Python graphviz 模块,Source() 实例源码


项目:scion-web    作者:netsec-ethz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():
    Draws the topology of the SCION network in a gen folder.
    example: python scion_topology_graph -g "gen", -e, -n:
    will place a pdf file of the scion topology with edge and node labels
    into output/scion_topo.gv
    -g: path to the gen folder ex: SCION/gen
    -e: set this flag if edge labels should be drawn
    -n: set this flag if node labels should be drawn
    -o: path to the output file ex: output/scion_topo.gv
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('-g', '--gen_folder_path', default="gen",
                        help='path to the gen folder')
    parser.add_argument('-e', '--edge_labels', action='store_true', default=False,
                        help='set this flag if you want edge labels')
    parser.add_argument('-n', '--node_labels', action='store_true', default=False,
                        help='set this flag if you want node labels')
    parser.add_argument('-o', '--output_path', default="output/scion_topo.gv",
                        help='path to the output topology file')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    topo = parse_gen_folder(args.gen_folder_path)
    dot = draw_SCION_topology(topo, args.node_labels, args.edge_labels)
    s = Source(dot, filename=dot.filename, format="pdf")
项目:polichombr    作者:ANSSI-FR    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def disassemble_sample_get_svg(sample_id, address):
        Gets SVG file data, with functions names.
    graph = disassemble_sample(sample_id, address)
    filename = Sample.query.get(sample_id).storage_file
    data = Source(graph, format='svg')
    out_file = filename + "_disass_"
    if address is not None:
        out_file += hex(address)
    out_file = data.render(out_file)
    svg_data = open(out_file, 'rb').read()
    elements = re.findall("func_<!-- -->[0-9a-f]{3,}h", svg_data)
    for e in elements:
        et = e[13:-1]
        for i in Sample.query.get(sample_id).functions:
            if i.address == et:
                svg_data = svg_data.replace(e,
    elements = re.findall("loc_[0-9a-f]{3,}h", svg_data)
    for e in elements:
        et = e[4:-1]
        for i in Sample.query.get(sample_id).functions:
            if i.address == et:
                svg_data = svg_data.replace(e,
    return svg_data
项目:scikit-discovery    作者:MITHaystack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plotPipelineStructure(self):
        Plot pipeline structure

        @return iPython display object

        #Graph setup
        g1 = gv.Digraph(format='svg')
        g1.graph_attr['rankdir'] = 'LR'
        g1.node_attr['shape'] = 'rounded'
        g1.node_attr['fontname'] = 'Arial'
        g1.node_attr['fontsize'] = '9'
        g1.node_attr['style'] = 'filled'
        g1.node_attr['margin'] = '0.1'
        g1.node_attr['height'] = '0.1'
        g1.node_attr['fillcolor'] = '#fff7da'
        #g1.node_attr['shape'] = 'plaintext'  #use this to remove boxes around nodes

        nodelist= self.getMetadataNestedGraph()

        print (nodelist)
        src = Source(nodelist)
        print (dir(src))

#        for s in nodelist:
#            g1.node(s)
#        g1.edges(zip(nodelist, nodelist[1:]))
#        g1.render('img/plotPipelineStructure')       
#        print(nodelist)
#        print(g1.source)
#        return display(SVG('img/plotPipelineStructure.svg'))

        return display(SVG('img/plotPipelineStructure.svg'))

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