Python jsonschema 模块,RefResolver() 实例源码


项目:sphinxcontrib-openapi    作者:ikalnytskyi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _resolve_refs(uri, spec):
    """Resolve JSON references in a given dictionary.

    OpenAPI spec may contain JSON references to its nodes or external
    sources, so any attempt to rely that there's some expected attribute
    in the spec may fail. So we need to resolve JSON references before
    we use it (i.e. replace with referenced object). For details see:

    The input spec is modified in-place despite being returned from
    the function.
    resolver = jsonschema.RefResolver(uri, spec)

    def _do_resolve(node):
        if isinstance(node, collections.Mapping) and '$ref' in node:
            with resolver.resolving(node['$ref']) as resolved:
                return resolved
        elif isinstance(node, collections.Mapping):
            for k, v in node.items():
                node[k] = _do_resolve(v)
        elif isinstance(node, (list, tuple)):
            for i in range(len(node)):
                node[i] = _do_resolve(node[i])
        return node

    return _do_resolve(spec)
项目:cti-stix-validator    作者:oasis-open    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_validator(schema_path, schema):
    """Create a JSON schema validator for the given schema.

        schema_path: The filename of the JSON schema.
        schema: A Python object representation of the same schema.

        An instance of Draft4Validator.

    # Get correct prefix based on OS
    if == 'nt':
        file_prefix = 'file:///'
        file_prefix = 'file:'

    resolver = RefResolver(file_prefix + schema_path.replace("\\", "/"), schema)
    validator = Draft4Validator(schema, resolver=resolver)

    return validator
项目:ofd    作者:yandex    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, versions, path, skip_unknown=False, min_date='2016.09.01', future_hours=24):
        ????? ??? ????????? ?????????? ?? ??? ?? json-?????.
        :param versions: ?????????????? ?????? ?????????, ???????? ['1.0', '1.05'].
        :param path: ???? ?? ??????????, ??????? ???????? ??? ?????????? ?? ???????, ???????? ?? ???????,
        ????????, ????? ??? ????????? 1.0 ?????? ?????? ? <path>/1.0/
        :param skip_unknown: ???? ????? ?????? ?????????? ?? ?????????????? ?????????? ?????????
        self._validators = {}
        self._skip_unknown = skip_unknown
        schema_dir = os.path.expanduser(path)
        schema_dir = os.path.abspath(schema_dir)

        self.min_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(min_date, '%Y.%m.%d') if min_date else None
        self.future_hours = future_hours

        for version in versions:
            full_path = os.path.join(schema_dir, version, 'document.schema.json')
            with open(full_path, encoding='utf-8') as fh:
                schema = json.loads(
                resolver = jsonschema.RefResolver('file://' + full_path, None)
                validator = Draft4Validator(schema=schema, resolver=resolver)
                validator.check_schema(schema)  # ?????????, ??? ???? ????? - ????????
                self._validators[version] = validator
项目:singer-python    作者:singer-io    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def resolve_schema_references(schema, refs=None):
    '''Resolves and replaces json-schema $refs with the appropriate dict.

    Recursively walks the given schema dict, converting every instance
    of $ref in a 'properties' structure with a resolved dict.

    This modifies the input schema and also returns it.

            the schema dict
            a dict of <string, dict> which forms a store of referenced schemata

    refs = refs or {}
    return _resolve_schema_references(schema, RefResolver("", schema, store=refs))
项目:ml-rest    作者:apinf    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, api):
        Instantiate a new Lepo router.

        :param api: The OpenAPI definition object.
        :type api: dict
        self.api = deepcopy(api)
        self.api.pop('host', None)
        self.handlers = {}
        self.resolver = RefResolver('', self.api)
项目:lepo    作者:akx    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, api):
        Instantiate a new Lepo router.

        :param api: The OpenAPI definition object.
        :type api: dict
        self.api = deepcopy(api)
        self.api.pop('host', None)
        self.handlers = {}
        self.resolver = RefResolver('', self.api)
项目:async-pluct    作者:globocom    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_is_valid_call_validate_with_resolver_instance(self, mock_validate):
        await self.result.is_valid()

        resolver = mock_validate.call_args[-1]['resolver']
        self.assertIsInstance(resolver, RefResolver)

        http_handler, https_handler = list(resolver.handlers.values())
        self.assertEqual(http_handler, self.result.session_request_json)
        self.assertEqual(https_handler, self.result.session_request_json)
项目:doctor    作者:upsight    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def resolve(self, ref, document=None):
        """Resolve a ref within the schema.

        This is just a convenience method, since RefResolver returns both a URI
        and the resolved value, and we usually just need the resolved value.

        :param str ref: URI to resolve.
        :param dict document: Optional schema in which to resolve the URI.
        :returns: the portion of the schema that the URI references.
        :see: :meth:`SchemaRefResolver.resolve`
        _, resolved = self.resolver.resolve(ref, document=document)
        return resolved
项目:doctor    作者:upsight    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def resolver(self):
        """jsonschema RefResolver object for the base schema."""
        if self._resolver is not None:
            return self._resolver
        if self._schema_path is not None:
            # the documentation for ref resolving
            self._resolver = SchemaRefResolver(
                'file://' + self._schema_path + '/', self.schema)
            self._resolver = SchemaRefResolver.from_schema(self.schema)
        return self._resolver
项目:doctor    作者:upsight    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_resolver(self):
        resolver = self.schema.resolver
        self.assertIsInstance(resolver, jsonschema.RefResolver)
        self.assertEqual(resolver, self.schema._resolver)
项目:storage-api    作者:cerndb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_openapi_spec_validity(self):
        url = self.get_server_url() + '/swagger.json'
        r = self.login_session().get(url)
        assert r.status_code == 200

        parsed_spec = r.json()
        assert isinstance(validator20.validate_spec(parsed_spec), RefResolver)
项目:oneview-redfish-toolkit    作者:HewlettPackard    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _validate(self):
        """Validates self.redfish against self.schema_obj

            Validates a redfish OrderedDict against the schema object passed
            on the object creation.


                ValidationError: Raises this exception on validation failure.

                OneViewRedfishError: Raises this exception if
                schema is not found.
        schema_version = util.schemas[self.schema_name]
        stored_schemas = util.stored_schemas

            schema_obj = stored_schemas[
                "" + schema_version]
        except KeyError:
            raise OneViewRedfishError("{} not found".format(schema_version))

        resolver = jsonschema.RefResolver('', schema_obj, store=stored_schemas)
        jsonschema.validate(self.redfish, schema_obj, resolver=resolver)
项目:mappyfile    作者:geographika    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_schema(self, schema_name):
        Had to remove the id property from map.json or it uses URLs for validation
        See various issues at

        schema_name += ".json"

        if schema_name not in self.schemas.keys():

            schemas_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "schemas")
            schema_file = os.path.join(schemas_folder, schema_name)

            if not os.path.isfile(schema_file):
                raise IOError("The file %s does not exist" % schema_file)

            with open(schema_file) as f:
                    jsn_schema = json.loads(
                except ValueError as ex:
                    log.error("Could not load %s", schema_file)
                    raise ex

            root_schema_path = self.get_schema_path(schemas_folder)
            resolver = jsonschema.RefResolver(root_schema_path, None)
            # cache the schema for future use
            self.schemas[schema_name] = (jsn_schema, resolver)
            jsn_schema, resolver = self.schemas[schema_name]

        return jsn_schema, resolver
项目:ddots-api-server    作者:frol    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_openapi_spec_validity(flask_app_client):
    raw_openapi_spec = flask_app_client.get('/api/v1/swagger.json').data
    deserialized_openapi_spec = json.loads(raw_openapi_spec.decode('utf-8'))
    assert isinstance(validator20.validate_spec(deserialized_openapi_spec), RefResolver)
项目:deb-python-warlock    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_resolver(self):
        from jsonschema import RefResolver
        dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        schemas_path = 'file://' + os.path.join(dirname, 'schemas/')
        resolver = RefResolver(schemas_path, None)

        country_schema_file = \
            open(os.path.join(dirname, 'schemas/') + 'country.json')
        person_schema_file = \
            open(os.path.join(dirname, 'schemas/') + 'person.json')

        country_schema = json.load(country_schema_file)
        person_schema = json.load(person_schema_file)
        Country = warlock.model_factory(country_schema, resolver)
        Person = warlock.model_factory(person_schema, resolver)

        england = Country(
        expected = {
            'name': 'England',
            'population': 53865800,
            'overlord': {
                'title': 'Queen',
                'lastname': 'Windsor',
                'firstname': 'Elizabeth'
        self.assertEqual(england, expected)
项目:deb-python-jsonschema    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(filename, schema, document):
    resolver = jsonschema.RefResolver(
        store={schema['id']: schema})
    jsonschema.validate(document, schema, resolver=resolver)
项目:doctor    作者:upsight    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def resolve(self, ref, document=None):
        """Resolve a fragment within the schema.

        If the resolved value contains a $ref, it will attempt to resolve that
        as well, until it gets something that is not a reference. Circular
        references will raise a SchemaError.

        :param str ref: URI to resolve.
        :param dict document: Optional schema in which to resolve the URI.
        :returns: a tuple of the final, resolved URI (after any recursion) and
            resolved value in the schema that the URI references.
            # This logic is basically the RefResolver's resolve function, but
            # updated to support fragments of dynamic documents. The jsonschema
            # module supports passing documents when resolving fragments, but
            # it doesn't expose that capability in the resolve function.
            url = self._urljoin_cache(self.resolution_scope, ref)
            if document is None:
                # No document passed, so just resolve it as we normally would.
                resolved = self._remote_cache(url)
                # Document passed, so assume it's a fragment.
                _, fragment = urldefrag(url)
                resolved = self.resolve_fragment(document, fragment)
        except jsonschema.RefResolutionError as e:
            # Failed to find a ref. Make the error a bit prettier so we can
            # figure out where it came from.
            message = e.args[0]
            if self._scopes_stack:
                message = '{} (from {})'.format(
                    message, self._format_stack(self._scopes_stack))
            raise SchemaError(message)

        if isinstance(resolved, dict) and '$ref' in resolved:
            # Try to resolve the reference, so we can get the actual value we
            # want, instead of a useless dict with a $ref in it.
            if url in self._scopes_stack:
                # We've already tried to look up this URL, so this must
                # be a circular reference in the schema.
                raise SchemaError(
                    'Circular reference in schema: {}'.format(
                        self._format_stack(self._scopes_stack + [url])))
                return self.resolve(resolved['$ref'])
            return url, resolved