Python mako.template 模块,uri() 实例源码


项目:ShelbySearch    作者:Agentscreech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _include_file(context, uri, calling_uri, **kwargs):
    """locate the template from the given uri and include it in
    the current output."""

    template = _lookup_template(context, uri, calling_uri)
    (callable_, ctx) = _populate_self_namespace(
    kwargs = _kwargs_for_include(callable_, context._data, **kwargs)
    if template.include_error_handler:
            callable_(ctx, **kwargs)
        except Exception:
            result = template.include_error_handler(ctx, compat.exception_as())
            if not result:
        callable_(ctx, **kwargs)
项目:Price-Comparator    作者:Thejas-1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def uri(self):
        """The URI for this :class:`.Namespace`'s template.

        I.e. whatever was sent to :meth:`.TemplateLookup.get_template()`.

        This is the equivalent of :attr:`.Template.uri`.

        return self.template.uri
项目:webapp    作者:superchilli    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _include_file(context, uri, calling_uri, **kwargs):
    """locate the template from the given uri and include it in
    the current output."""

    template = _lookup_template(context, uri, calling_uri)
    (callable_, ctx) = _populate_self_namespace(
    kwargs = _kwargs_for_include(callable_, context._data, **kwargs)
    if template.include_error_handler:
            callable_(ctx, **kwargs)
        except Exception:
            result = template.include_error_handler(ctx, compat.exception_as())
            if not result:
        callable_(ctx, **kwargs)
项目:QualquerMerdaAPI    作者:tiagovizoto    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _include_file(context, uri, calling_uri, **kwargs):
    """locate the template from the given uri and include it in
    the current output."""

    template = _lookup_template(context, uri, calling_uri)
    (callable_, ctx) = _populate_self_namespace(
    kwargs = _kwargs_for_include(callable_, context._data, **kwargs)
    if template.include_error_handler:
            callable_(ctx, **kwargs)
        except Exception:
            result = template.include_error_handler(ctx, compat.exception_as())
            if not result:
        callable_(ctx, **kwargs)
项目:gardenbot    作者:GoestaO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _include_file(context, uri, calling_uri, **kwargs):
    """locate the template from the given uri and include it in
    the current output."""

    template = _lookup_template(context, uri, calling_uri)
    (callable_, ctx) = _populate_self_namespace(
    kwargs = _kwargs_for_include(callable_, context._data, **kwargs)
    if template.include_error_handler:
            callable_(ctx, **kwargs)
        except Exception:
            result = template.include_error_handler(ctx, compat.exception_as())
            if not result:
        callable_(ctx, **kwargs)
项目:flask-zhenai-mongo-echarts    作者:Fretice    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _include_file(context, uri, calling_uri, **kwargs):
    """locate the template from the given uri and include it in
    the current output."""

    template = _lookup_template(context, uri, calling_uri)
    (callable_, ctx) = _populate_self_namespace(
    kwargs = _kwargs_for_include(callable_, context._data, **kwargs)
    if template.include_error_handler:
            callable_(ctx, **kwargs)
        except Exception:
            result = template.include_error_handler(ctx, compat.exception_as())
            if not result:
        callable_(ctx, **kwargs)
项目:Flask_Blog    作者:sugarguo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_namespace(self, uri):
        """Return a :class:`.Namespace` corresponding to the given ``uri``.

        If the given ``uri`` is a relative URI (i.e. it does not
        contain a leading slash ``/``), the ``uri`` is adjusted to
        be relative to the ``uri`` of the namespace itself. This
        method is therefore mostly useful off of the built-in
        ``local`` namespace, described in :ref:`namespace_local`.

        most cases, a template wouldn't need this function, and
        should instead use the ``<%namespace>`` tag to load
        namespaces. However, since all ``<%namespace>`` tags are
        evaluated before the body of a template ever runs,
        this method can be used to locate namespaces using
        expressions that were generated within the body code of
        the template, or to conditionally use a particular

        key = (self, uri)
        if key in self.context.namespaces:
            return self.context.namespaces[key]
            ns = TemplateNamespace(uri, self.context._copy(),
            self.context.namespaces[key] = ns
            return ns
项目:Flask_Blog    作者:sugarguo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_template(self, uri):
        """Return a :class:`.Template` from the given ``uri``.

        The ``uri`` resolution is relative to the ``uri`` of this
        :class:`.Namespace` object's :class:`.Template`.

        return _lookup_template(self.context, uri, self._templateuri)
项目:Flask_Blog    作者:sugarguo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def include_file(self, uri, **kwargs):
        """Include a file at the given ``uri``."""

        _include_file(self.context, uri, self._templateuri, **kwargs)
项目:Flask_Blog    作者:sugarguo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def uri(self):
        """The URI for this :class:`.Namespace`'s template.

        I.e. whatever was sent to :meth:`.TemplateLookup.get_template()`.

        This is the equivalent of :attr:`.Template.uri`.

        return self.template.uri
项目:Flask_Blog    作者:sugarguo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _include_file(context, uri, calling_uri, **kwargs):
    """locate the template from the given uri and include it in
    the current output."""

    template = _lookup_template(context, uri, calling_uri)
    (callable_, ctx) = _populate_self_namespace(
    callable_(ctx, **_kwargs_for_include(callable_, context._data, **kwargs))
项目:Flask_Blog    作者:sugarguo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _lookup_template(context, uri, relativeto):
    lookup = context._with_template.lookup
    if lookup is None:
        raise exceptions.TemplateLookupException(
            "Template '%s' has no TemplateLookup associated" %
    uri = lookup.adjust_uri(uri, relativeto)
        return lookup.get_template(uri)
    except exceptions.TopLevelLookupException:
        raise exceptions.TemplateLookupException(str(compat.exception_as()))
项目:Flask_Blog    作者:sugarguo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _populate_self_namespace(context, template, self_ns=None):
    if self_ns is None:
        self_ns = TemplateNamespace('self:%s' % template.uri,
                                    context, template=template,
    context._data['self'] = context._data['local'] = self_ns
    if hasattr(template.module, '_mako_inherit'):
        ret = template.module._mako_inherit(template, context)
        if ret:
            return ret
    return (template.callable_, context)
项目:flasky    作者:RoseOu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_namespace(self, uri):
        """Return a :class:`.Namespace` corresponding to the given ``uri``.

        If the given ``uri`` is a relative URI (i.e. it does not
        contain a leading slash ``/``), the ``uri`` is adjusted to
        be relative to the ``uri`` of the namespace itself. This
        method is therefore mostly useful off of the built-in
        ``local`` namespace, described in :ref:`namespace_local`.

        most cases, a template wouldn't need this function, and
        should instead use the ``<%namespace>`` tag to load
        namespaces. However, since all ``<%namespace>`` tags are
        evaluated before the body of a template ever runs,
        this method can be used to locate namespaces using
        expressions that were generated within the body code of
        the template, or to conditionally use a particular

        key = (self, uri)
        if key in self.context.namespaces:
            return self.context.namespaces[key]
            ns = TemplateNamespace(uri, self.context._copy(),
            self.context.namespaces[key] = ns
            return ns
项目:flasky    作者:RoseOu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_template(self, uri):
        """Return a :class:`.Template` from the given ``uri``.

        The ``uri`` resolution is relative to the ``uri`` of this :class:`.Namespace`
        object's :class:`.Template`.

        return _lookup_template(self.context, uri, self._templateuri)
项目:flasky    作者:RoseOu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def include_file(self, uri, **kwargs):
        """Include a file at the given ``uri``."""

        _include_file(self.context, uri, self._templateuri, **kwargs)
项目:flasky    作者:RoseOu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def uri(self):
        """The URI for this :class:`.Namespace`'s template.

        I.e. whatever was sent to :meth:`.TemplateLookup.get_template()`.

        This is the equivalent of :attr:`.Template.uri`.

        return self.template.uri
项目:flasky    作者:RoseOu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _include_file(context, uri, calling_uri, **kwargs):
    """locate the template from the given uri and include it in
    the current output."""

    template = _lookup_template(context, uri, calling_uri)
    (callable_, ctx) = _populate_self_namespace(
    callable_(ctx, **_kwargs_for_include(callable_, context._data, **kwargs))
项目:flasky    作者:RoseOu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _lookup_template(context, uri, relativeto):
    lookup = context._with_template.lookup
    if lookup is None:
        raise exceptions.TemplateLookupException(
                            "Template '%s' has no TemplateLookup associated" %
    uri = lookup.adjust_uri(uri, relativeto)
        return lookup.get_template(uri)
    except exceptions.TopLevelLookupException:
        raise exceptions.TemplateLookupException(str(compat.exception_as()))
项目:flasky    作者:RoseOu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _populate_self_namespace(context, template, self_ns=None):
    if self_ns is None:
        self_ns = TemplateNamespace('self:%s' % template.uri,
                                context, template=template,
    context._data['self'] = context._data['local'] = self_ns
    if hasattr(template.module, '_mako_inherit'):
        ret = template.module._mako_inherit(template, context)
        if ret:
            return ret
    return (template.callable_, context)
项目:oa_qian    作者:sunqb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_namespace(self, uri):
        """Return a :class:`.Namespace` corresponding to the given ``uri``.

        If the given ``uri`` is a relative URI (i.e. it does not
        contain a leading slash ``/``), the ``uri`` is adjusted to
        be relative to the ``uri`` of the namespace itself. This
        method is therefore mostly useful off of the built-in
        ``local`` namespace, described in :ref:`namespace_local`.

        most cases, a template wouldn't need this function, and
        should instead use the ``<%namespace>`` tag to load
        namespaces. However, since all ``<%namespace>`` tags are
        evaluated before the body of a template ever runs,
        this method can be used to locate namespaces using
        expressions that were generated within the body code of
        the template, or to conditionally use a particular

        key = (self, uri)
        if key in self.context.namespaces:
            return self.context.namespaces[key]
            ns = TemplateNamespace(uri, self.context._copy(),
            self.context.namespaces[key] = ns
            return ns
项目:oa_qian    作者:sunqb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_template(self, uri):
        """Return a :class:`.Template` from the given ``uri``.

        The ``uri`` resolution is relative to the ``uri`` of this
        :class:`.Namespace` object's :class:`.Template`.

        return _lookup_template(self.context, uri, self._templateuri)
项目:oa_qian    作者:sunqb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def include_file(self, uri, **kwargs):
        """Include a file at the given ``uri``."""

        _include_file(self.context, uri, self._templateuri, **kwargs)
项目:oa_qian    作者:sunqb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def uri(self):
        """The URI for this :class:`.Namespace`'s template.

        I.e. whatever was sent to :meth:`.TemplateLookup.get_template()`.

        This is the equivalent of :attr:`.Template.uri`.

        return self.template.uri
项目:oa_qian    作者:sunqb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _include_file(context, uri, calling_uri, **kwargs):
    """locate the template from the given uri and include it in
    the current output."""

    template = _lookup_template(context, uri, calling_uri)
    (callable_, ctx) = _populate_self_namespace(
    callable_(ctx, **_kwargs_for_include(callable_, context._data, **kwargs))
项目:oa_qian    作者:sunqb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _lookup_template(context, uri, relativeto):
    lookup = context._with_template.lookup
    if lookup is None:
        raise exceptions.TemplateLookupException(
                            "Template '%s' has no TemplateLookup associated" %
    uri = lookup.adjust_uri(uri, relativeto)
        return lookup.get_template(uri)
    except exceptions.TopLevelLookupException:
        raise exceptions.TemplateLookupException(str(compat.exception_as()))
项目:oa_qian    作者:sunqb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _populate_self_namespace(context, template, self_ns=None):
    if self_ns is None:
        self_ns = TemplateNamespace('self:%s' % template.uri,
                                context, template=template,
    context._data['self'] = context._data['local'] = self_ns
    if hasattr(template.module, '_mako_inherit'):
        ret = template.module._mako_inherit(template, context)
        if ret:
            return ret
    return (template.callable_, context)
项目:chihu    作者:yelongyu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_namespace(self, uri):
        """Return a :class:`.Namespace` corresponding to the given ``uri``.

        If the given ``uri`` is a relative URI (i.e. it does not
        contain a leading slash ``/``), the ``uri`` is adjusted to
        be relative to the ``uri`` of the namespace itself. This
        method is therefore mostly useful off of the built-in
        ``local`` namespace, described in :ref:`namespace_local`.

        most cases, a template wouldn't need this function, and
        should instead use the ``<%namespace>`` tag to load
        namespaces. However, since all ``<%namespace>`` tags are
        evaluated before the body of a template ever runs,
        this method can be used to locate namespaces using
        expressions that were generated within the body code of
        the template, or to conditionally use a particular

        key = (self, uri)
        if key in self.context.namespaces:
            return self.context.namespaces[key]
            ns = TemplateNamespace(uri, self.context._copy(),
            self.context.namespaces[key] = ns
            return ns
项目:chihu    作者:yelongyu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_template(self, uri):
        """Return a :class:`.Template` from the given ``uri``.

        The ``uri`` resolution is relative to the ``uri`` of this
        :class:`.Namespace` object's :class:`.Template`.

        return _lookup_template(self.context, uri, self._templateuri)
项目:chihu    作者:yelongyu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def include_file(self, uri, **kwargs):
        """Include a file at the given ``uri``."""

        _include_file(self.context, uri, self._templateuri, **kwargs)
项目:chihu    作者:yelongyu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def uri(self):
        """The URI for this :class:`.Namespace`'s template.

        I.e. whatever was sent to :meth:`.TemplateLookup.get_template()`.

        This is the equivalent of :attr:`.Template.uri`.

        return self.template.uri
项目:chihu    作者:yelongyu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _include_file(context, uri, calling_uri, **kwargs):
    """locate the template from the given uri and include it in
    the current output."""

    template = _lookup_template(context, uri, calling_uri)
    (callable_, ctx) = _populate_self_namespace(
    callable_(ctx, **_kwargs_for_include(callable_, context._data, **kwargs))
项目:chihu    作者:yelongyu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _lookup_template(context, uri, relativeto):
    lookup = context._with_template.lookup
    if lookup is None:
        raise exceptions.TemplateLookupException(
            "Template '%s' has no TemplateLookup associated" %
    uri = lookup.adjust_uri(uri, relativeto)
        return lookup.get_template(uri)
    except exceptions.TopLevelLookupException:
        raise exceptions.TemplateLookupException(str(compat.exception_as()))
项目:chihu    作者:yelongyu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _populate_self_namespace(context, template, self_ns=None):
    if self_ns is None:
        self_ns = TemplateNamespace('self:%s' % template.uri,
                                    context, template=template,
    context._data['self'] = context._data['local'] = self_ns
    if hasattr(template.module, '_mako_inherit'):
        ret = template.module._mako_inherit(template, context)
        if ret:
            return ret
    return (template.callable_, context)
项目:ShelbySearch    作者:Agentscreech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_namespace(self, uri):
        """Return a :class:`.Namespace` corresponding to the given ``uri``.

        If the given ``uri`` is a relative URI (i.e. it does not
        contain a leading slash ``/``), the ``uri`` is adjusted to
        be relative to the ``uri`` of the namespace itself. This
        method is therefore mostly useful off of the built-in
        ``local`` namespace, described in :ref:`namespace_local`.

        most cases, a template wouldn't need this function, and
        should instead use the ``<%namespace>`` tag to load
        namespaces. However, since all ``<%namespace>`` tags are
        evaluated before the body of a template ever runs,
        this method can be used to locate namespaces using
        expressions that were generated within the body code of
        the template, or to conditionally use a particular

        key = (self, uri)
        if key in self.context.namespaces:
            return self.context.namespaces[key]
            ns = TemplateNamespace(uri, self.context._copy(),
            self.context.namespaces[key] = ns
            return ns
项目:ShelbySearch    作者:Agentscreech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_template(self, uri):
        """Return a :class:`.Template` from the given ``uri``.

        The ``uri`` resolution is relative to the ``uri`` of this
        :class:`.Namespace` object's :class:`.Template`.

        return _lookup_template(self.context, uri, self._templateuri)
项目:ShelbySearch    作者:Agentscreech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def include_file(self, uri, **kwargs):
        """Include a file at the given ``uri``."""

        _include_file(self.context, uri, self._templateuri, **kwargs)
项目:ShelbySearch    作者:Agentscreech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def uri(self):
        """The URI for this :class:`.Namespace`'s template.

        I.e. whatever was sent to :meth:`.TemplateLookup.get_template()`.

        This is the equivalent of :attr:`.Template.uri`.

        return self.template.uri
项目:ShelbySearch    作者:Agentscreech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _lookup_template(context, uri, relativeto):
    lookup = context._with_template.lookup
    if lookup is None:
        raise exceptions.TemplateLookupException(
            "Template '%s' has no TemplateLookup associated" %
    uri = lookup.adjust_uri(uri, relativeto)
        return lookup.get_template(uri)
    except exceptions.TopLevelLookupException:
        raise exceptions.TemplateLookupException(str(compat.exception_as()))
项目:ShelbySearch    作者:Agentscreech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _populate_self_namespace(context, template, self_ns=None):
    if self_ns is None:
        self_ns = TemplateNamespace('self:%s' % template.uri,
                                    context, template=template,
    context._data['self'] = context._data['local'] = self_ns
    if hasattr(template.module, '_mako_inherit'):
        ret = template.module._mako_inherit(template, context)
        if ret:
            return ret
    return (template.callable_, context)
项目:pyetje    作者:rorlika    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_namespace(self, uri):
        """Return a :class:`.Namespace` corresponding to the given ``uri``.

        If the given ``uri`` is a relative URI (i.e. it does not
        contain a leading slash ``/``), the ``uri`` is adjusted to
        be relative to the ``uri`` of the namespace itself. This
        method is therefore mostly useful off of the built-in
        ``local`` namespace, described in :ref:`namespace_local`.

        most cases, a template wouldn't need this function, and
        should instead use the ``<%namespace>`` tag to load
        namespaces. However, since all ``<%namespace>`` tags are
        evaluated before the body of a template ever runs,
        this method can be used to locate namespaces using
        expressions that were generated within the body code of
        the template, or to conditionally use a particular

        key = (self, uri)
        if key in self.context.namespaces:
            return self.context.namespaces[key]
            ns = TemplateNamespace(uri, self.context._copy(),
            self.context.namespaces[key] = ns
            return ns
项目:pyetje    作者:rorlika    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_template(self, uri):
        """Return a :class:`.Template` from the given ``uri``.

        The ``uri`` resolution is relative to the ``uri`` of this :class:`.Namespace`
        object's :class:`.Template`.

        return _lookup_template(self.context, uri, self._templateuri)
项目:pyetje    作者:rorlika    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def include_file(self, uri, **kwargs):
        """Include a file at the given ``uri``."""

        _include_file(self.context, uri, self._templateuri, **kwargs)
项目:pyetje    作者:rorlika    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def uri(self):
        """The URI for this :class:`.Namespace`'s template.

        I.e. whatever was sent to :meth:`.TemplateLookup.get_template()`.

        This is the equivalent of :attr:`.Template.uri`.

        return self.template.uri
项目:pyetje    作者:rorlika    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _include_file(context, uri, calling_uri, **kwargs):
    """locate the template from the given uri and include it in
    the current output."""

    template = _lookup_template(context, uri, calling_uri)
    (callable_, ctx) = _populate_self_namespace(
    callable_(ctx, **_kwargs_for_include(callable_, context._data, **kwargs))
项目:pyetje    作者:rorlika    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _lookup_template(context, uri, relativeto):
    lookup = context._with_template.lookup
    if lookup is None:
        raise exceptions.TemplateLookupException(
                            "Template '%s' has no TemplateLookup associated" %
    uri = lookup.adjust_uri(uri, relativeto)
        return lookup.get_template(uri)
    except exceptions.TopLevelLookupException:
        raise exceptions.TemplateLookupException(str(compat.exception_as()))
项目:pyetje    作者:rorlika    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _populate_self_namespace(context, template, self_ns=None):
    if self_ns is None:
        self_ns = TemplateNamespace('self:%s' % template.uri,
                                context, template=template,
    context._data['self'] = context._data['local'] = self_ns
    if hasattr(template.module, '_mako_inherit'):
        ret = template.module._mako_inherit(template, context)
        if ret:
            return ret
    return (template.callable_, context)
项目:Price-Comparator    作者:Thejas-1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_namespace(self, uri):
        """Return a :class:`.Namespace` corresponding to the given ``uri``.

        If the given ``uri`` is a relative URI (i.e. it does not
        contain a leading slash ``/``), the ``uri`` is adjusted to
        be relative to the ``uri`` of the namespace itself. This
        method is therefore mostly useful off of the built-in
        ``local`` namespace, described in :ref:`namespace_local`.

        most cases, a template wouldn't need this function, and
        should instead use the ``<%namespace>`` tag to load
        namespaces. However, since all ``<%namespace>`` tags are
        evaluated before the body of a template ever runs,
        this method can be used to locate namespaces using
        expressions that were generated within the body code of
        the template, or to conditionally use a particular

        key = (self, uri)
        if key in self.context.namespaces:
            return self.context.namespaces[key]
            ns = TemplateNamespace(uri, self.context._copy(),
            self.context.namespaces[key] = ns
            return ns
项目:Price-Comparator    作者:Thejas-1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_template(self, uri):
        """Return a :class:`.Template` from the given ``uri``.

        The ``uri`` resolution is relative to the ``uri`` of this
        :class:`.Namespace` object's :class:`.Template`.

        return _lookup_template(self.context, uri, self._templateuri)
项目:Price-Comparator    作者:Thejas-1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def include_file(self, uri, **kwargs):
        """Include a file at the given ``uri``."""

        _include_file(self.context, uri, self._templateuri, **kwargs)