Python lasagne.layers 模块,Gate() 实例源码


项目:ip-avsr    作者:lzuwei    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_lstm(l_incoming, l_mask, hidden_units, cell_parameters, gate_parameters, name, use_peepholes=False):
    if cell_parameters is None:
        cell_parameters = Gate()
    if gate_parameters is None:
        gate_parameters = Gate()

    l_lstm = LSTMLayer(
        l_incoming, hidden_units, peepholes=use_peepholes,
        # We need to specify a separate input for masks
        # Here, we supply the gate parameters for each gate
        ingate=gate_parameters, forgetgate=gate_parameters,
        cell=cell_parameters, outgate=gate_parameters,
        # We'll learn the initialization and use gradient clipping
        learn_init=True, grad_clipping=5., name=name)
    return l_lstm
项目:ip-avsr    作者:lzuwei    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_lstm(l_incoming, l_mask, hidden_units, cell_parameters, gate_parameters, name):
    if cell_parameters is None:
        cell_parameters = Gate()
    if gate_parameters is None:
        gate_parameters = Gate()

    l_lstm = LSTMLayer(
        l_incoming, hidden_units,
        # We need to specify a separate input for masks
        # Here, we supply the gate parameters for each gate
        ingate=gate_parameters, forgetgate=gate_parameters,
        cell=cell_parameters, outgate=gate_parameters,
        # We'll learn the initialization and use gradient clipping
        learn_init=True, grad_clipping=5., name='f_{}'.format(name))

    return l_lstm
项目:ip-avsr    作者:lzuwei    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_lstm(l_incoming, l_mask, hidden_units, cell_parameters, gate_parameters, name):
    if cell_parameters is None:
        cell_parameters = Gate()
    if gate_parameters is None:
        gate_parameters = Gate()

    l_lstm = LSTMLayer(
        l_incoming, hidden_units,
        # We need to specify a separate input for masks
        # Here, we supply the gate parameters for each gate
        ingate=gate_parameters, forgetgate=gate_parameters,
        cell=cell_parameters, outgate=gate_parameters,
        # We'll learn the initialization and use gradient clipping
        learn_init=True, grad_clipping=5., name='f_{}'.format(name))

    return l_lstm
项目:ip-avsr    作者:lzuwei    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_lstm(l_incoming, l_mask, hidden_units, cell_parameters, gate_parameters, name, use_peepholes=True):

    if cell_parameters is None:
        cell_parameters = Gate()
    if gate_parameters is None:
        gate_parameters = Gate()

    l_lstm = LSTMLayer(
        l_incoming, hidden_units, peepholes=use_peepholes,
        # We need to specify a separate input for masks
        # Here, we supply the gate parameters for each gate
        ingate=gate_parameters, forgetgate=gate_parameters,
        cell=cell_parameters, outgate=gate_parameters,
        # We'll learn the initialization and use gradient clipping
        learn_init=True, grad_clipping=5., name='f_{}'.format(name))

    return l_lstm
项目:ip-avsr    作者:lzuwei    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_lstm(l_incoming, l_mask, hidden_units, cell_parameters, gate_parameters, name, use_peepholes=True):

    if cell_parameters is None:
        cell_parameters = Gate()
    if gate_parameters is None:
        gate_parameters = Gate()

    l_lstm = LSTMLayer(
        l_incoming, hidden_units,
        # We need to specify a separate input for masks
        mask_input=l_mask, peepholes=use_peepholes,
        # Here, we supply the gate parameters for each gate
        ingate=gate_parameters, forgetgate=gate_parameters,
        cell=cell_parameters, outgate=gate_parameters,
        # We'll learn the initialization and use gradient clipping
        learn_init=True, grad_clipping=5., name='f_{}'.format(name))

    return l_lstm
项目:NeuroNLP    作者:XuezheMax    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def exe_maxru(length, num_units, position, binominal):
    batch_size = BATCH_SIZE

    input_var = T.tensor3(name='inputs', dtype=theano.config.floatX)
    target_var = T.ivector(name='targets')

    layer_input = lasagne.layers.InputLayer(shape=(None, length, 1), input_var=input_var, name='input')

    time_updategate = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_cell=None)

    time_update = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_cell=None,
                       b=lasagne.init.Constant(0.), nonlinearity=nonlinearities.tanh)

    resetgate = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(),

    updategate = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(),

    hiden_update = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_cell=None,
                        b=lasagne.init.Constant(0.), nonlinearity=nonlinearities.tanh)

    layer_taru = MAXRULayer(layer_input, num_units, max_length=length,
                            P_time=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), nonlinearity=nonlinearities.tanh,
                            resetgate=resetgate, updategate=updategate, hidden_update=hiden_update,
                            time_updategate=time_updategate, time_update=time_update,
                            only_return_final=True, name='MAXRU', p=0.)

    # W = layer_taru.W_hid_to_hidden_update.sum()
    # U = layer_taru.W_in_to_hidden_update.sum()
    # b = layer_taru.b_hidden_update.sum()

    layer_output = DenseLayer(layer_taru, num_units=1, nonlinearity=nonlinearities.sigmoid, name='output')

    return train(layer_output, input_var, target_var, batch_size, length, position, binominal)
项目:NeuroNLP    作者:XuezheMax    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def exe_lstm(use_embedd, length, num_units, position, binominal):
    batch_size = BATCH_SIZE

    input_var = T.tensor3(name='inputs', dtype=theano.config.floatX)
    target_var = T.ivector(name='targets')

    layer_input = lasagne.layers.InputLayer(shape=(None, length, 1), input_var=input_var, name='input')
    if use_embedd:
        layer_position = construct_position_input(batch_size, length, num_units)
        layer_input = lasagne.layers.concat([layer_input, layer_position], axis=2)

    ingate = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(),

    outgate = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(),
    # according to Jozefowicz et al.(2015), init bias of forget gate to 1.
    forgetgate = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(),
                      W_cell=lasagne.init.Uniform(range=0.1), b=lasagne.init.Constant(1.))
    # now use tanh for nonlinear function of cell, need to try pure linear cell
    cell = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_cell=None,
                b=lasagne.init.Constant(0.), nonlinearity=nonlinearities.tanh)

    layer_lstm = LSTMLayer(layer_input, num_units, ingate=ingate, forgetgate=forgetgate, cell=cell, outgate=outgate,
                           peepholes=False, nonlinearity=nonlinearities.tanh, only_return_final=True, name='LSTM')

    # W = layer_lstm.W_hid_to_cell.sum()
    # U = layer_lstm.W_in_to_cell.sum()
    # b = layer_lstm.b_cell.sum()

    layer_output = DenseLayer(layer_lstm, num_units=1, nonlinearity=nonlinearities.sigmoid, name='output')

    return train(layer_output, layer_lstm, input_var, target_var, batch_size, length, position, binominal)
项目:NeuroNLP    作者:XuezheMax    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def exe_gru(use_embedd, length, num_units, position, binominal, reset_input):
    batch_size = BATCH_SIZE

    input_var = T.tensor3(name='inputs', dtype=theano.config.floatX)
    target_var = T.ivector(name='targets')

    layer_input = lasagne.layers.InputLayer(shape=(batch_size, length, 1), input_var=input_var, name='input')
    if use_embedd:
        layer_position = construct_position_input(batch_size, length, num_units)
        layer_input = lasagne.layers.concat([layer_input, layer_position], axis=2)

    resetgate = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_cell=None)

    updategate = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_cell=None)

    hiden_update = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_cell=None,
                        b=lasagne.init.Constant(0.), nonlinearity=nonlinearities.tanh)

    layer_gru = GRULayer_ANA(layer_input, num_units, resetgate=resetgate, updategate=updategate, hidden_update=hiden_update,
                         reset_input=reset_input, only_return_final=True, name='GRU')

    # W = layer_gru.W_hid_to_hidden_update.sum()
    # U = layer_gru.W_in_to_hidden_update.sum()
    # b = layer_gru.b_hidden_update.sum()

    layer_output = DenseLayer(layer_gru, num_units=1, nonlinearity=nonlinearities.sigmoid, name='output')

    return train(layer_output, layer_gru, input_var, target_var, batch_size, length, position, binominal)
项目:MachineComprehension    作者:sa-j    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, incoming, num_units, ingate=Gate(), forgetgate=Gate(),
                 cell=Gate(W_cell=None, nonlinearity=nonlinearities.tanh), outgate=Gate(),
                 nonlinearity=nonlinearities.tanh, cell_init=init.Constant(0.), hid_init=init.Constant(0.),
                 backwards=False, learn_init=False, peepholes=True, gradient_steps=-1, grad_clipping=0,
                 unroll_scan=False, precompute_input=True, mask_input=None, **kwargs):
        super(CustomLSTMEncoder, self).__init__(incoming, num_units, ingate, forgetgate, cell, outgate, nonlinearity,
                                                cell_init, hid_init, backwards, learn_init, peepholes, gradient_steps,
                                                grad_clipping, unroll_scan, precompute_input, mask_input, False,
项目:seq2seq-lasagne    作者:erfannoury    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_lnlstm_passthrough():
    # Tests that the LSTM can simply pass through its input
    l_in = InputLayer((4, 5, 6))
    zero = lasagne.init.Constant(0.)
    one = lasagne.init.Constant(1.)
    pass_gate = Gate(zero, zero, zero, one, None)
    no_gate = Gate(zero, zero, zero, zero, None)
    in_pass_gate = Gate(
        np.eye(6).astype(theano.config.floatX), zero, zero, zero, None)
    l_rec = LNLSTMLayer(
        l_in, 6, pass_gate, no_gate, in_pass_gate, pass_gate, None)
    out = lasagne.layers.get_output(l_rec)
    inp = np.arange(4*5*6).reshape(4, 5, 6).astype(theano.config.floatX)
    # np.testing.assert_almost_equal(out.eval({l_in.input_var: inp}), inp)
项目:seq2seq-lasagne    作者:erfannoury    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_lstm_passthrough():
    # Tests that the LSTM can simply pass through its input
    l_in = InputLayer((4, 5, 6))
    zero = lasagne.init.Constant(0.)
    one = lasagne.init.Constant(1.)
    pass_gate = Gate(zero, zero, zero, one, None)
    no_gate = Gate(zero, zero, zero, zero, None)
    in_pass_gate = Gate(
        np.eye(6).astype(theano.config.floatX), zero, zero, zero, None)
    l_rec = LSTMLayer(
        l_in, 6, pass_gate, no_gate, in_pass_gate, pass_gate, None)
    out = lasagne.layers.get_output(l_rec)
    inp = np.arange(4*5*6).reshape(4, 5, 6).astype(theano.config.floatX)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(out.eval({l_in.input_var: inp}), inp)
项目:ip-avsr    作者:lzuwei    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_lstm_parameters():
    gate_parameters = Gate(
        W_in=las.init.Orthogonal(), W_hid=las.init.Orthogonal(),
    cell_parameters = Gate(
        W_in=las.init.Orthogonal(), W_hid=las.init.Orthogonal(),
        # Setting W_cell to None denotes that no cell connection will be used.
        W_cell=None, b=las.init.Constant(0.),
        # By convention, the cell nonlinearity is tanh in an LSTM.
    return gate_parameters, cell_parameters
项目:ip-avsr    作者:lzuwei    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_blstm(l_incoming, l_mask, hidden_units, cell_parameters, gate_parameters, name, use_peepholes=False):

    if cell_parameters is None:
        cell_parameters = Gate()
    if gate_parameters is None:
        gate_parameters = Gate()

    l_lstm = LSTMLayer(
        l_incoming, hidden_units, peepholes=use_peepholes,
        # We need to specify a separate input for masks
        # Here, we supply the gate parameters for each gate
        ingate=gate_parameters, forgetgate=gate_parameters,
        cell=cell_parameters, outgate=gate_parameters,
        # We'll learn the initialization and use gradient clipping
        learn_init=True, grad_clipping=5., name='f_{}'.format(name))

    # The "backwards" layer is the same as the first,
    # except that the backwards argument is set to True.
    l_lstm_back = LSTMLayer(
        l_incoming, hidden_units, ingate=gate_parameters, peepholes=use_peepholes,
        mask_input=l_mask, forgetgate=gate_parameters,
        cell=cell_parameters, outgate=gate_parameters,
        learn_init=True, grad_clipping=5., backwards=True, name='b_{}'.format(name))

    return l_lstm, l_lstm_back
项目:ip-avsr    作者:lzuwei    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_blstm(l_incoming, l_mask, hidden_units, cell_parameters, gate_parameters, name):

    if cell_parameters is None:
        cell_parameters = Gate()
    if gate_parameters is None:
        gate_parameters = Gate()

    l_lstm = LSTMLayer(
        l_incoming, hidden_units,
        # We need to specify a separate input for masks
        # Here, we supply the gate parameters for each gate
        ingate=gate_parameters, forgetgate=gate_parameters,
        cell=cell_parameters, outgate=gate_parameters,
        # We'll learn the initialization and use gradient clipping
        learn_init=True, grad_clipping=5., name='f_{}'.format(name))

    # The "backwards" layer is the same as the first,
    # except that the backwards argument is set to True.
    l_lstm_back = LSTMLayer(
        l_incoming, hidden_units, ingate=gate_parameters,
        mask_input=l_mask, forgetgate=gate_parameters,
        cell=cell_parameters, outgate=gate_parameters,
        learn_init=True, grad_clipping=5., backwards=True, name='b_{}'.format(name))

    return l_lstm, l_lstm_back
项目:ip-avsr    作者:lzuwei    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_model(input_shape, input_var, mask_shape, mask_var, lstm_size=250, output_classes=26,
    gate_parameters = Gate(
        W_in=w_init, W_hid=w_init,
    cell_parameters = Gate(
        W_in=w_init, W_hid=w_init,
        # Setting W_cell to None denotes that no cell connection will be used.
        W_cell=None, b=las.init.Constant(0.),
        # By convention, the cell nonlinearity is tanh in an LSTM.

    l_in = InputLayer(input_shape, input_var, 'input')
    l_mask = InputLayer(mask_shape, mask_var, 'mask')

    f_lstm, b_lstm = create_blstm(l_in, l_mask, lstm_size, cell_parameters, gate_parameters, 'lstm')

    l_sum = ElemwiseSumLayer([f_lstm, b_lstm], name='sum')
    l_forward_slice1 = SliceLayer(l_sum, -1, 1, name='slice1')

    # Now, we can apply feed-forward layers as usual.
    # We want the network to predict a classification for the sequence,
    # so we'll use a the number of classes.
    l_out = DenseLayer(
        l_forward_slice1, num_units=output_classes, nonlinearity=las.nonlinearities.softmax, name='output')

    return l_out
项目:ip-avsr    作者:lzuwei    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_blstm(l_incoming, l_mask, hidden_units, cell_parameters, gate_parameters, name):

    if cell_parameters is None:
        cell_parameters = Gate()
    if gate_parameters is None:
        gate_parameters = Gate()

    l_lstm = LSTMLayer(
        l_incoming, hidden_units,
        # We need to specify a separate input for masks
        # Here, we supply the gate parameters for each gate
        ingate=gate_parameters, forgetgate=gate_parameters,
        cell=cell_parameters, outgate=gate_parameters,
        # We'll learn the initialization and use gradient clipping
        learn_init=True, grad_clipping=5., name='f_{}'.format(name))

    # The "backwards" layer is the same as the first,
    # except that the backwards argument is set to True.
    l_lstm_back = LSTMLayer(
        l_incoming, hidden_units, ingate=gate_parameters,
        mask_input=l_mask, forgetgate=gate_parameters,
        cell=cell_parameters, outgate=gate_parameters,
        learn_init=True, grad_clipping=5., backwards=True, name='b_{}'.format(name))

    return l_lstm, l_lstm_back
项目:ip-avsr    作者:lzuwei    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_blstm(l_incoming, l_mask, hidden_units, cell_parameters, gate_parameters, name):

    if cell_parameters is None:
        cell_parameters = Gate()
    if gate_parameters is None:
        gate_parameters = Gate()

    l_lstm = LSTMLayer(
        l_incoming, hidden_units,
        # We need to specify a separate input for masks
        # Here, we supply the gate parameters for each gate
        ingate=gate_parameters, forgetgate=gate_parameters,
        cell=cell_parameters, outgate=gate_parameters,
        # We'll learn the initialization and use gradient clipping
        learn_init=True, grad_clipping=5., name='f_{}'.format(name))

    # The "backwards" layer is the same as the first,
    # except that the backwards argument is set to True.
    l_lstm_back = LSTMLayer(
        l_incoming, hidden_units, ingate=gate_parameters,
        mask_input=l_mask, forgetgate=gate_parameters,
        cell=cell_parameters, outgate=gate_parameters,
        learn_init=True, grad_clipping=5., backwards=True, name='b_{}'.format(name))

    return l_lstm, l_lstm_back
项目:ip-avsr    作者:lzuwei    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_blstm(l_incoming, l_mask, hidden_units, cell_parameters, gate_parameters, name, use_peepholes=True):

    if cell_parameters is None:
        cell_parameters = Gate()
    if gate_parameters is None:
        gate_parameters = Gate()

    l_lstm = LSTMLayer(
        l_incoming, hidden_units,
        # We need to specify a separate input for masks
        mask_input=l_mask, peepholes=use_peepholes,
        # Here, we supply the gate parameters for each gate
        ingate=gate_parameters, forgetgate=gate_parameters,
        cell=cell_parameters, outgate=gate_parameters,
        # We'll learn the initialization and use gradient clipping
        learn_init=True, grad_clipping=5., name='f_{}'.format(name))

    # The "backwards" layer is the same as the first,
    # except that the backwards argument is set to True.
    l_lstm_back = LSTMLayer(
        l_incoming, hidden_units, ingate=gate_parameters, peepholes=use_peepholes,
        mask_input=l_mask, forgetgate=gate_parameters,
        cell=cell_parameters, outgate=gate_parameters,
        learn_init=True, grad_clipping=5., backwards=True, name='b_{}'.format(name))

    return l_lstm, l_lstm_back
项目:ip-avsr    作者:lzuwei    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_blstm(l_incoming, l_mask, hidden_units, cell_parameters, gate_parameters, name):

    if cell_parameters is None:
        cell_parameters = Gate()
    if gate_parameters is None:
        gate_parameters = Gate()

    l_lstm = LSTMLayer(
        l_incoming, hidden_units,
        # We need to specify a separate input for masks
        # Here, we supply the gate parameters for each gate
        ingate=gate_parameters, forgetgate=gate_parameters,
        cell=cell_parameters, outgate=gate_parameters,
        # We'll learn the initialization and use gradient clipping
        learn_init=True, grad_clipping=5., name='f_{}'.format(name))

    # The "backwards" layer is the same as the first,
    # except that the backwards argument is set to True.
    l_lstm_back = LSTMLayer(
        l_incoming, hidden_units, ingate=gate_parameters,
        mask_input=l_mask, forgetgate=gate_parameters,
        cell=cell_parameters, outgate=gate_parameters,
        learn_init=True, grad_clipping=5., backwards=True, name='b_{}'.format(name))

    return l_lstm, l_lstm_back
项目:ip-avsr    作者:lzuwei    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_blstm(l_incoming, l_mask, hidden_units, cell_parameters, gate_parameters, name, use_peepholes=True):

    if cell_parameters is None:
        cell_parameters = Gate()
    if gate_parameters is None:
        gate_parameters = Gate()

    l_lstm = LSTMLayer(
        l_incoming, hidden_units,
        # We need to specify a separate input for masks
        mask_input=l_mask, peepholes=use_peepholes,
        # Here, we supply the gate parameters for each gate
        ingate=gate_parameters, forgetgate=gate_parameters,
        cell=cell_parameters, outgate=gate_parameters,
        # We'll learn the initialization and use gradient clipping
        learn_init=True, grad_clipping=5., name='f_{}'.format(name))

    # The "backwards" layer is the same as the first,
    # except that the backwards argument is set to True.
    l_lstm_back = LSTMLayer(
        l_incoming, hidden_units, ingate=gate_parameters, peepholes=use_peepholes,
        mask_input=l_mask, forgetgate=gate_parameters,
        cell=cell_parameters, outgate=gate_parameters,
        learn_init=True, grad_clipping=5., backwards=True, name='b_{}'.format(name))

    return l_lstm, l_lstm_back
项目:ip-avsr    作者:lzuwei    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_model(input_shape, input_var, mask_shape, mask_var, window, lstm_size=250, output_classes=26,
                 w_init=las.init.GlorotUniform(), use_peepholes=False, use_blstm=True):
    gate_parameters = Gate(
        W_in=w_init, W_hid=w_init,
    cell_parameters = Gate(
        W_in=w_init, W_hid=w_init,
        # Setting W_cell to None denotes that no cell connection will be used.
        W_cell=None, b=las.init.Constant(0.),
        # By convention, the cell nonlinearity is tanh in an LSTM.

    l_in = InputLayer(input_shape, input_var, 'input')
    l_mask = InputLayer(mask_shape, mask_var, name='mask')

    symbolic_seqlen = l_in.input_var.shape[1]
    l_delta = DeltaLayer(l_in, window, name='delta')

    if use_blstm:
        f_lstm, b_lstm = create_blstm(l_delta, l_mask, lstm_size, cell_parameters, gate_parameters, 'lstm', use_peepholes)
        l_sum = ElemwiseSumLayer([f_lstm, b_lstm], name='sum')
        # reshape to (num_examples * seq_len, lstm_size)
        l_reshape = ReshapeLayer(l_sum, (-1, lstm_size), name='reshape')
        l_lstm = create_lstm(l_delta, l_mask, lstm_size, cell_parameters, gate_parameters, 'lstm', use_peepholes)
        l_reshape = ReshapeLayer(l_lstm, (-1, lstm_size), name='reshape')

    # Now, we can apply feed-forward layers as usual.
    # We want the network to predict a classification for the sequence,
    # so we'll use a the number of classes.
    l_softmax = DenseLayer(
        l_reshape, num_units=output_classes, nonlinearity=las.nonlinearities.softmax, name='softmax')

    l_out = ReshapeLayer(l_softmax, (-1, symbolic_seqlen, output_classes), name='output')
    return l_out
项目:ip-avsr    作者:lzuwei    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_blstm(l_incoming, l_mask, hidden_units, cell_parameters, gate_parameters, name):

    if cell_parameters is None:
        cell_parameters = Gate()
    if gate_parameters is None:
        gate_parameters = Gate()

    l_lstm = LSTMLayer(
        l_incoming, hidden_units,
        # We need to specify a separate input for masks
        # Here, we supply the gate parameters for each gate
        ingate=gate_parameters, forgetgate=gate_parameters,
        cell=cell_parameters, outgate=gate_parameters,
        # We'll learn the initialization and use gradient clipping
        learn_init=True, grad_clipping=5., name='f_{}'.format(name))

    # The "backwards" layer is the same as the first,
    # except that the backwards argument is set to True.
    l_lstm_back = LSTMLayer(
        l_incoming, hidden_units, ingate=gate_parameters,
        mask_input=l_mask, forgetgate=gate_parameters,
        cell=cell_parameters, outgate=gate_parameters,
        learn_init=True, grad_clipping=5., backwards=True, name='b_{}'.format(name))

    return l_lstm, l_lstm_back
项目:ip-avsr    作者:lzuwei    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_blstm(l_incoming, l_mask, hidden_units, cell_parameters, gate_parameters, name, use_peepholes=True):

    if cell_parameters is None:
        cell_parameters = Gate()
    if gate_parameters is None:
        gate_parameters = Gate()

    l_lstm = LSTMLayer(
        l_incoming, hidden_units, peepholes=use_peepholes,
        # We need to specify a separate input for masks
        # Here, we supply the gate parameters for each gate
        ingate=gate_parameters, forgetgate=gate_parameters,
        cell=cell_parameters, outgate=gate_parameters,
        # We'll learn the initialization and use gradient clipping
        learn_init=True, grad_clipping=5., name='f_{}'.format(name))

    # The "backwards" layer is the same as the first,
    # except that the backwards argument is set to True.
    l_lstm_back = LSTMLayer(
        l_incoming, hidden_units, ingate=gate_parameters, peepholes=use_peepholes,
        mask_input=l_mask, forgetgate=gate_parameters,
        cell=cell_parameters, outgate=gate_parameters,
        learn_init=True, grad_clipping=5., backwards=True, name='b_{}'.format(name))

    return l_lstm, l_lstm_back
项目:ip-avsr    作者:lzuwei    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_model(substreams, mask_shape, mask_var, lstm_size=250, output_classes=26,
                 fusiontype='concat', w_init_fn=las.init.Orthogonal(), use_peepholes=True):

    gate_parameters = Gate(
        W_in=w_init_fn, W_hid=w_init_fn,
    cell_parameters = Gate(
        W_in=w_init_fn, W_hid=w_init_fn,
        # Setting W_cell to None denotes that no cell connection will be used.
        W_cell=None, b=las.init.Constant(0.),
        # By convention, the cell nonlinearity is tanh in an LSTM.

    l_mask = InputLayer(mask_shape, mask_var, 'mask')
    symbolic_seqlen_raw = l_mask.input_var.shape[1]

    # We'll combine the forward and backward layer output by summing.
    # Merge layers take in lists of layers to merge as input.
    if fusiontype == 'adasum':
        l_fuse = AdaptiveElemwiseSumLayer(substreams, name='adasum1')
    elif fusiontype == 'sum':
        l_fuse = ElemwiseSumLayer(substreams, name='sum1')
    elif fusiontype == 'concat':
        l_fuse = ConcatLayer(substreams, axis=-1, name='concat')

    f_lstm_agg, b_lstm_agg = create_blstm(l_fuse, l_mask, lstm_size, cell_parameters, gate_parameters, 'lstm_agg')
    l_sum2 = ElemwiseSumLayer([f_lstm_agg, b_lstm_agg], name='sum2')

    # reshape to (num_examples * seq_len, lstm_size)
    l_reshape3 = ReshapeLayer(l_sum2, (-1, lstm_size), name='reshape3')

    # Now, we can apply feed-forward layers as usual.
    # We want the network to predict a classification for the sequence,
    # so we'll use a the number of classes.
    l_softmax = DenseLayer(
        l_reshape3, num_units=output_classes,
        nonlinearity=las.nonlinearities.softmax, name='softmax')

    l_out = ReshapeLayer(l_softmax, (-1, symbolic_seqlen_raw, output_classes), name='output')

    return l_out, l_fuse
项目:ip-avsr    作者:lzuwei    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_blstm(l_incoming, l_mask, hidden_units, cell_parameters, gate_parameters, name):

    if cell_parameters is None:
        cell_parameters = Gate()
    if gate_parameters is None:
        gate_parameters = Gate()

    l_lstm = LSTMLayer(
        l_incoming, hidden_units,
        # We need to specify a separate input for masks
        # Here, we supply the gate parameters for each gate
        ingate=gate_parameters, forgetgate=gate_parameters,
        cell=cell_parameters, outgate=gate_parameters,
        # We'll learn the initialization and use gradient clipping
        learn_init=True, grad_clipping=5., name='f_{}'.format(name))

    # The "backwards" layer is the same as the first,
    # except that the backwards argument is set to True.
    l_lstm_back = LSTMLayer(
        l_incoming, hidden_units, ingate=gate_parameters,
        mask_input=l_mask, forgetgate=gate_parameters,
        cell=cell_parameters, outgate=gate_parameters,
        learn_init=True, grad_clipping=5., backwards=True, name='b_{}'.format(name))

    return l_lstm, l_lstm_back
项目:ip-avsr    作者:lzuwei    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_blstm(l_incoming, l_mask, hidden_units, cell_parameters, gate_parameters, name):

    if cell_parameters is None:
        cell_parameters = Gate()
    if gate_parameters is None:
        gate_parameters = Gate()

    l_lstm = LSTMLayer(
        l_incoming, hidden_units,
        # We need to specify a separate input for masks
        # Here, we supply the gate parameters for each gate
        ingate=gate_parameters, forgetgate=gate_parameters,
        cell=cell_parameters, outgate=gate_parameters,
        # We'll learn the initialization and use gradient clipping
        learn_init=True, grad_clipping=5., name='f_{}'.format(name))

    # The "backwards" layer is the same as the first,
    # except that the backwards argument is set to True.
    l_lstm_back = LSTMLayer(
        l_incoming, hidden_units, ingate=gate_parameters,
        mask_input=l_mask, forgetgate=gate_parameters,
        cell=cell_parameters, outgate=gate_parameters,
        learn_init=True, grad_clipping=5., backwards=True, name='b_{}'.format(name))

    return l_lstm, l_lstm_back
项目:NeuroNLP    作者:XuezheMax    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_recur_dropout(incoming1, incoming2, num_units, num_labels, mask, grad_clipping, num_filters, p):
    # Construct Bi-directional LSTM-CNNs-CRF with recurrent dropout.
    # first get some necessary dimensions or parameters
    conv_window = 3
    # shape = [batch, n-step, c_dim, char_length]
    # construct convolution layer
    # shape = [batch, n-step, c_filters, output_length]
    cnn_layer = ConvTimeStep1DLayer(incoming1, num_filters=num_filters, filter_size=conv_window, pad='full',
                                    nonlinearity=lasagne.nonlinearities.tanh, name='cnn')
    # infer the pool size for pooling (pool size should go through all time step of cnn)
    _, _, _, pool_size = cnn_layer.output_shape
    # construct max pool layer
    # shape = [batch, n-step, c_filters, 1]
    pool_layer = PoolTimeStep1DLayer(cnn_layer, pool_size=pool_size)
    # reshape: [batch, n-step, c_filters, 1] --> [batch, n-step, c_filters]
    output_cnn_layer = lasagne.layers.reshape(pool_layer, ([0], [1], [2]))

    # finally, concatenate the two incoming layers together.
    # shape = [batch, n-step, c_filter&w_dim]
    incoming = lasagne.layers.concat([output_cnn_layer, incoming2], axis=2)

    # dropout for incoming
    incoming = lasagne.layers.DropoutLayer(incoming, p=p, shared_axes=(1,))

    ingate_forward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(),
    outgate_forward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(),
    # according to Jozefowicz et al.(2015), init bias of forget gate to 1.
    forgetgate_forward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(),
                              W_cell=lasagne.init.Uniform(range=0.1), b=lasagne.init.Constant(1.))
    # now use tanh for nonlinear function of cell, need to try pure linear cell
    cell_forward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_cell=None,
    lstm_forward = LSTMLayer(incoming, num_units, mask_input=mask, grad_clipping=grad_clipping,
                             nonlinearity=nonlinearities.tanh, peepholes=False,
                             ingate=ingate_forward, outgate=outgate_forward,
                             forgetgate=forgetgate_forward, cell=cell_forward, p=p, name='forward')

    ingate_backward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(),
    outgate_backward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(),
    # according to Jozefowicz et al.(2015), init bias of forget gate to 1.
    forgetgate_backward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(),
                               W_cell=lasagne.init.Uniform(range=0.1), b=lasagne.init.Constant(1.))
    # now use tanh for nonlinear function of cell, need to try pure linear cell
    cell_backward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_cell=None,
    lstm_backward = LSTMLayer(incoming, num_units, mask_input=mask, grad_clipping=grad_clipping,
                              nonlinearity=nonlinearities.tanh, peepholes=False, backwards=True,
                              ingate=ingate_backward, outgate=outgate_backward,
                              forgetgate=forgetgate_backward, cell=cell_backward, p=p, name='backward')

    # concatenate the outputs of forward and backward LSTMs to combine them.
    bi_lstm_cnn = lasagne.layers.concat([lstm_forward, lstm_backward], axis=2, name="bi-lstm")
    # shape = [batch, n-step, num_units]
    bi_lstm_cnn = lasagne.layers.DropoutLayer(bi_lstm_cnn, p=p, shared_axes=(1,))

    return ChainCRFLayer(bi_lstm_cnn, num_labels, mask_input=mask)
项目:NeuroNLP    作者:XuezheMax    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_RNN(architec, layer_input, layer_mask, num_units, grad_clipping):
    def build_GRU(reset_input):
        resetgate = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_cell=None)

        updategate = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_cell=None)

        hiden_update = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_cell=None,
                            b=lasagne.init.Constant(0.), nonlinearity=nonlinearities.tanh)

        return GRULayer(layer_input, num_units, mask_input=layer_mask, grad_clipping=grad_clipping,
                        resetgate=resetgate, updategate=updategate, hidden_update=hiden_update,
                        reset_input=reset_input, only_return_final=True, p=0.5, name='GRU')

    def build_LSTM():
        ingate = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(),

        outgate = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(),
        # according to Jozefowicz et al.(2015), init bias of forget gate to 1.
        forgetgate = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(),
                          W_cell=lasagne.init.Uniform(range=0.1), b=lasagne.init.Constant(1.))
        # now use tanh for nonlinear function of cell, need to try pure linear cell
        cell = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_cell=None,
                    b=lasagne.init.Constant(0.), nonlinearity=nonlinearities.tanh)

        return LSTMLayer(layer_input, num_units, mask_input=layer_mask, grad_clipping=grad_clipping,
                         ingate=ingate, forgetgate=forgetgate, cell=cell, outgate=outgate,
                         peepholes=False, nonlinearity=nonlinearities.tanh,
                         only_return_final=True, p=0.5, name='LSTM')

    def build_SGRU():
        resetgate_hidden = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(),

        resetgate_input = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(),

        updategate = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(),

        hidden_update = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_cell=None,
                            b=lasagne.init.Constant(0.), nonlinearity=nonlinearities.tanh)

        return SGRULayer(layer_input, num_units, mask_input=layer_mask, grad_clipping=grad_clipping,
                         resetgate_input=resetgate_input, resetgate_hidden=resetgate_hidden,
                         updategate=updategate, hidden_update=hidden_update,
                         only_return_final=True, p=0.5, name='SGRU')

    if architec == 'gru0':
        return build_GRU(False)
    elif architec == 'gru1':
        return build_GRU(True)
    elif architec == 'lstm':
        return build_LSTM()
    elif architec == 'sgru':
        return build_SGRU()
        raise ValueError('unkown architecture: %s' % architec)
项目:NeuroNLP    作者:XuezheMax    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_std_dropout_gru(incoming1, incoming2, num_units, num_labels, mask, grad_clipping, num_filters, p,
    # Construct Bi-directional LSTM-CNNs-CRF with standard dropout.
    # first get some necessary dimensions or parameters
    conv_window = 3
    # shape = [batch, n-step, c_dim, char_length]
    incoming1 = lasagne.layers.DropoutLayer(incoming1, p=p)

    # construct convolution layer
    # shape = [batch, n-step, c_filters, output_length]
    cnn_layer = ConvTimeStep1DLayer(incoming1, num_filters=num_filters, filter_size=conv_window, pad='full',
                                    nonlinearity=lasagne.nonlinearities.tanh, name='cnn')
    # infer the pool size for pooling (pool size should go through all time step of cnn)
    _, _, _, pool_size = cnn_layer.output_shape
    # construct max pool layer
    # shape = [batch, n-step, c_filters, 1]
    pool_layer = PoolTimeStep1DLayer(cnn_layer, pool_size=pool_size)
    # reshape: [batch, n-step, c_filters, 1] --> [batch, n-step, c_filters]
    output_cnn_layer = lasagne.layers.reshape(pool_layer, ([0], [1], [2]))

    # finally, concatenate the two incoming layers together.
    # shape = [batch, n-step, c_filter&w_dim]
    incoming = lasagne.layers.concat([output_cnn_layer, incoming2], axis=2)

    # dropout for incoming
    incoming = lasagne.layers.DropoutLayer(incoming, p=0.2)

    resetgate_forward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_cell=None)
    updategate_forward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_cell=None)
    hidden_update_forward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(),
                                 W_cell=None, nonlinearity=nonlinearities.tanh)
    gru_forward = GRULayer(incoming, num_units, mask_input=mask, resetgate=resetgate_forward,
                           updategate=updategate_forward, hidden_update=hidden_update_forward,
                           grad_clipping=grad_clipping, reset_input=reset_input, name='forward')

    resetgate_backward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_cell=None)
    updategate_backward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_cell=None)
    hidden_update_backward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(),
                                  W_cell=None, nonlinearity=nonlinearities.tanh)
    gru_backward = GRULayer(incoming, num_units, mask_input=mask, backwards=True, resetgate=resetgate_backward,
                            updategate=updategate_backward, hidden_update=hidden_update_backward,
                            grad_clipping=grad_clipping, reset_input=reset_input, name='backward')

    # concatenate the outputs of forward and backward LSTMs to combine them.
    bi_gru_cnn = lasagne.layers.concat([gru_forward, gru_backward], axis=2, name="bi-gru")

    bi_gru_cnn = lasagne.layers.DropoutLayer(bi_gru_cnn, p=p)

    # reshape bi-rnn-cnn to [batch * max_length, num_units]
    bi_gru_cnn = lasagne.layers.reshape(bi_gru_cnn, (-1, [2]))

    # construct output layer (dense layer with softmax)
    layer_output = lasagne.layers.DenseLayer(bi_gru_cnn, num_units=num_labels, nonlinearity=nonlinearities.softmax,

    return layer_output
项目:NeuroNLP    作者:XuezheMax    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_std_dropout_sgru(incoming1, incoming2, num_units, num_labels, mask, grad_clipping, num_filters, p):
    # Construct Bi-directional LSTM-CNNs-CRF with standard dropout.
    # first get some necessary dimensions or parameters
    conv_window = 3
    # shape = [batch, n-step, c_dim, char_length]
    incoming1 = lasagne.layers.DropoutLayer(incoming1, p=p)

    # construct convolution layer
    # shape = [batch, n-step, c_filters, output_length]
    cnn_layer = ConvTimeStep1DLayer(incoming1, num_filters=num_filters, filter_size=conv_window, pad='full',
                                    nonlinearity=lasagne.nonlinearities.tanh, name='cnn')
    # infer the pool size for pooling (pool size should go through all time step of cnn)
    _, _, _, pool_size = cnn_layer.output_shape
    # construct max pool layer
    # shape = [batch, n-step, c_filters, 1]
    pool_layer = PoolTimeStep1DLayer(cnn_layer, pool_size=pool_size)
    # reshape: [batch, n-step, c_filters, 1] --> [batch, n-step, c_filters]
    output_cnn_layer = lasagne.layers.reshape(pool_layer, ([0], [1], [2]))

    # finally, concatenate the two incoming layers together.
    # shape = [batch, n-step, c_filter&w_dim]
    incoming = lasagne.layers.concat([output_cnn_layer, incoming2], axis=2)

    # dropout for incoming
    incoming = lasagne.layers.DropoutLayer(incoming, p=0.2)

    resetgate_input_forward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_cell=None)
    resetgate_hidden_forward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_cell=None)
    updategate_forward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_cell=None)
    hidden_update_forward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(),
                                 W_cell=None, nonlinearity=nonlinearities.tanh)
    sgru_forward = SGRULayer(incoming, num_units, mask_input=mask,
                             resetgate_input=resetgate_input_forward, resetgate_hidden=resetgate_hidden_forward,
                             updategate=updategate_forward, hidden_update=hidden_update_forward,
                             grad_clipping=grad_clipping, name='forward')

    resetgate_input_backward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_cell=None)
    resetgate_hidden_backward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_cell=None)
    updategate_backward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_cell=None)
    hidden_update_backward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(),
                                  W_cell=None, nonlinearity=nonlinearities.tanh)
    sgru_backward = SGRULayer(incoming, num_units, mask_input=mask, backwards=True,
                              resetgate_input=resetgate_input_backward, resetgate_hidden=resetgate_hidden_backward,
                              updategate=updategate_backward, hidden_update=hidden_update_backward,
                              grad_clipping=grad_clipping, name='backward')

    # concatenate the outputs of forward and backward LSTMs to combine them.
    bi_sgru_cnn = lasagne.layers.concat([sgru_forward, sgru_backward], axis=2, name="bi-sgru")

    bi_sgru_cnn = lasagne.layers.DropoutLayer(bi_sgru_cnn, p=p)

    # reshape bi-rnn-cnn to [batch * max_length, num_units]
    bi_sgru_cnn = lasagne.layers.reshape(bi_sgru_cnn, (-1, [2]))

    # construct output layer (dense layer with softmax)
    layer_output = lasagne.layers.DenseLayer(bi_sgru_cnn, num_units=num_labels, nonlinearity=nonlinearities.softmax,

    return layer_output
项目:NeuroNLP    作者:XuezheMax    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_recur_dropout_gru(incoming1, incoming2, num_units, num_labels, mask, grad_clipping, num_filters, p,
    # Construct Bi-directional LSTM-CNNs-CRF with recurrent dropout.
    # first get some necessary dimensions or parameters
    conv_window = 3
    # shape = [batch, n-step, c_dim, char_length]
    # construct convolution layer
    # shape = [batch, n-step, c_filters, output_length]
    cnn_layer = ConvTimeStep1DLayer(incoming1, num_filters=num_filters, filter_size=conv_window, pad='full',
                                    nonlinearity=lasagne.nonlinearities.tanh, name='cnn')
    # infer the pool size for pooling (pool size should go through all time step of cnn)
    _, _, _, pool_size = cnn_layer.output_shape
    # construct max pool layer
    # shape = [batch, n-step, c_filters, 1]
    pool_layer = PoolTimeStep1DLayer(cnn_layer, pool_size=pool_size)
    # reshape: [batch, n-step, c_filters, 1] --> [batch, n-step, c_filters]
    output_cnn_layer = lasagne.layers.reshape(pool_layer, ([0], [1], [2]))

    # finally, concatenate the two incoming layers together.
    # shape = [batch, n-step, c_filter&w_dim]
    incoming = lasagne.layers.concat([output_cnn_layer, incoming2], axis=2)

    # dropout for incoming
    incoming = lasagne.layers.DropoutLayer(incoming, p=0.2, shared_axes=(1,))

    resetgate_forward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_cell=None)
    updategate_forward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_cell=None)
    hidden_update_forward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(),
                                 W_cell=None, nonlinearity=nonlinearities.tanh)
    gru_forward = GRULayer(incoming, num_units, mask_input=mask, resetgate=resetgate_forward,
                           updategate=updategate_forward, hidden_update=hidden_update_forward,
                           grad_clipping=grad_clipping, reset_input=reset_input, p=p, name='forward')

    resetgate_backward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_cell=None)
    updategate_backward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_cell=None)
    hidden_update_backward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(),
                                  W_cell=None, nonlinearity=nonlinearities.tanh)
    gru_backward = GRULayer(incoming, num_units, mask_input=mask, backwards=True, resetgate=resetgate_backward,
                            updategate=updategate_backward, hidden_update=hidden_update_backward,
                            grad_clipping=grad_clipping, reset_input=reset_input, p=p, name='backward')

    # concatenate the outputs of forward and backward LSTMs to combine them.
    bi_gru_cnn = lasagne.layers.concat([gru_forward, gru_backward], axis=2, name="bi-gru")
    # shape = [batch, n-step, num_units]
    bi_gru_cnn = lasagne.layers.DropoutLayer(bi_gru_cnn, p=p, shared_axes=(1,))

    # reshape bi-rnn-cnn to [batch * max_length, num_units]
    bi_gru_cnn = lasagne.layers.reshape(bi_gru_cnn, (-1, [2]))

    # construct output layer (dense layer with softmax)
    layer_output = lasagne.layers.DenseLayer(bi_gru_cnn, num_units=num_labels, nonlinearity=nonlinearities.softmax,

    return layer_output
项目:NeuroNLP    作者:XuezheMax    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_recur_dropout_sgru(incoming1, incoming2, num_units, num_labels, mask, grad_clipping, num_filters, p):
    # Construct Bi-directional LSTM-CNNs-CRF with recurrent dropout.
    # first get some necessary dimensions or parameters
    conv_window = 3
    # shape = [batch, n-step, c_dim, char_length]
    # construct convolution layer
    # shape = [batch, n-step, c_filters, output_length]
    cnn_layer = ConvTimeStep1DLayer(incoming1, num_filters=num_filters, filter_size=conv_window, pad='full',
                                    nonlinearity=lasagne.nonlinearities.tanh, name='cnn')
    # infer the pool size for pooling (pool size should go through all time step of cnn)
    _, _, _, pool_size = cnn_layer.output_shape
    # construct max pool layer
    # shape = [batch, n-step, c_filters, 1]
    pool_layer = PoolTimeStep1DLayer(cnn_layer, pool_size=pool_size)
    # reshape: [batch, n-step, c_filters, 1] --> [batch, n-step, c_filters]
    output_cnn_layer = lasagne.layers.reshape(pool_layer, ([0], [1], [2]))

    # finally, concatenate the two incoming layers together.
    # shape = [batch, n-step, c_filter&w_dim]
    incoming = lasagne.layers.concat([output_cnn_layer, incoming2], axis=2)

    # dropout for incoming
    incoming = lasagne.layers.DropoutLayer(incoming, p=0.2, shared_axes=(1,))

    resetgate_input_forward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_cell=None)
    resetgate_hidden_forward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_cell=None)
    updategate_forward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_cell=None)
    hidden_update_forward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(),
                                 W_cell=None, nonlinearity=nonlinearities.tanh)
    sgru_forward = SGRULayer(incoming, num_units, mask_input=mask,
                             resetgate_input=resetgate_input_forward, resetgate_hidden=resetgate_hidden_forward,
                             updategate=updategate_forward, hidden_update=hidden_update_forward,
                             grad_clipping=grad_clipping, p=p, name='forward')

    resetgate_input_backward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_cell=None)
    resetgate_hidden_backward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_cell=None)
    updategate_backward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_cell=None)
    hidden_update_backward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(),
                                  W_cell=None, nonlinearity=nonlinearities.tanh)
    sgru_backward = SGRULayer(incoming, num_units, mask_input=mask, backwards=True,
                              resetgate_input=resetgate_input_backward, resetgate_hidden=resetgate_hidden_backward,
                              updategate=updategate_backward, hidden_update=hidden_update_backward,
                              grad_clipping=grad_clipping, p=p, name='backward')

    # concatenate the outputs of forward and backward LSTMs to combine them.
    bi_sgru_cnn = lasagne.layers.concat([sgru_forward, sgru_backward], axis=2, name="bi-sgru")
    # shape = [batch, n-step, num_units]
    bi_sgru_cnn = lasagne.layers.DropoutLayer(bi_sgru_cnn, p=p, shared_axes=(1,))

    # reshape bi-rnn-cnn to [batch * max_length, num_units]
    bi_sgru_cnn = lasagne.layers.reshape(bi_sgru_cnn, (-1, [2]))

    # construct output layer (dense layer with softmax)
    layer_output = lasagne.layers.DenseLayer(bi_sgru_cnn, num_units=num_labels, nonlinearity=nonlinearities.softmax,

    return layer_output
项目:MachineComprehension    作者:sa-j    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, incoming, num_units, ingate=Gate(), forgetgate=Gate(),
                 cell=Gate(W_cell=None, nonlinearity=nonlinearities.tanh), outgate=Gate(),
                 nonlinearity=nonlinearities.tanh, cell_init=init.Constant(0.), hid_init=init.Constant(0.),
                 backwards=False, learn_init=False, peepholes=True, gradient_steps=-1, grad_clipping=0,
                 precompute_input=True, mask_input=None,
                 encoder_mask_input=None, attention=False, word_by_word=False, **kwargs):
        super(CustomLSTMDecoder, self).__init__(incoming, num_units, ingate, forgetgate, cell, outgate, nonlinearity,
                                                cell_init, hid_init, backwards, learn_init, peepholes, gradient_steps,
                                                grad_clipping, False, precompute_input, mask_input, True,
        self.attention = attention
        self.word_by_word = word_by_word
        # encoder mask
        self.encoder_mask_incoming_index = -1
        if encoder_mask_input is not None:
            self.encoder_mask_incoming_index = len(self.input_layers) - 1
        # check encoder
        if not isinstance(self.cell_init, CustomLSTMEncoder) \
                or self.num_units != self.cell_init.num_units:
            raise ValueError('cell_init must be CustomLSTMEncoder'
                             ' and num_units should equal')
        self.r_init = None
        self.r_init = self.add_param(init.Constant(0.),
                                     (1, num_units), name="r_init",
                                     trainable=False, regularizable=False)
        if self.word_by_word:
            # rewrites
            self.attention = True
        if self.attention:
            if not isinstance(encoder_mask_input, lasagne.layers.Layer):
                raise ValueError('Attention mechnism needs encoder mask layer')
            # initializes attention weights
            self.W_y_attend = self.add_param(init.Normal(0.1), (num_units, num_units), 'V_pointer')
            self.W_h_attend = self.add_param(init.Normal(0.1), (num_units, num_units), 'W_h_attend')
            # doesn't need transpose
            self.w_attend = self.add_param(init.Normal(0.1), (num_units, 1), 'v_pointer')
            self.W_p_attend = self.add_param(init.Normal(0.1), (num_units, num_units), 'W_p_attend')
            self.W_x_attend = self.add_param(init.Normal(0.1), (num_units, num_units), 'W_x_attend')
            if self.word_by_word:
                self.W_r_attend = self.add_param(init.Normal(0.1), (num_units, num_units), 'W_r_attend')
                self.W_t_attend = self.add_param(init.Normal(0.1), (num_units, num_units), 'W_t_attend')
项目:LasagneNLP    作者:XuezheMax    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_BiLSTM(incoming, num_units, mask=None, grad_clipping=0, precompute_input=True, peepholes=False, dropout=True,
    # construct the forward and backward rnns. Now, Ws are initialized by Glorot initializer with default arguments.
    # Need to try other initializers for specific tasks.

    # dropout for incoming
    if dropout:
        incoming = lasagne.layers.DropoutLayer(incoming, p=0.5)

    ingate_forward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(),
    outgate_forward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(),
    # according to Jozefowicz et al.(2015), init bias of forget gate to 1.
    forgetgate_forward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(),
                              W_cell=lasagne.init.Uniform(range=0.1), b=lasagne.init.Constant(1.))
    # now use tanh for nonlinear function of cell, need to try pure linear cell
    cell_forward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_cell=None,
    lstm_forward = lasagne.layers.LSTMLayer(incoming, num_units, mask_input=mask, grad_clipping=grad_clipping,
                                            nonlinearity=nonlinearities.tanh, peepholes=peepholes,
                                            ingate=ingate_forward, outgate=outgate_forward,
                                            forgetgate=forgetgate_forward, cell=cell_forward, name='forward')

    ingate_backward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(),
    outgate_backward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(),
    # according to Jozefowicz et al.(2015), init bias of forget gate to 1.
    forgetgate_backward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(),
                               W_cell=lasagne.init.Uniform(range=0.1), b=lasagne.init.Constant(1.))
    # now use tanh for nonlinear function of cell, need to try pure linear cell
    cell_backward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_cell=None,
    lstm_backward = lasagne.layers.LSTMLayer(incoming, num_units, mask_input=mask, grad_clipping=grad_clipping,
                                             nonlinearity=nonlinearities.tanh, peepholes=peepholes,
                                             precompute_input=precompute_input, backwards=True,
                                             ingate=ingate_backward, outgate=outgate_backward,
                                             forgetgate=forgetgate_backward, cell=cell_backward, name='backward')

    # concatenate the outputs of forward and backward RNNs to combine them.
    concat = lasagne.layers.concat([lstm_forward, lstm_backward], axis=2, name="bi-lstm")

    # dropout for output
    if dropout:
        concat = lasagne.layers.DropoutLayer(concat, p=0.5)

    if in_to_out:
        concat = lasagne.layers.concat([concat, incoming], axis=2)

    # the shape of BiRNN output (concat) is (batch_size, input_length, 2 * num_hidden_units)
    return concat
项目:LasagneNLP    作者:XuezheMax    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_BiGRU(incoming, num_units, mask=None, grad_clipping=0, precompute_input=True, dropout=True, in_to_out=False):
    # construct the forward and backward grus. Now, Ws are initialized by Glorot initializer with default arguments.
    # Need to try other initializers for specific tasks.

    # dropout for incoming
    if dropout:
        incoming = lasagne.layers.DropoutLayer(incoming, p=0.5)

    # according to Jozefowicz et al.(2015), init bias of forget gate to 1.
    resetgate_forward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(),
                             W_cell=lasagne.init.Uniform(range=0.1), b=lasagne.init.Constant(1.))
    updategate_forward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(),
    # now use tanh for nonlinear function of hidden gate
    hidden_forward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_cell=None,
    gru_forward = lasagne.layers.GRULayer(incoming, num_units, mask_input=mask, grad_clipping=grad_clipping,
                                          resetgate=resetgate_forward, updategate=updategate_forward,
                                          hidden_update=hidden_forward, name='forward')

    # according to Jozefowicz et al.(2015), init bias of forget gate to 1.
    resetgate_backward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(),
                              W_cell=lasagne.init.Uniform(range=0.1), b=lasagne.init.Constant(1.))
    updategate_backward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(),
    # now use tanh for nonlinear function of hidden gate
    hidden_backward = Gate(W_in=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_hid=lasagne.init.GlorotUniform(), W_cell=None,
    gru_backward = lasagne.layers.GRULayer(incoming, num_units, mask_input=mask, grad_clipping=grad_clipping,
                                           precompute_input=precompute_input, backwards=True,
                                           resetgate=resetgate_backward, updategate=updategate_backward,
                                           hidden_update=hidden_backward, name='backward')

    # concatenate the outputs of forward and backward GRUs to combine them.
    concat = lasagne.layers.concat([gru_forward, gru_backward], axis=2, name="bi-gru")

    # dropout for output
    if dropout:
        concat = lasagne.layers.DropoutLayer(concat, p=0.5)

    if in_to_out:
        concat = lasagne.layers.concat([concat, incoming], axis=2)

    # the shape of BiRNN output (concat) is (batch_size, input_length, 2 * num_hidden_units)
    return concat
项目:ip-avsr    作者:lzuwei    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_model(dbn, input_shape, input_var, mask_shape, mask_var,
                 lstm_size=250, win=T.iscalar('theta)'),
                 output_classes=26, w_init_fn=GlorotUniform, use_peepholes=False, use_blstm=True):

    weights, biases, shapes, nonlinearities = dbn

    gate_parameters = Gate(
        W_in=w_init_fn, W_hid=w_init_fn,
    cell_parameters = Gate(
        W_in=w_init_fn, W_hid=w_init_fn,
        # Setting W_cell to None denotes that no cell connection will be used.
        W_cell=None, b=las.init.Constant(0.),
        # By convention, the cell nonlinearity is tanh in an LSTM.

    l_in = InputLayer(input_shape, input_var, 'input')
    l_mask = InputLayer(mask_shape, mask_var, 'mask')

    symbolic_batchsize = l_in.input_var.shape[0]
    symbolic_seqlen = l_in.input_var.shape[1]

    l_reshape1 = ReshapeLayer(l_in, (-1, input_shape[-1]), name='reshape1')
    l_encoder = create_pretrained_encoder(l_reshape1, weights, biases,
                                          ['fc1', 'fc2', 'fc3', 'bottleneck'])
    encoder_len = las.layers.get_output_shape(l_encoder)[-1]
    l_reshape2 = ReshapeLayer(l_encoder, (symbolic_batchsize, symbolic_seqlen, encoder_len), name='reshape2')
    l_delta = DeltaLayer(l_reshape2, win, name='delta')

    if use_blstm:
        l_lstm, l_lstm_back = create_blstm(l_delta, l_mask, lstm_size, cell_parameters, gate_parameters, 'blstm1',

        # We'll combine the forward and backward layer output by summing.
        # Merge layers take in lists of layers to merge as input.
        l_sum1 = ElemwiseSumLayer([l_lstm, l_lstm_back], name='sum1')
        # reshape, flatten to 2 dimensions to run softmax on all timesteps
        l_reshape3 = ReshapeLayer(l_sum1, (-1, lstm_size), name='reshape3')
        l_lstm = create_lstm(l_delta, l_mask, lstm_size, cell_parameters, gate_parameters, 'lstm', use_peepholes)
        l_reshape3 = ReshapeLayer(l_lstm, (-1, lstm_size), name='reshape3')

    # Now, we can apply feed-forward layers as usual.
    # We want the network to predict a classification for the sequence,
    # so we'll use a the number of classes.
    l_softmax = DenseLayer(
        l_reshape3, num_units=output_classes, nonlinearity=las.nonlinearities.softmax, name='softmax')

    l_out = ReshapeLayer(l_softmax, (-1, symbolic_seqlen, output_classes), name='output')

    return l_out
项目:ip-avsr    作者:lzuwei    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_model(dbn, input_shape, input_var, mask_shape, mask_var,
                 lstm_size=250, output_classes=26):

    dbn_layers = dbn.get_all_layers()
    weights = []
    biases = []

    gate_parameters = Gate(
        W_in=las.init.Orthogonal(), W_hid=las.init.Orthogonal(),
    cell_parameters = Gate(
        W_in=las.init.Orthogonal(), W_hid=las.init.Orthogonal(),
        # Setting W_cell to None denotes that no cell connection will be used.
        W_cell=None, b=las.init.Constant(0.),
        # By convention, the cell nonlinearity is tanh in an LSTM.

    l_in = InputLayer(input_shape, input_var, 'input')
    l_mask = InputLayer(mask_shape, mask_var, 'mask')

    symbolic_batchsize = l_in.input_var.shape[0]
    symbolic_seqlen = l_in.input_var.shape[1]

    l_reshape1 = ReshapeLayer(l_in, (-1, input_shape[-1]), name='reshape1')
    l_encoder = create_pretrained_encoder(weights, biases, l_reshape1)
    encoder_len = las.layers.get_output_shape(l_encoder)[-1]
    l_reshape2 = ReshapeLayer(l_encoder, (symbolic_batchsize, symbolic_seqlen, encoder_len), name='reshape2')
    # l_delta = DeltaLayer(l_reshape2, win, name='delta')

    # l_lstm = create_lstm(l_reshape2, l_mask, lstm_size, cell_parameters, gate_parameters, 'lstm1')
    l_lstm, l_lstm_back = create_blstm(l_reshape2, l_mask, lstm_size, cell_parameters, gate_parameters, 'lstm1')

    # We'll combine the forward and backward layer output by summing.
    # Merge layers take in lists of layers to merge as input.
    l_sum1 = ElemwiseSumLayer([l_lstm, l_lstm_back], name='sum1')

    l_forward_slice1 = SliceLayer(l_sum1, -1, 1, name='slice1')

    # Now, we can apply feed-forward layers as usual.
    # We want the network to predict a classification for the sequence,
    # so we'll use a the number of classes.
    l_out = DenseLayer(
        l_forward_slice1, num_units=output_classes, nonlinearity=las.nonlinearities.softmax, name='output')

    return l_out
项目:ip-avsr    作者:lzuwei    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_pretrained_substream(weights, biases, input_shape, input_var, mask_shape, mask_var, name,
                                lstm_size=250, win=T.iscalar('theta'), nonlinearity=rectify,
                                w_init_fn=las.init.Orthogonal(), use_peepholes=True):
    gate_parameters = Gate(
        W_in=w_init_fn, W_hid=w_init_fn,
    cell_parameters = Gate(
        W_in=w_init_fn, W_hid=w_init_fn,
        # Setting W_cell to None denotes that no cell connection will be used.
        W_cell=None, b=las.init.Constant(0.),
        # By convention, the cell nonlinearity is tanh in an LSTM.

    l_input = InputLayer(input_shape, input_var, 'input_'+name)
    l_mask = InputLayer(mask_shape, mask_var, 'mask')

    symbolic_batchsize_raw = l_input.input_var.shape[0]
    symbolic_seqlen_raw = l_input.input_var.shape[1]

    l_reshape1_raw = ReshapeLayer(l_input, (-1, input_shape[-1]), name='reshape1_'+name)
    l_encoder_raw = create_pretrained_encoder(l_reshape1_raw, weights, biases,
                                              [2000, 1000, 500, 50],
                                              [nonlinearity, nonlinearity, nonlinearity, linear],
                                              ['fc1_'+name, 'fc2_'+name, 'fc3_'+name, 'bottleneck_'+name])
    input_len = las.layers.get_output_shape(l_encoder_raw)[-1]

    l_reshape2 = ReshapeLayer(l_encoder_raw,
                                  (symbolic_batchsize_raw, symbolic_seqlen_raw, input_len),
    l_delta = DeltaLayer(l_reshape2, win, name='delta_'+name)

    l_lstm = LSTMLayer(
        l_delta, int(lstm_size), peepholes=use_peepholes,
        # We need to specify a separate input for masks
        # Here, we supply the gate parameters for each gate
        ingate=gate_parameters, forgetgate=gate_parameters,
        cell=cell_parameters, outgate=gate_parameters,
        # We'll learn the initialization and use gradient clipping
        learn_init=True, grad_clipping=5., name='lstm_'+name)

    return l_lstm