Python math 模块,pow() 实例源码


项目:YellowFin_Pytorch    作者:JianGoForIt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_cubic_root(self):
    # We have the equation x^2 D^2 + (1-x)^4 * C / h_min^2
    # where x = sqrt(mu).
    # We substitute x, which is sqrt(mu), with x = y + 1.
    # It gives y^3 + py = q
    # where p = (D^2 h_min^2)/(2*C) and q = -p.
    # We use the Vieta's substution to compute the root.
    # There is only one real solution y (which is in [0, 1] ).
    # eps in the numerator is to prevent momentum = 1 in case of zero gradient
    p = (self._dist_to_opt + eps)**2 * (self._h_min + eps)**2 / 2 / (self._grad_var + eps)
    w3 = (-math.sqrt(p**2 + 4.0 / 27.0 * p**3) - p) / 2.0
    w = math.copysign(1.0, w3) * math.pow(math.fabs(w3), 1.0/3.0)
    y = w - p / 3.0 / (w + eps)
    x = y + 1

    if DEBUG:
      logging.debug("p %f, den %f", p, self._grad_var + eps)
      logging.debug("w3 %f ", w3)
      logging.debug("y %f, den %f", y, w + eps)

    return x
项目:PyPPSPP    作者:justas-    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_data_hash(self, data_bytes):
        """Calculate Merkle's root hash of the given data bytes"""

        # Calculate tree parameters
        data_len = len(data_bytes)
        tree_populated_width = math.ceil(data_len / self._chunk_len)
        tree_height = math.ceil(math.log2(tree_populated_width))
        tree_width = int(math.pow(2, tree_height))

        tree_bottom_layer = ['\x00'] * tree_width
        with io.BytesIO(data_bytes) as b_data:

        # Get Merkle's root hash
        mrh = self._calculate_root_hash(tree_bottom_layer)
        return mrh
项目:NeoAnalysis    作者:neoanalysis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __nearest_pow_2(self,x):
        Find power of two nearest to x
        >>> _nearest_pow_2(3)
        >>> _nearest_pow_2(15)
        :type x: float
        :param x: Number
        :rtype: Int
        :return: Nearest power of 2 to x
        a = math.pow(2, math.ceil(np.log2(x)))
        b = math.pow(2, math.floor(np.log2(x)))
        if abs(a - x) < abs(b - x):
            return a
            return b

    # calculate spectrogram of signals
项目:NeoAnalysis    作者:neoanalysis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _nearest_pow_2(x):
    Find power of two nearest to x
    >>> _nearest_pow_2(3)
    >>> _nearest_pow_2(15)
    :type x: float
    :param x: Number
    :rtype: Int
    :return: Nearest power of 2 to x
    a = M.pow(2, M.ceil(np.log2(x)))
    b = M.pow(2, M.floor(np.log2(x)))
    if abs(a - x) < abs(b - x):
        return a
        return b
项目:NeoAnalysis    作者:neoanalysis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __nearest_pow_2(self,x):
        Find power of two nearest to x
        >>> _nearest_pow_2(3)
        >>> _nearest_pow_2(15)
        :type x: float
        :param x: Number
        :rtype: Int
        :return: Nearest power of 2 to x
        a = math.pow(2, math.ceil(np.log2(x)))
        b = math.pow(2, math.floor(np.log2(x)))
        if abs(a - x) < abs(b - x):
            return a
            return b

    # calculate spectrogram of signals
项目:NeoAnalysis    作者:neoanalysis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _nearest_pow_2(x):
    Find power of two nearest to x
    >>> _nearest_pow_2(3)
    >>> _nearest_pow_2(15)
    :type x: float
    :param x: Number
    :rtype: Int
    :return: Nearest power of 2 to x
    a = M.pow(2, M.ceil(np.log2(x)))
    b = M.pow(2, M.floor(np.log2(x)))
    if abs(a - x) < abs(b - x):
        return a
        return b
项目:Projects    作者:it2school    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_length(self):
        # should be able to unpack to r,g,b,a and r,g,b
        c = pygame.Color(1,2,3,4)
        self.assertEquals(len(c), 4)

        self.assertEquals(len(c), 3)

        # it keeps the old alpha anyway...
        self.assertEquals(c.a, 4)

        # however you can't get the alpha in this way:
        self.assertRaises (IndexError, lambda x:c[x], 4)

        self.assertEquals(len(c), 4)
        self.assertEquals(len(c), 4)

        self.assertRaises (ValueError, c.set_length, 5)
        self.assertRaises (ValueError, c.set_length, -1)
        self.assertRaises (ValueError, c.set_length, 0)
        self.assertRaises (ValueError, c.set_length, pow(2,long_(33)))
项目:aws-waf-security-automation    作者:cerbo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def waf_get_ip_set(ip_set_id):
    response = None
    waf = boto3.client('waf')

    for attempt in range(API_CALL_NUM_RETRIES):
            response = waf.get_ip_set(IPSetId=ip_set_id)
        except Exception, e:
            delay = math.pow(2, attempt)
            print("[waf_get_ip_set] Retrying in %d seconds..." % (delay))
        print("[waf_get_ip_set] Failed ALL attempts to call API")

    return response
项目:aws-waf-security-automation    作者:cerbo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def waf_update_ip_set(ip_set_id, updates_list):
    response = None

    if updates_list != []:
        waf = boto3.client('waf')
        for attempt in range(API_CALL_NUM_RETRIES):
                response = waf.update_ip_set(IPSetId=ip_set_id,
            except Exception, e:
                delay = math.pow(2, attempt)
                print("[waf_update_ip_set] Retrying in %d seconds..." % (delay))
            print("[waf_update_ip_set] Failed ALL attempts to call API")

    return response
项目:aws-waf-security-automation    作者:cerbo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def waf_update_ip_set(ip_set_id, source_ip):
    waf = boto3.client('waf')
    for attempt in range(API_CALL_NUM_RETRIES):
            response = waf.update_ip_set(IPSetId=ip_set_id,
                    'Action': 'INSERT',
                    'IPSetDescriptor': {
                        'Type': 'IPV4',
                        'Value': "%s/32"%source_ip
        except Exception, e:
            delay = math.pow(2, attempt)
            print "[waf_update_ip_set] Retrying in %d seconds..." % (delay)
        print "[waf_update_ip_set] Failed ALL attempts to call API"
项目:aws-waf-security-automation    作者:cerbo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def waf_get_ip_set(ip_set_id):
    response = None
    waf = boto3.client('waf')

    for attempt in range(API_CALL_NUM_RETRIES):
            response = waf.get_ip_set(IPSetId=ip_set_id)
        except Exception, e:
            delay = math.pow(2, attempt)
            print("[waf_get_ip_set] Retrying in %d seconds..." % (delay))
        print("[waf_get_ip_set] Failed ALL attempts to call API")

    return response
项目:aws-waf-security-automation    作者:cerbo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def can_delete_rule(stack_name, rule_id):
    result = False
    for attempt in range(API_CALL_NUM_RETRIES):
            waf = boto3.client('waf')
            rule_detail = waf.get_rule(RuleId=rule_id)
            result = (stack_name == None or (rule_detail['Rule']['Name'].startswith(stack_name + " - ") and rule_detail['Rule']['Name'] != (stack_name + " - Whitelist Rule") ))
        except Exception, e:
            delay = math.pow(2, attempt)
            print("[can_delete_rule] Retrying in %d seconds..." % (delay))
        print("[can_delete_rule] Failed ALL attempts to call API")

    return result
项目:tsbitmaps    作者:binhmop    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_bitmap_grid(bitmap, n, num_bins, level_size):
    Arranges a time-series bitmap into a 2-D grid for heatmap visualization
    assert num_bins % n == 0, 'num_bins has to be a multiple of n'
    m = num_bins // n

    row_count = int(math.pow(m, level_size))
    col_count = int(math.pow(n, level_size))

    grid = np.full((row_count, col_count), 0.0)

    for feat, count in bitmap.items():
        i, j = symbols2index(m, n, feat)
        grid[i, j] = count
    return grid
项目:FPTuner    作者:soarlab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def concEval (self, vmap = {}): 
        retv_lhs = self.lhs().concEval(vmap) 
        assert((type(retv_lhs) is int) or (type(retv_lhs) is float) or (isinstance(retv_lhs, Fraction))) 
        retv_rhs = self.rhs().concEval(vmap) 
        assert((type(retv_rhs) is int) or (type(retv_rhs) is float) or (isinstance(retv_rhs, Fraction))) 

        if (self.operator.label == "+"): 
            return (retv_lhs + retv_rhs) 
        elif (self.operator.label == "-"): 
            return (retv_lhs - retv_rhs)
        elif (self.operator.label == "*"): 
            return (retv_lhs * retv_rhs) 
        elif (self.operator.label == "/"): 
            return (retv_lhs / retv_rhs) 
        elif (self.operator.label == "^"): 
            assert(type(retv_rhs) is int) 
            return math.pow(retv_lhs, retv_rhs) 
            sys.exit("ERROR: unknown operator found in function \"similar\" of a BinaryExpr")
项目:pytorch-nec    作者:mjacar    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def search_nn_dist(self, point, distance, best=None):
        Search the n nearest nodes of the given point which are within given
        point must be a location, not a node. A list containing the n nearest
        nodes to the point within the distance will be returned.

        if best is None:
            best = []

        # consider the current node
        if self.dist(point) < distance:

        # sort the children, nearer one first (is this really necessairy?)
        children = sorted(self.children, key=lambda c_p1: c_p1[0].dist(point))

        for child, p in children:
            # check if child node needs to be recursed
            if self.axis_dist(point, self.axis) < math.pow(distance, 2):
                child.search_nn_dist(point, distance, best)

        return best
项目:SharesData    作者:xjkj123    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Rstr(self):
        prixe = math.log(0.03637 / float(252) + 1)
        ret = self.sharedf
        rstr = []
        print 1
        if len(ret) > 525:
            for z in range(0, 504):
                array2.append(math.pow(math.pow(float(1) / 2, float(1 / float(126))), (503 - z)))

            for h in  range(0,525):

            for c in range(525, len(ret)):
                for f in range(0,len(duan)-21):
                    rett=rett+duan.iloc[f, 16]*array2[f]

            print rstr
            ret['rstr'] = rstr
            return ret[['date','rstr']]
项目:SharesData    作者:xjkj123    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Dastd(self):
        for x in range(0,251):
        dfgg = self.sharedf
        for x in range(0,252):
            weight.append(math.pow(math.pow(float(1) / 2, float(1 / float(63))), (252 - x - 1)))
            all=all+math.pow(math.pow(float(1) / 2, float(1 / float(63))), (252 - x - 1))
        for x in range(252,len(dfgg['change'])+1):
            for y in dfgg['change'][x-252:x]:
                dd= dd+math.sqrt(math.pow((y-mean),2)*weight[num]/all)
        dfgg['dastd'] = dastd
        return dfgg[['date','dastd']]
项目:CPNSimulatorGui    作者:chris-kuhr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setPolygon(self):
        '''Calculate position and rotation of the arc arrow head.'''
        rotDeg = 0            
        xlength = self.pos1.x() - self.pos2.x()
        ylength = self.pos1.y() - self.pos2.y()
        d = math.sqrt( math.pow( xlength , 2) + math.pow( ylength , 2) )        
        if d > 0:
            beta = math.acos( xlength / d )
            rotDeg = math.degrees( beta ) 

        self.arrowPolygonObject.setPolygon( QtGui.QPolygonF( [
                                                 QtCore.QPointF( (self.pos2.x() -10),  (self.pos2.y() +5)), 
                                                 QtCore.QPointF( (self.pos2.x() -10) , (self.pos2.y() -5)), 
                                                 QtCore.QPointF(       self.pos2.x() ,      self.pos2.y())
                                                 ] ) ) 

        self.arrowPolygonObject.setBrush( QtGui.QBrush( )

        """ self.angle()!!!!!!!!!"""
#         self.arcLinePolygon.angle()
#         self.arcLinePolygon.rotate(rotDeg)
#         self.arcLinePolygon.setPos( self.pos2 ) 

项目:CPNSimulatorGui    作者:chris-kuhr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setPolygon(self):
        rotDeg = 0            
        xlength = self.pos1.x() - self.pos2.x()
        ylength = self.pos1.y() - self.pos2.y()
        d = math.sqrt( math.pow( xlength , 2) + math.pow( ylength , 2) )        
        if d > 0:
            beta = math.acos( xlength / d )
            rotDeg = math.degrees( beta ) 

        self.arcLinePolygon.setPolygon( QtGui.QPolygonF( [
                                                 QtCore.QPointF( (self.pos2.x() -10),  (self.pos2.y() +5)), 
                                                 QtCore.QPointF( (self.pos2.x() -10) , (self.pos2.y() -5)), 
                                                 QtCore.QPointF(       self.pos2.x() ,      self.pos2.y())
                                                 ] ) ) 

        self.arcLinePolygon.setBrush( QtGui.QBrush( )

        """ self.angle()!!!!!!!!!"""
#         self.arcLinePolygon.angle()
#         self.arcLinePolygon.rotate(rotDeg)
#         self.arcLinePolygon.setPos( self.pos2 ) 
项目:nxt-sketcher    作者:simondolle    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_circle_intersection(x0, y0, x1, y1, r0, r1):
    d = compute_distance(x0, y0, x1, y1)
    if d < math.fabs(r0 - r1) or r0 +r1 < d:
        return None

    a = (math.pow(r0, 2) - math.pow(r1, 2) + math.pow(d, 2))/float(2 * d)
    h = math.sqrt(math.pow(r0, 2) - math.pow(a, 2))

    x2 = x0 + a * (x1 - x0)/float(d)
    y2 = y0 + a * (y1 - y0)/float(d)

    x3 = x2 + h * (y1 - y0)/ d
    y3 = y2 - h * (x1 - x0)/ d

    x3_prime = x2 - h * (y1 - y0)/ d
    y3_prime = y2 + h * (x1 - x0)/ d
    return (x3, y3), (x3_prime, y3_prime)
项目:my-weather-indicator    作者:atareao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_heat_index(temperature, humidity):
    temperature = cf.s2f(temperature)
    humidity = cf.s2f(humidity)
    if humidity > 0.0 and temperature >= 77.0:
        # temperature ºF
        # humidity over 100
        c1 = -42.379
        c2 = 2.04901523
        c3 = 10.14333127
        c4 = -0.22475541
        c5 = -0.00683783
        c6 = -0.05481717
        c7 = 0.00122874
        c8 = 0.00085282
        c9 = -0.00000199
        hi = c1 + c2 * temperature + c3 * humidity + c4 * temperature *\
            humidity + c5 * math.pow(temperature, 2.0) + c6 *\
            math.pow(humidity, 2.0) + c7 * math.pow(temperature, 2.0) *\
            humidity + c8 * temperature * math.pow(humidity, 2.0) + c9 *\
            math.pow(temperature, 2.0) * math.pow(humidity, 2.0)
        return hi - temperature
    return 0
项目:uchroma    作者:cyanogen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def luminance(color: ColorType) -> float:
        Calculate the relative luminance (as defined by WCAG 2.0) of
        the given color.

        :param color: a color
        :return: the calculated relative luminance between 0.0 and 10
        rgb = color.rgb
        vals = []
        for c in rgb:
            if c <= 0.03928:
                c /= 12.92
                c = math.pow((c + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4)
        L = 0.2126 * vals[0] + 0.7152 * vals[1] + 0.0722 * vals[2]
        return L
项目:Qkou_kit    作者:pddg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self):
        log.debug('[ Start TweetThread ]')
        i = 1
        a = float(1.5)
        # GetInfoThread?GetCancelThread, GetNewsThread?????????
        while active_count() >= 3:
            while True:
                    t = self.queue.get(block=False, timeout=None)
                except Exception:
                    # ????????????
                    log.debug('[ End TweetThread ]\n')
                if i < 12:
                    i += 1
                # 1.5^(????)???
                w = pow(a, i)
项目:MatchZoo    作者:faneshion    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ndcg(self, y_true, y_pred, k = 20):
        s = 0.
        c = self.zipped(y_true, y_pred)
        c_g = sorted(c, key=lambda x:x[0], reverse=True)
        c_p = sorted(c, key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True)
        #idcg = [0. for i in range(k)]
        idcg = np.zeros([k], dtype=np.float32)
        dcg = np.zeros([k], dtype=np.float32)
        #dcg = [0. for i in range(k)]
        for i, (g,p) in enumerate(c_g):
            if g > self.rel_threshold:
                idcg[i:] += (math.pow(2., g) - 1.) / math.log(2. + i)
            if i >= k:
        for i, (g,p) in enumerate(c_p):
            if g > self.rel_threshold:
                dcg[i:] += (math.pow(2., g) - 1.) / math.log(2. + i)
            if i >= k:
        for idx, v in enumerate(idcg):
            if v == 0.:
                dcg[idx] = 0.
                dcg[idx] /= v
        return dcg
项目:MatchZoo    作者:faneshion    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ndcg(self, y_true, y_pred, k = 20):
        s = 0.
        c = self.zipped(y_true, y_pred)
        c_g = sorted(c, key=lambda x:x[0], reverse=True)
        c_p = sorted(c, key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True)
        #idcg = [0. for i in range(k)]
        idcg = np.zeros([k], dtype=np.float32)
        dcg = np.zeros([k], dtype=np.float32)
        #dcg = [0. for i in range(k)]
        for i, (g,p) in enumerate(c_g):
            if g > self.rel_threshold:
                idcg[i:] += (math.pow(2., g) - 1.) / math.log(2. + i)
            if i >= k:
        for i, (g,p) in enumerate(c_p):
            if g > self.rel_threshold:
                dcg[i:] += (math.pow(2., g) - 1.) / math.log(2. + i)
            if i >= k:
        for idx, v in enumerate(idcg):
            if v == 0.:
                dcg[idx] = 0.
                dcg[idx] /= v
        return dcg
项目:DITRAS    作者:jonpappalord    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def choose_location(self):

        # initialize variables
        S = len(self.location2visits)  # number of already visited locations

        if S == 0:
            self.home = self.__preferential_exploration(self.home)
            return self.home

        ## choose a probability to return o explore
        p_new = uniform(0, 1)

        if p_new <= self.rho * pow(S, -self.gamma):  # choose to return or explore
            current_location = self.trajectory[-1]  # the last visited location
            return self.__preferential_exploration(current_location)

            return self.__preferential_return()
项目:DITRAS    作者:jonpappalord    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __get_waiting_time(self):
        Extract a waiting time from a power law with exponential cut-off distribution.
        The parameters of the distribution are taken from the paper:
        C. Song et al., Modelling the scaling properties of human mobility, Nature Physics 6, 818-823 (2010).

        To simulate a power law with exponential cut-off x^(-alpha) * exp(-lambda * x), we can generate an exponentially
        distributed random number U and then accept or reject it with probability p or 1-p respectively (i.e. accept if U < p
        or reject if U > p, where U is a uniform [0, 1] random variable), where p = (x/x_min)^(-alpha) and x_min=1.

        :return: float
            a waiting time chosen from the waiting time distribution

        x = expon.rvs(1.0/self.tau)
        while pow(x, -(1 + self.beta)) < uniform(0.0, 1.0):
            x = expon.rvs(1.0/self.tau)

        return x
项目:Machine-Learning    作者:Jegathis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generateStandardization(source_attr, target_attr, source_index):
    tempSum = 0.0
    anoSum = 0.0
    for each in source_attr:
        tempSum += each[source_index]
    avg = tempSum/float(len(source_attr))

    for each in source_attr:
        anoSum += float(math.pow((each[source_index] - avg), 2))
    standardV = anoSum/float(len(source_attr))
    standardV = math.sqrt(standardV)

    for i in range(len(source_attr)):
        temp = source_attr[i][source_index]
        res = (temp-avg) / standardV

# Directly copy attr without modifiy
项目:SpatialTool    作者:JRcard    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def distance(self,pos):    
        for i in range(self.numSpeakers):
            SpkPos = vars.getVars("Speakers")[i].getCenter()
            SpkRad = vars.getVars("Speakers")[i].getZoneRad()
            dist = math.sqrt(math.pow((pos[0]-SpkPos[0]),2) + math.pow((pos[1]-SpkPos[1]),2))
            amp = max(0, 1. - dist / float(SpkRad))

            if self.isAList:

            elif self.currentCircle == self.blueCircle:

            elif self.currentCircle == self.redCircle:

    # FL START 23/05/2017
    # Cette fonction est adaptée pour fonctionner avec une manette de PlayStation 3.
    # Le code devra probablement être ajusté si un autre type de controleur OSC est utilisé.
项目:fem    作者:mlp6    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calc_gauss_amp(node_xyz, center=(0.0, 0.0, -2.0), sigma=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
                   amp=1.0, amp_cut=0.05, sym="qsym"):
    """calculated the Gaussian amplitude at the node

    :param node_xyz: list of x,y,z node coordinates
    :param center: list of x,y,z for Gaussian center
    :param sigma: list of x,y,z Guassian width
    :param amp: peak Gaussian source amplitude
    :param amp_cut: lower threshold (pct of max) for amplitude creating a
                    point load
    :param qsym: mesh symemetry (qsym, hsym, none)
    :returns: nodeGaussAmp - point load amplitude at the specified node
    from math import pow, exp
    exp1 = pow((node_xyz[1] - center[0]) / sigma[0], 2)
    exp2 = pow((node_xyz[2] - center[1]) / sigma[1], 2)
    exp3 = pow((node_xyz[3] - center[2]) / sigma[2], 2)
    nodeGaussAmp = amp * exp(-(exp1 + exp2 + exp3))

    if (nodeGaussAmp / amp) < amp_cut:
        nodeGaussAmp = None
        nodeGaussAmp = sym_scale_amp(node_xyz, nodeGaussAmp, sym)

    return nodeGaussAmp
项目:ParlAI    作者:facebookresearch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def score_match(query_rep, text, length_penalty, dictionary=None, debug=False):
    if text == "":
        return 0
    if not dictionary:
       words = text.lower().split(' ')
       words = [w for w in dictionary.tokenize(text.lower())]
    score = 0
    rw = query_rep['words']
    used = {}
    for w in words:
        if w in rw and w not in used:
            score += rw[w]
            if debug:
                print("match: " + w)
        used[w] = True
    norm = math.sqrt(len(used))
    score = score / math.pow(norm * query_rep['norm'], length_penalty)
    return score
项目:pyro    作者:uber    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_num_samples(self, idx):
        Number of samples needed to estimate the population variance within the tolerance limit
        Sample variance is normally distributed
        (see warning below).
        Var(s^2) /approx 1/n * (\mu_4 - \sigma^4)
        Adjust n as per the tolerance needed to estimate the sample variance
        warning: does not work for some distributions like bernoulli -
        use the min_samples for explicitly controlling the number of samples to be drawn
        if self.min_samples:
            return self.min_samples
        min_samples = 1000
        tol = 10.0
        required_precision = self.prec / tol
        if not self.scipy_dist:
            return min_samples
        args, kwargs = self.scipy_arg_fn(**self.get_dist_params(idx, wrap_tensor=False))
            fourth_moment = np.max(self.scipy_dist.moment(4, *args, **kwargs))
            var = np.max(self.scipy_dist.var(*args, **kwargs))
            min_computed_samples = int(math.ceil((fourth_moment - math.pow(var, 2)) / required_precision))
        except (AttributeError, ValueError):
            return min_samples
        return max(min_samples, min_computed_samples)
项目:census-loader    作者:minus34    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_tolerance(zoom_level):

    # pixels squared factor
    tolerance_square_pixels = 7

    # default Google/Bing map tile scales
    metres_per_pixel = 156543.03390625 / math.pow(2.0, float(zoom_level + 1))

    # the tolerance (metres) for vector simplification using the VW algorithm
    square_metres_per_pixel = math.pow(metres_per_pixel, 2.0)

    # tolerance to use
    tolerance = square_metres_per_pixel * tolerance_square_pixels

    return tolerance

# maximum number of decimal places for boundary coordinates - improves display performance
项目:jsntlib    作者:JarryShaw    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def quadraticFactorisation(N=4):
    (p,q,pn) = primeFactorisation(N)        #??N??????
    for ptr0 in range(len(q)):              #??????????????
        if (q[ptr0] % 2):    q[ptr0] += 1
    if len(p):                              #?????????????
        if p[0] == 2:   p.append(3);    q.append(2)     #??2??????3^2
        else:           p.append(2);    q.append(2)     #??????????2^2

    x = y = 1
    slc = len(p) / 2    #??
    for ptr1 in range(slc):             #?????x
        x *= int(math.pow(p[ptr1],q[ptr1]))
    for ptr2 in range(slc,len(p)):      #?????y
        y *= int(math.pow(p[ptr2],q[ptr2]))
    if (x % 2): x *= 4  #?x?????????4??2^2?
    if (y % 2): y *= 4  #?y?????????4??2^2?

    return solve(x,y)   #?????a?b

#????? | ??????????????????
项目:arithmancer    作者:google    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_price_for_trade(prediction, trade):
  """Returns the price of a trade for a prediction."""
  if trade.contract == 'CONTRACT_ONE':
    old_quantity = prediction.contract_one
    old_quantity_other = prediction.contract_two
    old_quantity = prediction.contract_two
    old_quantity_other = prediction.contract_one
  if trade.direction == 'BUY':
    new_quantity = old_quantity + trade.quantity
    new_quantity = old_quantity - trade.quantity
  price = (prediction.liquidity * math.log(
      math.pow(math.e, (new_quantity / prediction.liquidity)) +
      math.pow(math.e, (old_quantity_other / prediction.liquidity)))) - (
          prediction.liquidity * math.log(
              math.pow(math.e, (old_quantity / prediction.liquidity)) +
              math.pow(math.e, (old_quantity_other / prediction.liquidity))))
  return price
项目:py_gpumap    作者:ipachev    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def advance(self, dt, padding):
        bodies = self.bodies

        def calc_vel(i):
            b1 = bodies[i]
            for b2 in bodies:
                d_pos = b1.pos.sub(b2.pos)
                distance = d_pos.length() + padding
                mag = dt / math.pow(distance, 3)
                b1.vel = b1.vel.sub(d_pos.scale(b2.mass).scale(mag))

        gpumap(calc_vel, self.indices)

        def update(body):
            body.pos = body.pos.add(body.vel.scale(dt))

        gpumap(update, bodies)
项目:py_gpumap    作者:ipachev    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def advance(self, dt, padding):
        bodies = self.bodies

        def calc_vel(i):
            b1 = bodies[i]
            for b2 in bodies:
                d_pos = b1.pos.sub(b2.pos)
                distance = d_pos.length() + padding
                mag = dt / math.pow(distance, 3)
                b1.vel = b1.vel.sub(d_pos.scale(b2.mass).scale(mag))

        list(map(calc_vel, self.indices))

        def update(body):
            body.pos = body.pos.add(body.vel.scale(dt))

        list(map(update, bodies))
项目:pyqha    作者:mauropalumbo75    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def E_MurnV(V,a0,a1,a2,a3):
    This function implements the Murnaghan EOS (in a form which is best for fitting).
    Returns the energy at the volume *V* using the coefficients *a0,a1,a2,a3* 
    from the equation:

    .. math::
       E = a_0 - (a_2*a_1)/(a_3-1.0) V a_2/a_3 ( a_1/V^{a_3})/(a_3-1.0) +1.0 )

    for i in range(0,len(V)):
        res[i]=a0 - a2*a1/(a3-1.0) + V[i]*a2/a3*( pow(a1/V[i],a3)/(a3-1.0)+1.0 )
    return res

# Other functions
项目:pyqha    作者:mauropalumbo75    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def c_qv2(T,omega):
    x = omega * kb1 / T 
    expx = math.exp(-x)   # exponential term
    x2 = math.pow(x,2)

    return x2*K_BOLTZMANN_RY*expx/math.pow(expx-1.0,2)

# This function computes the thermal expansions alpha using the Gruneisein 
# parameters
# more comments to be added
# First with min0, freq and grun T-independent
# More ibrav types to be implemented
项目:brainiak    作者:brainiak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_max_sigma(self, R):
        """Calculate maximum sigma of scanner RAS coordinates


        R : 2D array, with shape [n_voxel, n_dim]
            The coordinate matrix of fMRI data from one subject


        max_sigma : float
            The maximum sigma of scanner coordinates.


        max_sigma = 2.0 * math.pow(np.nanmax(np.std(R, axis=0)), 2)
        return max_sigma
项目:rl_trading    作者:ucaiado    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_epsilon_k(self):
        Get $\epsilon_k$ according to the exploration schedule
        trial = self.env.count_trials - 2  # ?
        if self.decayfun == 'tpower':
            # e = a^t, where 0 < z < 1
            # self.f_epsilon = math.pow(0.9675, trial)  # for 100 trials
            self.f_epsilon = math.pow(0.9333, trial)  # for 50 trials

        elif self.decayfun == 'trig':
            # e = cos(at), where 0 < z < 1
            # self.f_epsilon = math.cos(0.0168 * trial)  # for 100 trials
            self.f_epsilon = math.cos(0.03457 * trial)  # for 50 trials
            # self.f_epsilon = max(0., 1. - (1./45. * trial))  # for 50 trials
            self.f_epsilon = max(0., 1. - (1./95. * trial))  # for 100 trials
        return self.f_epsilon
项目:ExperimentPackage_PyTorch    作者:ICEORY    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getlearningrate(epoch, opt):
    # update lr
    lr = opt.LR
    if opt.lrPolicy == "multistep":
        if epoch + 1.0 > opt.nEpochs * opt.ratio[1]:  # 0.6 or 0.8
            lr = opt.LR * 0.01
        elif epoch + 1.0 > opt.nEpochs * opt.ratio[0]:  # 0.4 or 0.6
            lr = opt.LR * 0.1
    elif opt.lrPolicy == "linear":
        k = (0.001-opt.LR)/math.ceil(opt.nEpochs/2.0)
        lr = k*math.ceil((epoch+1)/opt.step)+opt.LR
    elif opt.lrPolicy == "exp":
        power = math.floor((epoch+1)/opt.step)
        lr = lr*math.pow(opt.gamma, power)
    elif opt.lrPolicy == "fixed":
        lr = opt.LR
        assert False, "invalid lr policy"

    return lr
项目:py_game_AI_plane    作者:B9527    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_inputs_values(self, enemes, input_size=4):
        inputs = []

        for i in range(input_size):

        inputs[0] = (self.x * 1.0 / SCREEN_SIZE[0])
        index = 1
        for eneme in enemes:
            inputs[index] = eneme.x * 1.0 / SCREEN_SIZE[0]
            index += 1
            inputs[index] = eneme.y * 1.0 / SCREEN_SIZE[1]
            index += 1
        # if len(enemes) > 0:
        # distance = math.sqrt(math.pow(enemes[0].x + enemes[0].width/2 - self.x + self.width/2, 2) + math.pow(enemes[0].y + enemes[0].height/2 - self.y + self.height/2, 2));
        if len(enemes) > 0 and self.x < enemes[0].x:
            inputs[index] = -1.0
            index += 1
            inputs[index] = 1.0

        return inputs
项目:kaleidoscope    作者:blenderskool    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def hex_to_rgb(value, alpha=True):
    """Convets a Hex code to a Blender RGB Value"""
    gamma = 2.2
    value = value.lstrip('#')
    lv = len(value)
    fin = list(int(value[i:i + lv // 3], 16) for i in range(0, lv, lv // 3))
    r = pow(fin[0] / 255, gamma)
    g = pow(fin[1] / 255, gamma)
    b = pow(fin[2] / 255, gamma)
    if alpha == True:
    return tuple(fin)
项目:kaleidoscope    作者:blenderskool    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rgb_to_hex(rgb):
    """Converts Blender RGB Value to Hex code"""
    gamma = 1/2.2
    fin = list(rgb)
    r = fin[0]*255
    g = fin[1]*255
    b = fin[2]*255
    r = int(255*pow(r / 255, gamma))
    g = int(255*pow(g / 255, gamma))
    b = int(255*pow(b / 255, gamma))
    fin = tuple(fin)
    return '#%02x%02x%02x' % fin
项目:Stitch    作者:nathanlopez    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def convertSize(size):
   if (size == 0):
       return '0 Bytes'
   size_name = ("Bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB")
   i = int(math.floor(math.log(size,1024)))
   p = math.pow(1024,i)
   s = round(size/p,2)
   return '{} {}'.format(s,size_name[i])

项目:Stitch    作者:nathanlopez    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def convertSize(size):
   if (size == 0):
       return '0 Bytes'
   size_name = ("Bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB")
   i = int(math.floor(math.log(size,1024)))
   p = math.pow(1024,i)
   s = round(size/p,2)
   return '{} {}'.format(s,size_name[i])
项目:Causality    作者:vcla    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def weibull(t1, t2, lam, k):
    return 1 - exp(pow(t1 / lam,k) - pow(t2 / lam, k))
项目:tree-gen    作者:friggog    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calc_stem_radius(self, stem):
        """Calculate radius of this stem as defined in paper"""
        if stem.depth == 0:  # trunk
            result = stem.length * self.param.ratio * self.param.radius_mod[0]
        else:  # other
            result = self.param.radius_mod[stem.depth] * stem.parent.radius * pow((
                stem.length / stem.parent.length), self.param.ratio_power)
            result = max(0.005, result)
            result = min(stem.radius_limit, result)
        return result
项目:tree-gen    作者:friggog    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def shape_ratio(self, shape, ratio):
        """Calculate shape ratio as defined in paper"""
        if shape == 1:  # spherical
            result = 0.2 + 0.8 * sin(pi * ratio)
        elif shape == 2:  # hemispherical
            result = 0.2 + 0.8 * sin(0.5 * pi * ratio)
        elif shape == 3:  # cylindrical
            result = 1.0
        elif shape == 4:  # tapered cylindrical
            result = 0.5 + 0.5 * ratio
        elif shape == 5:  # flame
            if ratio <= 0.7:
                result = ratio / 0.7
                result = (1.0 - ratio) / 0.3
        elif shape == 6:  # inverse conical
            result = 1.0 - 0.8 * ratio
        elif shape == 7:  # tend flame
            if ratio <= 0.7:
                result = 0.5 + 0.5 * ratio / 0.7
                result = 0.5 + 0.5 * (1.0 - ratio) / 0.3
        elif shape == 8:  # envelope
            if ratio < 0 or ratio > 1:
                result = 0.0
            elif ratio < 1 - self.param.prune_width_peak:
                result = pow(ratio / (1 - self.param.prune_width_peak),
                result = pow((1 - ratio) / (1 - self.param.prune_width_peak),
        else:  # conical (0)
            result = 0.2 + 0.8 * ratio
        return result