkey else None
        if parentfuture and not parentfuture.has_result():
            if not parentfuture.initialised or not parentfuture.readyforresult:
                raise Exception("Parent not initialised, retry")

            def get_children_trans():
                return get_children(parentfuture.key)
            children = get_children_trans()

            logdebug("children: %s" % [child.key for child in children])
            if children:
                result = initialvalue
                error = None
                finished = True
                for childfuture in children:
                    logdebug("childfuture: %s" % childfuture.key)
                    if childfuture.has_result():
                            childresult = childfuture.get_result()
                            logdebug("childresult(%s): %s" % (childfuture.status, childresult))
                            result = combineresultf(result, childresult)
                            logdebug("hasresult:%s" % result)
                        except Exception, ex:
                            logdebug("haserror:%s" % repr(ex))
                            error = ex
                        finished = False

                if error:
                    logwarning("Internal error, child has error in OnAllChildSuccess: %s" % error)
                    if failonerror:
                        raise error
                elif finished:
                    logdebug("result: %s" % result)
                    parentfuture.set_success(result)#(result, initialamount, keyrange))
                    logdebug("child not finished in OnAllChildSuccess, skipping")
                logwarning("Internal error, parent has no children in OnAllChildSuccess")
                parentfuture.set_failure(Exception("no children found"))

    return OnAllChildSuccess