Python idaapi 模块,enum_import_names() 实例源码


项目:viv-utils    作者:williballenthin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_imports():
    enumerate the imports of the currently loaded module.

      Tuple[int, str, str, int]:
        - address of import table pointer
        - name of imported library
        - name of imported function
        - ordinal of import
    for i in range(idaapi.get_import_module_qty()):
        dllname = idaapi.get_import_module_name(i)
        if not dllname:

        entries = []
        def cb(ea, name, ordinal):
            entries.append((ea, name, ordinal))
            return True  # continue enumeration

        idaapi.enum_import_names(i, cb)

        for ea, name, ordinal in entries:
            yield ea, dllname, name, ordinal
项目:HexRaysPyTools    作者:igogo-x86    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def init_imported_ea(*args):

    def imp_cb(ea, name, ord):
        # True -> Continue enumeration
        # False -> Stop enumeration
        return True

    print "[Info] Collecting information about imports"
    nimps = idaapi.get_import_module_qty()

    for i in xrange(0, nimps):
        name = idaapi.get_import_module_name(i)
        if not name:
            print "[Warning] Failed to get import module name for #%d" % i

        # print "Walking-> %s" % name
        idaapi.enum_import_names(i, imp_cb)
    print "[Info] Done..."
项目:win_driver_plugin    作者:mwrlabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def driver_type():

    implist = idaapi.get_import_module_qty()

    for i in range(0, implist):
        name = idaapi.get_import_module_name(i)
        idaapi.enum_import_names(i, cb)
    for i in names:
        if name == "FltRegisterFilter":
            return "Mini-Filter"
        elif name == "WdfVersionBind":
            return "WDF"
        elif name == "StreamClassRegisterMinidriver":
            return "Stream Minidriver"
        elif name == "KsCreateFilterFactory":
            return "AVStream"
        elif name == "PcRegisterSubdevice":
            return "PortCls"
    return "WDM"
项目:idapython    作者:mr-tz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_imports(library_calls):
    """ Populate dictionaries with import information. Return imported modules. """
    import_modules = []
    import_names_callback = make_import_names_callback(library_calls)
    for i in xrange(0, idaapi.get_import_module_qty()):
        idaapi.enum_import_names(i, import_names_callback)
    return import_modules
项目:idapython    作者:mr-tz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_import_names_callback(library_calls):
    """ Return a callback function used by idaapi.enum_import_names(). """
    def callback(ea, name, ordinal):
        """ Callback function to retrieve code references to library calls. """
        library_calls[name] = []
        for ref in idautils.CodeRefsTo(ea, 0):
        return True  # True -> Continue enumeration
    return callback
项目:ropf    作者:kevinkoo001    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_typed_imports():
    """Queries IDA for functions in the import table that do have a type.
    Returns a set of (func_ea, func_type) tuples."""
    imp_funcs = set()

    def imp_cb(ea, name, ordn):
        ftype = idc.GetType(ea)
        if ftype:
            imp_funcs.add((ea, ftype))
        return True

    for i in xrange(idaapi.get_import_module_qty()):
        idaapi.enum_import_names(i, imp_cb)

    return imp_funcs
项目:idascripts    作者:ctfhacker    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __iterate__():
        """Iterate through all of the imports in the database.
        Yields (ea,(module,name,ordinal)) for each iteration.
        for idx in xrange(idaapi.get_import_module_qty()):
            module = idaapi.get_import_module_name(idx)
            result = []
            idaapi.enum_import_names(idx, utils.compose(,result.append,utils.fdiscard(lambda:True)))
            for ea,name,ordinal in result:
                yield (ea,(module,name,ordinal))
项目:idasec    作者:RobinDavid    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_imports():
        imports = {}
        current = ""

        def callback(ea, name, ordinal):
            imports[current].append((ea, name, ordinal))
            return True

        nimps = idaapi.get_import_module_qty()
        for i in xrange(0, nimps):
            current = idaapi.get_import_module_name(i)
            imports[current] = []
            idaapi.enum_import_names(i, callback)
        return imports