Python idaapi 模块,segment_t() 实例源码


项目:FIRST-plugin-ida    作者:vrtadmin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_segment_functions(segment):
            '''Returns functions for a given segment.

                segment (`segment_t`): The segment functions will be returned
                    from. segment_t objects are returned from IDA's getseg API.

                list: Empty list or list of MetadataShim objects on success.

                None: None on failure.

                Fails if argument is not a segment_t or there are no functions
                in that segment.
            if not isinstance(segment, idaapi.segment_t):
                return None

            segment_offset = segment.startEA - IDAW.get_imagebase()
            if segment_offset not in FIRST.function_list:
                return None

            return FIRST.function_list[segment_offset].values()
项目:defcon25-public    作者:pwning    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_segment(start, end, name, type_):
    segment = idaapi.segment_t()
    segment.startEA = start
    segment.endEA = end
    segment.bitness = 1 # 32-bit

    idaapi.add_segm_ex(segment, name, type_, idaapi.ADDSEG_SPARSE | idaapi.ADDSEG_OR_DIE)
项目:idascripts    作者:ctfhacker    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def by(segment):
    '''Return a segment by it's segment_t.'''
    return segment
项目:idascripts    作者:ctfhacker    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def repr(segment):
    '''Return a repr() of the segment identified by ``segment``.'''
    '''Given a segment_t/address, return a printable representation of it'''
    seg = by(segment)
    return "{:s} {:s} {:x}-{:x} (+{:x})".format(object.__repr__(seg),idaapi.get_true_segm_name(seg),seg.startEA,seg.endEA,seg.endEA-seg.startEA)
项目:idascripts    作者:ctfhacker    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove(segment, remove=False):
    """Remove the segment identified by ``segment``.
    If the bool ``remove`` is specified, then remove the content of the segment from the database.
    if not isinstance(segment, idaapi.segment_t):
        raise TypeError("{:s}.remove({!r}) : segment is not of an idaapi.segment_t. : {!r}".format(__name__, segment, type(segment)))
    res = idaapi.del_selector(segment.sel)
    if res == 0:
        logging.warn("{:s}.remove({!r}):Unable to delete selector {:x}".format(__name__, segment, segment.sel))
    res = idaapi.del_segm(segment.startEA, idaapi.SEGMOD_KILL if remove else idaapi.SEGMOD_KEEP)
    if res == 0:
        logging.warn("{:s}.remove({!r}):Unable to delete segment {:s} : {:s}".format(__name__, segment,, segment.sel))
    return res
项目:idascripts    作者:ctfhacker    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def save(filename, segment, offset=0):
    """Export the segment identified by ``segment`` to the file named ``filename``.

    If the int ``offset`` is specified, then begin writing into the file at the specified offset.
    if isinstance(segment, idaapi.segment_t):
        return _save_file(filename, segment.startEA, size(segment), offset)
    return save(filename, by(segment))
项目:DecLLVM    作者:F8LEFT    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def AddSegEx(startea, endea, base, use32, align, comb, flags):
    Create a new segment

    @param startea: linear address of the start of the segment
    @param endea: linear address of the end of the segment
               this address will not belong to the segment
               'endea' should be higher than 'startea'
    @param base: base paragraph or selector of the segment.
               a paragraph is 16byte memory chunk.
               If a selector value is specified, the selector should be
               already defined.
    @param use32: 0: 16bit segment, 1: 32bit segment, 2: 64bit segment
    @param align: segment alignment. see below for alignment values
    @param comb: segment combination. see below for combination values.
    @param flags: combination of ADDSEG_... bits

    @return: 0-failed, 1-ok
    s = idaapi.segment_t()
    s.startEA     = startea
    s.endEA       = endea
    s.sel         = idaapi.setup_selector(base)
    s.bitness     = use32
    s.align       = align
    s.comb        = comb
    return idaapi.add_segm_ex(s, "", "", flags)
项目:ida-bpf-processor    作者:bdr00    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_file(li, neflags, format):

    # Select the PC processor module
    idaapi.set_processor_type("BPF", SETPROC_ALL|SETPROC_FATAL)

    buf = read_whole_file(li, 8)
    if not buf:
        return 0

    # Load all shellcode into different segments
    start = 0x1000
    seg = idaapi.segment_t()
    size = len(buf)
    end  = start + size

    # Create the segment
    seg.startEA = start
    seg.endEA   = end
    seg.bitness = 1 # 32-bit
    idaapi.add_segm_ex(seg, "bpf_c", "CODE", 0)

    # Copy the bytes
    idaapi.mem2base(buf, start, end)

    # add entry point
    idaapi.add_entry(start, start, "start", 1) 

    # add comment to beginning of disassembly
    idaapi.describe(start, True, "BPF bytecode disassembly")

    # Mark for analysis
    AutoMark(start, AU_CODE)

    return 1
项目:FIRST-plugin-ida    作者:vrtadmin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_segments_with_functions():
            '''Returns a list of segments with defined functions in it.

                list: Empty list or list of segment_t objects
            data = []

            if not FIRST.function_list:
                return None

            for segment_offset in FIRST.function_list:
                data.append(IDAW.getseg(segment_offset + IDAW.get_imagebase()))

            return data
项目:idascripts    作者:ctfhacker    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def new(offset, size, name, **kwds):
    """Create a segment at ``offset`` with ``size`` and name it according to ``name``.
    ``bits`` can be used to specify the bit size of the segment
    ``comb`` can be used to specify any flags (*)
    ``align`` can be used to specify paragraph alignment (*)
    ``org`` specifies the origin of the segment (must be paragraph aligned due to ida)
    s = idaapi.get_segm_by_name(name)
    if s is not None:
        logging.fatal("{:s}.new({:x}, {:x}, {!r}, {!r}) : a segment with the specified name already exists : {:s}".format(__name__, offset, size, name, kwds, name))
        return None

    bits = kwds.get( 'bits', 32 if idaapi.getseg(offset) is None else idaapi.getseg(offset).abits()) # FIXME: use disassembler default bit length instead of 32

    if bits == 16:
        ## create a selector with the requested origin
        org = kwds.get('org',0)
        if org&0xf > 0:
            logging.fatal("{:s}.new({:x}, {:x}, {!r}, {!r}) : origin (.org) is not aligned to the size of a paragraph (0x10) : {:x}".format(__name__, offset, size, name, kwds, org))
            return None

        para = offset/16
        sel = idaapi.allocate_selector(para)
        idaapi.set_selector(sel, (para-kwds.get('org',0)/16)&0xffffffff)
        ## auto-create a selector for everything else
        sel = idaapi.setup_selector(kwds['selector']) if 'selector' in kwds else idaapi.find_free_selector()

    # create segment. ripped from idc
    s = idaapi.segment_t()
    s.startEA = offset
    s.endEA = offset+size
    s.sel = sel
    s.bitness = {16:0,32:1,64:2}[bits]
    s.comb = kwds.get('comb', idaapi.scPub)       # public
    s.align = kwds.get('align', idaapi.saRelByte)  # paragraphs

    res = idaapi.add_segm_ex(s, name, "", idaapi.ADDSEG_NOSREG|idaapi.ADDSEG_SPARSE)
    if res == 0:
        logging.warn("{:s}.new({:x}, {:x}, {!r}, {!r}) : unable to add a new segment".format(__name__, offset, size, name, kwds))
        res = idaapi.del_selector(sel)
        #assert res != 0
        return None
    return s