Python lib2to3.refactor 模块,RefactoringTool() 实例源码


项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_refactor_stdin(self):

        class MyRT(refactor.RefactoringTool):

            def print_output(self, old_text, new_text, filename, equal):
                results.extend([old_text, new_text, filename, equal])

        results = []
        rt = MyRT(_DEFAULT_FIXERS)
        save = sys.stdin
        sys.stdin = io.StringIO("def parrot(): pass\n\n")
            sys.stdin = save
        expected = ["def parrot(): pass\n\n",
                    "def cheese(): pass\n\n",
                    "<stdin>", False]
        self.assertEqual(results, expected)
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_refactor_stdin(self):

        class MyRT(refactor.RefactoringTool):

            def print_output(self, old_text, new_text, filename, equal):
                results.extend([old_text, new_text, filename, equal])

        results = []
        rt = MyRT(_DEFAULT_FIXERS)
        save = sys.stdin
        sys.stdin = StringIO.StringIO("def parrot(): pass\n\n")
            sys.stdin = save
        expected = ["def parrot(): pass\n\n",
                    "def cheese(): pass\n\n",
                    "<stdin>", False]
        self.assertEqual(results, expected)
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_refactor_stdin(self):

        class MyRT(refactor.RefactoringTool):

            def print_output(self, old_text, new_text, filename, equal):
                results.extend([old_text, new_text, filename, equal])

        results = []
        rt = MyRT(_DEFAULT_FIXERS)
        save = sys.stdin
        sys.stdin = StringIO.StringIO("def parrot(): pass\n\n")
            sys.stdin = save
        expected = ["def parrot(): pass\n\n",
                    "def cheese(): pass\n\n",
                    "<stdin>", False]
        self.assertEqual(results, expected)
项目:specto    作者:mrknow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def refactor_with_2to3(source_text, fixer_names, filename=''):
    """Use lib2to3 to refactor the source.

    Return the refactored source code.

    from lib2to3.refactor import RefactoringTool
    fixers = ['lib2to3.fixes.fix_' + name for name in fixer_names]
    tool = RefactoringTool(fixer_names=fixers, explicit=fixers)

    from lib2to3.pgen2 import tokenize as lib2to3_tokenize
        # The name parameter is necessary particularly for the "import" fixer.
        return unicode(tool.refactor_string(source_text, name=filename))
    except lib2to3_tokenize.TokenError:
        return source_text
项目:sublimeTextConfig    作者:luoye-fe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def refactor_with_2to3(source_text, fixer_names, filename=''):
    """Use lib2to3 to refactor the source.

    Return the refactored source code.

    from lib2to3.refactor import RefactoringTool
    fixers = ['lib2to3.fixes.fix_' + name for name in fixer_names]
    tool = RefactoringTool(fixer_names=fixers, explicit=fixers)

    from lib2to3.pgen2 import tokenize as lib2to3_tokenize
        # The name parameter is necessary particularly for the "import" fixer.
        return unicode(tool.refactor_string(source_text, name=filename))
    except lib2to3_tokenize.TokenError:
        return source_text
项目:pefile.pypy    作者:cloudtracer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_refactor_stdin(self):

        class MyRT(refactor.RefactoringTool):

            def print_output(self, old_text, new_text, filename, equal):
                results.extend([old_text, new_text, filename, equal])

        results = []
        rt = MyRT(_DEFAULT_FIXERS)
        save = sys.stdin
        sys.stdin = StringIO.StringIO("def parrot(): pass\n\n")
            sys.stdin = save
        expected = ["def parrot(): pass\n\n",
                    "def cheese(): pass\n\n",
                    "<stdin>", False]
        self.assertEqual(results, expected)
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_refactor_stdin(self):

        class MyRT(refactor.RefactoringTool):

            def print_output(self, old_text, new_text, filename, equal):
                results.extend([old_text, new_text, filename, equal])

        results = []
        rt = MyRT(_DEFAULT_FIXERS)
        save = sys.stdin
        sys.stdin = io.StringIO("def parrot(): pass\n\n")
            sys.stdin = save
        expected = ["def parrot(): pass\n\n",
                    "def cheese(): pass\n\n",
                    "<stdin>", False]
        self.assertEqual(results, expected)
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_refactor_stdin(self):

        class MyRT(refactor.RefactoringTool):

            def print_output(self, old_text, new_text, filename, equal):
                results.extend([old_text, new_text, filename, equal])

        results = []
        rt = MyRT(_DEFAULT_FIXERS)
        save = sys.stdin
        sys.stdin = io.StringIO("def parrot(): pass\n\n")
            sys.stdin = save
        expected = ["def parrot(): pass\n\n",
                    "def cheese(): pass\n\n",
                    "<stdin>", False]
        self.assertEqual(results, expected)
项目:wuye.vim    作者:zhaoyingnan911    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def refactor_with_2to3(source_text, fixer_names, filename=''):
    """Use lib2to3 to refactor the source.

    Return the refactored source code.

    from lib2to3.refactor import RefactoringTool
    fixers = ['lib2to3.fixes.fix_' + name for name in fixer_names]
    tool = RefactoringTool(fixer_names=fixers, explicit=fixers)

    from lib2to3.pgen2 import tokenize as lib2to3_tokenize
        # The name parameter is necessary particularly for the "import" fixer.
        return unicode(tool.refactor_string(source_text, name=filename))
    except lib2to3_tokenize.TokenError:
        return source_text
项目:hakkuframework    作者:4shadoww    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setup():
        Call this before using the refactoring tools to create them on demand
        if needed.
        if None in [RTs._rt, RTs._rtp]:
            RTs._rt = RefactoringTool(myfixes)
            RTs._rtp = RefactoringTool(myfixes, {'print_function': True})
项目:hakkuframework    作者:4shadoww    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setup_detect_python2():
        Call this before using the refactoring tools to create them on demand
        if needed.
        if None in [RTs._rt_py2_detect, RTs._rtp_py2_detect]:
            RTs._rt_py2_detect = RefactoringTool(py2_detect_fixers)
            RTs._rtp_py2_detect = RefactoringTool(py2_detect_fixers,
                                                  {'print_function': True})

# We need to find a prefix for the standard library, as we don't want to
# process any files there (they will already be Python 3).
# The following method is used by Sanjay Vinip in uprefix. This fails for
# ``conda`` environments:
#     # In a non-pythonv virtualenv, sys.real_prefix points to the installed Python.
#     # In a pythonv venv, sys.base_prefix points to the installed Python.
#     # Outside a virtual environment, sys.prefix points to the installed Python.

#     if hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix'):
#         _syslibprefix = sys.real_prefix
#     else:
#         _syslibprefix = getattr(sys, 'base_prefix', sys.prefix)

# Instead, we use the portion of the path common to both the stdlib modules
# ``math`` and ``urllib``.
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_refactorer(fixer_pkg="lib2to3", fixers=None, options=None):
    A convenience function for creating a RefactoringTool for tests.

    fixers is a list of fixers for the RefactoringTool to use. By default
    "lib2to3.fixes.*" is used. options is an optional dictionary of options to
    be passed to the RefactoringTool.
    if fixers is not None:
        fixers = [fixer_pkg + ".fixes.fix_" + fix for fix in fixers]
        fixers = refactor.get_fixers_from_package(fixer_pkg + ".fixes")
    options = options or {}
    return refactor.RefactoringTool(fixers, options, explicit=True)
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rt(self, options=None, fixers=_DEFAULT_FIXERS, explicit=None):
        return refactor.RefactoringTool(fixers, options, explicit)
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_refactor_dir(self):
        def check(structure, expected):
            def mock_refactor_file(self, f, *args):
            save_func = refactor.RefactoringTool.refactor_file
            refactor.RefactoringTool.refactor_file = mock_refactor_file
            rt = self.rt()
            got = []
            dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="2to3-test_refactor")
                os.mkdir(os.path.join(dir, "a_dir"))
                for fn in structure:
                    open(os.path.join(dir, fn), "wb").close()
                refactor.RefactoringTool.refactor_file = save_func
                             [os.path.join(dir, path) for path in expected])
        check([], [])
        tree = ["nothing",
        expected = [""]
        check(tree, expected)
        tree = ["",
                os.path.join("a_dir", "")]
        check(tree, tree)
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_refactorer(fixer_pkg="lib2to3", fixers=None, options=None):
    A convenience function for creating a RefactoringTool for tests.

    fixers is a list of fixers for the RefactoringTool to use. By default
    "lib2to3.fixes.*" is used. options is an optional dictionary of options to
    be passed to the RefactoringTool.
    if fixers is not None:
        fixers = [fixer_pkg + ".fixes.fix_" + fix for fix in fixers]
        fixers = refactor.get_fixers_from_package(fixer_pkg + ".fixes")
    options = options or {}
    return refactor.RefactoringTool(fixers, options, explicit=True)
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rt(self, options=None, fixers=_DEFAULT_FIXERS, explicit=None):
        return refactor.RefactoringTool(fixers, options, explicit)
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_refactor_dir(self):
        def check(structure, expected):
            def mock_refactor_file(self, f, *args):
            save_func = refactor.RefactoringTool.refactor_file
            refactor.RefactoringTool.refactor_file = mock_refactor_file
            rt = self.rt()
            got = []
            dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="2to3-test_refactor")
                os.mkdir(os.path.join(dir, "a_dir"))
                for fn in structure:
                    open(os.path.join(dir, fn), "wb").close()
                refactor.RefactoringTool.refactor_file = save_func
                             [os.path.join(dir, path) for path in expected])
        check([], [])
        tree = ["nothing",
        expected = [""]
        check(tree, expected)
        tree = ["",
                os.path.join("a_dir", "")]
        check(tree, tree)
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_refactorer(fixer_pkg="lib2to3", fixers=None, options=None):
    A convenience function for creating a RefactoringTool for tests.

    fixers is a list of fixers for the RefactoringTool to use. By default
    "lib2to3.fixes.*" is used. options is an optional dictionary of options to
    be passed to the RefactoringTool.
    if fixers is not None:
        fixers = [fixer_pkg + ".fixes.fix_" + fix for fix in fixers]
        fixers = refactor.get_fixers_from_package(fixer_pkg + ".fixes")
    options = options or {}
    return refactor.RefactoringTool(fixers, options, explicit=True)
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rt(self, options=None, fixers=_DEFAULT_FIXERS, explicit=None):
        return refactor.RefactoringTool(fixers, options, explicit)
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_refactor_dir(self):
        def check(structure, expected):
            def mock_refactor_file(self, f, *args):
            save_func = refactor.RefactoringTool.refactor_file
            refactor.RefactoringTool.refactor_file = mock_refactor_file
            rt = self.rt()
            got = []
            dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="2to3-test_refactor")
                os.mkdir(os.path.join(dir, "a_dir"))
                for fn in structure:
                    open(os.path.join(dir, fn), "wb").close()
                refactor.RefactoringTool.refactor_file = save_func
                             [os.path.join(dir, path) for path in expected])
        check([], [])
        tree = ["nothing",
        expected = [""]
        check(tree, expected)
        tree = ["",
                os.path.join("a_dir", "")]
        check(tree, tree)
项目:packaging    作者:blockstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_refactorer(fixer_pkg="lib2to3", fixers=None, options=None):
    A convenience function for creating a RefactoringTool for tests.

    fixers is a list of fixers for the RefactoringTool to use. By default
    "lib2to3.fixes.*" is used. options is an optional dictionary of options to
    be passed to the RefactoringTool.
    if fixers is not None:
        fixers = [fixer_pkg + ".fixes.fix_" + fix for fix in fixers]
        fixers = refactor.get_fixers_from_package(fixer_pkg + ".fixes")
    options = options or {}
    return refactor.RefactoringTool(fixers, options, explicit=True)
项目:packaging    作者:blockstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setup():
        Call this before using the refactoring tools to create them on demand
        if needed.
        if None in [RTs._rt, RTs._rtp]:
            RTs._rt = RefactoringTool(myfixes)
            RTs._rtp = RefactoringTool(myfixes, {'print_function': True})
项目:packaging    作者:blockstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setup_detect_python2():
        Call this before using the refactoring tools to create them on demand
        if needed.
        if None in [RTs._rt_py2_detect, RTs._rtp_py2_detect]:
            RTs._rt_py2_detect = RefactoringTool(py2_detect_fixers)
            RTs._rtp_py2_detect = RefactoringTool(py2_detect_fixers,
                                                  {'print_function': True})

# We need to find a prefix for the standard library, as we don't want to
# process any files there (they will already be Python 3).
# The following method is used by Sanjay Vinip in uprefix. This fails for
# ``conda`` environments:
#     # In a non-pythonv virtualenv, sys.real_prefix points to the installed Python.
#     # In a pythonv venv, sys.base_prefix points to the installed Python.
#     # Outside a virtual environment, sys.prefix points to the installed Python.

#     if hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix'):
#         _syslibprefix = sys.real_prefix
#     else:
#         _syslibprefix = getattr(sys, 'base_prefix', sys.prefix)

# Instead, we use the portion of the path common to both the stdlib modules
# ``math`` and ``urllib``.
项目:chalktalk_docs    作者:loremIpsum1771    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def convert_with_2to3(filepath):
        from lib2to3.refactor import RefactoringTool, get_fixers_from_package
        from lib2to3.pgen2.parse import ParseError
        fixers = get_fixers_from_package('lib2to3.fixes')
        refactoring_tool = RefactoringTool(fixers)
        source = refactoring_tool._read_python_source(filepath)[0]
            tree = refactoring_tool.refactor_string(source, '')
        except ParseError as err:
            # do not propagate lib2to3 exceptions
            lineno, offset = err.context[1]
            # try to match ParseError details with SyntaxError details
            raise SyntaxError(err.msg, (filepath, lineno, offset, err.value))
        return text_type(tree)
项目:islam-buddy    作者:hamir    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setup():
        Call this before using the refactoring tools to create them on demand
        if needed.
        if None in [RTs._rt, RTs._rtp]:
            RTs._rt = RefactoringTool(myfixes)
            RTs._rtp = RefactoringTool(myfixes, {'print_function': True})
项目:islam-buddy    作者:hamir    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setup_detect_python2():
        Call this before using the refactoring tools to create them on demand
        if needed.
        if None in [RTs._rt_py2_detect, RTs._rtp_py2_detect]:
            RTs._rt_py2_detect = RefactoringTool(py2_detect_fixers)
            RTs._rtp_py2_detect = RefactoringTool(py2_detect_fixers,
                                                  {'print_function': True})

# We need to find a prefix for the standard library, as we don't want to
# process any files there (they will already be Python 3).
# The following method is used by Sanjay Vinip in uprefix. This fails for
# ``conda`` environments:
#     # In a non-pythonv virtualenv, sys.real_prefix points to the installed Python.
#     # In a pythonv venv, sys.base_prefix points to the installed Python.
#     # Outside a virtual environment, sys.prefix points to the installed Python.

#     if hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix'):
#         _syslibprefix = sys.real_prefix
#     else:
#         _syslibprefix = getattr(sys, 'base_prefix', sys.prefix)

# Instead, we use the portion of the path common to both the stdlib modules
# ``math`` and ``urllib``.
项目:FightstickDisplay    作者:calexil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setup():
        Call this before using the refactoring tools to create them on demand
        if needed.
        if None in [RTs._rt, RTs._rtp]:
            RTs._rt = RefactoringTool(myfixes)
            RTs._rtp = RefactoringTool(myfixes, {'print_function': True})
项目:FightstickDisplay    作者:calexil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setup_detect_python2():
        Call this before using the refactoring tools to create them on demand
        if needed.
        if None in [RTs._rt_py2_detect, RTs._rtp_py2_detect]:
            RTs._rt_py2_detect = RefactoringTool(py2_detect_fixers)
            RTs._rtp_py2_detect = RefactoringTool(py2_detect_fixers,
                                                  {'print_function': True})

# We need to find a prefix for the standard library, as we don't want to
# process any files there (they will already be Python 3).
# The following method is used by Sanjay Vinip in uprefix. This fails for
# ``conda`` environments:
#     # In a non-pythonv virtualenv, sys.real_prefix points to the installed Python.
#     # In a pythonv venv, sys.base_prefix points to the installed Python.
#     # Outside a virtual environment, sys.prefix points to the installed Python.

#     if hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix'):
#         _syslibprefix = sys.real_prefix
#     else:
#         _syslibprefix = getattr(sys, 'base_prefix', sys.prefix)

# Instead, we use the portion of the path common to both the stdlib modules
# ``math`` and ``urllib``.
项目:cryptogram    作者:xinmingzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setup():
        Call this before using the refactoring tools to create them on demand
        if needed.
        if None in [RTs._rt, RTs._rtp]:
            RTs._rt = RefactoringTool(myfixes)
            RTs._rtp = RefactoringTool(myfixes, {'print_function': True})
项目:cryptogram    作者:xinmingzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setup_detect_python2():
        Call this before using the refactoring tools to create them on demand
        if needed.
        if None in [RTs._rt_py2_detect, RTs._rtp_py2_detect]:
            RTs._rt_py2_detect = RefactoringTool(py2_detect_fixers)
            RTs._rtp_py2_detect = RefactoringTool(py2_detect_fixers,
                                                  {'print_function': True})

# We need to find a prefix for the standard library, as we don't want to
# process any files there (they will already be Python 3).
# The following method is used by Sanjay Vinip in uprefix. This fails for
# ``conda`` environments:
#     # In a non-pythonv virtualenv, sys.real_prefix points to the installed Python.
#     # In a pythonv venv, sys.base_prefix points to the installed Python.
#     # Outside a virtual environment, sys.prefix points to the installed Python.

#     if hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix'):
#         _syslibprefix = sys.real_prefix
#     else:
#         _syslibprefix = getattr(sys, 'base_prefix', sys.prefix)

# Instead, we use the portion of the path common to both the stdlib modules
# ``math`` and ``urllib``.
项目:Repobot    作者:Desgard    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setup():
        Call this before using the refactoring tools to create them on demand
        if needed.
        if None in [RTs._rt, RTs._rtp]:
            RTs._rt = RefactoringTool(myfixes)
            RTs._rtp = RefactoringTool(myfixes, {'print_function': True})
项目:Repobot    作者:Desgard    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setup_detect_python2():
        Call this before using the refactoring tools to create them on demand
        if needed.
        if None in [RTs._rt_py2_detect, RTs._rtp_py2_detect]:
            RTs._rt_py2_detect = RefactoringTool(py2_detect_fixers)
            RTs._rtp_py2_detect = RefactoringTool(py2_detect_fixers,
                                                  {'print_function': True})

# We need to find a prefix for the standard library, as we don't want to
# process any files there (they will already be Python 3).
# The following method is used by Sanjay Vinip in uprefix. This fails for
# ``conda`` environments:
#     # In a non-pythonv virtualenv, sys.real_prefix points to the installed Python.
#     # In a pythonv venv, sys.base_prefix points to the installed Python.
#     # Outside a virtual environment, sys.prefix points to the installed Python.

#     if hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix'):
#         _syslibprefix = sys.real_prefix
#     else:
#         _syslibprefix = getattr(sys, 'base_prefix', sys.prefix)

# Instead, we use the portion of the path common to both the stdlib modules
# ``math`` and ``urllib``.
项目:pefile.pypy    作者:cloudtracer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_refactorer(fixer_pkg="lib2to3", fixers=None, options=None):
    A convenience function for creating a RefactoringTool for tests.

    fixers is a list of fixers for the RefactoringTool to use. By default
    "lib2to3.fixes.*" is used. options is an optional dictionary of options to
    be passed to the RefactoringTool.
    if fixers is not None:
        fixers = [fixer_pkg + ".fixes.fix_" + fix for fix in fixers]
        fixers = refactor.get_fixers_from_package(fixer_pkg + ".fixes")
    options = options or {}
    return refactor.RefactoringTool(fixers, options, explicit=True)
项目:pefile.pypy    作者:cloudtracer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rt(self, options=None, fixers=_DEFAULT_FIXERS, explicit=None):
        return refactor.RefactoringTool(fixers, options, explicit)
项目:pefile.pypy    作者:cloudtracer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_refactor_dir(self):
        def check(structure, expected):
            def mock_refactor_file(self, f, *args):
            save_func = refactor.RefactoringTool.refactor_file
            refactor.RefactoringTool.refactor_file = mock_refactor_file
            rt = self.rt()
            got = []
            dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="2to3-test_refactor")
                os.mkdir(os.path.join(dir, "a_dir"))
                for fn in structure:
                    open(os.path.join(dir, fn), "wb").close()
                refactor.RefactoringTool.refactor_file = save_func
                             [os.path.join(dir, path) for path in expected])
        check([], [])
        tree = ["nothing",
        expected = [""]
        check(tree, expected)
        tree = ["",
                os.path.join("a_dir", "")]
        check(tree, tree)
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_2to3(files, fixer_names=None, options=None, explicit=None):
    """Invoke 2to3 on a list of Python files.
    The files should all come from the build area, as the
    modification is done in-place. To reduce the build time,
    only files modified since the last invocation of this
    function should be passed in the files argument."""

    if not files:

    # Make this class local, to delay import of 2to3
    from lib2to3.refactor import RefactoringTool, get_fixers_from_package
    class DistutilsRefactoringTool(RefactoringTool):
        def log_error(self, msg, *args, **kw):
            log.error(msg, *args)

        def log_message(self, msg, *args):
  , *args)

        def log_debug(self, msg, *args):
            log.debug(msg, *args)

    if fixer_names is None:
        fixer_names = get_fixers_from_package('lib2to3.fixes')
    r = DistutilsRefactoringTool(fixer_names, options=options)
    r.refactor(files, write=True)
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_refactorer(fixer_pkg="lib2to3", fixers=None, options=None):
    A convenience function for creating a RefactoringTool for tests.

    fixers is a list of fixers for the RefactoringTool to use. By default
    "lib2to3.fixes.*" is used. options is an optional dictionary of options to
    be passed to the RefactoringTool.
    if fixers is not None:
        fixers = [fixer_pkg + ".fixes.fix_" + fix for fix in fixers]
        fixers = refactor.get_fixers_from_package(fixer_pkg + ".fixes")
    options = options or {}
    return refactor.RefactoringTool(fixers, options, explicit=True)
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rt(self, options=None, fixers=_DEFAULT_FIXERS, explicit=None):
        return refactor.RefactoringTool(fixers, options, explicit)
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_refactor_dir(self):
        def check(structure, expected):
            def mock_refactor_file(self, f, *args):
            save_func = refactor.RefactoringTool.refactor_file
            refactor.RefactoringTool.refactor_file = mock_refactor_file
            rt = self.rt()
            got = []
            dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="2to3-test_refactor")
                os.mkdir(os.path.join(dir, "a_dir"))
                for fn in structure:
                    open(os.path.join(dir, fn), "wb").close()
                refactor.RefactoringTool.refactor_file = save_func
                             [os.path.join(dir, path) for path in expected])
        check([], [])
        tree = ["nothing",
        expected = [""]
        check(tree, expected)
        tree = ["",
                os.path.join("a_dir", "")]
        check(tree, tree)
项目:UMOG    作者:hsab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setup():
        Call this before using the refactoring tools to create them on demand
        if needed.
        if None in [RTs._rt, RTs._rtp]:
            RTs._rt = RefactoringTool(myfixes)
            RTs._rtp = RefactoringTool(myfixes, {'print_function': True})
项目:UMOG    作者:hsab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setup_detect_python2():
        Call this before using the refactoring tools to create them on demand
        if needed.
        if None in [RTs._rt_py2_detect, RTs._rtp_py2_detect]:
            RTs._rt_py2_detect = RefactoringTool(py2_detect_fixers)
            RTs._rtp_py2_detect = RefactoringTool(py2_detect_fixers,
                                                  {'print_function': True})

# We need to find a prefix for the standard library, as we don't want to
# process any files there (they will already be Python 3).
# The following method is used by Sanjay Vinip in uprefix. This fails for
# ``conda`` environments:
#     # In a non-pythonv virtualenv, sys.real_prefix points to the installed Python.
#     # In a pythonv venv, sys.base_prefix points to the installed Python.
#     # Outside a virtual environment, sys.prefix points to the installed Python.

#     if hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix'):
#         _syslibprefix = sys.real_prefix
#     else:
#         _syslibprefix = getattr(sys, 'base_prefix', sys.prefix)

# Instead, we use the portion of the path common to both the stdlib modules
# ``math`` and ``urllib``.
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_2to3(files, fixer_names=None, options=None, explicit=None):
    """Invoke 2to3 on a list of Python files.
    The files should all come from the build area, as the
    modification is done in-place. To reduce the build time,
    only files modified since the last invocation of this
    function should be passed in the files argument."""

    if not files:

    # Make this class local, to delay import of 2to3
    from lib2to3.refactor import RefactoringTool, get_fixers_from_package
    class DistutilsRefactoringTool(RefactoringTool):
        def log_error(self, msg, *args, **kw):
            log.error(msg, *args)

        def log_message(self, msg, *args):
  , *args)

        def log_debug(self, msg, *args):
            log.debug(msg, *args)

    if fixer_names is None:
        fixer_names = get_fixers_from_package('lib2to3.fixes')
    r = DistutilsRefactoringTool(fixer_names, options=options)
    r.refactor(files, write=True)
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_refactorer(fixer_pkg="lib2to3", fixers=None, options=None):
    A convenience function for creating a RefactoringTool for tests.

    fixers is a list of fixers for the RefactoringTool to use. By default
    "lib2to3.fixes.*" is used. options is an optional dictionary of options to
    be passed to the RefactoringTool.
    if fixers is not None:
        fixers = [fixer_pkg + ".fixes.fix_" + fix for fix in fixers]
        fixers = refactor.get_fixers_from_package(fixer_pkg + ".fixes")
    options = options or {}
    return refactor.RefactoringTool(fixers, options, explicit=True)
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rt(self, options=None, fixers=_DEFAULT_FIXERS, explicit=None):
        return refactor.RefactoringTool(fixers, options, explicit)
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_refactor_dir(self):
        def check(structure, expected):
            def mock_refactor_file(self, f, *args):
            save_func = refactor.RefactoringTool.refactor_file
            refactor.RefactoringTool.refactor_file = mock_refactor_file
            rt = self.rt()
            got = []
            dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="2to3-test_refactor")
                os.mkdir(os.path.join(dir, "a_dir"))
                for fn in structure:
                    open(os.path.join(dir, fn), "wb").close()
                refactor.RefactoringTool.refactor_file = save_func
                             [os.path.join(dir, path) for path in expected])
        check([], [])
        tree = ["nothing",
        expected = [""]
        check(tree, expected)
        tree = ["",
                os.path.join("a_dir", "")]
        check(tree, tree)
项目:beepboop    作者:nicolehe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setup():
        Call this before using the refactoring tools to create them on demand
        if needed.
        if None in [RTs._rt, RTs._rtp]:
            RTs._rt = RefactoringTool(myfixes)
            RTs._rtp = RefactoringTool(myfixes, {'print_function': True})
项目:beepboop    作者:nicolehe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setup_detect_python2():
        Call this before using the refactoring tools to create them on demand
        if needed.
        if None in [RTs._rt_py2_detect, RTs._rtp_py2_detect]:
            RTs._rt_py2_detect = RefactoringTool(py2_detect_fixers)
            RTs._rtp_py2_detect = RefactoringTool(py2_detect_fixers,
                                                  {'print_function': True})

# We need to find a prefix for the standard library, as we don't want to
# process any files there (they will already be Python 3).
# The following method is used by Sanjay Vinip in uprefix. This fails for
# ``conda`` environments:
#     # In a non-pythonv virtualenv, sys.real_prefix points to the installed Python.
#     # In a pythonv venv, sys.base_prefix points to the installed Python.
#     # Outside a virtual environment, sys.prefix points to the installed Python.

#     if hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix'):
#         _syslibprefix = sys.real_prefix
#     else:
#         _syslibprefix = getattr(sys, 'base_prefix', sys.prefix)

# Instead, we use the portion of the path common to both the stdlib modules
# ``math`` and ``urllib``.
项目:hackathon    作者:vertica    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setup():
        Call this before using the refactoring tools to create them on demand
        if needed.
        if None in [RTs._rt, RTs._rtp]:
            RTs._rt = RefactoringTool(myfixes)
            RTs._rtp = RefactoringTool(myfixes, {'print_function': True})
项目:hackathon    作者:vertica    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setup_detect_python2():
        Call this before using the refactoring tools to create them on demand
        if needed.
        if None in [RTs._rt_py2_detect, RTs._rtp_py2_detect]:
            RTs._rt_py2_detect = RefactoringTool(py2_detect_fixers)
            RTs._rtp_py2_detect = RefactoringTool(py2_detect_fixers,
                                                  {'print_function': True})

# We need to find a prefix for the standard library, as we don't want to
# process any files there (they will already be Python 3).
# The following method is used by Sanjay Vinip in uprefix. This fails for
# ``conda`` environments:
#     # In a non-pythonv virtualenv, sys.real_prefix points to the installed Python.
#     # In a pythonv venv, sys.base_prefix points to the installed Python.
#     # Outside a virtual environment, sys.prefix points to the installed Python.

#     if hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix'):
#         _syslibprefix = sys.real_prefix
#     else:
#         _syslibprefix = getattr(sys, 'base_prefix', sys.prefix)

# Instead, we use the portion of the path common to both the stdlib modules
# ``math`` and ``urllib``.
项目:yatta_reader    作者:sound88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setup():
        Call this before using the refactoring tools to create them on demand
        if needed.
        if None in [RTs._rt, RTs._rtp]:
            RTs._rt = RefactoringTool(myfixes)
            RTs._rtp = RefactoringTool(myfixes, {'print_function': True})