Python hypothesis.strategies 模块,booleans() 实例源码


项目:TopChef    作者:TopChef    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def services(
        registration_schemas=dictionaries(text(), text()),
        result_schemas=dictionaries(text(), text()),
) -> ServiceInterface:
    return Service(
        draw(ids), draw(names), draw(descriptions),
        draw(registration_schemas), draw(result_schemas),
        draw(are_available), draw(service_job_lists),
项目:cattrs    作者:Tinche    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bare_attrs(draw, defaults=None):
    Generate a tuple of an attribute and a strategy that yields values
    appropriate for that attribute.
    default = NOTHING
    if defaults is True or (defaults is None and draw(st.booleans())):
        default = None
    return ((attr.ib(default=default), st.just(None)))
项目:cattrs    作者:Tinche    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def int_attrs(draw, defaults=None):
    Generate a tuple of an attribute and a strategy that yields ints for that
    default = NOTHING
    if defaults is True or (defaults is None and draw(st.booleans())):
        default = draw(st.integers())
    return ((attr.ib(default=default), st.integers()))
项目:cattrs    作者:Tinche    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def str_attrs(draw, defaults=None):
    Generate a tuple of an attribute and a strategy that yields strs for that
    default = NOTHING
    if defaults is True or (defaults is None and draw(st.booleans())):
        default = draw(st.text())
    return ((attr.ib(default=default), st.text()))
项目:cattrs    作者:Tinche    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def float_attrs(draw, defaults=None):
    Generate a tuple of an attribute and a strategy that yields floats for that
    default = NOTHING
    if defaults is True or (defaults is None and draw(st.booleans())):
        default = draw(st.floats())
    return ((attr.ib(default=default), st.floats()))
项目:cattrs    作者:Tinche    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dict_attrs(draw, defaults=None):
    Generate a tuple of an attribute and a strategy that yields dictionaries
    for that attribute. The dictionaries map strings to integers.
    default = NOTHING
    val_strat = st.dictionaries(keys=st.text(), values=st.integers())
    if defaults is True or (defaults is None and draw(st.booleans())):
        default_val = draw(val_strat)
        default = attr.Factory(lambda: default_val)
    return ((attr.ib(default=default), val_strat))
项目:TopChef    作者:TopChef    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def services(
        service_id=uuids(), name=text(), description=text(),
) -> IService:
    return Service(
        draw(service_id), draw(name), draw(description), draw(is_available)
项目:pyta    作者:pyta-uoft    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ifexp_node(draw, test=const_node(hs.booleans()),
               body=const_node(), orelse=const_node()):
    test = draw(test)
    body = draw(body)
    orelse = draw(orelse)
    node = astroid.IfExp()
    node.postinit(test, body, orelse)
    return node
项目:matchpy    作者:HPAC    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bipartite_graph(draw):
    m = draw(st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=4))
    n = draw(st.integers(min_value=m, max_value=5))

    graph = BipartiteGraph()
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(m):
            b = draw(st.booleans())
            if b:
                graph[i, j] = b

    return graph
项目:BIGSI    作者:Phelimb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_transpose(booleans):
    npmatrix = np.array(booleans).transpose()
    bitarrays = create_bitarrays(booleans)
    tbitarrays = transpose(bitarrays)
    for j in range(len(booleans)):
        for i in range(SIZE):
            assert npmatrix[i, j] == tbitarrays[i][j]
项目:pyaptly    作者:adfinis-sygroup    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provide_require_st(draw, filter_=True):  # pragma: no cover
    commands = draw(range_intagers_st)
    provides = draw(
            st.lists(range_intagers_st, max_size=10),
            min_size = commands,
            max_size = commands
    is_func = draw(
            min_size = commands,
            max_size = commands
    provides_set = set()
    for command in provides:
    requires = []
    if provides_set:
        for command in provides:
            if command:
                max_prov = max(command)
                max_prov = 0
            if filter_:
                provides_filter = [x for x in provides_set if x > max_prov]
                provides_filter = provides_set
            if provides_filter:
                sample = st.sampled_from(provides_filter)
                requires.append(draw(st.lists(sample, max_size=10)))
        requires = [[]] * commands
    return (provides, requires, is_func)
项目:yarnitor    作者:maxpoint    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mapreduce_application():
    """Mock of the mapreduce jobs REST resource."""
    if 'last' in request.args:
        return jsonify(redis.get(request.base_url))

    d = st.fixed_dictionaries({
        'startTime': st.integers(0),
        'finishTime': st.integers(0),
        'elapsedTime': st.integers(0),
        'id': st.integers(0),
        'name': st.text(),
        'user': st.text(),
        'state': st.sampled_from(['NEW', 'SUCCEEDED', 'RUNNING', 'FAILED', 'KILLED']),
        'mapsTotal': st.integers(0),
        'mapsCompleted': st.integers(0),
        'reducesTotal': st.integers(0),
        'reducesCompleted': st.integers(0),
        'mapProgress': st.floats(0, 100),
        'reduceProgress': st.floats(0, 100),
        'mapsPending': st.integers(0),
        'mapsRunning': st.integers(0),
        'reducesPending': st.integers(0),
        'reducesRunning': st.integers(0),
        'uberized': st.booleans(),
        'diagnostics': st.text(),
        'newReduceAttempts': st.integers(0),
        'runningReduceAttempts': st.integers(0),
        'failedReduceAttempts': st.integers(0),
        'killedReduceAttempts': st.integers(0),
        'successfulReduceAttempts': st.integers(0),
        'newMapAttempts': st.integers(0),
        'runningMapAttempts': st.integers(0),
        'failedMapAttempts': st.integers(0),
        'killedMapAttempts': st.integers(0),
        'successfulMapAttempts': st.integers(0)
    result = json.dumps({
        'jobs': {
            'job': st.lists(d, average_size=3).example()
    redis.set(request.base_url, result)
    return jsonify(result)