Python lxml.etree 模块,strip_attributes() 实例源码


项目:keepass-menu    作者:frostidaho    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def protect(self):
        Find all elements with a 'Protected=False' attribute and replace the
        text with a protected value in the XML element tree. If there was a
        'ProtectedValue' attribute, it is deleted and the 'Protected' attribute
        is set to 'True'. The 'ProtectPassword' element in the 'Meta' section is
        also set to 'True'.

        This does not just restore the previous protected value, but reencrypts
        all text values of elements with 'Protected=False'. So you could use
        this after modifying a password, adding a completely new entry or
        deleting entry history items.
        for elem in self.obj_root.iterfind('.//Value[@Protected="False"]'):
            etree.strip_attributes(elem, 'ProtectedValue')
            elem.set('Protected', 'True')
            protected_text = self._protect(elem.text)