Python httplib 模块,INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR 实例源码


项目:Chromium_DepotTools    作者:p07r0457    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get(url, **kwargs):
    next_delay_sec = 1
    for i in xrange(TRY_LIMIT):
      if i > 0:
        # Retry server error status codes.'Encountered server error; retrying after %d second(s).',
        next_delay_sec *= 2

      p = urlparse.urlparse(url)
      c = GetConnectionClass(protocol=p.scheme)(p.netloc)
      c.request('GET', url, **kwargs)
      resp = c.getresponse()
      LOGGER.debug('GET [%s] #%d/%d (%d)', url, i+1, TRY_LIMIT, resp.status)
      if resp.status < httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR:
        return resp
项目:node-gn    作者:Shouqun    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get(url, **kwargs):
    next_delay_sec = 1
    for i in xrange(TRY_LIMIT):
      if i > 0:
        # Retry server error status codes.'Encountered server error; retrying after %d second(s).',
        next_delay_sec *= 2

      p = urlparse.urlparse(url)
      c = GetConnectionClass(protocol=p.scheme)(p.netloc)
      c.request('GET', url, **kwargs)
      resp = c.getresponse()
      LOGGER.debug('GET [%s] #%d/%d (%d)', url, i+1, TRY_LIMIT, resp.status)
      if resp.status < httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR:
        return resp
项目:spinnaker-monitoring    作者:spinnaker    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __do_batch_create(self, project, create_list):
    """Create the new descriptors as a batch request."""
    create_method = (self.__stackdriver.stub.projects()

    def create_invocation(descriptor):
      name = descriptor['name']'batch CREATE %s', name)
      return create_method(
          name='projects/{0}'.format(project), body=descriptor)
    get_descriptor_name = lambda descriptor: descriptor['name']

    processor = BatchProcessor(
        project, self.__stackdriver,
        create_list, create_invocation, get_descriptor_name)

    response_code = (httplib.OK if processor.num_ok == len(create_list)
                     else httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
    headers, body = processor.make_response(
        None, False, 'Created', 'Added Descriptor')
    return response_code, headers, body
项目:endpoints-management-python    作者:cloudendpoints    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self):
        self.api_key_valid = True
        self.response_code = httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
        self.response_size = report_request.NOT_SET
        self.request_size = report_request.NOT_SET
        self.http_method = None
        self.url = None
项目:endpoints-management-python    作者:cloudendpoints    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_should_include_detail_in_error_text_when_needed(self):
        detail = u'details, details, details'
        resp = sc_messages.AllocateQuotaResponse(
            allocateErrors = [
        code, got = quota_request.convert_response(resp, self.PROJECT_ID)
        assert got.endswith(detail)
项目:irida-miseq-uploader    作者:phac-nml    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_send_project_invalid_server_res(self, mock_cs):

        mock_cs.side_effect = [None]

        api = API.apiCalls.ApiCalls(

        session_response = Foo()
        setattr(session_response, "status_code", httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
        setattr(session_response, "text", "Server unavailable")

        session_post = MagicMock(side_effect=[session_response])
        session = Foo()
        setattr(session, "post", session_post)

        api.session = session
        api.get_link = lambda x, y, targ_dict="": None

        proj = API.apiCalls.Project("project1", "projectDescription", "1")

        with self.assertRaises(API.apiCalls.ProjectError) as err:

        self.assertTrue(str(session_response.status_code) + " " +
                        session_response.text in str(err.exception))
项目:autoinjection    作者:ChengWiLL    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def showHttpErrorCodes():
    Shows all HTTP error codes raised till now

    if kb.httpErrorCodes:
        warnMsg = "HTTP error codes detected during run:\n"
        warnMsg += ", ".join("%d (%s) - %d times" % (code, httplib.responses[code] \
          if code in httplib.responses else '?', count) \
          for code, count in kb.httpErrorCodes.items())
        if any((str(_).startswith('4') or str(_).startswith('5')) and _ != httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR and _ != kb.originalCode for _ in kb.httpErrorCodes.keys()):
            msg = "too many 4xx and/or 5xx HTTP error codes "
            msg += "could mean that some kind of protection is involved (e.g. WAF)"
项目:mWorkerService    作者:smices    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def should_retry(self, error, retries_attempted):
        """Return true if the http client should retry the request.

        :param error: the caught error.
        :type error: Exception
        :param retries_attempted: the number of retries which has been attempted before.
        :type retries_attempted: int
        :return: true if the http client should retry the request.
        :rtype: bool

        # stop retrying when the maximum number of retries is reached
        if retries_attempted >= self.max_error_retry:
            return False

        # always retry on IOError
        if isinstance(error, IOError):
            _logger.debug('Retry for IOError.')
            return True

        # Only retry on a subset of service exceptions
        if isinstance(error, BceServerError):
            if error.status_code == httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR:
                _logger.debug('Retry for internal server error.')
                return True
            if error.status_code == httplib.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE:
                _logger.debug('Retry for service unavailable.')
                return True
            if error.code == BceServerError.REQUEST_EXPIRED:
                _logger.debug('Retry for request expired.')
                return True

        return False
项目:mWorkerService    作者:smices    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def should_retry(self, error, retries_attempted):
        """Return true if the http client should retry the request.

        :param error: the caught error.
        :type error: Exception
        :param retries_attempted: the number of retries which has been attempted before.
        :type retries_attempted: int
        :return: true if the http client should retry the request.
        :rtype: bool

        # stop retrying when the maximum number of retries is reached
        if retries_attempted >= self.max_error_retry:
            return False

        # always retry on IOError
        if isinstance(error, IOError):
            _logger.debug('Retry for IOError.')
            return True

        # Only retry on a subset of service exceptions
        if isinstance(error, BceServerError):
            if error.status_code == httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR:
                _logger.debug('Retry for internal server error.')
                return True
            if error.status_code == httplib.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE:
                _logger.debug('Retry for service unavailable.')
                return True
            if error.code == BceServerError.REQUEST_EXPIRED:
                _logger.debug('Retry for request expired.')
                return True

        return False
项目:Eagle    作者:magerx    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def showHttpErrorCodes():
    Shows all HTTP error codes raised till now

    if kb.httpErrorCodes:
        warnMsg = "HTTP error codes detected during run:\n"
        warnMsg += ", ".join("%d (%s) - %d times" % (code, httplib.responses[code] \
          if code in httplib.responses else '?', count) \
          for code, count in kb.httpErrorCodes.items())
        if any((str(_).startswith('4') or str(_).startswith('5')) and _ != httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR and _ != kb.originalCode for _ in kb.httpErrorCodes.keys()):
            msg = "too many 4xx and/or 5xx HTTP error codes "
            msg += "could mean that some kind of protection is involved (e.g. WAF)"
项目:Helix    作者:3lackrush    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def showHttpErrorCodes():
    Shows all HTTP error codes raised till now

    if kb.httpErrorCodes:
        warnMsg = "HTTP error codes detected during run:\n"
        warnMsg += ", ".join("%d (%s) - %d times" % (code, httplib.responses[code] \
          if code in httplib.responses else '?', count) \
          for code, count in kb.httpErrorCodes.items())
        if any((str(_).startswith('4') or str(_).startswith('5')) and _ != httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR and _ != kb.originalCode for _ in kb.httpErrorCodes.keys()):
            msg = "too many 4xx and/or 5xx HTTP error codes "
            msg += "could mean that some kind of protection is involved (e.g. WAF)"
项目:leviathan    作者:leviathan-framework    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def scan_page(url, data=None):
    retval, usable = False, False
    url, data = re.sub(r"=(&|\Z)", "=1\g<1>", url) if url else url, re.sub(r"=(&|\Z)", "=1\g<1>", data) if data else data
        for phase in (GET, POST):
            original, current = None, url if phase is GET else (data or "")
            for match in re.finditer(r"((\A|[?&])(?P<parameter>[^_]\w*)=)(?P<value>[^&#]+)", current):
                vulnerable, usable = False, True
                #print "* scanning %s parameter '%s'" % (phase,"parameter"))
                original = original or (_retrieve_content(current, data) if phase is GET else _retrieve_content(url, current))
                tampered = current.replace(, "%s%s" % (, urllib.quote("".join(random.sample(TAMPER_SQL_CHAR_POOL, len(TAMPER_SQL_CHAR_POOL))))))
                content = _retrieve_content(tampered, data) if phase is GET else _retrieve_content(url, tampered)
                for (dbms, regex) in ((dbms, regex) for dbms in DBMS_ERRORS for regex in DBMS_ERRORS[dbms]):
                    if not vulnerable and, content[HTML], re.I) and not, original[HTML], re.I):
                        #print " (i) %s parameter '%s' appears to be error SQLi vulnerable (%s)" % (phase,"parameter"), dbms)
                        print url
                        retval = vulnerable = True
                vulnerable = False
                for prefix, boolean, suffix, inline_comment in itertools.product(PREFIXES, BOOLEAN_TESTS, SUFFIXES, (False, True)):
                    if not vulnerable:
                        template = ("%s%s%s" % (prefix, boolean, suffix)).replace(" " if inline_comment else "/**/", "/**/")
                        payloads = dict((_, current.replace(, "%s%s" % (, urllib.quote(template % (RANDINT if _ else RANDINT + 1, RANDINT), safe='%')))) for _ in (True, False))
                        contents = dict((_, _retrieve_content(payloads[_], data) if phase is GET else _retrieve_content(url, payloads[_])) for _ in (False, True))
                        if all(_[HTTPCODE] and _[HTTPCODE] < httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR for _ in (original, contents[True], contents[False])):
                            if any(original[_] == contents[True][_] != contents[False][_] for _ in (HTTPCODE, TITLE)):
                                vulnerable = True
                                ratios = dict((_, difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, original[TEXT], contents[_][TEXT]).quick_ratio()) for _ in (False, True))
                                vulnerable = all(ratios.values()) and min(ratios.values()) < FUZZY_THRESHOLD < max(ratios.values()) and abs(ratios[True] - ratios[False]) > FUZZY_THRESHOLD / 10
                        if vulnerable:
                            #print " (i) %s parameter '%s' appears to be blind SQLi vulnerable (e.g.: '%s')" % (phase,"parameter"), payloads[True])
                            print url
                            retval = True

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
    return retval
项目:00scanner    作者:xiaoqin00    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def scan_page(url, data=None):
    retval, usable = False, False
    url, data = re.sub(r"=(&|\Z)", "=1\g<1>", url) if url else url, re.sub(r"=(&|\Z)", "=1\g<1>", data) if data else data
    # tmpurl= re.sub(r"=(&|\Z)", "=1\g<1>", url)
        for phase in (GET, POST):
            original, current = None, url if phase is GET else (data or "")
            for match in re.finditer(r"((\A|[?&])(?P<parameter>[^_]\w*)=)(?P<value>[^&#]+)", current):
                vulnerable, usable = False, True
                print "* scanning %s parameter '%s'" % (phase,"parameter"))
                original = original or (_retrieve_content(current, data) if phase is GET else _retrieve_content(url, current))
                tampered = current.replace(, "%s%s" % (, urllib.quote("".join(random.sample(TAMPER_SQL_CHAR_POOL, len(TAMPER_SQL_CHAR_POOL))))))
                content = _retrieve_content(tampered, data) if phase is GET else _retrieve_content(url, tampered)
                for (dbms, regex) in ((dbms, regex) for dbms in DBMS_ERRORS for regex in DBMS_ERRORS[dbms]):
                    if not vulnerable and, content[HTML], re.I) and not, original[HTML], re.I):
                        print " (i) %s parameter '%s' appears to be error SQLi vulnerable (%s)" % (phase,"parameter"), dbms)
                        retval = vulnerable = True
                vulnerable = False
                for prefix, boolean, suffix, inline_comment in itertools.product(PREFIXES, BOOLEAN_TESTS, SUFFIXES, (False, True)):
                    if not vulnerable:
                        template = ("%s%s%s" % (prefix, boolean, suffix)).replace(" " if inline_comment else "/**/", "/**/")
                        payloads = dict((_, current.replace(, "%s%s" % (, urllib.quote(template % (RANDINT if _ else RANDINT + 1, RANDINT), safe='%')))) for _ in (True, False))
                        contents = dict((_, _retrieve_content(payloads[_], data) if phase is GET else _retrieve_content(url, payloads[_])) for _ in (False, True))
                        if all(_[HTTPCODE] and _[HTTPCODE] < httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR for _ in (original, contents[True], contents[False])):
                            if any(original[_] == contents[True][_] != contents[False][_] for _ in (HTTPCODE, TITLE)):
                                vulnerable = True
                                ratios = dict((_, difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, original[TEXT], contents[_][TEXT]).quick_ratio()) for _ in (False, True))
                                vulnerable = all(ratios.values()) and min(ratios.values()) < FUZZY_THRESHOLD < max(ratios.values()) and abs(ratios[True] - ratios[False]) > FUZZY_THRESHOLD / 10
                        if vulnerable:
                            print " (i) %s parameter '%s' appears to be blind SQLi vulnerable (e.g.: '%s')" % (phase,"parameter"), payloads[True])
                            retval = True
        if not usable:
            print " (x) no usable GET/POST parameters found"
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print "\r (x) Ctrl-C pressed"
    return retval
项目:python-netatmo-client    作者:antechrestos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _call_api(self, method, uri, **kwargs):
        def _set_token_in_request():
            if 'params' in kwargs:
                kwargs['params']['access_token'] = self._access_token
            elif 'data' in kwargs:
                kwargs['data']['access_token'] = self._access_token
                kwargs['params'] = dict(access_token=self._access_token)

            response = NetatmoClient._invoke(method,
                                             '%s%s' % (NetatmoClient.API_BASE_URL, uri),
        except InvalidStatusCode, i:
            if NetatmoClient._is_token_expired(i):
                    response = NetatmoClient._invoke(method,
                                                     '%s%s' % (NetatmoClient.API_BASE_URL, uri),
                except InvalidStatusCode, other:
                    if other.status_code / 100 == 4:
                        self._access_token = None
                        self._refresh_token = None
        if kwargs.get('raw_api_call', False):
            return response
            result = response.json()
            _logger.debug('%s - %s', uri, json.dumps(result))
            if result['status'] != "ok":
                raise InvalidStatusCode(httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, result)
                return result.get('body')
项目:spinnaker-monitoring    作者:spinnaker    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process_web_request(self, request, path, params, fragment):
    """Implements CommandHandler."""
    options = dict(get_global_options())
    type_map, processor = self.__do_clear(options)
    response_code = (httplib.OK if processor.num_ok == len(type_map)
                     else httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
    headers, body = processor.make_response(
        request, self.accepts_content_type(request, 'text/html'),
        'Deleted', 'Cleared Time Series')
    request.respond(response_code, headers, body)
项目:os-xenapi    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_resp_status_and_retry(resp, image_id, url):
    # Note(Jesse): This branch sorts errors into those that are permanent,
    # those that are ephemeral, and those that are unexpected.
    if resp.status in (httplib.BAD_REQUEST,                      # 400
                       httplib.UNAUTHORIZED,                     # 401
                       httplib.PAYMENT_REQUIRED,                 # 402
                       httplib.FORBIDDEN,                        # 403
                       httplib.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED,               # 405
                       httplib.NOT_ACCEPTABLE,                   # 406
                       httplib.PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED,    # 407
                       httplib.CONFLICT,                         # 409
                       httplib.GONE,                             # 410
                       httplib.LENGTH_REQUIRED,                  # 411
                       httplib.PRECONDITION_FAILED,              # 412
                       httplib.REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE,         # 413
                       httplib.REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG,             # 414
                       httplib.UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE,           # 415
                       httplib.REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE,  # 416
                       httplib.EXPECTATION_FAILED,               # 417
                       httplib.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY,             # 422
                       httplib.LOCKED,                           # 423
                       httplib.FAILED_DEPENDENCY,                # 424
                       httplib.UPGRADE_REQUIRED,                 # 426
                       httplib.NOT_IMPLEMENTED,                  # 501
                       httplib.HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED,       # 505
                       httplib.NOT_EXTENDED,                     # 510
        raise PluginError("Got Permanent Error response [%i] while "
                          "uploading image [%s] to glance [%s]"
                          % (resp.status, image_id, url))
    # Nova service would process the exception
    elif resp.status == httplib.NOT_FOUND:                        # 404
        exc = XenAPI.Failure('ImageNotFound')
        raise exc
    # NOTE(nikhil): Only a sub-set of the 500 errors are retryable. We
    # optimistically retry on 500 errors below.
    elif resp.status in (httplib.REQUEST_TIMEOUT,                # 408
                         httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,          # 500
                         httplib.BAD_GATEWAY,                    # 502
                         httplib.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE,            # 503
                         httplib.GATEWAY_TIMEOUT,                # 504
                         httplib.INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE,           # 507
        raise RetryableError("Got Ephemeral Error response [%i] while "
                             "uploading image [%s] to glance [%s]"
                             % (resp.status, image_id, url))
        # Note(Jesse): Assume unexpected errors are retryable. If you are
        # seeing this error message, the error should probably be added
        # to either the ephemeral or permanent error list.
        raise RetryableError("Got Unexpected Error response [%i] while "
                             "uploading image [%s] to glance [%s]"
                             % (resp.status, image_id, url))
项目:vulnerable-apps    作者:appsecco    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_GET(self):
        path, query = self.path.split('?', 1) if '?' in self.path else (self.path, "")
        code, content, params, cursor = httplib.OK, HTML_PREFIX, dict(("parameter"), urllib.unquote(','.join(re.findall(r"(?:\A|[?&])%s=([^&]+)" %"parameter"), query)))) for match in re.finditer(r"((\A|[?&])(?P<parameter>[\w\[\]]+)=)([^&]+)", query)), connection.cursor()
            if path == '/':
                if "id" in params:
                    cursor.execute("SELECT id, username, name, surname FROM users WHERE id=" + params["id"])
                    content += "<div><span>Result(s):</span></div><table><thead><th>id</th><th>username</th><th>name</th><th>surname</th></thead>%s</table>%s" % ("".join("<tr>%s</tr>" % "".join("<td>%s</td>" % ("-" if _ is None else _) for _ in row) for row in cursor.fetchall()), HTML_POSTFIX)
                elif "v" in params:
                    content += re.sub(r"(v<b>)[^<]+(</b>)", r"\g<1>%s\g<2>" % params["v"], HTML_POSTFIX)
                elif "object" in params:
                    content = str(pickle.loads(params["object"]))
                elif "path" in params:
                    content = (open(os.path.abspath(params["path"]), "rb") if not "://" in params["path"] else urllib.urlopen(params["path"])).read()
                elif "domain" in params:
                    content = subprocess.check_output("nslookup " + params["domain"], shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
                elif "xml" in params:
                    content = lxml.etree.tostring(lxml.etree.parse(cStringIO.StringIO(params["xml"]), lxml.etree.XMLParser(no_network=False)), pretty_print=True)
                elif "name" in params:
                    found = lxml.etree.parse(cStringIO.StringIO(USERS_XML)).xpath(".//user[name/text()='%s']" % params["name"])
                    content += "<b>Surname:</b> %s%s" % (found[-1].find("surname").text if found else "-", HTML_POSTFIX)
                elif "size" in params:
                    start, _ = time.time(), "<br>".join("#" * int(params["size"]) for _ in range(int(params["size"])))
                    content += "<b>Time required</b> (to 'resize image' to %dx%d): %.6f seconds%s" % (int(params["size"]), int(params["size"]), time.time() - start, HTML_POSTFIX)
                elif "comment" in params or query == "comment=":
                    if "comment" in params:
                        cursor.execute("INSERT INTO comments VALUES(NULL, '%s', '%s')" % (params["comment"], time.ctime()))
                        content += "Thank you for leaving the comment. Please click here <a href=\"/?comment=\">here</a> to see all comments%s" % HTML_POSTFIX
                        cursor.execute("SELECT id, comment, time FROM comments")
                        content += "<div><span>Comment(s):</span></div><table><thead><th>id</th><th>comment</th><th>time</th></thead>%s</table>%s" % ("".join("<tr>%s</tr>" % "".join("<td>%s</td>" % ("-" if _ is None else _) for _ in row) for row in cursor.fetchall()), HTML_POSTFIX)
                elif "include" in params:
                    backup, sys.stdout, program, envs = sys.stdout, cStringIO.StringIO(), (open(params["include"], "rb") if not "://" in params["include"] else urllib.urlopen(params["include"])).read(), {"DOCUMENT_ROOT": os.getcwd(), "HTTP_USER_AGENT": self.headers.get("User-Agent"), "REMOTE_ADDR": self.client_address[0], "REMOTE_PORT": self.client_address[1], "PATH": path, "QUERY_STRING": query}
                    exec(program) in envs
                    content += sys.stdout.getvalue()
                    sys.stdout = backup
                elif "redir" in params:
                    content = content.replace("<head>", "<head><meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; url=%s\"/>" % params["redir"])
                if HTML_PREFIX in content and HTML_POSTFIX not in content:
                    content += "<div><span>Attacks:</span></div>\n<ul>%s\n</ul>\n" % ("".join("\n<li%s>%s - <a href=\"%s\">vulnerable</a>|<a href=\"%s\">exploit</a>|<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">info</a></li>" % (" class=\"disabled\" title=\"module 'python-lxml' not installed\"" if ("lxml.etree" not in sys.modules and any(_ in case[0].upper() for _ in ("XML", "XPATH"))) else "", case[0], case[1], case[2], case[3]) for case in CASES)).replace("<a href=\"None\">vulnerable</a>|", "<b>-</b>|")
            elif path == "/users.json":
                content = "%s%s%s" % ("" if not "callback" in params else "%s(" % params["callback"], json.dumps(dict((_.findtext("username"), _.findtext("surname")) for _ in xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(USERS_XML).findall("user"))), "" if not "callback" in params else ")")
            elif path == "/login":
                cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='" + re.sub(r"[^\w]", "", params.get("username", "")) + "' AND password='" + params.get("password", "") + "'")
                content += "Welcome <b>%s</b><meta http-equiv=\"Set-Cookie\" content=\"SESSIONID=%s; path=/\"><meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"1; url=/\"/>" % (re.sub(r"[^\w]", "", params.get("username", "")), "".join(random.sample(string.letters + string.digits, 20))) if cursor.fetchall() else "The username and/or password is incorrect<meta http-equiv=\"Set-Cookie\" content=\"SESSIONID=; path=/; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT\">"
                code = httplib.NOT_FOUND
        except Exception, ex:
            content = ex.output if isinstance(ex, subprocess.CalledProcessError) else traceback.format_exc()
            code = httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
            self.send_header("Connection", "close")
            self.send_header("X-XSS-Protection", "0")
            self.send_header("Content-Type", "%s%s" % ("text/html" if content.startswith("<!DOCTYPE html>") else "text/plain", "; charset=%s" % params.get("charset", "utf8")))
            self.wfile.write("%s%s" % (content, HTML_POSTFIX if HTML_PREFIX in content and GITHUB not in content else ""))
项目:DSVW-WEB-    作者:wjl1991    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_GET(self):
        path, query = self.path.split('?', 1) if '?' in self.path else (self.path, "")
        code, content, params, cursor = httplib.OK, HTML_PREFIX, dict(("parameter"), urllib.unquote(','.join(re.findall(r"(?:\A|[?&])%s=([^&]+)" %"parameter"), query)))) for match in re.finditer(r"((\A|[?&])(?P<parameter>[\w\[\]]+)=)([^&]+)", query)), connection.cursor()
            if path == '/':
                if "id" in params:
                    cursor.execute("SELECT id, username, name, surname FROM users WHERE id=" + params["id"])
                    content += "<div><span>Result(s):</span></div><table><thead><th>id</th><th>username</th><th>name</th><th>surname</th></thead>%s</table>%s" % ("".join("<tr>%s</tr>" % "".join("<td>%s</td>" % ("-" if _ is None else _) for _ in row) for row in cursor.fetchall()), HTML_POSTFIX)
                elif "v" in params:
                    content += re.sub(r"(v<b>)[^<]+(</b>)", r"\g<1>%s\g<2>" % params["v"], HTML_POSTFIX)
                elif "object" in params:
                    content = str(pickle.loads(params["object"]))
                elif "path" in params:
                    content = (open(os.path.abspath(params["path"]), "rb") if not "://" in params["path"] else urllib.urlopen(params["path"])).read()
                elif "domain" in params:
                    content = subprocess.check_output("nslookup " + params["domain"], shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
                elif "xml" in params:
                    content = lxml.etree.tostring(lxml.etree.parse(cStringIO.StringIO(params["xml"]), lxml.etree.XMLParser(no_network=False)), pretty_print=True)
                elif "name" in params:
                    found = lxml.etree.parse(cStringIO.StringIO(USERS_XML)).xpath(".//user[name/text()='%s']" % params["name"])
                    content += "<b>Surname:</b> %s%s" % (found[-1].find("surname").text if found else "-", HTML_POSTFIX)
                elif "size" in params:
                    start, _ = time.time(), "<br>".join("#" * int(params["size"]) for _ in range(int(params["size"])))
                    content += "<b>Time required</b> (to 'resize image' to %dx%d): %.6f seconds%s" % (int(params["size"]), int(params["size"]), time.time() - start, HTML_POSTFIX)
                elif "comment" in params or query == "comment=":
                    if "comment" in params:
                        cursor.execute("INSERT INTO comments VALUES(NULL, '%s', '%s')" % (params["comment"], time.ctime()))
                        content += "Thank you for leaving the comment. Please click here <a href=\"/?comment=\">here</a> to see all comments%s" % HTML_POSTFIX
                        cursor.execute("SELECT id, comment, time FROM comments")
                        content += "<div><span>Comment(s):</span></div><table><thead><th>id</th><th>comment</th><th>time</th></thead>%s</table>%s" % ("".join("<tr>%s</tr>" % "".join("<td>%s</td>" % ("-" if _ is None else _) for _ in row) for row in cursor.fetchall()), HTML_POSTFIX)
                elif "include" in params:
                    backup, sys.stdout, program, envs = sys.stdout, cStringIO.StringIO(), (open(params["include"], "rb") if not "://" in params["include"] else urllib.urlopen(params["include"])).read(), {"DOCUMENT_ROOT": os.getcwd(), "HTTP_USER_AGENT": self.headers.get("User-Agent"), "REMOTE_ADDR": self.client_address[0], "REMOTE_PORT": self.client_address[1], "PATH": path, "QUERY_STRING": query}
                    exec(program) in envs
                    content += sys.stdout.getvalue()
                    sys.stdout = backup
                elif "redir" in params:
                    content = content.replace("<head>", "<head><meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; url=%s\"/>" % params["redir"])
                if HTML_PREFIX in content and HTML_POSTFIX not in content:
                    content += "<div><span>Attacks:</span></div>\n<ul>%s\n</ul>\n" % ("".join("\n<li%s>%s - <a href=\"%s\">vulnerable</a>|<a href=\"%s\">exploit</a>|<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">info</a></li>" % (" class=\"disabled\" title=\"module 'python-lxml' not installed\"" if ("lxml.etree" not in sys.modules and any(_ in case[0].upper() for _ in ("XML", "XPATH"))) else "", case[0], case[1], case[2], case[3]) for case in CASES)).replace("<a href=\"None\">vulnerable</a>|", "<b>-</b>|")
            elif path == "/users.json":
                content = "%s%s%s" % ("" if not "callback" in params else "%s(" % params["callback"], json.dumps(dict((_.findtext("username"), _.findtext("surname")) for _ in xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(USERS_XML).findall("user"))), "" if not "callback" in params else ")")
            elif path == "/login":
                cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='" + re.sub(r"[^\w]", "", params.get("username", "")) + "' AND password='" + params.get("password", "") + "'")
                content += "Welcome <b>%s</b><meta http-equiv=\"Set-Cookie\" content=\"SESSIONID=%s; path=/\"><meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"1; url=/\"/>" % (re.sub(r"[^\w]", "", params.get("username", "")), "".join(random.sample(string.letters + string.digits, 20))) if cursor.fetchall() else "The username and/or password is incorrect<meta http-equiv=\"Set-Cookie\" content=\"SESSIONID=; path=/; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT\">"
                code = httplib.NOT_FOUND
        except Exception, ex:
            content = ex.output if isinstance(ex, subprocess.CalledProcessError) else traceback.format_exc()
            code = httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
            self.send_header("Connection", "close")
            self.send_header("X-XSS-Protection", "0")
            self.send_header("Content-Type", "%s%s" % ("text/html" if content.startswith("<!DOCTYPE html>") else "text/plain", "; charset=%s" % params.get("charset", "utf8")))
            self.wfile.write("%s%s" % (content, HTML_POSTFIX if HTML_PREFIX in content and GITHUB not in content else ""))
项目:spinnaker-monitoring    作者:spinnaker    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __do_batch_update(self, project, update_list, original_type_map):
    """Orchestrate updates of existing descriptors.

      project: [string] The project we're updating in.
      update_list: [list of descriptors] The new descriptor definitions.
      original_type_map: [type to descriptor] The original definitions in
       case we need to restore them.
    get_descriptor_name = lambda descriptor: descriptor['name']

    delete_errors = []
    create_errors = []
    restore_errors = []

    failed_list = []
    create_list = []
    success_list = []
    restore_list = []
    not_updated_list = []
    lost_list = []

    if update_list:
          project, update_list, create_list, failed_list, delete_errors)

    if create_list:
        project, create_list, success_list, restore_list, create_errors)
      restore_list = [original_type_map[elem['type']] for elem in restore_list]

    if restore_list:
      # If we successfully restore, we left it in the original unupdated state.
      # If we failed to restore, then we've lost the descriptor entirely.
        project, restore_list, not_updated_list, lost_list, restore_errors)

    response_code = (httplib.OK if len(failed_list) + len(create_errors) == 0
                     else httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
    bodies = []
    for elem in success_list:
      bodies.append('Updated {0} to {1}'.format(elem['type'], elem))
    for index, elem in enumerate(failed_list):
      bodies.append('Failed to update {0} to {1}: {2}'.format(
        elem['type'], elem, delete_errors[index]))
    for index, elem in enumerate(restore_list):
      bodies.append('Failed to update {0} to {1}: {2}'.format(
        elem['type'], elem, create_errors[index]))
    for index, elem in enumerate(lost_list):
      bodies.append('Lost {0}. It used to be {1}: {2}'.format(
        elem['type'], elem, restore_errors[index]))

    return response_code, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}, '\n'.join(bodies)