Python graphviz 模块,Graph() 实例源码


项目:monkeys    作者:hchasestevens    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def node_graph(node):
    """Create a graph representing a node."""
    graph = graphviz.Graph()
    counter = itertools.count(1)
    graph.node('0', label=str(node.f.__name__))
    frontier = [('0', child) for child in node.children]
    while frontier:
        parent, node = frontier.pop()
        node_num = str(next(counter))
        graph.node(node_num, label=str(node.f.__name__))
        graph.edge(parent, node_num)
        frontier.extend((node_num, child) for child in node.children)
    return graph
项目:pygraph    作者:EntilZha    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main(engine, undirected, format, name, dot, file, edges, no_vertex_labels):
    if undirected:
        graph = graphviz.Graph(engine=engine, format=format)
        graph = graphviz.Digraph(engine=engine, format=format)
    if name:
        graph.body.append(r'label = "{0}"'.format(name))
    edges = seq(edges).map(split_edge)

    if no_vertex_labels: e: (e.left, e.right)).flatten().distinct()\
            .filter_not(lambda n: n is None).for_each(lambda n: graph.node(n, label=''))
    else: e: (e.left, e.right)).flatten().distinct() \
            .filter_not(lambda n: n is None).for_each(lambda n: graph.node(n))

    edges.filter(lambda e: e.right is not None) \
        .for_each(lambda e: graph.edge(e.left, e.right, label=e.label))
    filepath, filename = path.split(file)
    filepath = filepath if filepath != '' else None
    graph.render(filename=filename, directory=filepath, cleanup=not dot)
项目:ansibilo    作者:Polyconseil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def export_to_dot(host_groups, data_center_prefix='dc-'):
    dc_colors = _colors('white', '#238b45')
    host_colors = _colors('black', '#66c2a4')
    role_colors = _colors('black', '#b2e2e2')

    graph = graphviz.Graph()
    graph.attr('graph', overlap='false', layout='neato', comment=ANSIBLE_INVENTORY_TAG)
    for fqdn, labels in host_groups.items():
        host = fqdn.split('.')[0]
        graph.node(host, **host_colors)
        for label in labels:
            if label.startswith(data_center_prefix):
                graph.node(label, **dc_colors)
                graph.edge(label, host, **dc_colors)
                graph.node(label, **role_colors)
                graph.edge(host, label, **role_colors)

    return graph
项目:matchpy    作者:HPAC    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bipartite_as_graph(self) -> Graph:  # pragma: no cover
        """Returns a :class:`graphviz.Graph` representation of this bipartite graph."""
        if Graph is None:
            raise ImportError('The graphviz package is required to draw the graph.')
        graph = Graph()
        nodes_left = {}  # type: Dict[TLeft, str]
        nodes_right = {}  # type: Dict[TRight, str]
        node_id = 0
        for (left, right), value in self.bipartite._edges.items():
            if left not in nodes_left:
                name = 'node{:d}'.format(node_id)
                nodes_left[left] = name
                label = str(self.subjects_by_id[left])
                graph.node(name, label=label)
                node_id += 1
            if right not in nodes_right:
                name = 'node{:d}'.format(node_id)
                nodes_right[right] = name
                label = str(self.automaton.patterns[right][0])
                graph.node(name, label=label)
                node_id += 1
            edge_label = value is not True and str(value) or ''
            graph.edge(nodes_left[left], nodes_right[right], edge_label)
        return graph
项目:matchpy    作者:HPAC    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def as_graph(self) -> Graph:  # pragma: no cover
        """Returns a :class:`graphviz.Graph` representation of this bipartite graph."""
        if Graph is None:
            raise ImportError('The graphviz package is required to draw the graph.')
        graph = Graph()
        nodes_left = {}  # type: Dict[TLeft, str]
        nodes_right = {}  # type: Dict[TRight, str]
        node_id = 0
        for (left, right), value in self._edges.items():
            if left not in nodes_left:
                name = 'node{:d}'.format(node_id)
                nodes_left[left] = name
                graph.node(name, label=str(left))
                node_id += 1
            if right not in nodes_right:
                name = 'node{:d}'.format(node_id)
                nodes_right[right] = name
                graph.node(name, label=str(right))
                node_id += 1
            edge_label = value is not True and str(value) or ''
            graph.edge(nodes_left[left], nodes_right[right], edge_label)
        return graph
项目:scion-web    作者:netsec-ethz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def draw_SCION_topology(topology_dict, n_labels, e_labels):
    Draws the Scion topology from a topology dictionary
    returned by parse_gen_folder.
    :param dictionary topology_dict: dictionary returned by parse_gen_folder,
            boolean ip_addresses: indicates if node labels are drawn,
            boolean edge_labels: indicates if edge labels are drawn
    :return Dot graph: graph of the SCION topology
    isd_graphs = {}
    dot = Graph(name='topology',filename='topology.gv',comment='SCION-net')
    ISDs = topology_dict["ISD"]
    # draw each ISD graph
    for ISD in ISDs:
        isd_graphs[ISD] = draw_isd_graph(ISD, ISDs[ISD]["AS"], e_labels, n_labels)
    # put all isd graphs into the same graph
    for ISD in isd_graphs:
    # add edges between ISDs
    dot = draw_inter_ISD_edges(dot, ISDs, e_labels)
    return dot
项目:pycircuit    作者:dvc94ch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_graphviz(self):
    graph = Graph()
    assigns = ['<%s> %s' % (str(assign.uid), str(assign)) for assign in self.assigns]
    graph.node(str(self.uid), '{%s | %s}' % (, '|'.join(assigns)), shape='record')
    return graph
项目:pycircuit    作者:dvc94ch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_graphviz(self, filename):
    graph = Graph()
    graph.format = 'svg'
    for inst in self.insts:
    for net in self.nets:
        graph.node(str(net.uid), str(net))
    for assign in self.assigns:
        _from = '%s:%s' % (str(assign.terminal.inst.uid), str(assign.uid))
        graph.edge(_from, str(
项目:matchpy    作者:HPAC    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def concrete_bipartite_as_graph(self, subjects, patterns) -> Graph:  # pragma: no cover
        """Returns a :class:`graphviz.Graph` representation of this bipartite graph."""
        if Graph is None:
            raise ImportError('The graphviz package is required to draw the graph.')
        bipartite = self._build_bipartite(subjects, patterns)
        graph = Graph()
        nodes_left = {}  # type: Dict[TLeft, str]
        nodes_right = {}  # type: Dict[TRight, str]
        node_id = 0
        for (left, right), value in bipartite._edges.items():
            if left not in nodes_left:
                subject_id, i = left
                name = 'node{:d}'.format(node_id)
                nodes_left[left] = name
                label = '{}, {}'.format(i, self.subjects_by_id[subject_id])
                graph.node(name, label=label)
                node_id += 1
            if right not in nodes_right:
                pattern, i = right
                name = 'node{:d}'.format(node_id)
                nodes_right[right] = name
                label = '{}, {}'.format(i, self.automaton.patterns[pattern][0])
                graph.node(name, label=label)
                node_id += 1
            edge_label = value is not True and str(value) or ''
            graph.edge(nodes_left[left], nodes_right[right], edge_label)
        return graph
项目:pyneng-examples-exercises    作者:natenka    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def draw_topology(topology_dict, output_filename='img/topology'):
    topology_dict - ??????? ? ????????? ?????????

    ???? ???????
        {('R4', 'Fa0/1'): ('R5', 'Fa0/1'),
         ('R4', 'Fa0/2'): ('R6', 'Fa0/0')}

    ????????????? ?????????:
    [ R5 ]-Fa0/1 --- Fa0/1-[ R4 ]-Fa0/2---Fa0/0-[ R6 ]

    ??????? ?????????? ?????????, ? ??????? svg.
    ? ?????????? ???? topology.svg ? ??????? img.
    nodes = set([item[0]
                 for item in list(topology_dict.keys())
                           + list(topology_dict.values())])

    g1 = gv.Graph(format='svg')

    for node in nodes:

    for key, value in topology_dict.items():
        head, t_label = key
        tail, h_label = value
        g1.edge(head, tail, headlabel=h_label, taillabel=t_label, label=" "*12)

    g1 = apply_styles(g1, styles)
    filename = g1.render(filename=output_filename)
    print( "Graph saved in", filename )
项目:pyneng-examples-exercises    作者:natenka    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def draw_topology(topology_dict, out_filename='img/topology', style_dict=styles):
    topology_dict - ??????? ? ????????? ?????????

    ?????? ??????? topology_dict:
        {('R4', 'Eth0/1'): ('R5', 'Eth0/1'),
         ('R4', 'Eth0/2'): ('R6', 'Eth0/0')}

    ????????????? ?????????:
    [ R5 ]-Eth0/1 --- Eth0/1-[ R4 ]-Eth0/2---Eth0/0-[ R6 ]

    ??????? ?????????? ?????????, ? ??????? svg.
    ? ?????????? ???? topology.svg ? ??????? img.
    nodes = set([item[0]
                 for item in list(topology_dict.keys())
                           + list(topology_dict.values())])

    graph = gv.Graph(format='svg')

    for node in nodes:

    for key, value in topology_dict.items():
        head, t_label = key
        tail, h_label = value
        graph.edge(head, tail, headlabel=h_label, taillabel=t_label, label=" "*12)

    graph = apply_styles(graph, style_dict)
    filename = graph.render(filename=out_filename)
    print( "Topology saved in", filename )
项目:SNAnalyzer    作者:geekdinazor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def graphUpdate(self):
            if self.aType == "tw":
                self.graph = Digraph()
            elif self.aType == "fb":
                self.graph = Graph()
                exit("Invalid Analyze Type")

            for key in self.nameIndex.keys():
                self.graph.node(self.nameIndex[key], key)
            for key in
                for friend in[key]:
                    if friend != "":
项目:scion-web    作者:netsec-ethz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_graph(self):
        :return: Isd graphviz graph with correct formatting
        graph_name = 'cluster_' + "ISD " + self.ISD
        label = "ISD " + self.ISD
        isd_graph = Graph(name=graph_name,
                          graph_attr={'color': 'blue', 'label': label, 'style': 'rounded'})
        return isd_graph
项目:scion-web    作者:netsec-ethz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_core_graph(self):
        :return: Isd graphviz core graph with correct formatting
        return Graph(name='cluster_core',
                     graph_attr={'color': 'red', 'label': '', 'style': 'rounded'})
项目:scion-web    作者:netsec-ethz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_nodes(self, to_draw_list, graph, core, ip_addresses):
        Adds nodes of ASes to a graph
        :param: self, array to_draw_list: an array of ASes,
                graphviz graph: Graph to which we add the nodes,
                bool core: indicates if we add core nodes
                bool ip_addresses: indicates if we have edge labels
        for AS in to_draw_list:
            if ip_addresses:
                self.draw_node_with_attributes(AS, core, graph)
                self.draw_node_without_attributes(AS, core, graph)