Python idaapi 模块,find_tform() 实例源码


项目:VMAttack    作者:anatolikalysch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_init_menu(self):
            self.widget = form_to_widget(idaapi.get_current_tform())
            if self.widget is None:
                raise Exception()
            self.widget = form_to_widget(idaapi.find_tform('Output window'))
        self.window = self.widget.window() = self.window.findChild(QtWidgets.QMenuBar)

    # add top level menu
项目:lighthouse    作者:gaasedelen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_ida_bg_color_ida6():
    Get the background color of an IDA disassembly view. (IDA 6.x)
    names  = ["Enums", "Structures"]
    names += ["Hex View-%u" % i for i in range(5)]
    names += ["IDA View-%c" % chr(ord('A') + i) for i in range(5)]

    # find a form (eg, IDA view) to analyze colors from
    for window_name in names:
        form = idaapi.find_tform(window_name)
        if form:
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to find donor View")

    # touch the target form so we know it is populated

    # locate the Qt Widget for a form and take 1px image slice of it
    if using_pyqt5:
        widget = idaapi.PluginForm.FormToPyQtWidget(form)
        pixmap = widget.grab(QtCore.QRect(0, 10, widget.width(), 1))
        widget = idaapi.PluginForm.FormToPySideWidget(form)
        region = QtCore.QRect(0, 10, widget.width(), 1)
        pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap.grabWidget(widget, region)

    # convert the raw pixmap into an image (easier to interface with)
    image = QtGui.QImage(pixmap.toImage())

    # return the predicted background color
    return QtGui.QColor(predict_bg_color(image))
项目:HexRaysPyTools    作者:igogo-x86    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(arg):
        tform = idaapi.find_tform("Structure Builder")
        if tform:
            idaapi.switchto_tform(tform, True)
项目:HexRaysPyTools    作者:igogo-x86    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def activate(self, ctx):
        :param ctx: idaapi.action_activation_ctx_t
        :return:    None
        tform = idaapi.find_tform('Classes')
        if not tform:
            class_viewer = Forms.ClassViewer()
            idaapi.switchto_tform(tform, True)
项目:ida_func_ptr    作者:HandsomeMatt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_selected_funcs():
    tform = idaapi.find_tform("Functions window")
    if not tform:
        idc.Warning("Unable to find 'Functions window'")

    widget = idaapi.PluginForm.FormToPySideWidget(tform)
    table = widget.findChild(QtWidgets.QTableView)
    selected_funcs = [str( for s in table.selectionModel().selectedRows()]

    return match_funcs(selected_funcs)
项目:prefix    作者:gaasedelen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_selected_funcs():
    Return the list of function names selected in the Functions window.

    # NOTE / COMPAT:
    if using_ida7api:
        import sip
        twidget = idaapi.find_widget("Functions window")
        widget  = sip.wrapinstance(long(twidget), QtWidgets.QWidget) # NOTE: LOL
        tform = idaapi.find_tform("Functions window")
        if using_pyqt5:
            widget = idaapi.PluginForm.FormToPyQtWidget(tform)
            widget = idaapi.PluginForm.FormToPySideWidget(tform)

    # TODO: test this
    if not widget:
        idaapi.warning("Unable to find 'Functions window'")

    # locate the table widget within the Functions window that actually holds
    # all the visible function metadata

    table = widget.findChild(QtWidgets.QTableView)

    # scrape the selected function names from the Functions window table

    selected_funcs = [str( for s in table.selectionModel().selectedRows()]

    # re-map the scraped names as they appear in the function table, to their true
    # names as they are saved in the IDB. See the match_funcs(...) function
    # comment for more details

    return match_funcs(selected_funcs)
项目:lighthouse    作者:gaasedelen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def eventFilter(self, source, event):

        # hook the destroy event of the coverage overview widget so that we can
        # cleanup after ourselves in the interest of stability

        if int(event.type()) == 16: # NOTE/COMPAT: QtCore.QEvent.Destroy not in IDA7?

        # this is an unknown event, but it seems to fire when the widget is
        # being saved/restored by a QMainWidget. We use this to try and ensure
        # the Coverage Overview stays docked when flipping between Reversing
        # and Debugging states in IDA.
        # See issue #16 on github for more information.

        if int(event.type()) == 2002:

            # if the general registers IDA View exists, we make the assumption
            # that the user has probably started debugging.

            # NOTE / COMPAT:
            if using_ida7api:
                debug_mode = bool(idaapi.find_widget("General registers"))
                debug_mode = bool(idaapi.find_tform("General registers"))

            # if this is the first time the user has started debugging, dock
            # the coverage overview in the debug QMainWidget workspace. its
            # dock status / position should persist future debugger launches.

            global debugger_docked
            if debug_mode and not debugger_docked:
                idaapi.set_dock_pos(self._target._title, "Structures", idaapi.DP_TAB)
                debugger_docked = True

        return False

# Coverage Overview
项目:lighthouse    作者:gaasedelen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def touch_window(target):
    Touch a window/widget/form to ensure it gets drawn by IDA.


      We need to ensure that widget we will analyze actually gets drawn
      so that there are colors for us to steal.

      To do this, we switch to it, and switch back. I tried a few different
      ways to trigger this from Qt, but could only trigger the full
      painting by going through the IDA routines.


    # get the currently active widget/form title (the form itself seems transient...)
    if using_ida7api:
        twidget = idaapi.get_current_widget()
        title = idaapi.get_widget_title(twidget)
        form = idaapi.get_current_tform()
        title = idaapi.get_tform_title(form)

    # touch/draw the widget by playing musical chairs
    if using_ida7api:

        # touch the target window by switching to it
        idaapi.activate_widget(target, True)

        # locate our previous selection
        previous_twidget = idaapi.find_widget(title)

        # return us to our previous selection
        idaapi.activate_widget(previous_twidget, True)


        # touch the target window by switching to it
        idaapi.switchto_tform(target, True)

        # locate our previous selection
        previous_form = idaapi.find_tform(title)

        # lookup our original form and switch back to it
        idaapi.switchto_tform(previous_form, True)