Python heapq 模块,_siftdown() 实例源码


项目:code    作者:ActiveState    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dijkstra(adj, costs, s, t):
    ''' Return predecessors and min distance if there exists a shortest path 
        from s to t; Otherwise, return None '''
    Q = []     # priority queue of items; note item is mutable.
    d = {s: 0} # vertex -> minimal distance
    Qd = {}    # vertex -> [d[v], parent_v, v]
    p = {}     # predecessor
    visited_set = set([s])

    for v in adj.get(s, []):
        d[v] = costs[s, v]
        item = [d[v], s, v]
        heapq.heappush(Q, item)
        Qd[v] = item

    while Q:
        print Q
        cost, parent, u = heapq.heappop(Q)
        if u not in visited_set:
            print 'visit:', u
            p[u]= parent
            if u == t:
                return p, d[u]
            for v in adj.get(u, []):
                if d.get(v):
                    if d[v] > costs[u, v] + d[u]:
                        d[v] =  costs[u, v] + d[u]
                        Qd[v][0] = d[v]    # decrease key
                        Qd[v][1] = u       # update predecessor
                        heapq._siftdown(Q, 0, Q.index(Qd[v]))
                    d[v] = costs[u, v] + d[u]
                    item = [d[v], u, v]
                    heapq.heappush(Q, item)
                    Qd[v] = item

    return None
项目:lc-all-solutions    作者:csujedihy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getSkyline(self, buildings):
        :type buildings: List[List[int]]
        :rtype: List[List[int]]
        hs = []
        heap = []
        for b in buildings:
            hs.append((b[0], -b[2]))
            hs.append((b[1], b[2]))
        ans = []
        pre = cur = None
        for h in hs:
            pos = h[0]
            height = h[1]
            if height < 0:
                heapq.heappush(heap, height)
                i = heap.index(-height)
                heap[i] = heap[-1]
                if i < len(heap):
                    heapq._siftup(heap, i)
                    heapq._siftdown(heap, 0, i)
            if heap:
                cur = heap[0]
                if cur != pre:
                    ans.append((pos, -1 * cur))
                    pre = cur
                ans.append((pos, 0))

        return ans
项目:technical-interviews    作者:darvid7    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pop(self):
        # Will remove item from the heap.
        value = heapq.heappop(self.heap)
        if self.max:
            value *= -1
        return value

    # def delete(self, index):
    # # Magic heapify.
    # self.heap[index] = self.heap[-1]  # Move root to index i.
    # self.heap.pop()  # pop() last element in array O(1).
    # if index < len(self.heap):  # Need to sift things.
    # # Magical internal heapify functions that does stuff in log n.
    #     heapq._siftup(self.heap, index)
    #     heapq._siftdown(self.heap, 0, index)
项目:esys-pbi    作者:fsxfreak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _rank_cycle_function(self, cycle, function, ranks):
        """Dijkstra's shortest paths algorithm.

        See also:

        import heapq
        Q = []
        Qd = {}
        p = {}
        visited = set([function])

        ranks[function] = 0
        for call in compat_itervalues(function.calls):
            if call.callee_id !=
                callee = self.functions[call.callee_id]
                if callee.cycle is cycle:
                    ranks[callee] = 1
                    item = [ranks[callee], function, callee]
                    heapq.heappush(Q, item)
                    Qd[callee] = item

        while Q:
            cost, parent, member = heapq.heappop(Q)
            if member not in visited:
                p[member]= parent
                for call in compat_itervalues(member.calls):
                    if call.callee_id !=
                        callee = self.functions[call.callee_id]
                        if callee.cycle is cycle:
                            member_rank = ranks[member]
                            rank = ranks.get(callee)
                            if rank is not None:
                                if rank > 1 + member_rank:
                                    rank = 1 + member_rank
                                    ranks[callee] = rank
                                    Qd_callee = Qd[callee]
                                    Qd_callee[0] = rank
                                    Qd_callee[1] = member
                                    heapq._siftdown(Q, 0, Q.index(Qd_callee))
                                rank = 1 + member_rank
                                ranks[callee] = rank
                                item = [rank, member, callee]
                                heapq.heappush(Q, item)
                                Qd[callee] = item
项目:prac    作者:Claude51315    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _rank_cycle_function(self, cycle, function, ranks):
        """Dijkstra's shortest paths algorithm.

        See also:

        import heapq
        Q = []
        Qd = {}
        p = {}
        visited = set([function])

        ranks[function] = 0
        for call in compat_itervalues(function.calls):
            if call.callee_id !=
                callee = self.functions[call.callee_id]
                if callee.cycle is cycle:
                    ranks[callee] = 1
                    item = [ranks[callee], function, callee]
                    heapq.heappush(Q, item)
                    Qd[callee] = item

        while Q:
            cost, parent, member = heapq.heappop(Q)
            if member not in visited:
                p[member]= parent
                for call in compat_itervalues(member.calls):
                    if call.callee_id !=
                        callee = self.functions[call.callee_id]
                        if callee.cycle is cycle:
                            member_rank = ranks[member]
                            rank = ranks.get(callee)
                            if rank is not None:
                                if rank > 1 + member_rank:
                                    rank = 1 + member_rank
                                    ranks[callee] = rank
                                    Qd_callee = Qd[callee]
                                    Qd_callee[0] = rank
                                    Qd_callee[1] = member
                                    heapq._siftdown(Q, 0, Q.index(Qd_callee))
                                rank = 1 + member_rank
                                ranks[callee] = rank
                                item = [rank, member, callee]
                                heapq.heappush(Q, item)
                                Qd[callee] = item
项目:Master-R-CNN    作者:Mark110    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _rank_cycle_function(self, cycle, function, ranks):
        """Dijkstra's shortest paths algorithm.

        See also:

        import heapq
        Q = []
        Qd = {}
        p = {}
        visited = set([function])

        ranks[function] = 0
        for call in compat_itervalues(function.calls):
            if call.callee_id !=
                callee = self.functions[call.callee_id]
                if callee.cycle is cycle:
                    ranks[callee] = 1
                    item = [ranks[callee], function, callee]
                    heapq.heappush(Q, item)
                    Qd[callee] = item

        while Q:
            cost, parent, member = heapq.heappop(Q)
            if member not in visited:
                p[member]= parent
                for call in compat_itervalues(member.calls):
                    if call.callee_id !=
                        callee = self.functions[call.callee_id]
                        if callee.cycle is cycle:
                            member_rank = ranks[member]
                            rank = ranks.get(callee)
                            if rank is not None:
                                if rank > 1 + member_rank:
                                    rank = 1 + member_rank
                                    ranks[callee] = rank
                                    Qd_callee = Qd[callee]
                                    Qd_callee[0] = rank
                                    Qd_callee[1] = member
                                    heapq._siftdown(Q, 0, Q.index(Qd_callee))
                                rank = 1 + member_rank
                                ranks[callee] = rank
                                item = [rank, member, callee]
                                heapq.heappush(Q, item)
                                Qd[callee] = item
项目:TFFRCNN    作者:InterVideo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _rank_cycle_function(self, cycle, function, ranks):
        """Dijkstra's shortest paths algorithm.

        See also:

        import heapq
        Q = []
        Qd = {}
        p = {}
        visited = set([function])

        ranks[function] = 0
        for call in compat_itervalues(function.calls):
            if call.callee_id !=
                callee = self.functions[call.callee_id]
                if callee.cycle is cycle:
                    ranks[callee] = 1
                    item = [ranks[callee], function, callee]
                    heapq.heappush(Q, item)
                    Qd[callee] = item

        while Q:
            cost, parent, member = heapq.heappop(Q)
            if member not in visited:
                p[member]= parent
                for call in compat_itervalues(member.calls):
                    if call.callee_id !=
                        callee = self.functions[call.callee_id]
                        if callee.cycle is cycle:
                            member_rank = ranks[member]
                            rank = ranks.get(callee)
                            if rank is not None:
                                if rank > 1 + member_rank:
                                    rank = 1 + member_rank
                                    ranks[callee] = rank
                                    Qd_callee = Qd[callee]
                                    Qd_callee[0] = rank
                                    Qd_callee[1] = member
                                    heapq._siftdown(Q, 0, Q.index(Qd_callee))
                                rank = 1 + member_rank
                                ranks[callee] = rank
                                item = [rank, member, callee]
                                heapq.heappush(Q, item)
                                Qd[callee] = item
项目:TF_Deformable_Net    作者:Zardinality    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _rank_cycle_function(self, cycle, function, ranks):
        """Dijkstra's shortest paths algorithm.

        See also:

        import heapq
        Q = []
        Qd = {}
        p = {}
        visited = set([function])

        ranks[function] = 0
        for call in compat_itervalues(function.calls):
            if call.callee_id !=
                callee = self.functions[call.callee_id]
                if callee.cycle is cycle:
                    ranks[callee] = 1
                    item = [ranks[callee], function, callee]
                    heapq.heappush(Q, item)
                    Qd[callee] = item

        while Q:
            cost, parent, member = heapq.heappop(Q)
            if member not in visited:
                p[member]= parent
                for call in compat_itervalues(member.calls):
                    if call.callee_id !=
                        callee = self.functions[call.callee_id]
                        if callee.cycle is cycle:
                            member_rank = ranks[member]
                            rank = ranks.get(callee)
                            if rank is not None:
                                if rank > 1 + member_rank:
                                    rank = 1 + member_rank
                                    ranks[callee] = rank
                                    Qd_callee = Qd[callee]
                                    Qd_callee[0] = rank
                                    Qd_callee[1] = member
                                    heapq._siftdown(Q, 0, Q.index(Qd_callee))
                                rank = 1 + member_rank
                                ranks[callee] = rank
                                item = [rank, member, callee]
                                heapq.heappush(Q, item)
                                Qd[callee] = item
项目:TFFRCNN    作者:CharlesShang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _rank_cycle_function(self, cycle, function, ranks):
        """Dijkstra's shortest paths algorithm.

        See also:

        import heapq
        Q = []
        Qd = {}
        p = {}
        visited = set([function])

        ranks[function] = 0
        for call in compat_itervalues(function.calls):
            if call.callee_id !=
                callee = self.functions[call.callee_id]
                if callee.cycle is cycle:
                    ranks[callee] = 1
                    item = [ranks[callee], function, callee]
                    heapq.heappush(Q, item)
                    Qd[callee] = item

        while Q:
            cost, parent, member = heapq.heappop(Q)
            if member not in visited:
                p[member]= parent
                for call in compat_itervalues(member.calls):
                    if call.callee_id !=
                        callee = self.functions[call.callee_id]
                        if callee.cycle is cycle:
                            member_rank = ranks[member]
                            rank = ranks.get(callee)
                            if rank is not None:
                                if rank > 1 + member_rank:
                                    rank = 1 + member_rank
                                    ranks[callee] = rank
                                    Qd_callee = Qd[callee]
                                    Qd_callee[0] = rank
                                    Qd_callee[1] = member
                                    heapq._siftdown(Q, 0, Q.index(Qd_callee))
                                rank = 1 + member_rank
                                ranks[callee] = rank
                                item = [rank, member, callee]
                                heapq.heappush(Q, item)
                                Qd[callee] = item
项目:FastMaskRCNN    作者:CharlesShang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _rank_cycle_function(self, cycle, function, ranks):
        """Dijkstra's shortest paths algorithm.

        See also:

        import heapq
        Q = []
        Qd = {}
        p = {}
        visited = set([function])

        ranks[function] = 0
        for call in compat_itervalues(function.calls):
            if call.callee_id !=
                callee = self.functions[call.callee_id]
                if callee.cycle is cycle:
                    ranks[callee] = 1
                    item = [ranks[callee], function, callee]
                    heapq.heappush(Q, item)
                    Qd[callee] = item

        while Q:
            cost, parent, member = heapq.heappop(Q)
            if member not in visited:
                p[member]= parent
                for call in compat_itervalues(member.calls):
                    if call.callee_id !=
                        callee = self.functions[call.callee_id]
                        if callee.cycle is cycle:
                            member_rank = ranks[member]
                            rank = ranks.get(callee)
                            if rank is not None:
                                if rank > 1 + member_rank:
                                    rank = 1 + member_rank
                                    ranks[callee] = rank
                                    Qd_callee = Qd[callee]
                                    Qd_callee[0] = rank
                                    Qd_callee[1] = member
                                    heapq._siftdown(Q, 0, Q.index(Qd_callee))
                                rank = 1 + member_rank
                                ranks[callee] = rank
                                item = [rank, member, callee]
                                heapq.heappush(Q, item)
                                Qd[callee] = item
项目:TFMaskRCNN    作者:hillox    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _rank_cycle_function(self, cycle, function, ranks):
        """Dijkstra's shortest paths algorithm.

        See also:

        import heapq
        Q = []
        Qd = {}
        p = {}
        visited = set([function])

        ranks[function] = 0
        for call in compat_itervalues(function.calls):
            if call.callee_id !=
                callee = self.functions[call.callee_id]
                if callee.cycle is cycle:
                    ranks[callee] = 1
                    item = [ranks[callee], function, callee]
                    heapq.heappush(Q, item)
                    Qd[callee] = item

        while Q:
            cost, parent, member = heapq.heappop(Q)
            if member not in visited:
                p[member]= parent
                for call in compat_itervalues(member.calls):
                    if call.callee_id !=
                        callee = self.functions[call.callee_id]
                        if callee.cycle is cycle:
                            member_rank = ranks[member]
                            rank = ranks.get(callee)
                            if rank is not None:
                                if rank > 1 + member_rank:
                                    rank = 1 + member_rank
                                    ranks[callee] = rank
                                    Qd_callee = Qd[callee]
                                    Qd_callee[0] = rank
                                    Qd_callee[1] = member
                                    heapq._siftdown(Q, 0, Q.index(Qd_callee))
                                rank = 1 + member_rank
                                ranks[callee] = rank
                                item = [rank, member, callee]
                                heapq.heappush(Q, item)
                                Qd[callee] = item