Python httplib 模块,SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE 实例源码


项目:pushkin    作者:Nordeus    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def handle_request(self):
        parsed_request = self.parse_request(self.request.body)
        unpacked_requests = self.unpack_batch(parsed_request)
        context.main_logger.debug("Received an event batch of {num_requests} requests in batch handler {handler}"

        if not context.request_processor.submit(self.create_request(unpacked_requests)):
            context.main_logger.warning("RequestProcessor queue size limit reached, sending back off response...")
项目:drift    作者:dgnorth    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate_steam_ticket():
    """Validate steam ticket from /auth call."""

    ob = request.get_json()    
    check_schema(ob, steam_provider_schema, "Error in request body.")
    provider_details = ob['provider_details']
    auth_config = current_app.config.get('authentication')

    # Get Steam authentication config
    steam_config = auth_config.get('steam')
    if not steam_config:
        abort(httplib.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, description="Steam authentication not configured for current tenant")

    # Find configuration for the requested Steam app id.
    appid = provider_details.get('appid')
    for steam_app in steam_config:
        if steam_app['appid'] == int(provider_details.get('appid')):  # Cast to int is temporary hack
        abort(httplib.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, description="Steam authentication not configured for app %s." % appid)

    # Look up our secret key or key url
    key_url = steam_app.get('key_url')
    key = steam_app.get('key')
    if not key_url and not key:
        log.error("Steam tickets cannot be validated. AUTH_STEAM_KEY_URL or AUTH_STEAM_KEY missing from config.")
        abort(httplib.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, description="Steam tickets cannot be validated at the moment.")

    # Call validation and authenticate if ticket is good
    identity_id = run_ticket_validation(provider_details, key_url=key_url, key=key, appid=appid)
    return identity_id
项目:mWorkerService    作者:smices    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def should_retry(self, error, retries_attempted):
        """Return true if the http client should retry the request.

        :param error: the caught error.
        :type error: Exception
        :param retries_attempted: the number of retries which has been attempted before.
        :type retries_attempted: int
        :return: true if the http client should retry the request.
        :rtype: bool

        # stop retrying when the maximum number of retries is reached
        if retries_attempted >= self.max_error_retry:
            return False

        # always retry on IOError
        if isinstance(error, IOError):
            _logger.debug('Retry for IOError.')
            return True

        # Only retry on a subset of service exceptions
        if isinstance(error, BceServerError):
            if error.status_code == httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR:
                _logger.debug('Retry for internal server error.')
                return True
            if error.status_code == httplib.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE:
                _logger.debug('Retry for service unavailable.')
                return True
            if error.code == BceServerError.REQUEST_EXPIRED:
                _logger.debug('Retry for request expired.')
                return True

        return False
项目:mWorkerService    作者:smices    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def should_retry(self, error, retries_attempted):
        """Return true if the http client should retry the request.

        :param error: the caught error.
        :type error: Exception
        :param retries_attempted: the number of retries which has been attempted before.
        :type retries_attempted: int
        :return: true if the http client should retry the request.
        :rtype: bool

        # stop retrying when the maximum number of retries is reached
        if retries_attempted >= self.max_error_retry:
            return False

        # always retry on IOError
        if isinstance(error, IOError):
            _logger.debug('Retry for IOError.')
            return True

        # Only retry on a subset of service exceptions
        if isinstance(error, BceServerError):
            if error.status_code == httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR:
                _logger.debug('Retry for internal server error.')
                return True
            if error.status_code == httplib.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE:
                _logger.debug('Retry for service unavailable.')
                return True
            if error.code == BceServerError.REQUEST_EXPIRED:
                _logger.debug('Retry for request expired.')
                return True

        return False
项目:python-phoenixdb    作者:lalinsky    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _post_request(self, body, headers):
        retry_count = self.max_retries
        while True:
            logger.debug("POST %s %r %r", self.url.path, body, headers)
                self.connection.request('POST', self.url.path, body=body, headers=headers)
                response = self.connection.getresponse()
            except httplib.HTTPException as e:
                if retry_count > 0:
                    delay = math.exp(-retry_count)
                    logger.debug("HTTP protocol error, will retry in %s seconds...", delay, exc_info=True)
                    retry_count -= 1
                raise errors.InterfaceError('RPC request failed', cause=e)
                if response.status == httplib.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE:
                    if retry_count > 0:
                        delay = math.exp(-retry_count)
                        logger.debug("Service unavailable, will retry in %s seconds...", delay, exc_info=True)
                        retry_count -= 1
                return response
项目:Protector    作者:trivago    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _handle_request(self, scheme, netloc, path, headers, body=None, method="GET"):
        Run the actual request
        backend_url = "{}://{}{}".format(scheme, netloc, path)
            response = self.http_request.request(backend_url, method=method, body=body, headers=dict(headers))
        except Exception as e:
            body = "Invalid response from backend: '{}' Server might be busy".format(e.message)
            self.send_error(httplib.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, body)
项目:Deploy_XXNET_Server    作者:jzp820927    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def retry_task(self):
    """Ask taskqueue to retry this task.

    Even though raising an exception can cause a task retry, it
    will flood logs with highly visible ERROR logs. Handlers should uses
    this method to perform controlled task retries. Only raise exceptions
    for those deserve ERROR log entries.
    self.response.set_status(httplib.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, "Retry task")
项目:os-xenapi    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_resp_status_and_retry(resp, image_id, url):
    # Note(Jesse): This branch sorts errors into those that are permanent,
    # those that are ephemeral, and those that are unexpected.
    if resp.status in (httplib.BAD_REQUEST,                      # 400
                       httplib.UNAUTHORIZED,                     # 401
                       httplib.PAYMENT_REQUIRED,                 # 402
                       httplib.FORBIDDEN,                        # 403
                       httplib.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED,               # 405
                       httplib.NOT_ACCEPTABLE,                   # 406
                       httplib.PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED,    # 407
                       httplib.CONFLICT,                         # 409
                       httplib.GONE,                             # 410
                       httplib.LENGTH_REQUIRED,                  # 411
                       httplib.PRECONDITION_FAILED,              # 412
                       httplib.REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE,         # 413
                       httplib.REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG,             # 414
                       httplib.UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE,           # 415
                       httplib.REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE,  # 416
                       httplib.EXPECTATION_FAILED,               # 417
                       httplib.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY,             # 422
                       httplib.LOCKED,                           # 423
                       httplib.FAILED_DEPENDENCY,                # 424
                       httplib.UPGRADE_REQUIRED,                 # 426
                       httplib.NOT_IMPLEMENTED,                  # 501
                       httplib.HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED,       # 505
                       httplib.NOT_EXTENDED,                     # 510
        raise PluginError("Got Permanent Error response [%i] while "
                          "uploading image [%s] to glance [%s]"
                          % (resp.status, image_id, url))
    # Nova service would process the exception
    elif resp.status == httplib.NOT_FOUND:                        # 404
        exc = XenAPI.Failure('ImageNotFound')
        raise exc
    # NOTE(nikhil): Only a sub-set of the 500 errors are retryable. We
    # optimistically retry on 500 errors below.
    elif resp.status in (httplib.REQUEST_TIMEOUT,                # 408
                         httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,          # 500
                         httplib.BAD_GATEWAY,                    # 502
                         httplib.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE,            # 503
                         httplib.GATEWAY_TIMEOUT,                # 504
                         httplib.INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE,           # 507
        raise RetryableError("Got Ephemeral Error response [%i] while "
                             "uploading image [%s] to glance [%s]"
                             % (resp.status, image_id, url))
        # Note(Jesse): Assume unexpected errors are retryable. If you are
        # seeing this error message, the error should probably be added
        # to either the ephemeral or permanent error list.
        raise RetryableError("Got Unexpected Error response [%i] while "
                             "uploading image [%s] to glance [%s]"
                             % (resp.status, image_id, url))