Python idautils 模块,Names() 实例源码


项目:HexRaysPyTools    作者:igogo-x86    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def init_demangled_names(*args):
    Creates dictionary of demangled names => address, that will be used further at double click on methods got from
    for address, name in idautils.Names():
        short_name = idc.Demangle(name, idc.GetLongPrm(idc.INF_SHORT_DN))
        if short_name:
            demangled_names[short_name.split('(')[0]] = address - idaapi.get_imagebase()

            # Names can have templates and should be transformed before creating local type
            name = re.sub(r'[<>]', '_t_', name)

            # Thunk functions with name like "[thunk]:CWarmupHostProvider::Release`adjustor{8}'"
            result ="(\[thunk\]:)?([^`]*)(.*\{(\d+)}.*)?", short_name)
            name, adjustor =,
            if adjustor:
                demangled_names[name + "_adj_" + adjustor] = address - idaapi.get_imagebase()

    print "[DEBUG] Demangled names have been initialized"
项目:IDAPython-Scripts    作者:razygon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_w32syscalls():
    syscalls = set()
    # def get_syscall_start():
    #     for m, n in idautils.Names():
    #         if n == '_W32pServiceTable':
    #             return m
    # ea = get_syscall_start()
    ea = idaapi.str2ea('_W32pServiceTable')
    f = idaapi.get_full_long(ea)
    functions = set(idautils.Functions())
    while f in functions:
        fname = GetFunctionName(f)         
        ea += 4
        f = idaapi.get_full_long(ea)
    print 'win32k system call' , len(syscalls)
    return syscalls
项目:polichombr    作者:ANSSI-FR    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def send_names(self):
            Used to send all the names to the server.
            Usecase: Previously analyzed IDB
        for head in idautils.Names():
            if not SkelUtils.func_name_blacklist(head[1]):
                mtype = idc.GetType(head[0])
                if mtype and not mtype.lower().startswith("char["):
                    self.skel_conn.push_name(head[0], head[1])
项目:IDAPython-Scripts    作者:razygon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self):  
        one table is for one function and its xref_to functions
        the table's name is the source function's name
        how to store function features within the table still need consideration
        self.script_folder = ''
        self.project_name = ''
        print '---------------------', idc.ARGV[1]
        arg = idc.ARGV[1]
        self.script_folder = arg[arg.find('(')+2: arg.find(',')-1]
        self.project_name = arg[arg.find(',')+2: arg.find(')')-1]
        print '++++++++++project_name', self.project_name                  
        print '++++++++++script_folder',self.script_folder

        self.moduleName = idc.GetInputFile().replace('.','_') #name of current idb
        if os.path.exists(self.moduleName):
            #may need user's input to decide whether rewrite it or append it? this check shld be set as input in args
            print 'the db already exist'
            clear = ConfirmDialog("Delete the current DB and create a new one?")
            ok = clear.Execute()
            if ok:
        print '[Get_FunctionFeatures]moduleName:  %s'%self.moduleName
        self.func_name_ea = {name:ea for ea, name in idautils.Names()} # all names within idb
        self.ftable = collections.defaultdict(dict) # a dictionary stores the features of one function, will be refreshed for every function
        self.exports = [] # all export functions
        self.memop = {} #instructions with memory operation
        self.syscalls = set()

        self.priorMatrix = [('returnpoints', '_feature_returnpoints'), ('loopcount', '_feature_loopcount')]
        #(ea, writemem, writetoglobal, cmpmem, loopcalc)  
        print 'table name: ' + self.moduleName
项目:devirtualize    作者:ALSchwalm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tables_from_names():
    ''' Yields addresses of VtableGroups if binary is not stripped
    for n in idautils.Names():
        seg = idaapi.getseg(n[0])
        if seg is None or seg.type != idaapi.SEG_DATA:

        if is_vtable_name(n[1]) is True:
            yield n[0]