Python idc 模块,GetMnem() 实例源码


项目:idapython    作者:mr-tz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_unusual_xors(functions):
    # TODO find xors in tight loops
    candidate_functions = []
    for fva in functions:
        cva = fva
        while cva != idaapi.BADADDR and cva < idc.FindFuncEnd(fva):
            if idc.GetMnem(cva) == "xor":
                if idc.GetOpnd(cva, 0) != idc.GetOpnd(cva, 1):
                    g_logger.debug("suspicious XOR instruction at 0x%08X in function 0x%08X: %s", cva, fva,
                    ph = idc.PrevHead(cva)
                    nh = idc.NextHead(cva)
                    ip = idc.GetDisasm(ph)
                    ia = idc.GetDisasm(nh)
                    if ip and ia:
                        g_logger.debug("Instructions: %s;  %s;  %s", ip, idc.GetDisasm(cva), ia)
                    if ph or nh:
                        if is_security_cookie(cva, ph, nh):
                            g_logger.debug("XOR related to security cookie: %s", idc.GetDisasm(cva))
                            g_logger.debug("unusual XOR: %s", idc.GetDisasm(cva))
            cva = idc.NextHead(cva)
    return candidate_functions
项目:WinHeap-Explorer    作者:WinHeapExplorer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GetInstructionType(instr_addr):
    instr_mnem = idc.GetMnem(instr_addr)
    if instr_mnem.startswith('call'):
        return CALL_INSTRUCTION
    elif instr_mnem.startswith('j'):
        # It seems that there is no other type of instructions
        # starting with j in x86/x86_64
    for assign_instr_mnem in assign_instructions_general:
        if instr_mnem.startswith(assign_instr_mnem):
    for assign_instr_mnem in assign_instructions_fp:
        if instr_mnem.startswith(assign_instr_mnem):
    for compare_instruction in compare_instructions:
        if instr_mnem.startswith(compare_instruction):
            return COMPARE_INSTRUCTION
    for stack_push_instruction in stack_push_instructions:
        if instr_mnem.startswith(stack_push_instruction):
            return STACK_PUSH_INSTRUCTION
    for stack_pop_instruction in stack_pop_instructions:
        if instr_mnem.startswith(stack_pop_instruction):
            return STACK_POP_INSTRUCTION
项目:idapython    作者:mr-tz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_shifts(functions):
    candidate_functions = {}
    # TODO better to compare number of shifts to overall instruction count?
    # TODO find shifts in tight loops
    shift_mnems = set(["shl", "shr", "sar", "sal", "rol", "ror"])
    shift_mnems_len = len(shift_mnems)
    for fva in functions:
        found_shifts = set([])
        cva = fva
        while cva != idaapi.BADADDR and cva < idc.FindFuncEnd(fva):
            i = idc.GetMnem(cva)
            if i in shift_mnems:
                g_logger.debug("shift instruction: %s va: 0x%x function: 0x%x", idc.GetDisasm(cva), cva, fva)
            cva = idc.NextHead(cva)
        candidate_functions[fva] = 1 - ((shift_mnems_len - len(found_shifts)) / float(shift_mnems_len))
    return candidate_functions
项目:idapython    作者:mr-tz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_suspicous_movs(functions):
    candidate_functions = []
    regs = ["esp", "ebp", "rsp", "rbp"]
    for fva in functions:
        for (loopStart, loopEnd) in find_tight_loops(fva):
            cva = loopStart
            while cva <= loopEnd:
                if idc.GetMnem(cva) == "mov":
                    if is_list_item_in_s(regs, idc.GetOpnd(cva, 0)):
                        cva = idc.NextHead(cva)
                    # identify register dereferenced writes to memory, e.g. mov [eax], cl
                    if idc.GetOpType(cva, 0) == OP_TYPE.BASE_INDEX.value:
                        if idc.GetOpType(cva, 1) not in [OP_TYPE.IMMEDIATE.value, OP_TYPE.IMMEDIATE_FAR.value,
                            g_logger.debug("suspicious MOV instruction at 0x%08X in function 0x%08X: %s", cva, fva,
                cva = idc.NextHead(cva)
    return candidate_functions
项目:viv-utils    作者:williballenthin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_import_thunk(import_addr):
    find import thunk for the given import pointer.
    this is a function that simply jumps to the external implementation of the routine.

      import_addr (int): address of import table pointer.

      int: address of function thunk.

      ValueError: when the thunk does not exist.
    for xref in idautils.XrefsTo(import_addr):
        if xref.type != 3:  # XrefTypeName(3) == 'Data_Read'

        if idc.GetMnem(xref.frm) != 'jmp':

        return xref.frm

    raise ValueError('thunk does not exist')
项目:idawilli    作者:williballenthin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def color_head(ea):
    flags = idc.GetFlags(ea)
    if not idc.isCode(flags):

    mnem = idc.GetMnem(ea)
    if mnem == 'call':
        logger.debug('call: 0x%x', ea)
        idc.SetColor(ea, idc.CIC_ITEM, CALL_COLOR)
    elif mnem == 'xor':
        if idc.GetOpnd(ea, 0) != idc.GetOpnd(ea, 1):
            logger.debug('non-zero xor: 0x%x', ea)
            idc.SetColor(ea, idc.CIC_ITEM, ENCRYPT_COLOR)
    elif mnem in ('sdit', 'sgdt', 'sldt', 'smsw', 'str', 'in', 'cpuid'):
        logger.debug('anti-vm: 0x%x', ea)
        idc.SetColor(ea, idc.CIC_ITEM, ANTIANALYSIS_COLOR)
    elif mnem == 'in':
        if idc.GetOpnd(ea, 0) in ("3", "2D"):
            logger.debug('anti-debug: 0x%x', ea)
            idc.SetColor(ea, idc.CIC_ITEM, ANTIANALYSIS_COLOR)
    elif mnem in ('rdtsc', 'icebp'):
        logger.debug('anti-debug: 0x%x', ea)
        idc.SetColor(ea, idc.CIC_ITEM, ANTIANALYSIS_COLOR)
项目:iddaa    作者:0xddaa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def revise_syscall(rename=False):
        if not rename:
            print('Change the function name with `CGCHeler.revise_syscall(True)`.')

        # visit all instructions
        start_ea, end_ea = utils.get_seg_range('.text')
        eax = -1
        ip = start_ea
        while ip < end_ea and ip != idaapi.BADADDR:
            if 'int' in idc.GetMnem(ip) and '80h' == idc.GetOpnd(ip, 0):
                if eax != -1:
                    # fix comment and function name
                    print('{}: {}'.format(hex(ip), syscall_table[eax]))
                    idc.MakeComm(ip, 'CGC syscall: {}'.format(syscall_table[eax]))
                    if rename:
                        print('Change {} to {}'.format(idc.GetFunctionName(ip), syscall_table[eax]))
                        idc.MakeName(idc.GetFunctionAttr(ip, idc.FUNCATTR_START), syscall_table[eax])
            elif 'mov' in idc.GetMnem(ip) and 'eax' == idc.GetOpnd(ip, 0) and 5 == idc.GetOpType(ip, 1):
                value = idc.GetOpnd(ip, 1)
                if'^[0-9]+$', value) != None:
                    eax = int(value)
                if eax > 7 or eax < 1:
                    eax = -1

            ip = idc.NextHead(ip)
项目:idasec    作者:RobinDavid    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_call_map(self, ftype):
        import idc
        import idautils
        seg_mapping = {idc.SegName(x): (idc.SegStart(x), idc.SegEnd(x)) for x in idautils.Segments()}
        imports = seg_mapping[".idata"] if ftype == PE else seg_mapping['.plt']
        start, stop = seg_mapping[".text"]
        current = start
        while current <= stop:
            inst = current
            if idc.GetMnem(inst) in ["call", "jmp"]:
                value = idc.GetOperandValue(inst, 0)
                name = idc.GetOpnd(inst, 0)
                if imports[0] <= value <= imports[1]:
                    entry = self.config.call_map.add()
                    entry.address = inst
           = name
            current = idc.NextHead(current, stop)
项目:idasec    作者:RobinDavid    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def detect_start_and_stop(self):  # FIXME:Duplicate code with core (or something similar)
        start, stop = 0, 0
        if self.core.ftype == "PE":
            start, stop = self.core.fun_mapping["start"]
            if "main" in self.core.fun_mapping:
                start, stop = self.core.fun_mapping["main"]
            elif "start" in self.core.fun_mapping:
                if "__libc_start_main" in self.core.fun_mapping:
                    instrs = list(idautils.FuncItems(self.core.fun_mapping["start"][0]))
                    for inst in instrs:
                        arg1 = idc.GetOperandValue(inst, 0)
                        if idc.GetMnem(inst) == "push":
                            start, stop = arg1, self.core.fun_mapping["start"][1]
                    start, stop = self.core.fun_mapping["start"]
                start, stop = idc.BeginEA(), 0
        self.start, self.stop = start, stop
项目:win_driver_plugin    作者:mwrlabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_all_ioctls():
    From the currently selected address attempts to traverse all blocks inside the current function to find all immediate values which
    are used for a comparison/sub immediately before a jz. Returns a list of address, second operand pairs.

    ioctls = []
    # Find the currently selected function and get a list of all of it's basic blocks
    addr = idc.ScreenEA()
    f = idaapi.get_func(addr)
    fc = idaapi.FlowChart(f, flags=idaapi.FC_PREDS)
    for block in fc:
        # grab the last two instructions in the block 
        last_inst = idc.PrevHead(block.endEA)
        penultimate_inst = idc.PrevHead(last_inst)
        # If the penultimate instruction is cmp or sub against an immediate value immediatly preceding a 'jz' 
        # then it's a decent guess that it's an IOCTL code (if this is a disptach function)
        if idc.GetMnem(penultimate_inst) in ['cmp', 'sub'] and idc.GetOpType(penultimate_inst, 1) == 5:
            if idc.GetMnem(last_inst) == 'jz':
    for inst in ioctl_tracker.ioctl_locs:
        value = get_operand_value(inst)
        ioctls.append((inst, value))
    return ioctls
项目:win_driver_plugin    作者:mwrlabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_dispatch_by_struct_index():
    """Attempts to locate the dispatch function based off it being loaded in a structure
    at offset 70h, based off of """

    out = set()
    for function_ea in idautils.Functions():
        flags = GetFunctionFlags(function_ea)
        # skip library functions
        if flags & FUNC_LIB:
        func = idaapi.get_func(function_ea)
        addr = func.startEA
        while addr < func.endEA:
            if GetMnem(addr) == 'mov':
                if '+70h' in GetOpnd(addr, 0) and idc.GetOpType(addr, 1) == 5:
                    out.add(GetOpnd(addr, 1))
            addr = idc.NextHead(addr)
    return out
项目:shannonRE    作者:Comsecuris    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def str_fun_xrefs():
    str_fun_xref = {}
    for s in IDAStrings:
        for ref in idautils.DataRefsTo(s.ea):
            f = idaapi.get_func(ref)
            if not f:

            if idc.GetMnem(ref) == "":

            f_ea = f.startEA
                #because we are only carrying the string value itself, duplications should be removed.
                #This is important because of OFFS/ADR instruction double references being very typical,
                #and multiple allocations/frees in same function causing extra references too.
                str_fun_xref[f_ea] = set([str(s)])

    return str_fun_xref
项目:shannonRE    作者:Comsecuris    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ret_addr(ea):

    #we can't assume Thumb only, so we also keep ARM cases, just adjust addr in Thumb cases
    if (ea % 2) != 0:
        ea -= 1

    f_ea = idaapi.get_func(ea)
    if not f_ea:
        return False

    #Preceding or Previous?
    #   Not necessarily all preceding will be a call to a ret instruction,
    #   but "the" prev should be always the one.
    i = idautils.DecodePreviousInstruction(ea)
    if i and "BL" in idc.GetMnem(i.ea):
        return True

    return False
项目:idapython    作者:mr-tz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_mnem(self, ea):
        return idc.GetMnem(ea)
项目:idawilli    作者:williballenthin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def is_jump(va):
    return True if the instruction at the given address appears to be a jump.
    return idc.GetMnem(va).startswith('j')
项目:idascripts    作者:ctfhacker    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def nextMnemonic(ea, mnem, maxaddr=0xc0*0x1000000):
    res = idc.GetMnem(ea)
    if res == "": return idc.BADADDR
    if res == mnem: return ea
    return nextMnemonic( idc.NextHead(ea, maxaddr), mnem, maxaddr )
项目:idascripts    作者:ctfhacker    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def prevMnemonic(ea, mnem, minaddr=0):
    res = idc.GetMnem(ea)
    #print "%x -> %s"% (ea, res)
    if res == "": return idc.BADADDR
    if res == mnem: return ea
    return prevMnemonic( idc.PrevHead(ea, minaddr), mnem, minaddr )
项目:idascripts    作者:ctfhacker    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getDispatchCode(ea):
    # get dispatch code out of an instruction
    first, second = (idc.GetOpnd(ea, 0), idc.GetOperandValue(ea, 1))
    if first == 'eax':
        return second
    raise ValueError("Search resulted in address %08x, but instruction '%s' does fulfill requested constraints"% (ea, idc.GetMnem(ea)))
项目:idascripts    作者:ctfhacker    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def FindLastAssignment(ea, register):
    start,end = database.guessrange(ea)
    while ea > start:
        ea = database.prev(ea)
        m = idc.GetMnem(ea)
        r = idc.GetOpnd(ea, 0)

        if m == 'mov' and r == register:
            return ea

    raise ValueError('FindLastAssignment(0x%x, %s) Found no matches'% (ea, register))
项目:idasec    作者:RobinDavid    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process_routine(self, rtn_addr, pred_addr=None, rtn_i=1, total_rtn=1):
        if rtn_addr not in self.functions_cfg:
            self.functions_cfg[rtn_addr] = MyFlowGraph(rtn_addr)
        cfg = self.functions_cfg[rtn_addr]
        path_to = self.config_to_path_function(cfg)
        if pred_addr is None:
            candidates = {x for x in idautils.FuncItems(rtn_addr) if idc.GetMnem(x) in cond_jump}
            candidates = {pred_addr}
        nb_candidates = len(candidates)
        self.functions_candidates[rtn_addr] = set()
        self.functions_spurious_instrs[rtn_addr] = set()


        name = idc.GetFunctionName(rtn_addr)
        self.result_widget.webview.append("\n=> Function:%s\n" % name)

        self.log("[result]", "Start processing function: 0x%x" % rtn_addr)
        for i, addr in zip(xrange(len(candidates)), candidates):
            path = path_to(addr)
            res = self.process_addr(rtn_addr, addr, path)
            if self.STOP:
            elif res is None:
            dead_br = "/" if res.dead_branch is None else "%x" % res.dead_branch
            self.result_widget.webview.append("%x:\t%s\t\tK:%d\tDead:%s" % (addr, to_status_name(res.status), res.k, dead_br))

            self.loading_stat.setText("Fun: %d/%d  Addr: %d/%d" % (rtn_i, total_rtn, i+1, nb_candidates))

项目:idasec    作者:RobinDavid    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_start_stop(self, ftype):
        import idc
        import idaapi
        import idautils
        fun_mapping = {idc.GetFunctionName(x): (idaapi.get_func(x).startEA, idaapi.get_func(x).endEA-1)
                       for x in idautils.Functions()}
        start = idc.BeginEA()
        stop = 0
        if ftype == PE:
            start, stop = fun_mapping["start"]
            if not idc.isCode(idc.GetFlags(start)):
                if idc.MakeCode(start) == 0:
                    print "Fail to decode instr !"
            if idc.GetFunctionName(start) == "":
                if idc.MakeFunction(start) == 0:
                    print "Fail to create function !"
                fun_mapping = {idc.GetFunctionName(x): (idaapi.get_func(x).startEA, idaapi.get_func(x).endEA-1)
                               for x in idautils.Functions()}

            if "main" in fun_mapping:
                start, stop = fun_mapping["main"]
            elif "start" in fun_mapping:
                if "__libc_start_main" in fun_mapping:
                    instrs = list(idautils.FuncItems(fun_mapping["start"][0]))
                    for inst in instrs:
                        arg1 = idc.GetOperandValue(inst, 0)
                        if idc.GetMnem(inst) == "push":
                            start, stop = arg1, fun_mapping["start"][1]
                    start, stop = fun_mapping["start"]
        self.config.start, self.config.stop = start, stop
项目:Cyber-Defence    作者:nccgroup    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_args(addr):
    """ Retreives the passed arguments to the decryption function. We are only interested in the key
        and offset to the encrypted string.

        addr: (int) Address at which the decryption function was called.

        key: (int) The key used to decrypt the string.
        enc_str: (list) Byte array of encrypted string.
        ins_addr: (int) Address at which the encrypted byte array is referenced.

    found = False
    foundstr = False
    foundkey = False
    while not found:
        addr = idc.PrevHead(addr)
        if idc.GetMnem(addr) == "mov" and "r8d" in idc.GetOpnd(addr,0):
            #print "[+] Found key: 0x%08x at 0x%016x" % (idc.GetOperandValue(addr,1)& 0xffffffff, addr)
            key = idc.GetOperandValue(addr,1) & 0xffffffff
            foundkey = True

        if idc.GetMnem(addr) == "lea" and "rdx" in idc.GetOpnd(addr,0):
            #print "[+] Found str: 0x%016x at 0x%016x" % (idc.GetOperandValue(addr,1), addr)
            enc_str_addr = idc.GetOperandValue(addr,1)
            enc_str = get_encoded_string(enc_str_addr)
            ins_addr = addr
            foundstr = True

        if foundkey and foundstr:
            found = True

    return key, enc_str, ins_addr
项目:shannonRE    作者:Comsecuris    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ret_addr(ea):

    #we can't assume Thumb only, so we also keep ARM cases, just adjust addr in Thumb cases
    if (ea % 2) != 0:
        ea -= 1

    #calculating code segment ranges every time is wasteful
    code_segs = []
    for s in idautils.Segments():
        if idaapi.segtype(s) == idaapi.SEG_CODE:
            s_end = idc.GetSegmentAttr(s, SEGATTR_END)
            code_segs.append({"start" : s, "end" : s_end})

    if not reduce(lambda x, y: x or y, map(lambda x: (x["start"] <= ea) and (x["end"] > ea), code_segs)):
        return False

    #this is-in-function check is enough (segment check redundant) if we trust function ID'ing anyway.

    f_ea = idaapi.get_func(ea)
    if not f_ea:
        return False

    #Preceding or Previous?
    #   Not necessarily all preceding will be a call to a ret instruction,
    #   but "the" prev should be always the one.
    i = idautils.DecodePreviousInstruction(ea)
    if i and "BL" in idc.GetMnem(i.ea):
        return True

    return False
项目:iBoot64helper    作者:argp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():
    base_addr = 0
    ea = 0

    # heuristic
        mnemonic = idc.GetMnem(ea)

        if "LDR" in mnemonic:
            base_str = idc.GetOpnd(ea, 1)
            base_addr = int(base_str.split("=")[1], 16)


        ea += 4

    print("[+] rebasing to address 0x%x" % (base_addr))
    idc.rebase_program(base_addr, idc.MSF_FIXONCE)

    segment_start = base_addr
    segment_end = idc.GetSegmentAttr(segment_start, idc.SEGATTR_END)

    ea = segment_start

    print("[+] searching and defining functions")

    while ea != idc.BADADDR:
        ea = idc.FindBinary(ea, idc.SEARCH_DOWN, "BF A9", 16)

        if ea != idc.BADADDR:
            ea = ea - 2

            if (ea % 4) == 0 and idc.GetFlags(ea) < 0x200:
                # print("[+] defining a function at 0x%x" % (ea))

            ea = ea + 4

    idc.AnalyzeArea(segment_start, segment_end)
项目:shannonRE    作者:Comsecuris    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def def_functions(s_start):

    num_added_functions = 0

    s_addr = s_start
    s_end = idc.GetSegmentAttr(s_start, SEGATTR_END) #idc.SegEnd(segm)
    print "0x%08x 0x%08x" % (s_start, s_end) 

    while (s_addr < s_end):

        print "Testing address 0x%08x" % s_addr

        #optimization assumes that function chunks are consecutive (no "function-in-function" monkey business)
        if (idaapi.get_func(s_addr)):

            next_func = idc.NextFunction(s_addr)

            ea = s_addr
            for c in idautils.Chunks(s_addr):
                #only use chunks in lookahead that do not jump over the next function and that are not smaller than where we are atm.
                if (c[1] > ea) and (c[1] <= next_func):
                    ea = c[1]
            if ea == s_addr:
                s_addr += 2
                s_addr = ea            
            #s_addr += 4

            #This is not a good optimization, there WILL be data refs to function start addresses sometimes.
            if sum(1 for _ in (CodeRefsTo(s_addr, 1))) != 0:
                s_addr += 4
            #also add STMFD 
            if ((idc.GetMnem(s_addr) == "STM") and ("SP!" in idc.GetOpnd(s_addr, 0)) and ("LR" in idc.GetOpnd(s_addr, 1))) or (((idc.GetMnem(s_addr) == "PUSH") or (idc.GetMnem(s_addr) == "PUSH.W") or (idc.GetMnem(s_addr) == "STR.W") ) and ("LR" in idc.GetOpnd(s_addr, 0))):
                print "Found function at 0x%08x" % s_addr
                f = idaapi.get_func(s_addr)
                if (type(f) == type(None)):
                    print "Failed to create function! Undefined instructions?"
                    s_addr += 2
                    num_added_functions += 1
                    ea = -1
                    for c in idautils.Chunks(s_addr):
                        if c[1] > ea:
                            ea = c[1]
                    if ea != -1:
                        s_addr = ea
                        s_addr += 2
                s_addr += 2

    print "finished segment"
    return num_added_functions