Python http 模块,HTTPStatus() 实例源码


项目:eureka    作者:wasp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _do_req(self, path: str, *, method: str = 'GET',
                      data: Optional[Any] = None):
        Performs a request against the instance eureka server.
        :param path: URL Path, the hostname is prepended automatically
        :param method: request method (put/post/patch/get/etc)
        :param data: Optional data to be sent with the request, must
                     already be encoded appropriately.
        :return: optional[dict[str, any]]
        url = self._eureka_url + path
        logger.debug('Performing %s on %s with payload: %s', method, path,
        async with _SESSION.request(method, url, data=data) as resp:
            if 400 <= resp.status < 600:
                # noinspection PyArgumentList
                raise EurekaException(HTTPStatus(resp.status),
                                      await resp.text())
            logger.debug('Result: %s', resp.status)
            return await resp.json()
项目:osp-scraper    作者:opensyllabus    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update_warc_response_from_item(record, item):
    """update a WARC response record from a scrapy Item"""
    h = record.header
    h['WARC-Target-URI'] = item['url']
    h['WARC-Date'] = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', time.gmtime(item['retrieved']))
    h['X-Spider-Name'] = item['spider_name']
    h['X-Spider-Run-ID'] = item['spider_run_id']
    # XXX Scrapy doesn't provide remote IP for WARC-IP-Address

    # below based on WARCRecord.from_response()

    # XXX scrapy doesn't provide human-readable status string
    status = "HTTP/1.1 {} {}".format(item['status'],
    headers = [b': '.join((k, v)) for k, l in item['headers'].iteritems() for v in l]

    record.update_payload(b"\r\n".join(itertools.chain((status, ),
                                                       (b'', ),
                                                       (item['content'], )
项目:ceiba-dl    作者:lantw44    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, status):
        from http import HTTPStatus
        self.status = status
            phrase = HTTPStatus(status).phrase
            self.message = '????? HTTP ?? {} ({})'.format(status, phrase)
        except ValueError:
            self.message = '????? HTTP ?? {}'.format(status)
项目:uvicorn    作者:encode    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_status_line(status_code):
        phrase = http.HTTPStatus(status_code).phrase.encode()
    except ValueError:
        phrase = b''
    return b''.join([
        b'HTTP/1.1 ', str(status_code).encode(), b' ', phrase, b'\r\n'
项目:eureka    作者:wasp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, status: HTTPStatus, *args, **kwargs):
        self._status = status
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
项目:eureka    作者:wasp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def status(self) -> HTTPStatus:
        return self._status
项目:igd-exporter    作者:yrro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def log_request(self, code, message):
        if hasattr(http, 'HTTPStatus') and isinstance(code, http.HTTPStatus) and code.value < 400:
        elif code[0] < '4':
        super().log_request(code, message)
项目:the-knights-who-say-ni    作者:python    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, *args: Any, status: http.HTTPStatus,
                 text: str = None) -> None:
        self.response = web.Response(status=status.value, text=text)
项目:the-knights-who-say-ni    作者:python    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process(cls, server: ServerHost,
                      request: web.Request,
                      client: aiohttp.ClientSession) -> "ContribHost":
        """Process a request into a contribution."""
        # This method exists because __init__() cannot be a coroutine.
        raise ResponseExit(status=http.HTTPStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED)  # pragma: no cover
项目:flask-openapi    作者:remcohaszing    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def response(self, status_code, response):
        Describe a possible response for a Flask handler.

            status_code: The status code for which the response is
                described. `str`, `int` or `http.HTTPStatus` are
                accepted. The result will be exposed as a string. See
            response: A description of the response object. This may be
                a dict describing a response or a string referring to a
                response added using `add_response`. See

        if isinstance(response, str):
            response = ref('responses', response)
        if isinstance(status_code, HTTPStatus):
            status_code = int(status_code)

        def attach_response(fn):
            if not hasattr(fn, 'responses'):
                fn.responses = {}
            fn.responses[str(status_code)] = response
            return fn
        return attach_response
项目:slack-sansio    作者:pyslackers    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, status, headers, data):
        self.headers = headers = data

        self.status = http.HTTPStatus(status)
项目:bedevere    作者:python    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_is_core_dev():
    teams = [{"name": "not Python core"}]
    gh = FakeGH(getiter={"": teams})
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        await util.is_core_dev(gh, "brett")

    teams = [{"name": "Python core", "id": 42}]
    getitem = {"": True}
    gh = FakeGH(getiter={"": teams},
    assert await util.is_core_dev(gh, "brett")
    assert gh.getiter_url == ""

    teams = [{"name": "Python core", "id": 42}]
    getitem = {"":
    gh = FakeGH(getiter={"": teams},
    assert not await util.is_core_dev(gh, "andrea")

    teams = [{"name": "Python core", "id": 42}]
    getitem = {"":
    gh = FakeGH(getiter={"": teams},
    with pytest.raises(gidgethub.BadRequest):
        await util.is_core_dev(gh, "andrea")
项目:py-sniper    作者:lexdene    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, body='', headers=None,
                 status_code=200, status_phrase=None, cookies=None,
        headers = QueryList(headers or [])

        if status_phrase is None:
            status_phrase = HTTPStatus(status_code).phrase

            body, headers,
            status_code, status_phrase,
            cookies, **kwargs
项目:gidgethub    作者:brettcannon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_5XX(self):
        status_code = 502
        with pytest.raises(GitHubBroken) as exc_info:
            sansio.decipher_response(status_code, {}, b'')
        assert exc_info.value.status_code == http.HTTPStatus(status_code)
项目:gidgethub    作者:brettcannon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_4XX_no_message(self):
        status_code = 400
        with pytest.raises(BadRequest) as exc_info:
            sansio.decipher_response(status_code, {}, b'')
        assert exc_info.value.status_code == http.HTTPStatus(status_code)
项目:gidgethub    作者:brettcannon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_4XX_message(self):
        status_code = 400
        message = json.dumps({"message": "it went bad"}).encode("UTF-8")
        headers = {"content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"}
        with pytest.raises(BadRequest) as exc_info:
            sansio.decipher_response(status_code, headers, message)
        assert exc_info.value.status_code == http.HTTPStatus(status_code)
        assert str(exc_info.value) == "it went bad"
项目:gidgethub    作者:brettcannon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_404(self):
        status_code = 404
        headers, body = sample("pr_not_found", status_code)
        with pytest.raises(BadRequest) as exc_info:
            sansio.decipher_response(status_code, headers, body)
        assert exc_info.value.status_code == http.HTTPStatus(status_code)
        assert str(exc_info.value) == "Not Found"
项目:gidgethub    作者:brettcannon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_403_rate_limit_exceeded(self):
        status_code = 403
        headers = {"content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                   "x-ratelimit-limit": "2",
                   "x-ratelimit-remaining": "0",
                   "x-ratelimit-reset": "1",
        body = json.dumps({"message": "oops"}).encode("UTF-8")
        with pytest.raises(RateLimitExceeded) as exc_info:
            sansio.decipher_response(status_code, headers, body)
        assert exc_info.value.status_code == http.HTTPStatus(status_code)
项目:gidgethub    作者:brettcannon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_422(self):
        status_code = 422
        errors = [{"resource": "Issue", "field": "title",
                   "code": "missing_field"}]
        body = json.dumps({"message": "it went bad", "errors": errors})
        body = body.encode("utf-8")
        headers = {"content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"}
        with pytest.raises(InvalidField) as exc_info:
            sansio.decipher_response(status_code, headers, body)
        assert exc_info.value.status_code == http.HTTPStatus(status_code)
        assert str(exc_info.value) == "it went bad for 'title'"
项目:gidgethub    作者:brettcannon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_3XX(self):
        status_code = 301
        with pytest.raises(RedirectionException) as exc_info:
            sansio.decipher_response(status_code, {}, b'')
        assert exc_info.value.status_code == http.HTTPStatus(status_code)
项目:gidgethub    作者:brettcannon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_2XX_error(self):
        status_code = 205
        with pytest.raises(HTTPException) as exc_info:
            sansio.decipher_response(status_code, {}, b'')
        assert exc_info.value.status_code == http.HTTPStatus(status_code)
项目:gidgethub    作者:brettcannon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def from_http(cls, headers: Mapping, body: bytes,
                  *, secret: Optional[str] = None) -> "Event":
        """Construct an event from HTTP headers and JSON body data.

        The mapping providing the headers is expected to support lowercase keys.

        Since this method assumes the body of the HTTP request is JSON, a check
        is performed for a content-type of "application/json" (GitHub does
        support other content-types). If the content-type does not match,
        BadRequest is raised.

        If the appropriate headers are provided for event validation, then it
        will be performed unconditionally. Any failure in validation
        (including not providing a secret) will lead to ValidationFailure being
        if "x-hub-signature" in headers:
                if secret is None:
                    raise ValidationFailure("secret not provided")
                validate_event(body, signature=headers["x-hub-signature"],
        elif secret is not None:
            raise ValidationFailure("signature is missing")

            data = _decode_body(headers["content-type"], body, strict=True)
        except (KeyError, ValueError) as exc:
            raise BadRequest(http.HTTPStatus(415),
                             "expected a content-type of "
                             "'application/json' or "
                             "'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'") from exc
        return cls(data, event=headers["x-github-event"],
项目:gidgethub    作者:brettcannon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, rate_limit: Any, *args: Any) -> None:
        self.rate_limit = rate_limit

        if not args:
                             "rate limit exceeded")
            super().__init__(http.HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN, *args)
项目:gidgethub    作者:brettcannon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, errors: Any, *args: Any) -> None:
        """Store the error details."""
        self.errors = errors
        super().__init__(http.HTTPStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, *args)
项目:maas    作者:maas    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def describe_http_status(code):
    """Return a string describing the given HTTP status code."""
        code = HTTPStatus(code)
    except ValueError:
        return "HTTP {code}".format(code=code)
        return "HTTP {code.value:d} {}".format(code=code)
项目:bedevere    作者:python    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_opened_pr():
    username = "brettcannon"
    issue_url = ""
    data = {
        "action": "opened",
        "pull_request": {
            "user": {
                "login": username,
            "issue_url": issue_url,
    event = sansio.Event(data, event="pull_request", delivery_id="12345")
    teams = [
        {"name": "python core", "id": 6}
    items = {
        f"{username}": "OK",
        issue_url: {"labels": [], "labels_url": ""}
    gh = FakeGH(getiter={"": teams},
    await awaiting.router.dispatch(event, gh)
    assert len(gh.post_) == 1
    post_ = gh.post_[0]
    assert post_[0] == ""
    assert post_[1] == [awaiting.Blocker.merge.value]

    username = "andreamcinnes"
    issue_url = ""
    data = {
        "action": "opened",
        "pull_request": {
            "user": {
                "login": username,
            "issue_url": issue_url,
    event = sansio.Event(data, event="pull_request", delivery_id="12345")
    teams = [
        {"name": "python core", "id": 6}
    items = {
        issue_url: {"labels": [], "labels_url": ""}
    gh = FakeGH(getiter={"": teams},
    await awaiting.router.dispatch(event, gh)
    assert len(gh.post_) == 1
    post_ = gh.post_[0]
    assert post_[0] == ""
    assert post_[1] == []
项目:bedevere    作者:python    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_change_requested_for_non_core_dev():
    data = {
        "action": "submitted",
        "review": {
            "user": {
                "login": "gvanrossum",
            "state": "changes_requested".upper(),
        "pull_request": {
            "url": "",
            "issue_url": "",
            "comments_url": "",
            "user": {
                "login": "miss-islington"
    event = sansio.Event(data, event="pull_request_review", delivery_id="12345")
    teams = [
        {"name": "python core", "id": 6}
    items = {
        f"": True,
        "": {
            "labels": [],
            "labels_url": "",
    iterators = {
        "": teams,
            [{"user": {"login": "brettcannon"}, "state": "changes_requested"}],
    gh = FakeGH(getiter=iterators, getitem=items)
    await awaiting.router.dispatch(event, gh)

    assert len(gh.post_) == 2
    labeling = gh.post_[0]
    assert labeling[0] == ""
    assert labeling[1] == [awaiting.Blocker.changes.value]
    message = gh.post_[1]
    assert message[0] == ""

    change_requested_message = awaiting.CHANGES_REQUESTED_MESSAGE.replace(
        "{easter_egg}", "").strip()
    assert change_requested_message in message[1]["body"]
项目:gidgethub    作者:brettcannon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def decipher_response(status_code: int, headers: Mapping,
                      body: bytes) -> Tuple[Any, RateLimit, Optional[str]]:
    """Decipher an HTTP response for a GitHub API request.

    The mapping providing the headers is expected to support lowercase keys.

    The parameters of this function correspond to the three main parts
    of an HTTP response: the status code, headers, and body. Assuming
    no errors which lead to an exception being raised, a 3-item tuple
    is returned. The first item is the decoded body (typically a JSON
    object, but possibly None or a string depending on the content
    type of the body). The second item is an instance of RateLimit
    based on what the response specified.

    The last item of the tuple is the URL where to request the next
    part of results. If there are no more results then None is
    returned. Do be aware that the URL can be a URI template and so
    may need to be expanded.

    If the status code is anything other than 200, 201, or 204, then
    an HTTPException is raised.
    data = _decode_body(headers.get("content-type"), body)
    if status_code in {200, 201, 204}:
        return data, RateLimit.from_http(headers), _next_link(headers.get("link"))
            message = data["message"]
        except (TypeError, KeyError):
            message = None
        exc_type: Type[HTTPException]
        if status_code >= 500:
            exc_type = GitHubBroken
        elif status_code >= 400:
            exc_type = BadRequest
            if status_code == 403:
                rate_limit = RateLimit.from_http(headers)
                if not rate_limit.remaining:
                    raise RateLimitExceeded(rate_limit, message)
            elif status_code == 422:
                errors = data["errors"]
                fields = ", ".join(repr(e["field"]) for e in errors)
                message = f"{message} for {fields}"
                raise InvalidField(errors, message)
        elif status_code >= 300:
            exc_type = RedirectionException
            exc_type = HTTPException
        status_code_enum = http.HTTPStatus(status_code)
        args: Tuple
        if message:
            args = status_code_enum, message
            args = status_code_enum,
        raise exc_type(*args)
项目:maas    作者:maas    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reducedWebLogFormatter(timestamp, request):
    """Return a reduced formatted log line for the given request.

    The `timestamp` argument is ignored. The line returned is expected to be
    sent out by a logger which will add its own timestamp, so this one is

    :see: `IAccessLogFormatter`
    :see: `combinedLogFormatter`
    template = (
        "{origin} {method} {uri} {proto} --> {status} "
        "(referrer: {referrer}; agent: {agent})"

    def field(value, default):
        if value is None or len(value) == 0 or value.isspace():
            return default
        elif isinstance(value, bytes):
            return value.decode("ascii", "replace")
            return value

    def normaliseAddress(address):
        """Normalise an IP address."""
            address = IPAddress(address)
        except AddrFormatError:
            return address  # Hostname?
            if address.is_ipv4_mapped():
                return address.ipv4()
                return address

    def describeHttpStatus(code):
            code = HTTPStatus(code)
        except ValueError:
            if isinstance(code, int):
                return str(code)
                return "???"
            return "{code.value:d} {}".format(code=code)

    origin = field(request.getClientIP(), None)
    origin = "-" if origin is None else normaliseAddress(origin)

    return template.format(
        referrer=field(request.getHeader(b"referer"), "-"),
        agent=field(request.getHeader(b"user-agent"), "-"),
        status=describeHttpStatus(request.code), origin=origin,
        method=field(request.method, "???"), uri=field(request.uri, "-"),
        proto=field(request.clientproto, "-"),
项目:DuckDuckGo-Python3-Library    作者:knight-shade    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def search(query, web = False, useragent = "DuckDuckGo Python3 Api", skip_disambig = True, pretty = True, **kwargs):
    Searching the DuckDuckGo search engine and returning a Result object.

    Keyworld Arguments:

    query          : Straightforward, the search string.
    web            : If true, opens the web browser and skips and command line. Default: False
    useragent      : Useragent to use while searching. Default: "DuckDuckGo Python3 Api". Can be overridden.
    skip_disambig  : Used to skip disambiguation. Default: 1 (True)
    pretty         : To make JSON look pretty. Default: 1 (True)
    **kwargs       : Any other parameters passed. As of writing this API no other parameters exists, helpful for future scaling.

    parameters = {'q': query, 'format': 'json', 'pretty': pretty, 'no_redirect': 1, 'no_html': 1, 'skip_disambig': skip_disambig}

    encoded_parameters = urllib.parse.urlencode(parameters) 
    url = '' + encoded_parameters

    # Performs the Web browser search instead of instant answer API.
    if web:
        url = '' + urllib.parse.urlencode({'q': query})

    request = urllib.request.Request(url, headers = {'User-Agent': useragent})

        response = urllib.request.urlopen(request)
    except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
        print("The server couldn't fulfill the request.")
        print("Error code: {}, Response: {}.".format(e.code, http.HTTPStatus(e.code)))
    except urllib.error.URLError as e:
        print("We failed to reach the server.")
        print("Reason: {}", e.reason)

        response =
        response = json.loads(response)
        return Result(response)

# Below are the return fields as class objects.