Python linecache 模块,getlines() 实例源码


项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_proceed_with_fake_filename(self):
        '''doctest monkeypatches linecache to enable inspection'''
        fn, source = '<test>', 'def x(): pass\n'
        getlines = linecache.getlines
        def monkey(filename, module_globals=None):
            if filename == fn:
                return source.splitlines(True)
                return getlines(filename, module_globals)
        linecache.getlines = monkey
            ns = {}
            exec(compile(source, fn, 'single'), ns)
            linecache.getlines = getlines
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_proceed_with_fake_filename(self):
        '''doctest monkeypatches linecache to enable inspection'''
        fn, source = '<test>', 'def x(): pass\n'
        getlines = linecache.getlines
        def monkey(filename, module_globals=None):
            if filename == fn:
                return source.splitlines(True)
                return getlines(filename, module_globals)
        linecache.getlines = monkey
            ns = {}
            exec compile(source, fn, 'single') in ns
            linecache.getlines = getlines
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_proceed_with_fake_filename(self):
        '''doctest monkeypatches linecache to enable inspection'''
        fn, source = '<test>', 'def x(): pass\n'
        getlines = linecache.getlines
        def monkey(filename, module_globals=None):
            if filename == fn:
                return source.splitlines(True)
                return getlines(filename, module_globals)
        linecache.getlines = monkey
            ns = {}
            exec compile(source, fn, 'single') in ns
            linecache.getlines = getlines
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_proceed_with_fake_filename(self):
        '''doctest monkeypatches linecache to enable inspection'''
        fn, source = '<test>', 'def x(): pass\n'
        getlines = linecache.getlines
        def monkey(filename, module_globals=None):
            if filename == fn:
                return source.splitlines(keepends=True)
                return getlines(filename, module_globals)
        linecache.getlines = monkey
            ns = {}
            exec(compile(source, fn, 'single'), ns)
            linecache.getlines = getlines
项目:Repobot    作者:Desgard    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getlines(filename, module_globals=None):
        """Get the lines (as unicode) for a file from the cache.
        Update the cache if it doesn't contain an entry for this file already."""
        filename = py3compat.cast_bytes(filename, sys.getfilesystemencoding())
        lines = linecache.getlines(filename, module_globals=module_globals)

        # The bits we cache ourselves can be unicode.
        if (not lines) or isinstance(lines[0], py3compat.unicode_type):
            return lines

        readline = openpy._list_readline(lines)
            encoding, _ = openpy.detect_encoding(readline)
        except SyntaxError:
            encoding = 'ascii'
        return [l.decode(encoding, 'replace') for l in lines]

    # This is a straight copy of linecache.getline
项目:pefile.pypy    作者:cloudtracer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_proceed_with_fake_filename(self):
        '''doctest monkeypatches linecache to enable inspection'''
        fn, source = '<test>', 'def x(): pass\n'
        getlines = linecache.getlines
        def monkey(filename, module_globals=None):
            if filename == fn:
                return source.splitlines(True)
                return getlines(filename, module_globals)
        linecache.getlines = monkey
            ns = {}
            exec compile(source, fn, 'single') in ns
            linecache.getlines = getlines
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_proceed_with_fake_filename(self):
        '''doctest monkeypatches linecache to enable inspection'''
        fn, source = '<test>', 'def x(): pass\n'
        getlines = linecache.getlines
        def monkey(filename, module_globals=None):
            if filename == fn:
                return source.splitlines(keepends=True)
                return getlines(filename, module_globals)
        linecache.getlines = monkey
            ns = {}
            exec(compile(source, fn, 'single'), ns)
            linecache.getlines = getlines
项目:ndk-python    作者:gittor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_proceed_with_fake_filename(self):
        '''doctest monkeypatches linecache to enable inspection'''
        fn, source = '<test>', 'def x(): pass\n'
        getlines = linecache.getlines
        def monkey(filename, module_globals=None):
            if filename == fn:
                return source.splitlines(True)
                return getlines(filename, module_globals)
        linecache.getlines = monkey
            ns = {}
            exec compile(source, fn, 'single') in ns
            linecache.getlines = getlines
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_proceed_with_fake_filename(self):
        '''doctest monkeypatches linecache to enable inspection'''
        fn, source = '<test>', 'def x(): pass\n'
        getlines = linecache.getlines
        def monkey(filename, module_globals=None):
            if filename == fn:
                return source.splitlines(keepends=True)
                return getlines(filename, module_globals)
        linecache.getlines = monkey
            ns = {}
            exec(compile(source, fn, 'single'), ns)
            linecache.getlines = getlines
项目:blender    作者:gastrodia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getlines(filename, module_globals=None):
        """Get the lines (as unicode) for a file from the cache.
        Update the cache if it doesn't contain an entry for this file already."""
        filename = py3compat.cast_bytes(filename, sys.getfilesystemencoding())
        lines = linecache.getlines(filename, module_globals=module_globals)

        # The bits we cache ourselves can be unicode.
        if (not lines) or isinstance(lines[0], py3compat.unicode_type):
            return lines

        readline = openpy._list_readline(lines)
            encoding, _ = openpy.detect_encoding(readline)
        except SyntaxError:
            encoding = 'ascii'
        return [l.decode(encoding, 'replace') for l in lines]

    # This is a straight copy of linecache.getline
项目:raiden    作者:raiden-network    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_lines_from_file(filename, lineno, context_lines, loader=None, module_name=None):
    Returns context_lines before and after lineno from file.
    Returns (pre_context_lineno, pre_context, context_line, post_context).

    source = None
    if loader is not None and hasattr(loader, 'get_source'):
            source = loader.get_source(module_name)
        except ImportError:
            source = None
        if source is not None:
            source = source.splitlines()

    if source is None:
            source = linecache.getlines(filename)
        except (OSError, IOError):
            return None, None, None

    if not source:
        return None, None, None

    lower_bound = max(0, lineno - context_lines)
    upper_bound = min(lineno + 1 + context_lines, len(source))

        pre_context = [line.strip('\r\n') for line in source[lower_bound:lineno]]
        context_line = source[lineno].strip('\r\n')
        post_context = [line.strip('\r\n') for line in
                        source[(lineno + 1):upper_bound]]
    except IndexError:
        # the file may have changed since it was loaded into memory
        return None, None, None

    return pre_context, context_line, post_context
项目:MyPythonLib    作者:BillWang139967    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test():
    f = [ x.replace('\n','') for x in linecache.getlines('doc/test.txt')]
    random_int = random.randint(0, len(f)-1)
    return f[random_int]
项目:MyPythonLib    作者:BillWang139967    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def user():
    f = [ x.replace('\n','') for x in linecache.getlines('doc/user.txt')]
    random_int = random.randint(0, len(f)-1)
    return f[random_int]
项目:wsgi_lineprof    作者:ymyzk    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write_text(self, stream):
        if not path.exists(self.filename):
            stream.write("ERROR: %s\n" % self.filename)
        stream.write("File: %s\n" % self.filename)
        stream.write("Name: %s\n" %
        stream.write("Total time: %g [sec]\n" % self.total_time)

        lines = linecache.getlines(self.filename)
        if != "<module>":
            lines = inspect.getblock(lines[self.firstlineno - 1:])

        template = '%6s %9s %12s  %-s'
        header = template % ("Line", "Hits", "Time", "Code")
        stream.write("=" * len(header))

        d = {}
        for i, code in zip(itertools.count(self.firstlineno), lines):
            timing = self.timings.get(i)
            if timing is None:
                d[i] = {
                    "hits": "",
                    "time": "",
                    "code": code
                d[i] = {
                    "hits": timing.n_hits,
                    "time": timing.total_time,
                    "code": code
        for i in sorted(d.keys()):
            r = d[i]
            stream.write(template % (i, r["hits"], r["time"], r["code"]))
项目:leetcode    作者:thomasyimgit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _fixed_getinnerframes(etb, context=1, tb_offset=0):

    records = fix_frame_records_filenames(inspect.getinnerframes(etb, context))
    # If the error is at the console, don't build any context, since it would
    # otherwise produce 5 blank lines printed out (there is no file at the
    # console)
    rec_check = records[tb_offset:]
        rname = rec_check[0][1]
        if rname == '<ipython console>' or rname.endswith('<string>'):
            return rec_check
    except IndexError:

    aux = traceback.extract_tb(etb)
    assert len(records) == len(aux)
    for i, (file, lnum, _, _) in enumerate(aux):
        maybeStart = lnum - 1 - context // 2
        start = max(maybeStart, 0)
        end = start + context
        lines = linecache.getlines(file)[start:end]
        buf = list(records[i])
        buf[LNUM_POS] = lnum
        buf[INDEX_POS] = lnum - 1 - start
        buf[LINES_POS] = lines
        records[i] = tuple(buf)
    return records[tb_offset:]

# Helper function -- largely belongs to VerboseTB, but we need the same
# functionality to produce a pseudo verbose TB for SyntaxErrors, so that they
# can be recognized properly by ipython.el's py-traceback-line-re
# (SyntaxErrors have to be treated specially because they have no traceback)
项目:leetcode    作者:thomasyimgit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getlines(filename, module_globals=None):
    Deprecated since IPython 6.0
    warn(("`IPython.utils.ulinecache.getlines` is deprecated since"
          " IPython 6.0 and will be removed in future versions."),
         DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
    return linecache.getlines(filename, module_globals=module_globals)
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_getline(self):
        getline = linecache.getline

        # Bad values for line number should return an empty string
        self.assertEqual(getline(FILENAME, 2**15), EMPTY)
        self.assertEqual(getline(FILENAME, -1), EMPTY)

        # Float values currently raise TypeError, should it?
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, getline, FILENAME, 1.1)

        # Bad filenames should return an empty string
        self.assertEqual(getline(EMPTY, 1), EMPTY)
        self.assertEqual(getline(INVALID_NAME, 1), EMPTY)

        # Check whether lines correspond to those from file iteration
        for entry in TESTS:
            filename = os.path.join(TEST_PATH, entry) + '.py'
            with open(filename) as file:
                for index, line in enumerate(file):
                    self.assertEqual(line, getline(filename, index + 1))

        # Check module loading
        for entry in MODULES:
            filename = os.path.join(MODULE_PATH, entry) + '.py'
            with open(filename) as file:
                for index, line in enumerate(file):
                    self.assertEqual(line, getline(filename, index + 1))

        # Check that bogus data isn't returned (issue #1309567)
        empty = linecache.getlines('a/b/c/')
        self.assertEqual(empty, [])
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_no_ending_newline(self):
        self.addCleanup(support.unlink, support.TESTFN)
        with open(support.TESTFN, "w") as fp:
        lines = linecache.getlines(support.TESTFN)
        self.assertEqual(lines, ["\n", "def f():\n", "    return 3\n"])
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_getline(self):
        getline = linecache.getline

        # Bad values for line number should return an empty string
        self.assertEqual(getline(FILENAME, 2**15), EMPTY)
        self.assertEqual(getline(FILENAME, -1), EMPTY)

        # Float values currently raise TypeError, should it?
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, getline, FILENAME, 1.1)

        # Bad filenames should return an empty string
        self.assertEqual(getline(EMPTY, 1), EMPTY)
        self.assertEqual(getline(INVALID_NAME, 1), EMPTY)

        # Check whether lines correspond to those from file iteration
        for entry in TESTS:
            filename = os.path.join(TEST_PATH, entry) + '.py'
            for index, line in enumerate(open(filename)):
                self.assertEqual(line, getline(filename, index + 1))

        # Check module loading
        for entry in MODULES:
            filename = os.path.join(MODULE_PATH, entry) + '.py'
            for index, line in enumerate(open(filename)):
                self.assertEqual(line, getline(filename, index + 1))

        # Check that bogus data isn't returned (issue #1309567)
        empty = linecache.getlines('a/b/c/')
        self.assertEqual(empty, [])
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_no_ending_newline(self):
        self.addCleanup(support.unlink, support.TESTFN)
        with open(support.TESTFN, "w") as fp:
        lines = linecache.getlines(support.TESTFN)
        self.assertEqual(lines, ["\n", "def f():\n", "    return 3\n"])
项目:oil    作者:oilshell    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_memoryerror(self):
        lines = linecache.getlines(FILENAME)
        def raise_memoryerror(*args, **kwargs):
            raise MemoryError
        with support.swap_attr(linecache, 'updatecache', raise_memoryerror):
            lines2 = linecache.getlines(FILENAME)
        self.assertEqual(lines2, lines)

        with support.swap_attr(linecache, 'updatecache', raise_memoryerror):
            lines3 = linecache.getlines(FILENAME)
        self.assertEqual(lines3, [])
        self.assertEqual(linecache.getlines(FILENAME), lines)
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_getline(self):
        getline = linecache.getline

        # Bad values for line number should return an empty string
        self.assertEqual(getline(FILENAME, 2**15), EMPTY)
        self.assertEqual(getline(FILENAME, -1), EMPTY)

        # Float values currently raise TypeError, should it?
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, getline, FILENAME, 1.1)

        # Bad filenames should return an empty string
        self.assertEqual(getline(EMPTY, 1), EMPTY)
        self.assertEqual(getline(INVALID_NAME, 1), EMPTY)

        # Check whether lines correspond to those from file iteration
        for entry in TESTS:
            filename = os.path.join(TEST_PATH, entry) + '.py'
            for index, line in enumerate(open(filename)):
                self.assertEqual(line, getline(filename, index + 1))

        # Check module loading
        for entry in MODULES:
            filename = os.path.join(MODULE_PATH, entry) + '.py'
            for index, line in enumerate(open(filename)):
                self.assertEqual(line, getline(filename, index + 1))

        # Check that bogus data isn't returned (issue #1309567)
        empty = linecache.getlines('a/b/c/')
        self.assertEqual(empty, [])
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_no_ending_newline(self):
        self.addCleanup(support.unlink, support.TESTFN)
        with open(support.TESTFN, "w") as fp:
        lines = linecache.getlines(support.TESTFN)
        self.assertEqual(lines, ["\n", "def f():\n", "    return 3\n"])
项目:python2-tracer    作者:extremecoders-re    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_memoryerror(self):
        lines = linecache.getlines(FILENAME)
        def raise_memoryerror(*args, **kwargs):
            raise MemoryError
        with support.swap_attr(linecache, 'updatecache', raise_memoryerror):
            lines2 = linecache.getlines(FILENAME)
        self.assertEqual(lines2, lines)

        with support.swap_attr(linecache, 'updatecache', raise_memoryerror):
            lines3 = linecache.getlines(FILENAME)
        self.assertEqual(lines3, [])
        self.assertEqual(linecache.getlines(FILENAME), lines)
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_getline(self):
        getline = linecache.getline

        # Bad values for line number should return an empty string
        self.assertEqual(getline(FILENAME, 2**15), EMPTY)
        self.assertEqual(getline(FILENAME, -1), EMPTY)

        # Float values currently raise TypeError, should it?
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, getline, FILENAME, 1.1)

        # Bad filenames should return an empty string
        self.assertEqual(getline(EMPTY, 1), EMPTY)
        self.assertEqual(getline(INVALID_NAME, 1), EMPTY)

        # Check whether lines correspond to those from file iteration
        for entry in TESTS:
            filename = os.path.join(TEST_PATH, entry) + '.py'
            with open(filename) as file:
                for index, line in enumerate(file):
                    self.assertEqual(line, getline(filename, index + 1))

        # Check module loading
        for entry in MODULES:
            filename = os.path.join(MODULE_PATH, entry) + '.py'
            with open(filename) as file:
                for index, line in enumerate(file):
                    self.assertEqual(line, getline(filename, index + 1))

        # Check that bogus data isn't returned (issue #1309567)
        empty = linecache.getlines('a/b/c/')
        self.assertEqual(empty, [])
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_no_ending_newline(self):
        self.addCleanup(support.unlink, support.TESTFN)
        with open(support.TESTFN, "w") as fp:
        lines = linecache.getlines(support.TESTFN)
        self.assertEqual(lines, ["\n", "def f():\n", "    return 3\n"])
项目:mlens    作者:flennerhag    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _fixed_getframes(etb, context=1, tb_offset=0):

    records = fix_frame_records_filenames(inspect.getinnerframes(etb, context))

    # If the error is at the console, don't build any context, since it would
    # otherwise produce 5 blank lines printed out (there is no file at the
    # console)
    rec_check = records[tb_offset:]
        rname = rec_check[0][1]
        if rname == '<ipython console>' or rname.endswith('<string>'):
            return rec_check
    except IndexError:

    aux = traceback.extract_tb(etb)
    assert len(records) == len(aux)
    for i, (file, lnum, _, _) in enumerate(aux):
        maybe_start = lnum - 1 - context // 2
        start = max(maybe_start, 0)
        end = start + context
        lines = linecache.getlines(file)[start:end]
        buf = list(records[i])
        buf[LNUM_POS] = lnum
        buf[INDEX_POS] = lnum - 1 - start
        buf[LINES_POS] = lines
        records[i] = tuple(buf)
    return records[tb_offset:]
项目:mlens    作者:flennerhag    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def format_outer_frames(context=5, stack_start=None, stack_end=None,
    records = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe())
    output = list()

    for i, (frame, filename, line_no, func_name, lines, index) \
                                                in enumerate(records):
        # Look inside the frame's globals dictionary for __file__, which should
        # be better.
        better_fn = frame.f_globals.get('__file__', None)
        if isinstance(better_fn, str):
            # Check the type just in case someone did something weird with
            # __file__. It might also be None if the error occurred during
            # import.
            filename = better_fn
            if filename.endswith('.pyc'):
                filename = filename[:-4] + '.py'
        if ignore_ipython:
            # Hack to avoid printing the internals of IPython
            if (os.path.basename(filename) in ('', '')
                        and func_name in ('execfile', 'safe_execfile', 'runcode')):
        maybe_start = line_no - 1 - context // 2
        start = max(maybe_start, 0)
        end = start + context
        lines = linecache.getlines(filename)[start:end]
        buf = list(records[i])
        buf[LNUM_POS] = line_no
        buf[INDEX_POS] = line_no - 1 - start
        buf[LINES_POS] = lines
    return '\n'.join(format_records(output[stack_end:stack_start:-1]))
项目:Repobot    作者:Desgard    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _fixed_getinnerframes(etb, context=1, tb_offset=0):

    records = fix_frame_records_filenames(inspect.getinnerframes(etb, context))
    # If the error is at the console, don't build any context, since it would
    # otherwise produce 5 blank lines printed out (there is no file at the
    # console)
    rec_check = records[tb_offset:]
        rname = rec_check[0][1]
        if rname == '<ipython console>' or rname.endswith('<string>'):
            return rec_check
    except IndexError:

    aux = traceback.extract_tb(etb)
    assert len(records) == len(aux)
    for i, (file, lnum, _, _) in zip(range(len(records)), aux):
        maybeStart = lnum - 1 - context // 2
        start = max(maybeStart, 0)
        end = start + context
        lines = ulinecache.getlines(file)[start:end]
        buf = list(records[i])
        buf[LNUM_POS] = lnum
        buf[INDEX_POS] = lnum - 1 - start
        buf[LINES_POS] = lines
        records[i] = tuple(buf)
    return records[tb_offset:]

# Helper function -- largely belongs to VerboseTB, but we need the same
# functionality to produce a pseudo verbose TB for SyntaxErrors, so that they
# can be recognized properly by ipython.el's py-traceback-line-re
# (SyntaxErrors have to be treated specially because they have no traceback)
项目:Repobot    作者:Desgard    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getlines(filename, module_globals=None):
        return linecache.getlines(filename, module_globals=module_globals)
项目:Repobot    作者:Desgard    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getline(filename, lineno, module_globals=None):
        lines = getlines(filename, module_globals)
        if 1 <= lineno <= len(lines):
            return lines[lineno-1]
            return ''
项目:pefile.pypy    作者:cloudtracer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_getline(self):
        getline = linecache.getline

        # Bad values for line number should return an empty string
        self.assertEqual(getline(FILENAME, 2**15), EMPTY)
        self.assertEqual(getline(FILENAME, -1), EMPTY)

        # Float values currently raise TypeError, should it?
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, getline, FILENAME, 1.1)

        # Bad filenames should return an empty string
        self.assertEqual(getline(EMPTY, 1), EMPTY)
        self.assertEqual(getline(INVALID_NAME, 1), EMPTY)

        # Check whether lines correspond to those from file iteration
        for entry in TESTS:
            filename = support.findfile( entry + '.py')
            for index, line in enumerate(open(filename)):
                self.assertEqual(line, getline(filename, index + 1))

        # Check module loading
        for entry in MODULES:
            filename = support.findfile( entry + '.py')
            for index, line in enumerate(open(filename)):
                self.assertEqual(line, getline(filename, index + 1))

        # Check that bogus data isn't returned (issue #1309567)
        empty = linecache.getlines('a/b/c/')
        self.assertEqual(empty, [])
项目:pefile.pypy    作者:cloudtracer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_no_ending_newline(self):
        self.addCleanup(support.unlink, support.TESTFN)
        with open(support.TESTFN, "w") as fp:
        lines = linecache.getlines(support.TESTFN)
        self.assertEqual(lines, ["\n", "def f():\n", "    return 3\n"])
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_getline(self):
        getline = linecache.getline

        # Bad values for line number should return an empty string
        self.assertEqual(getline(FILENAME, 2**15), EMPTY)
        self.assertEqual(getline(FILENAME, -1), EMPTY)

        # Float values currently raise TypeError, should it?
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, getline, FILENAME, 1.1)

        # Bad filenames should return an empty string
        self.assertEqual(getline(EMPTY, 1), EMPTY)
        self.assertEqual(getline(INVALID_NAME, 1), EMPTY)

        # Check whether lines correspond to those from file iteration
        for entry in TESTS:
            filename = os.path.join(TEST_PATH, entry) + '.py'
            with open(filename) as file:
                for index, line in enumerate(file):
                    self.assertEqual(line, getline(filename, index + 1))

        # Check module loading
        for entry in MODULES:
            filename = os.path.join(MODULE_PATH, entry) + '.py'
            with open(filename) as file:
                for index, line in enumerate(file):
                    self.assertEqual(line, getline(filename, index + 1))

        # Check that bogus data isn't returned (issue #1309567)
        empty = linecache.getlines('a/b/c/')
        self.assertEqual(empty, [])
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_no_ending_newline(self):
        self.addCleanup(support.unlink, support.TESTFN)
        with open(support.TESTFN, "w") as fp:
        lines = linecache.getlines(support.TESTFN)
        self.assertEqual(lines, ["\n", "def f():\n", "    return 3\n"])
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_memoryerror(self):
        lines = linecache.getlines(FILENAME)
        def raise_memoryerror(*args, **kwargs):
            raise MemoryError
        with support.swap_attr(linecache, 'updatecache', raise_memoryerror):
            lines2 = linecache.getlines(FILENAME)
        self.assertEqual(lines2, lines)

        with support.swap_attr(linecache, 'updatecache', raise_memoryerror):
            lines3 = linecache.getlines(FILENAME)
        self.assertEqual(lines3, [])
        self.assertEqual(linecache.getlines(FILENAME), lines)
项目:ndk-python    作者:gittor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_getline(self):
        getline = linecache.getline

        # Bad values for line number should return an empty string
        self.assertEqual(getline(FILENAME, 2**15), EMPTY)
        self.assertEqual(getline(FILENAME, -1), EMPTY)

        # Float values currently raise TypeError, should it?
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, getline, FILENAME, 1.1)

        # Bad filenames should return an empty string
        self.assertEqual(getline(EMPTY, 1), EMPTY)
        self.assertEqual(getline(INVALID_NAME, 1), EMPTY)

        # Check whether lines correspond to those from file iteration
        for entry in TESTS:
            filename = os.path.join(TEST_PATH, entry) + '.py'
            for index, line in enumerate(open(filename)):
                self.assertEqual(line, getline(filename, index + 1))

        # Check module loading
        for entry in MODULES:
            filename = os.path.join(MODULE_PATH, entry) + '.py'
            for index, line in enumerate(open(filename)):
                self.assertEqual(line, getline(filename, index + 1))

        # Check that bogus data isn't returned (issue #1309567)
        empty = linecache.getlines('a/b/c/')
        self.assertEqual(empty, [])
项目:ndk-python    作者:gittor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_no_ending_newline(self):
        self.addCleanup(support.unlink, support.TESTFN)
        with open(support.TESTFN, "w") as fp:
        lines = linecache.getlines(support.TESTFN)
        self.assertEqual(lines, ["\n", "def f():\n", "    return 3\n"])
项目:rankpy    作者:dmitru    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _fixed_getframes(etb, context=1, tb_offset=0):

    records = fix_frame_records_filenames(inspect.getinnerframes(etb, context))

    # If the error is at the console, don't build any context, since it would
    # otherwise produce 5 blank lines printed out (there is no file at the
    # console)
    rec_check = records[tb_offset:]
        rname = rec_check[0][1]
        if rname == '<ipython console>' or rname.endswith('<string>'):
            return rec_check
    except IndexError:

    aux = traceback.extract_tb(etb)
    assert len(records) == len(aux)
    for i, (file, lnum, _, _) in enumerate(aux):
        maybeStart = lnum - 1 - context // 2
        start = max(maybeStart, 0)
        end = start + context
        lines = linecache.getlines(file)[start:end]
        # pad with empty lines if necessary
        if maybeStart < 0:
            lines = (['\n'] * -maybeStart) + lines
        if len(lines) < context:
            lines += ['\n'] * (context - len(lines))
        buf = list(records[i])
        buf[LNUM_POS] = lnum
        buf[INDEX_POS] = lnum - 1 - start
        buf[LINES_POS] = lines
        records[i] = tuple(buf)
    return records[tb_offset:]
项目:rankpy    作者:dmitru    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def format_outer_frames(context=5, stack_start=None, stack_end=None,
    records = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe())
    output = list()

    for i, (frame, filename, line_no, func_name, lines, index) \
                                                in enumerate(records):
        # Look inside the frame's globals dictionary for __file__, which should
        # be better.
        better_fn = frame.f_globals.get('__file__', None)
        if isinstance(better_fn, str):
            # Check the type just in case someone did something weird with
            # __file__. It might also be None if the error occurred during
            # import.
            filename = better_fn
            if filename.endswith('.pyc'):
                filename = filename[:-4] + '.py'
        if ignore_ipython:
            # Hack to avoid printing the internals of IPython
            if (os.path.basename(filename) == ''
                        and func_name in ('safe_execfile', 'runcode')):
        maybeStart = line_no - 1 - context // 2
        start = max(maybeStart, 0)
        end = start + context
        lines = linecache.getlines(filename)[start:end]
        # pad with empty lines if necessary
        if maybeStart < 0:
            lines = (['\n'] * -maybeStart) + lines
        if len(lines) < context:
            lines += ['\n'] * (context - len(lines))
        buf = list(records[i])
        buf[LNUM_POS] = line_no
        buf[INDEX_POS] = line_no - 1 - start
        buf[LINES_POS] = lines
    return '\n'.join(format_records(output[stack_end:stack_start:-1]))
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_getline(self):
        getline = linecache.getline

        # Bad values for line number should return an empty string
        self.assertEqual(getline(FILENAME, 2**15), EMPTY)
        self.assertEqual(getline(FILENAME, -1), EMPTY)

        # Float values currently raise TypeError, should it?
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, getline, FILENAME, 1.1)

        # Bad filenames should return an empty string
        self.assertEqual(getline(EMPTY, 1), EMPTY)
        self.assertEqual(getline(INVALID_NAME, 1), EMPTY)

        # Check whether lines correspond to those from file iteration
        for entry in TESTS:
            filename = os.path.join(TEST_PATH, entry) + '.py'
            with open(filename) as file:
                for index, line in enumerate(file):
                    self.assertEqual(line, getline(filename, index + 1))

        # Check module loading
        for entry in MODULES:
            filename = os.path.join(MODULE_PATH, entry) + '.py'
            with open(filename) as file:
                for index, line in enumerate(file):
                    self.assertEqual(line, getline(filename, index + 1))

        # Check that bogus data isn't returned (issue #1309567)
        empty = linecache.getlines('a/b/c/')
        self.assertEqual(empty, [])
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_no_ending_newline(self):
        self.addCleanup(support.unlink, support.TESTFN)
        with open(support.TESTFN, "w") as fp:
        lines = linecache.getlines(support.TESTFN)
        self.assertEqual(lines, ["\n", "def f():\n", "    return 3\n"])
项目:VarFilter    作者:RubiscoHQ    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_anno(path):
    f = open(path)
    d = {}
    cache_data = linecache.getlines(path)
    title = True
    for line in range(len(cache_data)):
        if title:
            title = False
            t = cache_data[line]
        ll = cache_data[line].strip().split('\t')
        key = tuple(ll[-8:-3])
        d[key] = ll
    return d, t
项目:VarFilter    作者:RubiscoHQ    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_genotype_from_vcf_to_annovar(vcf_f, anno_f, new_f, sample_file):
    anno_d, anno_title = get_anno(anno_f)
    nf = open(new_f, 'w')
    print 'get anno info'
    sg = data.SampleGroup(sample_file)
    cases = sg.cases_id
    ctrls = sg.ctrls_id
    if os.path.exists(vcf_f):
        cache_data = linecache.getlines(vcf_f)
        print 'get vcf info'
        for line in range(1, len(cache_data)):
            if cache_data[line][:2] == '##':
            elif cache_data[line][0] == '#':
                vcf_title = cache_data[line].strip().split('\t')[8:] + ['allele_count', 'sample_count', 'allele_freq']
                ntl = anno_title.strip().split('\t') + vcf_title
                nt = '\t'.join(ntl) + '\n'
            ll = cache_data[line].strip().split('\t')
            key = tuple(ll[:5])
            if key in anno_d:
                nl = anno_d[key]+ll[8:]+count_alle_freq(sample_info=ll[9:], sample_id=vcf_title[1:-3], cases=cases, ctrls=ctrls)
        print('the path [{}] is not exist!'.format(vcf_f))
项目:blender    作者:gastrodia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _fixed_getinnerframes(etb, context=1, tb_offset=0):

    records = fix_frame_records_filenames(inspect.getinnerframes(etb, context))
    # If the error is at the console, don't build any context, since it would
    # otherwise produce 5 blank lines printed out (there is no file at the
    # console)
    rec_check = records[tb_offset:]
        rname = rec_check[0][1]
        if rname == '<ipython console>' or rname.endswith('<string>'):
            return rec_check
    except IndexError:

    aux = traceback.extract_tb(etb)
    assert len(records) == len(aux)
    for i, (file, lnum, _, _) in zip(range(len(records)), aux):
        maybeStart = lnum - 1 - context // 2
        start = max(maybeStart, 0)
        end = start + context
        lines = ulinecache.getlines(file)[start:end]
        buf = list(records[i])
        buf[LNUM_POS] = lnum
        buf[INDEX_POS] = lnum - 1 - start
        buf[LINES_POS] = lines
        records[i] = tuple(buf)
    return records[tb_offset:]

# Helper function -- largely belongs to VerboseTB, but we need the same
# functionality to produce a pseudo verbose TB for SyntaxErrors, so that they
# can be recognized properly by ipython.el's py-traceback-line-re
# (SyntaxErrors have to be treated specially because they have no traceback)
项目:blender    作者:gastrodia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getlines(filename, module_globals=None):
        return linecache.getlines(filename, module_globals=module_globals)
项目:blender    作者:gastrodia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getline(filename, lineno, module_globals=None):
        lines = getlines(filename, module_globals)
        if 1 <= lineno <= len(lines):
            return lines[lineno-1]
            return ''
项目:LinuxBashShellScriptForOps    作者:DingGuodong    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_key(self, key="", key_file=""):
        if key != '' and not self.is_key_registered(key):
            print "add key \'{key}\'(the 1st 8 chars) to {file} ...".format(key=self.get_fingerprint_short(key),
            with open(self.authorized_keys_file, 'a') as modified:
                modified.write(key.strip() + '\n')

        if os.path.exists(key_file):
            import linecache
            for line in linecache.getlines(key_file):
项目:Parallel-SGD    作者:angadgill    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _fixed_getframes(etb, context=1, tb_offset=0):

    records = fix_frame_records_filenames(inspect.getinnerframes(etb, context))

    # If the error is at the console, don't build any context, since it would
    # otherwise produce 5 blank lines printed out (there is no file at the
    # console)
    rec_check = records[tb_offset:]
        rname = rec_check[0][1]
        if rname == '<ipython console>' or rname.endswith('<string>'):
            return rec_check
    except IndexError:

    aux = traceback.extract_tb(etb)
    assert len(records) == len(aux)
    for i, (file, lnum, _, _) in enumerate(aux):
        maybeStart = lnum - 1 - context // 2
        start = max(maybeStart, 0)
        end = start + context
        lines = linecache.getlines(file)[start:end]
        # pad with empty lines if necessary
        if maybeStart < 0:
            lines = (['\n'] * -maybeStart) + lines
        if len(lines) < context:
            lines += ['\n'] * (context - len(lines))
        buf = list(records[i])
        buf[LNUM_POS] = lnum
        buf[INDEX_POS] = lnum - 1 - start
        buf[LINES_POS] = lines
        records[i] = tuple(buf)
    return records[tb_offset:]
项目:Parallel-SGD    作者:angadgill    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def format_outer_frames(context=5, stack_start=None, stack_end=None,
    records = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe())
    output = list()

    for i, (frame, filename, line_no, func_name, lines, index) \
                                                in enumerate(records):
        # Look inside the frame's globals dictionary for __file__, which should
        # be better.
        better_fn = frame.f_globals.get('__file__', None)
        if isinstance(better_fn, str):
            # Check the type just in case someone did something weird with
            # __file__. It might also be None if the error occurred during
            # import.
            filename = better_fn
            if filename.endswith('.pyc'):
                filename = filename[:-4] + '.py'
        if ignore_ipython:
            # Hack to avoid printing the internals of IPython
            if (os.path.basename(filename) == ''
                        and func_name in ('safe_execfile', 'runcode')):
        maybeStart = line_no - 1 - context // 2
        start = max(maybeStart, 0)
        end = start + context
        lines = linecache.getlines(filename)[start:end]
        # pad with empty lines if necessary
        if maybeStart < 0:
            lines = (['\n'] * -maybeStart) + lines
        if len(lines) < context:
            lines += ['\n'] * (context - len(lines))
        buf = list(records[i])
        buf[LNUM_POS] = line_no
        buf[INDEX_POS] = line_no - 1 - start
        buf[LINES_POS] = lines
    return '\n'.join(format_records(output[stack_end:stack_start:-1]))