Python itertools 模块,product() 实例源码


项目:fxnn    作者:khaotik    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def download(self, local_dir_=None, url_=None):
            local_dir_: where to save downloaded file
            url_: where to download dataset, if None, use default ''
        # TODO check whether file exists
        if url_ is None:
            url_ = ''
        if local_dir_ is None:
            local_dir = self.DEFAULT_DIR
            local_dir = Path(local_dir_)
        local_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        in_filename = '%(subset)s-%(type_s)s-idx%(ndim)s-ubyte.gz'
        for subset, (type_s, ndim) in product(
            ('train', 't10k'), zip(('images', 'labels'), (3,1))):
            filename = in_filename % locals()
            urllib.request.urlretrieve( url_ + filename, str(local_dir / filename))
项目:treecat    作者:posterior    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_server_logprob_normalized(N, V, C, M):
    model = generate_fake_model(N, V, C, M)
    config = TINY_CONFIG.copy()
    config['model_num_clusters'] = M
    model['config'] = config
    server = TreeCatServer(model)

    # The total probability of all categorical rows should be 1.
    ragged_index = model['suffstats']['ragged_index']
    factors = []
    for v in range(V):
        C = ragged_index[v + 1] - ragged_index[v]
        factors.append([one_hot(c, C) for c in range(C)])
    data = np.array(
        [np.concatenate(columns) for columns in itertools.product(*factors)],
    logprobs = server.logprob(data)
    logtotal = np.logaddexp.reduce(logprobs)
    assert logtotal == pytest.approx(0.0, abs=1e-5)
项目:zellij    作者:nedbat    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_correct_distance(start, ndigits, dimensions):
    eps = 1e-10
    window = 10 ** -ndigits
    smallest_different = 1.5 * window + eps
    largest_same = 0.5 * window - eps
    step = 10.09 * window
    for i in range(10):
        num = start + i * step
        pt = (num,) * dimensions
        for signs in itertools.product([-1, 0, 1], repeat=dimensions):
            if all(s == 0 for s in signs):
            # Need a new defuzzer for each attempt, or previous "should be
            # different" points will be close to the "should be same" point.
            dfz = Defuzzer(ndigits=ndigits)
            assert dfz.defuzz(pt) == pt
            st = tuple(num + s * largest_same for s in signs)
            dfzst = dfz.defuzz(st)
            assert dfzst == pt
            dt = tuple(num + s * smallest_different for s in signs)
            dfzdt = dfz.defuzz(dt)
            assert dfzdt != pt
项目:cellranger    作者:10XGenomics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, genomes):
        self.total_reads = 0.0
        self.unmapped_reads = 0.0
        self.good_umi_reads = 0.0
        self.good_bc_reads = 0.0
        self.corrected_bc_reads = 0.0
        self.genomes = genomes + [cr_constants.MULTI_REFS_PREFIX]
        self.regions = cr_constants.REGIONS
        genome_region_dict = lambda: {(g,r): 0.0 for g,r in itertools.product(self.genomes, self.regions)}
        genome_dict = lambda: {g: 0.0 for g in self.genomes}
        self.mapped_reads = genome_region_dict()
        self.conf_mapped_reads = genome_region_dict()
        self.conf_mapped_bc_reads = genome_region_dict()
        self.antisense_reads = genome_dict()
        self.discordant_pairs = genome_dict()
        self.genome_reads = genome_dict()
项目:cellranger    作者:10XGenomics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_metric_keys(self, name):
        metric_cls, metric_dict = self.metrics_dict[name]
        prefixes = metric_dict.get('prefixes', [])
        kwargs = metric_dict.get('kwargs', {})

        always_active = kwargs.get('always_active', False)

        parts = [[name]]
        for prefix in prefixes:
            prefix = getattr(self, prefix)

            if prefix:

        # Check to make sure all specified metrics are present for metrics that are always active
        if always_active and len(parts) != len(prefixes) + 1:
            return []

        # Return the set of keys
        keys = set(itertools.product(*parts))

        # Add bare keys

        return keys
项目:netra    作者:akshah    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def analyze(self):


        #Making all of the possibilities
        allGraphs = product(*self.countries)

        for g in allGraphs:

        #Now searching for cycles
        #results = [hasCycle(graph) for graph in allGraphs]
        numCycles = results.count(True)

        #Seeing if it's definately an anomolous path
        if numCycles == len(results):
            self.result = 1
        #Seeing if it's only potentially anomolous    
        elif numCycles > 0:
            self.result = 2
        #Everying seems to be fine
            self.result = 0
项目:guided-filter    作者:lisabug    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_color():
    image = cv2.imread('data/Lenna.png')
    image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

    noise = (np.random.rand(image.shape[0], image.shape[1], 3) - 0.5) * 50
    image_noise = image + noise

    radius = [1, 2, 4]
    eps = [0.005]

    combs = list(itertools.product(radius, eps))

    vis.plot_single(to_32F(image), title='origin')
    vis.plot_single(to_32F(image_noise), title='noise')

    for r, e in combs:
        GF = GuidedFilter(image, radius=r, eps=e)
        vis.plot_single(to_32F(GF.filter(image_noise)), title='r=%d, eps=%.3f' % (r, e))
项目:cloud-volume    作者:seung-lab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def xyzrange(start_vec, end_vec=None, stride_vec=(1,1,1)):
  if end_vec is None:
    end_vec = start_vec
    start_vec = (0,0,0)

  start_vec = np.array(start_vec, dtype=int)
  end_vec = np.array(end_vec, dtype=int)

  rangeargs = ( (start, end, stride) for start, end, stride in zip(start_vec, end_vec, stride_vec) )
  xyzranges = [ range(*arg) for arg in rangeargs ]

  # iterate then x first, then y, then z
  # this way you process in the xy plane slice by slice
  # but you don't create process lots of prefix-adjacent keys
  # since all the keys start with X
  zyxranges = xyzranges[::-1]

  def vectorize():
    pt = Vec(0,0,0)
    for z,y,x in product(*zyxranges):
      pt.x, pt.y, pt.z = x, y, z
      yield pt

  return vectorize()
项目:simple_rl    作者:david-abel    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, num_pegs=3, num_discs=3, gamma=0.95):
            num_pegs (int)
            num_discs (int)
            gamma (float)
        self.num_pegs = num_pegs
        self.num_discs = num_discs
        HanoiMDP.ACTIONS = [str(x) + str(y) for x, y in itertools.product(xrange(self.num_pegs), xrange(self.num_pegs)) if x != y]

        # Setup init state.
        init_state = [" " for peg in xrange(num_pegs)]
        x = ""
        for i in xrange(num_discs):
            x += chr(97 + i)
        init_state[0] = x
        init_state = State(data=init_state)

        MDP.__init__(self, HanoiMDP.ACTIONS, self._transition_func, self._reward_func, init_state=init_state, gamma=gamma)
项目:dustbunny    作者:Teamworksapp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __iter__(self):
        tally = []
        values = (pair[1] for pair in self.of)
        keys = [pair[0] for pair in self.of]

        # evaluate any transformers in order
        for i, v in enumerate(values):
            if callable(v):  # then create a permutation for everything 
                for p in [x for x in AllPerms(*tally)]:
                    tally.append((keys[i], v(**p)))
                tally.append((keys[i], v))

        values = (pair[1] for pair in tally)

        for tup in itertools.product(*values):
            yield dict(zip(keys, tup))
项目:otRebuilder    作者:Pal3love    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_ligature_subst(self, location,
                           prefix, glyphs, suffix, replacement, forceChain):
        if prefix or suffix or forceChain:
            chain = self.get_lookup_(location, ChainContextSubstBuilder)
            lookup = self.get_chained_lookup_(location, LigatureSubstBuilder)
            chain.substitutions.append((prefix, glyphs, suffix, [lookup]))
            lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, LigatureSubstBuilder)

        # OpenType feature file syntax, section 5.d, "Ligature substitution":
        # "Since the OpenType specification does not allow ligature
        # substitutions to be specified on target sequences that contain
        # glyph classes, the implementation software will enumerate
        # all specific glyph sequences if glyph classes are detected"
        for g in sorted(itertools.product(*glyphs)):
            lookup.ligatures[g] = replacement
项目:otRebuilder    作者:Pal3love    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build(self, builder):
        if self.enumerated:
            g = [self.glyphs1.glyphSet(), self.glyphs2.glyphSet()]
            for glyph1, glyph2 in itertools.product(*g):
                    self.location, glyph1, self.valuerecord1,
                    glyph2, self.valuerecord2)

        is_specific = (isinstance(self.glyphs1, GlyphName) and
                       isinstance(self.glyphs2, GlyphName))
        if is_specific:
                self.location, self.glyphs1.glyph, self.valuerecord1,
                self.glyphs2.glyph, self.valuerecord2)
                self.location, self.glyphs1.glyphSet(), self.valuerecord1,
                self.glyphs2.glyphSet(), self.valuerecord2)
项目:brain_segmentation    作者:Ryo-Ito    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate(model):
    dice_coefs = []
    for image_path, label_path in zip(df_val["image"], df_val["label"]):
        image = load_nifti(image_path)
        label = load_nifti(label_path)
        centers = [[], [], []]
        for img_len, len_out, center, n_tile in zip(image.shape, args.output_shape, centers, args.n_tiles):
            assert img_len < len_out * n_tile, "{} must be smaller than {} x {}".format(img_len, len_out, n_tile)
            stride = int((img_len - len_out) / (n_tile - 1))
            center.append(len_out / 2)
            for i in range(n_tile - 2):
                center.append(center[-1] + stride)
            center.append(img_len - len_out / 2)
        output = np.zeros((dataset["n_classes"],) + image.shape[:-1])
        for x, y, z in itertools.product(*centers):
            patch = crop_patch(image, [x, y, z], args.input_shape)
            patch = np.expand_dims(patch, 0)
            patch = xp.asarray(patch)
            slices_out = [slice(center - len_out / 2, center + len_out / 2) for len_out, center in zip(args.output_shape, [x, y, z])]
            slices_in = [slice((len_in - len_out) / 2, len_in - (len_in - len_out) / 2) for len_out, len_in, in zip(args.output_shape, args.input_shape)]
            output[slice(None), slices_out[0], slices_out[1], slices_out[2]] += chainer.cuda.to_cpu(model(patch).data[0, slice(None), slices_in[0], slices_in[1], slices_in[2]])
        y = np.argmax(output, axis=0).astype(np.int32)
        dice_coefs.append(dice_coefficients(y, label, labels=range(dataset["n_classes"])))
    dice_coefs = np.array(dice_coefs)
    return np.mean(dice_coefs, axis=0)
项目:CausalGAN    作者:mkocaoglu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def take_product(do_dict):
    this function takes some dictionary like:
        {key1:1, key2:[a,b], key3:[c,d]}
    and returns the dictionary:
        {key1:[1,1,1], key2[a,a,b,b,],key3[c,d,c,d]}
    computing the product of values
    for v in do_dict.values():
        if hasattr(v,'__iter__'):
            values.append([v])#allows scalar to be passed

    return {k:np.array(v) for k,v in zip(do_dict.keys(),zip(*prod_values))}
项目:det_k_bisbm    作者:junipertcy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _check_if_local_minimum(self, ka, kb, old_desc_len, k_th):
            The `neighborhood search` as described in the paper.
        self.is_tempfile_existed = True
        items = map(lambda x: (x[0] + ka, x[1] + kb), product(range(-k_th, k_th + 1), repeat=2))
        # if any item has values less than 1, delete it. Also, exclude the suspected point.
        items = [(i, j) for i, j in items if i >= 1 and j >= 1 and (i, j) != (ka, kb)]
        ka_moving, kb_moving = 0, 0

        for item in items:
            self._calc_and_update(item, old_desc_len)
            if self._is_this_mdl(self.confident_desc_len[(item[0], item[1])]):
                p_estimate = sorted(self.confident_desc_len, key=self.confident_desc_len.get)[0]
      "Found {} that gives an even lower description length ...".format(p_estimate))
                ka_moving, kb_moving, _, _ = self._back_to_where_desc_len_is_lowest()
        if ka_moving * kb_moving == 0:
            return True
            return False
项目:openstack-ansible-plugins    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _queue_task(self, host, task, task_vars, play_context):
        """Wipe the notification system and return for config tasks."""
        skip_handlers = task_vars.get('skip_handlers', True)
        if skip_handlers:
            task.notify = None
        skip_tags = task_vars.get('skip_tags')
        if skip_tags:
            if not hasattr(skip_tags, '__iter__'):
                skip_tags = (skip_tags,)
            skip_tags = ()
        if any([True for (i, j) in itertools.product(skip_tags, task.tags)
               if i in j]):
            return super(StrategyModule, self)._queue_task(
项目:logodetect    作者:munibasad    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def aug_pos(annot, im):
    aug_pos_ims = []
    aug_pos_suffixes = []

    rect = get_rect(annot)
    for sx, sy in product(
        cx = rect['cx'] + sx
        cy = rect['cy'] + sy
        cropped_im = im.crop((cx - rect['wid'] // 2, cy - rect['hgt'] // 2,
                              cx + rect['wid'] // 2, cy + rect['hgt'] // 2))
        resized_im = cropped_im.resize((CNN_IN_WIDTH, CNN_IN_HEIGHT))
        aug_pos_suffixes.append('p' + str(sx) + str(sy))

    return aug_pos_ims, aug_pos_suffixes
项目:mbin    作者:fanglab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def kmer_freq ( ref_str, k ):
    Walk through sequence and return k-mer counts plus
    a pseudocount of 1.
    ref_str = ref_str.upper()
    kmers = []
    for seq in product("ATGC",repeat=k):
        kmers.append( "".join(seq) )

    kmer_counts = Counter()
    for j in range( len(ref_str)-(k-1) ):
        motif    = ref_str[j:j+k]
        kmer_counts[motif] += 1

    # Combine forward and reverse complement motifs into one count
    combined_kmer = Counter()
    for kmer in kmers:
        kmer_rc = rev_comp_motif(kmer)
        if not combined_kmer.get(kmer_rc):
            combined_kmer[kmer] = kmer_counts[kmer] + kmer_counts[kmer_rc] + 1

    return combined_kmer
项目:mbin    作者:fanglab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def kmer_freq ( mode, ref_str, strand, opts ):
    ref_str = ref_str.upper()
    if strand==1:
        ref_str = ref_str[::-1]
    k = opts.comp_kmer
    kmers = []
    for seq in product("ATGC",repeat=k):
        kmers.append( "".join(seq) )

    kmer_counts = Counter()
    for j in range( len(ref_str)-(k-1) ):
        motif    = ref_str[j:j+k]
        kmer_counts[motif] += 1

    # Combine forward and reverse complement motifs into one count
    combined_kmer = Counter()
    for kmer in kmers:
        kmer_rc = motif_tools.rev_comp_motif(kmer)
        if not combined_kmer.get(kmer_rc):
            combined_kmer[kmer] = kmer_counts[kmer] + kmer_counts[kmer_rc] + 1

    return combined_kmer
项目:DataFS    作者:ClimateImpactLab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_config(api1_module, local_auth_module, temp_dir_mod):

    api1_module.attach_authority('local', local_auth_module)

    temp_file = os.path.join(temp_dir_mod, 'config.yml')

    to_config_file(api1_module, config_file=temp_file, profile='myapi')

    for i, j, k in itertools.product(*tuple([range(3) for _ in range(3)])):
        arch = 'team{}_archive{}_var{}'.format(i+1, j+1, k+1)
                'description': 'archive_{}_{}_{} description'.format(i, j, k)})

    yield 'myapi', temp_file
项目:Lyra    作者:caterinaurban    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def slicing_access_semantics(self, stmt: SlicingAccess, state: State) -> State:
        """Semantics of a slicing access.

        :param stmt: slicing access statement to be executed
        :param state: state before executing the slicing access
        :return: state modified by the slicing access
        target = self.semantics(, state).result
        lower = self.semantics(stmt.lower, state).result
        upper = self.semantics(stmt.upper, state).result
        stride = self.semantics(stmt.stride, state).result if stmt.stride else {None}
        result = set()
        for primary, start, stop, step in itertools.product(target, lower, upper, stride):
            slicing = Slicing(primary.typ, primary, start, stop, step)
        state.result = result
        return state
项目:krait    作者:lmdu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mapping(self):
        bases = ['A', 'T', 'C', 'G']
        motifs = {}
        for i in range(6):
            for motif in itertools.product(bases, repeat=i+1):
                motif = "".join(list(motif))
                if not is_motif(motif):

                smotif = self.standard(motif)
                if smotif not in motifs:
                    motifs[smotif] = []

                if motif not in motifs[smotif]:

        return motifs
项目:dnc-theano    作者:khaotik    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def download(self, local_dir_=None, url_=None):
            local_dir_: where to save downloaded file
            url_: where to download dataset, if None, use default ''
        # TODO check whether file exists
        if url_ is None:
            url_ = ''
        if local_dir_ is None:
            local_dir = self.DEFAULT_DIR
            local_dir = Path(local_dir_)
        local_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        in_filename = '%(subset)s-%(type_s)s-idx%(ndim)s-ubyte.gz'
        for subset, (type_s, ndim) in product(
            ('train', 't10k'), zip(('images', 'labels'), (3,1))):
            filename = in_filename % locals()
            urllib.request.urlretrieve( url_ + filename, str(local_dir / filename))
项目:EventStoryLine    作者:tommasoc80    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cross_sentence(event_lemma_dict):
    function to create all possible pairs between event mentions in a file
    :param event_lemma_dict: dictionary of event lemmas in file
    :return: counter dictionary of event pairs in a file

    full_event_file = []
    pairs_circumstantial_corpus = Counter([])

    for k, v in event_lemma_dict.items():

    event_pairs_full = list(product(full_event_file, repeat=2))

    for i in event_pairs_full:

    return pairs_circumstantial_corpus
项目:EventStoryLine    作者:tommasoc80    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sentence_coocc(event_lemma_dict, event_same_sentence):
    funtion create pairs of events in the same sentence - same sentence event pairs
    :param event_same_sentence: dictionary with list of event markable co-ccurring in same sentence
    :param event_lemma_dict: dictionary of event ids and lemmas in file
    :return: counter dictionary of event pairs in the same sentence

    same_sentence_event_lemma = collections.defaultdict(list)
    pairs_circumstantial_sentence = {}

    for k, v in event_lemma_dict.items():
        for k1, v1 in event_same_sentence.items():
            if k in v1:
                event_string = "_".join(v)

    for k, v in same_sentence_event_lemma.items():
        if len(v) >= 2:
            same_sent_pairs = list(product(v, repeat=2))
            pairs_circumstantial_sentence[k] = same_sent_pairs

    return pairs_circumstantial_sentence
项目:mpnum    作者:dseuss    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def probability_map(self):
        """Map that takes a raveled MPDO to the POVM probabilities

        You can use :func:`MPPovm.expectations()` or
        :func:`MPPovm.pmf()` as convenient wrappers around this map.

        If `rho` is a matrix product density operator (MPDO), then

        .. code::python

  , rho.ravel())

        produces the POVM probabilities as MPA (similar to

        # See :func:`.localpovm.POVM.probability_map` for explanation
        # of the transpose.
        return self.transpose((0, 2, 1)).reshape(
            (pdim[0], -1) for pdim in self.shape)
项目:mpnum    作者:dseuss    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def axis_iter(self, axes=0):
        """Returns an iterator yielding Sub-MPArrays of ``self`` by iterating
        over the specified physical axes.

        **Example:** If ``self`` represents a bipartite (i.e. length 2)
        array with 2 physical dimensions on each site ``A[(k,l), (m,n)]``,
        ``self.axis_iter(0)`` is equivalent to::

            (A[(k, :), (m, :)] for m in range(...) for k in range(...))

        :param axes: Iterable or int specifiying the physical axes to iterate
            over (default 0 for each site)
        :returns: Iterator over :class:`.MPArray`

        if not isinstance(axes, collections.Iterable):
            axes = it.repeat(axes, len(self))

        ltens_iter = it.product(*(iter(np.rollaxis(lten, i + 1))
                                  for i, lten in zip(axes,
        return (MPArray(ltens) for ltens in ltens_iter)

    #  Algebraic operations  #
项目:mpnum    作者:dseuss    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def inner(mpa1, mpa2):
    """Compute the inner product `<mpa1|mpa2>`. Both have to have the same
    physical dimensions. If these represent a MPS, ``inner(...)`` corresponds
    to the canoncial Hilbert space scalar product. If these represent a MPO,
    ``inner(...)`` corresponds to the Frobenius scalar product (with Hermitian
    conjugation in the first argument)

    :param mpa1: MPArray with same number of physical legs on each site
    :param mpa2: MPArray with same physical shape as mpa1
    :returns: <mpa1|mpa2>

    assert len(mpa1) == len(mpa2), \
        "Length is not equal: {} != {}".format(len(mpa1), len(mpa2))
    ltens_new = (_local_dot(_local_ravel(l).conj(), _local_ravel(r), axes=(1, 1))
                 for l, r in zip(,
    return _ltens_to_array(ltens_new)[0, ..., 0]
项目:mpnum    作者:dseuss    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def chain(mpas, astype=None):
    """Computes the tensor product of MPAs given in ``*args`` by adding more
    sites to the array.

    :param mpas: Iterable of MPAs in the order as they should appear in the
    :param astype: dtype of the returned MPA. If ``None``, use the type of the
        first MPA.
    :returns: MPA of length ``len(args[0]) + ... + len(args[-1])``

    .. todo:: Make this canonicalization aware
    .. todo:: Raise warning when casting complex to real dtype

    mpas = iter(mpas)
        first = next(mpas)
    except StopIteration:
        raise ValueError('Argument `mpas` is an empty list')
    rest = (lt for mpa in mpas for lt in
    if astype is None:
        astype = type(first)
    return astype(it.chain(, rest))
项目:mpnum    作者:dseuss    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def norm(mpa):
    """Computes the norm (Hilbert space norm for MPS, Frobenius norm for MPO)
    of the matrix product operator. In contrast to ``mparray.inner``, this can
    take advantage of the canonicalization

    WARNING This also changes the MPA inplace by normalizing.

    :param mpa: MPArray
    :returns: l2-norm of that array

    current_lcanon, current_rcanon = mpa.canonical_form

    if current_rcanon == 1:
        return np.linalg.norm([0])
    elif current_lcanon == len(mpa) - 1:
        return np.linalg.norm([-1])
        raise ValueError("Normalization error in MPArray.norm")
项目:mpnum    作者:dseuss    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_split(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, rgen):
    if nr_sites < 2:
    mpa = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, randstate=rgen)
    for pos in range(nr_sites - 1):
        mpa_l, mpa_r = mpa.split(pos)
        assert len(mpa_l) == pos + 1
        assert len(mpa_l) + len(mpa_r) == nr_sites
        recons = np.tensordot(mpa_l.to_array(), mpa_r.to_array(), axes=(-1, 0))
        assert_array_almost_equal(mpa.to_array(), recons)

    for (lnorm, rnorm) in it.product(range(nr_sites - 1), range(1, nr_sites)):
        mpa_l, mpa_r = mpa.split(nr_sites // 2 - 1)
项目:mpnum    作者:dseuss    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_povm_ic_mpa(nr_sites, local_dim, rank, rgen):
    # Check that the tensor product of the PauliGen POVM is IC.
    paulis = povm.pauli_povm(local_dim)
    inv_map = mp_from_array_repeat(paulis.linear_inversion_map, nr_sites)
    probab_map = mp_from_array_repeat(paulis.probability_map, nr_sites)
    reconstruction_map =, probab_map)

    eye = factory.eye(nr_sites, local_dim**2)
    assert mp.norm(reconstruction_map - eye) < 1e-5

    # Check linear inversion for a particular example MPA.
    # Linear inversion works for arbitrary matrices, not only for states,
    # so we test it for an arbitrary MPA.
    # Normalize, otherwise the absolute error check below will not work.
    mpa = factory.random_mpa(nr_sites, local_dim**2, rank,
                             dtype=np.complex_, randstate=rgen, normalized=True)
    probabs =, mpa)
    recons =, probabs)
    assert mp.norm(recons - mpa) < 1e-6
项目:crypto-sentiment    作者:codingupastorm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _words_plus_punc(self):
        Returns mapping of form:
            'cat,': 'cat',
            ',cat': 'cat',
        no_punc_text = REGEX_REMOVE_PUNCTUATION.sub('', self.text)
        # removes punctuation (but loses emoticons & contractions)
        words_only = no_punc_text.split()
        # remove singletons
        words_only = set( w for w in words_only if len(w) > 1 )
        # the product gives ('cat', ',') and (',', 'cat')
        punc_before = {''.join(p): p[1] for p in product(PUNC_LIST, words_only)}
        punc_after = {''.join(p): p[0] for p in product(words_only, PUNC_LIST)}
        words_punc_dict = punc_before
        return words_punc_dict
项目:gixy    作者:yandex    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _gen_combinator(variants, _merge=True):
    if not hasattr(variants, '__iter__'):
        return [variants] if variants is not None else []

    res = []
    need_product = False
    for var in variants:
        if isinstance(var, list):
            sol = _gen_combinator(var, _merge=False)
            need_product = True
        elif var is not None:

    if need_product:
        producted = itertools.product(*res)
        if _merge:
            # TODO(buglloc): ??!
            return list(, producted))
        return producted
    elif _merge:
        return list(, [res]))
    return res
项目:OptML    作者:johannespetrat    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_grid(self, grid_sizes):
        grid_dict = {}
        for param_name, param in self.param_dict.items():
            if param.param_type == 'continuous':
                grid_dict[param_name] = np.linspace(param.lower, param.upper, grid_sizes[param_name])
            elif param.param_type == 'integer':
                step_size = int(round((param.upper - param.lower)/float(grid_sizes[param_name])))
                grid_dict[param_name] = np.concatenate([np.arange(param.lower, param.upper, step_size), [param.upper]])
            elif param.param_type == 'categorical':
                grid_dict[param_name] = param.possible_values
            elif param.param_type == 'boolean':
                grid_dict[param_name] = [True, False]
        # now build the grid as a list with all possible combinations i.e. the cartesian product
        grid = []
        for params in list(itertools.product(*[[(k,v) for v in vals] for k, vals in grid_dict.items()])):
        return grid
项目:pytorch-dist    作者:apaszke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def assertIsOrdered(self, order, x, mxx, ixx, task):
        SIZE = 4
        if order == 'descending':
            check_order = lambda a, b: a >= b
        elif order == 'ascending':
            check_order = lambda a, b: a <= b
            error('unknown order "{}", must be "ascending" or "descending"'.format(order))

        are_ordered = True
        for j, k in product(range(SIZE), range(1, SIZE)):
            self.assertTrue(check_order(mxx[j][k-1], mxx[j][k]),
                    'torch.sort ({}) values unordered for {}'.format(order, task))

        seen = set()
        indicesCorrect = True
        size = x.size(x.dim()-1)
        for k in range(size):
            for j in range(size):
                self.assertEqual(x[k][ixx[k][j]], mxx[k][j],
                        'torch.sort ({}) indices wrong for {}'.format(order, task))
            self.assertEqual(len(seen), size)
项目:pytorch-dist    作者:apaszke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process_declarations(self, declarations):
        new_options = []
        for declaration in declarations:
            for option in declaration['options']:
                optional_args = []
                for i, arg in enumerate(option['arguments']):
                    if 'default' in arg:
                for permutation in product((True, False), repeat=len(optional_args)):
                    option_copy = deepcopy(option)
                    for i, bit in zip(optional_args, permutation):
                        arg = option_copy['arguments'][i]
                        if not bit:
                            arg['type'] = 'CONSTANT'
                            arg['ignore_check'] = True
                            # PyYAML interprets NULL as None...
                            arg['name'] = 'NULL' if arg['default'] is None else arg['default']
            declaration['options'] = self.filter_unique_options(declaration['options'] + new_options)
        return declarations
项目:pytorch-dist    作者:apaszke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_stateless(self, declaration):
        declaration['name'] = 'THPTensor_stateless_({})'.format(declaration['name'])
        new_options = []
        for option in declaration['options']:
            option['cname'] = 'THTensor_({})'.format(option['cname'])
            allocated = []
            for i, arg in enumerate(option['arguments']):
                if 'allocate' in arg and arg['allocate']:
                    arg['ignore_check'] = True
                if arg['name'] == 'self':
                    arg['name'] = 'source'
            for permutation in product((True, False), repeat=len(allocated)):
                option_copy = deepcopy(option)
                for i, bit in zip(allocated, permutation):
                    arg = option_copy['arguments'][i]
                    # By default everything is allocated, so we don't have to do anything
                    if not bit:
                        del arg['allocate']
                        del arg['ignore_check']
        declaration['options'] = self.filter_unique_options(declaration['options'] + new_options)
        return declaration
项目:q2-diversity    作者:qiime2    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _compute_rarefaction_data(feature_table, min_depth, max_depth, steps,
                              iterations, phylogeny, metrics):
    depth_range = np.linspace(min_depth, max_depth, num=steps, dtype=int)
    iter_range = range(1, iterations + 1)

    rows = feature_table.ids(axis='sample')
    cols = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([list(depth_range), list(iter_range)],
                                      names=['depth', 'iter'])
    data = {k: pd.DataFrame(np.NaN, index=rows, columns=cols)
            for k in metrics}

    for d, i in itertools.product(depth_range, iter_range):
        rt = rarefy(feature_table, d)
        for m in metrics:
            if m in phylogenetic_metrics():
                vector = alpha_phylogenetic(table=rt, metric=m,
                vector = alpha(table=rt, metric=m)
            data[m][(d, i)] = vector
    return data
项目:planet-b-saleor    作者:planet-b    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_variant_attributes(variant, product_class):
    attr_dict = {}
    existing_variants = variant.product.variants.values_list('attributes',
    existing_variant_attributes = defaultdict(list)
    for variant_attrs in existing_variants:
        for attr_id, value_id in variant_attrs.items():

    for product_attribute in product_class.variant_attributes.all():
        available_values = product_attribute.values.exclude(
            pk__in=[int(pk) for pk
                    in existing_variant_attributes[str(]])
        if not available_values:
        value = random.choice(available_values)
        attr_dict[str(] = str(
    variant.attributes = attr_dict['attributes'])
项目:dexpy    作者:statease    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_large_power(cls):
        """Test power for a 9 factor model."""
        factor_count = 9

        factor_data = []
        # generate a 2^9 factorial
        for run in itertools.product([-1, 1], repeat=factor_count):
        factor_data = pd.DataFrame(factor_data, columns=design.get_factor_names(factor_count))

        model = "(X1+X2+X3+X4+X5+X6+X7+X8+X9)**4" # will generate a 4fi model

        power_result = power.f_power(model, factor_data, 0.2, 0.05)

        answer = np.ndarray(256)
        answer[0] = 0.99459040972676238
        np.testing.assert_allclose(power_result, answer, rtol=1e-4)
项目:phredutils    作者:doctaphred    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reordered_digit_map(exponents, base=2):
    """Construct a mapping which answers the question:

    If a base's exponents are applied to a number's digits in arbitrary
    order (rather than the conventional greatest-to-least/"big-endian"
    ordering), what will its conventionally-calculated value be?

    Since every possible value will be included in this mapping, it is
    implemented as an indexable tuple rather than a dict.

    >>> reordered_digit_map([1, 0])
    (0, 1, 2, 3)
    >>> reordered_digit_map([0, 1])
    (0, 2, 1, 3)
    assert sorted(exponents) == list(range(len(exponents)))
    digit_values = range(base)
    return tuple(
        sum(digit * (base ** exponent)
            for digit, exponent in zip(digits, exponents))
        for digits in product(digit_values, repeat=len(exponents))
项目:deb-python-pint    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_spectroscopy(self):
        ureg = self.ureg
        eq = (532. * ureg.nm, 563.5 * ureg.terahertz, 2.33053 * ureg.eV)
        with ureg.context('sp'):
            from pint.util import find_shortest_path
            for a, b in itertools.product(eq, eq):
                for x in range(2):
                    if x == 1:
                        a = a.to_base_units()
                        b = b.to_base_units()
                    da, db = Context.__keytransform__(a.dimensionality,
                    p = find_shortest_path(ureg._active_ctx.graph, da, db)
                    msg = '{0} <-> {1}'.format(a, b)
                    # assertAlmostEqualRelError converts second to first
                    self.assertQuantityAlmostEqual(b, a, rtol=0.01, msg=msg)

        for a, b in itertools.product(eq, eq):
            self.assertQuantityAlmostEqual(, 'sp'), b, rtol=0.01)
项目:deb-python-pint    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_inputs(self):
        V = 'km/hour'
        T = 'ms'
        L = 'cm'

        f1 = lambda x: x
        f2 = lambda x: self.Q_(1, x)
        f3 = lambda x: self.Q_(1, x).units
        f4 = lambda x: self.Q_(1, x).dimensionality

        fs = f1, f2, f3, f4
        for fv, ft, fl in itertools.product(fs, fs, fs):
            qv = fv(V)
            qt = ft(T)
            ql = ft(L)
            self.assertEqual(self.ureg.pi_theorem({'V': qv, 'T': qt, 'L': ql}),
                             [{'V': 1.0, 'T': 1.0, 'L': -1.0}])
项目:deb-python-pint    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_unit_name(self, unit_name, case_sensitive=True):
        """Parse a unit to identify prefix, unit name and suffix
        by walking the list of prefix and suffix.

        :rtype: (str, str, str)
        stw = unit_name.startswith
        edw = unit_name.endswith
        for suffix, prefix in itertools.product(self._suffixes, self._prefixes):
            if stw(prefix) and edw(suffix):
                name = unit_name[len(prefix):]
                if suffix:
                    name = name[:-len(suffix)]
                    if len(name) == 1:
                if case_sensitive:
                    if name in self._units:
                        yield (self._prefixes[prefix].name,
                    for real_name in self._units_casei.get(name.lower(), ()):
                        yield (self._prefixes[prefix].name,
项目:gym-extensions    作者:Breakend    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rectangle_to_rectangle_distance(ca, cb, wa, wb, ha, hb):
    a1 = ca + np.array([wa/2.0, ha/2.0])
    a2 = ca + np.array([wa/2.0, -ha/2.0])
    a3 = ca + np.array([-wa/2.0, -ha/2.0])
    a4 = ca + np.array([-wa/2.0, ha/2.0])

    b1 = cb + np.array([wb/2.0,   hb/2.0])
    b2 = cb + np.array([wb/2.0,  -hb/2.0])
    b3 = cb + np.array([-wb/2.0, -hb/2.0])
    b4 = cb + np.array([-wb/2.0,  hb/2.0])

    for e1, e2 in product(rectangle_edges(a1,a2,a3,a4), rectangle_edges(b1,b2,b3,b4)):
        if segments_intersect(e1[0], e1[1], e2[0], e2[1]):
            return 0.0

    da1 = point_to_rectangle_distance(a1, cb, wb, hb)
    da2 = point_to_rectangle_distance(a2, cb, wb, hb)
    da3 = point_to_rectangle_distance(a3, cb, wb, hb)
    da4 = point_to_rectangle_distance(a4, cb, wb, hb)

    db1 = point_to_rectangle_distance(b1, ca, wa, ha)
    db2 = point_to_rectangle_distance(b2, ca, wa, ha)
    db3 = point_to_rectangle_distance(b3, ca, wa, ha)
    db4 = point_to_rectangle_distance(b4, ca, wa, ha)    
    return min([da1, da2, da3, da4, db1, db2, db3, db4])
项目:robot-arena    作者:kenganong    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def traverse(self):
    return ((self.contents[pos[0]][pos[1]], pos) for pos in itertools.product(range(self.rows), range(self.cols)))
项目:onto-lstm    作者:pdasigi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _make_one_hot(self, word_inds, vec_size):
    onehot = numpy.zeros((word_inds.shape + (vec_size,)))
    for inds in itertools.product(*[numpy.arange(s) for s in word_inds.shape]):
      onehot[inds+(word_inds[inds],)] = 1
    return onehot
项目:HousePricePredictionKaggle    作者:Nuwantha    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def poly(X):
    areas = ['LotArea', 'TotalBsmtSF', 'GrLivArea', 'GarageArea', 'BsmtUnfSF']
    # t = [s for s in X.axes[1].get_values() if s not in areas]
    t = chain(qu_list.axes[1].get_values(), 
              ['OverallQual', 'OverallCond', 'ExterQual', 'ExterCond', 'BsmtCond', 'GarageQual', 'GarageCond',
               'KitchenQual', 'HeatingQC', 'bad_heating', 'MasVnrType_Any', 'SaleCondition_PriceDown', 'Reconstruct',
               'ReconstructAfterBuy', 'Build.eq.Buy'])
    for a, t in product(areas, t):
        x = X.loc[:, [a, t]].prod(1) = a + '_' + t
        yield x
项目:Causality    作者:vcla    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_parses(causal_tree):
    node_type = causal_tree["node_type"]
    if "children" not in causal_tree:
        return (causal_tree,)
    partial_causal_parses = []
    # make a copy of the current node, minus the children (so we're keeping symbol_type, symbol, energy, node_type, etc)
    current_node = causal_tree.copy()
    if node_type in ("or","root",):
        for child_node in causal_tree["children"]:
            for parse in generate_parses(child_node):
                current_node["children"] = (parse,)
    elif node_type in ("and",):
        # generate causal parses on each tree
        # build all cartesian products of those causal parses;
        # each cartesian product is a set of children for the and node, a separate partial parse graph to return
        child_parses = []
        for child_node in causal_tree["children"]:
        for product in itertools.product(*child_parses):
            current_node["children"] = product
        raise Exception("UNKNOWN NODE TYPE: {}".format(node_type))
    return partial_causal_parses